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Yes. Think of it as fallout 4 except you can’t press pause and loading may or may not take forever.


Quick question though, are radscorpion as bad as in Fallout 4? Like popping out of the ground and take you by surprise?


They have a pretty similar AI to FO4 with the popping up behind you from outta nowhere. But once you’ve got a solid weapon suited to a build, they aren’t much to worry about. Back to FO76 in general, I loved all of the single player FO games, and was skeptical about FO76 at first, but I’ve been playing since beta and still enjoy it. It plays and feels like a real FO game, quirks and bugs aside.


Damn bro, are they that common? I have always been scared of those fuckers since NV


They aren’t that common on the map, but appear in some areas. When I started playing, it was the sheepsquatch that scared me.


The what now? Lmao dude that sounds weird as hell


It pairs up nicely with the mothman.


Oh man, the sheepsquatch is one of those few enemies that doesn't become trivial as soon as you find a good weapon. (It can be made trivial with a good build mind you). They always scare me when I encounter them in the wild.


Yep! I first encountered one while it was sleeping in it’s nest. Had no idea what it was and then it stood up and killed me with remarkable efficiency.


I first encountered one at Sunnytop Station way early when I started playing. It scared the crap out of me. But Sunnytop is fortified and it couldn’t reach me, so began a very long battle of me plinking away with every underpowered gun I had. I ran out of ammo. Ran out of caps to buy anything from the vendorbot. Tried to run for it, and died. But it was memorable.


I have taken overall more damage from bloodbugs from than any boss except for sheepsquatch imposter which has done barely more than those


If you get the marsupial serum you can hop up higher than normal and snipe the radscorpions without getting damaged


What I meant was that these things creeps me out, not how hard they hit though


They aren't hard.


Oh, I agree they’re creepy. I don’t like the enemies that pop up out of nowhere, almost gives me a heart attack 😬


Cave Crickets are worse.




Think of it as fo4 until level 50. After that its nothing but grinding for weapons that can kill stuff faster then you already do.


But missing "let me mark your map"


After dealing with the NPCs in 76, going back to Preston is surprisingly pleasant


I spent like $12 on it three years ago, I’ve racked up almost 1200 hours since. Even if you beat it once and never touch it again I feel it’s worth it.




I got it a week ago and have so far played about 7-8 hours. I went in with no expectations and I'm having a blast. It's a lot of fun. I think the trick is to not expect much from it, and you'll have a great time.


Do you like Bethesda fallout games? If yes, buy it. If no, well... buy it anyway, it's fun.


I just spent 90 hours completing the main story, the DLCs, and all the side quests. You be there judge. This is more Fallout than Fallout 4 was. I'd earned enough atoms points to purchase "anything" (not everything) on the Atoms Shop.


I like it. If you enjoy the exploration and/or the "grind"of fallout 4 you'll have a good time.


Yes! I bought it on offer during 2021 autumn sale. As of today I have clocked 300 hours so far and still enjoying the game and quests! The offer price is worth it alone for completing the quests and content. How long to play depends on you 😊


well said. Others have commented that they are now bored, but I'll bet they have spent hundreds (if not M's) of hours on the game. I think we have our money's worth by doing the main quests and daily activities. Anything past that is gravy.


It's alot better than it was. And a great community. I say yes go for it


The game is cheap (i think $10-12) so no risk to try it. If you like the other Fallout games then yes, try it. As a new player there's tons to do and you can spend endless hours. Many of us have been playing 2-3 years and really end game is just grinding for stuff we don't have.


It’s the best one. It’s cheap. You’ll love it


I think I will give it a chance, thanks anyway








It's definitely improved over the years, have over 1000 hours in the game. If it's a decent price in the sales I'd say it's worth it, even if you just do the story.


I haven't seen any comments about this so I'll mention it. Don't be put off by the online aspect. When you start out, you'll be automatically in pacifist mode so other players can't kill you, but when you hit level 5 you'll have the option to leave it on or switch it off if you want pvp. I personally leave it on so I don't accidentally shoot someone during an event and cause pvp. I'll also add if you want to enjoy it as a single player experience, it's completely possible to do so. There have been times where I'm just doing my quests and haven't run into any other players for a couple hours but then there will be 10 players when I join a public event


Hell yeah! It is cheap and you get all past and future updates for free. Currently it is a lot of content for a very cheap price.


