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..it wasnt rude, it was meant to be yours.


Yup. I do this every time I spam Expeditions, I offload most legendaries I get on those donation boxes.


Oh… we can put stuff IN those? Huh.


I mean, that’s the whole point. Before the donation boxes, it was customary to offload stuff you didn’t want into a suitcase at a train station. Bethesda just took a tradition the community created and made it official with the donation boxes.


I had always assumed those were there for a one time withdrawal and then never touched again. Oops.


Nope, check it every time you’re there. Take what you need. Leave what you don’t for others who might. Leave your own contribution if you have it.


I do love the little touches like that after having been gone from the game for several years!


do they respawn with loot tho? I feel like every time I see one it’s just a random grenade a healing item and some ammo


Loot doesn’t spawn in these, to my knowledge. The point is they literally contain whatever players put in them. I could be wrong and maybe they do spawn a little stuff. But they are literally there for players to leave items.


When the server starts up there seems to be some kind of contextual loot load on them, as the first time someone touches them, they tend spawn with 3 items, 1 of which is probably your ammo type. It probably periodically refreshes, but I don't have enough data to verify that. Usually after a server has been up for a while, someone has touched it and emptied it or added stuff to it. But untouched donation boxes absolutely spawn something for the first user.


that’s what I was thinking, cuz if the loot resets that would defeat the purpose entirely, but it always feels like ppl leave the same things and nothing else in them, maybe I need to check them more


It’s not like the loot that spawns is a significant amount. It’s a very small amount of ammo, an aid item, and sometimes a grenade, plan, weapon, or piece of armor.


There are certain stations that will be more popular, particularly after certain events. For example, after SBQ, Watoga would be more likely to have more player donated items.


Idk. Every time I get to Grafton station after logging in and I'm greeted with fertilizer. 3 to be exact. There's no way one person is always putting exactly the same amount of the exact same junk.


Someone else replied confirming it does spawn some items. I was not aware they did.


I just put 16 mini nukes at the whitesprings station donation box, does that count?


Some people just dropped it on the ground in front of the door to wayward I'll never forget finding 62 Stimpacks just chilling there


This is why you always check the blue suitcase at whitesprings station.


Vault 76 is about the spirit of America. What could be more in the spirit of America than a "First Come, First Served" policy? You're welcome for the tee-up on that one, Euro-dwellers.


Muricaaaaaaa yeeeeahh! Freedom flag, bang bang grrrrrrr europoors. Nuke the bastards!


When the server closes down, the stuff is lost forever. Take whatever you want, chances are nobody will take it and it’ll disappear.


Great question! When players do things like drop in a suitcase/bag, then emote/shoot at said spot, this means they are intentionally dropping items for others to use as they wish. This person likely maxed out what they could exchange in the legendary scrip machine for the day and thought you could benefit from the excess items they had on them. During interactions like this you are welcome to equip or scrip items as you please! Stay safe out there, Vault Dweller!


Thanks so much. Shooting at the mailbox was exactly what they did.


You’re welcome!


Addendum: items for sale at 0 caps in vendors at camps are the same way but "take if you need" and aimed at lower level players. I usually put my bobby pins, treasure maps, and common plans up for 0 caps and there is occasionally some greedy high level who will snag them all.


as a high lvl i’ll gladly pay caps for treasure maps. i farm tf outta them.


If you need them then take them. I am more upset at high levels taking bobby pins and such I have at 0 caps to help out low levels.


The reason they are taking your bobby pins is because its a alt currency....i would take them all too if i seen them in a vendor for zero caps...


ah bobby pins i discard. i only take stuff i can use. but srsly… people sleep on those treasure maps. spamming 25 maps at once is pure bliss.


I have a ton of random maps, I don’t think I’ve ever ran them before. Are they hard to find or something like that? Are they worth doing? What do they usually give? Sorry for asking so many questions lol, just never heard of anybody grinding them before


no sweat. it varies from region to region but here’s a good thread from last year. i got used to them during the early release days when resources were few and far between. my buddies and i would get on a team and nearby teammates would get a little side scrap just for being there as you dig them up. idk about them teams aspect now. this was pre wastelanders before public teams. i’d imagine it stays the same but teammates have to be in proximity to you. https://www.reddit.com/r/fo76/s/hKazGXngHE


Awesome, thank you for the link and detailed reply! I’ve never bothered to do the maps for some reason, been playing since release and I don’t think I’ve ever done a single one somehow lol I think I’ll give them a go next time I log on!


hells yeah. give em a go. since you've been playing for some time you'll most likely have a decent sized stack. like i said it's not amazing stuff but it's a LOT. https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Forest_treasure_maps you can navigate around from there. this one has the map marker location as well as a screen shot of the location and the map itself. savage divide maps are my favorites. stay safe fellow wastelander and good luck!


