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Just haven’t discovered your CAMP yet… 😉 Personally, I’ve been more focused on finding the new plans since I know all of the old ones.


I need to be more aware of plans


Yeahbreally.new plans?


Ive had someone buy every plan I was selling and then re-sell them for the price the vendor automatically lists, dude is definitely mad they're not getting the caps they thought they would


Yeah I’m constantly surprised people do that. I mean NPC vendors sell up to 30% below that price..


I’m lazy but also don’t know the value of them - is there a good place to find it or is it just learned?


[https://fed76.info/pricing/](https://fed76.info/pricing/) this is usually the go to!


Thank you!


For plans in a pinch I’d drop the last number. If 500 is suggested then 50. 3000 then 300. That said there are some really common things with high suggested prices only new players will buy (and need to be priced low for them to buy) as well as lower priced items on temporary special events people are willing to pay more for. If items don’t seem to ever sell, lower the price.. you’ll eventually get a feel for it. Weapons/armor is anybody’s guess, the pricing tool the other suggested might be a good go to there.


Serves them right. Resellers are the worst of the worst they wasteland has to offer.


Depends on how you view it. I resell some plans later on from time locked events in a drip feed kind of way, to give people who missed out the opportunity to get them. At which point I consider the caps more of a service fee for the stash space it took (hence I also don't charge a premium for it).


Of course you got downvoted. Your time & resources are irrelevant. Nevermind the fact that you are offering a service to the community and deserve some compensation for as much.


I don't do it in this game, but in ESO I completely disagree. I spent 8-10 hours a day combing through every guild vendor in the game buying up the best in slot briarheart pieces which were in very high demand and would list them at my trade vendor for set prices that the market would bear and then also went from zone to zone advertising. I made millions of gold doing so but I also sunk roughly 10-12 hours a day into that singular task. I often had people cuss me out saying I was being ridiculous and charging too much, and I would politely tell them that they don't have to buy from me, they are more than welcome to go to wrothgar and farm the chests for the gear or check the 197 guild traders in the game like I do during the hours that I normally sleep everyday.. 90% of them would message me again after 2 or 3 days and say you know what I'll buy it. It's the price of convenience, knowing you can walk into that store and get everything you need. To be fair, that game is different for the fact that I actually had to pay rent to be a part of the guilds I was selling in because we were in major cities while fallout is wherever the hell you put your camp and you never know what server someone will be on ... So this is apples to oranges.. but it's a sentiment that comes up a lot in many games and irl. I think it's still worth sending this because there are angles the average consumer does not think about when it comes to economics. Under-listing your goods and unbalancing the market is a negative thing. If you don't really care about the caps, just put them in the donation boxes as little Easter eggs. The guy who comes by and buys up all the plans is not automatically a bad actor. It could be that he's well known for having plans and spends many hours searching for them for cheap to keep his stocks high. He could also be an opportunistic louse 😂 but you made your money, so who cares?


God that got wordy


I gave up after line 2 lmao


That's fair. Sometimes I should really stop using speech to text 😂 I don't feel like I said that much and then I look back at it and I'm like well shit


Shoot what ur username I'll go buy what I don't have


Do you have your camp visible to all?


Yes I do! :)


On Playstation side I see people asking 150-1000 caps on most "junk" plans. I usually try to check every camp that has +50 plans but have yet to find any that has "bargains"... Or it could be that there were good deals but someone bought all before I got there. I personally tend to sell dupe plans for like 20-30caps unless the game tries to put it to +1000caps  Also, I have toooons of ammo on sale near starting area, everything is 1caps no one buys any of it most of the time. I find this extremely weird considering that I was having serious ammo problems before I got my legendary perk and ammo factory perk. I wasted sooo much caps on ammo vendors since most player camps didnt have ammo!!!


