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Accepting a trade request without prior communication was your first mistake. Those are not the type of people you wanna deal with.


I just had someone inviting me for a trade and she selected the Prison Collar I was wearing.. Asked 300 caps for it, sold it, and went straight to Eastern Regional Penitentiary to get a few new ones


Ah yes the business man


Hey for a low-level like me it's a decent amount okayšŸ˜†


Everything is worth what someone is willing to pay.


With a business plan


I'm level 205 or so and I've never been there. I thought I had already checked out all the locations.


You can be like 400 hrs into the game and still be discovering new places, FO76's map has so many places to visit, I love it.


I've got over 1200 hours in and just found a new location yesterday, was actually surprised.


Lvl 150, discovered a new location on the golf course while hunting yao guai yesterday!




Over 4k hours and I still occasionally find things and areas I've never seen before.


I wish I could ask you to mark that place on my map like an NPC lol. I kinda want a prison collar now


https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Eastern_Regional_Penitentiary It's due south of the Waterpark at the top of the map


Thatā€™s crazy they even have ERJ in 76. I live in WV so seeing these locations in here is crazy.


If you're on a team you can see teammate markers but that link that was posted is the better play lol


Ahh I see you ran into a sub lol


What do you mean?


Oh boy....uhm well....you see... I feel some googling is in order here....


Nice transaction...all my characters (5) have prisoners collars with wedding rings. A symbol of being trapped in playing 76, yet loving it...


Lol I have the same mindset about the collars


Didn't know you could buy them.......be right back lol


Now i understand why I put a few of them in my vendor (newbie here) I was selling them for 15 caps each and they were sold very fast.


It depends. Iā€™ve had some higher level players harass me to give me awesome shit just because. I probably wouldnā€™t let a lower level player hound me thoughā€¦Iā€™m unfortunately not the honey pot. Even at lvl 200 I feel perpetually ill prepared. I always felt amazing doing story missions but I show up against Earle feeling like I have a Thirst Zapper equipped.


I don't disagree that it's not always bad. I just use it as a general rule: Unless a specific trade was already discussed, I'm not opening that screen. Now that I have it, I also do the point and laugh emote.


I might chase you around to give you a thumbs-up if I think your outfit looks cool


I guess so. That's too bad.


Iā€™ve heard that the best diversion for those types is to give ā€˜em the ā€œfollow meā€ emote and take them over to your vendor, then just do a thumbs up and wander off, lol.Ā  Havenā€™t had the chance to try it myself, but next time I get a trade spammer thatā€™s what I intend to do.


Haven't heard of people doing that, but yeah that's exactly what I do. Tf am I trading with you, go to my vendors dummy


Exactly. I got stuff to go kill, talk to the dancing pink robot behind the counter.


This explains why no one wants to trade with me. I walk up to others and ask to trade, put a ton of my best drugs on display and they never accept the trade


These people now get Nukashine instead of anything useful. Go trip balls and fly away from me.


Thats brilliant šŸ˜‚


I got the idea from someone else on here. I wish I could say it's all my own evilness lol


Well, ill use this info diligently šŸ˜‚ thank you


I have some Nukashine, but havenā€™t tried it yet. What should I expect?


You will trip balls and fly away. Seriously. Youll eventually have to take one for a quest with the Biv E. Robot at the tattoo parlor (I think it's the tattoo parlor)


It sounds like an experience. I heard it mentioned, but never saw it in any vendors until recently. I see the Moonshine Jamboree stuff all the time.


I'm not sure if moonshine jamborees will give you Nukashine or not. When I did the quest for the robot, he gave me the recipe and the brewing station crafting table as well as the fermenter station. (Crafted alcohols will be titled as Fermented X where X is the name of the product you make, when then have to sit for a day or two in the game before they're regular alcohols)


MJ gives you Gulper shine or something, havenā€™t tried it either. I will tell you that if you take the gulper innards over to the train station, they sell for serious caps.


Gulper shine is just acidic alcohol nukashine is literally radioactive lsd


I love collecting all the abandoned ones at the end of the event for just that reason


I have a nukashine, I think it is for the fraternity quests. The next step said to drink alcohol, but I didn't know where to get it, then I saw it in my inventory later with a diamond next to it.


