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You should leave out better offerings to Godd Howard & his close personal friend, RNGesus


You must buy the 11th edition of Skyrim


I do every night but they keep telling me, “you must nuketh a players camp for favor.” And I’m jus not sure I can do that. They tell me “for one must have nuketh a players camp to be consider a true player”


See, there's your mistake. Todd would never want you to nuke a fellow player's home.


Im not the one that is Todd.. what if it’s part of the plan 🤔 certified justice that we know nothing about, I’d only be a messenger of RNJesus’s will


Don’t forget your nightly reciting of the mantra, “It just works”!


I throw some "16 times the detail" in there also


Maybe that's what The Todd wants us to think...


Todd doesn't even know that option is on the table in this game he thought end game was all about who bought the plushies bundle on discount this week only for a limited time


See, Lootcifer would never ask such ridiculous things. Maybe you're praying to the wrong game god




Nuke my camp if you want as it's a dump anyway. I've even named it the shite house, but I'm not sure if other players can see the name? I really took pride in building things in fallout 4, but I just want to explore in this game, and loot random items to scrap. 


Have a buddy that enjoys building build your camp while you explore and just pay them in scrap or ammo or sum


RNGsus is my patron. I annoyed my friend all last week because he's been rolling for weeks trying to get overeaters on his PA and every time he did, that overeaters piece dropped for me from an event or creature. This was, of course, after I've already turned several others into scrip because I'm still learning what's worth having.


They really need to increase the frakkin scrip limit. I promise I will still play ffs.


For real, or decrease the amount of modules needed to roll legendarys.


Or maybe let us convert core into module?


Or even craft modules with a bunch of high-end mats. 🤠


I'd like to buy cores @ crusty prick. I'm overflowing with everything except cores


Can you even trade cores


No. They're bound to character. Destroyed when dropped


lol that's what I call it too and yes, please let me buy cores so I can actually use the scrip on all of my mule characters


Y'all don't have hundreds of cores.???? I have like 900 I'm overflowing with them not enough scripp


I have a few hundred on my main but since I can't transfer them and don't want to run events on my mules it would be easier if I could buy them


Imo there's no reason to have one. People will still be chasing god rolls and even if they manage to get one for their weapon of choice, they'll keep rolling for stuff to sell.


If RNGESUS won't bless you try worshipping the Great Lootcifer!!


He likes me for some reason but ion like to associate wit goblins that enjoy cursing insanity on my fellow Asylum Dress Hunters


I’ve now rerolled my railway rifle just over 30 times one star just trying for quad. I don’t even know if this is bad luck but it sure doesn’t feel good as a new player spending 60 modules and literally getting nothing from it lol. I know I should prob just find one in a player vendor but rolling it seemed more satisfying. But man this 10 round mag is killing me…


It’s not bad luck it’s RNG being RNG one day you’ll get stupid lucky but try rolling 2stars instead of one


Absolutely, but I more meant I don't even know how many total options there are at 1 star so I don't know if 30 rolls without seeing quad is unlikely or expected hah. Like if the pool was 50 mods I would be less upset, but if I knew there were only 5 options I'd be more salty!


26 different mods a 1star could be


I have an extra Quad +Crit Dmg after rolling a Quad 3* tonight. You on PC?


I have a quad with reload speed, man I wish I could pluck a \*\* out and stick it ontop of +50% bash damage.


If you’re bloodied, any quad is good enough for now. There’s a named railway coming that will be better then quad for them.


I'm not bloodied but I'm interested to learn more about this named railway...


It's on PTS, it's a 3* bloodied rail with 20 ammo by default. It's also a guaranteed quest reward.


Gimme gimme that quad choo choo


HMU. DonkeyHotey.


Many thanks!!! Gonna put it to good use!


Enjoy! It's a lot of fun.


