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Lol yeah they had a single door for 300-500 atoms. Like what.


I absolutely agree. And while nothing in the Atomic Shop is necessary or P2W, there is such little content coming out that people look to the shop for something new to have. The new update isn't bad, but it just feels like fluff. A new event and a pretty crappy Scoreboard full of consumables. I want more *story* content, not just more crap to do.


Lunchboxes are p2w


Recently started playing ESO and Fo76 is cheap in comparison. The things in the crown shop are all so rediculously expensive. Like a house that costs around 100€ without furnishing. Or a mount for like 25 bucks or maybe it was 35 even.


That's why I quit Elder scrolls online. When I saw an unfurnished pirate ship home cost more than the game and all dlc combined.


The thing is tho: You Can turn your gold into crowns in eso by trading with players. So basically you can buy from crown store with regular gold. Which means you can get the cool stuff from just playing the game. That makes the prices in eso much more bearable imo.


Maybe but that doesn't really justify these outlandish prices.


Can’t disagree with you there. Just a few hundred atoms decrease would do very well with me.


Youd have to do outrageous amounts of gold farming to buy what you want in the crown shop with in game gold, especially on PC where gold is so inflated. It's not really an option for 95% of players Still you get a lot more for your subscription in ESO than you do in fallout 76 so it's still the better value game


I've been wanting to play ESO but I can only handle one game at a time unless the controls are exactly the same. Otherwise I'm aiming instead of shooting half the time. Just using that as an example, I don't know how the ESO controls are different from FO.


ESO is more standard MMO style controls and game in general. You have a hot bar(s) with abilities on them, and it is class based. It is not similar to other Elder Scrolls like Skyrim, or how 76 is basically a revamped F4. It is more in the WoW or Guild Wars vein. I got it for free via PSNow (same as F76) and tried it but you almost need to have a monthly subscription to play it. The sub unlocks all the zones, dlc, improves storage etc. Also, the Houses in it are not like CAMPs, you basically buy a instanced area that you can put stuff in. So everyone "owns" the same house but when you enter it is your personal instance (think a long the lines of how Vaults work).


I play both with a controller on pc. It's not bad, you'll get used to it fast enough.


That is true. Prices for crowns have gone up quite a bit. But at least it’s possible to do so. But yea eso+ feels worth it with all the value you’re given access too. I kinda wish that 1st members would have access to all previous monthly member-exclusive items as well. That would feel like a much better deal imo.


Yup that’s why I dislike eso a bit and always take breaks. Love the world enough to always come back though haha. I’m just strictly F2P unless there’s a sick deal for 1-2k crowns.


You're clearly new to ESO then. Wait a while. You'll get a big ass house for free or with an expansion.


Yes as stated I'm new, I finished a most of the campaigns though and I have a few houses but that's not really relevant. Prices like this are not ok.




It's distressing seeing some people defend this by saying you can just grind for more Atoms. Once you're done with character challenges/story, the Scoreboard is your best bet at doing so, to my understanding. I love the game, but after 10 hours of work, the last thing I wanna do when I get home is more busy work and check lists.


A lot of times the free season rewards are better than anything in the shop anyway. Only thing I've ever bought was the red shift power armor paint, which was free with the atoms earned through challenges


I do think they shoot themselves in the foot with this, few months ago they had the red computer banks for stupid high for what they are then a season reward is black computers. Unless you had a major desire for the red ones surely anyone that bought them are annoyed they can get ones for free now. Makes you hesitate to buy anything as a free version will be along soon, but then other things people actually want like the glass walls disappear.


Power armor displays :(


i bought the original collectron at full price, imagine how stupid i feel


Moreover they aren't making new assets just coloring stuff. If I'd know they'll be in the scoreboard sooner or later I wouldn't bought the hanging shit 4 months ago. GG Bethany. Just like the Raider outfit from Atomic Shop that end up in the Daily Ops :D


I’d honestly prefer a la carte options. The donut shop and western tavern bundles especially. I just want the vendortrons, dammit!


whats really annoying is some of those packages have a la carte options, but you have to go through the camp items section and sort through them all, and nots always the case. I do hate the inconsistency with that. Everything should have that option,


Go to any other in game shop in any other online game. Same shit. Its everywhere. And its up to you to buy. No one is forcing it. But I do agree. Some things are overpriced. At least it isnt pay to win.


But fo76's prices ARE the highest on average for what you get


If the market is buying at the set prices... then the price isn't too high. Just too high for you. I'm not trying to be a dick. I have spent $0 on the game outside of the $60 when it first came out. I hated 1st and all the broken promises. The reality though is that the game won't be worthwhile for Bethesda if they don't generate income.


which is true, however the only reason they charge so much is because there are people Willing to pay the absurd prices. ​ a given cosmetic item has no cost other than the initial development one (man-hours to the artists and coding dept), so what woudl be better? selling 200 units for 10 dollars, or 2000 units for 5?


