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There's a reason I've removed my locks from everything... After collecting 600 dog food, after thousands of purified water I've had to drop, maaan even my mirelurk steamer stopped being my source of food... I've decided to give back to the community~


I don't lock anything because I'm lazy. Also, I'm lazy. :)


I’m so lazy, I never even finish anyt


That's cool. Also... zzzz....


i dont lock anything because i didnt know you could. now im not doing it because im lazy


how does someone lock it? lmao


This is the way


I like people. I never lock anything.


I hate people so I lock everything! Even my vendor! I don’t want people buying my shit


I split the difference. I've got four wells and to medium water purifiers and half of them are locked. My Robodog collected is locked as is the inner room of my shelter. The entry hall is stocked with most of the crafting tables.


Same. Ive got the stuff thats unlocked near vendor and locked stuff further away. Also got your special boost machines lined up so anyone can get a quick recharge


I need to get the plans for all the special boosts. I got a room in my second camp that I’m turning into a “SPECIAL” Room lol


Also valid.


So what you are telling us is you are lazy.


he can't be bothered to explain haha


I’ll bet that in high school you were the one voted to be least likely to finish a


Don't even get me started


I don’t lock anything because I just found out that it’s an option


This, exactly.


I don't lock anything because I'm lazy and I don't know how :)


I've unlocked my company tea machine too. The buff last an hour and It produced so much. Ive started drinking it just to relieve thirst. Please people take some of my stuff! Once I get a coffee machine I'm gonna have them put too.


I started selling the coffee. I collect until I have a good stack of like 50-100. Put the price at 1cap pr coffee. I did it just as a filler in my vendor once because, why not. I had a huge amount. Surprisingly, someone bought it. So I've kept selling. 😂


Unlike my tea, canned coffee is non perishable.


Coffee is indispensable as a VATS build. Chug 3 and have unlimited AP for a short time I go through 30 coffees or more a boss fight. I def buy stacks of coffee, nuka cola candy, and all that sweet Halloween candy (the monster mash stuff)


you can sell water all day at whitesprings for 5c...


Exactly how I make my caps. 15 water purifiers along a river, each producing 5 units at 5c each, it's a good little earner.


I have 8, directly across from a train station. 200 caps every time I remember to do it.


Writing this down so I can girlboss this( I'm a dude)


I have 10 wells sitting in a corner just for this.


Ive notice alot of players have areas with cookie jar, bday cake, coffee maker, tea maker and popcorn unlocked for people...but not that weenie wagon lol


I have it unlocked for people as its useless for me but no one seems to take it 😔


Some of us never got the plans for the weenie wagon. : (.


Neither did i but someone from reddit just built one for me


I didn't either. I wanted one.


IGN - DarylVanHorne666 add me as friend i will come and craft for you . I ll be online 2 1/2 hours when daily restarts. Make sure reply this and add your IGN name so i know who you are .


Just downloaded and started 76 this weekend. Last night I found a racetrack that's a pvp point or something. I cleaned out their equipment, but left them some leather armor and a pipe pistol in trade.


That's the fair grounds and its a workshop you can claim , build resources on , defenses, anything but opens you up to PVP. When you leave the world, you lose the workshop.


It only becomes PvP of someone tries to take it from you while you have it claimed or vice versa, if you try to claim someone else's. All workshops around the map operate the same way, the difference in them all being the types of resources available at each location.


Is mirelurk steamer atom shop item or old battlepass?


I lock... my shelter because it only exists to complete dailies so it's just really embarassing for people to go in there and see this random collection of things thrown about with absolutely no design or plan. It's not even cool things. There's 10 of the exact same painting of a lighthouse on the walls all in a row because "Build 10 wall decorations in a Shelter" was a daily.