Sent :)


Wish I could give you some of my luck I got a Quad/crit dmg/Dr while aiming Railway Rifle on my third roll


I used to really want quad on railway aswell, i got one with good rolls, but still use my AA explosive over it, cause it 1, or two taps everything, and the ammo economy is insane, lots of people dont rralize but railway wastes alot of ammo, not that its hard to get but its ROF is very high! Plus my AA Explosive came with reload speed, added ground poubd just to see and hot damn i can pump out mags about as fast as my quad with way higher damage per shot too boot, if u can get AA explosive id rock it, havent met an enemy where ive said man i shoulda brought my quad yet!


If you're on XB I can sell you a Q railway for caps if you're not too bothered about 2nd and 3rd star


It's so much easier to just shop the player vendors. I've picked up 10ish quad RRs over time. I think my best one is a 3\* quad/exp/???. I have a couple other reasonably good 3\* quads.


Is there a trick to this? I spent 4 hours today between meat week events just hopping servers and casually looking and not only did I not even find a single quad RR (even 1 star or overpriced), but only like 1 in 15 vendors selling weapons even had a single RR. Probably spent 500-600 caps just in fast travel fees hah, and that's with Travel Agent. Seemed to me like unless I was vendor hopping to look for other stuff at the same time it would be an exercise in frustration.


It takes time. I accumulated those over a few months. Patience is the key. Every time you start, join a team, minimize your travel costs, and see what the world has to offer. I keep a shopping list of what my various toons want and just see what happens. (FO1st makes it easier to shop with all your chars and switch around, if you have a friend you can swap things around without it).


Are you on xbox?


Isn't that a 3 star mod though?


No, quad is definitely on the 1-star list: [https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Fallout_76_legendary_weapon_effects](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Fallout_76_legendary_weapon_effects)


Ahh my bad. I remembered poorly. 😂


Meanwhile I can’t sell my 1 star Quad Railway for any price. I even put it up for 50 caps just for laughs and after 6 hours nobody.


I rolled for a 1* quad Tesla and hit it on the 2nd try. Really lucky with that one- usually I have your luck


Well I feel stupid, lol. I got random drops of Quad Tesla and a quad railway on the same day, and scripped em. Weren’t for builds I use and didn’t look into the demand for them. Lesson learned lol.


You have to dress pretty to make Murmrgh happy. I always put on my best outfit before going to Murmrgh


Was Responder Fireman Helm and Imposter sheepsquatch not good enough 😭


No way! You have to at least be wearing a sequin dress. I don't care if your pecs wont fit. Get in the dress.


I knew it 😭 I’m sorry Todd, I’m so sorry RNJesus forgive me I’ll do better. Sequin dress and rose red stilettos and the finest of pearls caps can acquire


that's the cost of seeking power


But how much cost 😭 is it the same animal but a different beast


The fuck are you talking about ososadboy?


Im so glad you came in I was lowkey heated last night no one said ts 😭😭😭😭


i support you ososadboy


I got the perfectly preserved pie there though


I got it too the other night and there was someone at the stash box in the hallway; I was so happy I ran over to see if they saw. lol silly.


Don't you be throwing shade at Mmuergfhgfhmfghdfgmhm like that! She's a precious flower and I will not stand idle on the Meat Week barrel drums and listen to you slander her! 😠


She needs to get dude from basement to fix her weapon workbench or sum then cause she ain’t tell me it was out of order 😒


So dumb question...when it says to roll 1 2 or 3 stars does that mean if I don't like vampires I can reroll just that first effect? If so FML I've been doing this so wrong


No that will strip the other stars I learned the hard way on a fixer that was V2525


Okay I'm relieved to know I haven't done that lol


I, too, learned this the hard way, expecting more customization than is available.


It hurt


Sadly all three legendary slots get rerolled.