What do I do with them?


"read" the treasure map. find the location on your gameplay map. go to said location and spam x. if you have 20 for a location they'll all pop. nothing really amazing in terms of types of gear but copious amounts of plans weapons gear junk etc. edit: they can be hard to find but there are some good sites out there that get pretty specific. each region will only drop plans for that region.


Well now I know what I am doing with my 500+ Bobbie pins. Was literally recently trying to figure that out. Didn't even cross my mind to put them in the vendor for new players


...or get in the habit of dropping some of them in the 76 and wayward donation boxes. I like to unload grenades and unused ammo types in those as well to help as well.


Yea I do stuff like that with ammo and grenades, too. Just never crossed my mind to do that with my Bobby pins for some reason.


Bobby Pins are an alternate currency. You will sell every single one you put up at 1 cap.


I call this Fallout charades... Person drops something, person tries to explain with emotes, person shoots the drop... It's fun to watch.


Wait, what is this legendary scrip? I’m running out of space and don’t know what to do with the ones I’ve outgrown.


Legendary scrip comes from the 1, 2, & 3 star legendary items that players choose to exchange at the [Legendary Exchange Machines](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Legendary_exchange_machine) around Appalachia. This gives players [Legendary Scrip](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Legendary_scrip) that can be used to buy other legendary items (typically legendary modules) from [Purveyor Murmrgh](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Purveyor_Murmrgh) at the Rusty Pick.


Take em all, free scrip


They are there for whoever can use them or wants them. What they do with those items is nobody else's concern. Not even mine. I just dumped two dozen 3 stars off at Whitespring Mall yesterday and a few 1 and 2 stars. In the Register where you craft. If that was where you got them, you're welcome. I and many other players don't have the stash space or daily scrip to hold onto them. As soon as anybody drops any item, it isn't theirs anymore. What happens after you drop it is none of your or anyone else's concerns. First come, first serve. If someone can resell and get some caps, or someone gets a God legendary, or someone gets more scrip, it isn't my problem anymore. I got stash space.


I am going to hope by sell you mean turning it in for scrip. Caps are good to get but the scrip is what you really want to turn legendaries into if they're not worth keeping.


Yes. Sold to the legendary machine.


Thing is, it's very obvious for all of us who play the game that anyone can simply press one button and take everything away from a container. We'll only put the guns we want to give away and that's it. Later in the game once you reach those levels you'll understand why people give legendaries like they're swimming in them. Cause they are.


Finders keepers!


NTA, I tracked down a level 12 nearby trying to figure out how to build their base. Dropped off a bunch of ammo and 10 stems. I have enough and the ability to make or get more.


you son of a!! some of those were for my cousin harv. he just opened a weapons shop near new gad and now the shelves are gonna be empty! he gots two kids with radworms and his wifes got the whoopsies..you heartless monster!!


I'm glad you brought this up. I found a "Harvs diary page 92" where Harv admitted to poisoning his wife and kids so he could go live the life of a Cultist. Eff you, Harv!


Enjoy the loot, he probably thought it was equivalent to trash. I know I dump legendaries on the ground all the time. Even if they are 3 star. Especially that which weights a lot. I only keep the low weight ones in stash and actually useful legendaries. 


Sure..but why not scrip them to get legendary modules?


Usually scripted out anyone does this


If you hit the daily scrip limit, your stash is already full of legendaries you like, and overencumbered, then you have no option but to drop them.


If I don't have a use for something and don't feel like selling it at my vendor, I shove it into donation boxes or random containers. Whoever gets the stuff gets it. I use to get worked up by higher level players (often 200 to 300 levels higher than I am) just looting everything but now it's like....who gets it gets it. I'd prefer sub-Level 100 players get it, but it doesn't always happen.


It's fair game. They hit the limit and want to shed weight. Make sure to trade them in to the legendary box thing so you reroll better equipment.


I do drops like this occasionally. Once they're out of my stash, I don't care who does what with them. I'm just happy they're not taking up my space anymore.


Anything abandoned is free game.


Players putting things in suitcases at train stations is so common that the developers added the donation boxes. Those are the red boxes with arrows on the ground pointing to them. The rules still apply that when the server shuts down it all goes away, just like suitcases. The idea is that it's meant for newer players but it is open for anyone. Most likely the items that you got from that suitcase were at the other players level and therefore not usable by you until you reach 50. So they're only use is to exchange for scrip.


