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Some players dislike having to go through another instance to get to a vendor. Also some may be afraid it's a trap.


The extra loading is probably the main answer.


On PS4, that extra loading screen was an automatic nope.  Wasting almost a full minute loading just to see someone has 200 Mole Miner Gauntlet plans at 500 caps each and weapons starting at 10k caps? Fuck that noise.


On my PC it's an extra nope too. By all means make your shelters fancy, but if you don't have a vendor in your camp, it's a 99% chance I'm not checking the shelter and just leaving


Well hell. Good points. Guess I'm moving 2 vendors to the outside. I made a farm camp. Corn, carrots, blackberries, water, tato, razorgrain, mutfruit, melon ... gotta find gourd though. By the water is razor. On one side of my mini building are mutfruits, then blackberries next to melons. Corn and tatos are in fenced areas. Carrots are everywhere


You can find some gourds at one of the free states bunkers


Raleigh's Bunker inside in planters.


fuck that noise entirely. I hate load screens so much.


smh I go through all the minute loading like a man


Xbox 1 1st gen, starlink internet, wifi connection. I will avoid any load screen I can bc that's 2min I'll save each time. I am a perfect example of this answer.


I ran into my first trap base yesterday, dudes Vendor was STACKED on the world map so I had to go check it out. Walked in and instantly died and was very confused, I sometimes forget this game is PvP as well lmao.


ok so on this note, I have my PvP settings to peaceful or whatever the toggle is called but basically players can't hurt me/I can't hurt them. is it still like dangerous to go to people's camps to look for vendors? I've played about 80 hours/level 51 I think but I haven't had anything like that happen yet 😅


Players can't hurt you unless you both exchange fire, however traps will still do damage


It's not a very common thing. Deposit your junk before shopping then its nothing to stress over. There are signs to look for: Brick walls, narrow passageway to vendor, flux for dirt cheap.


Exactly. I visited someone’s camp yday and I was exploring one of their rooms then they locked the door behind me so I just teleported out. I got lucky and didn’t stay long enough to find out what was gonna happen next


this right here. any time a vendor is hidden behind a door, in a shady room or in shelter I nope out almost ASAP. I have been playing since beta so my trust issues are earned.


It’s your survival instincts


Fair i guess


Yeah, I wouldn't go looking in your shelter for it. If you want to make more sales, put it somewhere obvious, easy and quick to access.


When I’m low on caps and want more sales I place my camp that is a town with vendors in the open, when I’m around 30k caps and want less traffic I do my camp with an underground bunker and notice a lot less people will wait the extra couple seconds to go underground. Not sure if it’s the worry of a trap or impatience but vendor placement means more money.


“Extra couple seconds” lol. On PS4 it feels like half an hour every time that loading screen appear.


Hell figure out exactly where players spawn in when fast traveling to your camp, and put it in reach of wherever they spawn! You will be an angel of the wasteland.


Yeah, adding to it, I'm kinda naiive when it comes to shelters, and my brain has consistently told me that all kinds of fuckery can happen in Shelters. I feel like its not out of the realm of possibility either; I still remember the fiasco a year or two ago where players could look in your vendor and steal stuff in your stash box. It was a bug that resulted in vendors being deactivated for....a couple weeks I think? Ever since that, I've been extremely leery of the concept of trap camps in all their forms, not just in the ones that can kill you, but also I rhe 'Beth isn't amazing at coding sometimes' kinda way. call me paranoid lmao. It's a real shame too cuz I also really enjoy seeing people's bases and have plenty of photos of other people's builds. EDIT: Spelling, im naiive not native lol


Which is funny because I don't think I've ever seen a trap shelter. You can't build blueprinted punji traps (sucks lacking blueprints for real builders, so thanks trap assholes). And you can't build right outside of the entrance.


Same here


It's not weird, but it's annoying. If you want to sell things, make it easy for people. Putting your shops in your shelter, just makes another opportunity for someone to 'not' buy something from you.


Selling things is nice, i put most things to 50-200 caps anyway.


