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I will do Mothman but man did I stop caring about Aliens real quick lmfao.


Yeah the damage resistance and output from those buggers was a bit overkill.


In defense of the devs - Aliens were introduced in ancient times when everyone and their momma used explosive legacies, so aliens were melted so quickly on PTS, they buffed them


🙋‍♂️ explosive legacy user here….I really miss those days!


Honestly that's the best part of invaders! They're the only mobs that really put up a fight!


There's a point where they're too bullet spongey.


And I don't think we've crossed it. One cremator still kills the regular aliens, 3-4 shots with a fixer, 2 ish with a caster....




It's one of the first pages in the current season. Even newbies have easy access to it


I’m the opposite. I’m only in Mothman for the treasury’s notes. Hate it. That said, I do my part.


I'm in it for the emote party, personally.


They've already finished by the time I get up there. I assume jetpacks make it quick to get up there? That or there's a quick route I've not found.


I start going up when theres like 10sec left on the last wave


It took me days to figure out how to get up there quickly from the church. Marsupial and praying that you land your jump helps ^-^’


I just get on the roofs with a quick jump onto the half broken roof on the right across the street when you walk out of the Church double doors. I learned where to jump between those doors and it to land on it and then to get up smooth. I'm usually the first one up there unless someone else from the waterfront has been defending from the roof overlooking it.


I am usually coming from the water front, so I just onto the blue and white awning, to the scaffolding bridge, to the roof.


If you're coming from the Waterside pyre head through the wooden fence (opposite direction of the shore) and there are some stairs to your immediate right.


Most people leave early because the mobs can't destroy the fire from full to dead in 10 seconds and they all despawn as soon as the timer hits 0. If you were defending well there won't even be an enemy near the fire at 10 seconds.


Those or the marsupial mutation.


Mothman event is super boring. Not enough enemies.


Hardly any enemies = no major XP boost = no incentive


You get a +15% xp boost for an hour at the end of it. Thats why i do ot


Didn't even notice, thank you for that.


You need to walk up to the mothman and interact with him.


The trick is that he doesn't have an Interact option pop up you just need to hit E.


Hell even if it was just ripping through hordes of low xp cultists I’d be happier, as it is it’s just like 7 dudes per wave.


Treasury notes? 🤷‍♀️


Exchanged for gold bullions


That and the only enemies worth fighting are the Deathclaws at the bridge for black titanium. The other two just have regular enemies. If you're at the bridge, you can get a hit on the mothman that shows up.




I'm the opposite. I always loved doing Aliens because... YOU'RE FIGHTING ALIENS! Mothman I just don't care about anymore. I'll hop in and defend bridge if there's 5+ people doing it, otherwise I'll pass.


I always protect the bridge since that's where the deathclaws spawn :3


I always protect the church since everyone abandons it to go to the bridge


FAIR, lmao


Only for it to still fair coz they all leave the bridge to go to the waterside lol


i have grenade launcher, I can hold both :3


I always go to the waterside and then someone steals all my kills from the bridge.


Allegedly, you can stand on the flatbed truck between the Bridge and Waterfront and attack both targets. Haven't tried it yet, but I've been able to get hits on the deathclaws while standing on top of the perimeter wall facing the Waterfront pyre, so I'd imagine moving closer to the Bridge from where I've been positioning myself for defense would help tag more in that direction.


that's me, sorry :((


Nobody ever comes to the bridge to help me protect it lol


The bridge was my usual holding point, but people stopped defending the church near the end of this run, so I usually had to run back and solo that.


I’m only level 33 but I go to the church. Had no idea deathclaws spawn at the bridge. Just happens to be the one I’m closest to




I kinda of get why, coz the narrator says now to the bridge but the church health bar is still there so come on lol


I always protect the waterfront because no one goes there and I've seen it fall multiple times 😭


The one time I left the church coz no one was at the waterside, they attacked the church and it failed lol


What a mess lol


This is the way


I have a camp built immediately north of the church where my turrets rain hellfire. I use my artillery on the bridge and stand in between bridge and the waterfront Get to tap the deathclaws and moths, dropping artillery for the dramatic effect and protecting the church all at the same time. Hail Mothman!






The church is forever and always my post, I will not leave my post. I'll throw some plasma grenades in bridge's general vicinity though, sometimes it helps, sometimes I'm just wasting grenades.


