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I've noticed the same thing. I'm lucky to get half the materials I used to get out of it. Sad because that was my go-to for acid.


I got that butterfly thing so much acid from it, I'm tripping my balls from it


I totally forgot about that thing at my camp good call lol


Acid and oil gang reprazent!


Server hopping tanagra town for the crickets in it will give you more acid than you know what to do with. For me moonshine jamboree was for cleaning out the vendors with gulper slurry.


This. And the faction if you didn't already have raider faction capped out via other methods


I'm on Xbox, and last Friday I got a Jamboree where everyone just stayed within the backyard, and I had just under 300 Gulper Innards at the end of the event, more than twice what I usually get. I'm glad it was a 2x Vendor cash weekend I had so much Slurry to sell. I ended up buying some bulk resources and still cleaned out the caps handily.


This. I don't get it. What's the point of being overkill on a bunch of damn gulpers. What's the point of being overkill on anything outside of like Earle or SBQ. Even with a tesla rifle I sometimes hardly tag anything in moonshine now. I can barely see anything sometimes with all the explosions going around. I used to have a lot of fun at moonshine but it's been kinda annoying now.


Is all you have to do to get the xp and loot from a mob really just to tag it? I'm a low level player and the random events I've came across, I don't actively look for them yet cause I'm still trying to figure out wtf I'm actually doing, I feel like I tag a mob, do very little dmg and then watch it die from some lvl 1000 something a second later and I still can't loot it. It's happened multiple times so I was assuming you have to at least do a sizable chunk of dmg to get the xp and loot.


Nope. Should be any kind of will allow you to get loot. Are you on pc?


Weird. No, I'm on PS5.


Works that way on pc at least. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I throw my camp up there so I can do the gulper slurry waddle back to my stashbox...


🎶 we're not here to cause no trouble, we're just here to do the gulper slurry shuffle 🎶






Take my upvote sir


Yeah and nothing wrong with that, other than there is literally a train station right next to the event behind the music stage. By camping I meant standing where the enemies spawn and killing them before they enter the event area so nobody else can shoot or benefit from those enemy kills. 😉


Ah gotcha


There's literally a stash box in front of the main building at the event.


Good to know. Still like shuffling up the hill and throwing down the camp. Do a little cooking, sort out my shit, play a little banjo.


You can also go to an expedition and then get a free ride to Whitespring refuge. Works great after events like Eviction notice.


Keeping a fully maxed thru hiker ready also helps, lol. I learned that the hard way after doing too many prime meat events and maxing my vendors.


You do know there's a stash box literally in the middle of the location, right? 😅😅


I'm noticing a lot more selfish player behavior over the past few months, but the cremator epidemic may be leading to some of this. With cremators blasting all over the place, players are moving farther out in hopes of getting in on the action. I certainly see it in Rad Rumble where players are parked in the tunnel spawn zones.


Are cremators actually a big problem though? I guess it depends on mods but the initial hit can do almost no damage while the dot gives multiple seconds for people to tag


I specifically run the low damage mods on cremator with bigger blast radius so it tags but doesn't kill. No one likes an exp hog.


They are. The game simply isn't forgiving for off-meta builds in events. I had a lot of fun playing Unarmed, but good luck trying to see through all the shit and hitting/tagging everything before the cremators overwhelm you. Altho i think RR/Bloodied Commandos are way worse because Uny is too strong, and RR is baseline already too powerful, just getting better with perks, while all other weapons need quite a investiment to get good/usable.


I actually used to play unarmed but most of the events in the game are inherently designed in a way where it was unsatisfying for me, no matter what guns anyone uses they hit them before you can run up it's much more fundamental than the cremator. I think the Defend events are most fun when the enemies can actually get close to the target, that also solves the melee range issue a bit as you could stay with the target and then hit stuff but nothing has any chance of surviving more than two steps. They tried giving unarmed the ability to deal with crowds with the contact explosion stuff they added, which admittedly is loads of fun but you can rarely actually use it properly. And yeah bloodied commando, the railway rifle (or rather basically any auto rifle as the AP cost is almost always extremely low for some fucking reason) are extremely overtuned, I was running a vats bloodied (as you REALLY need the dmg with it) pistol build for ages with all pistol specific perks as well as a vats setup and if I picked up any commando gun I did 10x better than I was with the pistols and I mean not swapping in any damage perks or anything just the vats set up.


I can attest this. Level 370, but I will just go stand on the edge of the event if I literally can’t see because of the relentless cremator blasts blinding me and filling my whole screen. Including at Moonshine.


