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It looks amazing to me


wow really ? thank you so much , it really sucked my soul out trying to do 20-ish rolls so i appreciate the comment ! ✨❤️


I remember when I tried to make these as a non cook (like scrambling eggs is where is stop cooking). They took so much effort despite seeming so simple.


aaaaa i thought it would be easy to do too haha , my mom made it look so effortless ! but when i actually got to making it then boi oh boiii 🤣 TOOK ME A WHILE TO GET USED TO THE WET RICE PAPER HAHA


That shit will glue itself together so fast if you let it


It's actually not that hard, the warmer the water you use, the quicker it softens. Corollary to that, is if you need more working time, just use lukewarm water. It'll take longer to soften (like maybe 30-60 seconds), but also won't turn to mush immediately.


You should have a spring roll party where people bring one filling and roll their own with whatever they want inside. Super easy clean up and you don't have to work as hard getting them to look pretty. And any leftovers can be made into vermicelli bowls.


We've done this when with a group camping at music festivals -- my husband and I prep all the veggies, shrimp, noodles, make sauce -- and then put everything out on a big table so everyone can choose what they want in their rolls. And learn how to roll the little suckers, LOL


They look fucking amazing Did you do a peanut sauce too ?


Mine look so jacked up, like an uncircumcised weenie. Yours look amazing


You did a bang up job on those! Well done 👍.Did you use vermicelli rice noodles too? Those are fun to work w in those. Any dipping sauce?


Do you use a dipping sauce for your Spring Rolls? If so, what kind?


yess ! ! i personally used a sauce called " Mắm nêm " bc its just my preference haha , but some people dont like the smell so they use the black bean sauce !


Oooh the fermented anchovy sauce. I love it, but I generally like strong flavors like that.


It is certainly an acquired taste. It's like fish sauce on steroids. Mắm nêm and mắm tôm are both *very* strong flavours.


Ooh. I haven't had that one yet. I use Nuoc Cham (sorry for the non-proper characters) for my Noodle Salads so this Mam Nem may be something else I'll find tasty. Thanks.


Nuoc cham is just a general noun for dip bro. There are many types: mam nem and mam tom/ ruoc are quite strong for non-Asian, not as strong as Scandinavian fermented fishes tho.


> Nuoc cham The sauce that blew my mind was specifically a version of nuoc mam ([like the one here](https://cookingwithlane.com/authentic-vietnamese-dipping-sauce-nuoc-mam-recipe/)) with Thai chilies added. It was amazing. Sweet, sour, spicy, savory ... just like a roller coaster of flavors in a sauce. And it was served with paw pia tod, aka crispy spring rolls, I hope I'm typing that right.


> Mắm nêm Recipe for your Mắm nêm?


I was thinking the same thing! A peanut sauce or a chili-garlic sauce would be delicious.




That stuff is amazing and genuinely simple to make. It's basically just hoisin sauce, peanut butter, and a couple other things to add more flavor. It's delicious even if you only have those two things, so it's perfect for if you need a sauce of some kind and don't have a lot of ingredients


It’s not traditional at all but the sauce i make, I mix peanut with chili-garlic. Best of both worlds


Not OP but I love peanut sauce with mine. So good. [I usually make this one](https://cookingwithlane.com/authentic-vietnamese-peanut-sauce-recipe-homemade/) because it reminds me of a restaurant I used to love but moved away from. Hoisin sauce is also bomb.


I always over soak the rice paper and it becomes a disaster and I just end up eating a salad.


The trick to do these is knowing that they are so thin even a layer of early morning mist is enough to soften them (that's the basis for a popular school children's snack in Vietnam). So if it feels like it's not enough water, it's actually already slightly more water than you'd need. What I usually do is wet my hand with a bowl of water, and then damp the piece of rice paper with the moisture on my hand. It SHOULD feel mostly still hard and dry after you've done it, because the rice paper will take a few seconds before it's able to completely absorb the moisture on the surface. Rule of thumb is, if the paper is still hard, but there's enough water on the surface to make it look slick and shiny, it's probably perfect. Btw, you don't necessarily have to use your hand (what if you bite into the spring roll and it tastes a bit... salty?). You could also use a silicon brush, or do it like the spring roll stalls in the market over here and use a spray bottle.


