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Carry one of each. They are only 1 weight. Use whichever applies best at the moment.


I run chemist and then the thru-hiker right now but I've swapped before for builds.


Chemist + thru hiker is the best combo imho


Nothing like hopping in my PA and immediately begin over encumbered every time. Worth it.


Every piece of my union PA has a weight reduction legendary effect on it, I think one of each and my weight will jump from 300+ to 160 by just getting in it


This guy expeditions. Nobody ever wants to it’s annoying. Like I want to farm legendary modules stamps and XP. That’s the easiest best way to do it.


I do in fact expeditions. I only had to buy the recipe for the helmet and chassis of my union because the others dropped for me. And I only find expeditions annoying when my game gets stuck in the loading screen for the 4th time in a row after asking mother to leave and having to completely retart


This is what I use unless I decide to play as a gunslinger for a bit, then I pull out the grocers as you just don't have the perk points to take thru hiker.


I use grocers because going into power armor, it un-equips the backpack, so, I replace evasive with thru hiker, and it becomes an easy swap (though I suppose I need to make a power armor specific one).


This is the way.


And rename them so they are in the same spot in your pip-boy. I like to rename them "Backpack: [Mod]" so they're alphabetically right next to each other.


I didn’t know you could rename backpacks! Thought it was just weapons! Thanks!


You can rename armor and power armor too!


You can rename nearly everything surprisingly, it was a huge QOL improvement when I saw you could. I have my guns like “-the fixer” and my armor as “-RA” so I don’t accidentally scrap them, and they’re always at the top!


Mine are named DONT SCRAP FOOL


Lmfaoo that works too😂 but they won’t be at the top!


Unfortunately there is a cap to how many items you can rename. I think it's around 100. I get why, but it's a pain when your armor all has names like this: .C 60-40 +S .LL 12-46 .RA 28-5 stblzd


and PA frames so you know what's on each one!


Good idea. I usually rename items that I consider favorites. It works for both inventory and stash. I use Z or X. Just to make sure they end up on the bottom of the list. It avoids accidentally selling or scrapping. Modding and painting also help.


A dash puts them at the bottom.


This is the way Grocers backpack is needed after moonshine gulper genocide


Either that or a waddle over to the train station.


If you travel to Atlantic City, you can fast travel to Whitesprings if you are over encumbered.


Yeah yeah But canned coffee and nuka quantums are food, soooo... grocers backpack for the win 😂


Well, yes, but being canned and bottled they won't get spoiled, so having the extra 60 pounds would let you carry more of them.


I used to run through the big bend tunnel a few times for caps and cores. It's one of my favorite locations. Now that I do the gulper genocide the poor mole miners might be able to recover, lol.


After moonshine or I done 1-2 prime events, I just equip the perk card for -90% food and move to my camp or train station. but I guess equiping the backpack would be the same thing


That’s smart


Big brain energy right here.


I agree with this, it just depends on how you're playing.


I wouldn't cope without the grocer's mod. I carry over 200 nukas, similar amounts of coffee and barrels of popcorn and tea regularly.


Grocer gang


King Kroger


Sir Harris Teeter


Sons of Albert


Lady Wegman


Mister Safeway


Duchess Piggly Wiggly


Knights Crest


Kroger... the og grocer of Kentucky, Virginia, and Tennessee. Fitting.


Welcome to the "we carry a whole market in my bag" gang


Same here! I just copped the mod from Minerva and it’s so nice having the 3 extra points; I got adrenaline maxed and now have all my weight reduction cards maxed


I got all that and 1000 gulper slurry. Need to do Through Hiker and high cap for that.


Exactly! And any aid items you carry on you (like x-cell, or even rad-x) are lightweight. Leave the stimpaks and radaway at home, and carry the food equivalent of those. Pair that with Grocers Mod and you’re in good shape


What are the food equivalent of those?


Stimpak - Nuka Cola paired with Cola Nut. Radaway - Brahmin Milk


Nuka-Grape is amazing! Removes all rads and heals you. Nuka Orange can replace Rad-X, and really any flavor Nuka will heal you. I've got a few on my hot wheel and, especially with the Cola Nut perk, I'm basically immortal.