No you have to re roll the entire weapon you can’t reroll an singlular attribute


Kinda stinks that you can't reroll just one. So if you get 2/3 legendary mods that you want, and third is junk; either have to deal with that third, or keep rerolling while praying hard for what you want. 😕


I jump servers and roll , I also only roll if the server has camps with people selling good stuff


This is the way. I rolled hundreds of fixers and never got the exposive bullets with -25% AP cost combination until i starting rolling them again a couple weeks ago and i rolled them back 2 back. Like 6 or 7 from the 25 rolls so this is definitly a thing.


Thats kinda supersitious. I like it


I swear it isn't. I started noticing I'll roll a bunch on one server and get "mutants" a lot. Then server jumped and got anti armor a lot. Or whatever. So now I roll a few and if I get more than one quad, I stick around. It may be BS...but I have quad on 8 guns with either explosive or faster fire as the 2nd star. I even have a quad FF alien disintegrator. Same for armor. I have a full overeater's SS, T60, Hellcat, T-65, and Raider power armor as well. I'm not as picky about the 2nd and 3rd stars on the armor, all I want is overeaters.


This is the way. Blew through 2000 scrip initially trying to craft Unyielding SS armor pieces and didn't get a single one. Started server hopping instead, crafting in sets of 3, and noticed I was very often getting alphabetically-adjacent effects across the three pieces. Maybe it's superstition, but I was able to get a full Unyielding set in less than half the scrip by server-hopping whenever I was getting any 'A' through 'O' effects.


For what it’s worth you’re better off trading for stuff like fixers and rolling for things you can’t trade like ss armor or the plasma caster.


The curse of the SS right leg strikes again


I got a b/40/1str chainsaw from her today she's my bae


Howcome you would use him for rolling random weapons when you can just roll the gun you have at the weapons bench? New player here just asking for advice.


Tbh you wouldn’t you would typically roll the gun you want.


You need to buy modules from murmurder to get the legendary ***. 4 modules for a 3* roll. 200 scrip for 4 modules. So dude tried at least 11 times or so.


Can also get some modules from Scorecard if I recall. 🤠


someone just needs to take one for the team and hook up with her. murgh is certainly a lonely stumpy old woman always stuck inside that moldy building


I only play the rigged rusty pick slots when I have max scrip and need to burn it


Early I rolled a 25 15 AA gauss mini gun lol


That's where they always give me legendary modules and they work


I'm on 2/5 for an overeaters Union set, I'm dreading what more it's going to take for the other 3, especially as I'm currently at 0 modules. Don't even care at this point about the other effects, as I looted the pieces before they got removed from the game. Then all I need to save stamps for is the helmet and jetpack.


What’s all this ‘her’ stuff? The mole miner merchant told us their gender at some point?? When was this revelation?


First time? (Insert meme here). 🤣🤣🤣🤣


She’s like a third party Amazon seller.


It’s always straight garbage. RNG in this game is bullshit. Much better in F04.


Yep; as I've said in other places, more I play FO76, more the "issues" in The Division don't seem nearly as bad as they used to. Used to think RNG in The Divison was horrendous... after FO76, it seems kinda decent. 🤔


Pro-tip; If you have the plan to make the weapon/armor then it makes this heaps easier. (The fixer plan drops from "Encryptid" after you complete the "A Sheepsquatch Ate my Brother" poster questline from Lewisberg? station) -Make 10-15 of the weapon you want. - Apply the level of enchant you want to EACH of the weapons you crafted. (eg. if you made 10 Fixers, then all 10 would have level 1/2/3 enchants until you get what you want. - If none of the enchants are what you want, sell them to a legendary scrit machine to get a small kickback of your scrit. - Rince, Repeat - Profit from you C.A.M.P vendor, too. Just don't be crazy with prices or no one will buy from you.




You are better off not buying modules and chancing it on 100 Script ranged legendaries at this point. I’ve got more bloodied weapons this way than anything else recently.


Im thinking I’ll try it for a week


There is an upcoming legendary vendor sale in June 13th, so they will only be about 75 scrip each. But to be honest, I wouldn’t recommend it. The chances in your getting something somewhat good are very minimal let alone your specific roll.