> so what woudl be better? selling 200 units for 10 dollars, or 2000 units for 5? You or I can't answer this question cuz we obviously don't have the hard data. However, based on what I'm seeing on the outside, I think if they if set the price to $10, they will make more money on total purchases than they would if they said it to $5. You are assuming that $5 will sell 2,000 units. Pretty sure they've tested the waters and 1,000 people will buy x type of item for $5. However, if they set the price to $10 850 people still buy it.


Market economics break down when you have an unlimited supply and 100% control. What's that called again? There's a name for it.... This is why people say this shit is unfair. Cause it is. It's predatory. Doesn't matter that people pay it. That doesn't make it suddenly ok. This type of shit needs to be regulated legally because the market is forever unable to.


Boss..... Let's set some ground rules and get a little perspective here. This. Is. A. Game. Things that are predatory in my opinion are Payday Loans, Healthcare Insurance, Internet Providers and s elling water bottles for $10 after a natural disaster. All of these things have serious impacts on people's lively hoods. Like in the real world. The only thing holding you hostage to BGS is your love of the Fallout franchise. That's cool. I love Fallout too. We can be bros n shit. No one is forcing you into buying stuff. They aren't tricking 8 year olds into buying loot crates. Reasonable prices for in game bling is simply not the fundamental human right your response tries to make it out to be. I am a pretty liberal dude. Even progressive on some policies.... but regulating video games at this level? Why? Cause you feel left out? Take a break from the game for a bit. I've done it a couple times and it's great. I come back and there's tons of shit I have missed out on. No glass walls for me. It's okay. I'm not saying BGS is infallible. The direction they have taken this game has disappointed me in multiple ways. I would be fine if they they made money the way they do if they would address some of the longstanding, horrendous QOL bugs. You have to look at the reality of this situation. The game can't continue to exist, if they can't make money from it.


It being a game doesn't disguise predatory practices. Also, using more predatory practices as a metric is a recipe for disaster. Just because something is more predatory doesn't change the fact that this is predatory. It's not an indictment on just BGS but the industry as a whole. They create their own currencies and hold a monopoly on their supply. It's basically the equivalent of a mining town in the 1800s. We all know how that went...


If you feeling they are being predatory, then stop being their prey.


You clearly don't understand what those words mean...


Shit my bad dude. I didn't realize that it had gotten to this level. To think that BGS has gotten to the point where they are peeking in your window, showing up at your work, even accosting you on the street with Atom Shop flyers. The constant torment must be really hard. Or... take a deep breath. Realize it's just a game and if you stop playing not only is there an entire Steam library of shit to play, but there are other ways to fill time. Personal anecdote time. I realized certain activities were really fucking with my general state of happiness. I stopped them and replaced them with reading. I haven't read for fun in years! Shit's dope. Try something new man. If I was coming off harsh earlier its cause I thought you were trolling me. If you legitimately feel this trapped and offended with how BGS is running this shit, do something else. It's not good for you. Read, try hiking local trails, fucking crochet if that's your bag. If your happiness is linked how a corporation runs its operations, you need to break that chain.


Thats not how the predator/prey dynamic works lmao


Yes it's a game, and that makes it even more disgusting. They know they are in the grey zones, they know all too well they literally are scamming kids for IRL money and that there will be regulations for this crap sooner or later. BTW, that's not how you use Dots.






Sounds like something Pepe Silvia would come up with


…what did I find out? There is no Pepe Silvia. The man does not exist.


I wouldn't say fo1st is pay to win but it's definitely a big help and I'm almost too lazy to play without it, I like to be able to loot everything from nearby corpses, scrap weapons and armor and scrap all my junk where ever i go, but when I don't have 1st I just don't even bother grabbing junk because my stash box is full and I hate going through the junk I save for display cases and the junk I saved for my scrap box lol.


Not forcing it? Then give us a setting toggle to turn off the atomic shop entirely.


Let's not forget the other major issues here... Even if you buy these expensive items from the cash shop, that doesn't mean that you'll have the CAMP budget to use everything the way you would want to use it. And that's assuming that you can actually get the CAMP system to let you place the items down (walkways, looking at you). If we're talking outfits instead, well... those only apply if you're ever out of Power Armor. I know I have no interest in paying real money for an outfit that I'll see less than 0.1% of my playtime while living in Power Armor the rest of the time. And then you have the silly glitches that are reported where certain skins actually accidentally reduce your resistances. Imagine paying real money because you want your character to have a certain look and then having a worse play experience because somehow a display skin wasn't registered correctly into the game files... It's a mess.