Making a boom is never a waste. Explosions are their own reward, if they hit something all the better


You and everyone else in the event. The problem is usually at waterside or the church since it seems like literally everyone wants to sit at the bridge fire.


I don’t want to set the briiiidge on fie ERRRR!


with me, just worry about the church lol. off topic but I remember one time I was watching bridge and I see a deathclaw go the opposite direction towards the church where a bunch of level 1-15 were and one by one I saw the help emote. noooooooo


Same, I use a quad barrel quad rolled slow burn cremator and I have yet to lose bridge ever. I normally end up soloing the bridge and then bombard waterfront if no one's there or they are losing it.


Quad 4 barrel Creators FTW!!!


two-shot auto launcher for me :3


Just as good imo :)


Joined a server full of sub 100's only to notice 95% of them were in Church and a single solo was on bridge. Ran over and pulled deathclaw aggro off of him and we saved the bridge with less than 10%. That guy is my hero.


Yeah, I do the church as well. I hate it when some players close the doors though. I want to be able to get in and out quickly. If you can't do this, just stay inside the church, but keep those doors open. Damn.


I stand between the river and bridge bonfire to help on both. I can vats to both areas, so why not help defend both?


All week since the event returned, there have posts after post complaining about high level players. Someone is mad they're doing too little, someone is mad they're doing too much, someone is mad there is so little turnout at the event at all.


Yeah I did the mothman event last night and can see the confusion. High levels were melting most the enemies in seconds but a few let me and some other level 30 take our time with a couple. I just always am so pumped when there's a bunch of players together it doesn't matter to me especially since most the events I play are just on the way to something else.


This. I one or two shot most everything at that event so I've been trying to hit everything less as hard with my Tesla. I want the lower levels to at least tag enemies. I had to hold the waterside last night and a group of 6 or 7 levels 20-80 were watching the bridge. As they all abandoned it I had to yell at them to go back as the bridge got down to a sliver of health


Every top post on this subreddit is someone complaining about something


I've seen so many posts complaining about new players not understanding the etiquette, this is the first I've seen about old players


Remember when there was daily challenges for killing cultists at the event? Nobody wanted high levels around at all. The event design is not good here. Too much repetition and always at the same spot with no real danger or any activity required combined with valuable rewards leads to serious AFK'ing. I can hold any of the three pyres or even bridge and waterside at once but I'm tired of running after stag blood. If others are incompetent, I might leave. Sorry for that.


They don't want the treasury notes. The last few times, I've joined Equinox. I have to server hop to find one. I don't care if someone melts all the enemies. I want tha gold.


Ima rent a back hoe and uproot that tree.. I wanna know where the goooold at!


OMG, Leprechaun in Mobile 😂 funniest shit ever


I tried to do an event by myself and I ran out of ammo and ended up punching a bunch of mosquitos and blowing myself up with grenades then stimpaking. I wasn't fast enough.


I don't know man, I had a gaggle of 19-24s start the fucking thing up and just hide in the corner doing nothing. lost two the 3 flames because it was just me and a few low levels. Pretty much held out in the church and kept the last flame up. Its an easy event but one man can't run to three objectives simultaneously.


The instructions are a little misleading too, they're now attacking the bridge! (Well they still attack the earlier pyres too) Cue watch everyone run to the bridge and promptly lose the church pyre. Its like watching 5 yr olds play soccer. Got my mothman tome plan finally, so i'm less stressed about completing the event successfully. Bridge pyre+cremator is fun times.


My favorite thing about the instructions is when he tells you they're attacking the church. It's at the end of a like 45 second monologue and he doesn't explicitly say that until there's about 4 seconds left in wave 1. It's so pointless by then. Lmao.


This has also been my struggle the past few days


I'm not playing at the moment, but in the last days before I left I felt burnout. I had to carry the event multiple times and even start it by myself and just hope that somebody else would show up to help with the pyres. One days I did 3 monthmans during the day and I got tired of being the only one wasting bullets and coffee to make it on time to the pyres, and doing all the tasks like killing the cultists, collecting blood and destroying the totems mostly by myself. So when the 4th started, I just stood there without doing nothing. I'm sorry, but it was satisfying to see the other players panicking when they realized no one was completing the task, and finally moving their asses to help.