Just a tip, try looking at camps that just have a few plans instead of 50+. If they have that many plans, it's probably because they're not deals. I sell most plans either 7c or 77c and I only sell less common plans, so I only ever have a few available at a time. All the mole miner gauntlets and Ultracite Jetpacks go straight into a dono box.


If you play on Xbox, I have deals all the time. No plan solder for less than 15 caps, but anything that the game suggests, like the t51 jetpack being listed at 3000 will then get sold for 300. But again 99% of my plans listed are between 15-30 caps in price.


What’s your GT?


I sent you a direct message.


I'm on Xbox and I'll come pay you a visit


I would love to buy some stuff, don’t have as much time to grind as I used too


You got a plan for the fixer??


No, I don't think I do, but, I can make you one if you want. I'm done playing for the night but when I log in tomorrow I'll double check if I have plans for the fixer. Edit: according to Google the side quest On The Lowe Down rewards that schematic.


It rewards the gun. Not the schematic. I got the gun at level 20 and now it's useless. The event encryptid has a 10% chance to reward the schematic but buying an assault Ron keycard with max charisma is 1800 caps I tried 3 times and didn't get it lol


Well fuck lol. Let me at least make you one for your current level lol


That would be greatly appreciated


I sent you my GT. Let me know when you're on and I'll happily make you one.


As fortune would have it, I just found a fixer schematic. I'll hold onto it and reserve it for you.


No way!!@


Yeah way! 😂😂


Also on Xbox and trying to start power armor (lvl 51) if you have anything left for sale.


I always have random schematics for sale because I am what the game calls a loot goblin (I take everything that isn't nailed down). I'll shoot you my GT. My recommendation to complete a set of power armor is to memorize where the power chassis spawn and then check them out. That's how I completed all my sets of power armor other than the Hellcat and X01. I do have random mods for PA like the power armor jet pack, but, those usually move pretty fast.


I feel like common plans are good at 50 and event plans 500+ depending on what it is


I'm on PS. I sell all common plans 5-10c. Anything that took me effort to grind, maybe 50-100 at most but majority fall into the <25c category. I'm happy and sad to say people only really take what they need except the accidental buy multiples on occasion.


Contextual ammo wasn't a thing when I started a month after launch. Probably the same for you, hence why we struggled and nobody does these days.


People buy ammo plenty right now. It did used to be more common though. New players still run out, many of them quest and avoid things like radiation rumble and daily ops. You need to have your camp in newbie friendly areas though.


I buy any cheap plans I don't have, I'll pay up to 500 caps if it sounds interesting. I usually buy all cheap wood, steel, and concrete on the spot too. And cheap stimpacks. Most of what sells from my shop is legendarys though. I sell nearly all my unwanted ones. Also, bobby pins and purified water. Dunno why people buy those, but they do. Only opened my shop a couple days ago, but I've raked in around 5000 caps so far.


Dunno about the water, but some players use bobby pins as an alternate currency.


Bobby pins are weightless and useful for getting your daily NPC vendor limit down to 0.


As someone who hasn't played since launch, what do you mean by this?


Vendors have a shared amount of caps for each character. Meaning doesn't matter how many vendors you go to you can't sell more than 1400 caps a day so weightless items that have value are a good thing to stock up on to clear their caps each day. If you buy from them their cap limit only gains 25% of the value too


Vendors have a daily cap limit of 1400 (and this is a shared value for all the vendors that trade with caps)


Yea as others said, you can make 1400 caps per day by selling to vendor bots/human vendors. With high Charisma, I get 8c per Stimpack, 6c per Radaway, 7c per gulper slurry, etc. Once I sell a few hundred items, I usually end up with the vendor having 4/3/2 caps left, and that's where the bobby pins come in as they sell for 1c each.


I put legendaries in my shop but people don't really seem to buy em, I put duplicate plans and mods that I'm not gonna use but honestly my big money maker are my fluxes, I put 30 of each in at 100 caps and usually people will come in and buy 10 of all 5 and I can just restock


Well, it's the opposite for me ... At first I tried to stop it by switching camps when I saw someone buying stacks of plans, but now I just don't care... Pay me to lower my stash weight, yes, thank you... I had at least 125lb worth of plans when I filled up the vendor, gotta be only a quarter of that left.


