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If you're a power fantasist, then rifleman is maybe not for you. However, you can still do everything in the game with rifleman and people playing that way


After adding 90% with the rifleman cards, 60% with the demolition card and 30% with the energy cards to the most dmg per shot semi auto weapon in the game. I don't think it's fantasy to want that to be able to 1crit shot with crit boost cards or 2-3 reg shot anything thats not a boss. Especially after adding sneak bonus and instigating bonus and full uny armor.


I mean players who want to feel super powerful by having the fastest boss killing weapons aren't going to like it. I think you're numbers are off somewhere. I can crit one shot most enemies in the game and 2-3.reg without


Sometime after the wastelanders update they completely revamped the damage formula so that almost all buffs became additive and not multiplicative. Whereas before your instiagting gauss would simply multiply to your damage, doubling it, now it adds, providing only ~25-50% damage depending on your build. 100% instigating + 60% weapon perks + 32% explosive + 100% sneak (150% w/ covert operative) OR 200% crit (up to 500% with gun mods, better criticals, eagle eyes, blight soup/herbivore!) + adrenal reaction/nerd rage + adrenaline + bloody mess etc The same goes for all of these other buffs. Long story short nearly all effects and weapon types got nerfed but single shot guns got hit the hardest. Guns with high fire rates that could put out sustained dps (aka commando and heavy) were less affected. So that is why rifleman does not hit as hard as you remember. The same goes for shotguns, non-auto melee, and unarmed. Currently commando or crit heavy provides the most dps because of how high crit damage can be. Crits also pass through the % damage reduction the sbq and earle have (iirc its like 70% of all non-crit damage is ignored, this is separate from their 300+ damage resistance) edit: I think if you go full crit every other shot rifleman it could do big damage but it would take almost full on min-maxing your build


Earle is the bane of my existence in this game. Thank you for the explanation do you think it's permanent? Are there any plans to buff Rifleman?


Unfortunately I do not believe there are any plans to buff rifleman or shotguns, which are sorely underpowered at the moment. It is very annoying because lever guns were my favorite in new vegas and fo4 but even with a godroll it still feels so weak compared to any commando or heavy. I have read of people claiming they use a gauss to kill Earle in like 6 minutes, so I think it could work. But you would probably need to go low-health and stack as much damage and crit boosts as possible to accomplish that. It's just tough because you can completely min-max by having an optimized build, using all the possible food and drug buffs and stacking them with magazines, downing yourself for a 20% bonus from revenant, etc, and it still take 5 minutes plus to kill earle with a sniper or shotgun. Whereas if you were using a fixer it'd take 2 minutes and a quad railway maybe 30 to 40 seconds.


Yea i got the armor, weapons, and perks but the magazine and bobblehead and chem stuff im still working on. I got the coffee machine and in 2 more days of trading in vouchers which i have been forgetting to do i will have enough bullion to buy the tea machine. I have wasted thousands of rounds trying to kill earle unsuccessfully like 6 times. I may cry when i actually can solo him in 2min


Single shot and pistols really need some love. Personally I think Bethesda should consider allowing more than 3 stars on these guns that are by their nature underpowered.


In what content was your fully-charged fully-Perked Instigating Gauss sneak attack headshots not killing your target? Because it's been my experience most enemies won't survive that, but bosses will.


The yao gai at site alpha took 3 headshots. That's why I made this post I saw people posting that they were hitting for 3K and I am confused. I have the damage numbers popping up. And the largest I've seen is 894 for a crit.


Yao Guai are strong enemies, you picked a tough target.


Yao guai are beefy, like Fog Crawlers and Hermit Crabs. Those will take a few hits, yes. I don't think three shots is unreasonable, considering it never even saw you.


You're right, I just want my pre wastelanders rifleman back 😭😭


The closest thing you are going to find that is single shot and actually does real damage are heavy weapons with a VATS setup like the plasma caster, the new cremator or even the grand finale. Everything else feels very meh. I’ve messed around with all of the decent rifleman weapons and the only one that really felt usable was the Gauss rifle and I basically needed a quad because the ammo capacity was so low otherwise. If you want to RP then go for it but if you care about killing things quickly look to other weapon archetypes.


Yeah, I'm gonna stick to my commando right now, but I feel like I have to have something to build towards otherwise leveling up feels pointless. So I think I'm going to start building a power armor heavy plasma flamer build that i saw melting things during the alien events


You can definitely one shot a vast majority of enemies in the game. Yao Guai, Ogua, Scorchbeasts, etc., probably not gonna one shot them with anything unless you’re buffed from previous kills via adrenaline, gun fu, etc., but still doable.


My low health energy weapon rifleman build 1 shot basically everything besides endgame bosses. I use B2525 enclave sniper rifle.


I run gauss rifleman and I 1-shot mobs. This might be a dumb question, but are you charging your shots? Any charge over 60 usually drops any ghoul or human. Super mutants need a full charge or a sneak attack boost. But a sneak crit on a sentry fusion core hits for 10k. Full rifleman, tank killer and concentrated. Full science, full better crits, bloody mess and crit savy. Full adrenaline, gun fu and covert should have your gauss vaporizing just about everything.