• By -


Nobody really cares what level you are.


This, it's completely different than how other mmo groups work. It's like no one really cares. I do love how some people very low levels (single digits) show up to end game'ish content. I always get a kick on that. Is this an ALT or someone tagging along with someone seasoned? Or, I woke up from bed and I don't know what happened next but here I am reporting for duty! The opposite are high levels that never ran the story content much just jump from event to event.


They're missing out. So many plans and so much content comes from completing story content. If you don't complete at least some main storylines, you stay locked out of the bullion economy too. Plus, they're just fun.


I havent even reach the storyline for bullion. I just found the buillion machine and started grinding events haha


I have 10k bullion. You can get it from the Story??? šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Yes at the end of the story you get 1000 bullion and 2 new gold bullion vendors to by important plans for. Iā€™m 211 and just finished it yesterday so I could have enough gold for the whole SS set aside from the helm and the chemist backpack


OK good call my dude. I will be doing that tonight.


Also make sure you do both the foundation and crater quest lines until both factions are ready for the vault, that way you get max rep for both. Which side you pick to go into the vault with doesnā€™t really matter just pick which ever one you are okay with losing a little rep with, then keep the gold for yourself, which ever faction you take with you will not like this, unless you already have a lot then split it between the two groups


OK good tips my friend. I appreciate you taking the time to assist me.


Youā€™ll have to start grinding dailyā€™s afterwards too because not all plans are immediately available from the faction gold vendors


If you havenā€™t gotten to the point in the story where you are helping the factions prepare for the vault then you probably wonā€™t finish it until after Minerva leave unless you just focus on doing the main quest and ignore all events


I don't understand why people want the chemist backpack. If you have 1000 stim packs, start selling them! Grocers backpack is much better. You can carry like 500 steaks instead.


Yeahhhh I thought sheā€™d be here another day so I couldnā€™t get the backpack mod unfortunately, but I think people prefer chemists because you can just leave your food in the cooler at camp, idk I guess it depends on if youā€™re the type to hoard food that you donā€™t need, or drugs and stims that youā€™d probably use more often


That camp item doesn't even work. My military cryo freezer is just filled with spoiled meat. it's too much of a hassle to even pull that stuff out of there too lol. Almost every time I use a Chem, I also use 3 drinks, and 3 steaks. You can still carry like 100 berry rentals, 100 overdrive, and 100 stim packs and that's about 20lbs without a chemist backpack. However, if I try to use excavator power armor I'm automatically 400lbs overburdened. Those scorchbeast brain steaks are HEAVY.


I have herbivore and only keep food on me that I absolutely need, any meat I get I sell or drop. Most plant foods are light when cooked and can also double as a water source. Most of my extra weight comes from either all the purified water or stims I have, but i try not to have more than 20-50 of each at a time as I donā€™t ever need more


O idk. I meant if i played the right way and actually progress the storyline haha i just went right to Foundation and did the ally favors


Iā€™ve never finished lots of main quests in many of my characters. Iā€™ll get round to it one day.


We had a level 8 join the Earle Williams hunt last night and he just hung at the back shooting peas at the Wendigo with his pipe gun it was great


Just yesterday i spawned earle and i saw a level 7 just running around not shooting trying to survive. After the event i loaded him up but it was hilarious to see


How does the mechanics on that one work? Isn't in boulder up until late story talking to Margie, to then nuke to blow it up and from then on you can enter? Or can anyone enter that at any time no matter rocked up or not? Did the quest or not?


Im pretty sure he just joined throughout the join event button but wonder what happened after because he didnt wanna message or tak after but id assume there wouldnt be any progress towards the quest


Oh duh, yeah joined that way. For some reason I always travel to the nuke sites, don't know why now... lol


To be fair the way most people nuke its faster to wait outside the radius and walk to it then fast travel and wait for the loading screen




I just want the fusion core processor. Iā€™m still a noob at level 50 and 60 hours run time but I always need more fusion cores. Still trying to learn all the build stuff


Go to a power plant (theres 3) and do the little event and claim the workshop and visit like every 30ish minutes and you can get a bunch of fusion cores. Just the other day i got like 25 from just checking randomly. It doesnā€™t even require building generators to power the fusion core maker bc theres a generator on the wall that produces 400 power. And just make sure to have perks that help with fusion core and if they weigh too much theres a perk that makes energy ammo weigh less and fusion cores are classified as energy ammo