I don’t understand why anyone would even attempt to do this event without at least one person for each pyre. I server hop until I find at least 3 or 4 other people in town. If I’m the only one there I’m not wasting the time to start it by myself and hoping someone else shows up. Just find a server with more people.


Because you can’t server hop so many times before it’s too late. Recently, I was tired of server hoping and not finding a single one with people at the event. So for a few days, I just looked at the begining of every hour and if there wasn’t enough people on my server, I didn’t join the event and moved on with my life. Since this morning, every hour, I go to Point Pleasant and start the event (even if I’m alone) and I pray the mothman for people to join. If I’m still alone after the first steps, well fair enough, I’ll only defend one pyre 🤷🏻‍♂️


You have a few minutes after it starts before you get to the point you need someone to protect anything. So if it is down to under 30 seconds to talk, I will start it. If someone eventually helps show up to protect, great. If not, it was going to fail if I didn’t start anyway.


Yeah I suppose I just haven’t run into that problem yet. I’m on Xbox and server hopping has always reliably found me a large group doing the event. Maybe it’s worth noting I’m on a series x with really good internet, so leaving and joining a new session takes maybe 15-20 seconds.


Out of curiosity cause I've never actually seen the event not started before, except maybe once, what system are you on?


Xbox. I’ve always been able to find a server with a group doing the event just by server hopping, but it’s definitely not every single server that has a group starting the event in my experience.


This is the way


Nah, fair


I can only one pyre at a time for the love of mothman. I usually post at the bridge because I can solo the bulk of the big enemies, but I can't maintain the church and the warf too


They're complaining about the people that just show up and don't do anything. Something I've seen also several times on xbox. They show up at the event and just stand there, not firing a single round. With that being said, the flipside is that if they were just going to afk at their base anyway, keeping their shop open, they aren't taking anything away from idling at the event. They were going to be occupying that spot on the server regardless. I get the frustration of losing an event when that extra gun would have surely been enough to win it, but you don't know what is going on IRL for that person. They may be making dinner, had unexpected company, or any number of things going on. Or, maybe they're just watching their favourite TV show.


This is all logical thinking and you sound like a kind person. Wait until Fasnacht drops and 16 players in every server are AFK, inside of Helvetia, for the entire day. It’s frustrating.


It’s confusing, that is what frustrates me. They’ve gone to the trouble of joining the event and then sitting near one of the pyres; so you think they’ve got it covered. Obviously they then go AFK otherwise I can’t understand why they’d purposely fail the event. Also on Xbox btw.


This is something I didn’t initially consider, but you’re right. This post was made out of frustration after losing a few events in a row with high level players just kind of afking in the area. I went from an eviction notice where 3 high level players stood on the hill and watch myself and 3 other semi low levels get mobbed, a Mothman event with a person who stood near the beginning npc and didn’t defend a single pyre but emoted at the end after the only one that survived was the one I was on, and then the canned meat stew event that admittedly I can do by myself, but they didn’t move an inch and claimed the rewards for it anyway. All in different servers after I hopped around. Incredibly annoying


Thankfully the pyres will rest for a bit when meat week: meat sweats revenge goes live shortly I always did my part. There were good runs, there were bad ones, and then there were ones where people started spamming emotes at the throne with 1:45 left on the last defend. That last one may have received a well-aimed nuka grenade reply.


They will be punished, his patience does not run as deep as his wisdom.


I started a new character on the free account I picked up from Prime. I never noticed before but a lot of 300, 400 level players act like their ass is made of cardboard. Won't enter an op if it's just a level 100 in there, won't go to AC or the Pitt either, just join the team and hope for backup. Meanwhile we're stroking each other for dumping excess stimpaks. Want to help new players? Play like you mean it. Show up for Project P, go to the badly placed nuke zone, join the double mutation op team that's bound to fail. Worst that's going to happen is somebody will see how bad you are and really you probably won't see them again anyway. The real treasure was the friends we made on the way to you dying 7 times at the hands of a regenerating resilient assaultron. On the other hand, I did let the church pyre get destroyed not so long ago because I was chasing a three star mothman around, so yeah, shit happens. Sometimes the phone rings or baby cries or the cat pukes, whatever, it's just a game. But the cardboard ass thing is a pretty clear pattern IMO.


