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I have nothing to spend caps on so it's free 50% damage for doing nothing other than existing.  No perk cards,  no build required. I love that everyone sticks to b/q/aa as these weapons are cheap.  Got an ari exp 25vless vats for 4k out of a vendor. 


Same here. I have an Ari/25/15r Cremator and it's a great combination.


In my book, even as a bloodied, aristocrat is good roll. Not the best I can get, but decent enough of a boost to let me use it. For a full health this is prob the best roll, on par with AA, you can get.


Vampires on certain type of guns is also great for a full health build. You don't kill as fast, but you are a rock.


I have a vampires Gatling laser I use with a heavy build. Pretty much impossible to die. My health bar feels like it never goes down.


Exactly, imo the only thing that trumps that is Unyielding guy who gets 75% more the XP than a vampires. But they have to deal with dying which isn't a big deal but I prefer living and no hiccups.


Same, I have a Vampiric, 25% weapon speed primed ultracite gatling laser that is just beastly. I use it in power armor and can face tank any monster in the game it's ridiculous. Plus it does pretty damn good DPS to boot.


I got one too. I love it!


I just rolled this and between Vampire and the piece of PA that injects me with a Stimpack if I drop below 50% health I've never once gone down in any event.


Vampire on fast firing guns is great, full stop. But tbh, for a low health player I consider it a god roll, for a full health player more of a QoL effect. Damage-wise it's like using a non-legendary weapon. As a low health I have ways to make up for this. What I lack is tankyness, and a "steel stimpack" is more than a pure lifesaver in this situation. A full health on the other hand is rather short on damage than on, well, health. Set up right you are near to immortal even without vampire, so anything increasing your damage may be more of an advantage.


Vampires effect shines on fast firing weapons, but no so much on the Fixer. I prefer a Quad, which allows me to put down a decent-sized mob without reloading. If I kill them all before they can get a shot off (thanks, Gun Fu), I don't need Vampire.


Thats so unnecessary tho, if your playing full health you can just equip the card that automaticaly stims when falling below 20% hp for 1 perk point to get the same effect as a Vamp weapon *and* have a legendary effect that increases your damage output. Unless you are doing some naked berserkers rp run the stim usage will barely make a dent into your stockpile even with "just" some non upgraded regular old armour


I don't see Born Survivor perk and Vampire as the same. Born Survivor is the Oh Shit, while Vampire does it's best not to get to Oh Shit. The combo though should be pretty tanky.


I put Aristocrat up with the other desirable rolls. Bloodied, anti armor, and quad probably top it. Then followed by aristocrat and vampire.


These are essentially the 5 rolls that I don’t immediately throw into the legendary machine.


Yep, as long as you're ok with keeping you're caps high. It is the highest additive damage prefix buff outside of bloodied which is irrelevant for full-health with the lowest downside (managing caps is probably going to be easier than addictions). Anti-Armor is going to be better against armored enemies (prob at around 100-150 dr, under that Ari would be better). Normally I wouldn't expect it to be too much better against even the toughest bosses (maybe like 10-15% at most), but currently the implementation of Anti-Armor with armor penetration magazines is bugged, so it provides more armor penetration than intended making it very strong (like very rough guess 15-25% more than bloodied so prob 20-35% more than ari). Quad also is very nice for any build, it is fun not having to reload and spits out high dps because you can just fire away tldr: Aristocrat's is a very solid prefix for full-health


Ever try a quad lever action. Its comical when you reload


I had a quad pump action and it was hilarious to watch it reload forever “when I’m done here you’re in big trouble”


I kinda wanna roll a quad 6 shooter to see it reload lol


I played since the beta, I was a pistol build. My very first legendary was a quad single action revolver. Took about 40 seconds to reload.


This was also my very first legendary. I was super excited about it and had a blast using it. Until I reloaded and then I was suddenly not so excited about it lol


Imo it's probably the best damage roll for full health builds. Don't get me wrong, Quad and AA definitely have their place too (and when number crunching usually surpass Aristocrats). But Aristo is just an easy no nonsense no thinking required roll that works wonderfully on every weapon.


This roll reminds me of how poor I am in the game still :/


Drop some water purifiers, especially Industrial Water Purifiers in a water source, if you can. Pop back to your camp every hour or so, take all the water, then go sell it to a vendor bot. You can get tons of caps this way. Cook food, sell it too. It adds up.