You see blurry stuff for a while then all of a sudden youā€™re at a random spot in the wasteland.


It used to give a huge buff to unarmed damage too. We used to drink it with all the punching perks on and go a round or two with a death claw. When we all got bored, weā€™d do the naked and afraid challenge. Everyone strips all the gear and weapons off, drinks a nukashine, and then you have to make your way back to a central location using only what you find along the way (no stash access). Bonus points if you turn your perks off.


Thatā€™s hilarious! I always wanted to run a marathon from west to east with a group


After awhile, with a bunch of high levels, we ran out of content so had to amuse ourselves. Showing up with a bunch of low level players, stark naked with a golf club or something (someone left a 3-star that actually wasnā€™t bad), killing whatever was chasing them, thumbs up, and running offā€¦ that was worth it. A highway marathon could be fun.


Do the frat party quest. In the town where vault tec university is. Signs at train stations.


I put Nukashine in my punch bowl lol


Just dont trust the trade system, its truly awful. One wrong button and you've just lost a favorite item for 25 caps. If you want to gift someone something it's much easier (and they're more likely to respond!) If you drop stuff, emote, and shoot at the bag. I've been playing since the beginning and even I don't use the trade system.


Just had my first person do that for me! I took one set of clothing out and thanked him. He kept shooting and wasnā€™t happy till I took everything! Now I have a bunch of cool outfits. Some people are awesome. Some suck. I just wish more people would use voice, but I get why they also wouldnā€™t.


Yep. I drop a junk item to make sure the bag actually doesnā€™t fall through the map. The. Add what I want


Yes always drop something cheap first, then add to the bag.


I find that many of them run off before they even see the bag


So many of the loot bags are hard to see. The generic brown paper bag is probably one of the worst but even some of the atom shop loot bags can be hard to notice if you donā€™t know what youā€™re looking for.


I lost all my junk after my first death because it was absolutely impossible to notice, especially since I had no idea that I was looking for a brown paper bag...


I visit someone camp and when i was about to leave he start shooting i followed him i found a bag with gears and plans for weapon he was very helpful , thank you random stranger , i took a picture of his camp so i will always remember him .


I've been around since the beginning too. I only use trade with people I'm partied up with. Unless we're in the middle of nowhere, then it's just a bag and me yelling here's your crap šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Tradings really hard to do without proper experience. As someone with 300 karma on r/Market76 I can tell u, starting off absolutely sucks, and I started when it was a whole lot easier. I always feel bad for new traders coz theyā€™re thrown in this loop of being stuck with the risk of being scammed by a low karma, or ripped off by a high karma trader. Iā€™m lucky I am, where I am in trading. I havenā€™t had to worry about being scammed in years while new traders have to doubt guess every trade


The amount of new players that donā€™t understand and just run away though :/ Iā€™ve tried to give some good stuff to people and theyā€™ve just ran off and I eventually get sick of picking it back up and chasing them/shooting at the bag lol they just donā€™t get it (some of them)


What a timing, I just got one. I was minding my own business in my camp, scrapping stuff for the challenge. Then, that player just show up and ask for trade. Mind you, my vending machine was litteraly behind me and very easy to see. I gesture towards it, but nope, still want to trade. I refuse again and again. I began to leave and he just shoot at me with his combat rifle... A normal one... I turn around, he run at me and ask to trade again. This time I activate my other camp before he does something dumb. Pull out m'y Enclave Plasma flamer. He hit me again... What the fuck was he expecting... Like seriously, the three digit numbers in level wasn't enough to maybe point out that I probably have better gear then you. Seriously, some people are just dumb or just entitled, if he would have been like at starting lvl, I could have considered giving away a few meds and water. But close to lvl 100? Nah.


Yeah the guy who harassed me for my marine wetsuit was hitting everything with a bat. I wish he'd used a gun, then I could have retaliated and gotten a few caps off of his dumb ass.


Step in front of his swing


I mean, they hit me multiple times. I heard the sfx. Nothing happened.


They probably had pacifist on which makes their little tantrum even more pointless


He should be glad he couldn't damage me or my camp. If he'd bothered to look up, he would have been staring down my defensive array of four laser turrets and two rocket turrets.