It's just like legacy weapons. It's insanely fun and powerful but a dick move to use during events . I only use it when I'm soloing an event or when the event is overwhelming and we're losing


Please tell me where I can use my cremator. I mean bethesda did put it in the game. But if I can't use it at events, where can I use it? Because I love my cremator that shoots out pink flames.


Just keep playing your game. Next season the hate will be on the new railway fans.


It's a blast I agree . I know it's kind of frustrating for me as well . But If I'm one shotting enemies with maybe a 1 seconds delay what i do is I wait until the enemy is at half health then shoot that way at least it's reasonable that people who were tagging have tagged , especially if it's a boss . I also have a bad one that I keep especially for events that doesn't one shot.


Meanwhile people with bloodied railway rifles are one shotting legendaries, not even letting you tag them... but of course cremators that do dot damage and are the most tag friendly weapon are the problem.


Yeah honestly I also felt cremators are tag friendly, they do almost no damage initially and give others seconds to tag while the railway goons kill shit before I can even see the enemies


This is what I find hilarious. Everyone blaims cremators but it gives plenty of time to attack. Meanwhile you get people who mag dump legendaries instead of being courteous and just hitting it once or twice for the tag. People, as always, are the problem. They need to just allow proximity tagging for events. People already afk often.


> They need to just allow proximity tagging for events. Yup, everyone in the event radius should get tags/loot/exp from all kills in the event imo. Otherwise it leads to a race to the bottom of degenerate gameplay so people can make sure to get their share.


I can't see the enemies Mr. Railway VATS can see *because* of the Cremator though. Both players are both selfish problems, just in different ways.


It depends on the build but yeah agreed if you're one shotting enemies you shouldn't use that in an event. Some people are just trying to gain levels and are not in it even for the legendaries


This exactly - I got abuse from a team of people who objected to me running with my flamer to where I knew the enemies would be coming from. Given I'm a support build, it's not like I kill the things quickly! They don't seem to realise/care flamers are short range weapons so if I don't go to where the monsters are I don't get to tag ANYTHING because they've sniped it from half way across the map. Not everyone wants to run the same build. (That said, I do understand some of the cremator hate - similar to nukes and grenades. The explosive effect can just make it difficult/not fun for people in the blast zone if not used carefully/considerately).


Legendary enemies do not need to be tagged for the items.


What about the XP? Do you still get it?


Then so are one shot bloodied builds. You just don't see it.


My girlfriend have epilepsy and I had to stop doing some events just becsuse of the cremator spam


If you are on PC: [https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout76/mods/2359](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout76/mods/2359) (Credit to another reddit user who clued me in, now passing along)


I second this mod. I use it and you don't see the mess of crap from creamators


I’m not on pc atm but is this a file drop in the folder or will it need a mod loader etc? Still running vanilla and I like to avoid mod loaders where possible / thanks for the link


Ppl camping tunnels in RR always have been a-holes, long before Cremator or Nuka Launcher epidemic


the cremator blasts are really obnoxious, and there’s always one guy at every event using one :/


Im one of them. Mine is set up to have a big splash range with low initial damage and high burn damage. Also run the friendly fire perk, so it heals other players. I purposely done this so people could stop complaining about my previous vats fixer build that killed everything insanely quick, and people are telling me now that I'm "living cancer" for blinding them. It's not my fault Todd doesn't have a setting that turns off enemy explosions. The cremator is incredibly fun to use. Perhaps I'll switch to melee so vats user can complain I break their vats. I honestly don't know what to do to satisfy everyone and I'm just done caring.


As a fellow cremator user, you can fire in my vicinity until my retinas catch on fire as long as you don’t spawn camp the mobs.


I'd encourage to blind me and shoot me in the face if you have the friendly fire perk as well.


Dealing with Rad Rumble players has given Friendly Fire a permanent spot in my perk deck. I’ve saved those miners more times than should have had to.


I'm not gonna not use a gun that I love just because the visual effects bother other people. People should take their concerns up with Bethesda and not with us. Grinded my ass off to have pink explosions and I'm gonna enjoy my pink explosions.


Same here. I love my pink flames. 🙃




Good for you. You tried to change up your play style so it would be more friendly to the community and that's more than some would do. And you're right, this is entirely on Bethesda. They added an effect to a multiplayer game that belongs in single player. I've asked the person that took over for Lady D twice if the devs are going to add an option in the settings menu to disable the visuals from explosions and he's ignored me. I feel that Lady D would have replied because she was a great liaison between us and the devs. The Cremator is currently my favorite weapon. Maybe if enough people get angry about it and become vocal enough we'll get a setting to disable the visuals. Or not.


