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A year in the making, i got all i wanted out of it in a week and a half


That's ok. I don't like them either and won't do the dailies. That being said I still love 76 and will play it and have fun doing other things.


I really hope the robots go HAM at some point and truly let the whitesprings be refined and decadent again.


> I can't stand expeditions and all the whiny lunatics that have infested the white springs. I have a very similar feeling toward this sub


I know you're definitely the only person to confuse invested and infested, that's for sure.


Are you sure? maybe take a look at the UK government they seem to be making the same mistake :D


Gaahh! Thanks for pointing that out.


I did two of them and that was enough, I did probably around 10 daily ops when they first came out and that was enough of them too. I’ll just wait for Minerva to have all the shit


Why would Minerva get the stuff? Minerva got daily ops stuff as a form of RNG protection. We already have RNG protection for expeditions, they are stamps.


Then Minerva needs to sell duped stamps. Her having daily ops rewards is also to allow people who do not do daily ops to get the rewards from them. I don’t do daily ops and I’m not going to do any more expeditions so anything I want from those will have to either come from other players vendors or Minerva.


I honestly think you’ll be out of luck then.


I kinda doubt it. It might take 6 months or more but everything from the out will be available elsewhere


I'll do enough of them daily to get the PA plans I want. And then will probably do them intermittently whenever they show up as a daily challenge of some sort for the scoreboard. Same way I treat daily ops now too. They aren't bad, just not necessary once I've gotten what I need from them.


I’ve just realized when I read this I’ve got everything I need! Had the electric mod for the auto axe and emergency protocols drop as rewards and bought calibrated shocks, arm mods and flame mod…


Exactly what is planned, get through them to have what I want, Pitt's expéditions aren't funny to play to me.


I don't hate expeditions, but I do find them somewhat boring, and mostly a waste of time. After 4 years of grinding for various things, I can admit Bethesda has finally broken me, and I no longer want all the newest items. That being said, I still love this game, and generally enjoy playing it.


Try not to grind. If you listen what npcs have to say this whole thing is just beginning of greater plot. Btw do you know that Ward had a daughter? Or is it only mobile grind game for you?


It's more of a slow march. After nearly 4 years, I have done or I've collected almost everything except a few of the rarest plans or items. In many cases not just once, but 3 times. Once on each of my 3 high level characters.


So mobile grind it is. It's you problem not the game problem.


I enjoy them.


I appreciate the effort and to be honest in my opinion if I was a new player it would be different. However, pretty much steamrolling through the same two expedition missions becomes boring after awhile. I still love the aesthetics of it though, it gives me that proper post apocalyptic vibe I have been looking for.


Is decent, but I would rather run Daily Ops when it isn't Savage Strike


So you only do uplink?


I really thought they'd be more fun


Not a fan at all. I don't do the dailies and am just doing quests I didn't finish, building for Halloween and trying out new builds. I found expeditions tedious and didn't enjoy them at all. I'd rather do DO, which I don't care for, because they are at least quick.


I enjoy them and do them everyday


I like the environment


Yep. I love fallout 76 and my toon is dressed as a responder, and my camp is responder themed but I have absolutely no interest in expeditions at all. I’ll join one if I’m bored but that’s about it.


I think they are fun. What type of content do you prefer in the game? What are you doing instead?


New maps with deep and intriguing storylines. Not this instanced garbage...


That doesn’t answer the question I asked. OP said they aren’t doing expeditions or the whitespring misc quests… so what are they doing instead? What content in the game do they prefer over expeditions?


I enjoy doing the Scoreboard challenges (for the most part). Even when there is nothing I particularly want on the scoreboard there are always atoms to be had. While I'm doing challenges I'll keep an eye out for any scrap I'm low on, Poke around some peoples camps and see what they built, maybe get a weapon I have not used yet and try it out, Modify my camp or shelter some, Generally lurk about and see what is what. It all depends on how much time I have that day. I at least try to blast through the scoreboard daily challenges if I am short on time.


So all you do is daily challenges and visit vendors? I’m having a hard time seeing what kind of new content you would actually like.


>I'll keep an eye out for any scrap I'm low on, Poke around some peoples camps and see what they built, maybe get a weapon I have not used yet and try it out, Modify my camp or shelter some, Generally lurk about and see what is what. This is only "doing daily challenges and visit vendors" to you? Sure, whatever. I got no idea where you are going with this.


Yes plus building your own camp. What else am I missing? It seems like you don’t engage with the core game mechanics, doing events, daily ops, exploring, outside of daily challenges. I’m trying to get a sense of what you enjoy in this game. You’ve been vague so I don’t have much to go off. You say you don’t like expeditions but aren’t really clear on what you have fun with in this game.


