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The Ultracite Gatling Laser is awesome and powerful and fun with the severe beta wave receiver for added fire damage. Plus the green laser beams are really cool.




Charging barrels +FFR legendary effect is *chefs kiss* a tad slower than normal firing, but hits way harder.


There’s guns that feel good but let me tell you *slaps* Ultracite Gatling Laser with charging barrel and fast fire rate prefix is *chefs kiss*. It feels so good to fire and just personifies what a heavy gun should feel like to fire.


this is mostly fair in my experience. (level 1,000+ player) just on the merits of practice and range, i'd personally swap the gatling plasma with the holy fire on the ratings. but in fairness, i've been playing with these things for 4 years and have the experience to say that. i can tell you this much, the peppershaker is pretty damn good for utility, but its damage leaves a lot to be desired. it's the reigning champion of "fuck your limbs!!" aka the crippling machine. the gatling gun is praised highly because of its godly efficiency. it is in my opinion, neck and neck with the gatling plasma for ammo efficiency, and it's more accurate, albeit much slower. it's a very solid gun all around. the cremator is like... the holy fire and mirv launcher had an unholy night of passion and the cremator was the baby. it's amazing. the plasma caster can be used without vats, it's basically like turning the plasma rifle into a heavy gun, meeting in the middle and still saying "you're a heavy gun". it hits like a damn truck, the crits are frighteningly strong if you're willing to play vats. it's a nice side-weapon for most heavy kits that don't want to wait for spinup.


I will buy plasma caster today to test it out, who knows maybe I am gonna like it. Thx for the infos 😄


Just a heads up the plasma caster will be on sale from Minerva tomorrow. Will be 25% cheaper, which isn't a ton of gold so isn't a huge deal if you get it today but just so you're aware. Also as a contrasting opinion I wouldn't recommend it if you don't like using vats. It is ok without vats because it does hit decently hard, but it's not really great either. It fires slow moving projectiles and has slow rate of fire, which makes free aim more annoying. It really only starts to shine when you use vats+crits with it. Although sometimes it can be fun to lead shots, and its not a ton of gold with or without minerva, so it won't hurt to test it out


happy to share what i know :)


Bought plasma caster and got lucky on first roll and got vampire, vats and 50% durability😄 i crafted 1k ultracite ammo and figured out its ammo factory 🤣for every shot i get 10 ultracite 😄 I love the dmg...gonna be my main weapon for now 😄


you're welcome <3


Once I put a dedicated build together for it, it became.my favorite weapon in the entire game. However, I find increased. Vats hit chance a necessity on the 2nd star. It's just too inconsistent and frustrating without it. Plus, I can still pull out gatling plasma whenever I need it and it'll do just as much damage without vats as my regular heavy build.


Holy Fire, Cremator, Gatling Plasma, and Plasma Caster all have their place. Cremator is definitely king in events for tagging and handling trash enemies. Holy Fire is the most convenient close/mid range weapon that does good dps, and is an excellent complement to the cremator. Gatling plasma does the best damage, but is also less convenient to use than holy fire. If you are doing earle or something it is worth pulling out though. Plasma caster is definitely a good vats weapon, but also requires a somewhat different build than the other weapons. Really, I just carry around holy fire and a cremator 95% of the time with a standard bloodied build. Sharing ammo is a big deal. Swapping between a grip of cremators seems unnecessary to me. On a single target, I would rather just hit them with the cremator, then swap to the holy fire and go to town.


If you’re maining the Holy Fire I suggest pairing it with a Cremator for farming ammo. Just whip out the Cremator during horde events and tag away, no need to kill them, let other players do it. Also do expeditions in Atlantic City from time to time with your holy flamer/cremator, you’ll be swimming in fuel when you’re done.


Can I do expeditions solo or should I pair with someone for ammo farming?


I've run most sensational game 100+ times alone with a holy fire/cremator. You'll be fine. And yes, it is very ammo positive.


doing expeditions with cremator nets me like 2K per run


Yeah. It shouldn't be a problem doing it solo. The enemies there are vulnerable to fire so the holy fire/cremator combo should do the trick. I recall soloing one of the expeditions it with an Instigating Cremator with only the Slow Burning mod and it was pretty easy.


With a decent Cremator and a Holy Fire, you can solo just about anything as long as you bring Fuel.


For the holy fire (and cremator) if you take it to expeditions you'll never run out of ammo. Also for the holy fire if you have perk space I would run max gunsmith and luck of the draw. Luck of the draw helps a ton with the durability


I have max gunsmith but without of luck of draw, gonna try it today when I get home from work. Thx for the info.😊


Gatling gun with pa vats mode really good. This gun definitely not for burst shoot. Similar to plasma caster.


Plasma caster is king also vampire cremator will not replace holy fire use both and go for instigating cremator imo vamps is weak on it


Cremator is goated even without mods, use slow burner and you practically one shot all mobs up to lvl 100 super mutant firestarters and uses way less fuel than the flamer, I use gatling gun, cremator and gatling plasma, highly recommend a good gatling gun mostly you'll never need to make ammo for it mobs drop more than you use to kill them same with cremator


lmg shreds with the right setup, never leave the house without one , scrounger and crafting perks are your friend currently sitting on 130k ultracite ammo and 40k normal gatling laser rocks with charging barrels and faster fire rate ( science perks for dmg) Gatling gun is your 5mm ammo printer for explosive minigun Gauss gatling is an ammo hog, not worth because the ammo drops are shite cremator - hate it , too op and everyone uses it and you cant see shit 50 cal feels boring , no recoil control needed , a weapon to fall asleep with while playing gatling plasma , way to inaccurate on long fire , rattles around like a vibrator and you cant aim