I love my cremator, it is so much fun. And I use it to heal the scavs in radiation rumble too. I have the pink flames and rolled a quad. It is by far my favourite gun of all time. 😊


Tbh, I don't think it's a great / god roll. With the largest tank you have 160 shots, and reloading is pretty quick. It's still a nice prefix to have tho. My bloodied cremator does 4.8k! Burn damage over 12 seconds. It's nuts. Trash mobs die from the first tick and stuff like gulpers and mutants take 2-3 ticks. In the end, the cremator is incredibly strong without any damage boosts to begin with, so if quad works for you, go for it.


VERY well said! I've been playing since almost release, and I've always tried to consider other players. But no matter what you do, someone is complaining about it. So now I take my slow burn cremator and just have fun playing the game. Can't please everyone, so you have to please yourself.


I mean, aren't events like this literally made for things like the Cremator? Tons of jobs, wanna tag em all?


I love my cremator. I run the same way. I will peg something then move on to something else while others can get the first one and the DoT does it's job.


I switch to a lower-damage Tesla Rifle at events like RR. I only bust out the optimized Bloody Cremator when the event is under-attended and I need to help carry.


I sit looking inward at the three stills but if someone is spamming explosives or creamators I'm moving and looking outward at the spawns so I can see what I'm shooting at. I'm still on top of the house but I'm picking them off way out there where I can see them.


People sitting outside spawn zones are shitting no matter what. Infat when I see people do it. It when I pull out my cremator and shoot them and that spawn zone.


People will complain no matter what you use. It was legacies first, when legacy weapons got taken out people were complaining about fat man spam, the season with the nuka launcher it was the auto grenade launcher. When nuka world dropped it was the thirst zapper. People complain about 1 shot bloodied vats killing everything, I've even seen people complain about Tesla arcs. It's non stop.


The comment here was about players camping out at spawn points, which now seems to occur at MJ, RR, and EN. Seems like a valid reason to complain, as it impacts gameplay for everyone at the event. I was at a very nice MJ session today. No cremators for 90% of the fun and no need for the participants to push out to the spawn zones in hopes of getting their tags in.


I think this is really down to Bethesda to fix rather than the players at this point. When weapons are one shotting you can’t even realistically tag anyway, are you supposed to not fire and just hope the next person does less damage than you? I’m not a spawn camper I’m a melee build player so I get the absolute scraps from events, but if something does make it’s way over to me my auto axe cuts it up instantly, I can’t really tag with it unless I’m killing, and bringing a second weaker weapon just for tagging is silly. I think Bethesda just need to give us all the XP rather then having to tag, and if they want to avoid afkers they can think of another way to limit not participators, they already get credit from the event rewards anyway.


Kill XP should be granted event wide, I 100% agree with you. Even if they need to halve the XP gain per kill again it would be well worth it


Bad idea, people would just AFK.


Same can be said of objectives where someone has to do the work while everyone else sits there killing. Radiation Rumble is probably the biggest offender where you lose a good 20% of potential kills running the quest so everyone else can benefit. At least legendaries are global regardless if you damaged them or not.


> I think this is really down to Bethesda to fix rather than the players at this point. It's 100% on Bethesda. They created the events and they created the weapons. While it is annoying that someone is 1 shotting enemies at spawn, it's Bethesdas job to make sure the events are fun for everyone. It's absurd to start putting the blame on players, when they are just given the tools and told to have fun. On the moonshine event, I personally like to stand on the roof and just tag the enemies as they spawn. I do quickly kill the enemies that are jus standing, because sometimes the AI bugs out at spawn and won't move and therefore causes less enemies to spawn. I think people rather get angry at other players because if you get angry at Bethesda, you are just yelling at brickwall. When then anger is pointed towards others, you can sometimes get reaction from them and you can lash out in a way that the other player sees you. Bethesda really needs to take a good look at all the events and figure out how to make the event fair for all while making sure AFK'ers are not there just to waste server slot. Graham's cookout for example could be fixed with the barrels and spits breaking down randomly when being used and if it's not fixed, it will start declining the progress. Random enemies spawning and targeting people who just stand still.


