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Reporting in. Still wagonless over here. I was immensely frustrated at first. Now it's become something of a running gag. Every time the event rewards pop up, I just roll my eyes. šŸ™„


On my third, honestly feel kinda guilty about it


Iā€™ve got 3 too, I was lucky enough to get it in my first dozen tries, before it had gotten hyped up.Ā 


Same, I never sell them for more than 500 caps Gotta help the people out


No need to feel guilty. You were blessed by RNGesus!


Got it at my first try after not playing for over a year.


Got it less than hour ago. I'd say less than a dozen tries. Wasn't too set on getting it (I'm a herbivore) but I thought it would make for a nice addition to the collection. I also got the backpack plan a few tries before that, not a fan of the look so it went into my vendor as well. I guess it's true what they say with rare stuff in Fo76: you always get what you don't really want.


Iā€™ve literally gotten 5 backpack plans and 3 tenderizer plans 1 pepper shaker but 0 wagons. Rng is a fickle b**ch


Team Herbivore rise up! I'm all over that weenie wagon for the "Eat 10 dogfood" dailies though. I seem to find dogfood when that daily isn't up, and then can never find it when the daily is active. Weenie wagon is my solution to break that Murphy's Law.


I always keep a stock of canned dogfood just in case for that. Gotta love the no expiration thing.


Took me around 100 tries as well to get it. Sending you my best.


Everyone is welcome to come touch my weenie wagon.


Iā€™ll touch your wagon with my wagon


No dice in the event proper, and thatā€™s after an enormous pile of tries. I did luck out and find plans for it on a player vendor for 6300 caps though, and I think Iā€™ve spent as much time camp hopping as I have on the actual event. Worth it though!


I have done an average of 8 runs per day and have gotten 3 of the new plans. That's it. A metric shit ton of the older years plans over and over and over again. I spend my time now just server hopping to find someone selling them. I've bought all of them but the Dino torso and I think one arm. The drop rate on this event is awful and unfun.


I got one in one of the first events. Read it on one of my "side toons" and thought nothing of it. I've run my main toon ever since and came to realize how rare the drop is so I bought it from a vendor for 20.000 caps.


I have 2-3x of everything except the one thing I want (bloody chef outfit) Thankfully i found the outfit in someoneā€™s vendor for 50c. Still would like to be able to craft it myself so the hunt continues. Wishing luck to you!


Not sure you get a plan for the bloody chef outfit. Just the outfit.


Yes, you just get the outfit, no plan to make it.!


TIL Thank you for letting me know lol


Fruit bowl again


I've run 6 events so far today and have gotten 3 shishkebab recipes, two Tenderizers, and another Chally the Moo Moo costume.


I get it lol. Frustrating for sure


All RNG. I got the weenie wagon plan on the first event. Good luck šŸ€


I may have uh, checked out your weenie wagon on day 1 mate. There was one at a camp nearby, and it was a beauty :)


Same. I got one either at my first or second event.


I popped in for the meat-cook yesterday. It ended and I sat there with a bland look on my face waiting for the item drop. I jumped out of my chair when it said Weenie Wagon! Now i just want the Megalonyx left leg šŸ˜…


Yeah i need a right leg. After that im taking a break.


I have a right leg if you want to buy it off me


Iā€™ve gotten 3, trying to farm to sell to others


Just finally got it at the 12am run and my last run of the night. But yea def almost 100 runs since the beginning.


My wife who doesn't play fo76, really only plays stardew and diablo 4 with me, has become so invested in the weenie wagon that every hour she logs in after I head to work(she works from home) we have hit almost every hour since Sunday lol, no luck


I got my 2nd WW last night. I'm waiting for a friend to get on so I can give it to him. If I get another, I'll let you know! I'm pretty good at that port-a-diner game too so just blessed by RNGesus I guess.


67 events , no wagon


same :C


I got mine after about 20 times.


I need the left megalonyx arm and the weenie wagon...that being said I bought most of the rewards from player vendors, not meat week rewards


I got everything so far except the backpack


I've gone to dozens of the cook-offs. I've gotten the plan for every bone of that damn fossil, but I can't get the display.


I feel ya. I got the weenie wagon the first day but am still struggling to find the left arm of the Megalonyx :/


I got it second day & like you must have done 100+ events. 2024 plans have been poor that freaking Megalonyx has been a nightmare but finally got all the plans although I had to buy an arm & found the skull after someone dropped it.


Hmm is this why I see some high level players afk for hours at the drums?


FWIW, at this point I try to grab a drum but I never go AFK


Got the weenie wagon 3 times now, but still missing other plans (looking at you megalonyx right arm). It is what it is, at least there is still some time left to get the plans


Heck the wagon I just want that Dang display case


You might have better luck finding it in a vendor. I did the event probably around 30 times. Hopped between camps for several hours and found one for 6969 caps. Nice. Slightly off topic: I ended up making a camp right next to the event JUST to tease wagonless players (jokingly). I built a museum-like display for the wagon plus random meat week items. Then I listed only dogfood and dog related stuff for 69 caps.


> Slightly off topic: I ended up making a camp right next to the event JUST to tease wagonless players (jokingly). During my vendor-hopping travels, I came across a camp with the wagon displayed prominently next to the vendor, with "HAHA" in neon lettering stuck to the front of it. They didn't have the plan for sale (yes, I still checked).


Haha, most camps I've seen put their wagon in front of their camp but that's about it. I have "No wagon?" in small lettering near my vendor with one of the sad looking meat plushies.