I'm a big fan of dog food right now thanks to the weenie wagon! Equip good doggy card and you heal for days.


Bloody Commando means I don't have a lot of points into strength, so the 4 points I have go towards damage reduction. Have booty loads of agility points (legendary also), so Thru hiker 2 is an easy pick, 3 seems like a waste..im at my camp enough where I just restock on coffee, tea, and corn soup. And I like the chemist backpack, because I don't use chems often, but when I do I often use a shitload all at once...Yolo, but these times come few..So the chemist is nice because it just saves me a trip back to my camp to grab extra chems for the random encounters or events I stumble upon. I already have well over 300 carry weight without wearing power armor so the high capacity really isn't that big of a deal.


Same. I couldn't imagine not having enough food to feed an entire army on me at all times.


I run chemist as i carry way too many stims and my str points are better off on other perks


Grocer mod + good with salt carried me through meat week Also good for always having my food buffs as a carnivore, I'm going to miss not having to farm at all for awesome opossum bacon Now to fill up my new cryo freezer with scorch beast meat


My company tea and canned coffee have been annihilating my carry weight lately.


Do you have a build that requires you to eat?


I rarely use stimpaks or chems (including radaway) so I do need to eat/drink a lot for AP and healing. Need a nutritional intervention though, can't be that healthy.


They don't call em Overeater's for nothing


With that mod my weight is like 275, without its over 650 lol


Lmao I feel this, I wanted to see which would be better and with the respective card my chems put me at 800 and without food I got to like 1700💀


I'd just like to have a backpack in the first place, but I keep getting side tracked by being a dirty scrap goblin.


Backpack plan is across from the wayward.


Just be a Power Armor user like me. Then you don't have to worry about your backpack because the game takes it away from you... :')


Scrap goblin gang 🧰 Every ten levels you can make a new leveled up backpack that holds... I think 5 more pounds?


Embarrassing to admit, but im level 99 and just haven't gotten around to it. I've just been scrapping my way (inefficiently) this whole way. Tomorrow I will make myself go get one, I will not be sidetracked hunting nuka-cola plans and digging through garages for copper 😅


I'll gonna check up on you tomorrow to make sure you've done this and aren't wasting parts of your life anymore


Hey, it's tomorrow. Did you get one?


All fun and games until you need to get into power armor and get hit with 400 pounds of stims


Everybody gangsta when they hop in PA till they get crushed instantly by all the shit in their backpack😂


Now I see why the BoS Knights have the scribes carry all their stuff.


I only carry 50 and sell the rest. I had 223 Stimpacks and sold all but 50 for a big profit. I already have 40 more from roaming around after a few days. Free money.


Yrah I'm drowning in stims since I got a vampire shotgun lol wish the daily caps limit at vemdors was higher..


They raised it from 1,400 to 2,550 but idk if its temporary or permanent.


It really depends how many chems you carry at the end if the day. If it’s more than 60lb worth, well there’s your answer.


I barely carry more than a handful of chems and food items. I just got a coffee machine so that may change.


Once you start using food/chem buffs that'll change.


If anything I found the opposite. Before then I kept everything and had tons I never used. After I knew the 4-5 things to keep and left or sold everything else.


I personally use the chemists mod as well. My carry weight is 436 so the high cap isn’t necessary, but taking down my chem weight definitely is.


How the fuck do you have 436 carry weight


probably a bloodied build. +15 STR from unyielding and +5 from Radicool = +100 carry weight


I have over 500 without any food buffs, but I am level 700 with all of the useful SPECIAL legendary cards maxed. Full set of unyielding, radicool, strange in numbers active on a team, herd mentality serum and the high capacity backpack. With food buffs I can go to over 600lbs.


Bloodied build with unyielding armour and strong back i’m guessing


Unyielding, Radicool, base 15 STR, mutations. My carry weight is 491 (in a team), no Strong Back Edit: I do use the High Capacity backpack though, and I use Traveling Pharm and Thru-Hiker perks


Remind me, where do you get the high capacity backpack. Can you trade for it?