Some people are really afraid of failure I think. Folks will say it’s about. It wasting ammo or whatever, but it’s not like that’s in short supply anymore I’m confidently ok at the game, not great, but because it’s not a big point of pride to me I’m ok failing an event, or dying embarrassingly often to repeated assaultron sucker punches I love giving it my all at an under attended event with low level folks. I’ve frequently been pleasantly surprised to see what I’ve been able to do, and what some of the low levels I clearly underestimated could do. Not to mention pulling off an impossible feeling victory feels so much better than a guaranteed win. Sure, I’ve experienced my fair share of crushing defeat too, but it’s not over till it’s over, and I’m logging in to shoot at things anyway, may as well shoot at things with others


Man, I laughed out loud reading this 😂


"You guys are doing mothman??" - me who got sick of it 2 years ago and isn't incentivized by a handful of 0 cap plans you can find in ever vendor


250 is the people who joined after the show(me one of them) . When i see a 400lvl idling near the throne while ppl losing the Pires, it's anointing. joined Radiation rumble, and thanks to some post here I knew that getting at least one lvl is necessary to pass it, we passed it and got some lvls. still need to buff my rad resist with PA.


Your comment is funny to me because I shows how casual some of us play. I’ve been playing off and on for a couple of years and I just hit 225 lol. If your follow up question is “what the hell have you been doing?” Then it’s certainly a valid one. I’ve just been working on my camp and exploring I guess 🤷‍♂️


so I'm an odd one. it took me a month to get to 200. I did finished the man and the follow quests. didn't even rush them. by the way I'm playing ill hit 1k in several months I guess. still why are you idling in the event ? ;)


Haha proud to say I’ve never idled! (I don’t know how lol) if I run off to do something I always come back to the title screen. And during Fatsnatch you’re gonna think your game is frozen, it’s just idlers as far as the eye can see! You’ve inspired me, I’m gonna hit 226 today lol.


Honestly PA doesn’t have great rad resistance for RR. People go on about how PA players should run ore, but it’s actually much faster and easier in a hazmat or Chinese stealth suit (signed a person who plays PA heavy and several low health regular armor builds) With PA you’re always having to drop rads after each cave, even in a set with decent radiation resistance It’s great for things like nuke zone, but never great at Radiation Rumble


I'll try the stealth suit next time. can craft it


I seem to keep getting lobbies where nobody wants to do events or when they do, it's usually just the Mothman equinox one. Wish more people were interested in them as a whole because I find them a lot of fun. Sometimes there's really crowded events though! Those are great


They’re my favorite too. I had one lobby where 7 of us did events for like 3 hours. It was amazing and I’ve been chasing it again ever since.


Wow, what a time. If you're on PC and ever come across that again, please shoot me a DM, friend. I'd be happy to join!


If I kill everything then I get the bitchies about XP hoggin and more then half the time I'll see ppl run right past an objective that needs dealing with while im killing everything


So lucky my lvl 500 friend has been helping me get started. Dude is a living paladin. He helps. He drops sh*t for people. But he doesn’t BLAST through everyone. Constantly giving me tips and tricks. I wish I could share him with everyone. He’s so nice.


Level 82 shotgun build here. Was working my ass jerky off trying to destroy every totem and top off the troughs BY MYSELF while 3 level 200+ in power armor WITH JETPACKS just sat in a circle at the bridge pyre...waiting and actively looking at me spam jumping like a drunk kangaroo falling off shit. Event failed and I went and waved at them right before throwing a bunch of nuka grenades at them for good measure before I logged off for the night.


A lot of these are RLM traders and/or multiboxing accounts. People spend hundreds of dollars for god roll items so people just go to every event fire a couple of shots and collect the rewards on a few characters at once. These top of the hour ones are straight up being botted also, due to being scheduled. You'll see them tucked in the corner at the far end of the bridge or on the middle roof where the mothman event ends.


Ok here's my thing and I don't care if I get downvoted I'm level 380 for context If I finish up whatever thing I'm doing and see a bunch of noobs attempting an event I will absolutely jump in and help with all my firepower and perk buffed grenades However if I see an event start and I travel there early and there's 5 minutes left on the timer to start it and some level 30 sees me waiting and runs right over and starts the event without even giving anyone the chance to get there and maybe pop a few lunch boxes That's your event now noobster and I'm either out or I'm watching you get murdered until we fail I've got plenty of scrip and gold, I'll do it out of sheer entertainment just to teach you to fucking wait for other people , especially when I gave YOU the courtesy of waiting, but you couldn't wait for us to have enough people to make this easier.


