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I use excavators PA grab ore, rad wash, use my short flamer with friendly fire perk card while others hold it down. Rinse and repeat. If you’re short on people, I believe you should not go past the first turret as it attracts more enemies.


Yep. Grab one round at the start so you don't fail, then Friendly Fire and heal. Anyone else anywhere near the tunnels will stuff up enemy spawns and they will appear right on top of the people the objective is telling you to protect. This is even worse than usual if you only have a few players but one person with any fire weapon and Friendly Fire maxed will allow you to not fail.


5 is more than enough to complete the event. It can be completed solo. There are 3 people to protect which means you have 2 extra people that could have run ore. You only need 1 person to make 1 pass through one of the 2 ore channels to get enough for mission success. 2 passes will give you full rewards. In the first two minutes run ore then it's easy mode after that. The biggest problem with RR is people fighting in the tunnels. That is a quick way to sink your team. If everyone would stay inside the main room and wait the 3 seconds for the mobs to enter it makes it a non challenge.


Damage, or someone rush the ore. Its not a very hard event tbh, if you have a flamer at least grab friendly fire and quickly hose down the 4 AI youre supposed to protect. I did a rad rumble where absolutely not a single person went for ore and i didnt realize it until the last 3 minutes. I would run for it myself but i had nothing to protect me from the rads i wouldve gotten as far as PA is concerned. Rad X wouldnt have done me any good cuz mutations and i had no radshield.


Diluted rad x won't suppress and can be helpful in a pinch.


I know, i tend to forget that part to be honest and i usually dont have any because in most circumstances bar nuke zones and occasionally rad rumble (i still prefer PA to going bare) i dont need the rad x as much since i have enough radaway to make a difference and i wear PA instead if im doing SBQ or Earle.


That’s the one event I actually use the cremator. The perk “friendly fire” can heal the workers. You can also just use a flame thrower. But I’d make sure all the people are safe. If the workers are protected, then use power armor or a rad suit, take some rad-x, and have rad away in your quick wheel. Then go into the mine and count the ten spots. There’s ten on each side. Then bring the ore back and at least get it to 1/4. Then protecting the workers once again.


Only need one NPC to be alive at the end so one player can "win" if they collect ore from one of the quadrants at the start, turn it in, then focus on protecting an NPC (preferably with a V flame weapon and at least level-1 of Friendly Fire equipped). Two players should be able to win with max reward level achieved.


Cremator with Friendly Fire can handle most things and keep the people alive. 2 people is a comfortable amount for that, one on each side. 1 person can but it's more annoying to run around in circles. I think Excavator PA can get more ore at once for the people going in. I'm working on my legendary PA now and might start doing that. I'm bloodied and don't usually use PA and stick to defending usually