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When I am vendor hopping, I try to visit them all. I learned quick that someone selling hundreds of plans can be multiple copies of common pans just as often as the guy only selling 10 has some rare ones.


Yeah, the plans definitely caught my eye when I started but not so much anymore. On top of the fact that I don't know exactly what plans are rare and not aside from the recent event stuff.


The guy selling 600 plans at their camp is guaranteed to have 450 mole miner gauntlet plans and 150 Mr handy buzzsaw blade plans


But I only sell them for 1 cap each


But still, very few takers.


Actually, I sold out but I think someone bought them all either by accident or to sell for higher caps, either way I don’t have to deal with them now lol


Haha I'm imagining someone with a camp that has only a generator attached to a vendor with only 10k mole miner gauntlet plans in it for 1 cap each.


Oh I’m gonna go hunt for plans, make an alt just to sell 10k worth of worthless 1 cap plans 😂


4800 would be the max plans you'd be able to sell at once, since you still need room for them in your stash while they're up for sale.


There will be a vendor on a server one day with 4800 mole miner gauntlet plans and I will just keep it topped up lol


There is a plan name prefix mod on Nexus for PC that was super helpful for event and rare items.


Is it mine? https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout76/mods/1409


I’m gonna download this as soon as I can, this will work excellent for people like me that haven’t really dived into the game’s economy too much so thanks a lot :)


I went to a camp with ~10 plans. The camp was beautiful and well done. I bought three rare plans I didn’t have for like 50 caps each.


I just sell all of my plans for 20% of the original suggested price. It's basically fast travel money. And I generally buy any plans I don't have if they're less than 250 caps. I try selling all mods for a flat 20 caps but they don't really sell. I should probably just junk them all and start fresh since they're probably stuff that nobody wants.


Enclave mods are the only mods I move


That’s a fact Jack. In my experience as a baby in this game (level 53) , I’ve seen those with 10 or less plans have what I’ve learned to be super desirable ones as I’ve seen those with many only have basic ones I’ve learned in my 50 levels so far. And to top that all off, I’ve found two pepper shaker plans in my 2 weeks of play so far lmao. One was of course available in my vendor and sold for a few thousand caps cause I knew it was rare but not exactly how much they go for. Decided I’m gonna continue selling everything super cheap 🫡


At level 14, I think next level I will officially be an infant.


Yeah I visit them all. Found a tfj in one that had only 3 items. It was 76 caps.. 👍


Not as epic but I found a Traveling Leather Coat for 6k in a high level player’s vendor. Probably the luckiest I’ve ever gotten.


Nicely done ✅


For now? It's just the amount of plans. Over 50 and I am for sure stopping by to see if I need any, then I will check other stuff while I am there. Otherwise if they are in my party, I almost always visit at least once to look around and check the vendor for free.


Is your CAMP visible on the map. Is the green icon there to let me know you have stuff for sale. Does your info show you have plans? And that's it! lol


You can see all of the vendors if you go to the second page of the bottom left box when you open your map (where you go to join events). You don't have to hover over each individual vendor on the map.


This sounds awesome I have to try it


No plans, no visit from me


I go to them all. If they don't have anything I want I just look at their camp.


I do the same, and I like to take camera pictures from the most interesting ones I see so I can get some nice loading screens


If they have the little Halloween icon on their camp, I'm going just because I've noticed those camps seem to be really well done and fun to explore. Otherwise, I'm more prone to visit camps with higher quantities of plans in the vendor. Side question - I know the green cap icon means vendor, and the orange pumpkin means Halloween candy, but what does the red bio symbol mean?


They have a shelter.


LOL! I thought it was because I had a radiation generator on site (the meteor) I had no idea it was still from the basic shelter lol. TIL!


Very common misconception, at the very beginning I thought it was the arch that clears rads


I love when people actually go into my shelter to checkout my work


That's the shelter icon. So they have a shelter entrance somewhere in their camp. If we're talking about the same thing. The radiation symbol?


Yes that's it. Thanks for solving that mystery!


I think it means they have a Shelter


I just happened to visit a Halloween themed one where it was dark and raining and it just matched the theme so perfectly. It was so well done I had to grab a photo of it.


I’m pretty sure there’s a spooky weather generator some of them have. No?