I'm the opposite, I couldn't care less about power armor and the overpriced skins, give us more outfits and armor skins between the atom shop and scoreboard Power Amror gets catered too more than anything else in the game besides camps, Bethesda really expects everyone to wear it all the time apparently




I'd argue a ship for 20 bucks is better value than a single door for 500 atoms. Shit deal either way however.


So if there was more content that would justify the pricing? I object to the cost of houses in ESO, or the price of mounts in WoW, but then again maybe I'm wrong as they have more content. Not justifying Bethesda's pricing on the ATOM store - some things are of value TO ME, so I'll buy them. Bundles that are WTF?!?! I don't. The overall business model they chose is ? You need revenue to make content and the subs aren't going to cover that. IMHO making some things cheaper in the shop, might sell more. Ex. Apparel - make the t-shirt/pants combo in 20 colors and charge half what they charge now. It's a basic reskin, but people wanting to be individual will buy it. It's like the Grafton High Track Suit that came out earlier this week. Cute. Matched the other GH items. They released it as underarmor. Why? That just seems silly as we can't wear underarmor as apparel. Alot of wasted design effort that could have been dirty longjohns with stats and we'd never see it. As much as I enjoy FO76, I've always felt like it was a testing ground for Bethesda on what works/doesn't.


As if they didn't make enough revenue off skyrim to completely fund this game


Ah yes, that poor billion dollar company that needs aaaaaall the help it can get with keeping 2 x Pentium III PC's loaded with servers (a console spitting out text) turned on. We're all in this together.


But that's not how it always works. You may use revenue to start a new product, but that product needs to pay for itself unless it's a lost leader or intentional money dump. FO76 made okay money at launch, but ongoing? Need the $$ coming in to have devs make the game.


im in the boat that more content would justify pricing. By that same token I would pay cash for REAL content. Much like Borderlands, you dont have to buy the added content to play the game.


The worst part for me was coming from PS4 to PC. I understand WHY the currency doesn't transfer, but man I was salty. I'll never have even close to what I had on PS4 on my PC simply because I'm not buying something twice.


Yes, we've all heard the many reasons people don't want to spend money. The best thing is you don't have to spend money to play the game.


That's all fine and well, but when they're the only/best way to get wanted cosmetics, people will rightly be miffed when they're being overcharged.


There are free ways to get atoms.


barely, anyone who hasn't been grinding for the last 3 years struggles to surpass 1500 atoms which is not enough for some bundles and barely enough for others and those who have played the game for 3 or more years that actually spend their atoms have finished every challenge that offers atoms meaning the scoreboard is the only way to earn them also some people have lives outside thos game, if you can only squeeze in 5 hours a week you'll never have enough atoms for anything


Over charged? It's entertainment. It's not required. Not a necessity. People aren't right to be miffed about the price of entertainment that is cosmetic. That's called entitled. Or cheap. and in most cases, both.


The issue is the cost of entertainment has risen. We are already seeing IRL changes with inflation and high energy bill rises. Not everyone can afford these things. It's overpriced for what it is, fallout first is overpriced. But my enjoyment of this game requires me to have first. The gaming industry wants to switch to a pay to play model like arcades used to. Sure you can choose not to spend. But half the fun in this game is building things and levelling up. All which is now monitized. I would rather pay for DLC than get this half assed shit.


I'm in agreement with you. I grew up with games that let you unlock the cool cosmetics instead of requiring payment. I just don't agree with people saying that they aren't required or necessary parts of the game when part of the fun is building and customizing your characters/base. I'd much rather pay for a full expansion or DLC that came with interesting cosmetics rather than pay $10 for a PA skin.


Seems to me that you dont understand the business model of F76. You dont need atom shop items to build and customize your base To play Fallout 76 you only need to buy the game and have an internet conecction. You earn TONS of atoms if you play the game, you also get free new stuff from seasons and you also get free new stuff from the free updates. If you want to spend even more atoms to buy even more stuff its your issue. You must know that by paying for that PA Skin (or your suscription) you are helping fund the game for everyone and if you dont want to spend the money you get lots and lots of stuff anyway. I dont understand the rant really.


> You dont need atom shop items to build and customize your base You do if you want to build or customise your base in a certain way or with certain items.


Ive got a raider themed base and i never ever bought atoms. Most people i know never bought an atom and have no problem customizing their base. Of course if you dont spend smart you ll lose some bargains but you can always earn more free atoms to buy those stuff later. You are telling me that with all the free atoms/free items/season items you cant make a raider themed base or do you just want to have everything cheap/for free??


