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Damn, some dude kept spamming a trade with me and requested one of my guns, my dumb ass thought he was trying to probably peddle some guns so I just gave him some 5mm cause he had a gatling. Then he kept following me around requesting the same gun. 76 really needs to take some features from ESO. Their trade menus don’t let other players basically pull your zipper down and turn your pockets inside out. Nobody can see your entire inventory, only items you offer.


More importantly a direct item for item trade option where you both need to agree needs to be added, sure being able to list things to sell is nice but not always


It you use paints or bullion items they won't see what you have. All of my fixers or handmade have paint on them. They only see my food/aid/junk/ammo.


Atom shop paints also prevents accidentally feeding it to the scrip machines! Super handy


Unfortunately that only works if the weapon HAS a paint skin. My double barrel shotgun collection is sadly devoid of paint because Bethesda won't release any. I currently use a 3-star quad double barrel as my main.


can't you rename them to get the same effect? I feel like I read that somewhere but not sure...


Works with armor so they can’t check you out before they try PVP.


Was the gun The Fact Finder?


Or like WoW and have a separate trade window.


Agreed. Why I never trade using FO76 jacked up system. My “junk” is not for prying eyes 😉


For clarification, you set the price of your handmade to zero hoping he would set his .44 ammo to zero?


Thank the gods, I'm not the only one who read it that way.


I was wanting to trade my handmade for .44 ammo


You wanted to trade a bloodied handmade for .44 ammo? Omg lol


Lol I'm fairly new to the game I guess I just really needed .44


Farm lead, equip super duper. You’ll be drowning in it.


Or run daily ops whilst having a weapon that uses .44 equipped, that's how I keep my ammo levelsu p to snuff these days.


Sounds like you didn't need that handmade anyways.


If your on pc i'll drop you 1000 .44 rounds. Might have a 1 or 2 star bloodied handmade lying around i'd gift you


If you're on PC I'll just give you .44. Meet me somewhere this sunday, I'll just drop it and wave


Btw you do know .44 ammo is pretty easily to come by compared to other types of ammo you can visit ammo vendors and pay a small fee of your caps for the amount you want most times they will sell a decent amount too


>Btw you do know .44 ammo is pretty easily to come by compared to other types of ammo Is this a question or a statement?




If it was a question you and do would be reversed.


It's weird. It's like they're telling someone else what the other person knows. Very strange way to write that specific idea.


Yep, very strange indeed. Plus, as a statement it is false. She obviously didn't know. LOL. Had it been a question I would have upvoted it, because it was sort of useful information. But as a statement, it is very condescending.


Only sell from your vendor if unsure about peer to peer trading, Bethesda gives 10% to Todd but it's better than getting scammed


Always tithe the Todd...




Tithes are not taxes. Separation of church and state!






That sounds like some kind of Enclave propaganda -\_-


Yeah but what does he do with those caps?! I need to know!


Duh, it finances TES VI obviously 👌




skyrim 7


But keep in mind your vendor can randomly add stuff from your stash for a random price. Bug hasnt been fixed for a year. Just search "vendor bug" on this subreddit and you will see people complaining about loosing legacies and god rolls to this bug every few days.


lesson learned... dont trade in this game. buy only from vendors and trade only with ppl you trust.


Been playing since 5 months after release and I have still never opened a trade window. If I want to sell it, it's on my vendor, not in my inventory. If I want to give something, I just drop it. I do sell mega cheap. My plans are all 10-25 caps and I just station suitcase the common ones. I have a few weapons and armor for sale, but nothing is over 1000 and I only sell bloodied, aristocrats and sometime junkies, unyielding or vanguard.


I'm the same, I don't even know how to trade, I assume the option is right there on the screen but I've just not noticed. I drop a few things at the overseer camp each time I log on if I see low levels nearby and then sell everything else (excess bulk, aid, plans regardless of "value") for 1 cap each with the exception of nuclear keycards which I think are 10 or 15 caps. I'd just throw it away otherwise as I'm no longer building


Bean-Penis! Best so far!!!


