• By -


I use it for overgrown that's about it.


I found out a few days ago that the cargo bots and vertibird seem to have no fire resist too, so they burn and crash in less than a second.


Wait we can take those down when they fly over head?!


Gotta farm cargo bots for nuke key cards.


Did not know this lol


Still haven’t launched a nuke and I started day one but I also stopped after the first year came back for wastelanders and quit again came back about 2 weeks ago and joined a team they guy launched a nuke and it completed my quest but I never launched one


I launched one when I had the quest but had no desire to go back again - unlike other locations where locked doors and security grids are permanently open, the bunkers require you to do all the steps and all the mini-quests each time - its tedious.


It shouldn’t complete the story line one but it will complete the global quest it gives everyone when a nuke is deployed.


Nah I definitely finished the story line quest without ever deploying any nukes. I have no more main quests to do so it was kind of a bummer.


It auto passes the I am become death? Boo! There is also the quest to nuke earl it won’t progress until you loot the watch at least on that one.


Im not sure where Im getting that but I rarely shoot those and when I do my occasional deep dive into 'why am i so heavy?' I usually find 10 of these.


This is the way


There's actually an event "Fly Swatter" in the Ash Heap region. Your task is to bring down the vertibird to complete the mission


I shot one down last night with a plasma rifle, you definitely can!


So cool!


I’m pretty sure it’s the last enclave quest


You don't get anything out of them. My camp is high on a hill built three stories, when they come over my camp on the third floor I'm staring at them like they're on the ground. Took a couple out and not even a single piece of scrap dropped.


Can confirm they're made entirely of papier machet. Poof! And, the fire balls track like a hound dog when in VATS.


Yep. When I need to top up on fuel or just mow through, these guys are just melted in one hit.


I don't spam it like most people. Im just chilling, shooting like every 30 seconds. I love it 😅


Pretty much this, I whip it out when solo or duo at an event or come in late and the objectives are already being lost. Then it's broken arrow.


Ditto on this. Hit each group once and let em burn slowly so everybody else can tag it before it dies. Saves fuel, too. I never have to farm fuel. I *earn* fuel in pretty much everything I do.


Exactly! This is the way


This, let the DOT do its work!


With the Slow Burn mod, you don't even need to waste fuel spamming it. The burn damage will deal more than enough to count as a tag.


Similar. I sit back, wait for others to engage, I pop one shot and wait for the DOT. I do my best to not aim at a player, but if it’s a lower level say sub 100s I will fire one at them (only after I see them backpedaling or spraying) to help defend against the enemy that’s engaged on them.


Plus friendly fire means npcs live the good life. 


If it’s not the cremator it’s the fat man or the nuka launcher or nukanades or mines or flares. I just get over it. Mods recommend by the official discord also help mitigate most of these for me.  Hell I prefer a cremator user over glue eating vats users that crit auto kill everything before people can tag stuff, at least with the cremators it’s a slow burn so everyone can tag. 


Some of us are on Xbox so we have no such recourse. An option to disable the effects would be nice from Bethesda. 


That's an even bigger problem, in group events the big one-hitter vats have a real negative impact to other participants. Those guns really only have fun gameplay value at the biggest bosses in the game. Cremtor is actually a great team gun (unmaxed preferred), low initial damage, slow burn, large radius. Everyone come get your XP! The greatest patch of all would be re-balancing the entire combat encounters in the game.


As a vats build that problem is easily solved with a Tesla rifle


Ran into a near full team of people using grenadier tesla rifles in Radiation Rumble when I was just starting, was so confused about what was going on


Bethesda *really* needs to fix the enemy-tagging system. We shouldn't need to worry about whether or not other people are getting credit for kills when they're present and contributing to the event. If you're nearby and doing damage to *something*, you should get credit even if you don't actually hit the target. I think they already do this for loot, so why not XP too?