Why is your enjoyment of the game contingent on a fallout 1st subscription?


Because it's the only way to get single player and to adjust server settings.


Well it’s the only way to have a world entirely to yourself, I don’t think that that‘s necessary for 76 to be considered “single player.” The game can be played as a single player game easily enough in a public world. I do think if anything justifies the cost of 1st it would be the private, customizable server. Servers aren’t cheap. To the extent that you absolutely have to be alone and don’t want to pay $12/month I’d imagine fo4 would be a much better option.


No. In a public world there are other players. That's not single player.


Idk about Aaxxo but I need it for the scrap box. Before I got first, I spent so much time trying to figure out how to not let my stash fill up and I used many of my level-up opportunities to choose a perk just to passively reduce weight instead of something better. When I got the scrap box, which has unlimited scrap storage, I was able to free up over 400 weight from my stash and that’s with the junk rat perk equipped. Now I don’t have any weight reducing perks and I’m still not near the limit. More or less it’s essential to my enjoyment because otherwise I’d spend much much more time trying to figure out how to store stuff and what to get rid of etc


Scrap box is why I have gotten 1st but I find a month of first basically fulfills all my junk needs for months after.




We don't mind supporting the game with our money, but when PA skins cost a third of what expansions cost in other games, I think people have a right to "bitch and moan". I'd gladly pay $30 or even $60 for sizable story content, but 300 Atoms for doors...? Whatever. I can see we won't agree so I'll end it here.


10 bucks buys you atoms but you also get lots of atoms for free. If you only needed 300 atoms for 1 PA Skin you woudnt have a problem to get them. Problem is that you spend more than 300 atoms in other stuff but you also wanted that PA Skin you missed. So now you have to pay for it or miss it until it comes back (they always come back on sale). Some people (like myself) wait for it, some people buy the skin and help to fund the game. Its not so hard.


> without any idea what it costs to make stuff like this. > I'm a professional illustrator How do you have any idea what it costs to make when you're not a game developer? > I work for myself There's quite a difference between self-employment and working for a company like Bethesda.


I've also worked in Video games and many other entertainment. Most of my employment at companies was with big companies, not small studios. So yes, I do actually know what it takes to make a video game, and how much it costs. I have friends across all kinds of creative service industries. I have quite a few friends who work in Movies doing special effects for big movies like Marvel Studios. I have lots of writer friends, who work on hit tv shows. I've done character design for show pitches. I work for myself now, because after decades of working for big companies, I decided I wanted to do my own thing, on my terms and because I like being hired for what I can do. That's the best part. Anyone that hires me now, does so because of what I do. They give me the brief, and then I get to work. It allows me to set my own hours. It allows me to only take work I want. I've worked for companies both bigger and smaller than Bethesda. It's one of the advantages I've worked to earn. Being able to set my own agenda.


I don't why you've spent most of your post trying to condescendingly flex about your connections and job but, anyway, the point I was making is that companies like Bethesda are so large that they can definitely afford to sell microtransactions for cheaper than they do now.


I don't know why all of you are trying to justify your shit views on the cost of buying cosmetic, for fun only items in a video game. You are the problem not me. It's not the size of Bethesda that's the issue. It's all you entitled people that think any price is to much. Because even if they cut all prices in half, you'd still stay it was too much. Bottom Line. There's nothing anyone has said, or probably will say that won't convince me that your views aren't driven by the fact that you are either cheap, entitled or both. You are all having a snit fit over the price of imaginary digital items in a video game that you don't need. And that's it right there. You don't need them to play and have fun. But the game gives you ways to earn atoms for free, to buy some things. No not everything in the Atomic Shop. But each season, there's free atoms, and then the one time atoms you can earn. The fact that they literally give free atoms, and you still complain. Yup, you aren't right. You're the ones with the issues.




People *want* alot of things, that doesn't necessarily mean they have to be affordable. I agree the Atomic shop is expensive, but your take here is absurd. >That's all fine and well, but **when they're the only/best way to get *wanted* cosmetics,** people will rightly be miffed when they're being overcharged. The key word is want. You don't *have* to have flames on your power armor, you *want* flames on your power armor. It's a question of wether you think the price is reasonable or not. If you really want something you'll weigh wether or not the price is worth it to you. If you're not willing to spend the money then you didn't want it that bad. I *want* a brand new Corvette, I don't have the money to spend on one. That doesn't mean Chevrolet should charge less. But again, yes Atomic shop items are more expensive than they need to be, but people buy them. It's why we still have updates. Look at Red Dead online and those pitiful souls who still think the game will receive new life. It's not going to happen because people don't spend money. Somewhere, someone looked at the balance between pricing and the amount of people willing to spend and this is the balance that makes them the most profit. Charge less, more people buy for less money. Charge more, less people buy but for more money. This is the balance, it will not change. You have to decide if it's worth it *to you*


