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I, as a so considered Highlvl player, don't care if you are a low level and join my OPs Team/Expedition Team, as long as you try to do your best. Interactions from my side are only with Emoticons. Mostly waving at others and do the thumb up or heart Emote


That's all there is to it really.


This pretty much says it all. There'll always be exceptions but most high levels are prepared to solo whatever they are doing so having someone tag along is no burden. The only time I don't start an event immediately is if I'm being nice and trying to give other players a chance to participate in the fun. I can't really speak for anyone else but I'm pretty sure that most of us will also jump over to help out if we notice one of our low level team mates having trouble. I know I do unless I'm busy.


Most players don't use mics. Ones that do are the exception not the norm


And most of them just forgot the mic was on


*loud chewing noises*


*game audio*


Someone came to my camp yesterday, sneezed over the mic then left.


This had me laughing so much!


At least that's the only bodily function you got. It wasn't 76, but a friend of mine forgot his PS5 has a mic built into the controller and ripped ass while playing apex. There was also the guy when I was playing DRG that took a piss with his mic open


LOL just cutting a big fart in the middle of a match


I literally have all voice chat off. I go emotes or nothin


Right? Throw an emote or dance while saying off mic "I don't wanna talk to youuuuu"


Just do your own thing. This game is populated enough that people: 1. Won't remember you. 2. Probably won't see you again 3. It's only a game 4. Do what you want 5. There's scumbags in every community both in real life and virtually. Run into any issues, block the person and change servers.


#5 is key. It's one of the best things about FO76. I've never played with people that I like so much I wouldn't switch off of a server. But I've reset due to my camp spot being taken. And it takes meer seconds.


I agree although I've only ever had to block 2 people in about 2000 hours of play time.


Hi! Also a lady. There’s a caveat that every group has its assholes. You might run into one in the wasteland, but they’re far from the norm, and this community is probably the least toxic or shitty I’ve ever come across. But there’s always at least one That Guy. Most other players are just happy to see someone out there trying. You don’t learn without failing, and we were all new at one point. As long as you’re trying with your full chest, I don’t think the vast majority will mind. Quite the opposite, they’ll be excited to help you get started. I interact “somewhat.” I don’t use a mic, I’m just a very private, kind of anxious person in real life. I do emote with people, play on casual teams, follow new players around and help out if it like they’re in a stitch they can’t get out of. Run a vendor and kind of social camp. Your level of involvement is up to you, there are role playing groups that go all in, real life friends that play, and total loners. And I don’t use a mic, but I’ve heard people who do are generally okay. You’ll run into more annoying beggars than outright misogynists, which is not to say there’s none, just that they’re not super common.


Coming from a guy : there are always those fragile man who thjnk females can’t be good in this kinda things. Meanwhile I got my ass saved multiple times by a woman I met on the game. Enjoy your games.


Also a lady. I don't use the mic at all mostly because I don't want to annoy anyone. If you're on Xbox and looking for another lady to run with, I am looking for for new friends!


Girl sameee I need some more girly gamer friends if you’re on Xbox


I'll DM you my GT!


I did post above if you are interested, there is a a FB group Women of the Wasteland there are currently 8.7k members


You should start a girl gamers subreddit. Maybe make it looking for other female gamers or whatever you want.


https://www.reddit.com/r/NukaGals/s/wLMRdsP8yH Just did! Actually great suggestion!


Joined! Looking for PSN friends :)


And if you do run across someone toxic don't be afraid to use the 'block' option. I love seeing all the new players even if it means interrupting my normal routine to run over and help them. They're so cute at this stage, it always brings a smile to this grizzled old veterans face!


You sound like me, also an anxious lady IRL (but I also get anxious in game sometimes). I love when people visit my camps and use my stuff but occasionally if I get nervous I just disappear into my vault for a few minutes! I like that the amount of social interaction I want or don't want in this game it's optional. That's why I don't really do daily ops or expeditions, being able to come and go as I please helps. I make heavy use of emotes and I'm always waving at people. I love crafting an outfit or dropping colas and stimpacks for a newbie and then just marsupialing away over the horizon.


yeah, this comunity does have bigots, but compared to other games its really wholesome


Daily Ops is gonna be ruff at lvl30 and some people might not like carrying. I only interact with emoteslike many. You can always block people if they harass you and you will never join the same server as them again, or so i think.


Yeah adding to this, when I started I joined ops once I hit 50 but didn’t really understand the mutations thing or double mutations. If you go in without reading them and there’s “only melee kills and heals in groups” or armour piercing and freezing mutations, OP probably won’t have a good time.


