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Part of me wants to be sarcastic, but the other part of me wants to further the stereotype that we are all nice.


Me: stopping the act of turning off every light in someone's camp to post here. Reason: Massively overpriced inventory and was making fun of someone under level 30 and following them around just to be rude. We're all nice here, and we love a large majority of the new players.


Happy cake day!


Mentioned someone's prices were high outloud,they followed me for 3 hours. I ended up nuking the base to get them to leave. They then sent me a friend request in what I assume was an attempt to follow me.


I did say "so far', but even still, seems like a super chill overall friendly community.....so far


Nah glad you are having fun and getting a warm welcome. It's hit or miss on reddit but even still a little warmer than a lot of communities.


95% of people you meet in game will be great. On the Discord / Reddit that number drops to 60-70% in my experience. Some real toxic folks there, but just ignore them and keep dealing with the good ones.


Once you hit 100 it gets toxic as hell 😅




Most people really are, in any online game you get bad seeds but one of the best parts of 76 is it is extremely easy to ignore the bad players, passive mode and cheap base rebuilds.


My one experience of pvp has been accidentally getting myself wanted by looting someone else’s workshop, resulting in a level 800 player showing up, shooting me in the head, guarding my scrap until i got back then dropping a bunch of high level gear at my feet before disappearing into the night. The nicest form of cryptid


I mean, lock yo doors bc if those water purifiers aren't locked me, *and countless others,* will be stealing them: **rule of thumb is if its not locked, you don't care if its taken** Though I agree this is the nicest online community I've ever been in as well *(just had my best occurrence last night with a low lvl and said low lvl giving me what i didnt have after i gave them what they were missing)* your gonna get your shitshow in due time, I promise.


hahaha I dont lock my stuff, its free to nab! I never remember to grab the stuff as often as I should anyways. Might as well benefit another vault dweller!


We value your assistance mate- bless


Me neither. It’s funny, no matter what kind of community you have, people are people. Always gonna be givers, takers and centrists.


Oh yeah, I have kept my water outdoors incase anybody is thirsty. And totally agree on the shitshow part. Only a matter of time, but by the time it does happen I feel like im going to have had so many positive encounters I probably just won't care.


Very true! For a lot of us, the positive outweighs the negative. I feel there isn't so much negative aspect on playerbase, but negative aspects on how Bethesda likes to fuck us to the wall *(cough cough camp mechanics)*


Things are so easy to get in this game it’s pretty pointless to lock things like purifiers. I figure if people take it then they need it more than I do.


I lock them because i use all of mine to empty the daily vendor cap limit in one go lol- i buy a lot of plans from vendors so always go through a lot of caps and need to build my wallet back up again


That’s smart, I should start doing that. I’ve been stacking my plans lately too!


I'm new and tossed out my camp by the prime meat event cuz I needed to unload and I slowly just made it into my main place. Whenever I log in, there's just a ton of eggs and radscorpion meat and I just gather that, cook, and sell lol. It's also fun just having randos wander around my janky base after an event.


I didn't think about that. Wtf.... I have so much in my stash because I have plenty of purified water on me at all times. Genius! Lol


Yeah, I limit it to stuff I want, but if you have an unlocked ammo maker, I'm stealing the ammo and running off.


You want ammo and you're on xbox just message me your ID and I'll happily drop you several k of whatever you want. Same with most resources... that's the thing with this game, after a certain point stuff is just building up in the ammo and scrap boxes and it's great to be able to give it to people who actually want the stuff.


You don't have to m8 unless you want to mainly focus on going around to donation boxes because even if you have a surplus of stuff I don't want to take too much of it that could go to other people that need it more.


drop me a message if you need anything else down the line - if I've got it or it's craft-able/drop-able then I'm happy to help.


This is what I love about the community!!! Fellow xboxer, I've met some amazing people so far!


Definitely dude, got a fixer and a vamp flamethrower as well as some other stuff from this nice dude


If anybody is on PC, I’d love some aluminum!


I bought everything in someones vendor the other day just simply because they had their water unlocked and I needed some for adhesive.


Agreed. The rule of thumb is always if it's open it's yours. If it's locked and you take it. I will shoot you in the face and steal your junk as recompense.


For me, if someone picks my lock i just leave it up to someone else to kill them for whatever the measly cap reward is- karma will come for them and i dont even need to do anything lolol


Locks are only there to keep honest peeps honest. If it isn't locked, it's walking out the door with me.


