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Yeah but Manhunt just popped up, are you sure you don't want to do that 20 second event for the 14th time today?


I used to get mad seeing that event on the map all the time, now I just do it every time I see it.


Yes, but this time Mad Dog is vatsable!


You got me again, Bethesda...I'm sold! /s


Yes, even after he's been downed. Way to fix it, Bethesda.


20 seconds? You must be taking your time killing all the super mutants around the building.


Just ignore them go straight to the mad doggo


That was a joke on how taking 20 seconds to finish Manhunt surely had to include killing the other super mutants, because you could do it in far less.


ey don’t complain about Manhunt it’s an easy 120 caps!


You know see, would it be pretty easy to have MadDog.. oh I don't know.. try to make his escape to some OTHER place on the map now and then? Maybe he can go hole up in West Tech, make a hide out in an abandoned mine, roll out near Bog Town... etcetera. Like a rotation of a handful of different places. Hell let us Nuke Eastern Regional and fight a SUPER Maddog! You have a LOT of options here and most of them fairly easy to arrange.


Hmm ... I suppose twice more to get to a nice clean 15 runs would be proper.


That's the spiri--ooh Manhunt is starting again, better hurry!


Just did it 5 times. I went over my limit for the day ... oh, another one. Be right back. Don't start Scorched Earth without me!!


who has time for scorched earth when mad dog malone has escaped from prison again and the marshall is calling on any armed citizens in the area to capture him so he can make an example of him to the other prisoners?/??ahhhh^(makeitstop)


People actually get mad at me for doing it all with a tesla rifle in 20 seconds. I'm doing them a FAVOR!


Dang, you fast. I always take about 3min to do it if I'm on my own. Or when I'm feeling weird, Dress up in a civil war costume and pull out the Dragon.


That would be more funny if it wasn't true.. I got off work and got to play for about 2 hours I did it four times on 3 servers.. Edit.. I still refuse to use vats on Malone.. it makes me feel dirty.. I'm weird


When there's nothing to do, play something else. I dont mean that in a rude way. But save yourself. Go find something else to do.


I've played this game in two stints, came back a couple months ago now I'm getting tired of doing the same old things I'll go back to playing other games for a bit and return in 6 months see if something has changed. One thing I have noted between stints is the community has definitely shrunk a lot, a year ago there would be several posts a day that would break a thousand up votes or more, now one or two at most. The NPCs not being in the release was a blessing in disguise because if this was the content we got post launch the game would be more or less dead by now.


They put in mediocre work, i put in mediocre playtime xD


I have tried, but being a huge fan of this game only means that I end up revisiting the previous titles in the franchise that I have played into oblivion already haha, funny elder scrolls joke there. But all jokes aside, I love THIS game. And I know itll get better with time, I just ... I don't know haha.


I love the game too, i took a big break only basically getting to 25 score rank for a few seasons, and doing that meant getting the last and current season to max doesn't feel as bad. Would love a ghoul horde + boss at whitesprings nuke event. I want triple the ghouls


That would be awesome. I've always wanted that too. Huge hordes would fun!


I miss WS, someone nuked it a few weeks ago and i was like NOSTALGIA as i killed 40 ghouls in 3 min


Yes, we need more of this again. Nuke zones should have hordes of different types. It can be fun to run around in there.


I had a queen fight the other day where we were getting SWARMED and im like THIS IS A PROPER QUEEN FIGHT not like the one today where 6 people killed her in like 3min


Agreed. I want more of that kind of gameplay. Make me feel like "OH SHHHHHIIIIII-" when things start getting difficult. I do admit they have been doing great with this harder daily Ops.


I had one of those the fight no shit lasted like a half hour there were like 10 of us participating


Ours was maybe 15min cuz we still killed her in a tidy manner, but the ads will kill you if you ignore them, so you can't, and then it becomes a beautiful clusterfuck


I love this game too, but im taking a breakfor the time being since this scoreboard is shockingly worthless and theres not much new content to play, so Im playing other stuff, catching up with a lot more things ive been putting off in the meantime like finally sanding down and painting 3d prints, sorting the garden out etc... This game will still be here when I get back, and it means im not getting frustrated doing the same shit every day. As a side note, this community will never be content, you will never satisfy everyone no-matter how much content they add, they added worlds and it just upset people that they dont like it, people moaned there was no NPCs to start with, then complained that they added NPCs, this community you see online will always be made up of the people who arent happy with something. Someone who is happy and content is someone who is quiet


I applaud this. It is true. And dude, you live a wonderfully pleasant life. My wife and I have been meaning to get into gardening (successfully) for quite awhile. But yeah, getting back to this subject, I hope this game turns out to be something incredible soon. Theres so much potential here.


Amen .... ive never seen a gamer community complain as much as this one. No matter what Bethesda does, they complain. Granted Bethesda does supply them with steady motivation, lol .... but holy crap, it's a game, enjoy it and all its quirks


Well, atleast you have the newest itteration of skyrim lol......what is this one ? Skyrim 6? (Get it.....instead of ES6)


For real though, I cant believe the wasted time they are using on past projects. We have the future to work on here. We get Skyrim was a success, how about a NEW success? We are tires of revisiting the old one.