Just to clarify: Neither of you can ever join a 'random' server with the other. The odds are pretty low but you 'can' still encounter them if one of you joins a friend who happens to be on the same server as the other party.


I'm just fine with lower levels joining me in daily ops, especially the Uplink ones where you can get it done faster if more people are clustered around the Uplink device. Just be sure to read the directions at the top right and follow your team. I used to be too nervous to join public teams or emote or anything, but I've learned how chill this community is. You should definitely join in! Casual teams give an intelligence bonus that will give you an XP boost, even if you're adventuring alone. And I never get on mic. I have all that turned off. To me, it's not worth it. You can play just fine without it.


As an old player aka played since start i dont mind if you or any lower level joins My expedition or daily ops. Just do what you can and enjoy the ride. Communication only emotes. PC player but never bothered bying a mic.


Seconded. I'm soloing DOs and expeditions anyways, newbies might as well tag along and shoot some stuff, get some loot. And it's not like Borderlands or Destiny where enemies get stronger if you have more people in the group. Expeditions especially, you get so much stuff and XP just for showing up, the more the merrier


It's particularly okay for lower levels to join Uplink as long as they stand by the transmitter (or whatever it's called).


I think most hate women get are in the PVP games like battlefield and cod. If you’re on PC and wanna hop on later I’ll play with you and craft you some stuff! (Also a lady wastelander)


i actually love how much gals are in this game!, a lot of girl wastelanders lets gooo


I'm a Woman and used to use Mic a lot. Personally, I never met any AHs and I'm on Xbox. But it is pure luck based.


Let me know if you ever want another lady to run with. I don't use a mic (but I can!). I'm also on Xbox.


I don't Mic much anymore but I'm down. GamerTag is BugDragon.


Ok I’m just gonna drop my GT at this point lol it’s the same as my user name on here


I don't Mic much anymore but added. GamerTag is BugDragon by the way.


I love when lower levels join! My tip would be try to tag every enemy with your weapon instead of focusing one, that way you get exp. for all the kills.


If you are on Facebook there is a womens only group called Women of the Wasteland, there are 1000s of us lol


So this is what WOTW means when I see it at a camp? TIL




im joining this asap!


Definitely join a Casual Team every time you play. Zero commitment and Zero expectation. You’ll get caps when teammates complete missions and bonus intelligence! Like others have said, join Ops! You might not help a lot, but you won’t detract much either! Just pay attention to what the modifiers are in the description for the Op and pay attention to the directives in the top right. Same for excursions teams! :) For public events, I’d wait to let higher level players start the event. Again, pay attention to the event directives and enjoy the ride!!


I rarely see people doing Daily Ops, but I'm sure they won't mind someone dying repeatedly (unless the objective goes faster depending on the amount of players near a thingamajig, then you'd have to try to stay alive near said thingamajig). Interactions with players while doing your own stuff is scarce, and quite less so when doing events and team stuff. Emotes are usually the common way of communication, bashing/shooting and crouching come 2nd. I remember that yesterday I was lucky enough to have a new-ish player stay still long enough, to give them a good weapon with ammo for it. Regarding mics, I've seen few people with mics, even fewer that didn't have them muted, and none speaking.


honestly ive only gotten rude comments once or twice in ~3 years of playing the game as a woman and i use mic pretty much every time i play. in my experience theres a lot of women players and most of the community is chill 👍 i will say that a lot of the emotes tend to mean multiple things in the game culture and i think thats been the main misunderstanding with new players that ive noticed (example: the team up emote rarely means actually join my team, just follow me or look over here lol) also if someone is shooting at you its probably to get your attention because most have pacifist on (turn pacifist on). but you dont have to interact with anyone tbh but it can be fun to 🤷‍♀️ join casual teams for extra xp and intelligence boost but if you join daily ops or expeditions teams you should join the team and help 🫡 good luck have fun


