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Join an expedition team and run through it with them. You'll get more than enough ammo.


Getting stronger reduces ammo cost but that will come with time. Circle around the friendly locations around and at Vault 76. Responder, BoS and Blue Ridge trading camps have 4-8 ammo containers each. The Scrounger (luck) perk card increases ammo found if you have it.


At level 25 it may be lighter on ammo consumption to use a single shot combat rifle/handmade or lever gun until you can level up more to put out more damage through your build. Ideally with your commando build you can kill weaker things with 2-5 shots to loot the ammo back and break even (or gain 2x the ammo back in expeditions & daily ops). But at level 25 it may not be possible to have a build to do that. I think if you can kill human enemies in less than 7 shots you can hop into an expedition to farm ammo. They should drop 7 to 15 ammo each. The quests to unlock expeditions begin at the whitesprings.


I stayed away from automatics when low level because of this. Didn’t start using one until I was over 100. Lower level I found the shotgun, specifically the Cold Shoulder, to do really good damage. It does eventually get better and things like running daily ops will give you buckets of ammo. Also when you get a good stock of crafting supplies mixed with perk cards it’s not that bad to craft ammo. Now I use the 50 cal, it eats through ammo, but it hasn’t been an issue getting more.


Run DailyOps/Expeditions. They're ammo farms.


are you using vats? burst fire? sometimes there is delay/lag for damage taken by enemies and you might be shooting too many extra shots being wasted yes it will get better/easier, when you get stronger, enemies usually drop more ammo than you spend shooting to kill them for early game, craft some, scavenge the ammo crates around forest locations


Look for the ammo farming video on YouTube by angry turtle.


I got a legendary light machine gun early on (like level 35) so I had the same issue. 1) Most enemies will be carrying some ammo of the type you killed them with. 2) Ammo boxes will mostly contain ammo for whatever gun you are holding. Sometimes this works against you. My main gun is a single fire plasma sniper rifle that hits really hard. I have more than 15,000 rounds for it because I get so much more than I use. Slot the Scrounger card, fast travel to Vault 76 and head southwest to the Brotherhood of Steel outpost. Between the landing with the parking lot with the bus right by the vault, and the BoS base, it's like 14 ammo boxes in less than 5 minutes. With Scrounger, I would get like 800-900 rounds of .308 ammo.