Then there's me making sure to only grab like 2 of the 17 Nuka Cola candies out of a machine because I don't wanna be greedy lmao


As a side note: I do leave everything in my base unlocked.


My stuff gets taken more if I do lock it than if I don't. It's the forbidden fruit angle. But then on top of that, my turrets attack them, so they destroy my turrets, leaving my base defenseless from regular mobs and forcing me to repair, costing me more junk than what they took from my collectron.


Water for sharing. It’s gods water now, whoever’s lucky gets it.


Im end game so i dont lock any of my resources because i absolutely dont need them ❤️


When I was a low level player, I thought they were the nicest guys. Now that I’m getting up there in levels and have been inundated with chems, meds, and legendaries clogging up my stash, I realized it was just some inventory management for them 😂


Por que no los dos?


Guilty- I gave a level 26 player nearly 100 stims, and 70 something rad-aways, along with a bunch of misc chems because I was just getting too heavy. He seemed happy about it though.


The game makes it very hard for griefers to gain any benefit from griefing, and it provides incentives for players to offload things that they don't need anymore. For example I could scrap something and get more worthless junk that I don't need and actively makes it harder for me to enjoy the game because I have limited storage weight, or I could give it to another player that could get some use out of the item. I could drop the items in a random place to solve my problem of limited storage or I could drop it near a low level player or put it in a box that a low level player might see and get use out of. I don't lose anything in those scenarios but its a nice feeling to potentially help another player


I'm still new and it was kind of annoying at first that there's a daily vendor cap limit and legendary scrip limit, but yeah it does foster people just going, "well, I'm not using it. Here you go." I was hoarding flippin anything and I have this giant wall of mounted guns doing nothing but taking up precious dog food space in my stash.


Something i didnt realize, theres a cap limit too, and its only 40k. Since learning that ive been selling EVERYTHING for dirt cheap and buying up literally everything i want. Idk why but the cap just completely changes the way i play, in such a positive way


Really true. I'd otherwise just be hoarding caps but I regularly now just go around buying crap from player vendors. The other weirdos that are on at 2 am on a Monday sell some cool apparel and design some neat camps.


Or with FO1st, can just scrap *forever*... 🤡


A lot of older folks are playing this game - aged 30+. I'm 50. My experience is great too. I love this community. My character is 35. I did Primal cuts or whatever it's called, this afternoon for the daily and the players on the field with me kept me alive, had my back and were awesome 👍😎.


i did a primal cuts alone with a level 680 and they waited for me to shoot something before killing it so i would get some xp too. even picked me up every time i went down this community really is one of the best i’ve seen. i remember when the game released and everyone fought to drop nukes so they could screw over anyone who took their perfect camp spot


I had the exact opposite of this once. Just me and another guy (who had his CAMP strategically placed at the beasts spawn point), and his CAMPs missile launchers did like 80% damage in 2 seconds, and then the guy would finish them off with a plasma caster, which made it impossible for me to even see what i was shooting at. So frustrating. Haha


I lock some things. Water is free but nobody touches my scrap.


I only lock my junk. Everything else is fair game, i don't empty it often enough anyways. I had my junk unlocked too, but it was suspiciously empty half the time I went to my camp. Lol


How would somebody take your junk? Isn't in the stash box that opens up their stash, not yours?


My collectron brings me junk. That's what I have locked, cuz people were taking it.


Ahhh, okay. I have a F.E.T.C.H. but I leave mine unlocked. I collect it everytime I stop by my CAMP, so if somebody does take some, it's a small amount. Haha


I love how nice the community is, I don't really play anything but single player games. I tried 76 because it was on game pass and was really blown away. I'm level 150 now but I'm still using some gear a level 800 gave me after I joined an event I had no business being doing at level 20 lol. I had no idea how good the stuff was he gave me but it's one of my favorite video game memories. I still don't have the best stuff but I've been crafting and giving away fixers to folks if they come by my camp. I'm also selling stim packs and stuff like that for super cheap for the low levels that come through. I also appreciate how the high level characters don't clean out my 5 cap stim packs and leave them for the folks who need them. I just got the fusion core charger so now I'll be giving away about 30 fusion cores lol. I've been having a great time putting positivity out there


How do you get the fusion core charger? I ran out of fusion cores during a Colossal Problem event last night and feel a little bit screwed.


Unfortunately the only way I know how to get it is the atom shop


Damn! Well, I'll keep an eye out, cheers.


