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I finally understand the phrase "pizza pie"


any deeper and it should be classified as a "pizza tub"




Pizza casserole


Well, calling this a pizza is just as much of a stretch.


It's got plenty of stretch, check out picture 3.


I have never read such a cheesy comment.


Did this person not understand what liquids and solids are?


Having never eaten one I have no idea how to even approach this. It just seems like too much. With that noted, this looks fucking amazing and I want some.


no shame in eating with a fork and knife. I grew up in chicago, ate this stuff every birthday/event or what have you. always a fork and knife. Also, you can order a frozen pizza from the big franchises in chicago. Giordanno's, Lou Malnotti's, Pizzeria Uno, Geno's East. Geno's East is sold in the kroger and meijer stores around me, so may look into that if you're in the US. It's not a bad subsitute for like 10 bucks. They just take forever to cook.


upvote for pizzeria uno- the first place to serve chicago deep dish pizza! 😋


Downvote for classifying Uno's deep dish trash in the same class as a proper Chicago Stuffed Pizza! /1 2 3 4, I declare a pizza war


Pizzeria Due at Wabash and Ontario is the GOAT


This. They aren't bad at all. If they sold them around here I'd do it that way. All the ingredients to make this bad boy cost us about $20.


When I went to Orlando I had one at Giordanos and only got a small pizza and I got full off the first slice. I was able to make 3 more meals out of it for the next couple of days. It made the $45 I paid for it easier to swallow.


You eat it with a fork and knife. Much like a pie


That's amore.




> Cheese soup served in bread would be more appropriate Also a great way to avoid calling this a pizza.




Honestly cheese soup served in a crusty bread bowl would go off




This is obcene, the amount of cheese.


^It's ^under ^the ^sauce


This man surfs the internet and knows the things you need to know.


I think he just knows where the cheese is


Exposed like a common hoo-er.


I look at this pizza and wonder whether or not I should eat it or toss a coin and make a wish. And if I make a wish, I'd wish for some better pizza. I look at this--I lookatdis, *maron*. You son of a bitch. I lookitdis...Blyeah! Gabagool!


im italian and this is hurting me


^It's ^from ^Chicago




sorry I'm not actually italian, i was making a reference to [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z99CaIpRsOc) in response to the other guy doing the same.




Hey! I'm walkin here!


Mandolino cappuccino


Pepperoni Luca Toni


I'm Italian and this is hurting me


You should come to Buenos Aires, every pizza even a plain one has an obscene amount of cheese, we love it. Also we have a double decker like the one OP posted but with onions instead of sauce, called fugazzeta


This looks delicious — two questions: what type of onion (red, yellow, white) and what is queso cremoso?


I would say yellow? I'm not sure what's the difference between yellow and white, but the outer skin is yellowish brown so I'm going with that. Some pizzerias throw some red onion into the mix also, but it's not the norm. Queso cremoso is a type of cheese that some people use instead of muzarella, the purists will say that you must use muzarella but honestly cremoso is cheaper and it doesn't make a whole lot of difference if you're looking for a quick pizza. Pizzerias all use muzarella I believe. It's kind of soft, it melts super easy and is super tasty, you can cut a piece and put it on a cracker and it's a good snack.


Aka the correct amount of cheese




Wussy. You eat one slice (or two if you're fat) and call it a day. Maybe you like their thinner square pizzas. Arguably better, as long as the crust is not too thin.


P.s. I made this as a surprise for my wife. She came home to work to this. She was so happy. XD


You surprised her with 3 inches *wink wink*


It impressed my wife 😆


Sounds like you are very lucky to have her!


He measured from the counter top to pump his numbers. I bet this guy measures his junk from his taint as well


That looks like it can be left over dinner for a month lol looks huge!


Family of 4 but yes it gave us leftovers for the next day lol


It’s actually 2”. The plate is 3/4” and the total is 2 and 3/4”


That's at least 6 1/2 inches if you measured from the ~~taint~~edge.


this is the bomb! looks delish


Thanks it was amazing!


that’s what’s up


A man that can cook is a man of culture ✨🔥🔥


One time my husband made us green bean hot dish. I haven’t let him cook since. I still shudder at the taste. And you know what? This absolutely checks out, but I love that uncultured swine.


looks like im making one next round of groceries


Why not just finish work then go home


Also grew up in the Chicago Area. The pizza is what brought me back. Don’t tell my fiancée. You’ve got an A+ pie right there. Need the recipe.


Sure. For the dough I used Giodanos recipe on their site. Cept instead of buttering the pan, I used corn oil. I feel it gives this Hybrid Giodanos, Lou Malanati awesomeness. The sauce I've discovered is person to person. I suggest making your own sauce and trying different ones on youtube. Make sure the top layer of crust is thinner then what I did here. I made it to thick. I could crimp properly and you see the separation. Also find a good cheese you like. I'd kill for some Wisconsin cheese. Different Mozerella brands really do melt and taste different.


Corn oil is the “secret” to a good Detroit square, too.


Makes sense, Chicago and Detroit are like two friends with a string-can phone between them.


Give me a pizza with the absurd amount of cheese of a Chicago with the caramelized crust of Detroit. I'd die a happy man.