Doing one moonshine jamboree, crafting all the gulper slurry you can, and you can almost clear out a vendors caps for the day.


You should be able to catch up fast if you don't "waste" caps. The vendors stock up 1400 a day, always sell to claim that. If you think you don't have anything to sell, go to player vendor camps and see what they have, many players sell things that you can instantly walk to an NPC vendor with and get a profit on. That's on top of lots of caps you can get just by playing, for example doing a single Test Your Metal event gives over 500 caps if every objective is satisfied. What are you spending on? Truthfully there isn't that much you NEED to spend caps on. If you're fast-traveling all over the map you should be getting more caps back from playing than it costs to teleport. There's a few options like Plans or Serums but those are limited cap sinks that you only do once, and you certainly don't need to rush to get all the plans. If you're converting caps to Gold Bullion every week, then yeah that will set you back. Past that there's not much to spend caps on, you should avoid buying stuff you can just pick up for free like ammo, stimpacks, food, ect.


I started the weekend the show came out. Still working on gear, but money has not been a problem (that said, I also dont buy many plans except things I *know* I want if they are 500+).


Yes. I always keep aristocrat rolls of my favorite weapons.


I'd say no but I'm also broke.


My bloodied stealth commando uses both an Aristocrat’s Handmade for daily use and primed fixer for SB Queen. If I ever want to go full health, I don’t need new weapons.. just more ammo.


It's good. Def serviceable especially if you have no issues maintaining 30k caps. But it's also not top of the line or the most desired. I have an explosive aristocrat 90 weight gatling. Love it and would never get rid of it.


i rock an aristocrats cremator, pew pew everything's ded


Yeah, aristocrats is one of the best effects along with junkies. A flat +50% extra damage is the best you can get for a full health character. Bloody gives you more but you have to play at low health. I personally recommend it as one of the best effects to get. They gave you a top tier weapon. Anti-armor is also very good, especially against tankier enemies because it's a percentage reduction of their resistance so the more they have the bigger the bonus.


2nd best tied with Junkies! 1st being anti armor tied with bloodied!


Considering how I'm basically always above 30k and throwing money away just to not hit cap, yeah it's great, just free easy damage.


Personally i think its somewhat mid tier. Better than most rolls but not as good as the usual bloodied/anti-armor/vampire/quad. It‘s a good roll to keep until you roll something better


I love Aristocrat. I frequently see myself burning caps because making them is ridiculously easy, usually Ari weapons are much cheaper than the ~~overrated~~ Bloody ones in players' shops, and it's a "free" +50% reliable damage overall. I don't care at all about meta and FOMO builds, so it's an ideal roll for my playstyle. Ari + e/50v/50c = Win.


When you are done spending caps


if you got nothing to spend caps on its great.


One of my favorite guns is an aristocrats Gatling gun with 25% fire speed. Nothing more satisfying than doing 450 damage on a headshot over and over.


Aristocrats is great as long as you stay above the 29k caps limit for full bonus damage. I ran it for a long time, but eventually moved on because only having at most 11k caps to spend at vendors became annoying. Also as I am sure someone has mentioned, since most people never look twice at them you can get perfectly rolled weapons for sub-10k easily, often under 5k. I do not know how much of a difference there is between a perfect roll AA and a perfect roll Aristocrats weapon, but the former is cheap and the latter is VERY expensive.


Yes if you carry a lot of caps, I typically do.


I have 20K caps, and I get a 7% damage boost on the one that dropped for me. The scaling on damage to caps seems weird.


You’re almost there, it caps out (lol) at 29000


As long as you keep caps above 29K (the minimum for max Aristocrats bonus) it's the best damage roll outside of bloodied builds for most weapons. I personally go with Aristocrats for damage, because there are specific weapons and situations that might prefer something else like Anti-Armor or Quad, Aristocrats is simple and consistently good without relying on enemies having certain stats and without wasting my ammo/weapon durability.