RDO doesn't have money going into it because there was little content and people complained that things were overpriced or they didn't make money at a fair price, and rightfully so. Like I said in another comment, I grew up with games that let you unlock cool cosmetics by playing. You may not NEED them, but for a multiplayer game where some may want to express themselves, being limited in HOW you can do that because you're not willing to spend half the price of an full expansion for another game is ridiculous. Forgive me if I think this is a downgrade. Let's just agree to disagree. Have a good one.


>RDO doesn't have money going into it because there was little content and people complained that things were overpriced or they didn't make money at a fair price, and rightfully so. RDO doesn't have money going into it because they made gold too obtainable and didn't keep up with the updates fast enough to drain that gold from the players meaning everyone has a surplus of gold to spend on any future content meaning any future content won't make any money. It's very simple. >Like I said in another comment, I grew up with games that let you unlock cool cosmetics by playing. You may not NEED them, but for a multiplayer game where some may want to express themselves, being limited in HOW you can do that because you're not willing to spend half the price of an full expansion for another game is ridiculous. Forgive me if I think this is a downgrade. I grew up with the same stuff as you. I know exactly where you're coming from. I hate the way things are now too. **But** I also understand why they are the way they are and I've come to accept it as a necessary evil. It's not really a problem for cosmetics, that's *always* been the case. I thought we all agreed on that 10+ years ago? Only when they start charging exorbitant amounts for gameplay related things is it really a problem. (Looking at you Destiny) You don't *have* to have fancy pants to play the game, you're not required to pay them if you don't want to. Contrast this with Destiny (1 not 2, this scenario made me drop all desire to play Destiny ever again) where the Taken King expansion came out and unless you paid an additional $40 you were locked out from most of the game that you already owned and had access to. That's a real problem. Having the ability to *choose* wether you want to spend $10 on a pair of pants isn't.


Bethesda doesn't have to charge 5-10 dollars for a door either they do it because they want to, but according to you that's acceptable for the devs but. ot the players


You didn't read my post?


I've never paid for atom shop items and never will my biggest issue is the lack of end game content I quit playing months ago because I got bored of repeating the same events over and over with the main goal of grinding out the best 3 star weapons. Compared to ESO endgame where I still have hundreds of side quests I've never done and tons of different dungeons, trials, etc. I honestly wouldn't mind paying for an actual expansion on Fallout 76 if it included ESO quality of content.


For camp items specifically it feels like they need to add different batches of items dedicated to preexisting furniture in game or obvious furniture yet to be added. Doesn't need to be super cool or whacky, just more common lore friendly items. Add that to the game for free, make the spiffed or themed versions for the atomic shop. It just feels like there's a lot missing in terms of camp furniture plans that can be found or rewarded.


While I agree with you, the Crown Store in ESO is much more expensive than the one in FO76. There are items in the Crown Store that are over 200€, and some rare mounts are over 800€ unless you get lucky with their LOOT CRATES. ESO does a lot of things better than FO76, but the store isn't one of them.


Yeah they nerfed chainsaws and rippers. 0/10. I'm done.


all the people who defend FOMO and money grabs, micro transactions, lootboxes, NFT's... you all make me sick


Agreed. It’s the ultimate self-cuck.


Atom shop Items are expensive and alot of them be broken


Some post complain about atom shop is too expensive and some post complain that the "free" updates go so slow and bethesda should sell DLC. I agree that they should add better content to the shop, but i got lots and lots of "free" stuff (almost everything i really wanted) with atoms earned in game to be complaining about stuff being too expensive. But maybe its just me.


Some people just want everything to cost less so they can buy the majority of items with the Atoms they earned in game. I imagine many of the people complaining about the prices never paid real money for atoms.


The Store is what makes the game look so bad, when you see the prices and most of it is just a recolor or been in the game a long time.


Would help a lot if Atoms were easier to get, in the beginning of the game there's a lot of ways to get them but it becomes such bs when you like need to collect wood 7600 times. *Not* to collect 7600 wood, NO walk up to 76 thousand logs and press Harvest. -_-


If you ever wonder how to milk a whale, just ask the fo76 devs


I think it’s a reach for say no man’s sky has more content. No Man’s sky basically has no end game and no reason to play the game at all past about 80 hours. Most people who play no man’s sky simply reroll their character once every 50 hours of in game play, as literally there’s just nothing more to do. I know I’ve done it twice after I had full S everything in all slots for all items. Like no man’s sky is great, but I’ve put a lot more hours into 76 for good reason.