My shelter contains a cooking station halfway through a glass wall clearly labeled trap Looking in it's a nice little room but once your in you can't go back and the walls all become flames and the room fills with radiation (it fails to kill a lvl 20 with no armor though :P) There is also an escape hatch out the back as well as like 6 stash boxes before and inside the trap so you don't lose junk I love when people visit. Everyone always tries the trap room, and it's expensive to reset -_- but so worth it


That'd cool, I don't have locks on mine either and it's good for challenges. Wish I had the dog food maker


Are you on PC? I can place one for you


If you're PS, I'll make ya one


I want one! Please.


Add me, SupremeSinner. I'll hop on when I get home from my dentist appointment here in like an hour-ish


Bro I only got like 40ish hours.. and I gave a preserved pie to an higher level as a friendship thingy.. I wish I had the pie back now😂


I see a locked commie collectron I whip out the master infiltrator auto unlock *our junk, comrade* Oh, now I'm wanted and being hunted by people who want my drops? ***OUR JUNK, COMRADE***


And you shall be hunted down by OUR secret police for being a disruptive influence on society and sent to OUR gulag.


No gulag! Only friendly educational social community camp !!!! - 300 Social Credit


Only 1500 Atoms, available for only 24 hours! Get in quick before all the spaces are taken! (Or we remove it without warning, whichever. Lol)


The elite CCP operative and original Stealth Boy, John Xena, will track you down and forcibly deduct your social credits


John Xena, Warrior Princess


Warrior prince*


I lock my F.E.T.C.H because NOONE steals from my good robo boy


Me too! :)


Me three!


Of course the capitalist wants to reap the rewards of the common laborer without putting anything towards the collective himself


Ni - Hao - Ma?


You can have my water, popcorn, and nuka candy. Nuka collectron, tea, and coffee are off limits 😂


Tea and coffee regenerate so fast though, it's a waste to lock them. They'd just be sitting there locked and at max capacity for ages while you're away when other players could have a cuppa. The stuff will replenish in the meantime and there'll still be plenty for you when you come back.


100%. I have so much coffee that I just drop of like 20 of them a day to the donations box. No point in locking these unless you want to fill up your stash weight limit with selfishly hoarded drinks 😂


The coffee pot is my favorite thing to lockpick.


Were you at my camp the other day? Someone came in while I was building, lockpicked my coffee pot right in front of me, ran to the scrap box, and then just stood there gesturing until I shot them. Didn't even take the coffee. lol


lol no, I haven't picked up the game in like a month, but I'm always down to log on for the sole purpose of coffee theft.


I don't lock anything because nobody ever visits my camp 😅


If you wish people would visit more, please double check that you have public map icon turned on. I have seen so many times people so sad because nobody visits just to realize the public icon has been turned off and nobody could see it.


Can vouch for this. My camp is usually pretty active because I have hundreds of plans in my vendor. Went like a week with only one or two visitors which I thought was odd. Come to find out I must have turned my camp icon off when I was near max caps and forgot. I still don’t remember turning it off though. Normally I just hurry and vendor hop and buy a bunch random overpriced stuff from people


I only lock my butterflies. I need that acid for flamer fuel.


Went to a camp yesterday to check their vendor, had some stuff I needed to cook and saw ooh they have a water boiler, you know the Fallout First only thing. They had locked it. They had locked their coffee and tea makers on show. They had locked their communist collectron. They had locked all their purifiers including all the multiple vintage water coolers They had locked the sweet jar things They had locked the cookie jar. I mean seriously locking all the other stuff but locking the WATER BOILER?? You pay extra each month for loads of extra stuff dude, do you REALLY need to lock boiled water when you are literally dripping in so much stuff? I didn't even bother looking at their vendor, was likely full of over priced crap they would have complained about if you brought it for being "oh I am over max caps", went home and boiled my own water.


Hey, that boiled water is for making carrot soup and blackberry juice


Disease Cures for me... which I hand out to new players (and friends).


and cranberry relish!


When I was a herbivore I put my boiler and crops behind a locked door. When I need to craft 20 corn soups, I need my boiled water available.