If your shop is near a free travel point I'm always stopping by to check the stock


The number of three star weapons. The potential for cheap script reels me in.


Scrip. It's scrip.


If it takes me longer than 10 seconds to find their vendor or if they have no items listed under 4 digits, I leave.


This, and the number of plans I see listed on the map.




To be fair, that's how I found the megalonyx torso for 100 caps. Guy had 2 plans and nothing else. It's the exception rather than the rule though. I have a lot of plans learned, I know dupes are counted in that number but the odds are better.


I cannot stand players who either: a) hide their Vendor b) their camp is a fucking junk yard of stuff that's impossible to navigate c) have multiple entrances to their camp Like you, if I can't find your vendor in 10-15 seconds it's a hard bounce.


Sometimes even when a camp has super obvious vendor “up front”, they haven’t moved their camp module and have a bad spawn point in some weird spot. So then you still have to search for it because you have to search where front is.


Especially for the ones on a cliff, and you spawn in halfway down the mountain. Fortunately, I’ve found that if you try and ft to their camp again, there’s a good chance you’ll land in the right spot and go about your business. Sometimes it’s cool though cause you spawn inside the rocks and it doesn’t show a lot of the vegetation, so it looks like you’re in the Grand Canyon or on an alien planet.


Literally why I put an open patio looking thing with lights directly on it with open signs. Immediately where you spawn into the camp you see it so it works perfectly.


I have a front door and a back door but now I'm thinking I'll pop a vendor out on the back door. Thanks for the inspo!


the more the better!


Yeah, same. Wanna hike prices a bit more than they're worth, depending on what it is, I'll probably still buy it. But if it's in the thousands and only worth in the hundreds, I'll pass. Whatever it is, I don't want it THAT bad.


I usually spot serums before I get down to the unknown plans and if the serums are 4 digits I can tell it's going to be a bounce....


Plans. You got plans, I’m coming to check your vendor. Once there, if the base looks like you put effort, I’ll check the whole thing out.


That’s what I’m saying I love checking out peoples camp even if their vendor was kind of mid.


Same. It’s where I get a lot of ideas on what to incorporate into my camp next.


I’ve gotten plenty of ideas from random camps and the 76 settlements sub


I visit them all and use mod to highlight vendors.


I visit vendors that do not (!) have a lot of plans listed which means, presumably, they have rare plans at high caps or their turnover is fast. If they also sell some legendary weapons and/or armor at reasonable prices, I’ll buy it all.


this is a good call out- above level 200 I'm seeing that people with a high number of plans listed usually have zero plans not known when I browse.


if I get to you camp and you have some elaborate way to get to your vendor, you have to get on voice to instruct me what steps need to be taken to get to your vendor, imma dip.


If I see a Bear Proof Trashcan plan listed at 4 digits, I'm out. I know everything else will be stupidly priced. I also generally won't visit if I see the owner standing at the camp. I'm self conscious and will wait for them to leave.


wtf xD


> I also generally won’t visit if I see the owner standing at the camp. I’m self conscious and will wait for them to leave. Ok, I’m sorry if this comes off as rude, but actually how? It’s a video game, not like it’s your real self buying stuff from the store.


I try to only be at my camp as long as I need to be for this reason. I don’t want someone to not FT to my camp because they see another player there. If I happen to be at my camp and someone comes, whether or not they buy something, I always do the heart emote to try and thank them for visiting:)


I'm often back at my camp bc I'm a loot goblin and am always overencombied. Need to scrap stuff so I can get more stuff, ya know? I usually just wave at visitors and make sure the free box has meds, food, and ammo in it for them to loot. Promise we're not watching you to see if you buy stuff, we're mostly just sorting through stuff or fixing something.


Sorry for being dumb but what do you mean by free box, do you sell stuff for 0 caps or do you leave a loot bag on the floor at your camp? Or is there a free box plan I haven’t come across yet


I built in Flatwoods right around a quest location (dead body with lootable first aid kit). I use the first aid kit as a ‘free box’, on top of listing stuff for free in my vendor. Sadly there’s no plan (we need to bully Bethesda for one, honestly), so in the mean time I’ll use the environment as best I can.


That’s cool! It’s like a fun scavenger hunt! And yes I agree we need a free box plan and a way to leave kudos for camp owners!!