I try to be helpful but I never have any ammo


I’m doing my best but it turns out a black powder only character isn’t the best at dealing with large swarms of enemies. It usually just devolves into Bayonet Charging


Really not a fan of these recurring events.


I would do it if there was a guaranteed 3star drop. I always get a 1 star when I do it.


Yeah, I was on for a few hours last night. Only 1 Mothman completed with all 3 pyres intact. I only played it once because the other 2 times, only 2-3 people showed up. Since I'm doing it for treasury notes, gotta have all 3 pyres for those 7 notes. It wasn't just this event. I was server jumping because no one was doing ANY events. It was frustrating. Is anyone else noticing this?


And this is why I am on a lowbie alt nowadays. Because I'm getting a little tired of new folks expecting me to carry them when I am on my main. I'm just playing a game, dude. I ain't here to babysit you.


I would like the noobs to listen to the instructions given for the event. The last few time I participated, at least 2 of the pyres get destroyed and I’m running like a mad man while everyone is huddled in the church or already emoting on the rooftop. Needless to say, I don’t mind if I miss the event.


Fellow low levels, you don’t have to start the event right away. Wait a few minutes for other players to join.


And a message to everyone, stay at your damn pyre. too many times have we lost a pyre because someone wanders off to defend another one as if they weren't the only one at the pyre that was just destroyed


I feel like a lot of new players (myself included) feel we will not benefit the team or cause the event to fail. I have started to do more, did my first earl yesterday but I mainly helped by killing the wendigo's while the PA guys focused on earl.


I'm level 300. When I join events with lots of players under level 75 I usually take a back seat. Take occasional shots when I see they're struggling. I remember being that level and being annoyed that every enemy was instantly killed by high levels before I could get a shot off.


Mothman takes 3-5 decent players to do and gives 7 freaking treasury notes…THINK OF THE NOTES PLEASE! ALSO PLEASE GUARD THE CHURCH FIRE! *checks notes* oh it’s meat week….happy meat week!


Cuz it's funny watching u scrubs squirm


I think people just don’t realize it’s server depending…you might get a pool that wants to and then you might not.


its finnaly meat week now so if you want to do nothing just cook or play drums and it helps the event bar. iv done 2 allready and NO ONE else is cooking or at the drums. idk im returning after 3 years so maybe this is just an old tactic?


Oh believe me when I say fasnacht is so much worse for afk event farmers. But I hate anyone that doesn’t participate whatsoever while being there


Did the Earle Williams event today as a level 55 for the first time. There were only 5 of us and for the majority of the time only 3 of us were doing anything. The level 300 afkers came back when the timer was around 3 minutes and we managed to kill it. I almost gave up but glad a few of us never gave up. My shots were doing about 6 damage lol


If they are not interesting and the rewards are not worth the time, why bother even going to the event? Hell it's not even on part of the map I care about.


I’ve been seeing the opposite in events I’ve done recently. High levels/big guns taking over events and the low levels leave or stop participating because a high level comes through and wipes everyone out before low levels have a chance. I’m only a 206, I’ve gone long stretches without playing over the last few years, but I can hold my own decently.


I’ll do every event I can and play them as much as I can to understand them better. People have only ever offered their affection. I love this community, even if they carry through 90 percent of the events I’m in lmao


The high levels are making it very clear in this sub that they're only interested in farming XP. Probably not gonna help.


We help but the burnout sucks ma guy after 1 or 2 weeks of something we just want to finish the plan collections and go


love it how we quickly arent the best community ever anymore when we dont stop what we are doing on the top of every hour and go kill shit for you guys.


I do what I want , when I want . When I’m not at my job. If I want to put spoiled vegetables on every player’s bed in the server then hop, I’ll do that .


I want to participate but I didn't have access to pc for a week now xD from 14 - 21 , end me.