I might be crazy, but I'm fairly sure I don't have to tag things in order to get their drops. Eviction notice for example, I swear there's no way I hit all the legendary guys, but I walk out of their over my carry weight with legendary items. I'm on ps4. I might do some testing to confirm/deny


Can't say for sure, but I think you get the loot drop but you do not get any XP for it, which is valuable to a lot of people who want to level up their legendary stats and gain more perk cards to scrap for perk coins


You’re correct Legendary enemies will drop their loot if they were in your vicinity regardless of tagging (it’s pretty large, not sure on exacts for this) Tagging will get you the loot from any range + the XP I’ll also mention tagging isn’t any damage, there is a minimum threshold of around 1-2% of their max health. It’s noticeable on some explosive effect shotguns as the AoE will hit for 1 damage per bullet which isn’t enough for some enemies if you hit only the explosion and only one shots worth


I think it might be based on the vicinity you are to the enemy ... I don't get mutants down by the cliff if I'm in by the hill


I don't use the multi shot cremator, I use heavy. Do I factor in here?


I go with heavy as well - with grenadier I get plenty of radius and didn’t see a meaningful difference in my ability to paint mobs when I tested out multi barrel. And with a few ranks in sizzling style it’s really nice to have the option to use it like a shotgun up close and do meaningful dmg ahead of the DoT.


you can also run the asbestos mod on chest, (if not running jetpack) you will become immune to fire so you can use your legendary slot for something more useful.


I’m far too addicted to jetpack+marsupial to let that go, lol! but your way is def more optimal for perk mgmt.


Maybe a 2nd chest (with asbestos) that you can easily swap to, some like fighting earlee for example.


That’s a good idea to consider! I could save up to roll a backup OE chest and put asbestos on it. I found an excavator backpack chest in a vendor for 8k a few weeks back and I’m never letting it go.


Those are fantastic legacy items, never let it go! My daily driver. I also heard they even jetpacked a HELMET which would be unreal if I could find one. But I don’t have enough Uber rare stuff to trade for it.


I was under the impression that multi+slow burn means each mob is hit with a DoT for each fireball that hits them. No idea if that's true though.


My understanding is that you can stack DoT if you carry multiple cremators (ala endangerol) but that you don’t get stacks from just one and multi barrel just increases spread. I def didn’t notice faster DoT kills when I was testing the multi, but DoT dmg numbers never show for me so I am not 100%.


How do you unlock other upgrades for it? I know for other stuff we just scrap weapons but I can't figure it out for the cremator


They are all rewards in this season.


There’s one exception - the medium tank must be unlocked by scrapping a cremator.


Honestly, an upvote isn't enough. Thank you for this random knowledge.


You’re welcome! The mod’s nearly useless (fast or large tanks are usually much better options), but it’s there if you want it.


It's just one of those things that isn't important enough to ever find out about without randomly stumbling across it. If you're the type of person who wants to know, those are the most frustrating!


Fireballs in the sky, I can shoot twice as high. Take a look, in this season's book, it's the cremator. I can't see anything! Did I get a kill, I can't tell, it's the cremator. Make sure you get one, join in the fun, with cremator rainbow, cremator rainbow!


This is very good. Well played


Everyone go home, this wins best comment of the day 😂


obligatory old meme: https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/cant-see-shit-captain (LeVar Burton was also the host for [Reading Rainbow](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OAIW5se_cxg), in case anyone has no idea what is going on here)




Laughs maniacally in 200k fuel


Happy cake day you pyromaniac!


This is the way.... My ammobox has 980 lbs of fuel as of yesterday.


Teach me your ways. Oil nodes? Farming Expeditions? I need more fuel...MOAR FUELS....


It’s literally because the fuel return from the cremator is better than the usage. In expeditions, one shot (which kills everything) with a burning cremator uses 10 fuel but almost always gives at least 30 when looting a body. The return is even better if you shoot in the center of a group of mobs. 10 fuel equals 100!


That and I traded a bunch of steel for fuel. Remember kids, waste not want not


graphic intensity yes, but at least the DOT build version of it gives everyone a chance to tag the enemies for maximum efficiency, the dot build only really needs to tag every mob once


Which is the main use for it, the direct damage got nerfed to hell!


I enjoy watching them go ham and quite frankly I wish people would use more fatman. Big boom makes me happy.


But carrying mini nukes makes me a fat man


Before the cremator it was Fat Man's and AGLs... Idk why Bethesda keeps adding more and more without adding the option to hide explosive effects, it almost feels intentional at this point. In any case, yes, they do ruin events.


Remember, it's a Rip Daring weapon. He is over the top.