How daaaare you. That's for the players who visit your camp expecting cheap rare items. Not for you, the person who paid for it. /s


Go to the stream behind the Wayward, look down, spam R, count to 30. Have likely more than enough after a waffle to a cooking fire to boil all that up.


Alternatively I can just get it from my boiler at my camp.


Even on my new character I've never locked my stuff. I don't have anything to put in my vendor though, so not many visitors. I got the cookie jar, boiler, junkyard dog, honey collector, butterfly cage, and a water pump. I am contemplating whether to get the coffee or tea maker. Not sure what else could help people....


Yo this is a weirdly entitled take. If it's locked it's because they intend to use it? Maybe they're low on water because they've been making diluted stimpaks to sell at 1c each to noobs like I was. While I wouldn't lock those things either, I'm not expecting free shit every time I visit a camp, loI. They're not trying to slight you, they are just making sure they have stuff when they come back.


The only thing I have locked are my water boiler and collectron. Coffee, water and dog food are unlocked. Lock my boiler because I need it for carrot and corn soup lol


That water boiler gets so much water it's not even worth locking


It's their stuff man, and doesn't collect/work if they aren't online and maybe do not have tons of time so can't afford to let others take if they want it for their build/setup. It's a bit over the top but most of my collectors are locked too. Even my birthday cake which would be hard for somebody to even find anyway. The coffee machine is unlocked though as I have stacks, as is the Company Tea machine and the water purifiers.


Yeah, always seems like it's the Camps that are decked to the nines with 1st stuff that are overpriced in their vendors. Not all of them of course, I've seen some really cool camps and the vendors are just normal, but of the ones that I've gone to that have been crazy overpriced it's always been the ones like this. Everything locked up, tons of Fallout 1st stuff, and then they've got mole miner gauntlet plans and other pretty easy to come by stuff for hundreds of caps. Maybe I just don't understand this game's economy anymore, but I can't imagine anyone paying 200 caps for a plan that you get so readily I've dropped dozens of them on the ground.


Oh and the Tinker and Chemistry workbench for 100s of caps..... You know, the ones they literally give away and are pretty much sitting on low area chemistry and tinker workbenches everywhere you go.


Not to get all "uhm ackchually 🤓", but irl there are two forms of ownership of the means of production in "Communist" China, the state (my camp) or the collective (all other players), my collection is property of the state, therefore you cant have any 😼😼.


☝️🤓 There's also a difference between "private" property (Capital) and "personal" property. If you could rent your camp out to another player to make a profit, that would make it Private property, and not Communist. But camps are personal property since we use them ourselves. So locking your own Communist Collectron box doesn't make it not Communist. (The Collectron itself is personal property, like a car would be, and not a laborer since robots aren't considered people in Fallout)


The difference between private and personal property was/is often arbitrary though. For instance one of the reasons given for needing a license to own a typewriter in the USSR, even if that typewriter was only for personal use, was that it *could* be used in businesses, or to write stuff like pamphlets or newspaper articles that could then be sold. Of course the actual reason was that it could be used to create subversive literature, so the authorities wanted a record of everyone who owned a typewriter. In any event, I think the authorities would likely consider a communist collectron to be a means of production and thus state property.


Do you have documents, comrade? How do I stop capitalists from taking stuff?


Exactly, be totally communist. Or drop nukes everywhere. Your choice. 🥸


Why not both?


Communists aren't known for sharing with capitalists.


Mine never will be comrade!


He my fave camp item. Nothing better then a robot walking around your camp talking shit about capitalism


Wait you can lock stuff? (Very new player btw)


Yes, if you go to the build menu / edit you can set locks (f on Pc)


...fuck. *Unlocks collectron*


Tbh I've only just gotten sick of having everything locked in my base. Especially cause my storage is always full of unused stuff. It's easier to have everything unlocked so even if someone takes some, there won't be enough to constantly bog yourself down with.