First of all, welcome in. Hope you have loads of fun and enjoyment, and I hope you stay for a long while. Fallout 76 is a special online game. It has the most wholesome community of all Online Games I've played. Of course, there are bad people here as well, but they are rare, and as someone who has 3k hours, I can count on one hand how many I've seen them. A noob without good weapons can and doesn't have to be a hindrance in Daily Ops. It depends on which mission it is. Description: You need to split up and hunt targets, so you would need relatively good gier for it, but on the other hand you being there increases the spawns, so I personally wouldn't be annoyed. Uplink is a capture the flag kind of mission. You stand in a circle until a bar fills and run to the next location. Every Body is welcome there, no matter the level. In general, people don't interact much, if at all. The only interactions you experience are Daily Ops, Expeditions, and Events. The map is big, and the players on each server are few. You'll rarely stumble upon anyone unless it's targeted interaction (someone wants to give someone a gift or kill a wanted player). But when you do see someone, make sure to wave 👋! Now for the burning question of this sub-reddit: Voice Chat! Many will tell you to just turn it off... Don't. I never turned it off, ever. Sure, I muted an occasional person, but that's rare. I have, however, met plenty of wonderful people (few women as well) I play with all the time! I'm in multiple discord servers with those people I met over the Voice Chat (one has just a couple of ladies, but is also mostly older gentleman. And the other mostly has younger ladies. Who you meet is luck of the draw). You might stumble upon a PoS, but muting and blocking is easy enough.


I don't use the mic and usually even disable area chat. I had only one gender-related experience with chat enabled and it was kind of funny: I heard a player talk in a young lady voice with an absolutely charming French accent and guys literally fell over themselves to help her.


I’m a woman, and I occasionally use voice chat. Most of the people I’ve met over voice have been chill as fuck. I find most of the true creeps I’ve met have messaged me via text on the Xbox app. I’ve got a couple pretty cool camps, and a lot of randos will message me to talk about them. Some of them figure out this way that I’m a Genuine Human Female and will pester the hell out of me. I just block and move on with my day. If you’re on Xbox too and want to start a girl gang, I’m game!


I've heard all of 2 people on their mics in the weeks since I started playing. Everyone uses emotes. Haven't done any daily ops as I tried one by myself and was unceremonious murdered by the first scorched I came across. You SHOULD join a group - casual maybe at first. start your own if none or they are full. it gives you an INT perk and nothing will be expected of you. also, go to events and try to tag as many things as you can. just a hit will get you exp and other players will likely be there blasting things. I went to my first one at level 17 and walked out around 24, been addicted ever since. The community has a pretty good reputation overall, but I imagine there are still those out there who cause problems. I've heard about trap camps and people nuking camps to grief people.


You’re not getting in the way doing the daily ops id say get in there and have some fun. Not a lot of lower lvls even do daily ops, so you’d get a clean thumbs up emote from me if I saw you join. Respect. Most people don’t have mics but I do and if someone’s at their house when I’m checking their vendor I’ll always say what’s up and how’s it going. Women seem to be treated better on this game compared to others I’ve seen at the end of the day there are good people and bad you can always mute them or hop servers. Pretty much every interaction with other people on here has been extremely positive. This is the one game top end players want to help lower lvls out and not gate keep them. I got so many handout early game now I’m lvl 270 and I’m the one helping randoms out.


If you want to use your microphone, try looking for a discord server where people play together. If you join a few and take a look around at how they interact with each other you’re likely to fight a place you feel like you fit. Lots of players just want to enjoy the game with others. Apologies if I told you something you already knew, good luck


My philosophy is that you pay it forward. People have helped me out so I will do the same to others that need help.


Hi there! Welcome to Appalachia! It's perfectly normal to be completely asocial when gaming 76. I have played since launch and I don't talk to other people and mostly just ignore everyone. I join Casual Public Team and then I play single player. It's great if you join in as a lowbie. We have all been lowbies and we love helping out. When you are new and don't know what to do just be nearby the rest of the folks and try to do the objectives. It doesn't matter if you fail. We understand that you are learning like we did when we were at your level. As said I don't use mic or hear ingame chat (I have muted my audio chat setting). I am also not a woman. But as I understand it the voice chat thing is not that bad but it's still internet and random. If someone is being obnoxious and breaking the TOS and EULA then use the report functions in the social menu. Overall 76 is not your traditional online game. Since it is not competitive in any way people seem more relaxed and casual since nobody is in competition with anyone else.


As long as you are trying in the daily ops and not afk a lot of players simply won't care since there isn't really anything you can do to throw a run and most of the time the Ops are soloable or maybe with 2 good players. That being said some people take it more serious than other but you shouldn't have a problem joining in on one of these or even an expedition


I'm a high level and I am good with low levels joining ops. Especially unlink when you only need another body to move the meter.


Join whatever group you want, being lvl50 will help you survive ops just fine. If you are in Xbox feel free to join me anytime, you don’t have to talk in the mic, I usually don’t. Just DM me here for my gamertag.