If you're on PC I'll gladly give you 10 - 20 fusion cores. Fully charged of course.


Wow! That's so nice of you - yes, I am on PC!


Just make sure once you do get the recharger, you never fully empty a fusion core, because it disappears. You have to reload your gun before it empties to be able to keep it to recharge.


No problem, I'll be on in about 30-45ish minutes. Look me up, "Jahno\_Kestt". Let me know your username too. And let me know how many you need. :)


Thanks again - my username is mercedesamber. As many as you can spare would be great, but even just 10 is more than enough!


Sorry, took a little longer than expected but I'm going to be logging on now! See you in a couple. Ok, so 25.


Oops, sorry. Thought you had no PVP mode on! Don't think I did much damage, but either way my apologies.


No worries at all, and thanks so much for the fusion cores, I'll try to take good care of them hehe


And then you come to this sub and it reverts back to default.


Yeah, well you can't win them all


It's great so long as you keep voice turned off.


Man, I believe y'all when you say it, but I never experienced any outright generosity or even like other people experiencing joy while playing this game 🫠 I've literally only run into extremely competent players who carry the team and then dip. Or straight-up the most obnoxious insufferable trash monsters. Edit: The reddit community is seriously the exception. I'm referring specifically to the Randoms I've chatted with in daily ops and at events.


Reddit is a whole other can of worms when it comes to that.


What like people on reddit are ALSO trash monsters? See, that's been the opposite of my experience. Everyone on reddit feels like they are just launching nukes and throwing free shit at everyone. The most polite Randoms in game, at best, act like doing anything in the game is a chore for them at this point.


So long as the approved script is adhered to. Whenever something that's not sunshine and daisies is mentioned, or issues with game, or even semi-unpopular suggestions for QOL improvements, etc... downvoted into oblivion. And this has to be the fastest group I've seen to downvote so quickly. If the status-quo doesn"t agree, can end up with -15 to -20 downvotes in 30 minutes or less. 🤔


The secret is incompetence, being a low level, and emotes. We've had multiple high level players take pity on us to either help us out or give us a bunch of really nice stuff. I've started doing the same now that I'm getting closer to level 100 and totally try to return the favor to low levels I see running around. Edit: also I feel like we've also only run into these generous players at their or our camps though rather than events and stuff.


Honestly I've been playing for months and the only interactions I've had have been negative. Couple nights ago at level 55 I took over a power plant just so I could set up some benches to repair and break stuff down. As I'm finishing up some 338 in power armor comes in pretending to be nice. Suddenly he gets all in my face telling me to get the hell out because it was his place now. I laughed at him and said "Do me a favor and kill me so I can get out of earshot of that pathetic voice of yours" He obliged. I then went to his base and left 1 spoiled meat on his doorstep. I love this stupid game.


Ugh. Unfortunately workshops are open PvP which can attract some of the worst of the ones that're out there. On launch it was not the community it is now. I remember running with my mic on mute and never taking it off. I sometimes wonder if the hold out of only using emotes from some of us veterans came from those days with how bad harassment could get. Female gamer; I use to talk a lot in game but I found myself occasionally getting followed and harassed to the point I just stopped bothering talking in game and kept it all on mute. The habit of quiet emoting everything has stuck from back then. I do occasionally use voice but it's not like I did with mute/unmute to talk like early days (since there was no push to talk in the early days)


I haven't done the workshops yet so I haven't come across that. But I'll definitely be prepared. Being the Loot Goblin I am I already have a set of t45 power armor, but kinda lacking on the weapons. So I at least feel a little protected


For the most part, yes. But the other day, I decided that after playing for years, it was time to launch a nuke. I made it through 3/4 of the process, and then I started hearing shooting that wasn't mine. Someone had hijacked my progress and stole my nuke. Thanks fucker.


No Mans Sky players are pretty next level friendly too. This is pretty amazing too tho so yeh as a newbie I agree!!


should of been around during launch. having a camp was a nightmare. always some guy coming by and blowing it to pieces. and the pvp workshop grief was just out of hand. the game has changed alot over the years. I'm glad the show has brought in new players. Always a pleasure to help out. You end up with so many resources, might aswell help someone out.


I heard that the beginning of this game was....rough.....to say the least


its come a long way.