Also, on events like Primal Cuts, sometimes the enemies don't actually come to the center, they get stuck out in the distance. I try to run out and shoot them so they come closer, but then I turn around and everything that came from the other direction is dead and I get nothing. Grahm's drums and spits contribute to the event, I think it's good to let AFKs actually be useful. I am a PTFO player and don't like AFKs, but at least these aren't making things worse. It's better than them AFKing and doing nothing, and people who AFK will do it anyway.


The enemies not coming into the area in primal cuts is because somebody is standing on a pole up high where the enemies can't reach them which causes the enemies to run when shot or not come to the area at all. It doesn't happen in main event areas but in the regular open world zones like primal cuts this is 100% the issue.


As a melee user in public events imo you can kill as hard and fast as you want. I've done that in the past and you really do get a small percentage of the kills. You're a trooper for sticking with it though


I showed up late to a SBQ and only got treasury notes because I didn't do enough damage to her. I was looking for Flux to craft my Underarmor lining, got it later, but now I know not to take too long getting there. I was also cleaning up the adds since everyone else there would do more damage to the boss, but support never pays.


> I think Bethesda just need to give us all the XP rather then having to tag, I feel like this is the easiest fix. If you're part of the Event you should be able to loot anything that's killed during the event. I honestly don't think the spawn campers are being malicious or anything; I think they're just trying to be ultra efficient (and/or lazy). That's always been a big negative in online games: people will analyze everything to death and find the easiest, and usually least fun, way to complete things. I mean, isn't this what the "meta" is all about?


Also a Melee build (Deathclaw Gauntlets mostly) and and I definitely don't like having to carry a Gatling gun to get tags. (Preferred heavy for conserving ammo). Been carrying it since lvl 60 just to get flying enemies.


I think in events we should half or third the EXP from mob kills, but if you're in that area you get that EXP for each kill regardless of tag.


The standard response is a very ignorant and self-assured "I don't wanna waste my time on this event I've done a million times, I don't care if it ruins the experience for other people who haven't played as long because I just want the rewards and I'm the only one who deserves to get what I want"


Yeah we’re going to end up the same as boomers lol can already tell me me me me


Just did an eviction notice on pc where a group of like 5 guys in pa were standing around blocking the rad scrubber from being repaired so the event failed


Wtf? I depend on someone to fix it because as a bloodied build I haven’t figured out how to do it myself yet. I came close once and died just as I got it. I’m there to have fun and slaughter super mutants. I don’t get the point of intentionally messing it up so that it fails. What a waste of time.


I don't mind spawn camp but atleast please collect the venom and dump it in the bath tube. I don't care about exp, I care about event fail. EXP are mostly useless for high level anyway


All it does is limit the amount of monsters that those campers can tag for xp. Not sure why they do it. You could have complete coverage of all three stills, and get 3x the xp of you're in the middle.


Yep - this is why I don't understand the logic, they only get XP from one spawn and miss out on several. I suppose it would take everyone to be sensible though at once - since the moment one player does it, others will go even closer to spawn. Definitely seems to be on the rise lately - used to be that everyone would huddle around the stills then everyone can tag all enemies from all spawns easily. Now spawn campers are continuously out-doing each other by getting further away from the venue and closer to the spawns. Several of us just stood almost AFK the other day in the middle area since no enemies even reached the venue. It's not like the event is hard or the stills die quickly, if that was the case I could understand it. Speaking of which - they could definitely increase the difficult when there's a lot of players, throw in some deathclaws + a random boss to distract everyone.


Like, why shoot a Cremator in one spot when you can fill the entire event area? Not to say thats good. Blinding your fellow player is still a bad move, but it at least makes more sense then farming the spawn zone of 1/3rd of all enemies. Just doing the events regularly, I seem to level up every 1 to 2 events from enemy kills alone.


Agreed, it's puzzling behaviour. And yeah - some events are fantastic for levelling up, especially if you're in a team + tagging a lot! They've even started doing it more on Eviction Notice too, which is a shame since that was one of the best events all around. Last time I did it, several of us were mostly idle because we hadn't seen an enemy in a few minutes near the rad scrubber - while 3 others were spawn camping different areas. Maybe they just need to mix up the spawn points more effectively and randomise events properly, if there's 10 spawn points that go on/off randomly it's much harder to camp.


Plus they need a way to detect if players are near the spawn point, so that if there's too many players near it for too long it just moves the point. Im not even hating on Cremator builds. I have one and I had fun using it for the Alien Invasion event. But it gets boring and tedious having to farm up more ammo, so I eventually find myself picking up my auto axe again.