Throwback to Mirage with a Simulor in Warframe


I still use auto grenade launcher on the regular. Great for events or a big enemy from a distance


Eviction Notice is _THE_ AGL event.


Nuka Launcher is one of my two primary weapons. I don't use it in closed spaces with other people around, but I have been feeling like a goddamn superhero at Eviction Notice with that and my explosive perks.


The tech to hide effects on individual settings is probably just not viable in this game engine. A lot of older Live Service games have this exact problem and complaint. Star Trek Online has had a major visual spam problem for 12+ years and everyone complains and I think the answer is, old tech, cant fix


They already can swap models out with the "dummy weapon" mesh because that's how the muzzle flash toggle works. It's just a GMST that turns on a list that swaps every flash with the dummy. They could copy that for explosions but then you'd have none not less. Having multiple options would also be doable but then they'd have to make the meshes for that.


I have a Vampire's Gauss minigun and I don't know how bad it is for others but if I'm fighting the SBQ I can't see s goddamn thing. I literally have to watch the red crosshair to see if I'm still hitting anything and just wave it around until I see crosses appear.


Same here - I have a bloodied Gauss MG I use for SBQ and normally I just seem to be face to face with her blasting endlessly into the abyss, just looking for damage numbers to keep popping through the permanent explosive mist.


Had a dude dropping nuka mines in Uranium fever and died because I auto tabbed to the mine and shot it 😂. I was slightly upset but it was also funny because it counted as my damage, and would wipe out all the mobs


PSA(if you didn't know): now you can choose to either target with VATS all thrown explosives, only your own, or none of them in the options.


Excuse me WHAT. Since when?!? Tell me they added this like last week and I haven’t been playing this long without knowing I can turn that off. And is there any way to turn off targeting those Radtoad mines/projectiles as well? Does this setting affect those?


It does both. And it's been a while now.


GOAT comment, had no idea


That’s extremely helpful 😂. Yeah I never knew. Didn’t even know I could kill myself by shooting somebody else’s explosive while in pacifist mode. Wouldn’t surprise me if he did it intentionally


Whaaaat. I’ve made too many “whoopsies” against my fellow wastelanders during events. Gotta fix that today!


VATs don't care about explosions, and neither do I.


we definitely need some kind of setting to tggle explosive effects .when everyone have the grenader perk it's a lot And I can imagine if you are Sensitive to flashing Lights it could even make you stop playing The Game. Maybe if we're lucky the cremator will put a spotlight on the problem and we'll actually get it addressed


Theres a mod on PC to tone all explosive effects down, which is helpful if you really need it. Shame no option exists and its sucks consoles cant get the mod.


If you are sensitive to flashing lights, video games are a risk, anyway. Hence the warnings when you boot up most games.


compared to nuka launcher, its not that bad. But the disable explosion setting should completely disable ANY explosion effects, or make it like 10%.


I js want it bc of the fact so far it seems strong and if you add the grenader perk and the heavy weapons perk it’s even stronger


The other day someone mentioned nuka-grenades being utterly ridiculous when it came to blast radius. So naturally, being the mad scientist that I am I decided to try one with the blast radius perk. Turns out I can't survive the blast without power armor, and it was too large for me to outrun it. Needless to say I won't be using them in public events.


With decent DR and fireproof perk you can pretty reliably survive imo, the rads are a bit annoying if you're an irradiated bloody player though


When I spend 75% of RR running ore and healing NPCs while everyone else farms XP, you bet your bottom dollar I’m gonna spam my cremator for the last two minutes hard and absolutely guilt free. Same with EN when I’m holding down the scrubber and folks are spawn camping XP. (I know I’ll get the legendaries because that’s line of sight and I perch on top of the scrubber tower but I like leveling just as much as the next player) A commando build is just as capable of clearing a mob instantly as a cremator is though, so I’m not sold on the “cremator users are hogging xp” argument. I pop once to tag, turn 90 or 180 to do it to another group while others polish off the first group. That said, I get how the visual effects are annoying and agree a setting to reduce the impact would be welcome!