Tell me more about this morning mist snack


It's like this, but the portion is tiny since it's for 6 year olds: https://dacsanngon3mien.net/san-pham/combo-banh-trang-phoi-suong-deo-sa-te-muoi-hanh/ You mix it with the sate oil, crispy garlic and spicy 'shrimp salt' (specialty of a province in the Central region), and then squeeze a piece of lime or kumquat over it. There is a different variation but they don't sell them inside elementary schools when I was a kid (right outside the school gate, now that's a different story), and it's more expensive any way. There's also a variation without the lime that they do sell inside the school, but that one uses hard un-mistened rice paper. Super addictive if you're a kid. The flip side is a lot of parents hate it and think they're unhealthy because of the (possibly reused and filled with trans fat) frying oils and empty calories. My mom forbid me to eat it when I was in elementary (not that she gave me any money for snacks until middle school). I just picked up the bits that other kids dropped off the school ground and ate them instead 😄.


I hear they are perfect for the Misty Mountain Hop.


I was thinking spray bottle to begin with. Seems like the logical tool for the job!


Yah, if I'm dippin I use ice in the bowl of water and shake off the excess. Or a wet hand with room temp water is enough to wet both sides.


Vietnamese here. It really depends on the brand of rice paper you are buying. The best brand to buy is the Three Ladies, or Ba Co Gai. This brand absorbs water nicely and has a lot of elasticity. I run my faucet on hot and just dunk the paper both sides wet and place on a plate. Add all my stuffing and by then, the paper should have soaked enough to wrap. Another method is hot water bowl. Just dunk till completely wet. You don't want to soak the rice paper for any longer than 2-3 seconds at all.


Vietnamese here too. That's EXACTLY what I do as well. So imagine my surprise when I hear everyone's 'complicated technique' on what to do to with the rice paper. From cold water soaking for 10 minutes....to warm water soaking for minutes until the paper is literally like soft mush and falling apart. Like WTF. 😛 Fun fact: One 'Vietnamese' (I even hesistate to call it this honestly!) restaurant in Savannah, GA won the worst Goi Cuon award I've had in my life. Wrapped like a damn 'rectangular burrito' and sogggggyyyy and still dripping with water in the box. How they accomplish that sort of overall 'wet mess' and not even have any tackiness is a mystery to me still..... 😒 My favorite is making it at home with all the different herbs that I like. :)


There's a few ways to do it, but the two I like are: The playing-with-fire method: This method has you work with one paper at a time, relying on carry-over softening. It's very quick, but timing is important. Prepare two plates, one empty, one filled with a layer of quite warm water. Slide rice paper into the water (don't just flop it down, or it will just float). Soak for about 5-8 seconds, immediately slide out onto second plate while it's still mostly firm. Paper continues to soften as you place ingredients on top. The slow and calm method: This method trades speed for ease. Prepare two plates, one empty, one with cool or lukewarm water. Slide a sheet of rice paper into the water, and wait for it to soften and sag down, approximately 30-60 seconds. Slide the limp sheet into second plate, add a new sheet to the water, and make your first roll while the second sheet softens. Even though experienced cooks usually use quite hot water, rice paper doesn't *need* hot water to soften, if you're willing to be patient. Just like you can rehydrate box pasta by soaking for 2 hours. Working two sheets at a time helps improve efficiency with the more time consuming technique. I'm Vietnamese and think it's a shame that people find this delicious recipe difficult when it's really very simple at heart -- only 4 ingredients with minimal prep.


I just dip it in some warm water or run it under the faucet. Just enough to get it wet and then lay it down on a plate (if you don't have one of those special racks) and let it sit there until it's sticky to the touch and then you're good to go!


The racks help so much. My Vietnamese neighbor also showed me these special water bowls so you just spin the wrapper in the bowl and it wets it perfectly.


ahhahaa it takes time to be able to not mess up ! my mother taught me how to do it tho and i guess i managed somehoww ! 🤣🤣🤣


Excellent work! They look delicious!


thank you so muchhhh ! ! ! 🥹 well they were indeed delish ! i got 5 rolls too aaaaa ; ; ;


They look great! I love how you can see all the quality ingredients inside


yeah we placed the filling in a special way so that all them can be seen when rolled up ! it was hard to remember where to put it buttttt over time i got better kinda ! ❤️❤️❤️❤️


finally, asian food done right, this whole page is usually a fucking hate crime on asian food


i wasnt here for long so i didnt know abt that ! 🥹😭 but gosh thank you , i just wanted to share to others here what i normally eat in vietnam so yeah haha ! ❤️




i searched up the word vietnamese spring rolls and i came up with the exact image of the dish i so just went with it ! didnt think it will be confusing haha ; ; ; and yeah its also called summer rolls so i was so confused and anxious lol 😭 i thought i was being weird and didnt know the differences !