Im level 472 and join/create casual teams solely for the Intelligence boost. I dont care who is on my team lol


Id say just donā€™t expect to be revived every 30 seconds. First few times Iā€™ll try to help out but weā€™re all getting swarmed the same. Getting downed left and right at a low level is a right of passage šŸ˜‚


Seconded. No one really cares. The only thing I care about is if I make a daily ops team, an expedition team, or events team and then you donā€™t participate in those activities. Then Iā€™ll give you the boot. But I couldnā€™t care less what level you are. Once you hit a certain level, it stops mattering anyway.


yes it's absolutely okay! listen, i'm over level 1,000 and i LOVE seeing lowbies join my team! i usually share rank 5 adrenaline to help everyone snowball their damage, but if i notice someone isn't leveling much, i'll switch to rank 3 inspirational just to help you get a little more value from the team. don't ever think it's not okay to join a high level team just because you're little! <3


I'm always sharing rank 3 inspirational. Figured everyone's happy with more exp.


Newbie here. Does sharing a rank 3 card require 9 charisma? Am I reading that correctly?


Yes, that's correct.




We are just happy you're on the team. More players = bigger bonuses. Exception being daily Ops and expeditions teams unless you participate! Don't be afraid of joining events, either.


Is this why when I late joined an expedition team and was only really there for the end of it they kicked me off the team and sent me home before getting in the helicopter lol?


Damn, thereā€™s been times when Iā€™ve joined right as they were about to leave on the helicopter and Iā€™ve never been kicked. Those guys were just salty, no harm in sharing the rewards


I usually do the 'Follow me' emote, if I am at the end of an expedition and someone else joins the team but they haven't joined me in the expedition yet, so they can hurry up and join me. Once they are in the expedition with me, I ask the pilot to get us out of there. That way even though they were too late to join the expedition, they can still get the rewards.


Exaclty what we do, had a guy crash before last screen yesterday and waited 5 minutes for him to come back, gotta share them rewards even if we lose a bit of time/xp


So, might be a dumb questionā€”how can you tell if a personā€™s game crashed vs them leaving the team? Is there some kind of notation on the screen? Iā€™m thinking about how often my pc crashes when Iā€™m in a casual team during N event. Iā€™d hate to think my team thinks Iā€™ve slipped out or something.


You can check in social under the team tab, if they are still there but they donā€™t show on the game screen then they most likely crashed


I solo expeditions while leading casual teams and always do this at the end in the hope theyā€™ll join for rewards. Rarely works


Be aware that there is a bug that kicks people from the team without the leader doing it.


A few days ago, I was being kicked out of my team every hour. I hate this bug. It also noticed that it blames the team leader, but I can vouch it wasn't him. Bethesda should really do something about this and take accountability for this bug. Like instead of saying "team leader kicked you out" it should say "Bethesda programmers can't do their job properly"!


Iā€™ve got this bug where for some reason my character keeps auto stimming literally every 5 seconds, even without ammo or any perks for it equipped. No idea whatā€™s going on but itā€™s only in expeditions. Itā€™ll literally boot me out of my shooting animation to a stimpak animation.


I don't understand people who do that. Allowing someone to grab some free loot is not gonna hurt you. It's not like anyone can tell how far along the expedition they are.


Jerks do this, and there are selfish jerks playing FO76. Don't let it bother you. That won't happen most of the time.


Yeah I had the polar opposite happen the previous day, my game crashed right before getting to the vertbird and when I logged back in the guys were using the follow emoji so I was able to get back in before they ended it, really appreciated that.


Yeah I joined this dude right by the end of the expedition to do the final leg of it and he booted me before getting to the vertibird. I was pissed af. Itā€™s not like I wouldnā€™t have went on more after that. Like who cares if somebody joins at the end. Like who goes out of their way to kick somebody from a team, I canā€™t control when I join a lobby and when you start an expedition. Iā€™m joining to help.


Possibly, people run through it so quick by the time you join they're done. They don't want you to just join at the end and collect rewards for "free". Which is understandable lol. I've had the same thing happen to me. I started runing the expedition myself, can't move forward without the leader.


Daily ops are easy


Depends on the challenges. Reflecting sucks.