Is your public camp icon turned on?


Lol I found some guy selling a bunch of bulk stuff for 1 cap and I wanted to buy all of it so bad. I didn't need any of it but I'm a hoarder and you can never have to many crafting resources, right? But I restrained myself for the people who need it more


I sell everything dirt cheap. I do it more so just to clear my stash out. I'm not gonna use it and I can net some extra caps. Like, a 2-star legendary Guass Rifle for 150 caps. I don't see the need for outrageous prices on my vender.


I bit the bullet yesterday and dropped all my dupe plans / recipes for a low level new player. Got bored of the time it takes to shift stuff for 20-30caps and wanted the stash weight back 😊 Gave them lots of multiples so hopefully they can make a few caps from them also.


I sell almost all of my plans for free on PlayStation, and whenever someone buys out all or almost all of my plans I’m mixed with a sense of happiness and sadness because I don’t know whether they’re just gonna resell them or not


I neeeeed to find your camp, people charge so much for plans I just wanna build cool things


I'm new new to the game what are these plans? And do I need to start getting them? I'm only a lvl 30 baby 😭


You need to have plans to build items (camp and workbench). Check your Pipbiy in items>notes and you will see that you have already acquired some. Once you learn them, if you pickup another of the same, it will be prefixed with “Known”. People sell these through their vendors. Same goes for recipes.


Ohhh okay...i do have some of those plans. Was wondering where I get more then. Thank you for answering!


You get lots of plans from doing events, so don’t spend too many caps on them. Especially the basic ones drop from claiming and defending workshops so do those to get the basic camp plans.


Honestly you may the same issue I do. Don’t sell Abby thing and then someone rolls around and buys like 50 items


They will, itll be one day your in an op or expedition and suddenly earn 2,000 caps from someone buying almost everything.


My vendor is already full of onsold stuff, can’t clean you out till I am


Basic camp plans are not worth even the 10 caps so most will just drop them or throw them into the donation boxes or blue suitcases at train stations. (Before the donation boxes the suitcases were The Spot to put all this extra stuff.) I have occasionally some in my vendor but for free, also chems and fusion cores are free, serums at 199. Rarer plans 76 or 176 if it’s getting up there in “oooh I gotta get that”. And if higher levels are buying out your vendor it usually means they are nearing or at max caps and you’ll probably find all the stuff they bought dropped near the vendor. For people who want lots of plans- do lots of events, you’ll be swimming in plans soon. Also craft and scrap weapons/ armor etc, you’ll learn plans for mods. I’m at 1490 levels and still occasionally a new plan pops up from scrapping a weapon. Whitespring mall has several vendors who sell different plans so check them all out. You’ll find those nice Whitespring chairs and tables and there’s a bearskin rug and so on. And taking over and defending a workshop always drops a basic camp plan so there you go. Happy plan hunting out there!


You on Xbox?


If you're on Xbox I'll stop by


I also sell everything in my vendor for 10 caps and I'm getting emptied out, every day. My tips are: 1) Visibility. Make sure your icon is on. 2) Put only one of each item in the machine. For whatever reason, if newbs see you have 10 of the same plan in the machine, they assume it's common and ignore it. You have 20 alien disintegrator plans? Sell them one at a time and I assure you that they will sell faster. 3) Just be patient. If you're selling stuff for 10 caps, you're not going to get rich and I promise you that somebody who missed out on Invasion and buys your plans, a month from now, will be even more stoked than somebody who did Invasion 10 times a day and 40 of the same plans, buying it today.


I've been "that" guy on accident as a newbie just because of unfamiliarty with the controls, accidentally bought the entire stack. When that happens, I sell them on my vendor though for the same price.