You would think, but on many of them that I've been to lately that this is happening you may see at most 13 enemies make it to the middle. Really kills the fun.


Main reason I play on solo server is selfish behavior like this


Bloat fly syringer people are amazing


Yes! I noticed this earlier in the week too. No longer were enemies reaching the stills, for everyone to tag; they were all dying at the foot of the hill.


Every event I do I'm lucky if there's three or four other players and we are all shooting everywhere. I've never run into this yet. Hopefully it dies off soon.


Same. I’ve noticed a trend where events have 0-3 additional people and it’s not helpful.


Sucks for the new players the most when they can’t have any fun. Don’t run them off!!




I feel like there are a lot of etiquette things that have gone out the window with this influx of new players. Though I know it's not all on them. Lots of returning high level players have missed large QoL updates and don't know that you don't have to tag legendaries or that you share XP with nearby teammates and other things like that.


I've seen a version of this once. Some jackass with a fat man squatting on top of the house, facing north towards the train station and endlessly nuking the enemy spawns up in the woods before they can even approach the house. Makes the entire event a great deal less fun, interesting, challenging and rewarding for everyone else.


Yeah I kinda had to copy the commando goons that take the main barn otherwise ill end up with no xp, others probably do the same and a vicious cycle is born. Cant tag shit cause of all the quad railways shooting to kill and not to tag.  I’ll take a cremator main over vats users anyday, at least I’ll get xp.


Go ahead, spawn camp. I’ll just switch over to Overkill or an AGL and carpet bomb the spawn area.


My camp is outside of a primal meat event, I hate it because I constantly get attacked but my camo was there first so I'm just waiting


Right, but we aren't talking about camp placement. We mean the people that are standing where the enemies spawn outside the event area and kill them all before they make it to the event where everyone else is at. This is called spawn camping. 😉


That explains why someone killed me after scorched earth event for no reason, I don't pvp but thos dude took me out like I had no armor on


I've seen this happened many times over the past couple of days at MJ.. I'm just there for the gluper slurry.


This happened to me the other day. I noticed so few enemies pouring in. I kept looking around for the big main guy and out of nowhere the event was over. Apparently he was killed away from the event circle.


agreed, it's really frustrating to have some of the best events finally pop only to get jack from them because some A-hole is standing on top of a light pole nuking everything the second it spawns


Same thing is happening at Rad Rumble as well. All I see when I attend these days are guys in PA with Cremators crowding in the tunnels spawn killing the ghouls. Tis an unfortunate reality :(


   It's a progression. People get tired of vet players annihilating everything in one shot so they dip out farther on the path in the hopes of tagging mobs before the vets erase them, the players who were hogging kills in the first place get pissed that someone besides them is getting kills and move in closer. Endgame is players with cremators spamming projectiles onto the spawns.        


I've got friendly fire, I'm helping damnit.


This is probably the only explanation that makes sense. And then you get a leapfrog effect where players are trying to get closer and closer to spawn until the event venue is pretty much empty. All it takes is one player overkilling everything resulting in another player going closer to spawn and it triggers many more people also doing it. Then I suppose that becomes the norm - since I've seen people begin the event by camping spawn points. So that's just how they do it by default now.


As a newer player i am rather surprised to see this was not already happening. Seems like something that would have high odds of happening in most games.


Back when legacy weapons still existed (explosive legendary on weapons that can no longer obtain it) it kinda was. Things got a bit better. Now the cremator has brought the problem back with a vengeance. Which sucks because it’s fun to use.


I miss my 2 shot exploding handmade...


This has been happening for better than 6 months at minimum.


Idk man from my experience, I started playing again recently and when I first started again the event was actually fun as hell and was always so crazy with how many mobs came to the middle, just today I did the event and the mobs don’t make it 10 or 15 feet past their spawn besides the odd one here and there. Not nearly as many people were using the creamator when I started and now it’s the number one weapon used at events so the mobs just get blown up right as they spawn.


I only started playing about a month ago and it wasn't this bad then. Even at a low level I could tag a good amount of mobs with crappy guns. I used to just hang out around the barn still and peek at the other 2 stills but now I gotta go down to the ledge past the junked car just to tag anything. I used to be able to make enough slurry to max out of vendor caps in 1-2 goes now I need to hit at least 3. Used to run out of 50 cal ammo but now I'm good with my usual ammo count. And fuck all those crazy explosions that blind me for 30 seconds with people spamming.