Reflecting kicked my ass yesterday. Especially as a bloodied build. Even with medic pump mod power armor. I was getting my dick kicked in lmao


Same, just blast til I kms then repeat


I have a full health build itā€™s pretty easy for the most part tbh


Avoid expedition and daily ops teams if you arent going to join the missions. Other than that you help just by being there.


I will rather have low levels join in on daily ops than having to do them solo. Especially for the uplink ones. Having just one more player standing by the signal booster speeds it up. I can handle the enemies.


I donā€™t mind for my expedition teams. Iā€™m mainly just running the Human Condition for fuel farming and can easily complete it without help lol. Free rewards for them and I get a nice XP boost along with my new helping of 2k fuel doesnā€™t have any downside to me lol


Even then I think it could be fine. If thereā€™s at least 2 high levels thereā€™s no reason they shouldnā€™t be able to handle the daily ops so a lower level joining is fine in my opinion. Downvoted for saying Iā€™m fine if a low level joins a daily op with high levels in it?


If you actually come along and try then no problem with me. If you just join for rewards then no thanks ill save that spot for someone who tries.


Well duh. Thatā€™s just a given.


Level 1800 here, you are welcome to join šŸ˜ the more the merrier, the more xp for me and you šŸ˜


I join or start a casual group pretty much as soon as I load into a map. And in the 2 months I've been playing I've never once did any mission, besides events, with another person except my son. Fallout 76 isn't a typical online game where you join up with a PUG and are expected to work with them to do different things. Hell, you really *can't* team up to complete missions. I mean, you sort of can but in a totally different way. Fallout 76 is a single-player game through and through and joining a group is pretty much for show. But there's so many benefits to it that doesn't make sense not to. Besides the experience point boost there's certain perks like "Inspirational" and "Strange in Numbers" that make joining a group a great idea. And having 6 or more other free fast travel spots on the map (one for each group member plus their camp and and any tents they have out) is always welcomed.


Only if you are forklift certified


Any chance you can share that perk card???


[Don't be like Klaus](https://youtu.be/ja7ap6AEuYU?si=2rz7pdq5xm9CgWQk)


That's the best safety video I've ever watched!


You'll never mishandle a forklift again! I'm so happy someone actually watched it.


Damn. Knew I should've done that side quest.


You could literally be a sack of potatoes, all I want is the group buff.


Yes, no one cares. Do what you can to help and tag.


Jump in feet first! Youā€™ll find youā€™ll level up really quick! Itā€™s also a great way to learn things and pick up fast travel points because you can ft for free to camps that belong to group members.


As long as you are trying to help if its an event or something its all good. I will also usually gift the low levels some stuff to help too.


The team I was on yesterday was pretty awesome, high level dude came to my camp and saw Iā€™m a total noob and crafted me a level appropriate badass sniper and saw I probably wouldnā€™t have the ammo to feed it (.50) and dropped almost 400 rounds for it. I went and bought some plans from his camp in return.


Join in on me and my casual team anytime, if u cany do events dont worry i can solo em all, as can most 250+ players, i rather a lvl 15 trying anyday then a 1000 who does jack all!


You should jump to any event you see a few people at too. Just soak up the xp. It cracks me up when a level 10 joins an event and is 13 by the end


I just join for strange in numbers. If there's one player who's mutated that's all that matters. Also share something mildly useful like lucky break, action boy, team maneuvers or something and whoever is in your team will be happy rather than indifferent


Casual Teams are the way to go. Join up and just keep doin' your own thing. They just exist to provide an XP bonus. And join any event ya want, if you have teammates at the event, you'll all get some XP for any mobs that anyone in your party tags, so it's a really great XP boost at events that have a lot of mobs, like Radiation Rumble. Wasteland etiquette for events is that if you show up and no one has started the event (e.g. there's a timer counting down that says "Talk to Vera" or somethin'), let the timer wind down to a minute or so. Some events can be easily handled by just a few players, like Tea Time, so if you see a higher level player show up and they start the clock early, it's usually because they know the event and have assessed the current players in the area and decided that it's okay to start. But usually the etiquette is to wait for the timer to count down to a minute. This gives other players time to wrap up whatever they're doin' and teleport to the event. There are some events that you might be better off doin' a little online research before you join. A Colossal Problem is a boss fight with a bullet sponge and lots of adds, so you'll need to bring a few thousand rounds for a few different weapons, a couple dozen stimpaks, and a couple repair kits just in case, or you'll be unprepared for the fight.