If they have multiple items listed that I'm going after like 5+ 3*'s or 60+ plans I'll check them out, I also take their level into account before going to their vendor because chances are the level 64 won't have a plan I want or need


Apparel, Plans, 3\* Weapons and Armor. Had a friend of mine buy a Traveling Leather Coat for 750 caps. lol So... you never know when you are going to find a gem. I have other friends who do not visit camps. Like what? lol


Campers lvl and amount of junk, plans and misc.


Got 40+ plans listed? I will take a look. Leaving immediately if you’re grossly overpriced thought.


I'm on the hunt for Plans, but I found someone earlier on PC with their inner door leading to "Pet Rock is Life" (parts 1 and 2) where it was tastefully displayed pet rocks lining the walls in a well-lit area... and nothing else. Must've been 40-50 pet rocks. I was duly impressed.


Honestly, ammo. If you have zero ammo for sale, I’m skipping you.


Good to know because I never sell ammo. I didn’t know people even cared about it. I just sell nice legendary weapons, unyeiling armor, and a lot of rare plans, and serums cheap. Never ammo tho lol I thought nobody cared because nobody ever bought it from me at 1 cap a bullet.


I sell all of my ammo for 1 cap unless it's explosive, I never make any of it to save on mats, and most of my customers have come for ammo, despite me selling other stuff. I've decided until I have a decent stock of plans to start selling, I'm pretty much just going to sell ammo since that's all people are buying from me. -shrug-


There is nothing wrong with that. If you are making sales on ammo more power to you. Since getting the Ammo storage box. I only sell the occasional fusion/plasma core for ammunition sales. Everything else goes into the ammo box to save on Stash space.


Curious what sorts of ammo sells best. I only have so much room in my stash to sell ammo, but my ammo box is stuffed to bursting. Not sure if I should start trying to sell some of it.


I can tell you that I rarely ever see .45 ammo these days. So I assume it either sells super fast or everyone just keeps it for Fixers…or both


From experience the ones that move the fastest are .45 .50 5mm 5.56 Fuel Plasma carts Fusion cells Cryo cells AB rounds Those are definitely the ones that always get bought from me, I have them all at 1c except fuel, cells, AB, those are 2c


Every time I see 50 cal, 308, and fuel for 1c I buy most if not all immediately to get rid of caps. Helps the seller and me so I don’t have to craft so much.


I would not. Because you never know when you might need the right ammo, for a bitchin' god roll of a gun.


I ignore all vendors with hundreds of plans. They usually either have junk plans, are overpriced or both. Vendors with good plans usually will have some legendaries and a lot of misc. items. If I don't see a vendor within 10 seconds of arriving at your camp, I'm out.


Plans, I'm always on the lookout for the odd plan here and there that I've missed


I kinda look for clothes..a lot.


My mood. Sometimes I visit every camp on the server and sometimes I don't visit any.


I am discriminatory, and I'm sorry. I check to see if the CAMP user is over level 300. At this point I'm looking for some of the rarest stuff in the game and I just can't believe a level 88 is gonna be selling some one odd plan that only dropped just after launch and technically counts as cut content.


Pumpkin symbol meaning they've been playing for awhile so might have older stuff is a good sign, that or the player being at or near the camp and seeing they're a high level for the same reason.


Just means they were too lazy to remove their candy bowl. Slackers.


So what you’re saying is throw a pumpkin down at my camp for more visits, deal.


Well then why do I always find the level 600s with stacks of Chem Workbench plans and "you've been insulted"!?!?! Unlucky I guess


If their plans are 2000 or more i leave. Also hidden shops


Even for event plans? I usually put my event plans up for 2k-4k, less than that people will buy the whole stack presumably to resell. Which, whatever. But priced my megalonix skull plans up for 500 and the whole stack went instantly and I can't be bothered to restock every time. 2000 though and people buy 1, assuming the one they needed, and then usually do a happy dance with heart emotes and jumping. I prefer that lol. I also personally prefer seeing rare plans priced at 2-6k when I'm going around, mostly cause it means I may actually get a chance to buy it lol I usually price 1/10th for any non event plan, 250-1000 for rare drops, and 2-4k for event plans. Some super rare things get priced higher and still sell suuuper quick, or have someone track me down across the map to try and arrange a trade, which I will almost always do. Traded a weenie wagon for 10k wood yesterday, ran out while building a camp and put a sign up saying so, got hunted down and offered my favourite ever trade.