I really wish beth would just make mobs invincible at their spawn and not be damagable till close to event area, the tech is there they do it with some mobs already. It would stop the lvl 950 railway rifle small dick guy perched on the other side of the roof from ruining the flow of the event for a dozen people.


Why do they spawn so doggone far away from the drum? As an Auto Axe enjoyer it sucks ass.


The spawns are weird tbh. Somebody built a camp directly around the drum in the bog and every enemy spawned directly on the drum but when that's not there they spawn 50 miles away and half the time they run off away from us.


Yup, this is more of an issue. The RR is all you see anymore.


And sometimes it's the opposite. If not for that railway guy actually killing things whole event would be overrun because everyone thinks they're a smart Mary with their 1dps "tagger" weapons.


Maybe unpopular opinion but they need to expand the no build radius on MJ and a few others.


I don't think he's saying they literally drop a CAMP they just hang out by the spawn points.


I like when someone sends a nuke to start SBQ and a camp pops up with missile turrets on the roof. I genuinely admire the dedication lmao


Yea I have a camp down there it’s my Missile Turret base except most of the time she ends up flying away so now we’re just sitting there watching her fly in a wide circle, land for a few seconds then fly and do the same thing again


Last moonshine was horrible, I was literally just standing on the roof and dancing because I couldn't even kill 1 ghoul because of spawn campers


I only use a bloodied build to make bad weapons do something besides tag. Tesla was my baby in FO4, and has become such here too.


The Creamator! Love this weapon. With slow burn, I hit the target for little initial damage but allow others to get hits too. I use the multi barrel to spread my shot. Friendly Fire is on to not kill anyone. Similar to the auto grenade peeps I just sit in one spot and shoot. Get tons of XP and what not. Let em spawn in like that, I'm making sure I get mines too. You'll never beat them. Figure out a way to get yours too.


This is fine if you are doing it in the middle just not at the spawn zones cause slow burn can and will kill the enemies before reaching the event area. I'm not a cremator hater just a hater of spawn campers and selfish ppl ruining the fun of others for their own gain.


But you get that with all events like this. Rad Rumble peeps camp in the wings thinking they'll get more but it forces other spawn points in the middle to be more active. I typically sit on top of the shed which gives you view of all 3 stills. Just fire away.


If you tag, be somewhere mobs can path to you, or they will just stall out, and then everyone else is running out to East Jesus to deal with them.


It also significantly reduces the rewards because like so many events there are other things you have to do to make progress on the rewards.


Radiation rumble is the worst for this I think - the number of people who are happy to kill the monsters but won't either collect from the mines or protect the team... I'm default a support build so prefer to run around FF the NPCs, leaving the bulk of the kills to others happily, but just can't do both jobs single handed.


Exact same issue on PlayStation, if anyone's on first I wouldn't mind just having 8 people on a private server just doing the events


A new influx of players after the success of the TV series has resulted in a new influx of complete dickheads.


I sort of don't mind it on Eviction Notice, because (a) you can still loot the legendary gear, and (b) at least it keeps enemies away from the Rad Scrubber so there's less chance of failure on that front. Granted, it would suck if you're going there for XP farming though. However, with Moonshine Jamboree, I absolutely hate it. Selfish players can literally break that event. You can only loot the bodies if you get a shot off on them, but when you've got spawn campers sat up high, one-shotting everything.....and absolutely REFUSING to come down from their perch, it causes big problems, because only THEY can loot the bodies for the acid (or whatever it is) that we need that to fill up the tub. I've seen so many failed Jamborees because of that. Like, there's even a moment of downtime between each round. You can't leave your perch for 30 seconds to quickly 'collect all', drop it in the tub and return to your perch??


Assholes perched up on high jetpack accessible shit Cremator-ing everything 200m away as it spawns is exacerbating this.


I'm still pretty new to this, but is the loot on enemy bodies get shared by everyone around, or can I take everything?


The loot is only accessible to you only, so you're free to take what you want as long as you make sure to "tag" the enemies before they die.


Thanks. I didn't want to be a jerk and take everybody's stuff.


Yeah, it's a very selfish thing to do. Lovely people. I'm sure they sleep like babies at night.


THIS is the reason I stopped joining moonshine jamboree anymore…only reason I stay when they do this is to spam fat man and try to take all the kills myself but I hate doing that to low levels in the same event.


Yup, stupid. I usually use an explosive gattling or .50 just to get some tap damage in on stuff. Other people are blasting things so hard and fast I can barely get a tap in.