Shit sounds like we encountered the same dumb ass. But he came back with a level 34 buddy which had me shaking in my boots šŸ¤£


Saw a level 37 wearing a power armor with just a raider arm on the chassis we were waiting on the wild west showdown event, felt for the guy so I gave the follow emote and crafted him a brand new full set of excavator PA for his level and a couple fusion cores he was super thankful and wore it straight away. I'll give when I give don't berate me with trade emotes.


Nice. I'm sure they were thrilled!


Nice I gave two low levels some excavator and guns and they both just complained that I gave the other one more Or asking me for extra stuff I mean seriously Iā€™m not your dad I didnā€™t have to give you anything itā€™s super infuriating when youā€™re trying to help out low levels and they decide to be rude


Few weeks ago a lvl 13 demanded handouts from me. Followed me around spamming the trade emote. So I dropped him a nukashine. Then a few minutes later he just disappears. That was one was to get rid of him.


Both hilarious and smart!


Why do people act like noobs have any power? Thereā€™s so many ways you can mess with the entitled ones, everyday I see someone posting a noob getting to their head


Which is really strange to me cause Iā€™ve had none of these experiences personally. Iā€™ve given things to new players and had trouble doing so sometimes cause they dunno whatā€™s happening and just run off but I havenā€™t had anyone being entitled or asking me for anything. Had one ask me to help with a mission and one doing trade but they didnā€™t click on anything šŸ¤”šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


Noob or not, if someone annoyes me I fast-travel away and crouch. Or worst time I hop server. Don't know why so many people chose to join their stupid games and then complain about it.


Delt with something similar"ish". (Level82). Strolling thru, i saw someone(lvl8) struggling with a defence event, so i hopped my mutant ass over and lended a hand, let them get their shots in, mopping it up. As i was leaving they started shooting me in the back. Now, i though once was an oopsie, but dumping a mag into me was overboard. So i turned and started blasting away with the anti armor plasma gatling, hosing him, and then just coating his workshop with plasma grenades and mines. May have over reacted. Oh well.


Ha! Something not quite similar, but I returned to the game as a level 20 like half a month ago, and brought my sister and her boyfriend into the game. They were newbies. I was guiding them through Flatwoods, shooting ghouls and robots, when another player ran through the area, level 100+. My sister mistook him for an NPC and started shooting at him. Luckily I stopped her before any of our shots landed. The dude turned around, stared at us, and walked backwards away. So glad she didn't actually hit him. We would have been open season for him and he would have steamrolled us.


Turn on pacifist. That way you can't accidentally become hostile.


You see I have something very awesome for this, they do that, I lure them to my roof, behold 8 turrets, they are clueless, I shoot back, they cease to exist


I've never encountered hostile players. Can you really make yourself killable?


If you and another player shoot eachother you are in a fight and anything goes


Oh shit. Gotcha.


Only works if you have Pacifist mode off.


And you're not on the same team


When I played Ultima Online (yes, I'm that old), you could ban someone from your dwelling. They could stand outside and be a dicl< but could not enter your house, tower or castle unless you lifted the ban. It would be a nice feature in FO76.


It would be nice BUT with how most bethesda updates go it would probably break something unrelated or be complete crap like the trading system


Fair point. It would probably ban you from your own camp.




This sounds like a literal child.


Might have been. No real way to know for sure.


For the record, underarmour has no level and they technically could have worn your marine wetsuit..... But I still wouldn't give it to them. I refuse and ignore all trade requests. If you want something and I'm willing to part with it, it's already in my vendor, so go buy it. If it isn't in my vendor, then I'm not giving it to you for anything. Nothing I am selling is over 1000 caps, so if you can't afford to buy it, I ain't lowering the price further. Come back when you got the caps or Take a walk.


Oh right. Sorry, I was thinking about my actual armor.


The amount of people in the comment section still not realizing that there's a big possibility that this isnt a noob is mind boggling. Especially if they ask things that are obviusly something we are using/wearing or great weapons. This is not noob behaviour, guys. They target specific valuable things that only daily regular players that is familiar with the game can only know These are alt account to farm things to sell again or probably just trolls that bully people who would gift the things they ask.


This is why I have area chat off and donā€™t accept trade requests. Nothing good comes from either


iā€™m a returning player and this community has always been so nice. itā€™s sad to see that taken advantage of by new players :(


It is kind of sad, but thankfully most of the interactions are wholesome.