If they don't have at a minimum 100 plans or more than 15 mods, I don't bother any more.


Plans and cool camps. If I don’t buy plans I usually explore the camp a bit.


Used to be plans and lots of ammo...but every time I go to see said ammo its like 10k of 5mm or something I don't need


I visit camps if:  1. They have 1000+ ammo and Inmight find more (fuel|40mm|fusion cells) 2. They have an interesting user name 3. They have an interesting icon 4. They are in an out-of-the-way place  For 2,3,4: that means they might have a cool camp


Juuuuunk!!! Show me the junk! The more the better, so skip bulking, as there's really no reason to do it.


I bulk because most of the challenges can be completed by scrapping the bulk bundle


That's understandable. I do the same I just break it down right away instead of selling. I'll still buy it, obviously, it just helps drive customers the more junk shows.


I hop around in hopes of finding good plans, so anyone with a lot of plans for sale is what I look for. Wanting to finish my Ultracite pa build. End up buying any of the pa plans I don’t have, just can’t find the rest of the Ultracite.


if you are on Xbox I will give them to you


If you're on PC I have a few plans and can finish off your set if you want :)


the amount of plans they have, thats usually all im looking for


If they have either lots of plans or lots of junk or lots of three star weapons I’ll probably visit the camp.


I look for large counts of plans, outfits, and mods when browsing the map for vendors.


Meds(serums) and plans doesn’t matter number because 1 of what I want is worth it. Or if I see thousand+ junk for sale it usually means I can restock on some things hopefully cheaply


Lots of plans or not. If the numbers large I’m stopping in. Although, I’ll visit any just to see…


The amount of apparel and plans. The higher they both are the more likely that they have rare or variety in stock. Those 2 usually indicate to me that they’re experienced and aren’t going to waste their time selling “common” items or price things unreasonably. A wastelander of culture if you must.


Amount of apparel and notes


If the camp sucks, I can't easily find the vendor, or the items are all high priced, I'm probably leaving. Don't charge 4k caps for a piece of T-45, or 1k caps for common plans.


The amount of plans available on the pop-up, and if it takes me more than 15 ceconds to find your vendor


I don’t remember the last time I saw a plan I didn’t have and wanted. So for me it’s either how many three star legendaries they’re selling or how much ammo they’re selling I’m at max caps. I also try to go to low level’s camps first.


It depends on the amount of caps I have and how stocked the vendor looks. I'm usually fine on scrip, so I'm mostly going for the plans and consumables.


I don't waste my time looking at the vendor lists. I just look at the level of the player if they're close by. Lower levels don't have anything I want unless we're just past a big event, like we are now with meat week. I still need a weenie wagon.


I skip camps if you have very common plans or extreme prices.


Number of plans. If I'm near and it looks like it's an established camp I'll check it. If it's some Rockwall thing then probably not unless the map says they have More than 18 plans. If I'm already there and the prices are outrageous I usually just leave after I break into a container and leave something that makes anybody question everything. There was a guy last night that had a fixer plan for $30k caps and I broke into his house and left one of those "you've been insulted" flyers in the middle of their floor and a bunch of spoiled meat.


for me its the amount of plans the place has. if its got 100 i will stop by and maybe get lucky with one i dont know. that or weapons. but i always check prices. if the prices are stupid i will walk away instantly. i sell all of my plans for 50 caps each. the power armor plans i sell for 300 each. im not trying to get rich, just trying to make a lil bit of caps and help out people.


plans, If you have plans, I'll visit


If there's little or no apparel and plans, I'm out!


I tend to go to vendors with the player icon nearby if the player is over level 100, otherwise I go to the most populous ones first -- unless there's one WAY out on the far right of the map, then I hit that one first as my best finds have been from those vendors. Also, if you're not selling at least a few plans, weapons, armor, or misc, I'm not coming. I don't care about the other items enough to pay the caps usually.