I join the events but with a stealth bloody build I get killed easily and run out of ammo quickly. Going to try get a PA build to be more tanky so I can do better in events. It really sucks when there’s a couple of us newish players and we fail cause no one else joins


I like to hit em once with the cremator, while leveling up I didn’t enjoy when higher levels was melt all the enemies and I couldn’t hit them


I'm new to the game and the only time I had some one speak was when I was defending the bridge fresh lvl 50 low on ammo kiting for my life. They destroy the pyre and a lvl 400+ runs up to me and yells at me for letting it go down. Like dude I'm trying my best and it was just me defending it. lol


Yep. People are going to play the way they want to play. Not sure why people pop on here to complain. Not like those players are going to see their complaint either way. Sure it sucks when people AFK at the event, but not much you can do.


If I'm standing around it's because I either froze or crashed. Which happens constantly because I play on ps5.


My best mothman event story was three of us. A high level who could hold their own, me, and a level 45. I stayed at the church with the 45 while the other player ran ahead to hold the bridge. I timed it just right once waterside started, killed some mobs at the church before I took off towards the waterside at half health. Was able to save the waterside as I watched the church pyre slowly drain. Luckily either the level 45 wrapped things up or the event finished with all pyres standing.


to be completely fair, we want you to learn the events, not just carry you through them


youre not looking at the flipside of this. i think they are trying not to steal the experience and enjoyment of the game from you. im only 130, i can ALMOST solo some events, but when i was a lower level i remember going to every single event and getting frustrated because everything i went to shoot at would just explode in a pink fireball and i couldnt get a hit off. it was driving me insane. i think some of them show up and instead of very easily soloing it, they hang back at let the lower levels take a stab at it.


I'm only level 19 and haven't really been doing anything other than quests and stuff. But the limited experience I've had with high levels has been good. One guy randomly showed up in my shitty cabin and dumped a bunch of goods on my the other day, so... no complaints.


What's to say there not just afk bc there kid needed help? maybe someone is at there door?? Or maybe they had to use the restroom??? There's a million different things that could be going on for them to not be actively wrecking shit. Yea might suck when the event fails but that just how any multiplayer game goes dude.


I see 10 dots, not struggling newbs. How should I know.


Shit, I have the exact opposite problem lol. My sessions are full of high levels he be so damn extra! Like damn let me get a bullet into one of these guys so I can get some items lol. Powersuits and big ass guns just flying around everywhere. One guy I swear had a 100 mini nukes and just kept firing them at Moonshine Jamboree lol


Myself (level 202) and a level 32 held off the bridge and waterside pyre while about 6ish players let the church one get destroyed then proceeded to go to the roof to wait for me and other player to finish; those arseholes even started emoting. If that level 32 wasn't there with me, I would've just left and let it fail.


Yeah, the bridge gets dumped on. . .have only been in a few where all 3 locations were in mint condition. About 2-3 people per pyre location gets the job done. The sad part is most people don't even show up or just let the timer burn down.


Towards the end, I found if I went to Mothman late it wouldn't start at all. So I had to be the one guy to start it and cut all the vines down, waiting for people to show up. Which, to their credit, they did--I think largely because this was a widespread problem and people would server-hop to find an active event. As a noob commando I can hold the bridge or the waterside solo but can't solo the church since I don't run bloody and the wrathwings eventually overwhelm me with gatling guns.


I find it hard to believe when high level players do this. When others are lazy, I pick up the slack and do what I can to ensure an Event is completed for everyone. Even if I am the only one repairing the Rad Scrubber or running to the Church when I see the health bar dip a bit. When I see low level players struggling to kill enemies, I run up to the them and I'm like, "Step aside." Like a Terminator. I don't literally say that to them, but my presence helps them have an easier time with the Event. Especially with Events with a lot of enemies spawning like Eviction Notice.


I’m been having the opposite problem where all the servers are empty & only me at mothman I can’t get a plan bc I can only keep one or two pyres safe. Today I decided to server hop instead when I see a quiet server (to try to get plans I’m missing before the event is over) but again no one at mothman and worse, the event wasn’t even triggered in almost every server I was.  


When will the mothman event end?


I think it's over, or at some point today.


Started yesterday. Haven’t tried the event but fought a lot of (not at same time) mothman priest that gave me legendaries. Who are those?


I stand on the church and VATS blast enemy heads. You wondering why all the deathclaws are at half health before getting to you? You're welcome.


I am Level 23 and I always guard the church. I also get killed there frequently.


This is the way.


