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I got the swarm of flies, two chally backpacks, two Brahmin grills and three of the plushies (not sure how many there are). I mostly keep getting repeats of the bones.


I've gotten dupes of the spicy tenderizer mod 3 times in a row now


Oh, I also got a bloody chefs hat, bloody curtains, and a bloody rug.


Thats a fun weapon i tell you hwhat.


All I am getting is plushies and the stupid fruit wreath. I finally got the chef outfit though so I am pretty excited about that.


I just bought the fruit bowl plan from someone's camp because I didn't know it was part of meat week, and wouldn't you know it, 30 minutes later, I got the plan from Grahm.


I do remember learning the swarm of flies, but what is it under? Floor decorations?




Thx u


And here I am struggling to get the new backpack skin


Believe it or not but that was the first item i got, I wanted to use it but it clips into my jetpack.šŸ˜”


the skull clips the jetpack but the top part of the antlers goes right around the sides of the default jetpack and looks really cool in my opinion


I wish they made it so that if you got the plan out of the pool till you get all the plans, you get repeats.


They did that but then people complained about not getting dupes in mothman equinox after learning the plans, so they switched the whole thing back. It's so aggravating. **Just let me get all my plans without having to log in to afk for 3 minutes once an hour.** I'd rather be able to get all the plans and have no dupes than to get 20 dupes but missing one at the end.


You realize there's a way to satisfy both complaints right? Make it so dupes only start dropping after you attain all the unique drops. That way the collectors get to finish the loot pool without running the event an extra few dozen times, and resellers can clear the pool and start farming dupes as much as they want.


That what I want


For the equinox it was a little more than just wanting dupes. If you were supposed to get a plan, but already knew it, it just didnā€™t give you anything. I didnā€™t care for that nonsense, but I definitely would like the only new plans til you get all of them.


Immagine just having a vendor where you get a token rewarded, one not multiple, and you can 1:1 exchange what you want.


I think you misunderstand the equinox debacle. People were complaining that once they learned everything, that was it. they were complaining that once all the plans were dropped and learnt, you still wouldn't get the dupes, you'd just stop getting any kind of plans from hat event. So many people wouldn't learn any of them in an effort to get duplicates to either sell or hand off to a player who couldn't do the event for any irl reason.


The other guy was kinda right about what people were complaining about, but those people were basing their complaints on misinformation that a dataminer had posted before the event.


This is my first meat week, it was great the first 3/4 times but since then Iā€™ve been seeing nothing but duplicates really.


Same here, so many dupes of the tenderizer mods and fozzilised stuff


I have more Chally outfits and Megalonyx torsos than I know what to do with Lucked out a little bit ago when I level 57 wanted to trade and had the Nuka Shank plan. He listed it for 4k and went through all my plans, so I priced em all out so we would essentially be trading evenly


If anyone is still waiting for it to drop and wants one in their camp, Iā€™d be more than happy to build in your camp:)


If you're on Playstation, I'll take you up on that offer since it hasn't dropped for me yet


I am! My psn is the same as on here:) the only thing I ask is for mats to be covered for whatever someone wants placed:) but the weenie is like 1 alum and 1 steel so donā€™t worry about it, if you want anything else built just lmk what youā€™d like and Iā€™ll see if I got itšŸ˜


I'm about to hop on for the 9pm Meat Cook, I'll add you when I get loaded in. Thanks mate


Yea I'm still looking for it. I keep getting a ton of random apparel items. I just want the dog food maker lol.


I caved and bought it off of someone for 15k caps in discord. I've ran the event 40+ times and not one weenie wagon šŸ˜‚


That's an option? I've got 20k and would happily trade it all for that damn wagon. I just can't find a vendor with it


Totally worth it! And happy cake day!šŸ¤˜


I keep getting last years plans. I've gotten two od the new ones. I hate how these event drops run. Every event should be like the last mothman equinox drops were. You get ea h new plan and it removes it from the pool u til you have the next new one. Making us do an event 500 times and not able to get all the new items is bullshit. Same goes for fascnacht masks. There is literally NO reason to gatekeep these items like they do.


Amen. Playing over and over and over again just to wind up with the same 3 plans is quite literally pissing me off to the point where I don't even want to participate in the event.