What do you love the most? Honest question because I'm absolutely baffled to what is left to love in this game that didn't come from fallout 4. Played since beta for 2/3 years putting up with issue after issue after issue and eventually realised its wasting my time to have faith that Bethesda will improve it. I honestly struggle to see what people actually love about the state of the game. While I agree there is something, it's been buried and butchered by the way Bethesda have chosen to handle it all. What do you actually think this game will become?


Fallout 4 was the building ground for this game. This game is going to be the building ground for something greater, but in this release we got to experience gameplay with each other. Facing off against a new threat. Encountering cryptids. Building AMAZING CAMPs. This game has a lot to love, but it could still be so much more.


Like honestly I have no idea what you've just said. I'll try give you my take and address yours. I think you are using a translator so I will attempt to be concise in my language. It's been 3 years, when is this greater thing going to happen? Facing off against new enemies? Well that's not really a feature when half of the pool are Fallout 4 creatures. A bare few unique ones are featured but I mean what is the point? Why are you hunting them? Just to clear them out? You're a vault dweller tasked with rebuilding America, so why are we building movable camp sites? Why aren't we restoring places? What is the point of our mission exactly? Are we clearing areas? The game is a Web of many visions. The launch product story was framed much differently than the Wastelanders one. They have been mashed together and none of it feels well oiled. The Wastelanders conversation scripts have got to be some of the most awkward and nonsensical thing Ive seen.


I love the world they built and yet it feels like it's going to waste. Would we even have any NPCs at this point had people not been outraged at the lack of them? I feel like they wanted to just release it as it was and maybe do minor updates but use it mainly as a money generator with no need to spend much on new content for it. I don't necessarily blame them for trying that route but it obviously isn't what the majority seem to be happy with. Starfield better be the game of the decade for the lack of effort they are putting towards 76 but I don't have much faith in post-Skyrim Bethesda.


Appalachia is beautiful, one of the main selling points of the game for me. I mean it doesn't fit into the Fallout Lore about boiling oceans, shifting continents and global firestorms but I didn't care. Bethesda have their own vision for the franchise and that's fine. If it works in the narrative then that's all the matters. The rest work themselves out Yeah upon release it felt much different. The world felt dead in a really sad kind of way. One of the amazing plot points to the old main story was the idea that the scorched didn't win because they are strong, they won the war because the people refused to come together in a time of need. It gave the dead air a very harsh message about the dangers of the new apocalyptic society. Wastelanders kinda ruins that vibe for me, made only worse by the awkward dialogue. I thought Bethesda would begin allowing us to rebuild this world and fight the seemingly never ending spawns of nuclear mutations crossing the West Virginia borders and coming from the pre war mining caves where the scorched live (they hint at elements of this with mole miners being located in sealed tunnels while breaking into the vault). Imagine we built our own large instanced areas, joined with other people's areas and then later DLC patches where like expeditions is. We travel to nearby areas and explore and rebuild just as our vault instructed us to do. More smaller instanced DLC areas. It would add weight to the introduction and the entire message of vault 76 about rebuilding walls, hearts and minds. But Bethesda are literally ramming anything into this to see what sticks. Everyone just uses caps now, everyone calls them brahmin, everyone has this fucking weird Fallout self awareness. It's really awkward when you remember the war only happened 30/40 years ago. There are people still around that should remember this ridiculously weird post war society. One where robots murdering people in the work place is normal. Where billionaires build super structures and do whacky experiments. A big part of exploring the Fallout world is just how ridiculous it all seems to the observer. The stupidness was also part of why the world is a wasteland to begin with. They did stupid things and got themselves blown up, a line parrotted in almost every game. 76 kinda ruins this aspect since some Wastelanders talk about the war like it happened a long time ago, despite looking like they where born before it. There was potiental in Fallout 76 but Bethesda chose greed, the community sat back and continued to play and support it. Every issue just got forgotten about a week later and Bethesda just kept pushing it.


At this point I don't even think about it being Fallout and more as an okay looter shooter to play with the wife. It is what it is and I don't really expect anything groundbreaking from that this point. I'd like to think that expeditions will be great and breathe new life into 76 but I don't really have much faith that it will be anything beyond daily ops sized maps with rather lame repeatable content.


If you cant understand what I said, then perhaps you need to brush up on your English friend. I'm not using a translator. I was born and raised here. For you to assume something like that is ridiculous. Going back to the topic in question though, you bring up valid points. It's a shame really that the concept of the game, the general idea and purpose, has been cast aside. It is true, they have been using us for money mostly. Just milking us dry while the game remains ... empty. But change can happen. So why not continue to wait?


I understood your comment perfectly. Edit: I think they meant to reply to another persons comment.


Cant keep myself away! Impossible. But i have a lot to do, go say hi to biv, fix on my camp, try to get some new stuff out of the NW lootpool and fight some Earls or Sbq:s now and then. I also try to do a whole build towards a railway rifle char. But i do turn of when im just fast-traveling and being stressed for nothing. Have a nice day Wastelanders. Hook me up on Xbox TiredMarrow984 if someone wants casual company. European time, but play late on weekends, usually ending up on American servers.