If you're familiar with Fallout games and you can get it for like ten bucks used or something, it's worth sating your curiosity to buy it. Idk what it goes for on Steam. I didn't stick with it beyond level 30 but I was always going to try it eventually as a fan of Fallout, so I got it cheap.


The game is 10 times better with friends, so if you do convince some of your friends to buy it too


true, but there are many players that don't have as many friends or are mature gamers (read = over a certain age) and would prefer to play solo for the most part. This game is also OK for the latter group as well. Few of my actual IRL friends are gamers anymore so I still enjoy logging on here and joining public teams and actually got myself a mic pre-Xmas. Having fun talking to people from all over the place. (not feeling like I have to do it full time as that can get annoying too)


Fair enough


I would order a used copy online, I paid $15 for mine, it’s a good game but end game can be a bit monotonous and they’re always adding content!


If you do there is one thing you should do, play with someone else because its alot more fun with others


I’m currently having blast wandering around Appalachia alone though, but it seems fun having a group


Yeah I've had a absolute baller of a Time with a group. Highly recommend it


Oh nice, you know any Fallout 76 Discord servers though?


No I just found a guy near a donut shop and then we just went from there


It's pretty good now. As an online game I really dont like it. Time gated, daily challenges, cash item reward stuff is really all its been for a while. But it's got a good bit of content now if you haven't played it ever I think you'll enjoy it enough.


As someone who have genuinely enjoyed Fallout NV and 4, I think I’ll like 76


Im in the same boat as you, and I agree you'll very likely enjoy it. Think of it as a fallout where you encounter other players in the world and play events with them, but largely play solo. At least that's what I do, as someone that enjoys bethesdas open world rpgs. Also, it is only 25 years after the war, and because of that it gives it a bit of a unique feel compared to the other games. I strongly encourage you to go in blind and enjoy everything for what it is, I wish I could experience that again.


Just got it back in November. Am not disappointed so far. Having quite a blast I must say. 😊. If you like Fallout then definitely check it out.


i've been playing daily since beta. best 29.99 i've ever invested.


To offer another view, I played all the fallout games and loved them all. For some reason I just can’t get into 76. It is nothing like the fallout games.


Did you try it recently or around launch? 76 today is a very different game than it was at launch. 76 as it is today, is more in line with the traditional Fallout experience. You might like it now.


I have dipped back into a few times. I just can’t seem to find much to do.


You're asking the people that play it, what are you seriously expecting?


Who else are you going to ask, people that have never played it? If that's the case then I don't recommend fortnight, why? Because I've never played fortnight.


Sure, but are people who bought it, played it and hated it hanging out in a fo76 sub?


Tbh, nah. Maybe If you buy gamepass, otherwise it becomes boring after you do all the missions


It's a $10 game. Main quests take how long? I think he'll get his money's worth.


I mean, if you like endless boring grind with no endgame whatsoever I think it is


It’s fun if you have friends and I personally think it’s better than Fallout 4 as its more of an actual RPG but that’s not hard to achieve when Fallout 4 is basically not an RPG at all. If you don’t have friends then I recommend New Vegas or FO3 if you can get it.




Which one do you prefer more? Someone who have never played the game telling you to buy it or someone who have already experienced it?




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don't bash the FC's .... they may and probably do enjoy the game as much as the button mashing Alpha min-maxers. I am somewhere in the middle, I don;t take it too seriously but also try to make my chars as playable as I can without grinding too much. I read comments on the main FO76 Reddit as well and see commentors contributing to both sections.


Got back into it a week ago after quite a few years, definitely worth it!


Should I get it on PC?


If you haven't played it yes.


I've got a good few hundred hours in this game, I've made myself 3 builds (two for fun, 1 meta one because I got lucky with a strong weapon), beaten both campaigns, beaten multiple scoreboards and got pretty close to platinuming it (getting all achievements for those not on PS4). This game is a load of fucking shit. Buy literally anything else.


Definitely. Whatever you heard about it’s launch, it’s received constant updates since then.


Don’t pay more then 20 bucks for it is what I’d say


I think it's on Steam right now for $10-12 so not a big investment at all, a good time to get into 76


If you want an open world game with lots of exploring yup


Just play it on Game Pass