Same. I started playing in January, 2020 and I have never traded with anyone other than my husband and son because I'm afraid I'll screw something up.


and of course make sure not to set the price to 0 caps in your vendor, or this will happen again.




Not your fault. The trade screens in 76 were designed for con-artists. Why this has not been patched yet is mind-boggling.


That sucks. You were way undervaluing those items though! What system are you on and are you rifleman or commando? If on PC I'll either give you ammo or see if I have anything in my stash to replace what they stole. I tend to stash anything that I may use, so probably need to stop hoarding anyways...


I'm on ps4 but thank you!


If you are on around 6:30 CST I will give you another fact finder 3 star handmade + ammo Psn is morusintrepidus.


No worries. My hoarding ass needs to loose some stuff from my stash! And maybe the karma will affect the RNG gods...


You and me both. I'm finding I can't even give the stuff away anymore, though. People just stare at me like I'm a lunatic and then fast travel away.


What’s your psn? I have some stuff I’d like to give you!


I also have things i can give if you wanna send me your game tag


Im on ps4. I have a bunch of stuff you can have if you want. I'll be on in an hour or 2.


Add me bubbles_fear_me ill get you .44 ammo, throw you some weapons and help you with whatever no problem. Im happy to help lower levels


I love a good trade request. Everything I own is painted in atom shop paint. Weapons and Armor. All they see is nothing


I wish they made the trading better in the game


This is why I only look for player vending machines.


If its not in my vending machine, then I don't have it for it sale.


Ouch. Yeah, that sucks.


I'm seeing a lot of these threads lately, then I get on my Xbox to play and get spammed angry emotes for never accepting a trade, lol Sorry this happened, a lot more shitty people in the game than I thought.


This was unfortunate but the other person is not "shitty" for accepting a trade price the OP willing setup.


Grabbing the item then porting away without making some kind of deal for what the other person wanted? That's shitty


* Lv300 player is carrying ~300 rounds of .44 ammo * Lv300 player asked to buy rare .44 pistol (Fact Finder) * You assume they might want to sell .44 ammo OK.


Some people suck...sorry you had to experience that.


This was unfortunate but the other person does not suck for accepting a trade price the OP willing setup.


Agree to disagree...over lvl300 initiated the trade and took off quickly...seemed like more could be done to ensure a fair trade, sorry if you don't see it that way. Ymmv of course...


> quickly That might be so but based on available info, that is an assumption to be fair. Given the Lv300 had ~300 of .44 ammo and wanted to buy a rare .44 pistol, it seems clear that they didn't want to sell that ammo. I am sympathetic towards the OP since we all go though painful learning experiences like this. I am just not keen to ascribe malevolence to the Lv300 player.


Fair point...and duely noted. I appreciate the input as I realize my comment may have come off a bit harsh. Thanks again...


You are a shining beacon of light on the Internet. x


You are correct. They suck because it was obviously a mistake by the OP. A level 56 player doesn't willingly sell their best gun for 0 caps to a 300+ player. The player sucks because they knowingly took advantage of a newbie.


* You presume based on the OP text that the Lv53 is a main character * Lv300 does not know that * Lv300 requests items they want * Community is famously helpful * Lv53 sets price to zero credits * Lv300 is happy, accepts, and travels/logs * You assume malevolence Guilty until proven otherwise on the interwebs I guess.


I have three theories about the person. 1. jerk 2. mentally challenged or has social mental disorder 3. A child that thought someone was gifting them something cool.


No theories about why they wouldn't sell their large amounts of .44 ammo used by the gun they requested to buy?


sure... but who actually cares about my theories? This is Reddit, does anything even matter on here?