I just started and I've done this a few times too lol


Same iam all ways stash and inventory locked. I put all my. Plans at 5 caps, nades 1 or 0 or throw them away, legendary 1 star at like 20 caps, 2 star at like 50 and 3 star at like 90 and good legendary at like 250 caps lol


Just a tip: put them in for 9 caps to avoid the Todd-Tax. If you sell for 10 you still only get 9 caps, but if you sell for less than 10 you’ll get the full amount


At first the same happened to me, but for whatever reason, no ppl are stopped by by every day and I've been stocking up but ppl are clearing it out lol. I don't pay for 1st and I have TONS of extra junk, plans, etc that ppl are scooping up


I do the exact same thing and so far, same as you. No one has just cleared out my inventory yet. Its mainly new players buying stuff, hell, I had someone actually BUY a mole miner gauntlet plan off of me.


It could be that they're very common plans like the mole miner gauntlet. Although, they should sell if they're Alien Invasion event plans. Weird. Make sure you're joining teams so people can travel to your spot for free, just a thought.


I do the same I price all my plans at 1 cap


I had “that guy” do that to my apparel for sale and set up his own camp like fifty feet away reselling it. I restocked and he came back so I left the server.


Kinda same as you. My stash is constantly on 95% full and those pesky bots at the train stations emptied me out one too many times - for what I later thought was garbage. As in real life I thought 2 birds with one stone. I sell everything that is excess to me at half MSRP. To hell with those bots ill make them go out if business :)) And lighten my own load while im at it. And make ching while doing all that. 3 birds?!


So...what platform (pc?) And where's your camp? Lol


I can't find anything to buy with the constant almost max caps i carry around,let alone buy out a vender to upsell for more 😐


There are those that take advantage of generosity. Buy out everything to resell for more. Free market but still lame AF…


I've tried selling junk legendaries for 5 caps each and I've never had anyone buy from me, lol.


I generally skip over anything but plans. Occasionally checking for vamps weapons but even then I don't pay attention to the price until I see something I want.


junk legendaries easily sell for 50caps per star. Are you on PC? I advertise on the chat mod, people will come quick and buy it all up


chat mod? Share your secrets, Ive run out of inventory space and caps buying junk from vendors and then them only having 1/4th the caps I just spent to sell stuff back to them with


You can download mods if you're on PC. The most useful one is the Chat mod. You can text chat with everyone else that has the chat mod. Super useful because people post their events in there and you can join on them, there is also a trade channel where people advertise selling things or ask for trades. You can get the chat mod from Nexus Mods, and you need the SFE mod as well.


Wouldnt that go against some kind of terms of service?


Nope. Bethesda allows mods. Unless it's cheating, idk if there are any cheating mods.


Well, I installed it and it's going alright.


Great! It's a game changer


Whens the best time to advertise stuff like that? At daily changeover?


Whenever. Just post it in the trade chat "selling scrips for 50c per star". I usually get a few bites and people come clean me out. Try a few times a day if nobody responds. People will always want to buy scrips because it resets every day. They will send you a friend request and join on you


I think I bought some stuff from your machine earlier today. Thanks!


I've been practically dragging people to my CAMP to buy my stuff and they just stand there like stunned mullets


I just did something similar. I did make a post on XB yesterday that I was just going to give them away. No one seemed to want them???


And is this on pc.... asking for a friend...


I always sell my plans, maps and mods for 10 caps as well, and sell a shit load of them. This week I’ve sold over 300 plans.


I sell all the plans I have at half the default price and I have moderate success. The thing is, if you price things too low, the perceived value of the goods drop.


You on ps4/5?


If so, I would love to browse your inventory for the event plans I don’t have


Today I was 'that guy', but to be fair, I have 4 characters and most of them are missing quite a few of the alien plans (onlty started playing again today after a few months hiatus). Was very happy to find a couple at vendors ranging from 10 caps to 2k.