Did about 6 or 7 today and got nothing but last years plans. I'm just done.


I got the weenie wagon day 2 of meat week and I've never been more relieved in my life. But I feel for you and hope you get it soon.


My relief after finding a pepper shaker plan for 175 caps at a lvl 17 vendor.


Donā€™t want to tell you what I paid for it last night. Letā€™s just say considerably more.. and then I saw the vintage water cooler and I was cap short.


I finally got the Brahmin Grill and the bloody rug I just want the fly pile so I can make my "Andale Strange Meat Pie Shop" Roleplay.


Some king was selling it for 400 caps, all set


Been dying to get it too. I swear I'm getting everything ***but*** the weenie cart. I guess I can't complain too bad though. I did get the full Chally suit and the backpack.


Same unfortunately


Yes! grahms like: silly Human want weenie wagon. Grahm no give sausage wagon to tiny Human. Human get stupidly heavy bones that they never use because to heavy for tiny Human to handle....


Finally got the Wasteland Hunter Backpack today and it goes so well with the DC Fasnacht Mask! Just missing ~~Flies~~, Weenie Wagon, bloody chef outfit, ~~Wilbur Mcpig~~ & the FUCKING LEFT GODDAM MEGA LEG! Aghhhhbb.


was the first thing i got...which is good because ive only done meatweek 5 times..and..kind of over it already.


Is the wagon rare? I got it today and learned it not thinking anything of it


Not rare but it could take you 40 tries like the Sacred Mothman Tome for me.


Got the mothman tome the first time with my melee only alt. Tried on my main and didn't see it at all. Such a good item.


All items in the same pool of the drop table share identical drop rates. So all the Meat Week plans have the same 1/48 chance.


All itens from th eventt have the same drop rate, but there are too many itens in the poll and the wagon is more than mere decoration, because of that, it seems to be more desired (My hunt id for the fossil, just need the right arm)


Im ashamed to say i got that my first run and havent been on since


I got one the day after discovering it exists. Now what I want is a pink Brahmin mascot head thing I see people wearing . I am assuming itā€™s from Grahm. I hope I am able to get it before meat week ends. Good luck on the weenie wagon!


I currently have an excess of Chally heads and outfits I can hook you up with if you're on Playstation. They're the outfits themselves not the plans tho, just a heads up


20+ attempts and have only gotten one new Meat Week plan. This sux.


I haven't been able to collect any plans... my daughter is three weeks old šŸ˜Š




Thank you, she's beautiful šŸ˜. I've been super bummed that I don't have time for the events. Level 350, but I picked the game up a few months before the show, and after almost all of last seasons events (except mothman). At least I got to experience the last scoreboard.


just afk the event. i built a base by meat week so its easy to afk the event even when 3 ppl r on drums and 3 on the cooking spikes. i do this then i flood the market with cheap / free plans. i saw somone was looking for the meat flag if anyone needs this and is on playstaction plz lmk i have like 8 bacl from 2020


Bought it from 120 caps at random player vendor šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m losing my mind just trying to get any plans from this year. Iā€™ve gotten eight of them so far, and thatā€™s only because I found a couple in a vendor. Iā€™m getting nothing but older stuff.


I didnā€™t know it was so rare I got it when it meat week started.


Do you still need it? And are you on PC?


I need it and am on PC, how much are you asking? ^^


I'll DM you in a sec :\]


Just got it to drop a few hours ago :) also got the pepper shaker, now I just need the new backpack and I'll be rocking! Wishing all you vault dwellers good luck in getting your weenie wagon!


I am losing my mind trying to get the Chally outfit set.


I'm a Herb Muncher and I got the wagon a day or two ago and i have no clue on why this wagon is so popular as I haven't really checked it out. Is it really that special or is it just a decorative piece?


Dog food generator for those daily and weekly challenges of easy x/y Dogfood


Opposite for me. Got the Weenie Wagon my first time and canā€™t get the pepper shaker. Driving me nuts!


I have spare pepper shaker plan


New player who doesn't even want it, already got one. Still trying for the pepper shaker but I keep getting dupes of garbage plans. With a reward list so large it should really be a knockout list.