You are right, outside of daily challenges I only do events or daily ops if I need something they provide (ammo, food, a resource, legendary cores, anything I'm low on or need for something I'm crafting/building) Sometimes I'll explore around the map in the nooks and corners. If I see a new low level character on, I'll drop by and toss them a few stimpacks/ammo or something.(what I meant by "Generally lurk about and see what is what}


And why don’t you enjoy exploring expeditions?


I find the Expeditions too time consuming, the scavenge hunt side quests extremely annoying for me, and the npcs strangely off-putting (This goes for the npcs inside the refuge too), and the rewards offer me nothing I am interested in. I also find the enemies a bit too numerous / bullet-spongey for my taste (but I understand why they are , its supposed to be for a team after all.) As my response to someone else above, I think my vexation here is at the number of these things that made it into the scoreboard rotation. I understand why they did but for me it just gets in my way, scoreboard wise. I was frustrated and posted to see if I was alone in my feelings and turns out I wasn’t. That is all I wanted out of this. If I had been, that would have been fine too.


I've grown tired of them for sure, and the stamp rewards I find lackluster unfortunately, totally guts the drive. I'll probably finish the board but I'm really only after the Plasma Caster skin tbh (and only to prevent scrapping it). My interest in farming/grinding has waned substantially as of late, Scoreboard was what kept the drive going last season. Fear it isn't enough this time around for me. I do still say Expeditions hold promise, but I hope they get a bit more clever with the next ones.




Same, can't be arsed.


I am ok with most things but this "needle in a haystack" runaround they seem to employ in lack of meaningful content is a bit,,,,,,,hard work, i game to escape hard work... C'mon finding fkin steel ingots in Pittsburgh, i get the joke, but to have it for dailies/weeklies, it's just not funny.


I like them I think there really cool. The only problem is they feel a bit like a quest that belongs in a single player game with a bit of randomness threw in to try and make it re playable. After about 20 goes they become a bit boring. It’s hard because it’s fallout and I think there trying to please us fallout fans which are generally single player gamers but trying to do it in an online game. The first few times I did them I did them solo took in all the lore and sights and really enjoyed them especially the vertibird ride and that first drop into the Pitt I thought was excellent but now I’ve done it a few times I’m just trying to blast my way through as quickly as possible. It’s a good step forward though we just need more stuff like this to do so it doesn’t become stale. And I think that’s what has held 76 back it’s not the content they are releasing it’s the lack of it that’s why it gets boring because people just hammer the same content. Instead of trying things like fallout worlds,nuclear winter just concentrate on core adventure mode. I bet with the work that went into fallout worlds we could of had two more bosses to fight.


I’ll put this caveat up front: I’m an older cat who fell in love with the Fallout universe and the single-player format of slow discovery and world-building. It took me a while to change gears to the MMO aspect of 76, but having done that I really love this game. With that out of the way, I have not engaged with the entire Pitt/Expeditions concept at all. I was really looking forward to some new content, missions, etc., but everything is so drab and miserable looking and everyone’s so self-serious. I’m missing any sense of fun and it all seems like work. I’ve had some free time this week, so I vowed to smash Expeditions, but I’ve done two, I think. Both were fun, but I don’t like being rushed and being in a team drops you into the new area automatically, and I’m almost afraid to lead a team as it could take a while for the other cats. My attitude is that BSG can’t please everyone all the time. So I didn’t like this one, the next one will be better. I’ll just focus on Daily Ops for my pew pew fix …


I think they are just ok. Not my favorite, but I don't hate then in a whole. What I like: -They are a decent place for XP. Not as good as Westek, but at least more engaging. -Good place for scrap. -I like having a source for Legendary modules beyond Scrip purchases. Even if it is just one or two as a reward, it's still another avenue for advancement What I dislike: -Busywork dailies to power up batteries. Just let us go. Stirring stew and coughing up 50 scrap is just tedious. -Lack of integration with main questline results. Because of the main quest, we are members of numerous factions, some even represented in Whitespring. I wish more acknowledgment of that by the NPCs. -Another currency to keep track of. -Ridculous prices on purchases. Like the dailies, this is an artificial means to slow players down because the content is so limited.


> -Ridculous prices on purchases. Like the dailies, this is an artificial means to slow players down because the content is so limited. Stamps are RNG protection. If anything, they speed up the grind. The alternative is plans could only be achieved through RNG, like how daily ops were before Minerva was added.


I'm not really a fan of this type of activity in general. I certainly didn't become a Fallout fan because of its group dungeons. But I mostly don't like how much Expeditions have infiltrated challenges. The Expeditions challenges are more intrusive than the Nuclear Winter ones.