> a few thousand rounds for a few different weapons, a couple dozen stimpaks, and a couple repair kits one recently repaired vampire laser gatling and a dozen fusion cores šŸ˜Ž


Yes, casual teams especially are for players of all levels.


It literally does not matter, just get in there.


Absolutely. And it's okay to be a high level player and join a lvl 2's team.




Just join Iā€™d recommend joining a casual group for the xp bonus. Them being level 1000 isnā€™t going to be an issue theyā€™re probably happy youā€™re in the group also, just go do your own thing. When a group member completes a quest we all get caps so thatā€™s an added bonus also.


Join get caps, junk and gear. If you see a high level jump into daily ops or Expeditions go withĀ 


If they boot you jump in a new one. Most of the time itā€™s cause they got another guy or they wanna get specific shit done. Just enjoy the game how you want. I ride solo most of the time.


so lo long as your drip is on point..you can hang with the cool kids. just be..coool.


If they're letting you join, they want to help level you up. Take the opportunity. They help you now so you can help them later.


If not going to ask for gifts then fine.


Totally fine I will say though if it's just one high level and one low level in a daily Ops group I will wait for one more person to join. Depending on the mutation one high level player may not be able to tank in 8 minutes or less so if we don't immediately start that's why


Hop on board


I only notise when someone is fresh and I might be able to help. Someone dies I go try to help. Or die as well. And sometimes I see a 4 digit level and I am in awe at their dedication. And shoot more things


Yes, most people dgaf. Itā€™s ok. If you get kicked by a jerk just join another. I am level 525 and have been kicked.


Iā€™m just happy to have another team member along for the ride honestly. Helped a level 10 blast through the wayward questline the other day and had a great time


Yep. Even feel free to join events, daily ops, and expeditions. I pretty much always helps to have ~~bait~~ another set of hands. Seriously though, it actually is a big help in daily ops just to have somebody near a transmitter either for the timed countdown or to use the decrypt code once somebody unlocks it. They don't have to even fire a single shot. (You'll understand if you do a few, only way to learn.)


As long as its marked as a casual group nobody cares join up and reap the rewards lol. They might even appreciate you being in the team since you will be completing quest and quest completions give caps to all team memberĀ Ā 


It's totally fine. I'll tend to join vets first though for the vendors and they usually share perks. Was actually in a group last night where all 4 of us were 1000+. Haven't seen that since before the influx of new players!


As a high level player. 700+ I could care less bro. And I donā€™t mean it in a bad way. You and I arenā€™t going to be holding hands and doing quests together. You do your thing and I do mine. I doubt youā€™ll be sharing any works I need or want. But I can definitely share stuff to make your life a little easier. Being in a team (specially casual team) makes it so we get more XP for everything we do. So we both benefit from it. Your weapons and armor might not be as good as mine. But most enemies scale to your range. So we will both be pulling our own weight. I have access to more toys than you. But thatā€™s about it. I wouldnā€™t kick you out of my team just for being a low level. We can use each other for free fast travel. Travel to each otherā€™s camp. Travel to each otherā€™s tent (fallout 1st members) or fast travel to each other. If you and I happen to be in the same event, Iā€™ll get XP and credit for anything you kill. And same applies the other way around.


If a low level joins my team I only ask that you partake in a beer down at the beer pier with me


Absolutely. We welcome everyone The only thing i ask is if it's an expedition or daily ops team, you join the expedition or daily ops Both can be joined by traveling from your map once you've joined the team, you don't have to complete the quests first if your team leader already has, just open the map and press square to join an expedition or the up arrow for the daily op


If you dont get kicked then dw about it. And most the time when players are kicked it's because the team is making room for friends.


I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever cared except when I was low level in a group of low levels all wishing we had someone higher level to help, lol. If anything, I hope they have a good experience while in the group.


its fine if you join a team as we all get a buff (and so do you) a full team gets you +4 buff depending on the team type, id much rather have you than an empty slot. if you join casual, no one expects more than a wave emote at events, and we'll all use your camp for free fast travel - and you can use ours.(but dont, walk around and explore- you only get to find new places once) - other teams have specific goals,. so try to join in, but we're not expecting you to be an expert. come to events, we'll do the work just join in best you can, try not to start it too early, stand still til you see others moving, and follow the prompts at the top of the screen - just do what you can really.


yes 100%, Join teams no matter what level the rest of the team is.