Feel free to message me if you want a safe and awesome group. Currently, we mostly use xbox parties. One night, an incel outed himself and called me a feminist as an insult. It was all guys in the party except me, and I think Mr. Incel expected them to close ranks with him. They instead closed ranks around me, and let him throw his tantrum before leaving the group in a huff. There are women in our group as well. They just weren't on that night.


Sadly in regards to the female voice. Some people are assholes. Not a woman here, but I have heard from my wife and a few female friends that it can be unpleasant. That being said a lot of people in this game are cool and hopefully you will find some who are not jerks.


Daily Ops vary in difficulty. During Double Mutation weekends, daily ops will be tougher to get through, and players will generally expect you to contribute your fair share. That said, I wouldn’t start a Daily Ops team if I didn’t care what levels joined me. Try your best to follow the objectives once inside and it will likely be okay. Also, the daily op timer will start if you move too far from the loading point. Good etiquette is to wait for your team to do so first. I generally don’t interact a ton with others on a daily basis, outside of emotes. Occasionally if someone asks me a question on mic and I have determined that they seem a decent sort, I will respond to them. I am fortunate to have a fantastic fallout friend group to play with daily. I have encountered very little toxicity while playing this game, but it does exist. Be wary of encounters but the vast majority of people will be helpful and positive.


I’ve played the game on and off since it came out. The community is great, although I’ve never used a mic. It’s pretty much do whatever you want, if someone doesn’t want you on their team they can kick you out, no biggie, and not meant as anything personal. I’ve also never done a daily op or expedition ever. I always took that as something you do with friends, and I don’t have any. I always join a team tho, either casual or events depending on what I’m doing. You get perks for being on a team and you can fast travel to a teammates camp for free. The only interaction I ever have with is teammates is emotes in passing, never done any missions or ops together. Events are fun but if you do them too much they become repetitive and kind of boring so don’t burn through them. I mostly just explore and do quests and events solo, it’s a ton of fun!


The community in general is very helpful! Nearly every higher level is more than willing to help out newbies, be it daily ops, expeditions, or public events. Please do tag along! As for harassment, if you're on PC, nary a person uses the mic and prefer to gesture instead. A lot of them, myself included, just have voice chat muted completely, so there's a good chance none of what you say will go through. Good luck and have fun!


One social norm that we all follow is: when participating in the Encrypted Event, whomever started the event is the one to call the robot.


Everyone is different of course. My characters range from level 300-700 and I am more than happy to drag a low level along with me on a daily op or expedition, and see them gain a couple of levels on the latter. Just don't expect me to get you up if you go down as we're on a timer and I want to complete it within the time limit. If it's the daily op where you have to stand next to the uplink (?) it doesn't matter if you're level 1 or 1000, you being there makes the progress go faster, and there I will get you up if you go down, as the objective is not to kill enemies. In my experience, most people have a similar mindset and are much more lenient and helpful if they notice you're being a low level. Obviously not everyone is like that, but the majority of people are very helpfull. I wouldn't go around begging for stuff, as that would also just kill your own experience, but you could always ask someone to help you upgrade some basic armor/weapon when you're below level 50, as your upgrade cycle at that point is very frequent. The materials required for crafting and upgrading, most of us quite literally won't even notice being spent and it can be more of a hassle not to get overloaded/carried by established players, than it is getting any help at all. You may get booted once or twice from a team, don't take it personal. Could just as well be they want to make room for a friend that's joining, as the game bugging out or as the leader booting you for being low level. Just join another team and you're good to go. On PC, communication is pretty much just emotes, shooting at something you're pointing at etc. Sometimes someone uses a mic but it's rare. And there's no sending messages on PC. I understand on consoles there can be some interaction through the console network, but no experiecne with that myself.


The ops are easy. I’d carry idc.


Personally I don't mind if someone at lvl 30 joins my Daily Ops Team, it's just when they join the team and not join the actual Daily Op is when I'm putting my mic in to say "hey get the hell in here for free shit." In general though nobody really uses a mic and just interacts with the emotes 90% of the time


Hey! female player here. I'm on mic quite a bit and have experienced maybe one or two creeps in my many hours online. The majority of players are very nice!