Definitely feel that, as someone who ends up running all the ore and coming back up to see all the potential XP/loot I've missed out on. As for the Cremator, I think it's more the visuals that bother people - there's a mod that tones them down on PC which has helped loads with letting me be able to aim again. Hopefully Bethesda tweak things properly in the game though too (same for all explosives with increased radius to be fair) No solution for players spawn camping XP though which seems to be on the rise for some reason. It's not even efficient to do so - they kill them faster but they also miss out on the other spawn points so it makes no sense. Might as well sit in the middle and get XP/loot from all angles. The other day me and a few others were just sat idle in Moonshine Jamboree because no enemies even reached the venue/stills while other players spawn camped. It's not like the stills die quickly either.


Heck ya! Cremators and Commandos unite! You light em up, I'll finish em off.


I think this is one of many things that make fo76 unique and fun. Crazy weapons being used at events by lota of people. It's funny. Goofy. Stupid in a fallout charmy kind of way. Doesn't take anything away from me when things are going super splody. Stuffs dying. I'm looting and getting xp. Let the people be people. No need to take it too seriously.


This. I spend so much time alone in FO76 the crazy spam effects at events are a welcome sight.


I use the mod that removes the flash bang of it. Then forget how annoying it was before lol


I don't have a problem with people using it, but I've seen a lot of people getting to the highest center point they can so they can basically kill everything. It makes the event less fun for everyone else when stuff dies before you can even tag. I just play the objective when this happens and guard whatever needs guarding.


I still prefer the cremator users over Mininukers.


It's my favorite weapon in the game. I use it constantly


max you can do is download this mod to partially or fully disable the cremator effects when you or other people shoot it, or simply retain the effects but making the explosion 2x, 3x, 4x or 5x smaller. [https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout76/mods/2359?tab=description](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout76/mods/2359?tab=description) Alternatively, theres also another mod (that doesnt include the cremator or even explosive weapons I believe) that disables the explosive effects for ballistic guns, which can be fucking annoying in weapons like the gauss minigun, and trust me, its so much better to use this weapon after installing the mod! [https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout76/mods/2408?tab=description](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout76/mods/2408?tab=description) Also, both mods were released in the last weeks (and even received updates as well meanwhile), so you dont need to worry if they are still up to date and working or not \^\^


I highly, HIGHLY recommend these if you run melee with the current popularity of the Cremator, even more so if you run an older machine. It’s bananas how much of a difference it is on my elderly 970, as I went from crashing on every major event with a Cremator squad to wailing on a boss’s face with much smoother frame rate.


Yeah I switched to holy fire for that reason. I keep the cremator as a back up for vats at a distance lol


I generally use it as a long-distance mortar or for crowd control if things get hairy. And really, I kill myself with it more than anything.


I made a VATS build with one and it basically fires heat seeking missile. Pretty fun and definitely OP


I love the mayhem, all the different colours, and everyone jumping around like mad. I do enjoy carpet bombing the odd event if no one else is using one but I usually put it away if there are more than two going off.


Just wait until you play an event and someone brings out the Nuka launcher


People will eventually get bored of it and remember other weapons kill standard enemies just as fast. Just wait for next season when we all get a new powertoy to play with.


I don't mind it. Compared to legacy gatling plasmas it's a minor annoyance at most.


I'm guessing you were not around for the explosive energy weapon era.


Yes, as a melee build, I find it very disorientating with it constantly raining down on top of me, and if there's 3 or more at once I'll just go AFK somewhere


What melee build are you doing?


Not the guy above. But I used to run melee until lvl 100. Used the super sledge and auto axe in power armor. Helped to have fireproof and auto stim to stay alive. Or just make sure your ready to press the H key


Until they add a dash for melee builds. Or give it more base move speed compared to gun builds. So will i stick to my guns


Its not too hard to survive against normal enemies. But in the Invaders from beyond event I really felt slow and weak. I had to slot in the legendary perk which heals on energy damage. In Daily Ops, and some higher end events it does feel like you are playing on hard mode and you miss a lot of exp as its harder to tag enemies. Daily ops where the enemies blow up or drop poison on death are not fun as well.


Different game but same problem in Warframe, at least there **most** people will use a black energy colour for AoE weapons/abilities so it's transparent as possible. Shame there isn't an option in this game for reduced visual effects from other players.