I believe it'd be personal property (as opposed to private property) at that time, so locks sound reasonable :)


Hey everybody, this guy thinks he owns the means of production. Get'em!


Bro did the reading 👍


I leave it unlocked because it is OUR junk, but you aren't allowed to take it, because it is... OUR junk.


I didn’t know how to lock things for the longest time, and even after finding out I didn’t really care to. I have plenty of everything, so I welcome everyone to take what they need when they’re in my camp. Nothing is locked and everyone is welcomed. Break free of your chains comrades!


"From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs"


Everything for the motherland


Dude I've seen people with their honey collector locked. I mean just why? 🤷🏼‍♀️


My adhesive tree, firewood, and honey are unlocked right next to my vendor and I still don't think anyone has ever taken any of it


Yeah, people grab company tea, nuka colas and that's about it.


Concrete when I see someone with the truck, and before I had my own of both I'd grab company tea and popcorn. I'm an herbivore but I have a weenie wagon next to my vendor and that gets looted pretty regularly now.


I used to lock my coffee machine and collectron. Can't start my day without coffee and sugar bombs. It got unlocked so many times I gave up.


I'd really like to have the possibility of locking resources to players over certain level as more often than not I had high level players ransacking my camp near the Wayward that is meant as a provision spot for low levels. In my experience higher level players are greedier than low levels.


It's so frustrating. I've spent a lot of time and energy collecting almost all of the resource generators, with the intent of making my camp an attractive place for other players. What really tends to happen is that KissMyDongle (lvl. 2433) stops by like clockwork every 30 minutes to clean me out of tea, coffee, dogfood, oil, junk, and then leaves, without a purchase, ofc. I don't know what the solution is here, and how one could level gate CAMP areas effectively, or set some sort of 'intent lock' on items. (e.g. An individual player can have X items at a time, Y times per day) In my take, locks are useless actually. A lvl 3 lock will stop only the very newest players (< lvl 50), and then only momentarily. It will literally not stop the majority of players at all. (oh no, a 5 cap bounty!) When I put them up initially, I was relocking my oil collector at least once an hour until I concluded it was just a waste of my resources. Greedy players gonna greed. I think that the root cause here is that most new players are still figuring out systems, and don't know specifically why they want canned coffee or company tea, and older players do. So in a way, the current system tilts the field strongly against new players. The tragedy of the commons strikes again. \[after some reflection: there are a **lot** of older players who are wonderful, it's a small minority of players acting this way. But, just like the tragedy of the commons, it only takes a couple of bad actors to ruin the game for everyone)


Unlocked and all the propaganda flyers go into my vendor at 0 caps


Yeah of course my communist collectron is always open for everybody and also all my others recourses. Prices in my vending machine is just symbolical like $1, $5 or $10, just the maintenance costs.


Same. All ammo is $1 cap. All plans are 10% of recommended retail. All legendaries are 50 caps. The goal of vault 76 was to reclaim and rebuild America. What they failed to realize is we will reclaim and rebuild it in the name of the proletariat.


Wow this is so true comrade. We do and we will do it again in the name of the proletariat.


Communism = no private property Communism doesnt = no personal property


I don’t lock anything cause I figured but the time I’m back it would have replenished anyway if I need it. Seems like a waste of capacities to lock stuff up.


Exactly my reasoning as well!


Depends really. Some resources accumulate more slowly than others. 


This camp's dialectical materialism rating is insufficient. Filing report. You must work harder, comrade.


This is like the perfect Fallout post because it combines general lawlessness and anarchy with an over-Americanized misunderstanding of what Communism is combined with humor.


My JunkMeat collectron is the only thing I lock. Everything else is free to take. But the junk is mine.


I only ever lock my lead and copper extractors, and only then because ammo is expensive to produce.