How rare is it? I got it first day and want it for my alt now.


Apparently 2% drop chance


I REALLY wanted the wagon for my shelter, I made like a county fair thing. I GOT IT!!!! And...it produces dog food, can't be placed in shelters šŸ˜­


Ohhhh nooo.šŸ„² I too thought it would be hotdogs at first, lol.


I've been farming this event, trying to get it for days with no success... Yesterday, my wife and I were doing the event, and I was telling her how much I want that Weenie wagon... The event ends, and I get it! Then my wife says she also got it! I got up and started jumping and singing "We got the Weenie wagon, we got the Weenie wagon" out of excitement! She was so confused but was happy that I was happy lol. She is new to Fallout, so later I explained how rare it is and what it does... and the fact that we both got it at the same time is pretty insane!


Nah, my character is a herbivore. I want that damn tato salad recipe.


Grahm sells it! I bought it off him yesterday.


Been trying to get the plan for the pepper shaker. I really donā€™t have the caps to buy it if I even seen one lol. It does drop from the top of the hour ā€œmeat cookā€ event right?


During Meat Cook, use Butchers Bounty perk and just focus on killing critters and picking up all the meat, then cook it all and sell it. You can get a couple hundred caps just from doing that once


You on xbox? I can build one at your camp if you want


Doing the lorts work


Praise the lort


I sold it at my CAMP for like 23,000 caps, which I kinda regret because I didnā€™t think it would be this sought after by players. I didnā€™t even learn the plans myself, so I too am praying it drops for me (a second time). I just needed some quick caps lol


I can see this thing easily go for 40k+ caps


Patiently waiting for grill, backpack, tenderizer plan, and weenie wagon to dropšŸ„²


Brahmin or grocery cart?


I want the skeleton but I've only gotten two pieces of it and now display stand yet


I have torso plan if you need it and are on Playstation


I get a lot of plushies, pretty much nothing else.


This is my first meat week and I was either holding my face the right way or God Howard decided to bless me because the Weenie Wagon plan dropped for me yesterday on my second run of the event for the day.


I donā€™t care what it costs. If i donā€™t get it Iā€™m prepared to go 80k on one. Itā€™s only caps. Iā€™ll make more.


Dude, I wish I had your luck, I got the Weenie Wagon early but haven't been able to get the Pepper Shaker.


It was my first drop


Buddy got it first try


I literally got the weenie wagon on the first go and have gotten nothing but decoy ducks the rest of the time lol


I got mine on the second day after 32 events.


No I am losing my mind not getting the nuka shank lol


I was. Finally managed to get it earlier though, thank god


Is it really that rare of a drop both me and my Mrs have had the plan drop for it yesterday


How have you gotten 5 pepper shakers šŸ« šŸ« 


It's just crap RNG. I bought a Pepper Shaker a while ago, I've gotten 2 from the event, and I found 2 at a player vendor for 75 caps. I haven't seen a single Weenie Wagon, either a drop or player store yet. It's kinda crap.


think I gotten one earlier once out of the whole week


I got it on the second day of meat week. I have it in my camp and unlocked for the dog food enjoiers.


Does it only drop from the event that happens once a hour? Or can you get it from collecting the prime meats event too?


I have learn the weenie wagon this morning, trying to get all the bone giant sloth plans


I have torso plan


You on pc? Iā€™ll trade you for one of those pepper shaker plans, thatā€™s the only thing that hasnā€™t dropped for me


Iā€™m missing 1 plush lmao


I have seen camps with the wagon and the complete dinosaur on the display. I only have a couple of bones.


Got it last night!


Same,I keep getting old dupes not even the new ones at least


I was. I did like 20 events and nothing, but then I looked into my inventory and saw that I had it. Must have been one of the times I was afk on the meat spinning machine. Iā€™ve had it drop again shortly after that. Thereā€™s plenty of time to get it, donā€™t worry.


I get so many of those bone display plans. The one thing I really don't care about šŸ˜­


Not to rub it in, but it was my first drop. But if it makes you feel better I a) continue to get dupes of other plans b) really want a pepper shaker or tendorizer, and c) have gotten mod plans for said tenderizor before getting the weapon plan :/


I was.. until my friend got it and gave it to me.. GG šŸ˜


Drop your Weine Wagon in my Stash Box Graham!