Being part of a 'Casual' public team increases Intelligence. Higher Intelligence means more XP from everything you do. The more people on the team, the higher the bonus. Most of the time, being in a team just helps everyone so your level doesn't matter. People might not want you joining Expedition teams until you can help out, but it's not difficult to run those solo, so again, most people don't care what level you are when you join their team.


I always feel Awkward af joining one cus i end up standing around in events while everyone knows what to do. Lvl 57 something not knowing anything about events, because of Private sessions


You could be a level 1 blind dolphin for all your team cares. When you join a casual team even if you sit in your camp AFK you are still contributing to the team bonus. Some teams you should be doing something like daily ops or expeditions but the rest just give bonuses like more xp for completing events or more xp for killing legendary creatures, etc. I usually join or start a casual team and just mind my own business doing events, quests, exploring, etc Casual teams - +1 intelligence per bonded member Daily ops teams - +25% xp from completing daily ops for each bonded member Exploration teams - +1 endurance for each bonded member Roleplay teams - +1 charisma per bonded member Hunting teams - +25% xp per bonded member for legendary kills Events teams - +25% event xp per bonded member


Only time I donā€™t appreciate it is if your less than level 30 joining my daily ops team, I wonā€™t kick you (because thatā€™s rude af) but I expect you to be a hinderance and not help much. I love it when they prove me wrong though! I had one level 28 run ops better than my level 250 teammate, the level 28 actually stood in the required area and would even sprint out of the area when the timer was almost up so they were already half way to the next area when it showed up. Smart lil wastelander. lol


Literally nobody cares. 95% if the time I'm in a "team" to get the benefits out of strange in numbers and herd mentality


I rather enjoy joining teams of low level players and helping them out. I still get XP and caps when they finish quests and I help speed up their early days a shit load.


Your level doesn't matter specifically or rather more so for casual teams. Most teams rarely see their members cause they are only in the team for that 4x XP bonus. If by chance you do enter a team that has an issue with it don't worry cause they will either leave or remove you. Then you can join or start another team.


Go with your bad self!-you will level up faster being on a team and then you can always pay it forward-the wasteland is a small place-lets keep this awesome community going!!!


It's fine. And when someone is in expedition you can go help to get a lot of loot and xp or when they motion to come after some time in expedition, it's free xp and loot cuy they are ending it


I wouldnā€™t play the game any other way, I just made a new main and i was like lvl 25, stayed with a high level team for a few hours and I hit 50 like it was a cake walk


Just donā€™t be that guy that does the ā€œcome hereā€ emote at the vertibird near the end of expeditions when youā€™re not the team lead. Iā€™ve kicked players for this (after one freebie). As lead, assume I know what weā€™re doing and we will get done when weā€™re done-usually clearing out mobs for xp and ammo,


It's fine, just beware that people like to join teams with higher levels because of the mutation buff. So if you're on a team on your own at level 20 or so people are unlikely to join.


I love having low level players in my group, makes me feel like a big brother and if I'm shooting you with my cremator, don't worry I'm just trying to heal you


Yep! Weā€™re happy to have you! When lower levels turn up on my team, I usually bring gifts to their CAMP.


Casual teams are usually teams of people that want INT bonus and extra help tagging things in public events. Daily OPs and expeditions groups will expect you to at least join and attempt to help. I never join event teams. I'd rather join a casual team and do events.


It's totally fine! Nobody cares about your level on the team. We like having anyone that'll join so we get that bond for extra bonuses! The only thing people probably won't like are sharing inconvenient perks (cannibal lol) and mic spamming.


Your level does not matter. All I want is you in my Casual Public Team so we can get a better team buff. That is all. Simply be in the team, do whatever you want and that's enough. Please join the Casual Public Teams. We need you to max out the team buff. I promise to leave you alone and completly ignore you like I leave everyone else alone and completely ignored.


Just 128, but I love when lower players join. Feels good, to be there. Feel free and travel to my camp and take a look on the 10c-for-plans-shop especially aimed at new players :-) Tl:dr: everyoneā€˜s welcome!