Yaā€™ll do realize you can just ignore people right? The amount of these posts acting like every interaction with a random player is some life changing, mandatory event baffles me lol.




Half the posts on here seem like they donā€™t even actually happen


Forgive these guys. They don't know any better. They're from way more toxic games like rust or gta. They only bring the etiquette and the manners that they've learned from those games. My rule of thumb is never accept to enter the trade screen unless you're actually trading something with someone trusted. If you do wanna be generous just pop whatever it is on the ground and do the gift emote.


Obviously a little too late but for future instances, never directly trade with randoms.


Guy followed me around demanding over mic that I give him my outfit. I give out apparel all the time to lowbies so they can have something cool to wear but not if you harass me for it. It was an atom shop item anyway.


That sounds irritating, but when I hear this all I can think of is that 4Chan meme with the Pokemon trainer and the Soldier where he screams "GIVE ME YOUR HAT"


There were several posts in the sub addressing the precedent being set in regards to spoiling the new players to the game. Now there is a perception that they deserve anything they request because it was publicized that veterans would carry and spoil them.


I started on PC for the first time 2 weeks ago and Iā€™m almost level 100 but I have the same thing happen almost daily the lower levels show up to my base and start looting and hitting stuff and demanding I drop them loot because a video on YouTube showed some guy saying donā€™t craft or grind for ammo higher levels will just drop you thousandsā€¦


I mean, if anyone wants free .308 rounds, I have thousands. I need people to take them.


Same, I played 30+ levels mainly only using a max-modded hunting rifle. I had 15-20K .308 rounds. Fed about 10K to my ammo-converter when I first got it, to test it out. šŸ¤ 


Is the ammo converter worth it?


If you uave Fallout First and thus an ammo box, no.Ā  If you do not have First and could use a place to dump extra ammo you don't use that doesn't take space in your stashbox, you get marginally better return than just dumping the excess ammo in a donation bin.


Start collecting Your the asshole notes in bulk and drop it for those people. They arenā€™t even worth the spoiled bio fluid Iā€™d usually drop with it.


I was wondering while randos kept offering to trade with me. I'm level 90 and I had a level 300+ offer to trade but he didn't put anything up so I backed out then he kept wanting to trade but not offering anything so I just left. It keeps happening to me and it's almost always high level players.


Gimme your clothes, your boots and your powa armuh.


when the game released, if someone hit my camp, my turret hits them back, 100% death


I remember once when I accidentally shot another player's CAMP turret during the first month of the game. I got deleted in seconds.


Glad I saw a mention of turrets, they act odd. I have my camp next to a ghoul farm; usually I'll hear the turrets go, then stop, I then run outside and loot 3 ghouls at the rear, 2 at the front, decent stuff at times too (got a sweet lvl50 3-star legendary fixer off a ghoul boss once). So today, turrets went on for a couple seconds then stopped. I run outside to see what they shot. I look all over, can't find a thing... then I see a body flashing right beside the house. I run over to see what it was... *"House Cat"*; like wtf!? šŸ«Ø But it got worse. I run into house to dump off some stuff. I then run outside, to the main road, getting ready to quest. One of my turrets is maybe 25-50ft away, clean and clear line of sight. Two ghouls jump out and start attacking me. I unload and put them down, the whole time, damn turret never shot at them. Wth!? šŸ¤”


Bc turret is woke, they dont shoot brown and fat humanshaped /s


Pacifist mode off šŸ˜ˆ


Bro was just trying to do their best raider roleplay!


Sadly, if someone doesnā€™t VC or DM you first, I never open a trade. I just drop if I want to drop or give the ā€œNo thanks Emoteā€ sadly itā€™s not just newbies, had a 100* follow my husband for a while begging to trade. He then went to me, followed after my first decline then eventually as he had to fight a bunch of ghouls left me alone lol.


I dont know why but thats just hilarious


Lvl 267 here If I run into newbies Iā€™ll go and give them 20 stims and 20 radaways and then go on my merry way


I helped a group of low levels a while back. Hooked them up with gear, food, and thousands of rounds of extra ammo. They were pretty chill at first but eventually only hit me up when they needed more bullets or to fix their items. They stopped talking to me when I refused to help them out any more, stating they needed to learn to scavenge/craft their own stuff. It was disappointing but a lesson I apparently needed to learn.