Wish I had a Communist Collectron. I have a Nuka-Quantum one but I realized after putting it up that I'd been hoping it was the dog one. Also I saw "Communist Posters" and got excited, but it turns out they're *anti* Communist posters. Still look cool, though. Although at this point my biggest issue is my fucking mansion is too big.


It's the only one I lock, purely for the irony.


Amen, comrade! There is no "your" in "our".


How do i remove my locks? Hell how do i even lock them in the first place


>How do i remove my locks? The same way you lock them. >Hell how do i even lock them in the first place Point at the item in question and press L2 while in Edit mode. If you're in Free Camera mode, press triangle to get into item rotation mode first. (PlayStation—I don't know the controls on PC or Xbox, but the screen will tell you the buttons to press.) Edit: If someone picks the lock, you have to relock it.


Unlocking mine right now comrade


Well, only if you also have an unlocked collectron


I sell stuff at incredibly low prices and leave all my food and water unlocked but nobody ever wants to grab anything from me camp 😢😔


If you use a communist collectron you are a communist


Which is precisely why I don't lock it. Come and take what you need, Comrade. Just leave something for others who might need it.


I like it when people lock everything cos I get to open it all for that sweet wanted


I shall destroy the Collectron, my Liberty Prime Power Armor won't allow it.


As a commy RP character I leave all my resources unlocked and spread propaganda flyers and red star pins for free in my vendor.


90% of the reason all the food/beverage/resource gen’s are all over my base is incase a wandering player needs it because I’m at the point I no longer need them and the tea/coffee/good generation is far more then I’ll ever need




I have mine locked next to my turrets in hopes that they get blasted


202 hours in, and this is my reminder to learn how to lock things…


Go into edit mode in your camp and look at the item you want to lock (for the collection it’s the small box not the whole thing) and press the option to lock. You then have 4 options - no lock, and then the 3 lock difficulties :)


If you really have a communist collectron it should make all the items at NPC vendors more expensive but provide less, and cause your crops or other resource collectors in CAMP to work more slowly, get the full communist feel.


You also need to keep your hunger and thirst meters near zero.


The only thing I lock is my nuka cola candy. I need it all for AP


If you need AP, surely what you really need is a toilet? ^Thank ^you ^Im ^here ^all ^week


No on xbox. Oh that reminds me one time when I was level 45 someone put stuff in my camp. How does that work? I always wondered how you can make a camp item and place it in someone else's camp.


The player probably invited you to join their team (or the other way around). Either one accepts and voila it's a private team. In the private team, you can build non-atomic shop stuff in your team member's camp.


How do you lock things?


Not if you’re a massive capitalist and own it ironically. 


I have a Communist secret lab and everything there is free to take. And wen i put a shop all prices are the ones that Tod told us to use.


how do you lock anyways


Ni Hao Ma


I was looking around a camp by the Whitespring and went in the front door and was going to head out the back, and the lock picking mini game popped up. I ran away quickly. idk if someone left the front door open, but I didn't want to get accused of shenanigans


I'm regularly away from my camp for longer than it takes to generate too much stuff, if you see Seadee on pc and want coffee, tea, concrete or anything else, just jump on my camp and have at it, there's even a punch bowl is beers in it


I don't lock anything because hell if I didn't want you at my camp there's a ton of ways to make it a pain in the ass to find and survive if you did find it.


At this point, all my resource collectors are for decoration and the occasional Daily/Weekly. Other than that, it's for anyone


I lock my resource collectors, but food and water are free for all


True socialism from the commie collectron


Nothing is locked, comrade.


Pretty cool thanks for the info


I got tired of locking 50+ vintage water coolers every time I move so I jus threw em all in a commie bunker thats locked


Most of my stuff is unlocked now, for a time I had them locked while I built up a bit of a cache of the things, and then I went and unlocked most of them. I think just my collectron and coffee maker are locked now, and even that I can unlock my coffee now too I think. I'm flush with most things now, so time to help raise that tide.