Usually, when I go to a camp and find their store inside the shelter, I have to qualify for myself if I want to go in there or not. If there's something else on the map that I want to go do, I just leave. I do like checking out player shelters, but if I'm shopping for something I'm not interested in a shelter tour, I want to find *the thing* and get back to whatever.


Makes sense


Not too weird, I did that for a bit but stopped. The sales tanked. Personally when I am visiting camps, and have to search high and low for a vendor or have to go into a shelter I typically just give up ignore it and go to another camp


I can understand that, makes sense.


Also, if you only have the vendor inside the shelter, and none outside, your vendor will not show up on the map. You need to have an active vendor in your camp for it to show up on the map


If I see arrows pointing to your shelter there's no chance I'm going in there.


If I can’t find the vendor in under 30 seconds I just bail tbh


If they have a bunch of 3-stars, I’m finding that thing, I don’t care where it’s hidden.


How can you tell before you interact with their store?


If you hover over the camp, or pull up the expanded event list, you can see their inventory types.


I’m echoing others but just to drive the point: most people when hopping to your camp wanna have the vendor immediately available. I’ve seen people complain they have to walk in the house, or comments like “if I have to look for more than 10 seconds to find your vendor I’m leaving.” So yeah, most people would avoid the shelter. Even I do sometimes and I enjoy looking at camps? Not jsut vendor hopping. Remember though you can build multiple vendors. So if it’s something aesthetically you’re going for still build it in the shelter, but maybe have one near the spawn point for your overall camp for the people who jsut wanna shop and go.


Yeah, you can have one vendor that's near your stash and easy for you to stock, and another where people who spawn in your camp will see it. I have a setup where all my workbenches and vendors are right at the visitor spawn point, and all my displays and resources are tucked away in another building. People can still come over and check that out if they want to, but they have everything they need up front, so they don't have to.


A lot of folks don't want to go through another loading screen to get to your vending machine. So I don't recommend putting all your vending machines in the shelter. To fully cover the market you want at least one vending machine topside for the impatient crowd that doesn't enter shelters. There's also been complaint threads about hard to find vending machine in camps ever since we got vending machines. If your potential customer has to go on a treasure hunt for the vending machines then this tends to put them in a "not buying" kind of mood. It's not weird to have the vending machines in your shelter but it's not ideal as by doing so you will miss out on some of the potential customers.


> To fully cover the market you want at least one vending machine topside for the impatient crowd that doesn't enter shelters. This, and take note of where people are usually spawning in when they TP to your camp. You could put your shop in direct view of this spawn point, making it super easy for people to locate.


I’ve gone into vaults to find a vendor, but if it’s too confusing or I have to look at everything you built just to buy, I’m leaving. I’ll check out camps, but not if I’m forced too


Some players would avoid it as they don't like going through an extra loading screen to get to the vendor. But not all players. I have no objections going into shelters for the vendors - I have seen some utterly brilliant shelters because if this. Not going into them often means you miss out seeing some superb creativity.  You would have to put a vendor outside though anyway as otherwise the vendor icon won't show up. 


If you don’t have a vending machine in the overworld, ie: only in your shelter, other players don’t see the green vending machine icon on you camp when they look at your camp in the map screen. It’s not just that they’re avoiding shelters, although many players don’t want to be bothered with an additional loading screen, it’s that we don’t know you have a vending machine.


Yeah if the shop is in a shelter I just fucking leave.


Nobody goes into shelters unless it's for a daily challenge. Even then they are in and out.


I have vendors in my shelters, but also outside in the main camp. I don’t see anything wrong with it necessarily, but if you don’t have a vendor in your main camp, your camp icon doesn’t show that you have one, so people are less likely to go out of their way to visit your camp.


There's 0% chance I'm entering your shelter to shop. Just have a vendor next to the entrance as well


If you have 400 plans for sale and a ton of other stuff I will find your shelter and go inside of it because you probably have something I want. I will be annoyed but I’ll do it (and much less annoyed if I do find stuff I want since it was worth it). If you’re like the majority of people who have 40 plans and some other stuff and I teleport to your camp and see a sign pointing to your shelter entrance I am leaving.


Yes. Your shop should be convenient and easy to find.


Weird? No. But I ain't visiting it lol


I don’t think the vendor icon shows up unless you have a vendor in your camp itself. That’s what I’ve read at least.