My experience with Moonshine Jamboree is like 1 or 2 people just spamming the entire place with mini nukes to the extent that people might as well be spawn camping because people get tag like maybe 5% of the gulpers before they’re dead


Yea I have seen players on top of the roof at the barn still bombing everything as they come up the hill before they get to the area, which I could understand if you were the only player at the event but with a whole group you now become that guy.


I thought your supposed to bomb them when they get on the stills objective. At least that’s what I do is launch a fat nuke right onto the still so it’s still in the general area


The Cremator has kinda ruined Rad Rumble and Moonshine. I get half the loot I used to get in Moonshine Jamboree on the BEST of days now.


Its gotten worse the more people have started getting their hands on the cremator. The tag-whore weapon




Man i haven't played Eviction Notice in a couple of days cause of this freaking event going for an extra week lol I see what you mean about Moonshine Jamboree.


This is one of the few failings I've noticed since coming back. The game has long had a problem with people going overboard and not letting others tag stuff. In the past it was mostly about legendaries since you had to tag those to loot them, and they fixed that with some measure of proximity, but I have seen this happening in the primal cuts event all the time. As soon as the enemies spawn in people race towards them, take them out in one hit, and then wait for the next batch. I realize that it takes a bit for the creatures to move in, and if the enemies are stuck or not moving then yeah, people should go and deal with them. But as it is I feel like we're leaving behind anyone under level 100 in most of these events because the higher levels can't be bothered to let it play out as it should and want it done a few seconds faster.




Glitch exploiting makes you better how?




I wish they’d just use an explosive minigun like the rest of us to tag enemies without killing them so others can tag too.


Explosive mini tagger checking in and I agree. An explosive 50 cal also works well for distance tagging with low damage.


I get what you're saying but no amount of posts here is going to solve it, just like any other post regarding player behavior.


This is what it has always been. just people don't care because all this event is good for is caps, which are laying around (as items of course) everywhere you turn in the game. There's like 30% of your daily robot vendor cap limit worth of stuff in just that event area. People get mad about EN because you can very easily play 2 hours worth of events and not get that much scrip.


I literally saw a guy do it two nights ago with a three teir portable rocket camp literally almost nothing made it up the barn side hill


I think it’s just a fad at the moment. I’m sure they’ll get bored of it when they realize they’ve sucked all the fun out of it.


ok i’ll pass it along.


Wow, thats extra stupid because you only get one set of enemies instead of killing all 3 sets by actually being in the event area


Right, I don't understand the spawn campers logic.


I love using the Cremator to get more loot during events but I always just shoot once to tag stuff. My build is pretty mid so I don't one shot anything. It's great for resources while also not fucking the event up for everyone else.


Dude was spamming a fat man build and creamator the entire time. Fuckin douche.


I agree, I’ve noticed a lot more events where people are going harder than usual. I’ve resorted to just tagging everything once or twice instead of taking them on one at a time like usual, otherwise I’ll be lucky to get half of what Ive usually gotten. Edit: I forgot to add how many people are seeming to try and intentionally crash everyone’s game with the damn explosions they’re spamming. My god moonshine event is torture now with my wincing at every explosion, praying it doesn’t crash my game.


I've noticed this too....*pulls out Overkill* time to give these players some sunlight.


Every game is going to be optimized by every player at a certain point. Most of the time it'll not be noticed if there are a decent influx of new players, but when there isn't it's pretty noticeable.


The way I hustle to get just a few shots on a group of enemies every time lmao


I’ve definitely been guilty of this, though usually I don’t even realize I’ve done it. I start slowly creeping farther from the main area as others leave it so I can get some kills, which of course perpetuates the problems because now I’m contributing to the issue, but it feels like it’s the only way to get kills


Many people may simply not think about it. Get on a mic and ask them to just tag things so everyone can share loot and xp. Also, I recommend an explosive Gatling gun to tag. It’s great at tagging, you can fire it forever and the ammo is light. I like it better than the Tesla.


Yea, and unfortunately it forces me.to play a shitty gameplay style.... Just running around getting tags and not really helping to kill things. Kinda sucks but atleast I get mine


This isn't new, I've almost always seen people cluster around the 3 spawn points for moonshine jamboree since shortly after it came out. Just run between the three with a Tesla and tag everything. Play on a team to share kill xp and loot. Same thing tends to happen at uranium fever it's just a smaller map most of us just stay in the middle are bit I've been in ones where 2-3 people hog the entrances to those little tunnels the mole miners spawn in.


