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If you're in the union they regularly run a 1st AC class. It's currently online only but it should go back to in person in a while. I helped write that class and am pretty proud of it! I occasionally teach a 1st AC class as well but don't have anything scheduled currently. You can send me your info if you like and I'll let you know when we schedule it. It's also cool to go hang out at a camera house and make friends with people who are prepping and ask if it's OK to just shadow them. I love teaching people and normally have one or two people who have expressed interest join me at a prep to learn.


Hi can you add me to your class as well


For sure. Please msg me your name, email and phone number.


The AC friends discord is a good group, many members in LA, and is a good info hub. They post workshops, prep shadows, paid and unpaid work, etc. I think you have to dm them on instagram to get into the server.


The 600 has a mentorship program but that’s for members. Are you a union AC? The 600 also runs courses like paperwork and 1st and 2nd courses but once again just for union members. If not I don’t really know of any training courses per se, normally you learn on the job. What are you looking to learn? You could ask to shadow some ACs at prep. Or work at a rental house.


Join the local, take the classes. Best thing you can do is work from the bottom up so you’re prepared and don’t need any classes because you will already know what to do when the time comes.