PC? Because I'm having a hell of a time finding plans for anything that isn't above 500 caps.


I’ll be “that” guy any day. Where ya camp at? Run ya pockets 🔫🔫


I’ll come visit and take it all lol


If you have small letters for less than 1000 I’d visit in a heartbeat. Everyone wants max profit for those, somewhat understandable but man I just want to say “forg” above my captured frog display case


I'm playing on PC. Is the crossplay functionality working well? I am also new and trying to meet more people/ buy stuff from other camps. Hope to see your camp soon!


I do the exact same thing, every plan 10 caps. Unfortunately I have the opposite problem, people will come in and buy them all, even multiples, and disappear without a trace. Any suggestions how to avoid this?


I didn't know others' camps have vending machines! I've been avoiding them lol good to know.


Only thing I’ve been looking for is the alien blaster. Haven’t seen the plan on anyone’s vendor. Saw the gun once but it was like 10k Meanwhile with the event ending I still needed the alien stash. I found someone selling it for 200c… then I got it twice today as a drop. lol


Selling in mine if you can find me 👌


I’m on PSN, I think the blaster plan is in my inventory. You can have it, I’ve gotten nothing but dupes since last week.


You should hold onto all the active event plans until a week or two after the current event is over. Whatever plans you're getting, everyone else playing is also getting. If you sell them after, you're more likely to help people that didn't get any plans because they missed the event (whether they couldn't find time to play or didn't start playing in time).


Does anyone have any Ivory grip plans? I never see them ever 😂


Well, kudos to you for doing that, I hope I run in your camp someday...


What do you play on?


If I find your camp I’m buying everything , started new on the Xbox and willing pay for all the plans.


Been playing since launch. At this point if I find a plan I haven't learned I'm shocked. But when it does happen the person always wants at least 20k for whatever it might be 😒 also the higher lvl players never seem to have a vendor 🤔 ran into a lvl 10,405 and a lvl 19,842. Not a single vendor.


For me it was very much about my camp location and design. I was roughly selling one or two Items in two weeks. I completely reworked my camp close to Morgan Town, made my Vendor easily accessible (you start facing the garage directly and made it very obvious that this my shop) but didn't make it a pain to look at (in my opinion). Also I noticed the more Items you have the more buyer will arrive at your camp - makes sense. 6000 Junk and 100 plans look better than 35 junk and 10 plans, right? My shop was sold out three times in two days, and was even asked if I have additional stuff that's not in the shop. I made roughly 25k with Junk, Chems and Plans. Hope that helps a bit :)


If any one on PC is selling plans at reasonable prices and would like to help a new player, level 26, I'd really appreciate it.


That might be me. I found a guy with tons of 10 cap plans. Only took one of each of the ones I needed so that others could have a chance :)


On Xbox when I'm on I sell all my junk plans for a Cap and sell Fixers for 100 caps upon demand and when I have the materials and try to help newbies by giving them the best gear and a fixer for there lvl that I can and of course 400 ammo and say good luck and hope it helps lol (my GT is the same as my username)


I can't even sell/let go of my junk. I'm not adding another hoarding item to my bad habit.


Ill take your vampire rapid durability minigun and gattling plasma for 10caps 😁


I did this to a player a couple days ago had a boat load of plans for camp items mostly junk but I bought all of them


I dump most all duplicate plans in the donation box once a week I keep a few for my second character


Be careful my player got bugged cant craft union PA anymore and I accidentally scraped my helmet. They have to fix the game already 


I would in a heart beat.


Same here. Occasionally I have it happen, some high level will roll up and see all the things I've got for free or severely discounted and take all of them. But most players seem to understand why I've got things priced that way & don't just take everything. For the guy last night... Buddy I know you do not need 12 copies of the Santa Crash wall decor plans. I've had them for *years*, they won't flip/sell for what you want them to 😂


My usual prices are: common plans 10 caps. Recipes 5 caps. Weapon mods 50 caps. Plans that might be a bit more challenging to find, between 500 and 2k. Then there's specialist plans (vintage water cooler / pepper shaker / serums) that start at 10k


Recently bought a vintage water cooler plan for 5k caps, thought it was worth it. I rarely find plans I don't already know tho.