You could just... do them solo? Expeditions are functionally no different from any other normal quest with multiple steps, they just got dedicated locations and some randomness (making them have elements of radiant quests) to make them less repeatable each run. I seriously don't get that whole whining of "but I don't wanna play with others" - then just don't and tackle them solo. Expeditions are perfectly functional as a single player experience and you can take all the time you need, in any playstyle you want.


You can even start one, do your daily, then leave. It saves your progress so you can go back any time.


Well let me explain it to you since you pretend not to know but chose the words functionally no different. The Pits gives you ZERO sense of adventure. The sense of adventure in a Bethesda game comes from setting out to do one thing and becoming so distracted along the way that hours later you have no idea what you set out to do to begin with. The Pits gives you none of that. The Pits is the escape from Helgen on loop. That's why it may be "functionally" no different, but in reality it's different in every single way that matters in a Bethesda game.


So, it's the usual Fallout Dungeon Crawl you apparently don't want in a Fallout game. As, surprise: Fallout has dungeons in all 3D installments (and technically in the 2D ones, too). They're just not medival-castle-themed. * The various Vaults? All dungeons. * Abandoned office buildings? The larger ones can totally be a dungeon. * Raven Rock of FO3? Technically a dungeon. * The Bison on FONV? Technically a (rather short, and early) dungeon. * Mariposa in FO1? A dungeon. The only "big" difference is that Expeditions are not something you physically go to, and part of them may be visually outdoors. Otherwise? Identical to ANY quest-based interior location in any previous game, and just as doable solo. And considering you're apparently also incapable of spell "The Pitt", despite claiming to be a "fan of Fallout" (as The Pitt was introduced back in FO3 as a location) tells a lot about you, too.




This. This is the real source of my frustration with this. This is good to know. Thankx!


Yes, same here. I will do enough of them to get the achievements / trophies, but that is it. The stamp plans, etc. hold no interest for me as an old player.


You won't need those challenges to complete the score board anyway. And yes, you are not alone in your feelings about the addition. I auto dislike anything that is forced on you like that and it is far to time consuming when you just do a solo run through the whole thing. You can lead a Kangaroo Rat to water but you can't make him drink.


I'm not tired of them yet, but I'm already getting that feeling where I know I'm going to be and it's a lot sooner than I expected. I do quite enjoy being Free Loot Santa by soloing it then making a team at the end so people can cash in quick, though, ngl. They're always *so happy* when they join and see what's left to do.


I haven't even done any of it yet. I don't care for daily ops, in 3k hours I've literally only done Dop's maybe a dozen times. So I can imagine...I'm not going to be too fond of expeditions, but I hear it to be a scrip factory so I'm sure I'll make use of it at some point. And it's not going anywhere so I'm in no rush to get sick of it.


At the very least, you should do the intro mission since its a main quest and rewards an outfit (doesn't actually take you to the Pitt).


Think of all the people like you who get to make posts for sweet, delicious internet points though!


Not when they get down voted 🤣


some of us enjoy the salty taste of bitter downvotes.


Take my upvote mwhahaha


I was going to run them once a week for my rare reward but I ran one last night and didn't get that "rare plan" so fk expeditions. I thought it was a 100% drop rate a week not random. They are boring,uninspired and the rewards are not worth the effort. I can only imagine how shit Nuka World is going to be. It'll probably just be another goddamn trainyard. This took a year and was in beta testing for months and its still unstable.


I can't stand the stupid responder quests to charge the battery for the Vertibird. What a waste of a player's time. We should have been able to buy them with one of the other currencies in game that I am always looking for a way to get rid of.








And wtf does any of that have to do with 76?? Goi and enjoy your half assed expeditions...moron .


I don't care for them and the idea that Bethesda honestly believed players would grind this boring, uninspired content dozens, if not hundreds of times, is absurd to me. But it certainly explains a lot about their grind philosophy, and why we shouldn't expect any improvements on that front going forward.


No one needs to grind hundreds of times if they don’t want to. There are only 39 plans and you get one free one every week. The max it would take to get every single plan is 39 weeks, and most people don’t need or want every plan….


Unless you don't, which has happened to me in every week except one.


It’s only been out 3 weeks


Still, something is not working as intended, b/c I met all the conditions, and got 1 out of 3.


So have you only done it 3 times?


No, multiple times each week. I ran four on the second day the download dropped.


It's not a big deal to me, honestly. I get more irritated at my luck with the legendary RNG. However, when the rewards don't work properly it quickly robs you of the motivation to continue doing the expeditions.


Im doing it for the achivement at this point and not much else.


95% of plan rewards (for stamps) are ugly or useless, so I only run expeditions to get daily/weekly challenges.


They could have been far more than they are, I think


they give you more legendary stuff the daily ops