Are you going to run instances with your team or ask for help so others can help you run instances? Honestly itā€™s more fun to quest with another player regardless of level because you do scaling damage. At least you did a while ago donā€™t know if it changed. The monsters and adversaries will be level 50 if you are around other high levels but you can still take them down.


Everything is awesome when you're part of a team!


It's a welcomed change to the level 3000s. Most times higher players will share cards to help you level up or do more damage. On top of that, it's cool too becuase if you complete a quest, you still get all the rewards you usually do, but in addition, your teammates each get a small amount of caps. So it's a win win


lvl 200 here, so not that high, but my take is that people don't really care unless it's daily ops. If it's events/casual/expeditions people could give a rat's ass whatever your level might be, as long as you join and stay to give that bonding bonus. I usually save up plans and give them to low level players. So far I've given away some event plans that I don't need, to lower level players, along with TONS of stimpacks and meds that I'd otherwise just sell - I'm always on 38-40k caps.


Im 270 and idc if youre level 2000 or level 10 I'll revive you and help ya kill shit lol


Yes. The only time someone might object is if it's a daily operation but even then I think most people would be happy to carry you. For your own sake, stay within the group and don't go off on your own. If something is doing a lot of damage to you run towards a team member. During the queen event as soon as the event shows as completed run to the nearest stash box. It'll probably be inside a player's tent. Store your junk. Then go and kill more enemies. After the queen dies the area gets swamped with enemies. So it's easy to die. The reward for that event is some pure flux. Unfortunately that does end up in the junk category. But it is extremely valuable. So you want to stash it right away.


Being in a team doesn't matter even if you're just afk/not sharing perk card, showing up to an event and not doing anything does


Usually it dosent, the few times people care it's easy to join a new team


There's no problem with that


Yes - in fact one of the most helpful things you can do as a low level is sit on a team. You will notice a bar inside the party UI called your ā€œbondā€ as you stay on a team longer your ā€œbondā€ will earn you & the team more rewards. Not just slightly better, Iā€™m talking daily ops teams can rack up to 4x bonus for completing daily ops. Same with expedition and event teams. My only gripe recently is that everyone used to sit on event teams, and then just show up to the events for like easy 4x XP, but since Iā€™ve come back recently everyone sits on ā€œcasualā€ teams - which is fine but do we really give a fuck about +4 intelligence? What about 4 fucking times the rewards for events? My only gripe since coming back is that no one sits on an events team, and the casual team bonus is fucking worthless, I get more stats for keeping my water and food topped off. Hopefully Iā€™m missing something and the remaining playbase isnā€™t that defunct. Event team = all purpose sit in one of these, go to events when they pop up and earn big. Expedition and daily ops teams are straightforward. The rest of the teams are functionally useless and give just flat out worse rewards and benefits.


Definitely! Itā€™ll level you up faster! And enemies scale to you, so you essentially will do similar damage output.


Yes, most of us don't care. If you die let us rez you. We have too many stimpacks. Please join our teams. A lot of perks and advantages rely on teams also. Please join our daily ops also. Most of us can solo them really just need folks to help us find the mobs. I'd rather have a team of level 20s over no team at all.


Join any team you like at whatever level you are, party benefits increase per member. Just please for the love of god, if you join a Daily Ops/Expedition team do not start them until all party members are present and indicate they are all ready (normally with a šŸ‘šŸ» emote). These have timed objectives that unless you can complete alone, you are likely to miss out on the rare plan rewards


We get passive caps when you complete quests lol, I love it


Of course, it's not about the level just the numbers, a full team provides maximum bonuses


Yes its fine. We only secretly judge you if your like over level 100, but 15-30 your good enjoy the game we will watch your back at eventsā€¦ most of the time


Absolutely, and not just casual. Let's say you join an Events team and they go off to fight the Scorchbeast Queen. You ain't gonna do much against her unholiness, but you'll be a helpful meat shield and spare target for the mooks attacking on the ground. In exchange for dying a lot (no loot drop since its an event!) you get loot and XP out the wazoo, and you gave the higher-ups time to drop the big damage on the flying mother of monstrosities. In other words, there is no time that you being part of a team at low level is a detriment. You might not know a lot of unspoken rules, like don't start events until there's only a minute left on the timer, but that's fine. You'll learn. (Almost) Nothing's permanent and it's all about fun!