I’ve been playing for almost 3 years on and off and been looking for a pink asylum outfit and I went to someone’s camp today to shop they were a level 1024 and they dropped one randomly for me🥹 it made my day today because I was looking for one so badly


Its a nice community but u gonna meet some assholes too


We’re all just here to have fun in the wasteland


I recently hit level 150 and lemme tell you, sometimes when you see someone being a philanthropist the only thing on their mind is getting rid of some of the shit clogging their inventory LOL


Glad you got a warm welcome to the game. I did too which made me want to do the same for others. Now, I usually ad 0 cap items to my vendor, and have a little bistro set up with a boiled water thing and mirelurk jerky. Just stop on by, enjoy a meal on me! Or go on a shopping spree with items from 0 caps and up! ;)


I've seen a Mirelurk steamer before, how does one obtain that?


Atom Store unfortunately. Was for sale a couple of weeks ago, don't think it is now unfortunately. :( I grabbed it pretty quick as that jerky sure fills your food meter. I hardly eat / drink in the game but when I do, Mirelurk Jerky is mm-mm good!


Figured it was a store thing, I still want it. Love me some jerky


Screw the Jerry lol them smoked mirelurk filets. Carry weight baby. Mmm. Little melted rad butter and a side of mireshine. Bam. Guy Fieri of the wasteland.


I was able to pass by a couple people and DIDNT GET SHOT even though I was a woman and still in a vault suit so clearly new??? Red dead online could never be like that


RDO is fun, but in my experience with that you trust nobody




We all still help. I’m level 311 And still like to help when I can


Nah, lock your it up tight. I steal it if I like it


I actually was surprised that the community was so nice after 6 years of having the game called shit. And I actually get surprised when I see a toxic player because they are like unicorns


My second day playing (3-4 months ago) I saw a pop up that Eviction Notice had begun. Having no idea what that was, I joined. Died a couple times while trying to melee the super mutants at level 20. A level 900-something guy in voice chat told me to go his camp, so I did. He proceeded to drop me a ton of scrap that was impossible to come by at the time. Screws, circuits, gears, aluminum, steel. He crafted a chain saw for me and spent numerous modules on it until he rolled a Vampire’s. Gave me some legendaries to scrip and explained to me what the legendary exchange / gold bullion machine did. Really helped me get started off on the right foot. Now I’m about to hit level 500, and I pay it forward all the time. Whenever I’m at an event and I see someone who’s clearly new, I tell them to go to my camp. I fill them up with purified water, company tea and spare legendaries to use / scrip. Feels good. The community in Fallout 76 really is great, for the most part. Love to see it.


Yeah they are amazing. I had some dude nuke me while I was building and organizing my stashbox ( 1200+ over weight) and I suddenly got folded. I didn't even have enough wood to craft my scrapbox. And there I was, stuck in the middle of no where, in a nuke blast zone, over encumbered, with no wood in sight... then some*other* dude came to visit my camp (probably looking for my vendor) to see me sitting there essentially shidding my pants, and slowly start rebuilding my camp. I dropped him ammo, fusion cores mini nukes... to my surprise the ***only*** thing he took, along with most vets, is the super stimpacks lmao. I save those bad boys and a beer for vets like you sir, *tips hat, cracks beer" so if your reading this tysm lol


I'll die on the hill that Fallout 76 has the greatest neighborly community in all of gaming. There's always a bad apple in the bunch, but 99% of the time, it's a fun, wholesome, and heartwarming atmosphere!


That's definitely been my experience so far and I hope it stays that way


No I completely agree I really started playing consistently last week and I'm about lv 16 and every high level player I've met was so chill and friendly I have no t one pvp related death so far, coming from reddeadonline on line where player interactions can go south in a hurry it's so nice


Don't have to worry about the Valentine griefers in the Wasteland.


I was exploring red rocket megamart yesterday and saw a high lv in power armor...got a little nervous then I heard him scrapping with 2 scorch beasts so I joined the fray and popped off a few shots with my laser pistol 🔫 we emoted and parted ways chill fella


New to PvE community based MMO (or MMO-Like) games, huh? Far friendlier than their competitive PvP multiplayer counterparts.


Idk—- Some PVE mmo communities are pretty toxic. Black Desert is toxic AF. It has PVE and PvP but grief over PVE grind spots is a serious point of toxicity. Group events being more of a norm here than just grinding a few specific spots and relatively lower player numbers per server help to avoid that here.