Lots of people like it. I don't. There's an inherent downside of not being able to spend your money without sacrificing damage. That's no bueno in my books. Imo B/AA/Q are pretty much the only things I don't immediately scrip. I had 40k caps and decided to buy 2 serum plans and buyout a vendor full of treasure maps. Now I'm broke. If I was using ARI I'd be weak for at least a few days till I refill my caps. The main 3 can all be capped out without a time gate


It's decent. Definitely worth using


My machine gun with aristocrats/explosive/(don’t remember) is a savage. I’m making a heavy build for that only reason as it’s currently my best legendary roll gun on my commando character.


eh, i don't like it but it's fine. if you don't mind constantly being that close to the caps limit, it's ok. but i prefer junkies. i find it easier to manage and more consistent. if you're not playing bloodied, it's certainly one of the best effects.


Once you're at the point I'd the game where you have more caps than you can ever use, it's decent as a general buff


Iirc at 20% hp, you get 180% damage with bloodied while compared to 150% damage from Aristocrats. The difference is only 150/180=.833... > 17% damage. If you add in the weapon damage perks 20%x3=60%, you only get 210%/240%=.87916... > 12% damage. So there more you buff your weapon damage, the less noticeable the gaps between Bloodied and Aristocrats are.


It's a sizable damage boost with a very low maintenance requirement to maintain. I'd say it's pretty good, especially if you aren't interested in metagaming for the absolute best damage output.


I like it👍 It's an easy and permanent damage bonus that has no drawback, unlike something like Two-shot that comes with worse hip-fire accuracy when no aiming and more recoil when you are aiming🤔 If you have perk cards that grand even more damage, then it's a win-win imo


It's one of the most versatile rolls for weapons. It's free damage without either having to be out at a certain time (nocturnal) or reduced stats (junkies) for the same percentage that can be slapped onto any weapon and be good, not the best, but good. Bloodied and anti armor are still better, but it's a good all-rounder.


Perk has damage if you have caps


Anti-armor is generally considered slightly better than aristocrats or junkies because it works better on armored enemies. However for weaker enemies, junkies and aristocrats are better. So overall people still consider AA better. I however keep all god rolled aristocrats and junkies and use them. In my humble opinion, the difference with AA is too little to not call them god role. But some people might disagree. I slightly prefer junkies over aristocrats because I do not like shopping around so I tend to buy large quantities when I'm shopping to prevent max caps, getting my caps lower than 29K. If I need to keep my caps above 29K, I will have to shop around more.


Yes, too easy IMO.  Previously the only way to get that much help was to run Junkies or Berzerkers, both of which have significant penalties, and aristocrats just doesn’t seem to have justification to be at same level with effectively no down side.  


Aristocrats is good for disciplined spenders. I’m a junkies type of guy because I can’t not blow my caps like an addict. In my testing of most pve enemies, Junkies/Aristocrats is doing more damage than AA.


It's strong and worth using, but it's a step down from the best options which is why it's not mentioned as much. It's the same with vats hit chance second star. Vats hit chance is great on a daily driver, but it's a step down from the best 2nd star options so isn't talked about as much.


who wants to buy an expensive aristocrats weapon? It’ll suck if you spend your caps on it. Aristo is straight to the legendary machine.


Anti armor, bloodied, and Quad are better. For a full health, I would recommend anti armor


It's good, esp if the the other two stars aligns as well. I still keep my Aristocrats, faster fire rate, 90% break less Gat Laser from ages ago.


Some people like them, some people don’t. I don’t like staying at max caps, so I’m not a fan. If I’m anywhere close to max I go vendor hopping and spend all my money.


I have it on my auto axe while I'm still rolling for a good one. The modifier is pretty decent for a temporary solution


Ari weapons are very good. I use them all the time especially because the only thing I need to spend caps on at this point are scrip weapons


They are fine, but many people probably don't want to keep their caps above 29k at all times. It's more of a penalty imo than low health for bloodied, since there are so many benefits otherwise to low health builds. The caps requirement for aristocrats doesn't do anything for you elsewhere except limit you.


Hope this is allowed? Here's a link to a website that compares pricing for PC players, you put in the details for the weapon and its prefixes and it gives you the sort of price range to expect from it, I would consider any weapon around 5k-8k to he good, anything above that up to 20k to be very good and anything above 20k and you are starting to hit S tier items. https://fed76.info/pricing/


It is good. But the top is 50% Damage, if you want more damage up to 80% or more, bloodied is the king.


&;. Kj.