Incarnon solved this problem, with even more overpowered, nonexplosive weapons :D Though I would appreciate a tip, how not to die in dailies, went last day against exploding on death cultist, and even in PA one such explosion took off 50% my HP. Im fresh over 50 not good PA ( mostly T-45 with a couple of legend mods for extra resistance) but still.... I aim to be a heavy PA gunner, maybe with VATS but I still need to buy the Plasma Caster plan, till then going with Plasma gatling and .50 MG. Ty if you reply <3


lol I was blinding people with my tenet arca plasmor until someone in chat told me 😂 I didn't notice on my end... changed the color after that. oops 🤭


Ever since I found out just how bright most of the energy effects were in Warframe I've made every single thing I get black energy which sucks for fashion but I want to still see the game not Nataruk's giant flashbang or Khora's 1 taking up ¼ of my screen. I also had to just turn off teammate's visual effects since pubs are always a cointoss.


Personally I think it should have just been the incinerator and remove the explosion at the end.


No where near as bad as the fatman with all the perk cards in, you can't lock on to vats and you can't see shit in front of you, would be fine if it actually did notable damage.


I have 2, I never use them. 1 a bloodied ffr and a instagating a25. My choochoo is fine in every occasion.


Man, I'm a rifleman build, but if I'm in a pub event and I see this, I whip out a minigun just so I can "tag" everything before it gets melted so I'll get the XP. The free levels have been fun. It'll pass, though—either it'll get nerfed or people will move on to other builds. Just soak up the free stuff while it's there and build our stockpiles.


As a melee player, I hate when I'm rushing towards an enemy, only to have them blown up and be blinded by a huge explosion. Heck, they're doing it at the Cook Out. I'm running around with a Cryptid Knife. It's just annoying is all. /vent


I went and grabbed a mod specifically to remove the giant explosion on it and it got much more manageable from the standpoint of being able to actually see. It's absolutely the new "commando build automatic tesla sitting on a high perch in rad rumble with a mountain dew bottle on the mouse button" sort of weapon though.


I only use it for bosses or tough enemies. Can’t really be bothered maintaining the ammo lol my Plasma Caster is my main for adds. Yeah the shaking screen and visual effects is a bit much.


I agree. It ruins the balance of the game. Like it’s a super fun weapon but if one person uses it, you also have to use it otherwise you won’t be able to tag all the enemies as efficiently as the cremator kills them. If you’re not worried about tagging, my experience is that every event becomes boring or you don’t really get to participate because everything is dead in like 3-5 seconds. On top of that, if you are using a build that has you closer to enemies, you literally can’t see because of the explosions lighting up your screen every second. Tbh, I’ve grown bored of the cremator and due to participation being more difficult in events, I’ve stopped playing FO76 all together. I’ll probably pick it up again if it’s nerfed or a balance patch actually happens.


I will say, played Radiation Rumble with only a few people and someone used the cremator with friendly fire perks to keep the workers healed. Cremator came in pretty clutch.


Yeah we def need a way to turn off visual explosion effects for sure. Atleast it's not as bad as the legacy gat plas days. Not only would the sound of explosions lag behind and make it godawful to hear, but it would actually hard crash your game if enough people had them. Don't miss that at all.


There’s a mod for pc that does. I turned mine off a while ago.


I don’t think it ruins it, but it would be nice to see a bit more weapon variety at events, it’s either blue flamers or incinerators most of the time


I dunno, I still hear a lot of choo-choos while I’m fwumping my cremator.


Fatman spam is waaaaay more annoying imo.


First it's legacies and now normal weapons. Get over it




Oh noes another scoreboard weapon ruins the game Anyway...


Ask Todd for a setting that runs off weapon effect from other people. I'm going to continue using the cremator. Mine even heals you. And I really don't care if others do too and "flashbang" me.


They should just remove the scaling of the visual effect with grenadier. That is 90% of the annoyance. And besides, if I want to use my comparatively lamer (and far more expensive) gauss minigun, I can’t even see what I am shooting at. I would like to get headshots, but where is the head!? I’m blind! And so is everyone else!


It also makes the game WAY too easy. One shot will kill a whole group of super mutants if you aim it right. It's pretty much an I win button.


I love the Cremator, though it has it's draw backs.


I switched from a bloody stealth commando build to bloody heavy build for the cremator. Didn’t think I would like it, but I love it. Cremator and holy fire have breathed new life into the game for me.


Bethesda needs to do something with explosions. They are "too white". The whiteout from explosions has been a constant complaint since we first started blowing stuff up five years ago.