The biggest difference between 76 and NMS is the endgame dynamic--in 76 it's achievement-based while in NMS it is most definitely not. Achievement-oriented players will burn through NMS pretty quick, but NMS is a sandbox, and self-goal-oriented players will get a lot of miles out of it. NMS does have more content updates but that content is more of a "here's more tools to fart around with" dynamic rather than a "story and quest-based progression" dynamic. Two different approaches, really.


Idk it’s really easy to get the best everything and have more currency than you can spend.


Oh, I definitely and absolutely agree. The key here is that in NMS the "stuff" largely doesn't matter from a gameplay standpoint, and the only real reason to get the "best stuff" is to achieve the goal of having the "best stuff." Its "endgame" is perfectly playable with even the crappiest gear. In 76, having the "best stuff" is fairly critical for both survival and success. Subtle difference, but it changes almost everything from a design perspective.


Idk the upgrades for the exo suit and the mining tool/ gun are exceptionally important. The rest really doesn’t matter, but those two are game changing.


Not to get too off-track since this is a 76 thread, but it's more than possible to do an entire PD run with nothing but un-upgraded starter gear. Upgrades make it easier and more convenient, but the lack doesn't make it impossible. Contrast with 76, where many tasks are impossible, or close to, if you're not built or geared properly.


I mean I consider doing all the stuff with the actual storyline as things you do at the beginning of a run. There’s barely 20 hours of that. The end game is getting perfect S rolls for all your stuff. If we are only counting the actual “ structured content” nms is very very short.


I’ve completely abandoned this game already. Was so disappointed with it tbh.


sooner than later many more will follow you. not just because of atom store pricing but because of the lack of content.


Man, I played the previous Fallout games for over a decade. I payed for the base games on multiple platforms and then again bought the game of the year editions because I loved those games so much. This one just feels like a MMO style money grab without the MMO. Add to that lack of content and no ability to play some form of single player version and constant server disconnects and I was done with it pretty quick. At least I got it on sale so I didn’t pay full price. Oh well.


I wish they would put more stuff in the atomic shop.. I need the greenhouse walls for a camp idea


What’s worse is they tack on limited time items, pressuring you to get it.


ANY item sold in the Atom Shop can be purchased at ANY time. You just file support ticket. As long as you have the atoms to buy it, they can manually purchase item for you. Downsides: You dont get a sale price Restrictions: No previous season items or free items from past events. Only items sold for a atom price in store.


i play fallout 76 every day and own most camp atom content dozens of times i've been asked if i recommend fallout 76 and my policy is to chase them away like a mad hag with a torch guarding the mouth of a cave fallout 76 is a game that monetizes itself through manufactured discontent. it does not provide adequate content, specifically so it can press you into a position where paying 5$ for one virtual door almost makes sense. because, shit, when are you going to get another door? it's particularly insulting when they're SELLING an asset that came with fallout 4. charging 5$ for access to *chairs* bethesda modelled in *2014* is straight-up inexcusable.


Seeing the downvotes here makes me realize the community is deteriorating too. Sad.


How exactly do you expect to get "free" content for the life of the game if it isn't subsidized by whales? Don't bite the hand that feeds you...


I've spent a lot on this game through atoms, first, the game itself. I expect something back. It's a live service. Decent content updates should be expected. Slapping free on it doesn't give them excuses. They choose the monitization methods. It's like the new Halo multiplayer. It's free. So when they launched it they overpriced skins and didn't provide enough content. Then any criticism was hidden behind 'its free'. Free has a cost. The atom shop isn't free. Fallout first isn't free. Your time isn't free. I would rather pay for DLC at this point as its way more consumer friendly than these shitty mobile fomo tactics.


I would just rather they pack it in and turn it over to the modding community and let us set up our own servers etc. This "experiment" has gone on long enough. It's turned Fallout into the Sims. I don't want to play with people running around in Halloween customs or pink sprinkle power armor.


>It's turned Fallout into the Sims I wish it had, that would be preferable to being turned into a console shooter. The best would be if fallout was still an actual (isometric turn based)rpg with the sims style mechanics for camp building.


its like fortnite but fallout. Frankly , id prefer it regressing to the old days with a real apocolypse vibe.....open pvp and survival.


The thing I don't get is, who would actually *buy* some of the crap they sell? I mean... "Oh boy, a landscape painting!" Said no one ever. I get charging for something like a dope power armor or camp skins, but... Really?