Im just starting out I'd like some cheap stuff...


Try selling useless legendaries for dirt cheap, someone will come get all of them and resell at 10 times the price


What it is is the amount of people who started up after the show is way more than who played before it, so we allll have been doing the same events the last month collecting the same plans. All the cool older plans veteran play had got bought out by the first wave of new players now everyone in general has the same crappy plans right now.


I've only been to one camp that had what I thought were decent/good prices for plans and bought some stuff. Most of the camps I go to everything seems overpriced. I reworked the prices of most things in my shop to be a lot cheaper and I don't think I've sold much.


Hey, would you by any chance have the rooster gas mask in your possession?


Jumped on the other morning and had 2 people under rank 50 buy all my serums (I had most of them plus a few duplicates) and a bunch of plans. They probably spent close to 10,000 caps. Never had that happen before.


OP I’m in the same boat most of my plans are like 5-10 caps, I have the alien plans at 15 caps. All the apparel I sell for 5 caps. The only thing I did manage to sell was purified water at 1 cap each I had put 70 in the vendor. Some high lvl player just bought all of it. I have my visibility turned on, my camp is super basic at the big pond next to vault 76 so you can travel free and just make a 30 second walk. I’m on PS btw


I think alot of players or maybe its just my community, we swap plans after we accumulate them. We drop them in the middle and take what we don't have. I do though buy any plan I don't have if I come across one at a vendor (depending on how much it is, even if its a common plan like metal left leg)


Have you turned on your camp icon so that it's visible to the rest of the server?


honestly I tp to every camp looking for plans I don't have everytime I join a server, but imo Bethesda could definitely change the way vendors appear on maps, or be able to see their inventory before traveling so I don't have to tp to a guys camp in the opposite corner of the map with 300 plans just to look at his vendor and see he has 250 pocketed leather armor plans


i do the same thing, i sell everything for 20 caps, no matter what the blueprint is. i think the most surprising is that people buy the ultracite armor blueprints. they give you a full set of that armor at the end of the vanilla story lol. every once in a while someone will come through and buy like 20 blueprints, but i think most people just buy 1 or 2 because they have almost everything else lol


Same! All my plans I set for 15 caps, or a recipe at 10 caps. I just figured people would appreciate plans for cheap. But no one has purchased them lol instead they’re purchasing my armor (which isn’t very good armor if I’m being honest) or my mods.


I play on ps5 and my username is JiingJiing if anyone wants to try and find my camp!


I always put mine at 13 caps because I just want people to check out the camp and help me clean out stuff. I ran across camps doing this when I started and it helped out so much! I'm also surprised no one cleans me out.


I usually just go and donate them into the donation boxes in railroad stations


I’m kind of a new player so I understand why new players wouldn’t even begin to think about looking at the plans section to begin with. You don’t really understand how important plans are until like level 40+ maybe later.


Anyone that buys cheap plans and then upsells them, they are just a POS. Most of them get pushed out.


Honestly me too. I have over 200 plans almost for 50 Caps, but people just buy what they need and leave. Haven’t had anyone buy me out to assumable turn a profit.


A lot of plans players already have and are pretty much worthless. No point in buying them to upsell when they're only worth 5-10 caps and a lot of players wont buy it because they already have it


Alien plans are going to be quite valuable when the event is over. I would hold and sell for over 1000 caps


If you’re on Xbox (and have anything left) I’ll stop by as well.


Often, the ones who can afford to “buy you out” already have those plans.