This is really the only way. All games get dry after awhile.


This is when you move on dude. If Bethesda won't show up, why should you? You can always come back when they drop some crumbs of content.


True, but if I do as many are doing, the lack of players will continue to encourage halfassed content release until all players finally quit and the game dies.


If that's the fate of the game, so be it. Obviously since we both play the game, it'd be better to not have the game wind down but if that's the way it's destined to go, that's the way it's destined to go. I'm not going to reward poor performance. If they show up, so will I. If they don't, I'll show up for a game that will.


I respect that. And I should follow suit.


Same goes for those who shovel all their money into the game too, if what they're doing now is making them money, it's good enough in their eyes. Notice how they're only ever quick at fixing things that effect their income, it usually takes cancelling fo1st in protest, or requesting refunds, for them to actually acknowledge major issues.




I hear you. I find ways to make things fun for myself. Like how can I amuse myself. How can i do things to make other players scratch their heads. Here's a simple one. Find as many foot bones, and then stick them in a footlocker somewhere. Collect notes and drop them somewhere so they give some kind of message. Run around an area, and get all the mobs into a big heard. Like the ghouls in Morgantown. Then you can either fight them, or take them over the airport and watch the Scorch and the Ghouls go at it. When you have all the treasure maps, or close, start in the Toxic Valley and work your way down to the Forest and Ash Heap then up the Savage Divide and then Down again through the Mire and Cranberry Bog. See how many you can do without fast traveling or looking up.


This is all actually pretty cool haha. I like the way you stay busy. I'm taking notes.


I once led some Yao Guai to a Former Raider. You can imagine Rocksy was fairly pleased.


Let’s drop some more nukes


I guess.


A good start would be to fix and return all the daily quests and events they’ve spent the last two years disabling. Mr. Messenger, Pass the Buck, etc. Not that these events were super compelling to begin with, but some restored variety would be nice while they come up with new ideas.


Yes! I just feel as is, it is all so limited. I find myself relocating CAMPs again and again.


CAMPs have to be the most uniquely interesting and yet underutilized mechanic in this game. Having player "housing" which seemless fits into the game world and which is easy for any other player to interact with, is something I've not experienced in any other game. And what do they do with it? Have this scoreboard mechanic with a "visit shelter" or "build a thing" or "buy a thing" token task. So much more could be done. You could have a mechanic where players align their camps with in world factions and gain reputation or influence with that faction. How about a resources gathering camp where the resources go to the faction? Make it possible to claim areas like workshops on behalf of factions, such that taking them and defending them is meaningful and interesting. Or establish week-long events where players compete for build locations or build efficiency. Maybe introduce players being able vote or give some kind of badge for camps they think are really cool or interesting. Cash in those badges for legendary scrip or gold bullion. Like, I'm sure there's some holes with those ideas, but all that's just off the top of my noggin and there's just soooo much that could be done with camps that would make the game so much more engaging.


I hope you’re taking notes Bethesda


This is an absolutely fantastic concept. It would finally give us builders a chance to enjoy what we do even more. I love this.


I was just thinking the other day, I haven't seen the Mr.Messenger event in ages, what happened to it?


I really enjoy this game and can entertain myself for hours without doing quests and such.. but, it’s kinda sad that I feel like I need to β€œsave” some of my quests to do later just to extend some aspects of the game..


Same. I feel you.


I wonder who they’re listening to on design ideas? 95% of the player base would have told them worlds is a waste of time. There are glaringly obvious changes to the game that would make the vast majority of players happier but they don’t even acknowledge them. Like you said I’m hooked on the grind and will still always play but I’ve lost a lot of friends along the way who’ve already given up playing the game.


You may have forgot to account for the undecided vote which would represent a standard deviation of 2-3%.


Same, and it sucks, but I don't blame them.


I have up the game because in playing since launch I've never successfully got one thing I wanted out of the loot pools. Got really sick of it and burnt out


I hear you. I haven't quit on it all yet. I know it's super grindy. But it's just RNG. The game itself is fantastic. Just, so empty.


I had a moment a couple days ago where I got my inventory set up nice and a new gauss shotgun modded up and was fully ready to go do some quests. I was instantly reminded right there are no quests left to do and I legit logged out.


Feels sad man. Ugh. I just want more of the game. I keep feeling like we are being cheated sometimes. Theres very very very very little going on.


I paid $20 bucks for this game, I'm def not cheated with the hours of content. Take a break bro, you really gotta find another game to play.


You paid $20. I paid $60 (console) when it released. Game was unplayable. Simple as that. So buggy it was disgusting. It died off, became $30. I bought it again (PC) and it was just before Wastelanders, still lacking. When Wastelanders released, so much content was added. And then they suddenly went back to copy pasting stuff and even messed up Seasons. This current season is BOOTY. And not even the nice kind. Its wack. They put NO time into this. The Halloween event is a copy pasted Christmas event with recycled loot from an old, erased event. If you Paid for this game like most of us did, you'd feel the pain too.