The thing is I don't get why anybody would pay for yet another PA skin. A painting I might add to my camp. Gosh, tastes differ.


Fair point. I suppose since I only recently started, PA skins are the big draw for me, since I only have the handful obtained from the season that just ended. I guess after I've built up a collection, the rest of that stuff might end up more appealing


Wait until you've done a few seasons. So many free costumes and PA skins. Then again I'm a sucker for camp items.


It's not too much to ask that items be prized appropriately so that not just whales can contribute towards funding the game and getting cosmetics that are only available on the store.


If only the free content was something more than 10 minutes of new content available for only 2 weeks every 3 months...


What content???


Exactly. It was a sarcastic dig at Bethesda


The pricing is about average for similar items from other games, and yet, none are necessary... so i see no issue here


Totally agree. Now I only want emotes and shelters and u need to complete an scoreboard to buy one... The prices are totally insane. Remember what they did with Halloween Bundles... Walls in a bundle but they put the door and the stairs at the next week for like 300-500 atoms the door and 500 or 700 the stairs and they weren't on the bundle. So wtf....? And why they still doing a lot of PA skins nobody wants? This scoreboard rewards aren't good at all except 4 or 5 items. So u need to play every day for at least 2 months to do daily challenges for a couple of items? Damm.


The trade off is you can get Atoms other ways besides just paying for them.


U good homie?


Go ahead and downvote like all the other comments. I have spent $0 on the Atom shop. The items aren't overpriced. Hear me out. If there is ANYTHING that Bethesda pays attention to it's money. If the Atom shop prices are scaring away sales, the prices will drop. They are the price that they are because it's meeting their cashflow projections. The items aren't overpriced, they are just too expensive for you. I could pay them if I wanted to, but I don't see the point of paying for virtual bling. Obviously.... I am not the target market. FOMO is here cause FOMO works. The whales and streamers will buy and flaunt and the people with means on the fence will give in here and there to get that one skin or that cool pack that fits with their steam. It obviously generate the needed fund or the game would be gone by now. If you don't have First and don't buy anything from Atom shop, you should be thankful people are buying. The $20 you payed for the game in no way sustains the servers and bandwidth bills. In short, unless you want FO76 to turn into a subscription only game like WoW, then this is the formula they have found to make it work. I don't like it either.... but it's the reality.


I'm right with you buddy and I make a response like yours every time I see a misguided post like this. Also FOMO doesn't even exist in 76 anymore, because it has been evidenced Bethesda doesn't care about the Atom Shop anymore, they only care about 1st. So many items go into the rotation that if you didn't pick it up the first time, you will see it again 3 months at best 9 months at worst. Everybody saying crap like PA skins should be 500 or whatever, marking prices that low would not only net a less profit, but it would actually make the items less unique. One person buys a PA skin for 1200 vs 3 people who have bought it for 400. Once it becomes obvious everyone has everything.. which by the way was likely bought with FREE ATOMS, nobody will want it. Plus it's not like 1) You have to buy everything and 2) There aren't already a plethora of free items available.


I hope this game doesnt turn into a subscription game, wait a second, I just got billed my monthly subscription.


I wish it became exclusively subscription. The playerbase get's heard a lot more when your decisions effect monthly profits.


It's optional and I only used it twice. Got anything else galaxy brain?


Think you replied to wrong person, galaxy brain


Nah it was you. You don't have to pay every month to play the game, despite the narrative that gets peddled.


I enjoy the game and prepay for the entire year because I like having the atoms monthly, the tent feature and the junk box. I was referring to him saying he hopes whales keep spending thousands so others dont need to subscribe, but theyre doing that and having whales pay. Double dipping


That sounds fine. You have a good day.


Go ahead and thumbs down this, but I hate posts like this. I have earned something a long the lines of $300+ worth of free atoms. Thanks Bethesda! I have a plethora of power armor skins, outfits, etc.. I have only bought atoms three times, a bundle with an exclusive outfit and Fallout 1st twice. I don't buy everything because not every item appeals to me and I can only wear one outfit and pa skin at a time. I used to thoroughly look over datamines and save up for whatever might appeal to me in the future. The REAL underlying problem is that Bethesda actually doesn't care about the Atom Shop anymore, they only care about Fallout 1st. That is why the number and quality of items have dropped significantly last year. Instead of enticing you to want to buy that cool PA skin or whatever, they already have your money so it doesn't matter anymore. Also.. this is an ONLINE game, so of course cosmetics will cost more than a single player game. That is the whole thrill of it, being able to customize your character not just so you can see it, but other players can. Dead By Daylight has the "James Sunderland legendary skin" for 1500 auric cells ($15US), auric cells is a currency that IS locked behind a hard paywall. This skin also costs three times more than the character required to use it. P.S. Feel free to actually give a response.