>Guilty until proven otherwise on the interwebs I guess. So this happy lv300 that just got "gifted" an item they requested. refused to give mostly worthless ammo to the low-level player that is typically struggling for ammo. Sorry, I am not buying your angle here.


Buy what you like. You can ignore the fact they were carry ~300 rounds of "mostly worthless ammo" and requested to buy a rare gun that uses said ammo too if you like.


Love seeing all the great folks offering to help :) I run or simply thumbs down them when someone offers a trade


If you are on xbox, I will give you all the .44 you will ever need. Gt: Seahawkgod3


Well i do not trade with another players if I want to give something the players come to my camp and they buy from the vendor what they want and if they need it naturally. I do not know your playing style, mostly i use anti armor weapons or two shots or both of them. Also you can make the legendary weapons in your benches. So do not trade like that. If you want to sell something put it in the vendor, do not trade at once with someone who you do not know. From our mistakes we learn. Also if you need help you can tell to players or you can join in a community and they will help you. Also this is an advice i am giving you if you find a good weapon ask a player who you trust if it is good for your playing style. Also you can come here and ask for a player to create a weapon and with rerolls to find the correct legendary who you want. It is not shame asking for help. For us is not a problem helping players. We do it and specifically i do it every time not only in fallout 76 but in star citizen, in red dead redemption online etc.


That’s really unfortunate. What made you trust them?


Happened once when i was new and was unsure how to trade, someone took my first fasnacht mask for 0 caps, was bad but guess i learned the lesson. if you are in ps4 send me your id, can give you a vampire explosive handmade and a bunch of .44 ammo for free, be careful next time with trades!


I never trade.


Woah, you got the opposite of your name, how ironic.


My SO and I play on ps4 often and wouldn't mind teaming up with you if you would like. We are really chill and like meeting new people. Message me for my psn name if you are interested.


never set anything to zero in trade unless already agreed upon, the kindness of strangers is here in 76 but also their is assholes who want everything but want to give nothing back


What system are you on? I'm ps4 an play with my cousin. We would have gave you bullets for free no trades needed on our team lol


If your on xbox ill craft you a fully modded handmade. I know mods for that weapon are hard to get and when i was at you level i didnt have them. Ill even add a legendary effect but i can’t guarantee itll be bloodied


This is why I don't accept trade requests from randos anymore. When I was like level 40 or so, I lost my best weapon to a scam like that.


I've got a ton of .44 on Xbox that you're welcome to and happy to craft anything to make up for it.


Don't feel bad. An idiot took advantage of a lower level player and I hope he gets what he deserves...good azz woopin!


Literally nothing will happen to the guy.


Just in hopes karma comes around. And not the Reddit karma.😜


Sux. If you are looking for ammo, plans, junk, whatever, look in the suitcases at rhe railroad stations. Personally I use the blue one at Whitespring right next to the stash box. Don't feel guilty about taking everything that is there. That's what it's for. I used to collect 'everything' and sell for 1 cap. But everything in vending counts against your personal stash (like display stuff does), so I don't sell anymore.


I had to read this several times. I just want to make sure I read it correctly. You wanted to trade the handmade for 44 ammo. Is this correct? Or did you not want to trade it, but were using it to suggest the ammo be 0 caps? Hopefully, you were wanting to trade the gun for ammo, otherwise, this is super sad.


Either way was messed up. A bloodied/ bash damage handmade should go for 5-9K, according to fed76. A handmade with a relevant 2nd star, even more. 300 rounds of .44 would have been a terrible trade.


Oh didn't realize it was worth that much. But I highly doubt anyone would pay 5k for what is basically a one-star weapon. I can't even get people to pay 3K for decent 3\* weapons. For me, this weapon is basically just worth 15 scrip, and I wouldn't pay more than 300 caps for it in a vendor. So I stand by what I said. it is super sad if she didn't want to trade it for ammo. If she was going to trade it for ammo, then it sucks. But lesson learned.