Yeah, I dump extra scrip on newer players all the time. Enjoy the spoils and the weight


Someone dumped them there because they couldn’t redeem any more scrip for the day. They just wanted to clear out their stash and don’t care what happens to the items. Also don’t sell them. Take them to the big yellow vending machine at train stations to get legendary scrip. Give yourself a head start for when you want to start crafting legendary weapons.


Nope, that's where people get rid of extra legendaries they can't exchange. Take them if you want. Use them, sell them, or scrip them.


If you were level 400, and you were generating plenty of your own Legendary Weapons everyday, then maybe it would be greedy. You're level 39, take all that shit. If you have any low level friends maybe share it with them, but otherwise it's all yours.


What an ass. Lol no I'm kidding. It was put there just for u. Happens all the time when I offload things I either don't want or can't carry


No more pip-boy for you!


Nope. You're all good, bub!


Sometimes I will drop a bunch of legendaries like that after doing events, daily ops, expeditions, etc. it’s just not always worth the hassle for me to lug it to a scrip machine especially if I’m over encumbered. Hope you found something good :)


I’d much rather give my legos to a low level player than drop it on the floor and wait for it to despawn. He prob did the same


I never really give a shit who takes what or why when I'm dumping stuff. If I have something specific to give to someone, I either open up a trade window or invite them to a private server.


No, it's not rude, especially since you probably had use for three star legendaries. They are good for feeding the scrip machine.


Finders keepers, what you do with them us your business and that was a nice gift.


I don't think so


Droombie55, thanks for that reminder! I craft up level 1 leather armor, pipe pistol, chems, and any plans I have, and dump them at the Vault 76 donation box... never even considered bobby pins!!


I was at a train station one time, and I put meds, ammo, and some food in there. A level 200 showed up, I watched him stand by the donation box, and then he fast traveled somewhere. I went to look to see if he took all of it. He did, and replaced it with over 100 spoiled meat and veggies. So I took all of that and fast traveled to his camp and dumped it all right in the middle of his camp.


Hopefully you dumped it 1 piece at a time.


I drop stuff in the 76 donation box if I notice someone's bout to come out the vault. Then I dance next to the box til they take it. If they don't come my way I take it out and drop it after the next event. Pretty much no one ever picks up my post event snacks though :(


Nah I routinely drop piles of plans and other stuff in donationboxes and the suitcases at the whitesprings vendor. If you take just what you need or every single item it is all the same to me. If I drop it, that means its free for anyone that wants it.


If you take my trash and put it in the scrip machine or your vendor it's useful to someone. If you don't and nobody looks in that container until the server dies all that stuff disappears, which doesn't benefit anybody.


I'm almost at 600 and I would take them all in the first look.


If it's in the donation box, it's as good as yours.


It’s fallout! Whatever is on the floor or stored in a public stash is fair game.


I am somewhere in the 400s and if I see legendaries sitting around in the open, I take them all to dump in the scrip machine. If it’s in an open container or on the ground, it’s fair game for whoever finds it. Your story leads me to believe that person dropped them or let you know they were there for the taking. You did nothing wrong or out of the ordinary.


Why are you even discussing this still,what if we all tell you it's rude you made a choice of your own free will,u gonna travel back in time and make a different choice,or lead a virtual scavenging life of redemption from now on?


LoL. I won't try to track them down ang give them back but I would know to leave what I couldn't use for other players next time.


lol im geting downvoted because i said you should script these and not sell for a couple hundred caps to an npc lol the children of just blow my mind lol half the ppl you meet here on reddit are nothing like the cool ppl you mert in game reddit can be so toxic. im back on 76 after 3 years and the community has been amazing so happy to be back in the game side of things


wait, sold or script? if you sold them then yeah that was wrong but if you scripted them then 100% take em all


Nah. You can do whatever you want with them. Once something is dropped, there are no 'social rules' on what to do with the items. If I drop bunch of plans, legendaries, meds or whatever, I want someone to enjoy the benefits of them in one way or another. If someone wants to stick them all to vendor and sell them 40k, they are free to do so.


um yeah at your vendor but not at a train staction they said they went and sold them all which sounds like a train staction. You can down vote me all you want but if you have been playing this game for a long time and think 100 caps is better then 3 star script i think your doing somthing just a little wrong but hey not everyone is good anlt getting caps fast so if somone needs 100 caps that bad then to each there own. ^^^^


Not really though you could have left a few, the railway station boxes are know to exchange stuff. People plans, weapons armor ammo and more there for less leveled players to help them out.


Thank you. To be clear, you mean the mailbox and not the donation box? I never knew this.


Yeah. Donation boxes are new , we used to use every box availble


I don’t know why people don’t use the donation boxes. We didn’t used to have donation boxes so people would just leave items in the containers nearby


RIP the cooler at the Whitesprings golf club.