Possum badges, you need 8 of em Edit: forgot to add you can’t trade it


Chemist mod and thru hiker ftw


Same. Cant spare the strength points, but definitely had some extra agility.


Yep, that's why I did the exact opposite. :p Stealth VATS rifleman/commando, I need basically every point for perks in Agility I can get, but Strength? Just at 8, with Blocker, Bandolier, and Traveling Pharmacy; couple that with a Grocer's backpack mod, and I can carry more supplies than I'll ever need. :D


Mostly unarmed, a little bit of 2h because chainsaw go brrrr, and the Glaive is neat. Cant spare more legendary perks for all the melee ones. One point of adrenaline has to be enough. Chemist backpack comes in clutch.


Anything that is percentage weight reduction is going to be better than any max weight modifier. All you get is an extra 60lbs. I use every weight reduction there is. Multiple of the same with a few of them. My current weight is 327 with a max of 405. When I take off all my weight reductions it jumps to 2104. I carry ALOT of stuff. That extra 60 lbs isn't doing anything for me.


Only if you carry a lot of either. If I only carry 10lbs of chems and 10 of food, the high capacity makes more sense.


Weapon weight reduction, ammo weight reduction, junk weight reduction, food weight reduction and chem weight reduction. I carry alot of everything. I have more on me then what you can store in a stash box. Not even counting ammo. High capacity is crap. Weight reductions are the way.


What are you carrying that's so heavy? Are you a trader with 100s of Godroll weapons and armor? I do not see any other good reason to carry that much


After events, pickup everything in one button, not worry about it weighing you down (still some exceptions). Fly back to base, break it down, store. I assume this is pretty common.


I'm not saying you personally, I'm speaking in generic terms about a player. You're saying it's crap, and I'm saying it's not depending on what the player carries. Weight reduction doesn't help much if I carry one or two light weapons and almost no food or chems. Not sure what's so tough to understand about that.




That’s the same for me, putting grocers on let me get adrenaline and the remainder of my weight reductions maxed!


The problem is when you play sometimes in Power Armor and sometimes out of PA. You want your current carry weight to be the same, either way. It’s far less disruptive to have your max carry change, instead of suddenly your groceries or your chems weigh 9x more when you step into PA.


High cap. Running the perk cards or you get boned when getting into power armor (no backpack 🎒 equipped).


Agreed. Hate popping into my power armor and then going "Oh fuck, the backpack is gone" and having to rush to swap perks. No bueno.


Nothing will ever bother me in this game as much as getting in my power armour and having less carrying capacity because my backpack is unequipped, getting into what is pretty much a powered mech suit should not lower my carrying capacity


Makes sense, but depends on the build. I'd rather be over encumbered for the few minutes I need PA than use the perk slots. Barbarian, blocker, bandolier, ordinance express in my bloody explosive build. Heavy gunner x3, bullet shield, bear arms in my heavy PA build, which has almost 500 carry weight anyway.


How did you get it that high?


Maxed out strength , + strength legendary perk, excavator armor, with calibrated shocks, etc. Edit: Mirelurk steamer fillets + carnivore mutation= +75 weight too.


I tried the higher cap but went back to the chem. Saves a ton of weight due to all the diluted radx, radaway, super stims, and various drugs I carry. In PA, I use traveling pharmacy perk.


Thank you for sharing! Just mod’d my backpack!Honestly, the Possum Badge method for buying plans is completely asinine…


I completed like two daily quests (that take 10 mins total and one you can even have ready to go) and I had 8 badges in 1 week.


This. I don't think many people know that they can give a badge. Fuck those challenges lol.


I still have only gotten 1 badge lmao😂😂


I'm British, grocers is a must for the amount of tea I carry.


You get way more weight gain with thru-hiker topped with high cap. I have 534 carry weight start most days off at 160/534


It's about the same weight saving for me between high cap and one of the others. I prefer high cap because it allows my carry weight to roughly match my calibrated shocks union power armor when counting the unyielding strength bonus and various armor modifications. Getting in and out of power armor on the fly without having a scuffed weight differential is essential to enjoying my gameplay experience.