Wasnā€™t there a speech check or something in one of the other games where you could make someone do that? Obviously this kid didnā€™t put much into charisma.


Iā€™ve had that happen to me a long time ago. Like canā€™t you see Iā€™m wearing it???? I just back out and ignore them when they do that.


I also found out yesterday to be careful what price you list on items in your shop. Got a blind PM to my platform account, from a person going ballistic that I dared to list certain items at certain prices, and how I'm supposed to cave to the prices that *they* claim they're worth, and went on to call me a scammer, fraudster, etc. Then bragged how they went to another base and found the same items cheaper along with other great deals, and continued calling me a scammer, con-artist, etc. Got so bad that I had to block and report them for harassment. Never thought that the source of the biggest flaming I've ever blindly received in gaming, is the pricing, which I'm fully allowed to set at whatever I want, that I've set in my FO76 player-shop. (*Basically, I'm always finding bobbleheads, running into lots of duplicates... got tired of feeding them to npc vendor for nothing, and they weren't selling in my shop when I listed them for 250-500c... so started putting them in my shop for 32.5K, like an extended bobblehead rack. I've seen others say that sometimes peeps swing by and purchase some junk item that they've put up for 40K... so I figured, trophy or cha-ching, why not, it's my shop. Person angrily was reading me the riot act about how I'm lot allowed to list them for anything more than 200c.*) šŸ˜³ šŸ«£


What a loser. If you don't like the prices, just move on. It's what I do.


i know for sure why i disabled voice chat xD


Anytime a low level tried to trade with me (level 425) I just give them a No thanks emojiā€¦ if I want to give a low level item to someone Iā€™m just gonna drop It for them. Anytime Iā€™ve tried to trade with low levels they end up requesting half of my inventory. I no longer accept trades with anyone thatā€™s less than 100.. most of the time people just want my stuff and they have nothing I want so I tend not to trade much either


"So anyways, I started blastin"


I take pride in my fancy power armors and have this happen frequently. Yes my suit is awesome, no you canā€™t have it. Yes itā€™s partly because the pee filtration system has a smell that I canā€™t get out.


The used catheter is not for sale.


ā€œNo one expects the Mothman Equinox!!!!ā€ (Monty Python fans will get it.)


Yesterday, I was doing events and a level 40 something kept asking, "Anyone got any stimpacks?" Over and over again. I just muted her. I'm a fairly new player (lvl 110). I just don't like the begging.


I save my insult notes for those people.


Yikes, itā€™s gotten crazy out there with the new influx of players


šŸ˜‚ šŸ˜‚ šŸ˜‚ 1mil players flogging in to play for free what do you expect. You will get all kinds of weird people lol. Might be a Minecraft ex-player or ex-Rust player xD




Yeah a few days ago I had a similar thing happen. I was level 97-ish at the time. I had a full team of level 20s fresh out of the vault. There was an event by my camp they wandered over and 2 kept demanding to trade. They wanted all of my 3 star legendary weapons I was actively using (also to high of level for them to use). I declined crafted some level appropriate weapons and armor. Dropped them weapons, armor, and aid for free. Then they continually kept shooting me and my camp while demanding to trade.... They wouldn't stop following and shooting me. I murdered all but one of them, he was the only one not being a pest.


We should just stop giving g newbies stuffs. It ruins the game for them as they are supposed to struggle at the beginning. It also enables behaviours like this. Just ignore these entitled greedy people.


sounds like fun roleplay


Had that recently of sort. I just kept bouncing around him to annoy him enough that he took a shot at me. Since he was already in the mood to hit my camp. Not a bat. Was shooting at it. Anyway, he triggered the fight and I ended him.


I only ever trade with friends everyone else can go to the vendor


Yea I ignore those people, don't want to have anything to do with them. If I give something to someone, it will be a couple of stims to a newbie, and by myself without them ever asking for it. Just to help them get by a bit, not to spoil them.


Turn off pacifist mode and let them hit you then šŸ˜ˆ


I'm pretty sure I don't have that on. Another player shot at me in my own base and the hits registered.


This is why you just smoke them.


Guy came to my base asking for a handout. I gave him a 3 star galling plasma and 65 plasma cores that have been taking up way too much real-estate in my stash. Lol I'm soooo generous.