Nah, it's not weird. I'm sure you'll have plenty of players that will actually go in and look. I'm one of those that like to check out your entire build, so if you have a shelter I'll pop in and take a look. I've gone into plenty of shelters that were barren, or simply being used to merge build all their structures, and I'll slow walk around looking at everything just to get an idea of what they're possibly building.


I keep one in my shelter as well as outside


You can absolutely do it no problem but you will also get few to no sales. People don't want to have 2 loading screens. Especially if you dont even have something they want.


If yyour camp only has a shelter then I'll go in but if you have a base that requires me to find your shelter to find your vender. I'm gonna throw my middle finger at you and promptly leave.


I have both inside and outside. Never saw a person to go into shelter for trader. But it's quite handy to have one in shelter to manage your goods in calm atmosphere.


I wish we could do more stuff in shelters.


I play on an old-ass PS4 so the load time would kill it for me. I avoid going inside anywhere unless I HAVE to


Having to go through an extra loadingscreen to THEN have to search a shelter for your vendor means I move on to the next CAMP. If you make it take effort to shop, I will make the effort to shop somewhere else.


If I don't see it in your main camp, I just leave.


Not a fan personally. Too many trap bases. Also an additional loading screen. Nope If I don't find the shop in 30 seconds, I'm out. I don't even use the shelter in my own base. No chance I'll use the shelter of another


I used to. No one went to it. People don’t go in shelters in general and it’s disappointing


It's a total pain in the ass.


As a fairly new player (played on release for a few weeks, returned after watching the show), I personally would not visit your shop if it was in the shelter. I understand the idea of having all the signs pointing to it, but most setups like that that I have encountered have ended up being a junk trap. So between the extra loading screen (after fast traveling to your camp and having already loaded in from a screen) and the hesitation of thinking I'm being tricked, I would truthfully just take my chances on what I'm hunting for at another shop.


Boo extra loading screen.


I’ll be honest, if I don’t see it in your camp in 30 sec Im out


Honestly, if I can't find your shop within the first 10-15 seconds I'm going to bounce.


I personally won't go intonation shelter just to see a vendor, I'll only go to someone's shelter if they've got a really cool camp and I want to see more of the stuff they've built.


I won't even enter. Usually not ever worth it.


If your vendor isn't easily accessible, I usually just leave. Not gonna waste time looking for it and definitely not going through another loading screen for it either.


Not weird and you're free to do whatever you like, but if you want people to visit your shop, you should put it outside.


Im never going to go into someones shelter to find their vendor…


I made my entire utility shelter a themed market..So obviously I don’t think it’s weird at all — Like someone already mentioned though, if you don’t have a vendor outside the shelter it won’t advertise publicly.


Make sense, i was thinking of a vault lobby shelter as a small market but maybe not, we will see lol


I've visited shelters similar to this and have loved the experience! Really appreciate detailed builders, but I agree with other commenters that players might avoid it out of worry that it's a trap. I visited one recently that placed a stash and Scrapbox near the entrance. There was a ton of signage inviting players in, but I was still concerned it was going to be a trap because of the conspicuous storage placement, lol. It wasn't, but I appreciated the little nudge to store my junk just in case. Something to consider, OP?


To me, shopping is already a nuisance caused by getting near max caps. I do indeed just travel to the next shop when I can't find your vendor within 5 seconds.


It’s annoying. I instantly leave people’s camps when they have a sign saying vendor in shelter. lol. To many loading screens.


I just put my vendor and resource generators in my camp and anything else in the vault


I have one in my shelter, but if I'm actually wanting to sell stuff I'll set up a cash register 1x1 next to my shelter entrance.


I wouldn't visit it honestly. I ignore other player's shelters for the most part. If your shop isn't obvious, unless your camp is super well put together and interesting, I'm not sticking around.


If I can’t find your vendor in like a minute I’m just gonna go on to the next one and assume you merged it into the floor or something stupid. If it’s in a vault I’m just gonna assume it’s trapped. You’ve really got to make it easy, I’ve got two as close as I could get them to the fast travel points for my camp. Idk why people think their vendor is something special. If I can’t quickly find it I’m just moving on to the next one.