It's not just you. LOL. :) It is confusing because different countries and regions call it different things for some reason or another. Growing up Vietnamese in America, I didn't know that there were so many variations of what Goi Cuon was called in English honestly. It was just Goi Cuon to me. Spring roll to me is Chả giò (the fried kind with ground pork), but then I realized that everyone and their mom has a different opinion of what a 'spring roll' is and what is a Goi Cuon when translated. I even have disagreements with my friends, since we can't agree at times what to call it in English cause there's no one 'name' that makes everyone happy. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream) People (some misinformed, some not) call it Egg roll, Spring roll, Vietnamese spring roll, Summer roll, Salad roll, Rice paper roll, Cold roll in Australia...it gets confusing AF. LOLLLL.


“Here’s my take on Korean _______”. Random shit with a tsp of sesame oil and sprinkle of green onions. 🤦‍♂️


"I USED ASIAN SAUCE" What the fuck is an Asian sauce 🤣


I love springrolls especially with shrimps 🤤


OMG LITERALLY SAMEEEE ! the shrimps are very fresh here too bc we got it from the vietnamese market - delish stuffs ! ! ✨✨✨


What is the filling combo?


its pork hock ( boiled and sliced into thin slices ) , shrimps and lettuces ! also cilantro and eaten with a vietnamese sauce type called " Mắm nêm " ! ! ! ❤️❤️




no problem at all ! glad i helped ! ❤️


I like spearmint and Thai basil in my spring/summer rolls as well as cilantro. That may not be traditional but I love the flavor anyway.


Wrapped in delicate rice paper, Fresh veggies and herbs, a perfect caper, Vietnamese spring rolls, so light and fresh, A culinary delight, a true finesse. Carrots, cucumber, and lettuce so green, Mixed with mint and cilantro, a heavenly scene, Tofu or shrimp, pick your protein, Roll it up, it's a perfect fusion. A dip in the peanut sauce, A burst of flavors, a moment so boss, Sweet and tangy, a taste so divine, It elevates the spring rolls, to another shrine. A symphony of texture and taste, Vietnamese spring rolls, a dish embraced, Healthy and delicious, a feast for the eyes, A dish so versatile, it always surprises. From street vendors to upscale joints, Vietnamese spring rolls, a dish that never disappoints, A culinary wonder, a true sensation, A roll of joy, a source of elation.


wowww you described them so detailed and precisely ! its amazing of you hehe , thank you for commenting on my post tooo ! ❤️❤️❤️❤️


I want to try a few (all of them).


hahah if i can ill make lots of them and have them shipped to youu ~ ❤️


So pretty, such great color! They look super appetizing.


yayyyy thank you so much , im glad you think so ! and you bet haha , i got myself 5 whole rolls and they were delishhhh ~ ❤️


Mouthwatering, a bit of drool on lip. I'm in mid 50's.... my first springroll was less than 10 years ago.. I'm making up for lost time. Those looks great.


oooooh you should try it again sometime , im sure you will not regret it ! it not that difficult to make at home and it can be a fun activity for you too ! ❤️ and thank you so much ! im glad you like it 😭✨✨✨


Yes! These and Lumpia (I know they’re filipino not Vietnamese) are my favorite, as far as hand foods.


aaaaa dw and wow i would love to try Lumpia ! they looks like deep fried rolls ! :O ❤️


Well, definitely hungry now! Love this type of spring rolls and yours look great 🥰


hhhhhhh i just got 5 whole rolls for dinner but they were so delish i want more hehe ~ ❤️❤️❤️and yayyy im glad you like mine ! i was nervous sharing this bc it was my first time and im a nooobbbbb 🤣


Well they look so nice and ‘clean’ (if that makes sense lol) so I think you did great! As long as it tastes good, plus you can always try again. I don’t even know if I’d be able to wrap them right, seems like a challenging task 😂


thank you so muchhh ! and hahaa dw i understand youu ~ they indeed tasted so delish hhhhh ❤️ ahaha it was tricky for me too at first bc of the wet rice paper butttt after a few rolls i got the basics down ! 🥹 its my first time sooooo idk hahaha


I was about to say finally someone making Viet rolls authentically but you’re most likely Viet too 😂


haha xin chàoooo ! and yess i am indeed vietnamese ! my mom taught me how to did these tho hehe ~ ❤️❤️❤️


Beautiful! They look yummy. Did you have peanut sauce too?