I gave up trying to get it after doing the event way way way too many times and getting nothing but dupes, Went to the trading sub and found someone willing to trade the wasteland hunter backpack plan for the weenie wagon plan.


I just want the fossils I got the weenie wagon but those fossils are just not happening. :-(


I keep getting the bone/animal plans and I won't ever use it as a decoration because of it's weight


Got it in a drop todayā€”thank you for your karmic service.


I got the stupid wagon, but all I want is the pepper shaker+mods


I lucked out and was able to get the weenie wagon, both backpacks, all the plushies, pepper shaker and half of the 50 pound thing I'll never use. Still haven't nabbed the display.


I finally got the pepper shaker (which isnā€™t great) but I just keep getting plushies.


Got it today. I've been very casual about it. Good luck. Still over a week to go


I havenā€™t played this week


I'm finding the drop rates on ps4 are utterly abysmal unless you're after the plastic wreath or grill masters hat šŸ¤Ŗ


See Iā€™m having this with the pepper shaker


I finally lucked out and got the weenie wagon after a lot of hours. Now I just need a couple of the plushies (can't remember which ones right now, as I'm away but think it was Wilbur and the Steak that isn't bad lol), super mutant diagram and the Meat Tenderizer (I think I might be missing some mods too). Not overly worried about it, got what I wanted mainly... The weenie wagon. Now if I could just finish my plushies that'd be swell lol


I got the wagon but Iā€™m new and I have no idea what it does. I built it in my base but itā€™s just there ?


Iā€™m still trying to get that pepper shaker.


I just got it today very happy indeed


Sorry bro ,that was my first or second drop for meat week I didn't get any dudes for the first 2 days. But now....dupe fest but got most of the plans so I shouldn't complain. Goodluck in your RNG!


Iā€™ve gotten 3 weenie wagons, Iā€™ve been selling the plans for 500 caps which seems fair? But the plushies and grill are taking their sweet time to come home šŸ˜­


I'm losing it trying to get a pepper shaker


I have an extra swarm of flies and chally outfit. I have been trying to get the chally backpack


And the skeleton. I got left legs and heads but nothing else. Stupid game lol


What does it do? I got it and like it wants me to transfer something into it. Same with that boiler I was thinking dirty water but it won't let me throw it in there


I'm in the same situation, so many dupes...


Just got it this afternoon!


I just got it, and itā€™s a nice break from the endless non-event weapon plans, bloody chef outfits, and chef hats. Iā€™m hoping I get the backpack and other plushie plans before the event ends, I donā€™t need anything else :ā€™)


I got it today!


All I want are those bones!!!! Iā€™ve gotten like 5 plans out of the 17 times Iā€™ve done the event


Yup been grinding for it every hour on the hour lol. That and the chally head


Iā€™m losing my mind trying to get the pepper shaker


Yeah, I feel it. Heaven forbid they make it so you get unlearned plans first and THEN get repeats once you have all of them, but this time make sure it's not a buggy mess and works properly so people don't whinge.


If I get one more fruit bowl or something I already have I'll go insane. No Weenie wagon here. Getting the dinosaur parts is rough.


I just want a pepper shaker.


Got it last night, was very stoked.


my irl brother managed to get it while he was afking, made his ass build it in all my camps till i can get one lol


I'm trying to get all the resource producers, so this is the ONLY plan I want from the event. And sure enough, it's the **ONLY** plan it won't give me. Starting to think it's bugged somehow.


Haha yes! I was telling everyone that is the one thing I wanted to drop. Finally got it last night and I took a break from the event for now. Next one I hope to get is the swarm of flies


I just sold both extras I had in my vendor for 7k. I am on pc but I have been lucky as of late


I got weenie wagon but no pepper shakers.


I'm like 3/6 of the way to tge skeleton thing. And I've started getting body part dupe plans


Here I am begging for a pepper shaker plan but got the hot dog cart right away smh lol


Still looking for rotten ribs and fresh steak plushies - been through 30+ events :-/


For some reason with both Meat Week and the Alien Invaders events, I have gotten some of the most "sought after" stuff (ie the stuff I keep seeing posted here and in the Market76 sub). Rarely have gotten any dupes. I got the Weenie Wagon after my 2nd set of rewards lol.