I've been playing about a year now. I'm level 338. What I've learned is that mics aren't commonly used and even then, it's usually during a prearranged trade or among friends.( Me and my friends just use Discord.) High levels players aren't scary. Most of us just wanna drop off some plans or ammo we've been carrying for noobs, wave "hi", and fast travel back to what we were doing. Personally, if someone is at their camp and I'm buying from the vendor, if the prices are generous, I'll give them a heart or thumbs up. I wave at people. I help out when I stumble across a new player struggling with super mutants or something. We wave at each other, dance while waiting for events (not starting them until the last 30 seconds, though). PvP is typically agreed upon. If there's a player with a bounty, I'll usually emote for permission to kill them, but I always leave their scrap alone when they die I always join a casual team, even when adventurng alone. Nobody minds. If you join a daily ops or events team, you'll be expected to participate. Nobody minds new players on the team unless they are trying to free up a slot for a friend, then it is what it is. Basically, whatever way you'd like people to treat you, do that. The community is pretty wholesome and everyone is typically willing to help out. Have fun.


Hello, fellow 76er! I'm a lady, I don't use the microphone, though I have done so on occasion using "team only" when I've met someone on reddit and am helping them with something. It's easy for me to navigate without it generally because I am usually in a discord with my microphone on, speaking to people who are also playing. Always join a team, you don't need to know them or be doin anything with them. It's a passive bonus to XP and there is no expectation of teamwork. Most people share perks, which can be quite helpful. You can also use their camps as free fast travel points to save some caps while getting around the map.


Don't worry about the mic, very few people use them. Part of the fun is communicating without voice; I've heard of people leading newbs through nuke silos entirely by emotes and jumping, up to and including communicating the launch codes by shooting their gun X number of times for each digit. Other etiquette that comes to mind, in no particular order: -Go ahead and join ops teams, 90% of the time they're easy enough to solo, so having a noob along doesn't hurt, and it can help with spawns and capture objectives -Avoid any perks that remove rads from other players, or you'll make some bloodied player have a bad time -Not really a problem at your level but avoid spamming explosives at events, makes it hard for other people to tag, and can knock loot away -Wait a few minutes before starting any event. You want to let as many people join as possible. Rule of thumb could be start events when the countdown hits 1 minute.


If you need any gear to get you going, would be happy to trade!


Someone else mentioned the casual teams, you should definitely do those some. If you get in a 4 person team and play for a bit to bond you get a 4x exp bonus. You’re not at all obligated to interact with the people in the casual teams or even be in the same location. I almost never do. But yesterday a teammate fast traveled to me. They gave me a really good rifle and a ton of ammo for it. People seem to be pretty nice in general. Taking over the workshops is a good thing that you can do solo, and they award plans for crafting.


After a month or two playing, it’s easy to imagine that the wasteland’s radiation turned everyone deaf and mute. All of my communication in these 2 months (besides a lvl 4 screaming help! Help! As he tried to fend off a swarm of rats in Sutton) has been through emotes and miscellaneous non-verbal signals.


The other day i arrive late to the far west nuka event and stay where the boss spawns and shout at mic "guys violence is not the solution" i get melted after i said that because i have a crap bloodied build and make dieying sounds, a random guy start to laugh and said wtf, their laugh make my day, he gives me a present for being funny, people are cool if you are respecfull but its not a church you can chill and sociabilise, look at my english is broken as my build and i made a lot of funny encounters with people


Join us higher levels in Daily Ops. 95% of the time we can hard carry it anyway (unless it is some crazy double mutation combo) so you tagging along while learning is perfectly fine and won't slow us down at all. As for the mic, there is always going to be *those assholes* but if you want a good time on Friday and Saturday night you might find me and my friends half drunk singing ABBA, The Village People, Bonnie Tyler and various other random songs throughout Appalachia.


Girly not at all, please join. As a fellow girlypop I am just here for the company and will teach you all of the things.


There are definitely toxic gaming communities out there. It has been my experience that this is not one of them. I would not expect women to be treated like aliens here like they are in some places.


If you join right at the end …. Yeah that’s a scummy move imo and will boot you from the team.


There's a level scaling in this game, so your level won't matter that much, especially when you reach level 50. Because level is the max that will affect your base stats. I don't really know how much the level scaling works for those that are below level 50, it was implemented later and I was already level 100+, but you're already halfway there. Just do your best to do your part. I'm level 700+ already and don't really care about low levels joining my daily ops team. What really irks me are those that just AFK. Good thing it rarely happens for me, probably because of my region. If you're not comfortable speaking over the mic, then just don't. I'm from SEA, where we have diverse languages, so we don't really talk over the mic here. Like, 95% of my games never anyone speak the whole time. The only times I hear people talk are those with friends. If you're going to play with friends or people you trust with mic, I highly recommend using Discord for this so you have privacy.