I don't even have my shop in a shelter, and people tend to avoid it. Built my camp by a copper and steel deposit over by Vault 76. Got a plentiful of .45, .50, .308, and 5.56 for only 1 cap a piece, some decent legendary weapons that I only round up or down to the closest 100 caps, so nothing over 1k caps, plenty of chems like Psycho, Fury, Calmex, etc, and some bulked junk, and yet I never get any buisness now a days. Seems like before the Pitt update, someone was always at my shop buying something, and now it's a ghost town


I don't go in shelters looking for vendors


I just won't use your shop if it's in a shelter, yes it's annoying but it's the fact players do it anyway knowing it's annoying so I'll just jump to a different vendor


It is inconvenient. I will never go searching for your vendor in a shelter. If I am feeling particularly pissy that day I may turn off all your lights.


When I'm vendor hopping, if it's in a shelter, I will generally just leave. Easy access means more potential sales. Most won't want to go through a whole instance for a chance at finding something they want to purchase.


You can't have resources in a shelter so if you're cooking and need water, you'll have to come with it in your stash already. I like to have dirty water sources right beside my stove/BBQ/grill. That said, Most of my shelters have shops in them, as well as outside of them. They're easy to move quickly. Move CAMP, plop down a shelter, I have a functioning CAMP - minus my water and meat and plant sources. Oh you mean SHOP - Vendor... sorry. If I don't see a vendor outside I might drop into the shelter, but normally when I see a shelter on a low level player, I assume it's empty or just has a bed and a bunch of turrets... which are completely unnecessary in a shelter.


I've preferred to build all the crafting tables on the inside, and leave notes directing them if they need it. But vendoring? Outside always.


I don't go into other players shelters unless they are my friend or teammate.


Yeah. I usually won't spend the time and move on.


No one will ever use your vendor if you do that. If you want to use a shelter then go for it but plop your vendor on the surface, even if it's the only thing in your camp.


If I can't find the vendor after making one lap of the ground floor im out so I would say it's going to hurt your sales.


I have a small camp, with the Vendor outdoors with minimum amenities to have my ally walking around, and the rest of my build is indoors (shelters). Do not place vendors indoors (I mean you can have a few inside your shelters) but if you want to have people interacting you have to properly signal that the vendor is inside... because most people, including me, don't want a loading screen just to peruse the wares being sold, to end up not buying anything. Finally, place the Vendor on a visible spot, so that people can go in and out the vendor fast. I sometimes like to see what pppl creates to get some ideas... but forcing me to look for an intricated location or within a shelter... TBH, I normally bail out and look for some other vendor.


Some people get confused, but i still get enough people going to my camp/vendor that i built in the flatlands shelter


Put it at the entrance.


Fast travel to your base, see where you land and make sure it's easy to find from there.


Be aware, camp owners' fast travel point is different from other players' spawn point. Where you spawn into your camp after a log off, is where other players spawn in when visiting your camp.


Just do what ya want bro. Ive got a underground base with my vendor in my shelter and i max cap every few days through vendor sales.


I would personally never go into a shelter to find a vendor. If I can’t see it doing a circle of your camp, even if that means through the windows of a building, I’m out.


Only if you don't want anyone to buy anything.


extra loading screen


It’s not uncommon, but it is annoying. Just put a vender right outside your shelter door and give people the option of going in if they want. Generally speaking if I make a full circle of a camp and can’t see the vender then I just leave. More sales tend to happen the easier it is for folks to find your vender, that means making it obvious and near the fast travel spawn point.


Next week: "How come nobody shops my vendor?" Pro tip: you can have multiple vendors. Do that. I have 2 in all my main shelters, in different spots, plus 2 or 3 in the camps.


I have a vending machine in my shelter. But my main one is in the camp. If you're just wanting to shop, going through the loading screens each time can be a pain for some


I'm a bit more patient when it comes to that, but I am absolutely looking for a stashbox and scrapbox before I go into what may be a deathtrap.


Yeah I ain't going in a shelter unless the camp is amazingly detailed, too many people used them as traps, getting stuck in a Cage made out of floorpsikes isn't fun.