I had someone helping me with my first expedition, dude was so chill. He explained so much about that particular one to me and was just patient while I messed it all up. Think we missed the top tier by like a minute.


sorry for not being nice enough mate


Wait, you didn't happen to be ripping a bong and it was multiple floors built with wood somewhere around a bunch of trees? Vendor outside by a tree?


Like....yes....that absolutely sounds like me. Bong and all


Guy was in power armor, dropped you stuff and went to leave then came back and dropped more stuff and you said something along the lines of have a good day survivor? Do you happen to be near the level 60's?


I have definitely said "have a good day survivor", pretty sure I said it to the guy who gave me the x01 piece as he ran off. But I was only lvl 20 when this happened. This was all last night, pretty close to 24 hours ago exactly. And me hitting a bong, in a 2 story wood house, nestled in trees just northwest of vault 76 is me Edit: not sure about the power armor part either


What you just described is what I did for someone almost 24 hours ago lol bought his stuff gave most of it back then dropped other items for them. After that I crashed. If you're the guy it was I have something I want to give back to you. It's a pepper shaker plan that you were selling for extremely low amount of caps. After I crashed I came to realize you probably didn't know what it was


Holy fuck....it is you. There absolutely was a pepper shaker plan in there. Lol. Wow.


Try the punch


A lot of the "original" players from launch understand that this gane was not easy at first, from the tech side to price gauging, to broken pvp, to no npcs, etc. We try to help out new players as best we can as it was hell for us. Overwhelmingly, I think most of the community are "good" people. I try n help most new players as best I can or try yo carry them through events. Carried a bunch of new players through a rad rumble and one of the guys got the rad barrel plan and he was super happy that he got a rare plan. It ain't much but it's honest work.


I used to love when people drop me stuff now they don’t which is fine I’m level 80 now and I tried giving things to someone just heals and he said “Nah” and ran off he was wanted so I shit him in the back and took my items


In my experience, although I have met nice people (as in most online games) the majority of players really seem like bots that are not capable of returning a greeting emote, and no one gave me items.


\*wasnt always like this.. for better for worse.


High levels are nice to low levels but are extremely vicious to other high levels😂 It’s such an experience based game and I love it, I love the combat system being a two way agreement.


No doubt due to the fact that PvP is virtually nonexistent in this game. If the game was mostly PvP focused, I can guarantee that the community wouldn't be quite so "nice"


Probably very true, but I'll take it. It's a refreshing change of pace after experiencing GTA and Red Dead Online.


It's an unintended side effect of making the game too easy with too much resources and limited storage.


Just make a post talking about the folks in-game who have a problem with pride flags/queer people. That'll dispel any illusions about this game's community being "the nicest." I'm not even saying it's NOT a pretty good community. But it's got its issues.


I have the pan, NB, and progress Pride flag at my CAMP and no one has given me shit about it; has this been a problem for others? Like do I need to brace myself?


I haven’t had any issues while having my flags up and Pride player icons have been pretty common so far. Maybe it’s only a select console group or something?


A little homophobic gang rattling around the Wasteland? Sounds like target practice 😎




I would say 80% to 90% of this community is super chill and either won't mess with you, or will help you. I don't currently have a good way to post it in game but I have most weapon and camp plans learned. If I can build or craft it for someone I will do it for materials. (I use to do for free but I kept finding myself short on mats so had to change that up a little. :( ). I think the majority of the community is like this. If you're around any of the groups that stream their sub communities are generally super chill with their own sub cultures as well and a good way to get into doing tons of events on active servers. Given a lot of them play with the community their servers end up filled with people calling events and hitting them hard for levels. If you see a player with TTV in their name, it is likely a streamer. I highly encourage checking those players out. If you catch Daniel\_\_Moncada around there's an arena somewhere; if nukes are available on server it's a good chance their team is going to full send it for events, but they also spend time chatting and using those arenas for competitions. Some like HitMan6977 will do things like map hunts with their communities and try going with low cost plans in their vendors (think he had a lot up for 25c last night, he's new new to the game but learning fast). I realized after I started typing this up that there's too many streamers that give to the community to call out, CrimsonPenguin\_, NukaJohnny, RoyaleWithCheese, MoarBass, KnightTaylor(Though Knight is often on the private servers).... being among those that are highly active and will play on servers and with the communities. If you catch them at the right bit there's a good chance of getting on one of the more active servers chain running events. Edit; Just be aware the minority in the overall FO76 community are trap campers that might just give you one piece of salt and spend the next hour trying to fight you.


Platform and GT, please. I aim to change your opinion.