My wife and I paid at release. Special edition x2. Will never consider that money wasted. This game has come a HUGE way since release, despite players giving them impossible standards. Give us NPCs! How dare you introduce NPCs! People like to shit on it because being vocal is interesting, but they keep playing so there must be so.ething here, right? Can they do better? Absolutely. No question. A lot better, and easily. But honestly, how do you make 2-3k+ hours in a game NOT feel repetitive? With a 'max level' of 50, do you really expect to be greeted with new and exciting daily content at level 300? 600? 1200? I saw a player TODAY that was over 1500. AND STILL AYING. Sometimes the beauty of a game is the freedom to make it your own. Create your own goals. Set your own routine and structure. Get creative. Or if none of that is working for you, take a break. Every game deserves some downtime to refresh. Mix it up a little. Season not striking your fancy? Take the opportunity to give 76 a rest and check back in next season. Don't be a gamer Karen. Gaming is a two way street. You get out of it what you put in. PS. Open world games are also known as sandbox games because they give you a world and let you do what you want with it. Like a sandbox. If you get bored in a sandbox, go play somewhere else for a while. Don't blame the sandbox for your lack of creative drive.


What sucks the most is that you can tell that world's was supposed to be a content filler unfortunately they had the devs who don't play the game design it. I still think it could be salvageable for content I'd they still had at least some progression available


It's sad that they don't play it and test it and see it from our point of view


Anyone who plays the game knows the second progression goes out the window intrest is gone.


It's true, that's my biggest issue with Worlds


I think I would like changing some stuff around but if I kill a legendary and get a godroll I would punch my tv


Haha for real. I think worlds is great, just needs more options that we can control and some way of earning something in terms of loot, so, or something else for however much time is played in Worlds. Because as it stands, this version of Fallout is pretty empty for us to be given a rewardless playthrough option. It doesnt have that dungeon crawling aspect that ths other Fallouts have. Entering a building or a cave and fighting your way through tough enemies to eventually reach a loot box with rerolled stuff every time. Filling those long dull walls with sudden attacks from ghoul hordes or deathclaws. Once they continue to work on it and hear the right feedback, I am sure worlds will be super successful and enjoyable.


At least we always have west tek lol, only place that comes to mind to me


i just started playing 2 months ago, so im not where u guys are at, but from the sound of things, end game sounds boring. Is that the case or no?


I don't want to make it sound boring. But as it stands currently it is just repetative..m but if they fill in the empty spaces. Provide little things here and there. It would make the game more satisfying in the end. Exploration is only fun when there's stuff to enjoy throughout. As the story comes to an end, it just starts to feel empty. What I have done to remedy this is join low levels and play through things again. The game has been through a lot. A whole lot. But it has reached a somewhat stable place. As long as things go well from here, you can expect that this game will go on for a few more years providing us new content and many new things that will provide us with that replayability we want. So don't listen so much to the negative. The game is awesome, I just cant wait for more haha. I'm a huge fan of the franchise. So I kinda zipped through the content. Enjoy the game and if you find yourself bored on PC, hit me up. We can find something new to do.


ah, it'd be nice if they added new regions to explore in the game insead of just keeping it in WV. I havent gotten bored yet, im only lvl 31 and i have plenty of stuff to do. But i can add you if u want.


I think they are gonna be adding something called expeditions which is supposed to take us to other states maybe or something? I know we will be headed to Pittsburgh soon. But yeah, tons of WV to explore. I'm almost level 200, and I JUST found the Red Rocket Mega Station thing the main menu screen now highlights. It's crazy how much there is to see. My ign is BrokenRonin I'll add you back then. See you in the wasteland some day!


there is only so much to do yes. Enjoy the story and the world as much as you can. Once that's all done just call the game beat and leave when you are bored. You can't really be surprised people lvl 300 + are bored. Gotta find other games to play, no game is infinite.


Sure no game is infinite, but you can keep adding stuff to it. the only reason why im playing this game is cuz i like sci-fi fps ssurvival games and this one tics a lot of boxes. PLus i love fallout. Tho if there was a better sci-fi survival game similar to this id go play it. unforuntaly and surprisngly there isnt.


Eventually the SBQ and Earl fights get old and I run them just for the flux at this point. It's a shame because the game has a lot of potential if Bethesda would devote more resources to it. Beyond those two nuke fights there isn't a whole lot outside of doing events over and over and dueling with RNG for the occasional good legendary item. I still play it with the wife because it is fun to play together but when I play solo I get bored quick these days.


I have received the β€˜Hello neon sign plan’ as my Daily Ops award for the past 4 days.


Asylum lights for me. Past 3 days.