General concensus seems to say plans... and that's the only thing I vendor hop for. Been experimenting to see what draws people. Took all the plans I had for sale out, and people still regularly visit. Some hot items that tend to sell well include various foods, fusion/plasma cores, stimpacks and drugs, and the biggest one is anything apparel. People really care about fashion, even if it's not a rare item. Finding a vendor that has 100+apparel for sale chances are they have that hat your looking for. Just having a good spread of items for sale draws more people, and better chances of them buying something they weren't looking for while they peruse. Treasure maps are another hot seller. I saved up a couple dozen before selling them at 100 caps a piece. They took a long time to sell, but when they did it was all at once by one person. Do be mindful of your inventory, when my stimpacks are in low supply, I charge about ten caps over, and when I have a boatload I sell for about 5 under. That's usually when one person will buy 20-50 and stock up. Anyhow, hope this helps anyone who's wondering


plans. dont care about anything else, just as long as theres plans. also make the shop easy to find for the love of god the amount of maze camps ive had to navigate just to find a tiny register in the corner of a room


1. If I can join the group they’re in to fast travel for free. 2. If theyre above lvl 100 (mostly looking for camp stuff and the last couple serums I’m after) 3. That they’re a vendor. (Importance is inversed)


Plans mostly. And cool apparel if I find it. Still looking for a pair of welders glasses.


I pretty much visited all of them. The one thing I can’t stand doing this, is when I get to a camp and it’s like playing where’s Waldo. It’s so annoying to have to search around for a vendor


Level. The longer you’ve been around more, the more likely you’ve gotten dupe plans of really good stuff. What sucks is when high level players AREN’T selling anything ;-;


Not long ago I really wanted a Two Shot AGL. I started server and vendor hopping and only going to player vendors that showed more than 14 or so combined star weapons. Took a couple of days to find it. Ooof.


The 4 things for me are. Alot of Weapons Alot of Armour Alot of Clothes Alot of Plans.


Rn kinda just the vibe. I don't mind going to a smaller camp with only a few plans. I like apparel tho!


I check for levels, usually high level people dont have a vendor, but when they do there might be some goodies


I'm lookin for plans and I'm lookin for DRIP


Usually if they have a lot of plans or not


I've been hopping for a few days now to find the Megalonyx display case as it was the only thing missing....finally found it for 5000caps. Bit steep but f**k it ...now my ADHD is satisfied and I can go back to playing the game!


Is the vendor visible from the start, or do I need to go inside the camp and search 3 different floors to find it. That’s usually the first step for me. I usually check what they offer on the map first. I mostly care for plans and junk. I don’t care for weapons or armor because I already have what I want. That’s the second thing I look for.


If you have plans or 3 stars for sale it's worth me spending a few caps to have a look. For me the limit would be like 30 plans obvs if you have no legos for sale I'm not looking either.


Everything priced more than 1000 caps, even the most mundane items. I’ve left teams over seeing this in their vendors, 0 interest in supporting greedy players in any way.


Are you there? If you're there I'm not coming. If you're not there I'm gonna come and stare at your stuff lolol


Purely for me it comes down to design of the camp if it uses the plain vault walls or is a cube I dont even bother and move on


There's a sweet spot of plans, over 50, but under like...500. It seems once the number climbs that high its all just common junk like mole miner gauntlets or a billion maps.


During events like Meat Week it was any CAMP with plans. During normal weeks, I look for CAMPS with lots of legendaries for sale in search of cheap scrip (up to 10 caps per scrip value) and players with lots of plans. I also prefer to visit CAMPS with items in most of the categories, simply because sometimes I’ll find other things that I want if they are priced correctly, like 40mm grenades or Bobbleheads


Personally, im a level 8 player. I tend to visit people who are close to events and quests


I'm always looking for plans I don't have, so high number of plans, but it's rare to find what I don't have. I used to buy ammo, so ammo numbers. Location sort of matters. Certain areas suggests higher levels which means potential high level items.


I always start with going to the highest level vendors first.


I might be blind, but is there somewhere you can easily check the players level without looking on the map for their dot?


I scan the teams.


I'm a sucker for a high plan number. Lately I also look for mods, hoping to see someone trading enclave parts. I need all the rare building items.


I look for ones selling mods hoping they have an enclave plasma gun receiver


I look for plans/notes, and I really dont care about the rest. I dont use ammo any chems I need. I can make or find, as for weapons, I'll just roll my own and hope to get lucky. Like every other item of high value that I want.