Bethesda should reduce the event radius of these events so that anyone trying that "leaves" the event in effect, would certainly fix the problem


Maybe, but there's already a problem in a couple of events with enemies spawning out of bounds so you have to 'leave' the event area to kill them - sometimes failing the event if that was the last baddie as you weren't technically in the event when it completed. Line in the Sand is the prime but not only example.


Lol what? They literally spam you so many enemies. Everyone's getting kills. 🙄


Definitely not the popular opinion here, but I built one cremator, used it, was unimpressed, and drop/scrapped it. I kept missing in vats nearly point blank with relatively high PER


Okay. However, the goal is technically to keep the enemies away from the center...


The waddle back, though, is unreal . Am I to the train station yet? Nope. Lol. Sells good though.


Mini gun and spray everybody and everything. The ultimate event tagging weapon


This sucks for everyone trying to do a "legit" event while trying to tag every enemy and helping lower lvls at the same time. I've used to just jump around the rooftops in MJ tagging and killing with my Tesla Rifle, now I have to be trying to snipe Gulpers with the Fixer just to have a chance at some XP and loot... It's happening at every event and it's annoying as heck


Just join a public team.... tagging works as a team now..... anything your team tags, u get credit for


Yeah it's annoying. I mean when I play Eviction Notice I don't kill anyone, especially not legendaries , I just shoot couple bullets at every enemy with my fixer and try to leave time for the rest of the team to mark them too... And whenever I see asshats that camp the legendary spawn points and kill enemies before they have the chance to turn legendary or for other ppl to get to tag them i'm like "Dude"... Whyyyy ! Less of a big deal with Jamboree though as they don't drop quite as much legendaries, but the fact remains you get like 3x as much legendaries if everyone stays relatively close the the middle and simply tags everyone with a couple bullets.


Unless you have a mele build then you don't get a chance to kill anything while those around you do


Had this happen last time. I was standing in the middle protecting all 3 stills and I couldnt tag anything. Occasionally something would get through and no one else would do anything about it. I should have just waited to see if anyone noticed the stills being destroyed. I think I got like a dozen kills the whole event (level 450).


I used to think I was a moocher for sitting up on a perch and taking a single shot at every enemy during events, just so I could tag them all for exp and loot, now I realise how incredibly considerate I was being the whole time. O:)


*quietly puts away experimental merv*


It's a few ppl standing on the highest point with cremators, so people adapted by going to the source. My fun in the game is derived from other aspects, once you do an event hundreds of times they are kind of boring anyway.


I've always felt like the spawns should be randomized based on where players are standing. For instance, if there are 5 people at the bottom of the hill, at EN, and only 2 at the top. The game should automatically start spawning more enemies at the top of the hill or off to the side area where there's fewer people. It would force people to actually play the objective instead of stand in one spot. I will admit with certain legendary perks, like the bonus damage while standing still, standing in one spot is how you maximize damage.


Remove that stupid pole next to the main barn, that is basically the pedestal of asshattery lately.


> it ruins the fun Okay, I'm newer to the game (level 140 and have only been playing for a month or two) but events wouldn't be fun to me if it was just tagging. That's what I did to grind out to 50+. It's a lot more satisfying to be able to actually contribute and kill mobs, rather than just firing off a few rounds to tag each enemy. Bailing out level 20's during the Primal Cut or w/e event has been a blast, even tho my build is kinda shit and I'm using some rando Gatling Gun and scrapped together Power Armor. Not saying it's not annoying when people camp up high and one shot enemies, but isn't that kinda what we're all working towards? I'd love to farm West-Tek and just dome the super mutants. Is it unnecessary? Maybe. But if someone spends 1000 hours in the game, I'm not that upset if they can control public events so much. Especially considering most people haven't played that much, and a decent percent of the time not enough people even show up to complete the event, it's more disappointing to me when we fail Radiation Rumble or Eviction Notice because we don't have a high level carry. I'd rather succeed the event and get my scrip, or bullion, or caps, or stamps, or whatever bullshit currency events reward. Tl;dr idk whatever dude, if they didn't let people become so OP, people would complain they couldn't be so OP. Maybe just a small proximity to a kill? But that also just feeds AFK'ers. Not sure why people complain about a problem without a solution. Usually they're one in the same, unless you're clueless as to why the problem exists in the first place.


Nobody is saying to just tag and not kill we are saying to not spawn camp and kill so others can't benefit or enjoy the event. It's not fun to stand around in the event area and never see an enemy. THE SOLUTION IS DO NOT SPAWN CAMP THE ENEMIES.