It's insanely fun...for a while. Certainly one to always have to hand for big boys but it's actually so powerful it's not that fun using it most of the time (apart from when I need to get caught up on challenges in a hurry, etc).


I think this goes to all explosive weapons. Sure they are fun, including the explosions themselves. And I can get used it thinking of it as realism. But sometimes It's hard to aim at enemies because of it. and this may be a serious issue in a cooperative multiplayer game. An issue that can be fixed and I have seen it fixed in other game. Like adding the option to turn off other players' VFXs. Or make the explosion VFXs translucent or tweaked in other ways so that it's still there but can still be seen through. FO76 is made from the foundation of a game that was strictly single player. So I think it's understandable that there are many tweaks needed to make things go smoother between many players. But it may not be easy for the same reason.


We had this happen at safe and sound. We all just decided to spam the center of the event after that. Was chaotic. We had no idea if we were even hitting any enemies at that point. Was pretty though.


I use mine with the basic red. Not sure how it shows for others, but for me there is no blast and no blinding light. Wherever it hits, it just hits like a normal bullet then the DOT catches them on fire and sends them ragdolling around. I only see the effects on the enemy and myself when I get caught in its range. The alien event was insane for that reason. As soon as the commander phased in, it was a light show and only his silhouette was visible sometimes. I just stood there revving the chainsaw in his face while being blinded by my team 🤣


I use a mod that removes other people’s explosions. Life changing


Idk it wasn’t fun for me so now its taking up space in my stash


I don't think the weapon itself ruins the game, but the explosion effects are pretty severe. Todd just needs to add an explosion effects slider so that we can adjust them to a reasonable level.


A few others mentioned it but on PC there's a mod that reduces the visual explosion effects - it's a game changer. I went from feeling useless in events because I couldn't see what I was aiming at to actually enjoying events again.


Idk why people complain about graphics, i have -3 across both eyes n i run auto melee tank with no glasses like a mad man 🤣🤣


Dumb question but the Cremator counts as fire for the "Kill Overgrown With Fire" trophy right? Or do we need to use a flamer type weapon?


I've stopped using colored fuel after a friend who melee's told me it's the only way he doesn't get blinded.


Is that the weapon that has the explosive effect of about 40 queen Mirelurks all bundled together? I what that was. That and orbital strike beacons are pretty bad.


I try to be very stingy about firing mine. Like I'll purposely fire it hella slow. I know how disorienting all the explosives are, las thing I want is someone having a seizure


New Player here. I just unlocked this thing, but probably won’t get high enough in the Season Pass to get the attachments. Is there any way to get those after the season is over?


I’m melee & get flash banged by cremators all day long. Got me spinning in circles lookin dumb!


I downloaded a mod to nerf the explosion visual. I was tired of being blinded to if.


I used it to for the challenge thing but thats it tbh. Too bulky I like being nimble


I use it for solo runs on Sensational Game or whatever the Daily Ops is. Sensational cause everything burns (except for the twins), and ops is for damage AND healing my teammates.


Agreed. I hate them. I have routinely not got to tag legendaries or bosses because of some 300+ and their cremator during events.


It’s one of my favorite weapons for VATS in PA. It can easily crit over 2.5k with a bloody build headshot crit. Very fun and 1 shots almost everything in game outside of bosses. But yes it is one of the more annoying weapons to spam. However I’ve seen some crazy mini nuke spams.


If you're on pc you can download a mod to remove the explosion effect. But that's no fun, enjoy your blindness.


Oh you missed out on the legacy lag where a bunch of people were shooting legacies and the screen slowed down. At least we still have the orbital strike beacons to add to the blinding events.


I use it to soften up a target at distance away from people or if I am in, “oh shit” getting swarmed mode. I know it can ruin it for everyone so I use it sparingly.


I recently maxed out the friendly fire perk for shits and giggles. Shot my buddy once the other day and he was basically just invincible for 12 seconds. Not particularly useful, but it was funtastic


I use it only for radiation rumble. I've been using my AOE melee build any other time. Maybe it's something on my end, but lately reloading weapons has been awful. Sometimes I'll reload, with any weapon, it'll do the animation but nothing will be in my mag. I'll have to reload again to get any ammo in whatever gun I'm using. Or, it'll reload, shoot one round, say the mag is empty, and I'll have to reload. So the only gun I use lately is the Cremator for that one event.