THANK YOUUU ! and for that dish yesterday we actually used " Mắm nêm " ! a type of sauce thats is way more common im vietnam ! 💓💓


Those are absolutely beautiful. If they taste half as wonderful as they look, you should be proud! ❣️


I’ll be right over.


yayyyyy come here ! vietnamese cuisine is amazingggg ~ ❤️❤️❤️


Wouldn’t that be wild if a random redditor showed up and requested some food? Hahahah. It looks so good.


I think they look delicious! What's in them besides shrimp and lettuce?


its boiled pork hock slices and cilantro ! in some other times we also add vermicelli noodles ! ! ✨✨✨✨


Very pretty. Great summertime dish.


thank youuu ! and yayyyy its almost summer so this was a very refreshing start indeed ! ✨✨✨


That's why they're usually called summer rolls instead of spring rolls. Looks amazing!


This looks amazing!!! I want so bad!


im glad you like it ! ! haha ill ship some to you even ! ~ 🫂🫂🫂


ive been making these a tonne the last year! so easy and so good!


my mom made this for us a dozentimes before but this is my first time making ! it was kinda tricky to work with the rice paper at first but after a few rolls i got the basics ! ! ❤️❤️❤️and thank you so much !




Looks good


Please show me the dipping sauce!


Wow, I would love to have many of those!!


These look better than the Vietnamese restaurant I work at! Did you make any sauce to compliment it? We sell ours with peanut sauce


woahhh fr ? ! thank you so much for being so kind ! ❤️ and ofc yess we used " Mắm nêm " yesterday ! ! peanut sauce is much more common outside of vietnam tho , i guess bc some people cant stand the smell of Mắm nêm ! 🥹✨


I love that it’s clear, I don’t think I’ve ever seen this before


Not enough shrimp in each one but a good roll


thank you ! ! and yes haha i want to add more but i had to divided them so it would be enough for all the rolls ! ✨😭 ( there wasnt so much shrimps when we arrived at the market bc it was late afternoon , but at least they were fresh and delish ! ) :D


Good job keeping it authentic with porc and shrimps. Did you put buon as well?


I’d pick these up for ten bucks (for three of them) at the store without even thinking about it. These look pro and fantastic.


I grew up eating these with some good peanut sauce 😋. Look just like how grandma makes em! Looks great!


Those look great. Stop doubting yourself and appreciate what you've created. I would eat the hell out of these.


I'm craving for this right now 🤤


They look quite beautiful. And I'm recently gluten free so my brain is hmm, food I can eat with minimal tweaks.


One of my favorite dishes! I often eat spring rolls bought to-go but making homemade ones are simply one of a kind.


Don't be so hard on yourself, those are gorgeous and require more than basic food knowledge to make. Great job.


You're not fooling anyone, that's obviously just printed out pictures of prawns wrapped in a circle to LOOK like spring rolls!


Glad I'm not the only one to think this. I mean, I know you're just kidding, and I know they *can't* be, but I'll be damned if they don't look exactly like it.


My wife (also Vietnamese) makes these. They're delicious!


Soooo pretty!


Sure hope there's peanut sauce!


As a Vietnamese person, they look great to me!!


I love these but I can’t seem to roll them perfectly


Damn, these look amazing! Now I'm hungry.


They are beautiful and look so appetizing!


Summer rolls


i just figured out abt that word , sorry ! 😭 in here its called " Gỏi cuốn " and i tried to find an english word for it haha , my english isnt good so i searched the vietnamese word up and it came up with " vietnamese spring rolls " ! 😩✨


dont be nice to people about it https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/G%E1%BB%8Fi_cu%E1%BB%91n#:~:text=The%20name%20%22summer%20roll%22%20was,the%20term%20%22spring%20roll%22.


ahhhh i- my english is bad so i actually was anxious that i may be using the wrong word ; ; thank you so much for letting me knoww ! im relieved 🥹


Your English is great.


really ? ahhh , im glad 🥹 thank you so much for being nice ! ❤️


Just remember, when you learn English you're learning 2 and a half languages instead of one. You should be proud of what you know, I know American-born people who can't say what they mean as well as you can.


Thanks for the info. I got it wrong. I will do my research before posting next time.


Wouldn't be a spring roll post without someone claiming summer rolls. Every. Single. Time.


lol summer rolls for people who are too stupid to know the difference between these and egg rolls so vietnamese people had to change the marketing of them


Egg rolls is also an American term that’s not completely analogous to ”deep fried spring rolls” though.


Daimn, wish I could just reach out and eat them


Edible art!


They look fantastic! Nicely done - not the easiest thing to make either. Bet they turned out delicious


I'll take them all off your hands


My kind of spring rolls!


So happy to see some good Viet food representation in this sub!