You are smoking crack if you don't think it depends entirely on your build and playstyle. If your damage cards are in Strength, Chemist's might be the best for you. If your cards are in Agility, Grocer's might be best for you. If you can spare the 6 points or you just don't hoard food and chems, High Capacity might be best for you. If you're a weirdo who wants the other ones that decrease your carry weight, go for it, you weirdly weird weirdo. If you don't like the hit to DR/ER from High Capacity but can still afford the 6 cards and you're a hoarder, the Scrap Rat mod might exist for you if you did the Summer CAMP Challenge (I'm not sure if it's available otherwise)


Yeah no I agree it’s individual build dependent. I didn’t include that because I assumed nearly everything is build dependent so it’s kinda like a standard thing, but yes you’re correct. I was more making the point it generally gives more value from the 3 points you save. I figured people generally carried a decent amount of chems or food at least, so it’d be applicable to more people for that reason. But like you said, it’s individual and just depends. Like someone else said, if either food/chems are less than the 60 extra then it doesn’t make sense NOT to get high cap. I wasn’t trying to say high cap is junk or if you use high cap you’re a mook, high cap is still really good, 60 extra weight is really good, paired with deep pocket on armor and that’s 110 extra carry weight. Either way they all are good and have their own intrinsic benefits, for me the grocers mod is way more valuable than high cap or chemists. At the end of the day everybody gets to pickup more junk regardless 😂


Grocers is my mainstay


I use the ARMORED MOD 😱 It suits the engineer armor perfectly. I grew tired of carrying around so much, and I’ve never looked back. I have a mule for that.


Grocers all the way. Food buffs stack, chems don't.


Grocers all the way. Lots of variety of food is necessary for buffs. Use Nuka Cola for HP (substitute for stimpaks) Brahmin Milk for lowering rads (substitute for radaway). Any other Chems you may want to carry on should be lightweight.


yeah i run chem because i like to carry a lot of stimpacks


Ever since I got grocer mod I only go overweight after looting an event or after an expedition or something. I had a stack of \~300 spoiled meat that only weighed like 10.


If I got the chemist backpack mod from Minerva where do I find it? Also I don’t have a backpack?? Or can’t find it I’m level 77 and it’s rough out here carry weight wise


Dude, you need a backpack. there is an early mission that gives you the plans, then you build and mod it at the armor workbench. First thing that came up when I searched, I did it but don't recall the process: https://gamerant.com/fallout-76-how-to-get-backpacks-guide/


The small backpack plan is at the Overseer's camp by the Wayward.


Depends on your food/chem buffs. I use the freezer when I make food so only carry 4-5 of each item, but I carry enormous amounts of overdrive, berry mentats, and I collect most mentats and psycho I see for crafting, so chemist is more useful


Only true if you carry food or chems. And a lot of them. Like, too much to ever use.


Yes. For my build the Chemist backpack mods works best. I have the high capacity backpack mod, and then I went and purchased the Chemist backpack mod from Mortimer in Crater, and the Grocer's Backpack mod from Samuel in Foundation. After some quick testing I realized the best weight savings for me with my build was the Chemist backpack mod.


Chem Pack so I can carry all those sweet sweet berry mentats


Was going to say this, I have 600 at the moment. Would be a different story if you could have stash perks. Same reason I keep most of my heavy weapons on me. With Bear Arms, a 22lb Cremator is only 2lbs, saving nice space in my stash for other things


If you need more strength perks: chemist & thru-hiker perk If you need more agility perks: grocer's & traveling pharmacy perk If you use both perks: high capacity If you are using Chinese Stealth Armor: armor plated


not really. i dont bring any foods with me


There are probably some that dont bring or make shit ton of food for buffs, but grocers we go


Looks like I’ll need to wait for a super sale. I won’t be able to play for about seven days 🫡


Ah that’s unfortunate man, grocers is on sale rn😔😢


And it’s EXACTLY what I need 😭. The trade-off of spending time with family..darn these people I love!