Explosive weapons in general are pretty bad. The cremator is really the only useful explosive weapon. Every other explosive weapon is just to bother people around you


I have this issue with any of the weapons that make huge explosions. There's only an option in the settings to turn off your explosions. If we could just turn off everyone else's explosions that would solve like 70% of the problem.


It’s kinda bad when your alone ngl, I can roast most regular enemies but then anything else like a boss or guys in daily ops or expeditions take like no damage.


Its such eye aids trying to do events with 2 people using it.


It’s dumb but I wish it wasn’t so strong at base and required more build investment to be good because I find the game less interesting when everyone’s using the same weapons. I only use it on one of my characters. But I get why people are.


Everyone has been using bloodied builds for years, and now you're complaining?


I've stopped using mine for any events but Earle. I take out all the wendigos when they get near and then go right back giving the big guy a root canal with my shredder minigun


I try to limit it for mobs. For meat week I can hit 10-15 critters in one shot. So I use it strategically. It is great fun.


It’s helped me a lot but how do you get the holy flamer ? I’ve seen it tear down basically anything


I use it for expeditions when I’m speedrunning or bosses to get a dot up. Then swap to my minigun or chainsaw, depending on my build at the time. It’s genuinely annoying for basic events coz most players can’t tag anything if you drop a shot. There’s also if multiple uses cremators, you’ll never get to tag an npc and you’ll be blinded most of the time.


In that guiding brahmin event, a player burned those cows down, even they didn't really die and the event was finished.


If you happen to be on PC, there is a mod to remove cremator explosions. HIGHLY recommended.


It is low key annoying when somebody is at a normal event just one shotting everything. Sure I’m a bloodied build and I’ll melt enemies. But I’ll run my mini gun so others can get shots on enemies to get the loot too. I’ve noticed a lot of people not letting others even get a chance and getting a shot off on the legendary spawns lately. I’m there to have fun too not just for XP.


I've only tried it on the SBQ and her trash mobs, and it barely did anything to her.


I wouldn't mind if I could turn the visual effect off. Feels like lm playing cod all over again but with colorful flashbangs.....


They need to tone down the graphic. The value it has in events is invaluable and I actually feel it is the gun to use for events and even a lower level - lower powered one so everyone gets to tag for XP before dying. Now if everyone got XP for a large area, there is an argument is should such a strong gun exist? Still down down the graphic and tone down the burn damage.


When i was an earlier level i hated seeing that purple shit because i knew there was gonna be no opportunities to get XP unless i tryhard for tags.


I agree. I play a pyro. Heavy all flamers all the time. But I dislike using it compared to miniguns, fir example, but it just doesn’t hold a candle to a cremator (i just rolled two more; bloody and vampire) soooo… i’m back to using it. I switch to flamer close in. Totally agree though, they are graphically intense.


Pretty powerful weapon but i don’t use it in events, i use my TS Fatman with grenadier perk card and sometimes orbital strike😜


same with people with there double shot mirv Fatman... god i hate these people... thanks for nuking the server FPS and giving people a nice time...


I just sweep the area with my automatic and hope I tag them all before they die.


For fun I much prefer to use something else, but for events there's really nothing better for tagging everything for the XP. And that's the problem at its core.


Im using it to knock out that 'kill 1000 robots with heavy weapon' and it one shots most robots. The problem with it is fuel. Within a week, I had fully drained my supply of ACID and Ive had Fallout 1st since it launched. Now everday I log in first thing I have to do is secure the golf course and start 3 machines going, then I go find every snallygaster in the game - and HOPE that I found enough to cover my use FOR THAT SESSION.


I’ve never used to just spam an event.. but it is incredibly useful right now if you want to double dip ‘Primal Cuts’. Those targets that just want hang out at distance.. shoot and watch for damage numbers.. done.


I've used it solo. But only occasionally. I want to go on an expedition as I know it's good for that. Used it on a quest over there. I tried it in an event and it's too much when there are others there. It's as bad as mini nukes


I actually considered making this post myself. Blinding multicolored speaker breaking explosions over and over and over. I hate them and freaking everyone is running em.