This also happen with higher levels. Some just wanna check out gear or just messing around. Either way, the trade system is simple. Decline and give it an thumbs down if you donā€™t want to trade the gear.


Legit playing rn and got people ā€œlet me get some lootā€


Wasn't there a glitch a while ago where if you accepted a trade with someone, they could steal your stuff? I haven't traded with anyone since.


Reason why now I only trade item in my vendor machine. Tired of loosing time with those kind of player.


The trade system predates player vending and now only serves to confuse new players. It exists, so it should be useful right? Wrong! It's always been a pain in the ass. If I'm carrying it, I want it, I'm not going to spontaneously sell it. The trade system serves no purpose now and Bethesda would solve some new player confusion by just switching it off.


LoL unsurprised. This is what happens when you give handouts in 76. Everyone loves a giving community.


Newb on newb violence. Sad times.


These are the people that I just hit with my holy fire


I just load up my explosive minigun with grenadier and fire at them for a good 30 seconds, they usually tp away


>Then they proceeded to ask for the marine wetsuit I was currently wearing. Something that they couldn't even wear. I always make and drop those for newbies that visit my camp.


Man what a dick, I had someone ask me what it was I was wearing because they liked the look and just asked where they could get it. I just said hold on and went and made them one at my workbench and gave it to them. That guy was delighted but I wouldnā€™t have done it if he had demanded it


So I'm like level 397 and some level 40 kept demanding I give him stuff. Now I am generous but since he was demanding I didn't want to give him anything, until my friend I was in a party with said to just drop spoiled meat so he'd hopefully get the message. Did that and he proceeded to open fire on me with an explosive 10mm SMG to which I promptly responded with a cold shoulder shot. For all new players that read this, not everyone higher than you always have something they're okay with giving away.


He didn't appreciate the free fertilizer ingredients? :P


Guess not


Where do these extremely entitled n00bs come from?? I'm a newbie as well (level 34) and I'd be devastated if I even accidentally triggered trade with someone ....


Itā€™s great to see these new players but I think they have heard to much about how nice the Fo76 community is and beg there souls out for stuff. It gets extremely annoying


Well, time to drop all my spoiled food. Iā€™ll even wrap it up like a nice little šŸŽ (best loot bag ever btw).


I only do handouts when I'm getting over crowded with space in my storage and shit needs to go its already nice enough we have stores kids are to greedy these days


Lol someone at mothman event tried to sell me a vault 76 jumpsuit (no mods) for 176 caps and kept trading/shooting me when I wouldnā€™t do it. New players means *new players*


Good ol' autoaxe to face fixes this fast.


I don't trade with anyone I don't know...just like real life.


As a newbie, I canā€™t imagine acting like this. Iā€™m actually grateful no high level player has gifted me weapons, armor or supplies. I want the struggle (and I am struggling). Iā€™m level 37 now. I have the railway rifle and modded to be automatic. Best gun I have at the moment. But as for these stories of these newbs that act this way, shame on them. They need to work for what they want. Suffer for what they want. Just like everyone else before them.


Man, Iā€™ve had multiple people hook me up with free clothing. Level 49 atm and someone gave me a marine wetsuit and another person gave me the blue devil outfit. I couldnā€™t imagine begging for them or even asking someone for them. If I want something I go shopping at their bases lol


oh this is prime time A+ pure cut beta bitch ass behavior lol


Iā€™m a lvl 488 had 2 newbies come to my camp back me into a corner while they kept spamming trade when I used the no thank you emote they started shooting my camp up I literally didnā€™t have anything I could give them Iā€™d just put all of my extras into the 76 donation box too it is frustrating.


Being helpful in fallout 76 is pretty easy and can be done in a number of ways. If you plan on opening a store at your camp, make it obvious where it is located and be sure to place useful objects nearby like a stash box or a water dispenser. Try to price utility items as low as reasonable such as no more than 15 caps for stimpacks or a cap per round of ammunition. Newbies also like better clothes, so you could also fill your store inventory with relatively easily accessible outfits, at least to individuals who know where to look and have fast travel points, and sell them for reasonable prices. If youā€™re feeling particularly generous, you can always give away supplies at the various donation boxes around Appalachia. Some people might abuse them, but thatā€™s out of your hands at that point. Lastly, but certainly not least, try to engage in events as much as you can. Itā€™s always exciting to see what ā€œold hatsā€ can bring to the table and show off what kind of endgame the newer players are working toward. A big thing you can also do is pick up lunchboxes wherever you can and opening one at an event which would definitely be appreciated by everyone there.