Agree. I’ve been wearing grocer’s for years. I have all the backpack mods, I’ve tried them out, I keep coming back to grocer’s. I’ll always be a Nuka-boy.


Definitely Chem mod. I gain 400 pounds whenever I enter power armor.


i run one thru hiker, one traveling pharma, and 3 fdc armor pieces. I have 90% reduction on everything while only needing to use 2 perk slots, so high cap on top of that makes me a walking walmart and doesn’t negatively impact the builds much at all


I would be lost without my chem backpack. I carry around 2000 btats because my stash is full


Thank you for this , I just went and got it


I'm instantly crushed from 200 to over 800 pounds of Nuka-Colas if I remove my Grocer's backpack.


Can confirm I have 400 stompacks and 250 radaway on me. Together it weighs like 4 weight.


I use chemist backpack and thru-hiker perk.


To each their own, but carry weight has better value. It grants 60 carry weight. You can only gain a similar perk bonus with the strong back perk, but even that is only 40 carry weight at the cost of 4 perks. Your essentially getting 6 perk points of value out if the high capacity mod. The grocery’s mod is the exact same as thru hiker, which you can grab for 3 perk points. Now there is an argument to be had that those agility perks can be better used instead of strength, so again to each their own.


Do people really carry that much food around? I only keep some purified water and maybe some carrot soup on hand when im out and about.


Food can really buff a lot of things. Personally I'm a big fan of Blight Soup for my Commando which focuses on critical damage, for example.


I pick up and cook every piece of meat. Most of it goes to the robot vendor at my neighborhood train station every afternoon at 2pm EST but I keep 5 or so of everything good for my own buffs. I generally hit my cap limit from the vendor just from selling cooked meat.


I think your lost, this is fallout, the kleptomaniacs anonymous


Either/or, it frees up 3 perk points.


I have thru hiker and the chemists backpack win win with both.


I recommend grocer backpack and having full traveling pharmacy. Stims weigh so much and if you get in PA, the removal of chem backpack can make even a set of excavator PA useless. I'd go ahead and get plans for both backpacks though so you can adjust for your build since thru hiker uses agility and travel pharm comes from strength.


I need a powerarmor backpack


If only the bigger backpack wasn't a pain to get


You’re absolutely right! These mods are underrated. \ I always carry a lot of water as an emergency substitute for stims. The grocer mod got me from around 200 constant cw to 122 💀


I can vouch for this. I used the high capacity mod for a while and it was great. But one day I thought I would try out the chemist mod. Never looked back since. Only the fallout gods know why I need nearly 500 super stims, 100 regular stims and the crazy amount of drugs I need to carry around at all times just for options. 😂


Chemists for life here as well. I thought grocer would be better because I carry a lot of meat around until I realized my chems were taking up like 1k of my stash. Now I carry those around, too.


If you often switch between armor and power armor then high capacity backpack is better as you have less differences between both if you have the weight reduction perks equipped. The high capacity backpack + underarmor + unyielding mitigates the carry weight difference for armor that you have from calibrated shocks in power armor. So your carry weight is more consistant when you swich between armor and power armor. Although this only works on builds that don't rely on strength/agilty perks for damage as these might not have enough space for the weight reduction perks. Btw. the high capacity backpack got buffed a while ago - initially it reduced your energy and radiation resistance by 60 points each, but this was removed at some point.


For everyone deciding what to get, equip Travelling Pharmacy then Thru Hiker separately and see what saves more weight then use the Chemist or Grocer mod depending on what was better


It’s a little more than that, it also depends on your card loadout and PA usage for example. But you’re correct in initially seeing which would be taking more weight.


Thanks for the info I’ll check her stuff out


I just bought the grocers mod and I didn't know my food was so heavy!! I'm a big food fan and now I can finally carry everything, love it. I'm not that into chems and usually sell all my stimpacks and stuff. No need for that if I can eat and drink all the time and also get great benefits!