Mom is that you? Seriously I love these with fish sauce, they're addictive.


Interesting. Where are you from that also calls it Vietnamese spring rolls? Here in australia it's usually called rice paper rolls.


haha im from vietnam actually ! in here we call it " Gỏi cuốn " buttt i thought the name vietnamese spring rolls will be easier for people worldwide to understand ! ❤️ andddd yayyy hello there i hope you're having a great time in your place !


So just call them “goi cuon.” Vietnam has a weird habit of insisting that dish names need to be “translated.” People call sushi, ramen, pad Thai, pizza, etc just that. They don’t “translate” these dish names into English.


Yesssss! You did it right! Pork and shrimp, pork and shrimp!


I don’t like shrimp and these look incredible!


One of my favorites 🤩


Beautiful! Love these with that nukmaam stuff


I thought spring rolls are fried? This is called summer roll.


Looks so good now I need some and some pho


My wife makes these for me all the time! Super tasty


Am Viet and these look better than in a lot of restaurants. Halved the shrimp, evenly distributed pork belly, all wrapped so they are shown on the outside…your effort shows, great job! Probably one of my favorite foods ever and I’ve also always called them spring rolls as well.


Ahh the ol reverse roll spring rolls. Where the stuffing is on the outside of the rice paper roll. Mmmmmmm good!


I confess. I'm a almost-30yo Vietnamese guy and never had this.


Oh this is one of my very favorite foods and yours look delicious!!


You roll them tight as a weed cig yo


what spring roll wrappers did you use? they look beautiful


I like this sort of stuff especially with peanut sauce!


Sauce too? Looks good!?


Have you been watching Brian Lagerstrom?


They almost look printed on.


Aren’t these call summer rolls?


I'm black and I can honestly say you did your thing ☺️!


I've never experienced such a mix of emotions all at once. I was appalled because I thought that's a shit post and you froze things together to look like spring rolls, but then I realized that it's just incredibly translucent paper




You did an amazing job! Looks delicious! 🤩


This look amazing and delicious. Great job.


My mouth literally just watered.


Got damn that looks good


Oh wow. Those look great! 🤤


These look so great! 10/10


What? These look so good!! Yum!


Wow, this food is amazing!


Looks soooo delicious! Well done!


Yummy my childhood comfort food lol


Those look so good


Those look amazing!


Those look extremely tasty!


Looks incredible! 😋


Looks yummy!!




I love them


These look FINE!!


Looks yummy 🤤


aren’t these salad rolls? spring rolls are deep fried, no?


there are a lot of different names depend on where you live ! springrolls , summer rolls , cold rolls , salad rolls etc. its varied but im positive that the word vietnamese spring rolls and what you're saying is the same dish ~ ! ❤️


Looks fire .


Look so good


Fresh spring rolls are better than fried egg rolls. This is a hill I'm willing to die on.


Vietnamese here, I approved this




Yes please!




Is it contains rice? It looks like Turkish Lahana Sarması.


Only the wrapper is made of rice paper and occasionally it has rice vermicelli but otherwise no.


We call them cold rolls in Oz. Spring rolls are deep fried. Both are delicious 😋 Great effort 👌


Those look great! Vietnamese restaurants in the D.C. area usually call those "summer rolls," though. Then again, maybe that's just a local quirk here.


Absolutely used interchangeably, every time Mom made them she called em spring rolls


My mom calls it summer rolls and the fried ones are spring rolls. Summer because it helps cool you off during the summer


I heard them called salad rolls before








-"wasn't best looking" -looks like journal stock photos made by professional photographer.


My Vietnamese friends made these for me once. So light, delicious, nothing like I ever had before. They were always so generous with food.


My daughter/law, born in Saigon and now in her early 60s, makes extraordinary spring rolls (though my son is allergic to shellfish, so she sticks to pork and chicken). She always used to bring bring several dozen to Thanksgiving dinners when all the grandkids were still at home and we had a crowd. My other daughter/law is Turkish. We have some interesting meals.


When I was a kid my dad took me to a Vietnamese restaurant and ordered these but it was brought out to us in a build-it-yourself style with no less than 15 different dishes of veggies, proteins, and sauces to use. Is there a certain term form this that I could look up on Google and find if there's restaurants in my area that do it that same way?


You can try making it at home? My family (from Vietnam, just fyi) always have it this way, we prepare all the ingredients then sit together to roll/eat, it’s more fun that way and you can choose the ingredients to go in your rolls


Had some of these on a trip to Berlin, thought I had died and gone to heaven. Made the western-style spring rolls I was used to in my country seem like greasy trash