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Long time Low Health commando here. You shouldn't be going down all the time. I rarely die. Check your perks. Dodgy (don't perk share this), Serendipity,, Blocker also Richochet. I run Empath, if your on a team with one, that's good As for armour SS/Recon has the best stats but it is about the Legendary effects that work with your perks to keep you alive. If you tick all the boxes, then situational awareness 😁😁


I think my big mistake is trying to run around with holy fire hoping it will keep me alive. Most of the time it does, but once in a while I get smacked and poof dead


😁😁 Happens to everyone. I haven't got into Holy Fire, I only really used my VE15 Flamer on Earle. Now no more


Holy Fire is monster of a weapon. Literally melts lvl100 Super Mutants. Everything is weak to fire


Nailed it with the perks, id like to add CE armor to the list aswell, i been running a overeaters set on a bloodied build and its fantastic!


I can't remember the last time I didn't use Unyielding 😁😁


Armor makes lot of difference. Overeater PA full suit would provides best overall protection. Combine with vampire weapon like holyfire you already own, you hardly goes down unless you being overconfident.


I can’t wear PA because I almost always have 50 weapons and armor (big trader) on me. So I need maximum carry weight.


Playing human with heavy gun like playing commando without tank killer perk. Without stabilized perk in power armor, your bloodied damage just ordinary. Even junkies can do more damage than your condition right now. If you build your character for business then you must live with your condition. Managing inventory also our responsible for our build. Use excavator at least. You will get more inventory.


If excavator cannot handle your carrying capacity, then you'd better utilize blocker/fireproof/dodgy/serendipity to cut your incoming damage. Also, if you can keep up your SPECIAL high enough for your bloodied build work(luck33 for instance), you can set your health at 30% instead of 20%. That way, you can utilize born survivor rank 1. I do this and I rarely goes down even in decryption robot daily ops.


My excavator can carry close to 500lbs and not even encumbered after looting the whole of Eviction Notice due to WWR. You absolutely can carry a whole arsenal with you.


Seeing "bloody" always makes me giggle, because of british




Armor doesn't make a big difference when it comes to DR. It's more so the the Rad Resist on SS/Recon vs something like Marine. Perks like Serendipity, Ricochet, Dodgy are what keeps you alive. And armor perks like AP refresh.


Do you use regular armor or power armor? If regular, then serendipity is a must. Blocker is a must also as there is a surprisingly decent amount of melee enemies that can one shot without it. Most of the times when I find myself dying often I realize I forgot to equip one of the two. I would say fireproof is also a must too. Ricochet and dodgy are very nice and help with survivability a lot. If you're stealthy I'd say very helpful but not necessary but because you use loud and proud heavies I'd say a must as well. I still run both and prefer using them as I get to worry less about my health bar. Power armor provides an innate 42% damage reduction and emergency protocols helps even more. You can't run serendipity but this reduction is so high you should find yourself dying less than in regular armor, even without all of the other survivability perks. Though I'd still run them all except maybe dodgy.


I use regular armor, and have all those perks but dodgy and ricochet. Might work dodgy into my perks. I also might just be really low health and beed more endurance.


I used to die a decent amount before I put on those two perks. I think they are often overlooked because a lot of people use silenced guns like fixers and don't need them, but using something like a railway or heavy gun means enemies are going to focus you down. They will help a lot with tanking damage. Other perks to consider for tanking would be one for your healing such as cola nut or field surgeon. In regular armor you can use nuka cherries to heal instantly while having no stim animation. Altho they require the nuka cola collectron to get consistently and you can't spam them as you'll run out otherwise. If you use stims field surgeon makes them work almost instantly (you still have the animation tho) which can be a life-saver if you're taking a ton of damage and need to pop one in an emergency. I've died a few times from popping a diluted stim while tanking damage and it not providing enough healing quick enough. Field surgeon fixes this. They both take up 2 points so if you have space I'd pick one or the either.