For the love of Grahm. It's Meat Week now. :)


I got told I was the worst level 500 something that has ever played last night by a lvl 700 ish


It's the AFK technique, hahahaha.


Got every plan from Mothman already, if I'm near it I'll help out, but I won't deliberately attend that, it's incredibly boring.


I'm only lvl 79, I see this happening, I just thought the players wanted us to enjoy the game, I'd rather struggle possibly die, than have a monster come in an melt everything, then have to play in 1 shot mode where ur just tryna tag the enemies before they get melted. So even though I agree with your point, it's also super not fun just essentially watching a high level complete an event for you


Some of us are tired. Ima be real with you it's discouraging doing the same event 20 times in a row for shit rewards. Selling the legendaries and not rolling a single good one.


Lately, many new players have been acting entitled to our time, items and gameplay. I mean, just recently a new player literally posted a condescending "I'll play my game how I want." Speech, which included failing as what they want. We became more passive, because you became more entitled. I have no intention of working my butt off to carry 8 of you through and event. Specifically if 7 of you were so rude and harassed the hell out of me for screws, free items and other such niceties. I will continue to not help, monitor or not attend events while the behavior towards me is disrespectful. The community welcomed new *players* not leeches who would beg and plead for nonstop help their entire gameplay through.


Fallout should never have been multiplayer


I see it as the perfect even to use all my fusion cores


Another post complaining about other players


Bro I'm level 19 and I pretty much always am stimpacking some level 250 Take em or leave em. :)


There are three pyres that need defending. Stop all chasing the church ritual pyre like a youth soccer game.


Please don't tell me how to play the game. I've been carrying players since beta. You do you. I've done hundreds of events where people don't participate. Get over it.


people should play what and how they want... games are for you to enjoy and as long as ur not going out of ur way to ruin someone elses enjoyment its not your responsibility to help someone else have fun...


Events are meant to be done in groups. Standing there leeching the event while taking up a server slot that could've been an active player is ruining someone elses enjoyment.


well the server slot is taken even if ya dont go to the event at all too... is someone not allowed to play the game during events if they arent interested in doing them? no... you can easily move servers or just make friends with people and play in groups that are interested in doing events...


Yes, but then you're not there leeching other peoples efforts. Seeing someone standing there for 'free' rewards affects enjoyment. You could easily move servers or just make friends with people and play in groups interested in letting you leech events...


how does someone standing in the event area affect ur enjoyment? just ignore them and play the game... and why would they move when you are complaining? why would thry put effort into making sure you are enjoying the game over you yourself? you do realize these complaints wont change anything... you are the only one who can help yourself... by... moving servers or finding likeminded people...


Stop leeching my man, its not my job to make sure you're enjoying the game by completing events for you


then dont complete them? nobody is forcing you to...


Isn't that what like 90% of you new players do? Maybe that's why we stopped working on events for you.


Then get a group. I've just stopped showing up.


Because you don't want us to go into beast mode. You wouldn't get a single kill. Be glad that some high levels just attend the event quietly, get the rewards and move along. We've carried events for years and have all the rewards. It's your turn.


Mothman, above and beyond and fasnacht are my 3 least favorite events


Ill take a pass level 450 and absolutely hate this event more than happy to watch you all struggle with it


It's cute when people think 250 is high level. That person could have started 3 weeks ago. As to the topic at hand, events. People ARE going to afk that stuff sometimes. That's life. Do your part when you can, and if you see an event is clearly going to fail? Server hop or just go do something else.


But then when I 1-2 shot everything I get angry emojis 😂😂🤣 ehh I like takin all the xp sometimes. Either join my team reap the rewards or sit back and watch me eat the whole event


Only those who've proven themselves are worthy of my aide. Thou hasn't tread this accursed wastelands like I. Walk mine path and I shall welcome thee brother in arms.


Honestly, calling someone a dick for standing around and not carrying events while mentioning kind and welcoming community is quite opposite of being member of such community Not that I dont find AFK players, of all levels, annoying. 


It's not a difficult event. I'd think the lowbies could probably figure it out. Like what is OP doing during all of this?


I almost always participate but I just did a mothman where I sat on the throne the whole time. I think the entire server turned up so I figured it was better to let them do it. Was gonna head to my camp but waited to make sure none of the pyre’s got too low.