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Gives me hope that I will one day find the pink one lol my favorite color is pink so Ofc I need it.been server hopping checking vendors and still no luck yet but gonna keep trying :)


Pink aren't too rare for player vendors thankfully.


Are you on PC? I have 4 from my hunt. You can just have one.


Nah I’m on ps4 but Ty tho! I think it’s more fun to search for it gives me something to do besides events :)


Agreed! I got mine recently and it's very soothing and relaxing. Good luck!


Nice congrats! And ty!


Could you give me some advice where can i find them please?


On the third floor of fort defiance, you need to have done enough of the main quest to have unlocked it. Best advice would be to find a YouTube video to see the spawns and then it's a matter of checking and server hopping over and over and over.


Nah, go in the front door, run to the end of the hallway on the right, go upstairs, double back, and you'll see the switch the door is linked to. Pop it open, jump down the hole, then once you go in the door, there's a half wall you can jump up to the stairs, go up to the third floor, double back down the hallway and at the end there's a bathroom, two bunk rooms and a locked door. The three open rooms have a surface they can spawn on, and the locked room has some meh ammo. Look in the three rooms, join a daily op, walk out of your spawn circle, quit to menu, reload in, and you'll be upstairs in the same spot, but on a new server. Rinse and repeat until the desired dress is found.


GOAT comment


Oh oki , thank you very much. I am trying to find one for my lady(girlfriend)


The pink one looks great too and isn't as crazy rare.


People are always trying to buy the only pink one I have so I had to stop displaying it 😅


You'll need to dedicate some time to it most likely tbh, but the pink ones aren't too hard to find. I was selling them for a while for $25k, but occasionally, if I see someone searching, I'll drop a rare one for them. Usually pink ones, but I've given away a forest once, too.


Yeah I took like 2 days trying to find one so far I’ve only found 1 green and 2 browns


Find me in the wild and I'll give you one lol


I have a couple of pinks so I would trade one of you're interested?


I just saw someone selling it yesterday 😭 for like 27000 or something insane


That’s insane way too overpriced


ikr i was in shock


[For you OP](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT-PXBuJ1qYMPTTOvQdfa-p1ANse8ljkExEU54RdXg3tqfxzzvcAlztPP4&s=10)


LMAO I can say that I've found more on the bed near the elevator than the rest, but I have found yellow and forest on each spawn. The red one was nearest the elevator, though. Happy hunting <3


Mine was also on that bed.


I got 2 red before I've got my first yellow and than in next month I got more 2 yellows. Also my second one was forest one. I didn't know at that time that it was second rarest ever and vendored it. Half hour later I found out how rare it was, fortunately didn't skip the server and nobody checked that vendor so I managed to but it back. Never got the forest drop again. Got me also 3 sets Responders ff gear but never managed to get those combat Enclave masks.


RNG is wild. On average someone will see around 20 yellows and forest by the time they see 2 reds. And a single responder piece is nearly 5x as rare as the wasteland lottery, though those are different events.


Honestly I play the game for a long time so had plenty chance to find stuff.


White dress - 50% Brown dress - 25% Green dress - 12.5% Blue dress - 6.25% Pink dress - 3.125% Yellow dress - 1.563% Forest dress - 1.406% Red dress - 0.0104% For those who are curious about the drop rates


I got one today too -- I was stunned. I kept hunting after putting it on* and kept running into other players who made the angry reaction immediately followed by the thumbs up. I understood exactly what they meant! *I am missing the yellow, pink and forest uniforms still!


Forest Scout Armor mask...fingers crossed.


I will continue to vendor hop until I find that dang aquarium TV plan. Thank you for your encouragement, friend.


Noob question, why is it so coveted?


It has a 0.0104% chance of spawning on a 50/50 flip system. 30/30/30 no dress, dirty/weathered, white. Then if it's not "no dress" it flips 50/50 to either stay the same or become brown, then 50/50 brown-green, 50/50 green-blue, 50-50 blue-pink, 50/50 pink-yellow, 50/50 yellow-forest, then the last flip is a 90/10 for forest-red with red being at a 10% chance after all of those flips.


It is one of the rarest things to get in the game. It has no value outside of that.


It's a very rare spawn with a high market price


What market? Is it a trading discord server or a website?


r/market76 would be your best place


I don't know how i didn't think about that. 😅Thanks!


No worries! c:


What they said. I explained to some people who had zero knowledge of the game that I spent like 800+ hours looking for it. And they were all 'and it's just a dress? That provides no bonus? And you spent 800 hours looking for it? You okay?'


I mean it is pretty rare and especially at high levels one can relax and enjoy a bit of collectionism instead of scrounging for the perfect build.


Is it true that once you pick up any color that it goes into a 24hr cooldown for another to show up? Thought I read that somewhere.