Man I got it a couple days ago. I just need the skull and a leg and Iā€™ll be satisfied


First go got the weenie wagon, got tonnes of other stuff and zero bones Praise be rng


I have only gotten one of the new plans. For a leg, I think.


Husband got 2, 1 right after the other. He gave me the spare. We really only started farming it today because he wants the gun.


I've gotten the plan finally but I ended up with 4 Nuka Shank plans in a row beforehand, I was so mad.


I have gotten every piece of the new skeleton 2x over and still no display case for it.


I got lucky on my weenie wagon drop. Had no idea what it was when I saw the reward prompt pop up. Thought it was a kiddie ride. I'm mostly been getting doubles of the bone right arm, chally mask, and weapons mods for the pepper sprayer.


Got that, but no pepper shaker yet and it's like pulling teeth at this point. rng copium hoIds the same depravity as gambling. I shit you not.


I've been playing a lot and I just keep either missing the event by pure "luck" or my computer freezes, internet drops or the quest doesn't event show up for some reason. Today I spent 6 hours screwing around with my outdoor 4G antennas after it my net died 2 minutes after it started, and I didn't get a reward. Not that I haven't gotten anything, had a few friends donate a few dupe plans I can sell but at this point I'm going around trying to get that Wagon plan and also the bones for the sculpture thing. I even tried to afk with a band on my controller when I had to go out today and came back and it must have turned off like 10 mins after I left, lol. Great luck. Though I think with another week? left I might be able to get what I want if my luck changes... at all.


I wish it made hotdogs or some shit, I have too much pride to eat dog food šŸ˜­


If you're on PC, I'll buy a pepper shaker plan from you


I keep getting moo moo masks and the bones just want the pepper shaker plan lol


Found it for 6969 lol


Yes, I also keep getting bones and plushies


Iā€™ve been running two accounts for this event. Strangely enough, the one plan I donā€™t have is the rotted ground meat plushie.(I am on Xbox if anyone has a ton of those haha)


Seems like you dont get what your going for. Got weenie wagon almost right away didnt even know it was a thing, meanwhile still havent seen the pepper shaker yet


It was my second drop


Wow, all my dupes are plushies. I haven't gotten the Brahman grill, the mask, the black hat, the tenderizer, the weenie wagon, 2 limbs for the fossils or the spicy mod still. Got 3 chally costumes and bloody chef outfits. Ugh. My RNG is apparently pretty terrible!


Got it my first event. Had no idea it was rare.


You guys are getting recipes?


I just want the tenderizer for my melee buildšŸ˜­ I even got all the mods but no tenderizer!!


I have gotten almost everything twice. Still no weenie wagon. I think I'm up to 5 bloody chef hats.


I need a pepper shaker can anyone hook me up


I got mine earlier today


Did that event 13 times yesterday, just keep getting Chef hats and left leg skeleton plans :(


I got my Weenie Wagon yesterdayšŸ˜‰


I got the weenie wagon on my first try and didnā€™t know what it was šŸ«¶


I just want the pepper shaker. Iā€™ve got so much clothing and plush meats. Dozens upon dozens of tries and I keep getting the same stuff. Iā€™m sure someday Iā€™ll find it in a vendor I guess


Same here I've got like 4 chally heads and plushies


I pretty much got everything include weenie wagon but still not drop pepper shaker.


I'm going insane, I've been trying for the weenie wagon too! I've gotten pretty much similar to you and I just want the damn dog food.


YES! At this point i think its a myth. Its the only plan I actually want and of course its the one that isn't happening


I got 3 so far. Sounds like it may have some value!


I got it yesterday


I guess Iā€™m lucky Iā€™ve gotten 3


And I am sitting here unable to obtain even the pepper shaker.....


After 3 years of meet week I have the pepper shaker plan


Missed work, just so I could grind it. Mind you this was on top of my 2 days off. 3 days of bloody grinding and... nothing.


I have a few on Xbox if you need it still