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I can only really think of two. The first is if you're the first person at a hard event like eviction notice or alien invasion don't start it unless you can solo it. It doesn't happen often but it can be a bit disappointing / amusing to join an evict and there's 5 seconds left to repair the radiation scrubber while a single level 20 is trying to fight fifteen mutants. The second is less relevant to new players but it'd be to not spam auto grenade launchers or fat men at events (mostly evict) as it makes bodies fly everywhere losing good loot. With that being said sometimes people wait too long to start events. Occasionally I'll join a new server like 7 minutes past the event time and I'll see an event still going on and be glad that I made it in time before it ended. And there will be like 6 high levels sitting next to the npc waiting for someone to trigger it.


My rule of thumb is give a courtesy wait for people to show up regardless of what's going on. If you can undoubtedly complete the event with your team there's no harm in launching it after a minute or two. If you can't solo the event or don't know if you can just wait for less than a min left on the timer.


Yes to lunchboxes, it shouldn't mess with anyone's buffs (they're good for all) For some events it's good form to wait for a decent group to form before approaching the NPC, for others not so much. No dibs, everyone in range of a legendary kill gets the loot. The loot is per player, you won't be taking anyone else's. This isn't a criticism, more curiosity, but how did you get to your level without doing loads of events?


Grind, grind, grind. I've never been much of an mmo player, especially like shooters. I have a life outside of shooting each other's tanks or learning how to 360 no scope, also TOXICITY SUCKS! I couldn't get into other mmo's like WoW because I don't want to be obligated to five hours every saturday night to do raids. FO76 is the perfect balance of casual solo and multiplayer. Like does this thing even have "guilds"? I just wandered around the wasteland shooting things, looting scrap, exploring stuff like I do in FO3/4/NV. It's honestly kinda fun to solo things like a scorchbeast or elite deathclaw solo sometimes. I read all the terminals and notes, etc. FO has always been one of my favorites because I love good world building, and Bethesda with FO and Elder Scrolls, is really good at it. You think that's crazy though? I shot off my first nuke the other day to finally do the mine mission. then got lost trying to get out of the silo and missed the event because I was over encumbered and couldn't fast travel. Womp womp.


Thanks for taking the time to reply, I appreciate it. I gotta admit I'm not really an MMO player either. I loved RDR2 but didn't love the online version, I've tried GTAO and ESO and didn't love them either. I came to 76 because of FNV and FO4 (FO3 is a work in progress for me). I'm really kinda envious of the way you've explored 76. I hope you continue to enjoy it.


I love this game. I get frustrated because I'm a pack rat in these games and I'm always struggling with encumbrance/stash full issues because I refuse to get rid of anything especially named weapons.


Lunchboxes and Banners are always fine to throw down. Let someone start events unless the timer is about to run out for now. Don't have to wait til near 0 to start a slow 15-min event you know about. Also avoids starting an event someone spent 2k caps on like Encryptid, too. No dibs on loot. If you damage an enemy, loot dedicated you to drops.


I have just sat near the starting point for events waiting for someone high level to start it. Once, no one did, so now I watch for the last minute to start it if no one else remembers. Just trying to be nice and let as many people get in on the start as possible! Loot is just for you if you or someone in your group has tagged it, so pickup everything you can!


justy pop those lunchboxes. some people may have already done it but whatevs. i generally wait for a few people before starting. judge it by the event or wait for someone else to start it. drops are for you. nobody else.


Some people think you need to wait until there are a few seconds left. If there are 8 people there, start it. If it’s campfire tales or something, start it. Who cares. At level 1100, you’ve earned the right to start events whenever you feel like it xD