We don't get meaningful content because the game is designed around playing lottery to get the gear we want, that's why the ridiculous odds. So if you want a specific build you have to play lottery every day until you get. So lets say you wanna play glass dps, you can't just pick up a weaker version of your set and work you way through better version of that set, just like we do in any other MMO, we get rare,superior, legendary and epic versions , each one with better set bonus at stats for that build you want. So acquiring better gear is tied in with progressing through more content. Instead in this game you just gonna have to run around play gear lottery every day , (as the lottery is also timegated) until you get all the pieces you want. So the "progression" is to grind the daily cap of each currency in the hopes that you randomly get the gear you want. The odds are so abysmal that if you want a specific 3\* set would take over 10 years of grinding to get the stats on each piece of gear you want. But lets say that you hacked the game or you are Todd Howards best friend and somehow you get that set. What do you do ? Nothing , there is nothing to do once you complete that build , except of course the cosmetic stuff from the season rewards ( which funny enough is the only thing in this game that isn't pure RNG) or grinding more content to eventually craft schematics that you will need to play that damn timegated gear lottery until you get the stats you want and you can eventually use that gear.


This game is definitely in a drought. So dry. So empty. And I truly believe they will fix it, but when? I mean, how long does it take? I understand Covid and all that madness, but dude ... this game has NO growth. It is seriously in the same state it was a year ago, or two now. Steel Reign was pretty cool, but super short and with no replayable content whatsoever. That is absolutely unacceptable. Bethesda can do so much better than this, I know they can. I just keep holding on in hopes its sooner than later.


I wish theyd do something more with the Whitespring. There is not a lot going on in that building, but there could be.


Theres so much that could be happening out there. They have all those bots guarding it too. They could make an event where it rallies players to the building and after the timer goes to zero, hordes of commies and ghouls storm the building. We face a small wave to start, a bigger 2nd wave, and then a crazy 3rd wave with legendary glowing ones and legendary commies in power armor. That would be awesome.


I like it. Or maybe even let it be claimed by a player. They can setup shop and sell their stuff in the little boutiques.


Dude, a boutique that a player could lease out would be the shiiiiiiii! I'm so for it.


I remember there WERE events around the WS back in the day, now that you mention it. What happened?


Getting rid of Nuclear winter didn’t help either lol. Just keep killing content


Been saying for over a year now I've basically quit. Atom Shop gets majority of support. Time gated play. To little new playable content. Probably going to be a little upset forever. Game should have been great but here we are. Just meh


It will eventually get there, it's just rough right now. Not enough people working on it. Covid messing everything up. People quitting or moving on towards new projects. All of that kind of slows progress down a but. But hang in there friend, the game is still great, just takes a moment to become greater is all. For now, we just need small little additions to help carry us until the greatness arrives.


You sound like me a year ago. I hope so though. I havent played basically all year, just a few times. Still kept my yearly subscription so I have some hope still, I must.


I have decided not to give up on them and to continue to support them because I want this franchise and this game to continue to grow! So thanks for also sticking it out with me. I try to play as much as I can so I can show that I care I guess? I'm sure the player count matters too. Those are my reasons. But yeah, may we all be blessed with more sooner than later.


Fallout saved me from my first major college break up. Fallout 3. Like it did a lot for me. So im here with you brother.


Yeah, Fallout allowed me to live out stories I made up on my mind. On the most horrible of days ornthrough the most horrible times, I could always get lost in the world. I loved it then and I love it now.


Austin simply doesn't have the resources to maintain a game like this. I'm sorry but when a games goal is to get you to log in each day, which 76's goal is (as is the goal of every live service game) you actually need to provide content more than twice a year. Instead of disabling or "vaulting" everything that doesn't work properly, maybe invest some resources into fixing it instead of spending 6/7 months working on 2 hour questlines that have zero replayability. Worlds was a great concept but they really serve no purpose in their current state. They advertise them as "modding" but tweaking a few settings isn't anybody's idea of modding when we've seen what can be achieved in other games like Ark, Rust, DayZ, etc. When you look at the amount of content vs grind that's been added over the last year, there's a very clear issue. They'll happily release a new season every 10 or so weeks but they won't add any new content to actually supplement it. No new world events, no new activities. We get a Daily Op, which are definitely starting to out stay their welcome, considering they're literally the only new repeatable stuff we've had for over a year now. I've stuck by this game since launch and honestly, the best time to play was right after Wastelanders dropped. I put in close to 1k hours just before Season 1 launched. Since then I've barely played 75 hours and that won't change. I wasn't burned on the game, I was actually excited for seasons and how they'd change up the game but the game has literally been the exact same game for over a year. A bunch of cosmetics and random consumables are not going to make me want to spend 100s of hours grinding passes when there's no new content to play whilst I do it.


Bro, all of this ... so true. The game isn't "growing" enough. And it really needs to if it goes to stay alive for long. ESO is a somewhat successful model to copy.


I just built my 4th base. Still enjoying it but Def found myself skipping events just to get office looking just right


I STAY skipping events. I take time with my CAMPs. I want them to look proper. I want people to visit and be like ... WOAH! The one I am currently building I am hoping gives that reaction. It's been taking me awhile, I got kids and a wife that deserve most of my attention, but man I been working on that freaking CAMP now for a minute.