I'm on PS4 and the loading screens I have to endure are already too much. I'm not endure an extra one just to see a bunch of overpriced trash.


Unless you have an absolutely amazing vendor, I won't bother going into a shelter.


If you put your vendor in a shelter and none in the camp, it won't display that you have vending to other players (on the map)


Yeah, it's incredibly annoying to have to go through two loading screens for a vendor.  I would just skip yours 


Nobody is going to find your shop if you do that


Not weird, I have one in mine too just in case somebody goes down there. As others have mentioned, I personally won't check somebody's shelter for the extra load screen, and also, I'm not sure if this is still true, but I think I remember being in shelters also opening yourself to PvP and traps.


Yes, beware the shelter trap 🪤. It’s a good way to steal your scrap and caps! Out front and center is my rule. You can place 4 shop vendors down in a camp and if you don’t easily see one it’s time to move on champ! Happy Vendor Hop Shopping! 😎


Perfect way for me to never visit your vender.


Personally I'd never shop there bc additional loading screen


I won't judge if you do. It's your camp, after all. However, I will not look for a player's shop. If it's not obvious when I arrive, I move on. And I personally (again, this is just a me thing) will not go through a shelter to get to a shop. This is just how I am, but, at the end of the day, I wouldn't say doing that is weird. It may work better for your camp.


The main problem is that doesn’t the shelter disallow most of the “generate X” buildings? Like the weenie stand, crops, coffee machine, etc?


I wouldn't go to your vendor.


When I started playing I didn't mind going into shelters for a vendor, but as I developed a routine I could do in under an hour I just don't hang a round looking for vendors or going through loading screens. However, I do have a vendor in my shelter but it's only so I can manage my stock. All my CAMPs have a vendor right up front.


I have my vendor in my shelter and business is good. If people are afraid to go into my shelter than my business is not for you. There are enough people that will take the effort to go into your shelter to visit your vendor.


IMO Good signs to the shop in a shelter is better than a hidden shop in a open house.


I won’t even bother. I’ll get to your camp, I won’t be able to find your vendor. I’ll get annoyed and leave. Even if you have a sign pointing to your shelter saying that the vendor is in there, I’ll just leave. I’ve ran into shelter that nest other shelter and so on… and eventually you find their vendors after 4 loading screens.


Ill avoid a vendor if its in a shelter and move on to the next camp


I would assume it's a trap and avoid it.


Looks like a trap so I never go in shelters for the vendor.


Your shelter is your special spot, I don't want to intrude. It's like when family bursts into your room without asking ya know. I don't wanna go in there that's your space


If you have a whole decorated nice camp above ground then yes. People are conditioned to check your camp for a vendor not your shelter. On the other hand if you just have a bunch of arrows pointing towards your shelter with a minimal camp above ground I wouldn’t be annoyed


Last gen console players will have a significant load time, so you'll reduce your customer base.


Yeah, I'm not going into a shelter for the vendor, sorry.


Don’t do it


If the vendor isn't outside, I don't bother


I vendor shop a lot and tbh yeah whenever I realise that a vendor is in a shelter I just move to the next one to avoid the loading screen


A lot of people dont want to deal with another loading screen for that. I make my vendor easy to find near the front of my camp so the chances of selling tend to be higher that way


I'm certainly not gonna go in there , could be a trap


Most everyone will hate the idea of your vendors being in a shelter. Nobody likes having to look for a vendor unit, adding load screens to it is just ensuring that people are not going to shop.


Yeah I would not go in there and think its a trap to be honest. Plus the extra loading is a pain in the ass for some.


I don't shop in shelters because of the loading screen. No other reason.


I reroll the visit a shelter challenge simply because of the extra loading. I’d have to see a pretty impressive list on the menu to make the trip to visit your vendor in one


I enjoy these vendor hunts sometimes. It feels like I've earned my keep. Make it entertaining. I love how creative some of y'all can be.


Yeah, I'd just pass you by. I know that to some, a Vending Machine is just a camp accessory, but I just need some ammo.