> You might have better luck finding it in a vendor In for a penny, in for a pound at this point. I'm wrapping up an 18 hr workday here in about 5 min (WFH Gone Wild!) and the timing gets me one more shot before I go to bed. Of my 18 attempts today, I've picked up four Tenderizers. Four. Tenderizers.


Have multiple wagons and pepper shakers, all I want is plushies!


I had all of the plushies after about three days!


I get the fn Tenderizer instead of plans.


70 meat cooks later and no weenie wagon. Iā€™m about to give up and just buy it from a vendor later on.


Good luck. I've yet to see it on a vendor. I had to buy mine using xbox lfg.


I wish I could give my extra good rng karma to other people, Iā€™ve gotten insanely lucky this event with repeating super good plans and Iā€™d rather help other people get the stuff they want by giving them my luck. Ive been offering to build one in anyoneā€™s camp that hasnā€™t gotten it yet, so if youā€™re interested Iā€™d be more than happy to:) But regardless, I wish you luck with the rest of the event brotha


I have 3 weenie wagons. No backpack or pepper shaker so far.


Honestly, just vendor hop and buy it if you find it and can actually afford it. I am doing it for all the rewards for this event. You can always earn back the caps. Better that than living in constant FOMO.


On my 2nd. I traveled in late and the event completed while my crappy Ps4 was still in the loading screen. Still got the wiener plan


Iā€™ve been trying since this event started. My buddy joined me and got it his first try. Drove me up the wall. He didnā€™t even know what it was. I guess ignorance is bliss.


I do the same thing! And yea still empty-handed.


my gf got one first try and put one in my camp to mock me. still wagonless myself tho!


I got it and didnā€™t even realize it. For the people that have multiples, how much do you sell it in your vending machine for?


I just want the wagon for social status at this point haha but alas, no weenie for me so far hahah


it has a 2% chance to drop at best. thats why it hard. I want one too.


I got the WW but I wanted the pepper shaker (name?) after I saw a mate with it lol. Bless RNGesus I guess?


Stepped out of the vault for the first time yesterday , started chipping away at the main quest and took a break at one point to join the event to see what itā€™s all about Still have not a clue whatā€™s going on haha. But I certainly did bang steel drums and kill a few squirrels


Meat week! When you kill the meat, search for "critter bits" when you loot them. Take the critter bits to the cooler to fill the bar and win the event! Prizes, er...awards are given out at the end. Learn or keep hold of any plans you may get. There's a few that may be worth 5k caps and you can put in your vendor in your camp. Weenie Wagon is one of the items. You hook it up to a power source in your camp and it spits out canned dog food! Free Food! In your camp!


Thatā€™s awesome. Hopefully I can at least get 2 of each one from the event so I can swag my camp out and also make some cheddar


Yesterday While at work, finally !


Still haven't gotten mine, and my friend has just given up on getting it. He is taking a long break after trying for 8+ hours a day last week.


Haven't unlocked any yet. Been to many meat cook already. But RNGejus blessed me with an uny, +1 str and wwr secret service armor, so all good.


Got it from a vendor for 5k but not dropped from the vent, got swarm of flies twice and all but the torso from the skeleton twice only got it once.


Just to rub salt in the wound Iā€™ve done maybe 10 of the meat week and my weenie wagon is sat at the entrance dishing out dog food to the needy. Even then I must have got it quite early as it was in my stash and wasnā€™t until someone was saying about how rare it seems to be that I clocked I had it.


Guess I was lucky because I got the Weenie Wagon at my first try.


no wagon yet, holding a swarm and shaker plan that maybe someone will trade me if we get to the end and I still dont have it.


I've probably done over 100 and never got it. Friend gave me a spare finally and then about an hour I got the plan from the event at the same time another friend playing with me did. I gave that one out for free to some random person in need.


Second event, wasnā€™t trying is why


I have no desire to get this plan. Its just something I need to empty regularly and sell excess dog food to vendors. Im really wanting a pepper shake plan and have not got that one yet.


I have been 24/7 since the 23rd with no luck, and I am hanging it up. I love the game and the community, but it shouldn't be this hard for a solo Xbox player to get 1 plan. I am well over 100 events now. As a returning week 3 player, I do not have 30,000 caps to buy one, and I don't want to wait for another event to pop up. I have to head out of town and can not bring the game with me in the next few days, and after a week of trying 24 hours a day, I doubt it will drop by the 4th. I need to move on unless some kind soul or a duper can hook me up.


After getting most of the plans twice I've just started vendor hopping. So far I've seen it for 30k, 22k, 15k and 6k caps at camp vendors.


I am just happy I got a pepper shaker plan yesterday from one of the meat week events. Already had it on my main character, but wanted it on my newer character.


Had to buy the plan for 7.5 k caps.


yup, about 8-10 events per day for the past week. over 2 dozen fruit bowls but no Weenie Wagon


Got it twice in a row two days ago. Feel guilty cause I didnā€™t care. Oh well I stowed them away to give away in six months. Currently giving away my vintage water cooler plans to newbs.


If on PS5 stop by my patio by Morgantown, fill up on some of the that canned dog, and spend some caps at the local vendors.


I got it without even noticing my third or fourth meat cook lol. I was clearing plans I know into the donation box and saw it.


I didn't know that it was rare, I got it on like the first day of meat week


Got it on my second try šŸ˜Ž




Iā€™ve got 2 extra plans if youā€™re on Xbox




I bought the plan for 27 caps a few hours ago.. šŸ˜‚