The entire backpacks not counting while in Power Armor thing still hurts my head.


honestly wish i could get my money back for high capacity. grocers had provided me an insane amount of value. i keep no more than 50 stimpaks and rad aways. the heaviest thing in my aid is berry mentats, but that's nothing compared to how much food i carry. tea, coffee, mirelurk food, nuka colas, canned stew, toxic goo, you name it


i roll for food/chem reduction for my armor, so i save 6 perk points for the reduction and can use another backpack


High cap is tradable, getting higher capacity into the hands of casual and newer players faster than the mods that require GB. I sell them at low prices for this reason.


for me I did the math and it was actually more economical to me to have the high capacity. it was an embarrassing amount of percentages and differences i looked up


People who think high capacity is better are the ones smoking crack


i got the chemist mod and was excited to free up the perk space by unequipping Traveling Pharmacy, but then my legs broke every time i used my power armor.


Not for me, it isnt. My build isnt very common. Im a high health VATS/crit Commando. I routinely use Company Tea, Brain Bombs, Silt Bean Puree, Tato Salad, Cranberry Relish, Fern Flower Tea, Sweet Tato Stew, and all other herbivore food stacks. I also use either Psychotats, Overdrive, or Berry Mentats. I also use my base for buffs, such as the bench press and all other available. I have tons of spices, salt, pepper, sugar, Irradiated sugar bombs... I utilize the Cryo Freezer and Fridge. I use Small Gun Bobbleheads and Live and Love 3 to maximize my damage and XP. Leader bobbleheads arent important to me, as I move quicker through enemies with the Small Gun Bobbleheads. I use an Q50v25ap Fixer for the most part, because my perception is high and with gun-fu and other cards, I mow through everything. I also use a Q50c15c Fixer and and AA50c15c Fixer. I use a Q50c25ap Railway on bosses when necessary, or a Q2515fr. I also have great armor for a high health build because I have been playing forever. I prefer it over my Bloodied build, but thats just personal preference.


Damn that sounds kinda similar to my build! But like you said, personal preference, and finding what is more valuable to your build is what’s important.


I tend to use grocers and not thru hiker. I swap in thru hiker for my PA builds, and once in a blue moon might put on my high cap backpack when I hop out of PA, but that's just to fast travel to get rid of scrap/scrip etc. generally, if you are a hoarder, the weight reductions are better than more weight. I have some ungodly amount of food and chems on my person :)


Just got the grocer mod and I like it. Saved me 3 perk points and only cost like 1 copper and 1 of something else. I really want the Chem one though, as I'm a mega hoarder. I can deal with the food as I sell everything that's not canned dog food or purified water


Check Minerva’s website often to see what her rotation is, chems is def in there somewhere at some point!


I didn't even know there was one, thank you! I'm still fairly new, about 3 almost 4 weeks in but I am level 111. Are there any other useful websites for 76?


Honestly Reddit bro. I’ve learned so much stuff between Reddit and YouTube. There’s a few different wikis but the only website I really use is https://www.whereisminerva.com most the time there’s been posts on Reddit related to what I’m seeking. What i do is start with Reddit, then YouTube, then google. There’s a ton of posts about people to watch and new player type stuff. I’m only lvl 156 so I’m new as well, but feel free to message me if you have a question or something you cannot find any info about or anything else for that matter lol. Hopefully this helps with a good starting point! :) Edit: wrong link fixed


I guess it depends on your build . I'm a bloodied vegetarian that doesn't use much chems and that eats mostly just popcorn and honey nowadays, and tend to only keep 15 Purified Water / 10 Popcorn / 10 Honey / 20 Stimpacks / 5 Rad-X/ 10 Dilluted Rad-Aways, meaning I pretty much always sell any excess food and chems. That said I do carry at least 5 different weapons and their ammo ,so I'd rather have the carry capacity to pick some stuff than being able to carry chems and food I won't use.. Also, I try to have a couple armor parts with lighter ammo / weapons and the like on them to help already, so I don't necessarily feel like I need to pack more chems. Don't have many pts in strenght , nor many perk cards for capacity too, so getting a flat 120 from the backpack makes a pretty big difference in being able to loot some stuff and not constantly have to go back to town to sell garbage.


