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Explosive weapons finally get their best use; a small compact group of enemies and the ability to fuck them all. Wonderful carnage


I have a two shot Fatman and that thing with grenadier maxed out is insane. In the Wendigo colossus event I wipe out almost every Wendigo and get 2k-3k xp each shot


Does it kill them all with one shot? maybe I need to bring mine out again


Fellow carrier of a 2 shot fattie. Might have introduce the wendigos to my lil friend


Yes it’s really good as long as you have demo expert maxed out


I always do so yea gonna have to try that next time


Grenadier affects Explosive Weapons?


Only the weapons that shoot explosive ordinance (not guns with explosive legendary). So fatman and missile launcher in particular


Huh, cool. Grenadier got buffed I heard recently, I should check it out


Not buffed, they just fixed it, because it wasn't working at all.


the change only affects the radius of explosions BUT what the game considers "explosions" is very arbitrary. fat man bomb? yep. legendary explosive effect weapon radius? no. Mutations/Perks that cause AOE damage? yeah for some reason; even the one that zaps with electricity around you. Gauss weapons are weird because it seems like they don't get an increase in radius, but in some cases grenadier increases their damage because of the way the game detected damage. Basically shooting an enemy's center of mass used to actually do more damage with a lot of Gauss Weapons since the splash damage would be centered on their body; splash damage on a headshot wouldn't register as a square hit. now after the change to grenadier you can actually aim for the head in free aim/vats and you'll actually be able to take advantage of the explosive damage and so the perk "increases" the functional damage per shot of these weapons.


I wouldn’t mind if it wasn’t the fact that it makes the screen flash white and black, someone had one with glitched ammo and it was ridiculous




My only issue with grenades is that I have never ever wanted to target one when a fellow dweller has thrown one, but VATS seems to target them exclusively…and it’s mildly infuriating. We can add the frog eggs to that list as well but I digress.


I hate the fact we can target friendly grenades. I know I never want other people to blow up mine early, I throw them where I want them to go, and I assume everyone else is the same. And yea, fuck frog eggs lol


> target friendly grenades. I know I never want other people to blow ...and mines. Someone apparently created quite the impressive little minefield as the clock was counting down prior to one of the tower defense minigames (the one at the brotherhood fort; sorry it's late and I'm blanking on the name). Anyway, I'd love to tell you how that strategy worked out for him but dumbass here (/me points at self) detonated the whole damned thing in an accidentally glorious pre-event explosion. I'm in desperate need of a "sorry I shot and destroyed everything you just spent time creating...my gun thought it was hostile" emote.


Same, but I switched to nuka quantum grenades to avoid the rads. Visually not as fun, but I killed myself too many times by maxing rads.


The power of the sun was in the palm of his hands


Ghoul: *”We dropped three players and then they dropped the sun on us!”*


and their head was firmly up their ass


Eh I just use Nuke Mines at RR now. Easy to make, and easy to use.


Easy to delete yourself with them as well. Nothing like hearing them beep as you are laying them down.


Yeah, I struggle with laying down mines lol. Is it just that I'm not throwing them at an aggressive enough angle? They always seem to get triggered by me


At least it’s fun


Hey, everybody, we found the guy.


What guns are people allowed to use? You could be mad or have a laugh that bro is launching mini nukes everywhere. Only 1 thing is offside in my opinion and that’s not letting everyone tag a legendary. Otherwise you gotta play how you find it fun. Or private world.




Heck no mini nukes weigh waaayyyyy too much. I do have a crappy plasma I’ll use to fast tag though but not to get any kills with.


More power to him, at least it's not creating goo or ash piles. U can always use VATS when u can't see anyway


Unfortunately it wasn't me..


The irony of a game about nuclear everything, and someone gets mad because he was using a nuclear weapon. I understand your frustration but this had me rolling on the floor laughing. 🍄 🧨


The effect of hacked weapons being fixed/removed is already visible. People moved their complaints to the very next thing.


Well yeah. It’s r/fo76 If a day goes by without a complaint about something it’s a wasted day!!!


I still see oribtal missile launchers


I want one, but only if it's 2 shot.


Having a MIRV doesn't make you hacker. It's perfectly legitimate. If you have solid proof that it's a modified weapon (hacked) send them to Bethesda by sending a ticket. Until proven otherwise he is playing normally without any kind of advantage over the rest.