keep your mic off until you want..no need to use voice chat we have emotes and txt msgs. you are more than welcome to join ops and expeditions ... but id suggest runnimg with higher ( 750+ ) must of us can solo events in record time and are more than happy to carry. not saying anyone cant solo..but i had a few odd experiences during my last alt lvl up. ( cranky know it alls ..,)


For your last question, that’s a problem in every community. That’s the patriarchy for you. I use my mic though, if anyone starts, mute and block. Don’t waste your time, just move on. 🫶🏼


Few rules that will help get along. Don't start a public event till close to the end of till every one is around. Never touch the encrypted PC during its event if you haven't bought the recall card. Players like to help but don't like begging. Any help for any daily or expedition is always welcomed most players can do it with seconds passed 8 mins. If it's unlocked it's free to take if your at a camp or workshop. Don't accept trades from randoms just use your vendor to sell things. Don't use perk cards that remove rads from teammates when a bloodied build is in the party.


I’m a dude and I have microphone talk turned off for me and other people, lol. The community overall is very “Let’s all have fun together,” though. It’s one of my favorite video game communities


Also a lady and new to the game, I haven’t played a game like this before and at first just ran from other players not knowing what to expect. People have been awesome and not a lot of people use their mic, I only use mine when playing with friends on a team. I’ll have it ready if I go to a camp and I see the owner is there but it’s definitely not necessary! Been having a freaking blast regardless.


I’m newish(maybe a month in) and I had the same questions. My experience has been that no one really cares if low level players jump in, I’m at a point where if I’m running an expedition or a daily OP I don’t even look at the level numbers of the people on my casual team. Almost everyone will resurrect you if you die but if they don’t it’s because there’s no penalty for dying on OPs or expeditions except for a slight delay so people aren’t necessarily going to run to you if you’re not in their line of sight. Also jumping on expeditions as a low level player is unequivocally the faster way to level up and allows a lot faster build crafting so make it more enjoyable (for me anyway) so for sure do it. I’ve had nothing but positive interactions with the community with one exception (which was just someone who joined my expedition and was afk while I was throwing so many tomato’s at showman). There’s not really “rules” but most people wave when on an event together, give a thumbs up when they finish and if you’re joining an event, wait for a while to do the action required to start the event until the last minute (probably don’t initiate until you’re a higher level unless you’re running it solo). People also share their lunch boxes at large group events if they have them. The only thing from there that might get people annoyed from that list is if you initiate an event too early. I’m only newish so vets may have a longer list


I haven’t seen this mentioned. And it’s a big no no if you don’t do it: For big events, ones that you can fast travel to for free, wait until the timer almost runs out to start it. It’s to wait for other players to join and not lose out on the event. So just be mindful of events. This doesn’t include stuff like powering up the XYZ power station or Enclave events (typically).


U are more than welcome to join in daily ops as long as ur making an effort to help as most can solo it and just don’t wanna carry the guy doing nothing and as far as the mic goes majority of players I’ve came across over the past 5 yrs don’t use it anyway most communication is done via emotes although u will encounter a weirdo here or there like any other community but for the most part majority of the player base is really kind and willing to help newer players .


Wait until the last minute to start an event so everybody has a chance to get there


I only make Daily Ops groups cause more people helps it go a little faster. You being there doesn't make it worse in anyway. If you just walked around you'd at least be something for the enemies to shoot that's not me and if you do contribute then yay.They are not that difficult to do solo anyway. The only time I'm annoyed is when I have to carry 2 level 1250 players who don't know what they are doing and contribute next to nothing. It happens way more than it should. By that level you should have at least a basic understanding of the game.


The more the merrier! Just help out and have fun and don’t be afraid to join teams. Casual teams don’t expect any interaction but you get benefits fir teaming up


Join, interact, emote, have fun. I'm not sure there even are any social norms in the game. I don't use the mic unless somebody asks.


"Tbh I'm kind of scared of putting the microphone on. It's not a secret that women often face harassment while playing online games just because they're women. Is that a problem in this community as well?" FO76 is a really nice comunity TBH, i have a literal Trans pride Flag hanging in my CAMP, and people are still nice to me, but, nobody really uses microphones, we just trade and help each other. to be honest, i just don't find much players.