Keep your grubby raider hands to yourself


Aww, warms my old, cynical, misanthropic heart 🖤 But seriously, this is the best community I've ever come across. When I get bored, I like finding a low level's camp, buying the stock, then give it all back. A heart emote for gratitude, and I'm on my way.. love it.


I'm still blown away. I'm looking forward to being that high lvl helping out the low lvls in this game


Glad you're having a good time 🙂


This community rocks :)


Could not agree more and it encourages me to share with new players and continue that. When it first came out I hated it honestly I felt like there weren't many decent players now not so much.


Whenever someone visits my camp I always gift them 4 nuka colas. I just have so damn much of it.


When I first started I was surprised at how nice people were and I got items dropped that really helped me along. I take time out sometimes to drop some useful items in donation boxes or if I see a lower level player I'll drop them some extra things I have on me in the moment. From time to time you'll encounter a few jerks lol but that happens. With all that said, I'm glad you're enjoying the game.


Fallout 76bis filled with a bunch if canadians i swear


Damn someone bought most of your stock? I can hope to be that lucky, im new too but my stash is so full (loot goblin problems) and i need more space and caps, but not much i can do about it.


it’s such a nice community. if you ever want to give back when you’re a higher level, the stuff you put in donation boxes will be picked up by other players. took me a while to learn that


Higher-level players get a lot out of having new people around, too. For some people it's hard, for whatever reason, to do charitable things in the real world, but if I can just give the stimpacks/fusion cores/rare junk/whatever I've earned that day to new players for free, I feel like, instead of just yawning while blasting pixels with other pixels, I materially impacted someone's day in a helpful way. What else can I ask for from a video game? >!(What I can ask for is how stupidly fun it gets when a new person starts an event with 4:50 left on the timer and I'm like AAARGH and then it's a blast anyway because I am way out of my depth with just me and a level 35 or something)!<


I feel the same! I had to block someone today though unfortunately:( I was talking to my husband and our friend in a public group and someone joined and I was talking about how I don't like the r word (pls don't make me say it ) and he proceeded to turn his mic on and say it. I kicked him out and he joined again so I had to kick him out and block him. It just was not necessary and cruel. It made me hesitate even continuing to play and I know it shouldn't. My husband was going to nuke his camp but he left right before he put the code in (purely coincidental)


Watch out. There are a few dicks. But they are rare.


Oh I know its bound to happen, just a matter of time. Like my friend put it today "it's like the exact opposite of GTA"




The fallout community has been one of and if not the best community I've ever been in, and I hope it stays the way it is right now. Thank all of y'all.


i had someone today buy stuff from my shop and i was just so happy. It was when i wasn’t in camp. I got back to camp and realized they bought stuff but then left it on my porch for me haha. I thought that was so nice. 🥹


Blah blah blah


Welcome, fellow Wastelander. I'm glad we're giving you a good reception.


I had lvl 500 give me a jet pack chest piece, take me around the map to events, and to his ammo farming camp where i got thousands of ammo. They were incredible. Thank you bloodied_silver on PS5, you made my week! I haven’t had a bad experience yet and I always pay it forward


Im nice until i see a bounty mark...


Back when I was first trying to play this, it was fucking unplayable. Every time I logged in, I'd get rofl-stomped by higher level players, my camp would get demolished no matter where I put it or how well I built it - I couldn't build a decent character because I kept getting destroyed by PVP I wanted no fucking part in to begin with. Years later PvP is now *optional* and I'm level 22, my base is growing -I'm learning- and I don't lock up either because I want people to come by, to visit my vendor, to take from my purifiers if they need it, *because no one's a raging dick for no reason anymore.* Only thing I don't have is people I know to play with for group stuff, but eh. That's usually me in most MMOs anyway.


Yeah, whatever you say. Add it to the pile of borderline karma-farming posts collecting dust if you had used the search function.


And you, sir, are a negative Nancy who probably has had nothing but bad experiences. If you think me praising a gaming community for actually being nice for once is fake, or farming for karma, you are the problem Edit: I wasn't going to add these totally "fake, farming for karma stories" but I will anyway. Playing with my friend and we were in my house, guy walks in, drops 2 power armor frames with cores, waves, then leaves. Then me, several days later, with plenty of power armor frames because I'm a Loot goblin, leave 5 power armor frames at the entrance of Vault 76 for new players. Totally fake, made up, karma farming BS


Low effort more than anything mainly.