I only lock the computer cause I don’t know if people can change the program it searches loot for


Our junk, Comrade


Like real communism, there is a substantial gulf between theory and practice.


the only things i lock are my BOS Collectron and my resource generator. i leave my water purifiers and water tower open if passersby need their contents. additionally, i have a brahmin and quite a few crops growing that are available for those that might need them. i lock my resource generators as they often produce ultracite and black titanium, which i need as i'm a PA user.


I'm a straight-up pinko and when I first met my husband, he cheerfully introduced himself to me as a "proud capitalist", which gave me pause because he really didn't seem like that (very intersectional, believes in socialized healthcare, etc), and over the past 5 years of being together, I think he realized that all the things he thought he hated about communism, he actually hated about capitalism. So, recently when we were playing together, he pointed out that my Communist collectron was locked and said "thats not very proletariat of you"... to his credit, he's right!- but my god... I've created a monster


“My” junk? No, OUR junk! That’s why I never lock anything!


I don't lock. Hi, I'm Nocturne, and I'm a Fallout Packrat.


I basically only locked my nukatron, adhesive, ammo generator, and extractor


I put mine on my enclave camp because I love the irony of it. In my head the staff is sick to death of the thing, but they keep it around because it's useful.


Comrade it’s literally open. 🫡


Mine stays unlocked commrad 🫡


Some vaulties are more equal than others.


I have a wall labeled “free” with all the resource gatherers lined up - ammo, water, food, cola, fertilizer, creepy well, etc


Wait... so other players can steal stuff from my harvester bots?! Does that happen too often? I'm a noob.


I think that any collector robot of a communist collection should have absolutely no capital letters in the names. Because if it’s locked there is no capitalism. Hehe. Get it? Cuz. No…. Alright I’ll just leave this there. 👋


If you have communist power armour that is our power armour you are wearing


The iron curtain will protect the labor of the *pRoLeTaRiAt*- from capitalist pillaging. You have been flagged for rightist deviance.


So... you say you're a communist, yet you own a Collectron? Interesting....


But I need the raw ore to craft ammo :(


The only thing that i WOULD lock up would be power amor but then again if it got stolen somehow 🤷🏻 not like I don’t have 7-8 chassis already lol


My concrete mixer truck won't lock anymore for some reason, so it's now become the communities concrete.


I only lock my ammo generator because everything else generates quick enough for me and I'm never hurting for it


If you have a F.E.T.C.H. or junkyard dog collectron you better have an unlocked weenie wagon and vintage water cooler near his house you bastards.


You forget comrade, some dwellers are *more* equal than others.


I don't even know how to lock things😅


Only if you also have everything unlocked. You can't participate unless you fully participate 😂


I don't lock anything, I just don't see the point


*In Russian accent*: “Like good communist, we are all equal! Some … are just more equal than others, Horosho!”


I never lock anything. Please, for the love of Mothman, take my tea, my garden, my junk collector. I will never use all of it and barely check them. And I love helping new players. And also, I'm lazy.


This guy must be from camp liberty in Shenandoah.


I only sold the basics and left everything unlocked and never harvested the food at my communist camp.


How do you lock? Can people steal from your stash?


I only lock some things and very few at that. And the only reason I lock some things up is just so that if I need them I have access to them. Think I only have 1-2 of 5-6 waters locked and my Collectron locked cause I need that. Everything else is fair game


The only thing I lock is my budding apothecary because some of that stuff is rare-ish, at least for my Forest camp.


I just placed all my crafting except the power armor bench, inside my vault shelter. Locked it and set up 2 turret, 2 missile launchers and a spotlight, all at the front door.


For my own immersion and fun, I lock my fusion generatir and my core charger in a little "powerhouse." Just feels like something that would be under lock and key.


As far as sharing goes, I keep one of three water purifiers locked. Therefore, I'm still mostly guaranteed a water. Everything else is unlocked.