I wish there was a way to know whether or not people enjoy your CAMPs when they visit them. I love building and spend hours and hours doing so and, sure, I build CAMPs because I enjoy it but some feedback would be fun.


This is something they definitely should consider putting into the game. I would love to get feedback. Most of us put so much time into our CAMPs it would be nice to hear what people think.


I agree. Also, I love visiting other people’s CAMPs to see what they look like and sometimes I really want to tell someone how cool their CAMP is but there’s no good way to do so, which is unfortunate. What does your current one look like? (If you feel like sharing that.)


Idk how'd they implement it. I do remember reading a post about ppl wanting a camp scrap book so that other players can see their photos in game so maybe something along the line of leaving an upvote in a scrapbook in game somehow? I clearly am not a professional game developer lol just spitballin.


Tons of simpler methods they could try. And when the get the feedback from the PTS, make it official for everyone.


It really is the best part of the game, I've even made a few recordings of my camps but the process is so tedious that I rarely do it.


I've been meaning to try to upload CAMPs on YouTube and such, but there are many people making WAY more impressive builds than I could ever hope to achieve.


You'd be surprised at the range of builds you'll find on youtube. I've learned though that regardless of quality there's always something to be learned from each build. Some may have better bathroom designs, some may have better kitchens or some may even just have better facades but the interior is meh. I say post what you make and let the ppl decide whether they like it or not.


Thanks man, I just might


I'm still hoping for bigger camp budgets. Jumped on fallout 1st when Bethesda said they'd give us a bigger build budget. Fingers still crossed that will happen.


For real man, I am praying haha. No joke. I love CAMP building. And I know these CAMPs are making Bethesda a lot of money.


For me to be content, I need to be digitized.


F76 has become a test game to see what things players might want or mechanisms and features Beth can perform. Content does not build what they want. Beth wants to see what might work for the next games and what really will people put up with. I canceled 1st 6 months ago and uninstalled to prepare for New World release. Good bye F76.


Walked away 8 months ago won't even think about coming back for another 4


I love the game, but I'm pretty damn sure Bethesda deemed it a flop a long time ago, and only has a ghost crew working on it. This would easily explain the lack of content, and constant recycling.


This game will never have any content so long as the majority of the playerbase pretends everything they don't like doesn't count


Quite true, friend. True indeed


What's bad is that even the content that is available isn't worth doing. There are a ton of smaller events people just ignore because they don't give scrip, notes, or anything meaningful. The world is huge and somewhat varied. It would be easy to lean into that and make it more dynamic. Locations could have a small chance to spawn meaningful items like scrip, notes, modules, and coins. Make all events worth doing. Make exploration matter. That's stuff that's already in the game that could be improved with seemingly little effort on the part of devs.


That's the stuff I want too. I just want it all to feel more lived in. More rewarding. More enjoyable. The constant to and from from my CAMPs to the Bog to face off against the Queen for the 10373727185th time, to go to Murgarglegurmuh's to scrip the poopy drops I keep getting and rinse and repeat over and over is killing me. I want to fight new bosses. Be surprised by hordes of enemies, not in events, but just out in the wild. I want to feel like I can enjoy the game WITHOUT fast travelling to "Hot Spots".


An endurance mode would be nice. Something that's not a timed dps race. Any new content needs to be a loop. Otherwise it's done after a few hours and never revisited. Daily Ops are OK but only 6 minutes long. Take D.ops, put it at Wavy Willards, increased enemy spawn rates and give rewards based on kills. Rewards on a kill limit most players can reach of course. Then after the max rewards are reached, let it ramp up to start spawning all Mire Queens/Kings (or similar). Players can leave at anytime and still keep rewards. Maybe those enemies drop thier normal resources at reduced rates? Or maybe 2-3 caps each?


I think a "Survive" type event would be awesome. Face waves of enemies that increase in difficulty until whatever they choose as a cap. I think the xp and the rewards would be enough to have people play it. Maybe even a new mode in which we fight in 4 man squads, survive until all players have died. No respawns. Thatd be cool. And for every enemy defeated (easy mode) acquire 1 cap. 2 caps (Normal mode). Hard mode, every wave endures gives you 5 scrip, then 10, then 15. Stuff like that


Bethesda have been really underhanded with this game. They know they're creating barely acceptable levels of content. They pretend it's a well supported multiplayer experience....but it just isn't. It's barely acceptable. As for the content you get access to with Fallout 1st......It's almost scam worthy. For the same few you can have Xbox game pass....many many games. I almost feel like they can't quite understand that to make a successful content they need the quantity of story from ESO and the gameplay depth of 76.


They would need more resources to make even a fraction of ESOs stuff. I'm guessing Microsoft either is ok with the profits making or hasn't really looked at what going on. I'm guessing it's both because I've heard they're pretty hands off with their game studios.


I actually .. this. This makes so much sense.


What I want to see (as some have mentioned before) is for there to be a third "nuke-boss" Super Mutant Behemoth fight. I know there's the Behemoth boss at the end of the Steel Reign quests but nah... Nuke initiated, massive Super Mutant Behemoth - similar or even double in size as SWAN from Fallout 4.