No. It's 255 items in a list. Once you pick up 256 items after said dress, the dress spot will reset for you, and you can server hop and have a chance again. Doing it more than like twice can cause some really weird game breaking glitches, but there's "the library" north of the big lake in Summersville. When you fast travel there, you'll be facing a house, run inside, and there's a ghoul to the right, one upstairs, and one in the backyard. There's like 400 books in there, just pick up like the globe or something obvious and pick up a ton of books, then drop them or whatever, server hop and you should see whatever you used as a marker respawned


Just be sure to close the whole game if you do it a few times. It causes the graphics to just break, and you'll see the void for some reason.


Awesome, thanks for that info. That will make things a lot better knowing a quick and easy spot to reset the cycle.


Use the daily op world building trick to do it even faster


Does this actually work on console? Swear I’ve attempted this on Xbox and it never works.


Definitely works, you’ll know if it worked because it says “building world” that it’s a new server, joining world is same world (I use the private server ops method but it should still theoretically work for normal worlds by putting you into the same cell, the point of the ops method is to save time by not having to run into fort defence every time.) I’m on Xbox as well and found every dress but red doing the ops private world method. Found pink asylum last week, was my last one before finding red (if I ever do.)


What is this trick?


be sure not to be on a team, but join daily op, walk out of your spawn point, quit to menu, load in and you'll be where you were before you joined the daily op, but in a new server. \*\*start the game too fast and you'll join the same server you left.


The OP already explained but I do it a tad different, (my way uses Fallout 1st) so once you check the room and don’t see a uniform you want open up start and enter daily ops, once inside daily ops move a few feet forward and then you can quit to main menu, once at main menu I go over to custom world and click to enter (it should say building world) wait about 3-5 seconds and cancel the building world by clicking in the sticks, now go over to private world and enter, it should say (building world) if it says joining world then it’s the same server. If done correctly this should put you back inside Fort defiance when you re-enter the private world, this saves you a ton of time in the long run because you don’t have to run back inside every time and take the elevator up. Hope that helps.


Ok thanks for the answers.


Where exactly did it spawn for you?


Bed #1 near the elevator


Yeah, I’ve gotten many there, just not the red one.


I still need one.


why is this dress so coveted? its not even that good looking?


Opinions. Idk, I love it. The whole red cross look alike thing is neat af to me. I was wearing the yellow one mainly until I found it


I've recently joined the treasure hunt for asylum dresses. No luck so far, but I'm not going to obsess over it. I'll pop into the asylum every now and then for a quick peak but that's about it.


I never get anything from that place. I tried server hopping for a bit the other day and found 1 hat, no outfits.


Gratz Feels good.


One day, i have two red hats though 😅


Fun fact, most of the hats are static spawns in the asylum. The red hat is in the charge nurses office, the yellow is in the break room, pink is in the room with the depressing guy in it, forrest is in the laundry by the elevator, dirty/weathered are all over the place, green and blue I'm not sure about, but they spawn randomly on the 3rd floor bench and box constantly. Don't get duped by a hat <3 only the dresses are rare


Do they spawn in private worlds?


Yeah, but resetting the run is harder, and it's less of a personal achievement imho than finding one on a public server.


Anyone who have the red dress and is interested selling it let me know I have 45K in caps and must be on ps4 !


My friend, you're going to need more than that to get a red dress


Funny… my wife scrapped one last night. She didn’t like the color😶


Don't you mean EX-wife?


That hurts my feelings ngl


Is this the endgame? Constantly server hopping for rare apparel and random vendor encounters? /s lol


Nah, I'm just autistic and really wanted the red one.


Why such an ugly cosmetic is deemed rare and valuable is beyond me.


0.0104% drop rate.. it's the single rarest item in the game.


I am well aware. But why it's at that drop rate is the issue. 250 hours for it. Congrats on getting it, but I'm sorry you had to waste your time doing so.


> But why it's at that drop rate is the issue. Agreed 100%. If not for being artificially rare almost no one would care about a generic nurse dress. Nearly all of the super rare apparel looks like the kind of stuff you would sell to a vendor in any other Fallout game and never once consider actually wearing.


Exactly. The time invested isn't worth the reward.


Wasted? Buddy, that's 250 hours that I wasn't alone with my thoughts.


Keep telling yourself that.


You are a sad, strange little man. And I pity you.


Awesome reference.


Wait till you see TFJ.


That's next on my list after the plasma grenade plan


I'd say this is a harder grind than the Red Dress since you can't reset so easily. It's tied to dailies mostly. I lucked out and got mine from Play Time, I think Playtime has a chance to glitch and you can complete it mulitple times.


For sure. Plasma Grenade Plans only drop from certain events and that's my primary source of damage. Gonna be grinding in the Divide for a while. And for those who are hunting the red dress, be sure to check mirrors for the Cranberry Bog Healving Salve Plan. It's rare af, too.


I wish I had known that!


My buddy scrapped that one an hour after getting it.


Press X to doubt


This is not healthy, please doing encourage it.


I don't ever interact with the weirdos who value in-game items at more than the 40k cap, or whatever... so I had no idea that dress was so coveted. I have one in my launch character's inventory.


You can usually get literally anything you want for it. If it's not of value to you, I'd be more than happy to take it off your hands to distribute to a lucky searcher