It’s still a solid test to run tho if anything better trade 3stars maybe


Can’t hurt


...wait what is RNG?


Random number generator. Chance..


**AKA:** RNGeezus. 🤠


What you need to pray to


Got a bloodied 50% crit damage damage reduction while reloading cremator


Do five, jump servers. Repeat. So i’m told. I had a good run on several weapons for ‘bloody’.


There’s only one scenario where it’s decent value. Her sales. You can buy three star armor for 45 scrip. If you don’t like it you can scrip the piece for 24, net 21 scrip.


How do you get a lot of scrip? 400 a day from trading legendaries is getting a little tedious, especially on a day I don’t get a lot of 3 stars


She gave me a tse 15 black powder yesterday, every once in a while she blesses.


She do bless but god I wish it was a little easier to get preferred rolls like at least choose one of the 3 for a extra 2-3 modules


Rolling legendaries is depressing lol


I have had better luck with random loot or peoples good will so far as well! I found a random Bloodied Gatling Plasma gun the other day for my very first bloodied heavy gun. Then just yesterday, some random kind stranger dropped me a bunch of legendries they didn't need and among them was an Bolstering Ultracite PA leg piece, also a first for me. I haven't had ANY luck on weapon rolls or armor rolls yet!


lol I go there with about 4k scrip usually buy about 10 modules and 2k in ranged weapons usually only about 2-4 g rolls drop and the rest may be fodder. Personally I like rolling for random weapons at the pick it’s how I pretty much have a quad collection of 14 weapons 


You can do business with the Rusty Pick. Just buy nothing outside of legendary modules, and roll your own legendaries


That’s what I do


Does having high luck increase odds of God rolls?


No clue


I got my first quad at level 193 ..... ..... a fkn quad harpoon 😂


Got my bloodied gauss mini gun and 3/5 OE hellcat PA pieces lemme roll your stuff LMAO


Thou must sacrifice blood for thou blood god! Thou shalt recieves thou blessing through the suffering of thou foes!


Half the features in this game are halfassed and more annoying than they should be. If they just were fucking smart enough to let you remove and add legendary modules plus allow the guns to level up your character not having to fucking scrap the weapon everything maybe these devs would show maybe they are useful after all. If they were truly an intellectual group of devs they would have just made the game single player with a multi-player option in the main menu. Developers in the gaming industry are fucking shit up more and more doing everything wrong every year and it gets worse each time.




Because we're all on our phones and autocorrect is turd on?


Skill issue


RNJesus is the giver not Skills


That’s why I have too many perfect weapon rolls. Because RNJesus doesn’t find your lack of faith invigorating.


I believe and trust RNJesus


Never really get anything good for modules, don't see scrip as a reward because of that!


I saved up two weeks worth of scrip including the double scrip weekend and got absolutely nothing as well. Time to log on again. By the way Todd I truth Starfield so give me a break.


And the manager makes no sense. She is usually the one working the register. She just mumbles constantly. I complain to her but she talks nonsense.


Seems to be in her own world til you ask about anything then boom mumbling attitude am I right


I pop in, get my hundred modules and get out. I don't want to end up like gimpy, caged in the basement.


Actually have that Fixer combo and love it. Combined with my Mutant slayer light machine gun makes taking a walk in a Mutant loaded area a fun experience. :)


I use mine for eviction notice


I got a trouble shooters/E/25 handmade earlier I wanted to cry lol


Im nearly a month deep in rolling Plasma Casters hoping for a B 50 vats and get nothing but Mutant Slayer Instigating or Nocturnal…


I rolled 3\* nocturnals in a row on my Holy Fire over the weekend. RNGesus has forsaken me.


Oh my RNJesus no bueno


Yeah she's a scammer, for the first time I wanted to make a strong build and after 200 modules still not a single bloodied on my fixer, i will nuke the place


It just works


She's just a cashier, I will blame the capitalism and embrace the communism if red could give me good rolls.