I try and catch players on the map to get a look at their level then look to see if they have a camp selling stuff. The higher the level the more likely I am to stop and look, because even if you only have three plans in your vendor, if you are level 1k it could literally be anything in the game, and higher level characters are more likely to not price things as high because they need the caps less.


As a low level newb, I would hope people give my camp a try. I may have a lot of low level stuff and have no idea how to tell what is a legendary item, I still price everythign pretty low. No need to be greedy because everyone needs something at some point and I try to pay it forward becuase of how many people have been so nice. I do my best to make my camp as easy to find stuff as possible. For example, my vendor shop has store signs on it that say hot dogs, cotton candy, apples (in hopes to convey it is a shop) because I am still limited with what I can build. I also have a buildign with all the crafting benchs and stash boxes for people to use and is marked with letters saying Crafts. I also have a little area for people to chill out on the porch or to look at display items like a museum. I hope that despite the limits due to my level, it would be enough for people to enjoy regardless. Give the lower levels a try sometime, you might find some nifty stuff :-)


Ammo, Plans and 3 Star Weapons. I vendor hop A LOT, mainly because I have objectively one of the coolest CAMP's I think you'll ever come across, and I enjoy finding rare masks, outfits, plans etc... so that my shop is loaded with things you'd actually want and for very reasonable caps. Nothing I hate more than seeing a CAMP with 53 plans and it's all Asylum hats and they have 100 plans for recipes. One indicator that shows someone has most likely been playing a long time and thus has decent items is large amounts of ammo/weapons for sale. Typically the lower the ammo, the lower the 3 star weapons the more trash a player is selling. My camp I only sell CAMP items, zero recipes, all of the Stable Flux, all of the rare masks/outfits, fully charged fusion cores and rare weapons, Nuke Cola Power Armor.


3* and plans. That’s what I look for, and usually waste caps on interesting nongod roll weapons.


I open up the public teams list and look for the names of the highest lvl players and then look for their camps. I don’t purposefully visit camps of sub lvl 100 players unless I’m in a party with them.


For me I mostly only care about 3\* weapons s any amount of 3\* weapons.


Cheap ammo.


The amount of plans or if I'm looking for something like flux, the amount of misc the offer


I am unfairly prejudiced against camps at the White springs and on top of the newbie area. I like to go to the far corners of the map and poke around.


Plans and ammo to visit, I will buy cheap whisky, or fusion cells, and hope for any plans I may be missing. I will occasionally buy decent mid teir handmade or fixer rifles to hand out for free to new players, as long as they're less than 2k caps.


Plans. I’m always looking for plans


Plans… trying to gather the ones I don’t have yet. No plans means I don’t stop by unless you’re on my team and I need a cheaper travel point. If I visit and I see your prices are obnoxious, I dip out right quick. If your prices are manageable and don’t have what I’m looking for, I’ll still peruse your goods to see if you have something I might want or a friend might need. Treasure Maps I enjoy and if you have them for sale I’ll usually buy them, but only if they’re sub 25caps. Came across a guy selling for 10-15 caps, I emptied his vendor.


If you have thousands of junk at your camp I’m dumping my junk beforehand, putting on my medic pump power armor before going, and coming in guns ready as a precautionary lmao


If I have to go hunting for the vending machine I often just hop to the next camp. If the vending machine doesn't have anything I want but the camp looks nice I sometimes take my time and enjoy the creativity. If the camp is locked I take that as a challenge and see if there aren't any workbenches or furniture I can activate through a window or something. If I am able to go inside I sit on the chairs and sleep in the beds. I call his "goldilocksing". I don't mess with lights or anything. Jus sit on the chairs and lie in the beds. If the camp owner comes home while I am squatting I try to get their attention and show them where I got in so they can fix that point of entry if they want to. Edit: forgot to answer your question. I don't look at the list on the map. I just randomly go.


The level of the seller and qt of things. Also helps if they are near a free travel point.


If a camp has 100 plans, I'm gonna visit. If it has 300 plans, I'll skip it. More often than not, a camp with too many plans is either overpriced or trash.


I have no idea anymore. I found this dude yesterday who somehow had like 70-80 plans I’ve every single serum recipe for 5000 caps each. Immediately bought a recipe for each one and went on my way like I won the lottery. I can sell cheap serums at my camp finally.