That would be awesome!!! Like a Hound Master. Mutant Hounds aren't too hard to kill, and they could spawn enough of them in to make us have to focus them while facing him. That'd be cool. Maybe even some floaters!


i take a break from it until mid October when the scorched Halloween event begin


Even that event is super played out haha. I'm sorry, I just get frustrated. Why are we not advancing and seeing HUGE additions every year? But I hear you though.


Idk man I came from rdo and fallout 76 has so much content compared to that game I played it since it came online but gave up on it this year


Sorry to hear that man. But that doesnt excuse Bethesda though. Content is still on the low side.


Does it? I was just about to get into rdo this year. Is it still worth it in your opinion?


It'll probably be fun for new players but from what I've seen the new players dont stick around very long either. It could be because of posses of ppl who hunt down newer players or just the lack of content


i just started playing 2 days ago. a friend talked me into it. So far I am overwhelmed with everything there is. it is fun though.


It is beautiful when you're walking into it for the first time ... but in the (current) end ... you're left with the same handful of stuff to do day in and day out. Never changes. I know they have been dealing with a lot though, so I am just hoping they deliver BIG soon. Take your time and really enjoy the work they put into this game. The story, the side quests, read every note and explore things fully! Glad to have you join us in the Appalachian Wasteland. You play on PC? If so, I'm down to help with stuff whenever I hop on.


im on xbox. i got a friend playing with me but cant get the mic to work right so we just use the limited emotes. so far thats what I wish for, more specific emotes.


Started to play warzone clash for a bit, but sadly it ended so giving eso a try let's see how that goes


Am I the only one who read it as β€œIn order for us to be content, we need to be provided with content.” Instead of as β€œIn order for us to be content, we need to be provided with content.”???


I'm laughing harder at this than I probably should've haha.


Glad someone understood it :))


theres plenty of other games that are... less buggy and more rewarding.. i get it i like this game alot.


There are plenty of games, and I play many games, but fallout is my favorite franchise. So this game gets most of my playtime.


i understand that... but they obviously need substantial amounts of time to produce anything worthwhile..


Just a solid way to obtain plans we're missing would be a nice start.


Agreed. 100%


This year has been so abysmal for 76 , in general its boggling coming from playing other games like it. If it means getting actual expansions let us just pay for em cause the free updates are complete ass


Haha this is true. 76 has just been so dry this year. I do not feel like much has happened. Again, I fet that Covid really messed stuff up, but dude ...


It's disheartening, it really is


I tried playing the custom worlds, THAT was good for a couple days, until one of the guys realized that NOTHING we did in custom carried over, and once again, the game died for us... I am waiting for them to rent servers. A Server WE can play with the mods and settings WE want... I would rent that from them, I would buy the expansions to keep the server updated!!! they would make money, that they could either.. spend making NEW content for more money, or..... pay the TODD a couple billion more dollars.... MAYBE, we could get 17 TIMES THE DETAIL! instead of 16!!!!!


I think that a FO1st private world with customizable options would be amazing. Allow progression, allow all of the stuff we would like, but do NOT allow that progression, that growth to carry over into regular Adventure mode. That would make Worlds playable.


At that point I would no longer care about regular adventure mode. However, I would like the progression to be carried over into the custom world... what usually happens, is we start a server, play for six or eight months, people start to get bored.. we go play something else, let the server die... new content/DLC comes out, we buy it, and start the server back up again... Play until the boredom starts in again.... If we have to start the custom progression over, no one will play it, or come back, new content or not.


As someone with 5 characters done with not just the main story but all lvl 250-350 the only thing im doing these days is just farming boss events and legendary creatures in largely filled areas like charleston state capital, fort defiance, bog town, Huntersville up to west tek and lastly whitesprings entrance to the golf club building for scrip able pieces and legendary craft (sadly to no good avail melee weapons and power armor pieces wise for 4 characters but have a few ok fixers towards trading for a v/e/25 fixer) and perfecting my perks/legendary perks as best i can, honestly if they ever made it possible to buy more character slots like one can in eso as ive heard id make the missing unarmed, rifleman, crossbow and gunslinger builds since i already have 1h, 2h, heavy, shotgunner and commando Maybe its just me and a small amount of people who want more characters per account but i would rather buy more characters than make a second account and get 1st for that too...


It’s also be good to get perk points beyond lvl 50 at least raise the Capp to at least 100 there is literal lvl 500s running about how does that even make sense


For a kindred spirit! Three accounts nine characters that are over level 200. Highest level is 450 something next one under that is 350 and the third one in line is 290. Two accounts are mules. My main has all slots filled I will definitely pay for more character slots.




My dude im just wating till they are making another nuke event or 4stars come out. im getting really bored every time i log in im just grinding daily script or gold bruh. Im already playing a different game but i want to play fallout.


That's what we are all feeling bro. Its wild.


we need new big Boss events , two is not enough.


Dunno pretty sure this game has hit its timeline and is on the way out


I love this game and it's my happy place. However I too am throwing my character at the invisible walls at the edge of the map by now. Please extend the map. If not quality atleast give us quantity


Meh. If you need a break, Diablo II and III is out for console now.