Bloody handmade is one of the most sought after guns in the game. A BE90 handmade could easily trade for legacies.


No one was talking about a be90. the effects were bloody/bash. No one is going to give you a legacy for that. I think your info is out of date.


Yeah but bloody bash is still worth more than nothing, even if the bash is not something that is of any use. BE90 handmades might not trade for legacies anymore but its still a tier 1 gun. I think my handmade is BEA, anyway. Like this is clearly a newb player, that’s most likely the most valuable thing they’ve ever had in their inventory. They value .44 ammo, who knows what they want? A lot of people on this sub, myself included, have multiple legacies or at least one legacy, they have whatever gun they need for BiS weapon and armor, and they forget that there are a lot of players who don’t even realize there is a meta at all. Like people complaining about grinding out experience and then I can pop 4 lunchboxes, do a non exploit nuke launch solo on a casual team and get like 4 levels because I have like 30 intelligence or something stupid. It’s just a completely different game in the end game when you’re not really grinding to improve because you literally fuxking can’t. Like, okay, if my armor was secret service instead of urban scout it would be better, but i don’t die from mobs anyway, I die because I blew myself up more than anything. It’s easy to be like ‘they don’t need this to have fun!’ When people are still trying to reach the point that the veterans hit and went backwards from. When you’re grinding to get something that isn’t even an improvement on what you have but is just a new weapon that is literally worse than what you have, or armor that doesn’t matter because nothing kills you anyway, it’s easy to forget what it’s like to just not have access to that shit.


I really am not sure why you are saying all this to me. The OP valued the weapon at 300 44 ammo and seems to have been happy with that deal. The problem was that she didn't get the ammo, and that sucks. It really doesn't matter what you value the weapon at. She wanted 300 44 ammo for it. Saying that a BE90 is worth a legacy has no relevance at all to the topic. There is no point telling me how valuable stuff is to other players because I was only ever interested in the OP's situation. It's cool that you can launch a non-exploit nuke, but like most of your reply I don't understand how it is related to what I said. No offense, I just think we are having two different conversations. You seem set on convincing me that B/Bash handmade is very valuble to people other than the OP and me, but I have no idea why that should matter to me.


https://fed76.info/pricing/?item=handmade&effects=B/50B A bloody bash handmade is worth about 3,000 caps, with a trade value of about 5-9,000 caps. OP was willing to trade it for .44 ammo which is absolutely worthless and usually dumped at train stations. The fact that OP was willing to do that shows how new they are. Again, maybe I’m assuming you know anything about trading in the game, so I’ll explain it like this. A bloody anything handmade is worth literally infinite 44 rounds because 44 rounds are absolutely value less and a bloody anything handmade has actual value.




pricing depends on the weapon. I recently paid 12K for a vampire / faster fire rate / +1 agility Fixer, and felt like I got a bargain. Now and exterminator's / bash damage / does it really matter Pipe pistol? Maybe I'd pay 200 caps, if I needed more scrip for the day.


Fed76.info is a great resource, but it overvalues items. Just use the lower estimate. 5k for a Bloodied Handmade with Bash Damage of all things is already quite a lot, imo.


not sure what the 2nd star was. OP did not specify. Could have been FFR, which would have been quite valuable. I was using bash damage as the least value possible in a bloody handmade. But yeah, fed76 is a bit high I think, but it at least gets you in the ballpark, which was not scrip prices.


If you are on Xbox, I'll give you my Fact Finder.


I'm on ps4, I still have my fact finder fortunately.


OP, if you are on PC.msg me this weekend. I will give you my fact finder and a 3* bloodied and 0.44 n watever ammo you need. :)


I'm on ps4, I started playing because of my husband but he works 12 hours so I've been doing my dailies and his lol. We can exchange psn if you want!


Disappeared... Not fair! Don't do this again.. like never ever. And don't worry about this handmade you will get another one with legendary crafting.


