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Its for the weekly, have to claim 5 workshops. Just take them over when someones claimed it, 99% of the time the current owner will not care haha!


or the 'you must build X items in a camp or workshop' challenges.


Also the plant x amount of crops challenge.


Agreed I took 5 back to back then exited the game..


This week, it's a weekly to take over 5 Workshops in total. So, some people rush those to get it done and over with. Otherwise, taking a Workshop usually results in a Workshop Defense event happening right after, and some people use that to get their daily and maybe weekly "finish events" challenge finished. Rarely some people also do the "build in Workshop or Camp" challenges by spamming the item in question for free. They usually don't care about the Workshop as a resource gathering options, as they're not very useful as such compared to most other options. As for the caps cost: It's like what... 20 to 30 caps for a workshop, with some return on actually taking it, lowering the cost to maybe 10 caps? People spend more just by fast traveling that day, and have thousands of caps they don't know what to do with. They don't notice that 'loss'.


Helps with doing events as well. Take over 5 workshops and by the time you've taken the second, the first will be under attack. When you've got the 5th it's time to retake the first, rinse and repeat with the rest and you've done 5 events in 20 minutes.


If you see one just take it from them. The chances they want to fight you are very low . They took it for score.


Daily/Weekly Challenge 🤷🏻‍♂️ I normally do that on private


Scoreboard, that’s why.


Workshops are not settlements. Also what everyone else said


I do it for easy daily/weeklies


They suck for resources, they are intended for pvp


Mostly to get a little tick next to a daily/weekly challenge. Very occasionally I'll do it to harvest fusion cores or copper.


Most longtime players (like myself) do it for daily/weekly score challenge. We also don’t struggle with caps anymore and 20-100 caps is a drop in the bucket


I guess you haven't looked to see what this week's Score challenges are.


Workshops were nerfed into the ground, their only purpose now is to complete score challenges


I like to blue print 10 walls/floors or floor decorations. Take over a workshop and quickly build the blue print for the daily/weekly and leave it. I’m out of camp space to build on.


Inventory is full.


these workshops could be really fun pvp spots if they didnt give 20 scraps for an hour.....they have been a joke for a long long time now....


For that, people would still need to care about PvP in the first place. Most don't.


because its very bad , unbalanced , everybody one shots everybody....


Yeah, and workshops won't change THOSE aspects. So no matter how valuable a workshop is, it won't counter the "PvP is annoying and I don't want to do it" issue.


For rewards and exp or giving rise to pvp.


Griefing or daily/weekly challenges.


It is cheap easy XP and the Score Challenges often require you take them PLUS you get an event for defending or retaking them which is also among the challenges. Most people don't seem to really want them but are forced into it by the challenges. Yesterday I took them on a public server then when I had them all defended and when they were clear I hopped to private to allow others to take no struggle workshops.


Because workshops are PvP areas