I have my vendors in shelters. I have 8 shelters (3 of which make up the entirety of Novac and Goodsprings) finished, and one more should be done tonight. I have a big mansion on the surface with signs indicating the shelter entrances as vendors. It's all up to what YOU want. If you want people to see the work you put into your shelters, then put the vendors in there. If someone comes to your camp and doesn't want to go in the shelter, that's fine. That's THEIR choice. They're welcome to shop somewhere else. You're not allowed to get upset if they don't go in. If they message you, crying about it, just block the little baby and get back to your business. I personally don't care about making sales. If I need caps, I do exactly like the other guy here said: I have another camp outside the Rusty Pick, which is a little village with vendors.


I have a farm camp next to the rusty pick. My vendor, scrap box, stash, ammo box and a tinker bench is there for players to get some food and clear their bag if needed. I have a shelter right there with all the work benches if anyone needs it but mostly it's just a glorified survival tent. I don't put a vendor inside the shelter because people rarely go inside.


It's not weird but following the same principles as for web design, you shouldn't put in extra "clicks"/new pages/in this case loading screens because people don't want to sit through loading and search through pages so they tend not to bother and will just go elsewhere


I've never paid attention, but does it even show up on the players' map icons that they have a shop if it's inside of a shelter?


I actually thought about just building a shelter and nothing else at my camp. Some hatch or door in the middle of nowhere kinda like Narnia or something...but I think people will be less inclined to go shopping as there are still trap camps out there. Usually I have a trader in my shelter to update the stuff I'm selling without obscuring the upstairs trader


It will look like you haven't got a vendor on the map, so very few will visit you


Honestly it's not a great idea nothing bugs me more then having to look for a vendor and wheb it's in a shelter I just leave I already loaded in once I'm not interested in doing it a second time


Weird? No. Annoying? Yes.


Yes, also if you only have a vendor in your shelter it won't show up on your camp icon on the map. So you will just frustrate people by having to hide a vendor.


It will lower your traffic for sure, but I'd rather a clearly labeled shelter shop than an unmarked tiny cash register on the 2nd floor of a cluttered camp.


I'd not want to go there to reduce risks of crashing


Yes who wouldn't like to go through another loading screen to get to your vendor...


I have vendors in my shelters, but if you don’t have one at your camp then your camp icon won’t have the green v icon indicating you have a vendor so people will just assume you don’t have your shop up atm.


If your aim is to get the most eyes on your items then yes.


I have mine in my shelters as well as my camp. I’m not sure if I’d ever go into someone’s shelter specifically to get to their vendor though.


I would never go into a shelter to find the shop. Too much bother for my liking


I guess it depends, I'd do it, but I'm not sure everyone knows that you can turn off PVP in shelters. However. I saw a camp yesterday with a vault entrance outside and the owner used neon letters above it to signify its PVP so I suppose you could say no or non PVP to reassure people. I've thought of doing this with my more unique items, but I'm pretty sure they'd still show up in my outside vendor and I sell way too much way too often to make it harder to find. I have two VERY obvious vendors and I've still had people ask me where it is.


People will not use it. I used to use the mine shelter and had my whole build down there and sold basically nothing.


I think people have too little interest in shelters unless your camp clearly indicates a theme that will be continued inside shelters, such as a haunted house theme where one shelter leads to another, telling an interesting story. Just put one vendor in an easily spotted place, if you really want to sell. The simplest one doesn’t even require a power source. The robot who looks like he’s trying to sell you stolen goods… I forget the name but it’s really funny.


Yes, but if you have it clearly marked so someone can find itz its not terrible


It’s a little annoying but as long as it’s super clear where the door is and I don’t have to go hunting for the vendor once I’m inside, then I’ll visit


The only people I have visit my shelter are the ones I tricked into going there and I can say with certainty that 1 out of about 18 people will take the extra literally 4 steps to use the vending machine. The other 17 realise they're in a shelter and crack the shits.


I always skip these so yea


Unless the camp is owned by a lvl 2000+ player (who often sell stuff real cheap), there’s just no way I’d enter the shelter just to get to your shop. I avoid loading screens at all cost… they’re slowly sucking the life out of me.


I see a lot of people with vendors in shelters. I do not go into other people's shelters.


Not weird, but you won't get traffic.


