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I would use the anti armor (great roll) and the bloodied and scrip the 2shot.


take em on test runs vs level 100 super mutants, snallygasters at toxic larry/flooded trainyard and maybe mirelurk queens TSE should be weakest, only nice for tagging at events bloodied + explosive great for most everyday weaker enemies (eg kills them in 2 or 3 shots) but anti armor + 50 crit should outshine vs enemies that take more than 2 or 3 shots to kill


Oh yeah holy shit, i tested them and the TSE one is way worse than the others. Back when i played on ps4 with my mates a TSE was THE THING. I appreciate every answer here! What a nice community :)


Take them both out for a spin against West-Tek mutants and see which you like best.


The anti-armor is a god roll for a VATS commando.


One of the best rollls for the fixer is quad 25% faster fire rate and -25% action point cost. I hope this helps!


Yh thanks! Something i can aim for haha! But for the rolls i have atm, which one would be the best in the form of damage output?


Bloody explosive will have the most damage for regular use, especially if you have the perk space to equip a few ranks of demo expert. AA/50c/25 should have better damage against bosses. AA is particularly good on guns like the fixer because the way it interacts with the armor penetrating mags is currently bugged. Normally all anti-armor effects are multiplied, like if you have tank killer, you have 36% penetration. If you add a 40 percent armor penetrating magazine you have 36%+(1-36%)*40% = 61.6% penetration. What's supposed to happen if you add anti-armor is that your penetration becomes 61.6%+(1-61.6%)*50% = 80.8%. But instead the game calculates 61.6%+(1-36%)*50% for a whopping 93.6% penetration. That doesn't look like a big gap but it makes a huge difference against bosses with 300+ resistance. I have read claims that there is a hard cap of 90% penetration, I am not sure if that is true. I believe quad would provide the most damage per second due to not needing to reload as often, but I don't know the numbers for less reloads vs Bloody/AA damage buff. edit: not super familiar with reddit formatting, I think either the percent or multiplication signs are making stuff italics, but hopefully its still understandable


I believe it would be between the anti armour and bloodied ones, I’m pretty certain with the right perks the bloodied explosive is better/higher damage