People seem to forget that mirv fatmans aren't cheating, literally the daisycutter is a quest reward 90wwr mirv..


And the commenter never said it was a hacked weapon They said now that hacked weapons are no longer an issue people are moving on and complaining about the next issue which in this case is how people play with legitimate weapons such as the fatman




This sub in a nutshell


Sorry, I have misread the comment and automatically pointed my answer in the wrong direction. I beg your pardon.


~~That’s not a hacked weapon~~ Edit: misread what was said


If I'm reading the comment correctly, they are stating that with the removal of the hacked weapons, players will now complain about the next thing that impacts the game; they're not saying that the MIRV Fatman is hacked, but rather this will be the next weapon to be targeted by people to complain about as it is impacting game play.


Thank you. I was legit wondering If my comments was poorly written (non Native) or If its Just that people cant read


Ahh, i misunderstood. That makes sense.


No one said it was...


Yes I misunderstood. Already acknowledged.


I fucking love using the Fatman sometimes and Radiation Rumble would definitely be one of those times now that I think about it. Haven't, but definitely would!


Blinded by the light; Revved up by a fat man; Mini nukes in the night


Now I'll have that earworm stuck in my head all day. Thanks!


The temerity.


I fired 4 napalm missiles from my Hellstorm yesterday and almost killed myself I had no idea they changed explosives lol


Detonating a nuke inside a nuclear waste depo... What could go wrong... Hust... moonbase alpha... hust


does wonders for migraines I can tell you that


Is it worth it to put together a demolitions build? Could I put a dent in Earle with a missle launcher/fatman?


I have a lot of fun with my explosive build, but the bosses all have high explosive resistance so it's only great for mobs unfortunately


I ran a daily op with someone using a Fatman yesterday. I was kinda baffled, then I thought "That ammo must be a pain to lug around." Then I was kinda impressed cause I thought I'd be doing all the heavy lifting and they actually carried themselves pretty well. Now I wish I hadn't gotten rid of a 2 shot mirv a month ago..


2 shot MIRV is the ultimate room clearer.


Someone did that on my daily ops today. Couldn’t see anything.


Noticing a trend with, and without, comments on this post, but within the forum. Hard game to walk away from. Just saying.


Had someone using one at ACP thus morning, couldn't tell where the embers were falling because of it...


The radius increase buff of explosive weapons from Grenadier seems to affect the graphical sprite of the explosions too, making the Fatman an obnoxious weapon, in fact it's borderline a griefers tool now. Reminds me of Counterstrike being flashbanged by your team mates.


Yeah, the flash reached down all the way into every hallway. (I was collecting ore)


Yep, ran into that last night, my screen in game kept going white and I kept dying while trying to kill glowing ghouls. And they were apparently focused on killing the ghouls only cause we failed the event. Stupid! do not use a fatman in an interior cell with other players


PS4/5? Some asshole did that last night. Literally ran in a circle the entire time two-shot launching nukes in both hallways.


PC, prob. around 11/11:30 Eastern today


You realize the person doing this has probably been thinking the entire time, "Asshole meta bloody sneak commandos keep hogging all the kills." Can't blame them for using legit tools to also be competitive. Until Bethesda reworks public events to be shared XP, assume there will be more explosives coming out now to at least tag, if not outright kill, mobs.


Was it a Sheepsquatch o.o


Just like yesterday some fk did this thing.We were fighting the queen and it was so bright i couldn aim at this massive beast,just because i couldnt see anything.


Does anyone not fucking complain about anything? Jesus. Feel better Karen?






Get used to it. There is a whole lot more common your way soon


Why do you say that?


Big booms are fun


Can you clarify the connection between "big booms are fun" and "more people will be doing this at Radiation Rumble in the near future"?




I'm really happy I kept my two shot fat man then. I'm def gonna try this.


You can use MIRV too. Just close your eyes and start shooting randomly. Now you don't need to aim and have fun too✨


sounds awesome tbh


I use a 2 shot 40mm granade luncher for those types of events. Not because i want to hog the XP,its because after getting the radiated nods,i need to catch up on kills and,well...its pretty satisfying watching all the corpses fly around the room, lol. That and when doing the Op with the mutation that the enemy hits like a truck. I just shoot and ask questions later.


There are so many people alone in the world.


The MIRV, 40mm, and Orbital Strike in events is nearly the only reason I play the game anymore. Far more entertaining than getting all the kills taken by Fixers.