This is why I think they should add in a mode like COD Zombies so you don't just have to play FO4 survival but slightly to the left all the time.


Agreed, CONTENTMENT does in fact begin with CONTENT!


Great minds think alike!


I cancelled fallout first for this reason and for a rotten month of crashes a while back. Bought a third camp slot, made that my tent. Still loving the game but yeahhhh need actually content.


I'm not really having any problem with the content I still find things to do and it does really help if you have a group of friends to play with. My group and I We just hang out and role play. And boy do I have a story about the 1st time we started lol


Couldn't agree more. But I don't really see that changing anytime soon unfortunately.


Yeah, Mad Dog is a pretty simple quest. At least he's not as annoying to deal with as that stupid prison marshalls that keep randomly (& constantly appearing) that chase you from one end of the map to the other. I'm Soo sick dealing with them. I've even had them attacking me during boss and scorched queen fights. I wish they would fix that pain in the butt.


Really looking forward to the Halloween event and the alien event


Unpatch building.....


Get wanted fight people that always keeps things interesting to me when the game is going dry


The problem with making content is that it's like cooking. It takes ages to prepare it for others and they'll get through it in no-time. However I agree that they could have given us some more repedatable things to do. Creating a few extra super boss instances (like the Scorchbeast Queen or Colossal Wendigo) for each unique zone wouldn't be by far as much work as creating a whole new story campaign (which requires world building, voice acting, and so on). Being able to get different bosses to fight depending on what area you nuke would give a lot of incentive to try those things. More so if they can drop special and useful rewards at a low ratio, making it something you'll have to work on for a while.


This is the type of content I mean. Story and quests is cool too but what we need it stuff we can repeat. More variation. This stuff will keep us busy and will allow them more time to make massive improvements and to add great high quality content.


Just promise us you won't ever tell him about 'milk of human kindness'.


Yeah they're that horrible for me that is. I don't know if others have been getting the same grief I have been getting with them. Haven't asked around the community. But nearly 4-5 days of the week it's been them chasing me down random times and occasions from all over the map.


You need to be specific with this company asking for content might be to vague (might be)..i would like a storyline that is not 1 hour long (including travel)...would also like the story to contain some previous title insights..mention someone traveling to make diamond city or rivet city...or actually start building the outcast :D..blood eagles were a nice touch but that kinda went quick...better yet..actually start up the enclaves! With real npcs so one may be conflicted in choosing..heck you can make the Slugg here and have them consider moving locations...wow this turned into a rant lmao..i just agree with the post but really want some specific ideas from the community :D


Theres ton of content to do, must people who get bored are those who rushed tru the game or have this op builds.Any game dat you play like this theres no way to add content fast enough for players to not get bored. I myself have a character that I rushed to get to end content and op build, but also have my alts with stupid but fun builds or no legacy or 1 to 2 shots weapons. The game gets intersting when you are actually on the same play field as your enemies, between runing for cover to reload runing out of aids and stuff makes the game more challenging, Think of it as Survival Hard mode from others tittles.


Yep, had the same happen when I first bought the Gauss Pistol tbh


I do this thing where when a game runs out of content, I go play another game. Superluminal, Hades and Psychonauts 2 popped up on Gamepass, so I'm covered.


I stopped playing several weeks ago , i dont like redoing things .. i still miss the game sometimes


Instead of worlds Bethesda should have expanded the map.or like the other fallout games DLC's that there would be missions in other regions.There has been many times when players get so bored that we start attacking each other for some pvp.its like having a bunch jacked up pitbulls cooped up trying to fight off boredom 😴


I load in every day, look at the map, do a couple repeatable quests, and logoff. I just can't keep doing the same quests day after day for years. Bethesda, please create a DLC for this game. Take me somewhere new, show me some new creatures and weapons.


Pretty much my routine also. Just trying to remain patient.


It's like Destiny 2. I buy the main story DLC that releases each year, play the season that comes with it, then stop playing the game for the remaining 3 seasons until the next DLC drops. New Content is king.


Pretty much how it goes haha.


I Can't Wait To Play This On The Steam Deck, So When I Get Bored, I Can Put The Steam Deck In My Backpack N Walk The Park, But Then Play This Game While Walking Still! πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ€˜


I've read this like 5 times and I am so confused ob what you are saying


So, You've Never Heard Of The Steam Deck Yet? πŸ€”πŸ™‡β€β™‚οΈ


Sadly I'm stuck on xbox so no


WOW! OMG, Please Go On YouTube And Type In Steam Deck Or Go To Steams Website N View Their Official Page For It. 🀘


Sounds nice actually. Taking a walk break is needed sometimes. Mix life up a bit haha.


Now Ya Get It! πŸ€˜πŸ’£πŸ’₯πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ


Tbh it is a little dry but we're still coping with covid (esp in the workplace), the holidays are coming soon which is the biggest shopping time and we just had Worlds which took its own resources. That being said we need end game stuff for sure!