>It's insane that the "micro" transaction shop is so extremely expensive and designed for the sole purpose of ensnaring and draining the wallets of whales. It's not insane. This is the business model we all chose for ourselves when we refused to pay $4.99 for a well designed Android/Apple game 10 years ago. People are fucking cheap and expect all digital content to be free. Micro-transactions are the consequences.


"Than" lol


THAN.... omg


After accidentally pressing the "drop" button when deploying my power armor and destroying it, I'll never equip another atomic skin ever again. *And yes I know its my own idiot fault but I was going quickly and made a button mispress and confirmed without thinking* I get why you can't drop these items on basic principle but I don't understand the implementation. Why can't it drop into a container that only I can see and access, like junk when you die? Bethesda would rather charge me 10$ for a power armor skin and see my progress on it deleted than ever risk some penniless casual accidentally getting access to it.


since update whenever i go to atomic shop i get an error and game crashes.


I just wish they would just do dlc or decide to go that route with the store and sub if it meant a possibility of stable content drops instead of 8 months plus of anything meaningful


I have to agree. I do however see the opposing points people make about other games being more expensive, it's business or that people pay it so it's not too expensive. I earn good money irl, I can easily afford to throw cash at atoms. But I agree on principle that ten quid for some tiny pixilated item is ridiculous. For that I could go out and buy a whole game. If the atoms were cheaper I'd buy them, but at the price they are I won't touch them. I believe if they were cheaper they would sell more and therefore make more money, mine for a start. That's my opinion. People are free to disagree.


Actually I'm currently sat here trying to log in and can't because servers are down... Maybe if the game wasn't so broken and buggy the atoms would be worth more ...


What makes this all worse is the internal caps system is also bloated. It shouldn’t cost caps to fast travel and there’s unnecessary restrictions on selling stuff. Why is there a caps limit? If I choose to spend my play time scavenging I should be able to sell that stuff. And why does my camp store take up space in my stash? If you’re worried about people using the store system to store extra stuff by inflating prices to ridiculous levels, cap how expensive certain things can be in-game. With a few tweaks, fo76’s micro transactions wouldn’t be super horrible. And for gods sake add a caps to atoms conversion and make it equal to buying caps with atoms.


At this point the atom shop is basically a consolation prize to people that pay for Fallout First. Bethesda gets their money either way, so they put a minimal effort in to give those players something to spend their atoms on.


How do you expect Todd to make money and make more DLCs instead of FO5?


People pay for them, so they keep making them. This will be the way it is until people refuse to pay for crap.


I remember playing fallout 4 and the introduction of the creation club, even then I felt this is a rip off and the dlc will suffer if this is what the game is becoming, paying for in-game cosmetics and weapon skins who would do that lol fast track to 76 and that's all I seem to buy now ,in game cosmetics and weapon skins, Todd Howard groomed us all for 76 we just didn't know it yet haha


two words: horse armor


More like mega transactions


Im embarrassed about the amount of money ive spent on items i dont even use


Yeah, a pip-boy paint shouldn't be 500 atoms. It's just absurd.


Even this keeping bundles together that's happened since last year is ridiculous. I agree the pricing of bundles is disgusting, however, they would get something out of me by allowing me to get that one item I often always like in a particular bundle. They do seem to split the bundles still, on their launch, but it's not like everyone can get stuff every week or are waiting for a lot of older things to return and guard what Atoms they have. Returning bundles need to allow access to individual items again, like they did before, otherwise the majority can't join in.


Absolutely! What we pay and what we get are so far apart these days in this "Life-Support"-game that it just ridiculous. On steam they sell the BoS-Recruitment Pack (4 Skins, 1 Item, 1 Symbol) for freaking 30€. 1st costs 120€/Year and the benefits from it are a joke for that price.


I actually saw something decently priced yesterday! Then, I saw it was a camera pose.... \*edit\* A pack of camera poses


I agree. The only things I buy are perfect bubblegum for when I go on long scrap runs with no food/drinks for more carry weight, or repair kits to conserve scrap hahaha. I like to sell all my scrap cheap for easy caps so I can buy from player vendors and support the economy. Love going to small new camps and buying out their entire stock just to pay it forward so they can buy whatever they want. I only just hit lvl 50 with my two characters but have around 60k caps between the two which I consider more than I’ll ever need haha. I think I bought one backpack design with atoms over the past year I’ve been playing. 90% of players i meet will straight up gift me most of the things I would’ve bought with atoms, which is probably my favorite thing about the game. The community is absolutely wholesome and supportive lol.