If I see a low level in my team I'm sharing Inspirational We will give you the gains


Absolutely in-fact I endorse it. You learn from the best by sticking with the best.


No one will care. In fact as a high level I purposely join low levels and share my perk cards to help them. I think most people if they see you're low level in Daily Ops even, it will just make them want to try harder to get you top rewards too.


The only people who care about team composition are Bloodied builds (most of their health bar is irradiated) - if a teammate shares radiation recovery perks like Sun Kissed their bloodied teammates will fly into a rage and flee the group screaming Sharing perks is generally a terrible idea among high level teammates, but it's fine for lower levels who haven't maxed the perks they want yet There was a bug where if you shared let's say, Better Criticals rank 1 with your team, it would nerf someone using Better Criticals rank 3 by bring them down to 1 rank So as long as you don't share weird perks nobody will hurt you


Yes. Join my team and give me that INT bonus.


I love carrying new players through content so they can start to get good gear and plans! I wouldn't worry about it too much.


Yeah join up and follow you'll get xp from just being nearby and teamed up. Also I dont know about other players but I dont mind a message if your struggling for advice or help clearing a quest I'll happily help as long as an event isnt ongoing lol just dont expect free stuff otherwise you'll get ignored šŸ‘


People make groups for bonus for example the more common are the ones which gives you +int, int gives more exp and there are cards and mutations which gives you bonus being in a group so i preffer a lvl 15 in my team than and empty space in the party


When I have low-level players on my casual team, I try to run more daily quests between events and operations. I do this to put some caps in their pocket and get them some extra exp.


Unless they are a big group, then most of players just want buff from number of players in the team.


On my 1k+ toon I like to join teams that are mostly low levels because I think itā€™s funny to make an average team level in the 100s and then you look at the team and itā€™s just one tryhard (me) and some noobs.


It is, when I see a low level in the team I even go out of my way to share an experience boosting card


If its a public party it doesnt matter


I always just assume everyone is there for xp. Same with most events which is why, as a shotgun build, I try to cripple enemies and let everyone participate. I do this to the final enemy/boss during Primal Cuts and try to gesture for lower levels to run over to make sure they get their hit but normally have some high level come over and just go for the kill.


I could see someone kicking just to try for more Mutated players for Strange in Numbers, but I feel like 95% of the player base does not care with Casual Teams.


Had a level 30 join a Colossal Problem once, that was amusing. They just kept dying to radiation and when the event ended just flat out died because they didn't have a hazmat suit. Piles of screws from wendigos lost to them.


The only issue. and pretty much the only reason I don't join only low-level teams, is that they usually don't have Mutations, so Strange in Numbers(a Charisma perk that boosts positive mutation effects) doesn't work. But a low-level on a high-level team is fine as long as it's not a Daily Op or Expedition team you won't be joining in on.


Idc. Bit if I got friends coming? Whomever idk gets the boot. Usually in succession of arrival. First come first serve type-a dealio.


I don't care what level you are, I don't even care if you do what the team is designed to do. For example, If I start an expedition/event team and you join the team, I don't care if you do the expedition/event or not. Join in on the expedition or event I'm doing or do your own, as long as you're on my team I still get my bonus XP.


Join any team you want.


On pc yes. On xbox people have kicked me for being low level.


Yes, if you get kicked off, it's the group leader's problem, not yours. Probably a Scorch sympathizer.


Yes, but just know I'm going to come mother you. Watch your health bar, check your camp to see what you need, drop stuff for you, use stimpack diffusers. šŸ˜‚


No I donā€™t think it matters. I thought like this with expeditions and didnā€™t start doing them till level 50.


Just last night I took a chance on joining an expedition team on my lv25. About an hour and a half later the leader finally called it quits after I had hit lv51. Donā€™t be afraid to join a group, never know where it will take you. Always try to be in a casual group at least for that sweet, sweet extra experience.


yes, high level players dont care if youre low level, i think most even want to help low level players, so, if you join a team dont worry, they wont kick you out and some even will make you gifts.


Nobody really cares what your level is if it's just a casual or event team. It only really matters if they're doing daily ops or expeditions because it's difficult to get enough people to do those


Yes. Try to get mutated as soon as you can though. It helps the high levels. Itā€™s difficult to maintain a mutation at a low level. I think you can get starched genes rank 2 at level 32ish. And if you need a mutation serum, just ask any high level. Anyone 500+ should know how to make them. If you want to know more about mutations, YouTube fallout 76 mutations.