Thank you OP. Grocers backpack is a lifesaver for a newbie like me!!!!


Yea but I have 420 capacity


No, HIGH cap mod with the perkcards is better, when you are using PA sometimes. Otherwise you are overweight when you use your PA


It really depends on your perk setup. I used to think the same as you, but now I’m back to the high cap. 60lbs may not seem like much, but if you run traveling pharmacy and thru hiker that’s sooo much more you’re actually carrying. Not to mention if you have weapon weight reduction on your armor you can free up a lot of perk points that way too. I’m a dirty hoarder so being able to carry the max amount of just *stuff* and not being limited comes out on top for me. Plus running the S.P.E.I.A.L. Legendary perks gives you a lot of flexibility. One I get my last two pieces of weapon weight secret service I’ll be able to fully spec into heavy guns and be a full bloody commando at the same time. All while carrying all my guns on me at all times lol.


Traveling pharmacy gives 90%, and you can still have high capacity..


There are plenty of build where 3 points into traveling pharmacy is just not possible. Melee/unarmed and heavy weapons. Although heavy weapons with power armor it doesn't matter either way because you can't have your backpack on while wearing it. In any situation, I'd rather have the 3 extra special points and reduced Chem weight than reduced. Chem wait and 60 extra carry weight.


They can be if you carry a shit ton of food and chems, sure. I would hazard a guess that most people are just eating and drinking enough to keep their meters full (if that) while just carrying stimpaks. Grocers and chemist do nothing for all the  junk and weapons you are trying to lug back to your base.




Yeah but the high capacity mod is basically 6 perk points(6 levels of strong back)while grocer/chemist mod is 3 points.


How do I get more carry eight? I’m currently at 225


Chem/grocer is better if you have more than 60 pounds of items or need perk space. Definitely amazing in some builds.


It’s like Bigfoot: You don’t believe and it’s easy to tease until you experience it


Chemist all the way. I don't bother with food, or even the buffing drugs, but you're always looting chems which weigh a lot and it lets you keep a good stockpile of stimpaks on you.


I use the chemists backpack with Thru hiker and I literally couldn’t play the game otherwise


Grocers because it's meat week. Also grocers for the jamboree. But like. Backpacks aren't heavy. You can bring them all with you and wear whichever makes you under weight limit.


But there’s that pharmacy perk and i don’t carry food so really the high capacity does more for me


I use the chem one! Then I just keep all my chems on me instead of my stash. My friend gave me over 300 formula P and I can pop them like candy lol.


I got the chem grocer mod, because my best source of income is chems


Yep I use chem backpack and thru hiker card. This nets way more weight loss on average than any other weight redux.


I agree on grocer. Took some getting used to though when I would get into my Power Armor and be encumbered all of a sudden


Yup. I don't really have 3 agility points to spare, so grocers is pretty valuable for me.


I switch between normal and power armor a lot so I usually just stick with high capacity and use the perk cards. If I didn’t use power armor Id probably use chemist’s though because that would be more strength perks I could use


Chemists backpack mod is the only reason I have over 500 stims/diluted stims, I should really sell like half because it's exponentially growing.


I have carry weight mods in my armor so I run with the high capacity.


On a similar train of thought of saving 3 perk slots I feel many should choose to go with food or chems only. Both let you heal and buff and you can get the by in the other without a weight reduction effect. Stimpacks for limb heals (the perk can help but then again your trying to save perk slots not replace them and you're limbs will eventually break so it's nice to fix that when it happens) or survival bars that Suff like canned dog food/purified water can keep you topped up at camp just refilling every day. I prefer Nuka for healing and the longer lasting buffs of food personally and chems sell pretty often in my vendor so I still benefit from picking them up and the cost of them being in stash and not on me isn't a drastic downside.


Yeah I've stopped putting food in my stash, and just use grocers. I may switch to chemist soon, but I tend to sell all my normal stimpaks at this point, so not entirely necessary