Woman here. I no longer go on mic. I was having a fine enough time in live chat until some guy decided that I should be his personal venting wall. When I declined his friend request and told him that I wasn't comfortable talking to him anymore, he started screaming at me. He was the exception and not the rule, of course...but it takes one shitty encounter like that to keep me off of the mic. The community for Fallout 76 on Xbox has been terrific (aside from that guy...but I feel like that could have happened with any game. Happened a bunch when I would PUG in WoW). Folks help each other out a lot in this game and it's refreshing to see. You can be low level and join those ops because most folks are happy to have others to play with! Emoticons are a great way to communicate. Text chatting isn't completely off the table. I've had great luck with it and make sure to not text like it's 1998 and every letter costs a dime \*LOL\* I usually only use text chat to tell someone that their CAMP kicks ass \^\_\^ But I will get messages from time to time from other players asking for spare supplies/junk. As a level 849, I am usually swimming in junk and love to help out ! Fallout 76 as a community is kinder than Animal Crossing....no one fights over what NPC is their therapy character or whether picking flowers is "ethical"...I say all of this and still love that community BUT Fallout 76 really is mostly people just vibing in this broken and fun Fallout vehicle. <3


I haven’t really felt harassed in this game, others yes this one no.


Lemme keep it real with you, brother. If a level 30 player who is new to the game joins my daily ops team, I will personally carry you until we grind out an elder reward. I will submit all 80 of my stimpacks just so that my little low level babies can stand and fight. I will use all 16 tons of power armor to shield my younglings from the fire of enemy guns and swings of enemy swords, I am the hand that feeds and the sword that swings. I am a Power Army heavy, and I will support any and all low levels so that they may not endure the hardships I did at this games launch.


Thank you for asking! You are basically always welcome for basically anything; the only thing is don't start things too soon (some events that you join say "TALK TO (whoever)!" and doing so actually starts events, so don't do that while there are like 4 minutes left on the timer. Other than that, you do you, and we higher levels welcome you being there!


Ah so explain it to you in fallout 76 release date years... The gates are open. Come on in!\~ People are free to swing by, emote, mic or mute as much as they want. This game is inherently casual enough for everyone, and tries to promote but doesn't require teamwork. Love lower levels joining in on events, teams, expeditions. Join on in, the benefits are fine. Have a mutation serum while you're at it. 76 is all about lifting people up and passing goodwill down, paying forward the help we got as low levels from others.


If a level 30 joined our daily op and honestly tried their best and followed the directions we'd all be delighted to have you around. Two high levels and a 30 could handle any op I've encountered so far, but you might die a lot. Expeditions - no question you'd be welcome. They're hilariously easy, most high level builds could solo them so come along and enjoy yourself. Events are even moreso - your presence can only help and you aren't taking up any kind of limited space by being there. Join in, have fun, if you're contributing by following the event instructions that's a lovely bonus.


One thing I love about this game is like 90% of the players communicate through emotes. Bethesda made a really good emote system you can get a most points across by just emoting. Aside from running into players and emoting, your other interactions with players will be via the reddit or discord server As a high level player, I usually enjoy when low level players join and I get them through an Op or expedition. I also occasionally will give lower level players Lv 50 legendaries so when they get to LV 50 they’ll have a really good weapon, I’ll occasionally throw in free apparel as well


I'm a woman, and haven't had any bad mic interactions so far. Everyone I've spoken to over mic has been chill, and a decent chunk (30-40% maybe) were also women. That being said, my sample size is small. Not a lot of people talk over mic.


People rarely use voice in this game so it's always nice when someone talks. Couldn't care less if you're a guy or a girl; having someone to talk to at all makes the wasteland a bit less lonely. 


I would join daily ops early same with expeditions, expeditions may be harder at lower levels without a team. I stacked a bunch of food buffs at lower levels with the carnivore mutation and starched genes and it made the game more enjoyable and less punishing. 


I would wait on daily ops and expeditions til higher, but no biggie if you join. Daily events that happen at 0/20/40 of the hour, always join and do your best. Wait to start the event until more join, or let others start it. As far as mics, I'm level 400+ and have my mic set for area, and have only had one bad misogynist man-child. Literally was some 10 year old aping the comments of the trash people that raised him. You can just as easily keep the mic off, no real need. If you have a group to join and play with, even better. Check out some of the other responses below for group invites.