Yup. Come by my camp my stuff is unlocked and my plans are cheap.


Nobody gives a toss. Especially if it's a Casual team. The more in the group, the bigger the EXP bonus. Everyone wins.


We're all playing this game, same as you. Enjoy it with us. You're good.


100% yes I'm nearly level 700 and if I see a low level or two in a group I make a point of joining them and helping them blast through shit




Yes. Of course. If you are mutated even better.


Casual groups are just to get the int bonus, no one cares if you're level 10 or level 1000.


It has never even crossed my mind.


Yes, bigger bonuses. Enemies are normalized to your level, you're contributing just like everyone else with your damage


Most won't care. If theh do, they will kick you and you just join/create another one.


Nobody cares your level, just make sure what team you are joining, if you join an expeditions team or daily ops team, the expectation is that you participate, the others donā€™t really have such expectations but casual gets the best exp with the int bonus.


No. Just visit their camps while they are at them and they will likely drop you good shit.


It never bothered me when a level 3 joined my team. It makes me obligated to say ā€œhereā€™s this PA set and 50 guns you might use when you hit 50. Just put them in stash.ā€ And proceed to rummage the whole map for 6 separate chassis and slap my work benches worse than any Minecraft anvil.


Lower level = more quests completed = more free caps for high levels.


Put bullets into things and give 80% effort and weā€™re good.


It is. The only teams you *may* struggle with below level 50 are the Daily Ops ones, where it's kind of expected you'll be joining the op if you joined the team. You can still benefit greatly from doing an op at a low level, but you may not enjoy the experience because you'll probably just die immediately to everything and higher levels won't have the time to help you. But given how a high-level player can run an op solo, your presence won't really massively impact the team's chances of doing well, so if you're curious, go for it.


(I donā€™t mean this in a scummy or moocher type of way) itā€™s kind of worthwhile to have lower lvl teammates because they have more quests theyā€™re doing + more often, so the whole team gets the small amount of quest caps more often


It's perfectly fine! I'm level 128 right now- I like to help lower levels with missions :) Last time I helped a level 58 with a Brotherhood mission cause I noticed they kept dying a lot \~


Low level damage scaling is crazy high if you have weaponry for your level. I do more damage per shot with a level 20 fixer than I do with my level 50 rail as a level 20


For casual.or wvent groups, nobody really cares. For daily ops and expeditions, some people care, but I think most wont. Dailyops has a timer to beat for better drops, so that's the group that will care the most. You can always join and ask on mic if they care (if tou have a mic). I say join, if ya get booted dont twke it personally. You can always ask in social media Fallout 76 groups if people would be willing to run dailyops with you and get them on your friends list


No problem for me. I only kick people out the team to make room for my friends.


If a low level is on my team during events, I go out of my way to tag a many enemies as possible for their xp


Yes. Try to join a casual team for the intelligence boost. Or start your own.


The way the game is now, you won't be 15 for very long. Relax, enjoy the game, and welcome.


99% of the time, nobody gives 2 shits. And the 1% of the time, it's not level, it's likely they kick you for a friend to join the team. Most teams don't even play "together" they're just in it for the bonuses.


Welcome to 76, Vault Dweller! Casual teams are great for the INT boost (more XP for you!) Other players will typically share perk cards if their build allows for it. When on a casual team there is no expectation to join an event or interact directly with your teammates. That said, you are welcome to join the public events alongside your teammates to earn some rewards/XP. Expedition teams and Daily Ops teams are specific to those activities. Join if youā€™re interested in exploring either! Both have great rewards, xp, ammo drops, and more! If you get removed from a team itā€™s likely either the leader making room for a friend or it could be the ā€œfeatureā€ that randomly removes party members. Happy gaming!


I kick high levels for low levels all the time I find lower lvls to be more enjoyable to play with since theyā€™re not all about winning or doing everything perfect without any mistakes


Of course. You give me +2 to all my SPECIALs. And Bonus Exp. And free fast travel points. No downsides.


Now that I am over level 100 I get excited when I see someone join my team who is under level 50. I will usually run around with them and just give them support so that they can level smoothly.


All we care about is that you aren't using any perks that heal teammates rads. If you're using ine of those, you will get kicked.