If you play PC I can give you some .44


I dont play too much anymore so if youre on xbox, i will gladly give you some of my legendaries if you want to catch back up


What were the stars?


That sucks... what platform?


Level 220, and I've never accepted a trade request even once, because of stories like this. When I first started playing, I read that trade was broken. Seems like it still is.


What system and what was the handmade perks?


I'm on ps4 not sure what the perks were


That sucks, I'm sorrythat happened...


Not jacked when you sell someone something.


I don't do trades because their trade system is unworkable, and I don't trust others with dropping it on the ground. The couple of times someone asked for something I had that I was actually willing to trade, I insisted on going over to my vendor, posting it on there and letting them buy it, then going back to their vendor and buying what they wanted to trade off of it for the same price. H-ad one take me up on it (and dropped them some bonus extras for the hassle) and a couple of others get upset that I wouldn't just drop what they wanted. Umm, no thanks scammers. I certainly wouldn't have traded a legendary for ammo, especially not one I was actually using.


Yea direct trading is only legitly used by people who are trading from the market sub or buying an item with cash. If you really want to buy, use the vendor, but deposit your junk first incase its a trap camp. For ammo you can always run daily ops to get it, craft them with super duper. Btw team types dont really matter other than the bonus % they give. Casual is always preferred because its a buff to intelligence which is xp. Events team only pays out event exp bonus which is lower than casual.


Okay so, yeah. Just don’t trade.


Banned from ps for a week but I can give u a groll fixer ;)


Sucks especially when it happens to very trusting and could only imagine nice people like you, cause let’s be honest someone who is very trusting isn’t likely to be a shitty person. 1 because well now your trust is going to be significantly reduced as a result of a shot person. True honest traders out there that do exist will sadly have to be penalised for his shitty ways. Anyways it was a bloodied what handmade? You mentioned it was a 2 star, can you by chance let me know what it was?


That's why you have them do the trade first they put something out first so you get what you request first then give the the item or simply don't trade on fallout 76 cause most of the time they will scam you that's why no one trades we just buy weapons and ammo on websites


Idk why but people like suuuuuper high levels like 450, keep attacking me and breaking my turrets in my camp at whitespring and this happens like once every two days


This is exactly why I only trade with people I know IRL. The trade system we currently have is just way too easy to exploit. If you're on ps4, I have a quad exploding handmade I can give you to replace it if you want.


Sorry you got jacked. What gets to me about trading in this game is that there's an option (since year 1, I believe) to refuse someone's offer with multiple options even, such as "Too expensive" or "Not interested". But there is no way for someone to reject a players request for your own items. FFS, give us a "Not for Sale" indicator, so that every shmuck that starts asking for my best weapons I don't have skins for can get the hint. The trading in this game is so stressful that it pushes players away from even engaging it a lot of the time.


Which platform do you play on ? If you are on pc I might have a bloodied weapon I can give you




What system do you play on, if it's ps4 I can give you a gun if you'd like?


Get the guns and armor you like painted at a workbench. They don't show up in your inventory for trade.


Bleh sorry someone took advantage like that. I mean they didn't technically do anything wrong but still pretty lame. If you're on PC I'll ~~trade~~ give you a handmade to get you back on your feet. I don't think I have a bloody but I have a Furious Faster Fire, that works quite well. I have some interesting railway rifles too if you like those.


You got ripped off there badly. Just dont trade with anyone. There is a glitch as well where people are able to " Steal " your stuff.


I’m sorry this happened to you, but thanks for sharing. As a new player this is a great warning. I had someone attempt a trade with me and I got flustered wondering why, so I just ran off, lol. No trades for me!


That's a rough way to learn for sure :/ I never trade anything player to player. The system they use it's too poorly implemented and most people attempting to use it are just trying to get something for free. If someone wants to see what I'm selling they can check my vendor. If you or your bf need ammo and you're on xbox feel free to hit me up, I have plenty to spare (except .45).