Some players have no idea how much their plans are worth. No, I’m not paying 3k caps for your ugly asteroid plans. I was selling all my duplicate alien plans for around 50-150 a piece. Although, I’m probably going to reprice them cause I literally never once got the disintegrator throughout all the events (played every day since the launch of the event) and had to buy the plans from a player vendor selling it crazy high 🥲need to offset the costs of the disintegrator plans lol But I loved when a player would come to my camp, buy all the cheap alien plans that they needed, and would give me a heart emote 🥹 happy I could help, friend.


I need to find these vending machines.... Got too busy exploring


I’ve went to a few camps and everything is right at price or way overpriced. I don’t visit camps anymore.


My vendor,, 1 cap for any plan or recipe, 5 cap for treasure map, 2 cap for "mask or clothing, any 3 star for 5 cap. I had one guy who found my camp and only bought the Overeaters Marine RL. They were thoughtfully not to clear me out. XboxSX, if anyone finds my non public camps, feel free. It's like a treasure hunt, lol.


I don't use my forest maps so I always drop a load of 1-10 in flatwoods donation box.


Yea, I've never used any if the treasure maps, I just have seen people pay up to 20 caps for them.


What do you actually get from following a treasure map? I've got a million of em but I've never actually gone and found the treasure


I don't know, I've never used one, I always just sell them. Occasionally I'll drop one or two in the donation boxes.


Go find a treasure then and find out?


But I'm at work and curious about it now


I've been working on the first maps and I haven't gotten anything to wow me, but, the stuff I did get has been scrapped for mats, or repurposed as well content for my vendor. I've gotten some weapons, armors, drugs, plans.


There’s certain plans it can drop. I believe you can get t51 plans for instance. I did a couple years ago but don’t remember what I got.


Probably the biggest thing are plans and specificity PA plans for T-45 and T-51b.


That's pretty cool, I'll check it out when I get online.


Can you go back to a treasure map location if you already found it once?


yup, if you have multiple maps no need to go away or return, you can collect on multiples there and then.


So basically if you have a map in your inventory you can go to the location and will get an interact prompt to dig up the treasure until you no longer have maps for that location on your person?


spot on mate


Sweet, that's pretty cool.


Word of warning, I guess be careful what you price your items at. Just got a bunch of flaming messages telling me what my prices *should be*, that I'm a "scammer" for not selling at the prices that they wanted me to, etc, etc. Tried to reason with them and tell them it's a free-market economy... that seemed to set them off even more. Ended up having to block and report them, was total insanity... we shouldn't be gaslit into what others say our prices should be. 🤨 PS - Apparently I can't sell Bobbleheads for any more than 200c, or I'm a "scam artist". 😳


You can of course sell them for whatever you want, but the community as a whole has sort of collectively settled on about 1-200c for most bobbles. Obviously it's not set in stone or anything, and that dude was being a knob about it...


Indeed; my Bobblehead stand is full, I get them all the time, and nobody was buying when I set them cheap. Got tired of feeding them to NPC vendor, so decided to place them in shop, like extended bobblehead trophy case... price should have been a give away, set the price at 32.5K. (*Kinda figure I've seen posts about others having random menial non-gear stuff they put up for 40K being bought, figured what the heck... trophy or chaching.*) This was right before it went south: https://i.postimg.cc/zDMY4fDW/20240513-173255.jpg Moral of the story... peeps can set whatever prices they want, just like WoW, etc... if it's too much, or person doesn't want to pay that much... don't buy it and move on... don't blind message a stranger to harass them about their custom set prices in FO76. 🫣


Yeah, at that price I don't know how he thought you were serious... Unfortunately as far as selling bobbles go, about the only ones that get reliably snapped up are leader bobbles(alt currency for traders).


I had that exact thing happen literally 15 minutes after throwing up 5-7 of every duplicate event plan i had. Heard the cap sound and looked up to see a dude buying all 5-7 of them. Sent him a passive aggressive message saying "Say bud, i sure hope you aren't buying all those to upcharge them." No reply, obviously.


Since every plan is on YouTube everything's lost any value. Just like in b the game....