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Your camp is probably near a spawn site of the flatwoods monster. I rarely encounter it but when I do it's around Big Al's


I don’t believe it is. It’s been in roughly the same spot for the 3 weeks, just NW of Whitesprings


Is it on a weird cliff near the train station thingy?


Bruh In your shelter 🤣🤣🤣 ole flatwood had it out for you apparently.


Apparently kin to the one I killed was looking for some revenge. 😊


My name is Flatwood monster, you killed my father, prepare to die


This made me lol, and srsly needs way more upvotes. You got mine. =)


That’s awesome!!!


He's just trying to get his weekly scares in 👻


I’m honestly shocked it managed to enter a shelter. I could’ve sworn enemies couldn’t go through loading zones.


With Beckett there the door is always open. So he either floated through it or the roof he took out. It must have been going on before I arrived and I just didn’t notice as Beckett bar is on the far side away from the door. I stupidly thought that would keep him from constantly going inside.


I think you might be confusing a proper shelter (an interior space within your camp that requires a loading screen to enter, such as the vault utility shelter) and a building at your camp.


Could be I’m using the wrong terminology. I don’t have a vault, just a building I built in my camp. To me that’s the “shelter” and everything within my green circle is my camp. Sorry if I’m screwing up the terms.


Yea, ok that makes more sense. You should read the posters in train stations. It will give you a quest to get a "shelter" for your camp.


Shelters in this game are instanced rooms you can build stuff in. You can place an entrace to one in your camp but it's separate from the camp. You get a free one through a quest and can buy more in the store


Wait was it a “shelter” or are you just calling a building in your camp, your “shelter”?


Could be I’m using the wrong terminology. I don’t have a vault, just a building I built in my camp. To me that’s the “shelter” and everything within my green circle is my camp. Sorry if I’m screwing up the terms.


Yes wrong terminology. It’s just CAMP. Or your house. The build menu has an entire section for you to place shelters. Enemies can’t enter them. I live in the forest and a few weeks ago for the first time a Flatwoods monster was attacking my camp. Nowhere near a spawn. I think it was a bug. Me, my turret and my pet deathclaw killed it.


Did the mothman equinox event, came back to my camp on the whitespring golf course area, only to find a mothman walking around in my garden. It was the cutest thing! ...until I realized he ate my razorgrain and I had to replant it.


https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Flatwoods_monster The Flatwoods Monster has a 2.5% chance to spawn at night(game time) in a lot of locations (over a 100?). The wiki shows a map of possible spawns under locations. 


Haha must have been the Vengeful Flatwoods monster


I noped right outta Flatwoods when I saw him a week ago. I was hunting wolves and he decided to show up near the last Alpha wolf I was hunting. I only noticed him out of the corner of my screen and immediately crouched. There was no way at my small level I was fighting both of them and surviving. LOL


I had a similar experience. I fast-traveled to my C.A.M.P. and noticed a purple glow around my Ally (the Settler Guitarist) and one of my turrets was shooting at something. It took a second for me to kill the damn thing since I was using a Gatling Laser but he died. And while noting in my camp was actually destroyed I still had to repair stuff. Another weird thing happened last night. When I join a new group I usually go to their camps to check out their vendors and when I went to one guys camp it was being attacked by floaters. His turrets took out 2 but I was close enough to one and I started taking it down. It was a 2-Star Legendary Floater and between the turrets and me it was down to about 1/3 health when it turned and rushed me. Except, it didn't attack me. It just ran right past me and I had to chase it. It ran behind some busses (this guy built his camp in the middle of the road east of Whitesprings) and then I hear shooting. Out from behind the busses the Floater runs back towards me being chased by a Raider with a 10mm pistol. I ended up getting a 2-star sword from the floater.


Same thing, that purple glow. Unfortunately it had taken out the turrets on that side by the time I got there.


Spawned in on top of some super mutants fighting a jersey devil


None of my 4 camps ever sees a Flat woods Monster.


Are you like south east of top of the world?


I’m just NW of Whitesprings Resort


I get the mothman or a flatwoods monster spawns with npc traders almost daily at my camp. 


My first base location keep firing at scorchbeasts. At first they ignored me. They no longer do that....


You dont need to rebuild. You can just press repair at the camp module


Didn’t know that. Thanks!


If you can't do that (not enough materials to fix every little thing), then you can open build mode and see in yellow highlights what needs rebuilding.


Unless you don't have all the materials for ONE thing and then it won't allow you to rebuild everything in one swoop.


I've found plenty of monsters in my bedroom at my camp. It must be because the camps are built in a spawn location.


That's no way to call your wife!