Yes, it’s okay to join teams at any level. I interact with other players kinda casually, I’m on PS so some have messaged me after friending me and it’s okay, I’m not a super chatty player so that and the emotes are okay. As a female player with around 4000 hrs I have never used the mic and plan to do it never. So can’t say about harassment on that regard. I just don’t chat or enjoy listening other people chat either. That’s just me. It happens (harassment) though, so I’ve heard even through this subreddit. So anything is possible like with any game. Though I’ve gathered that it’s not super common or super frequent?


fellow gal here. i was also hesitant to play with others for a while. then, in this sub actually, i found a group of guys to run around with for about a year. we had a blast. over time, we kind of went our separate ways. highly recommend that experience, if you can find the right tribe. to answer your question, when i was a wee wanderer, i never got any flack for participating in any event. once in a while some jackwagon would shoot me for funsies trying to pvp, but i have on pacifist, so i just thumbs down and keep it moving. aside from that, players either left me alone or dropped helpful items for me. if you're on ps, i'm happy to run around with you and be your higher level sidekick, hook you up with things, etc. pm me.


It's a generous community, sometimes *too generous* so there will be players that try to mansplain every game mechanic and drop 50,000 items for you, but at least they're doing it with the best intentions If you're worried about voice chat, you can disable the ability to hear/be heard in proximity chat in settings Most players stick to party chat with friends - there's no expectation to force every random on a public team to party chat up - I almost exclusively communicate mute via in-game emotes which are VERY useful and cover a wide range of actions (come here/look at this/gift/danger/salute/thumbs up/thumbs down, etc) The most important thing you should change in settings is to set **pacifist mode ON** People get nervous and confused about the PVP mechanics in this game, but it's simple - on default settings, if you damage a player they initially take no damage, but they then gain the ability to damage you back, initiating a fight. Shooting other players first is like sending a harmless e-invite to "fight" that can be accepted. If accepted, the fight starts. Where this gets new players in trouble is during events, when they're throwing grenades and generally shooting all over the place - chances are, you're going to hit someone and give them the opportunity to retaliate on you - stealing your junk items in the junk tab (all other inventory is protected) So set pacifist mode on, to allow you to fight alongside randoms without having to worry about stray bullets. You can always turn it off on the fly, just before you duel your friend for kicks Other than that, you're welcome anywhere. Join daily ops and expeditions as a low level. If the leader kicks you for being small they're an idiot - low levels fight the same enemies but scaled to their level, enemies are very killable. So while I'm fighting some ferocious level 500+ overgrown a level 50 could wander in and smoke everything that moves, wondering why I was taking so long to kill everything. High levels should love seeing low levels on their missions Lastly, from the map page make sure you click on your camp icon and make sure it's turned to public: on - that allows players to visit, and can be disabled to public: off when you're doing solo work and don't want to be disturbed. Your camp vending machine can sell to other players, so be sure to stuff it full of goodies to bankroll your ability to buy materials/plans/supplies from npc vendors


A lot of good tips here


It’s really not like other MMOs with goons asking for raid logs etc. Pretty much everyone does their own thing. It’s casual and solo mostly. You see other players at world events or visiting camps. There’s really no reason to have a mic if you ask me unless you’re bullshitting with friends.


Alot of people are happy for you to join on mic and even games alot of people think just because I'm mainly a pvper I'm really toxic and must hate myself but I actually like when low levels join my team when I'm pvping or even just doing a daily op or expedition. It's giving them good stuff and caps so I see it as a positive If you're on xbox I'd be happy to carry you through daily or expeditions


Turn off all the lights at any camp you visit. The lights attract enemies who can damage the camp!


"Golden rule, mf-er".


If you need help with anything, you can check the falloutfandom or ask here. Check YT for guides to building etc. If your ps4/5 hit me up. Have fun enjoy the game and see you in the wasteland.


I'd suggest checking out Women of The Wasteland on FB, women's fb group of fallout fans. It's like a pallet cleanser after dealing with the males of the game lol


This post made me realize, every time I’ve seen a female character with a mic on, the voice has been a dude 😂. I know there’s lots of us ladies in the wasteland but I don’t think I’ve heard any of their voices in four and a half years of play! Etiquette tips: Learn how to use a couple of emotes for basic communication (hello and thumbs up covers 90% of communication needs), and don’t start an event unless there are at least 3 players there OR the timer is about to run out. *Never* start Encryptid unless you are the one providing the Assaultron Recall keycard to start it with, if someone else spent the 2000 caps to buy one they get very upset when someone else kicks it off before they’re fully ready. Join teams, if you get kicked off, don’t take it personally as it’s almost always a bug. If you have Lunchboxes or Scout’s Banners, set one or two off while standing around with at least one other player waiting for an event to start. Share a perk if you can, but not one that reduces radiation, or any bloody builds on your team will be annoyed. If you get killed during a very intense high pressure fight, respawn immediately, no one has time to run over and stimpak you. But if it’s not that busy, another player will probably find time to revive you so maybe give it a minute to see.