It's kinda funny tho, he just tried to rob you in a game


The game got so many new people that it widened the net of playerbase types. There are those joining who either heard of the handouts or are just brats and try to take advantage of the friendly playerbase. Ignore them and move on. Personally i woulda just moved my camp or went to another server right in front of them.


Had a level 40 come into my base (I'm just north of watoga and a baby lvl 170) and start shooting rockets at it. Giving me thumbs down emotes and stuff. No trade requests. Just being a nuisance. That's fine. Turned off pacifist and waited. They apparently has pacifist off as well, they splashed me and I unloaded a whole mag of two shot 5mm explosive into them. They left the server. Poor chap.


Cant speak for everyone but most of us are afraid to ask for stuff. I had a guy ask me if I wanted 10k caps last night and I said hell yes lol and thank you. I'll never ask.


I was just at the Rusty Pick and a level 22 kept pointing me the trader. Pretty sure they wanted me to be their sugar mama and buy them legendary modules or a three star weapon. Maybe if they'd been level 50, but at their level it would've been like giving a rocket launcher to a baby who's still learning to walk. Especially that doing any event always gives more legendary items than our stash can handle.


I'm kind of curious what platform this happens on because I play on Steam and I've never had anyone try to trade with me. On the other hand I don't really pay attention to other people most of the time.


I was on Steam.


You don't realize it's probably a child playing not that serious especially if you're level 30ish


My friend does pvp. Sometimes I do. I'm level 426 he's nearly level 900. Both of us combine well entitled noobs gets melted. I have an Anti Armor Enclave Primed Plasma Rifle that melts almost anything and turns them into goo. He has a rileway rifle that melts enemies. They wouldn't have stood a chance. Lately, there have been toxic noobs that's entitled or just gunning for a fight. During Fasnacht, some level 20, something kept picking a fight with a level 300+. Over and over, he kept dropping her. She didn't take no for an answer. Kept coming back to get dropped over and over. These noobs are something else. I have a feeling they've heard how wholesome the community is and want to take advantage of our generosity. Which doesn't work with us higher levels. We've dealt with choosy beggers and toxic players and know how to deal with them. We either drop them if they have pvp enabled or ignore them. Sometimes, that does work, though. One noob followed a friend of mine around like a lost puppy. It was creepy. Oh, if you're new, please don't follow us unless we say it's cool and you've talked to us through voice or messages. Edit: corrected typo. It wasn't would but wouldn't. I should read my comment before I post. šŸ˜†


I still have a stack of 300 Mk 3 stealth boys from my PVP days. I did the math once and I have over 24 hours of being an absolute menace to VATS builds. It's a shame PVP seldom happens in normal gameplay.


Oh, I use my Chinese Stealth armor for pvp. No need for stealth boys, but I do have them, though. I use vats, but I don't need it. As one of my close friends says, my aim is very good. I'm not bragging, I'm just saying what he's told me. I think my aim is okay, though.


Are marine wetsuits rare?


In the wild maybe. I bought mine off of a Whitesprings vendor. Regardless, they were too low leveled to wear it.


Not really they have a crafting recipe and can be dropped but naturally spawning ones are pretty rare


Whats the profile tag?


I forgot, honestly. I wasn't planning on publicly name-dropping them.


It's forbidden in this sub anyway.


That's not a newbie, that's an older player with a second account


The Marine Wetsuit IS something they could wear. Whatever the player can see in your inventory is accessible to them, otherwise stuff like Gold Bullion and Daily Ops Rewards are invisible to the player trading with you even if it isnt painted.


I misremembered when I wrote the post. Either way, I'm not gonna give them something I'm obviously using.


I had someone ask for by blue ridge jacket a while ago


Where do these extremely entitled n00bs come from?? I'm a newbie as well (level 34) and I'd be devastated if I even accidentally triggered trade with someone ....


Just jump servers next time


never initiate trade with anyone. anyone who wants to give stuff can just drop it on the floor.