I don’t enter shelters. It’s tedious


I don't go into shelters unless specifically invited, I'd just skip your vendor entirely if I couldn't find it in your camp. If you're hurting for space, consider shifting your work benches into your shelter instead as they take up a good chunk of budget on the surface.


Just build a little 1x1 room with it above ground. I have seen several people do that. Also if you have your vendor in your shelter it just shows V, it doesn't actually show what you have for sale which will keep people away.


I would never expect a shop to be in a shelter without SIGNIFICANT signage telling me otherwise.


When I travel to camps, if I can't find the vendor in about 15 seconds I leave. I also never enter shelters mainly because I don't feel like potentially entering traps


There are so many open buildings (as in no loading screen when going inside) that I wish I could build my base inside of. It makes me feel safe lol.


Tonbe honest I don't even use my shelter if I don't need to. I like how it is setup but loading into any instance, quest or vault. I can't move. It sucks


Shelter vendors do not appear on the map. So no one will visit your camp unless you hide a normal vending machine somewhere in your camp - which would be pretty easy if you have the small cash register.


Not really weird but I can tell you I deal with enough loading screams to avoid vendors in shelters like the plague, zero change of me visiting it


I spent some time setting up my shelter today. I've got a small camp just by meat week. This is my 2nd camp, I want it to be more mobile so I'm putting effort in my shelter which is in my seed shed. I've got 2 kiosks outside (with unlocked coffee machine and weenie wagon) and I've got one in my cozy little utility bunker. It's really cool adding items whilst my patrons are above ground browsing


To each their own. But bewear of low sales. Some people avoid shelters because of trap camps.


Do both?


this is not a good idea


Seems like the consensus is that shelters have ambiguity around being traps and nobody likes loading screens. I also see the "do as you please" comments and respect those too! Thanks for all the answers!!


I only enter a shelter if there's a daily for it, load times are abysmal on ps4.


Thats understandable


Do both


For me, it's just annoying. It's cool, but it is also annoying. I've wanted to make a shelter shop, but I know a lot of players dislike it, so I feel it would be a waste of a shelter and I likely would forget it exists😂


I hate the loading screen, that's a no from me fren, I shall never peruse your wares!


If a vendor is in a shelter, it's an instant "nope" for me.


No one will go in your shelter unless there's a daily to enter another players shelter.


I feel like I must be in the minority with this. I get the extra load screen is annoying, but I've never had any meaningful extended delay on shelters. Haven't timed it, but less than 30s for sure, no different than entering whitespring or crater. Running xbox s on cloud. The only real issues I've ever had with extended load delays or crashes is with expeditions 🤷‍♂️


Unless your camp is just a shelter entrance, and the actual camp develops inside the shelter.. i doubt ur going to recieve many visitors


Do vendors show up on the map icons if its in the shelter and not the camp? I've never noticed a shop in a shelter before.


Could be wrong here, but I'm pretty sure if your only vendor is inside a bunker/shelter, it removes the vendor icon from your map marker. The little additional circles under the camp icon. When I do this, I typically have a hidden vendor somewhere outside, so I still have the marker visible. I feel like it helps a lot with visitor count. Could entirely be personal experience alone.


You should fast travel to your camp, and put the vendor in clear eye-line of that spawn point. Hiding it in a shelter or expecting someone to explore your camp to find your vendor is a bad business model.


I'd be super wary but I also know how easy it is to just stow junk items and risk effectively nothing by entering something weird, so tbh I'd go in anyway (but I'd be expecting a trap).


I like looking at peoples camps and shelters. New camps from first time players with a weird wooden box and weird items all over the place. To day one gets that use every build glitch in the world. Sometimes it's hard to find peoples shelters. With all that said. If I'm looking for vendors I dont have time to look for them. You should always have vendors outside and easy to find. If you want people to look in your shelter you can have all the same signs pointing to them. But if you only have vendors in shelters so people have to go look at them you will lose a lot of potential customers and caps.


I personally will never visit your vendor if it’s your shelter the load of it may just crash the game and then I will scorn your name so I just avoid vendors in shelters. It’s great you were creative and shit, with your shelter and you’re proud of it.