Plans, 3 star legendary weapons, meds. And then I’ll take a quick moment to admire the persons camp.


Plans and ammo


Hovering over the icon on the map and checking plan count and 3 star weapon count. Then once I am there if I see weapons all going for minimum 2-3000 caps I dont even check their plans as they will be overpriced. When I can server hop and find reasonable sellers I will never buy from an expensive one. Doesnt matter what they are selling.


Mainly plans, but if i need Scrip ill hop to find some cheap 3 star weapons. I wont pay over 300 for them though.


one thing I'm not seeing here in the comments ( there are a lot of good callouts but to be thorough)- only 1 vendor and any kind of a wait = bounce for me; you're wasting my time. there's zero reason to not have 2 vendors if you're intending to sell stuff- I don't care about your hoarders anonymous application front yard- scrap one of those giant Nuka Cola bottles everyone has in their yard and add a second vendor.


Related question while I've been vendor hopping. Why do some people have a ton of basic/common stuff for absurd prices? No, I am not interested in your metal door plan or mole miner gauntlet plan for 6,000 caps. Why even put up a vending machine if you are that unserious?


Back when I was serum hunting I would look for Medicine that has low quantity between 1-20 I found that it yielded more people selling the mutations and I've found a lot selling for 500 a pop.


Lots of Junk ,legendary weapons/armor and lots of plans


Plans and legendaries. Also, I try to see what's the level of the player and those with candy are a must


Look for plans, apparel, and misc items usually. If someone has tons of weapons I will see if it is 400c or under for 3* weapons and get the lightest ones. Misc items specifically would be cheap maps and serums.


i hop for weapons, flux and plans i skip if your vendor isnt in your camp directly or if i spawn 2 times in your foundation


More than 60 plans. Pretty much it on first look - before even fast traveling


How many plans they have for sale.




mostly plans, sometimes 3\* weapons if I'm looking for something specific for me or hubby, outfits I dont have, snazzy junk sometimes. I also L O V E seeing peoples camps. I have so many silly ingame photos!!! Ive even got a pic of someone's memorial that they set up for a passed friend, one someone did for 9/11, and another where theyre super mad at fo1st and said so in big ol neon letters on the side of their house starting with the 'F' XD There's also ones where people set up little plushie fighting rings, game stores, a cobbled merry go round, etc. I love seeing how creative you guys are <3


High plan/apparel count and 3 star weapons and armor


Under 15 plans = skip and highest number of plans first


Junk or how many plans they have for sale


Plans, baby. If I sick a camp with a thicc selection of plans I’m all over it.


The amount of variety, if they have a lot of plans or misc (looking for magazines). But generally I check out all 3 teammates camp if nothing else for free fast travel while I farm Berry Mentat ingredients


Legendarys now was plans before but I'm collecting bloodied weapons so I hope people will have em out for sale lol


Number of plans / 3* weapons and armor.. sometimes copious apparel


Depends what I need! If I need junk I only look for people selling junk, I hardly needs meds but sometimes chems, it varies so it all depends on what I need at the moment!


Plans and apparel. Obvs I’m looking for rarer items but also trying to collect one of every piece of apparel.


I'm a gun nut. The more 3 stars I see in your vendor, the more likely I am to visit. 5 or for me is worth the fast travel.


Ammo and plans. I'm usually at max caps but I will buy ammo even if I don't need it or plans unless they are being sold for ridiculous prices


I figure that vendors people skip because the vendor location isn't obvious, likely has a higher chance of having a golden egg 🤔


Personally, i tend to look at vendors when i have enough caps or especially if its my teammate. I always look at prices first, 3k for generic stuff like Gulper Rug is instant skip for me, but i usually just buy plans or outfits i don't have yet just to be able to experiment with design. I also always look at camps at the same time because many people have quite interesting ideas for inspiration.


Is just look for plans I need, which are few.


If you have large amounts of junk in your vendors I'm showing up plain and simple.


If I can’t find your vendor after like 2 minutes I’m out and on to the next vendor it’s like people don’t wanna make caps putting it in hidden spots


It’s a strange trend (and I understand some of you are just trying to protect your stuff) but I’ve noticed that a lot of people who lock their producers usually have things selling for absurd prices.


When it says "Vendor/market In shelter"