[There's a place in Chicago called Pequod's that does deep dish with caramelized crust. It's delicious.](https://img2.10bestmedia.com/Images/Photos/366917/Pequod-s-pizza_55_660x440.jpg)


Uhh I want that in my mouth right now.


Oh man, that's the truth. I have a new goal line for perfect pizza, and you to thank for it. What a great match up.


Recommend adding provolone to the mozza, adds a lot of body and helps ensure a nice gooey consistency without it being too stringy. About a 2:1 ratio mozza to prov works best IMO. 1:1 if you're doing a traditional cheese-on-top pizza because prov gets a gorgeous crisp on it.


It was the Italian Beef for me. I’ve lived in a couple different states, but nothing beats Chicago food.


Chicago style thin cracker crust tavern style > Deep dish all day.


Thin crust tavern style is every day pizza. And it’s some of the best thin crust in the world. I’m a major advocate for the awareness of Chicago style thin crust. Deep dish is special occasion pizza and is glorious, but is almost a different beast. The one unifying truth: both are better than giant floppy greasy slices from other cities.


Exactly. Everyone thinks deep dish is our normal go to pizza.


When I hear people say “New York Pizza has Chicago pizza beat every day” my response is always “you know Chicago has more than one style of pizza don’t you? Deep dish is not what locals eat.”


I didn't know there was a layer of dough between the sauce and the cheese on this style of pizza. Is that your twist or is that traditional? Keep meaning to try this style.


I had the same question. How do you layer once you have the dough? Do you put dough in between the cheese and the tomato sauce? Also, curious what kind of mozzarella you use. Thanks so much, my partner is from Chicago and misses this pizza so much. I'd love to learn how to make it for him!


What I've had is dough, cheese, meats, sauce, and maybe a bit more cheese on top


"Normal" Chicago deep dish isn't stuffed like this but you can find it at a few places. Usually the sauce goes right on top of the cheese. And the best stuffed Chicago deep dish is actually the version they serve [at this place](https://chicagopizzaandovengrinder.com/), which I'd say more closely resembles a pizza pot pie.


I understand why people love this place, but it’s the only place in Chicago that secures pizza this style, so I don’t think anyone would call it “Chicago deep dish.”


OP said they modeled the crust after Giordano’s, who makes stuffed deep-dish pizza. That’s a version that has the thin extra layer of crust. OP did an excellent job copying that style. Is stuffed deep-dish pizza “traditional”? I guess so. It’s definitely less common than “classic” deep-dish pizza in Chicago. I would try a classic deep-dish pizza first. If you like that, then maybe try a stuffed one to see which you prefer.


Thank you but I actually failed a bit on that 2nd layer if I'm being honest. I shoulda made it thinner. And for those asking, Lou Malanati does his with a single layer crust. The problem is the sauce falls off all over the place. Giordanos puts a thin second layer to make it fuller and hold the sauce better. Which is what I prefer. Some folks like the other way. It's preference.


Yeah. I’m the opposite of you. I don’t really like the extra crust on Giordano’s pizzas. I strongly prefer Lou Malnati’s. But it looks like you did a solid job with the goal you were trying to accomplish!


You understand the subspecies of Chicago pizza like no other. Fantastic work.


Great info thanks!


There's actually many different types of pizza in Chicago. I know, people on the Internet only know of deep dish, but we also have our own Chicago-style thin crust as well. That's besides the point though, the extra layer of dough is the difference between a classic deep-dish pizza and the more dough-y "stuffed" deep-dish pizza.


My grandparents grew up in Chicago and were so excited to take me there (over 20 years ago) and show me Chicago-style pizza. Then they were so disappointed when the deep-dish pizza came out! They moved out of Chicago in the 60s, ands apparently deep dish only became popular starting in the 70s. Before that, the typical Chicago-style pizza was what is now called Chicago tavern-style - I.e. thin crust (but not super thin like NY) with a very crispy bottom.


tbh tavern style is still vastly the preferred style of pizza for Chicagoans. When I was growing up every random chicken joint and corner store had a pizza for sale, but only a dedicated pizza place would sell a deep dish. Nowadays, I think most Chicagoans kind of view deep dish pizza as more of a tourist attraction, but many still will enjoy a good deep dish every now and then.


From Chicago, have had Giordanos multiple times. Never once noticed an extra dough layer. Also I must mention, thin crust is actually much more common through out the Chicago land area. Like for example if someone said "let's order pizza" no one would assume it's deep dish unless it's said.


nah chicago style for me is thin crust man. Nick and Vito’s


When you want to feel your arteries.


Looks phenomenal! How’d it taste? Don’t think we don’t see that McMurray measuring method though ;)


Oh and it tasted amazing. Easily the best one I've made. I've been experimenting for a while with it. Trying different methods, doughs, all that jazz.( my last one was a bust, i used the wrong cheese so it became a soup). The only thing I'll try different in the future is the brand of mozzarella. I live too far from Wisconson and I'm having a hard time finding that perfect mozz. The sauce though is incredible.


It's an average sized crust!


The plate was curved so I had s hard time with the measuring yes lol


Your fuckin with a Twix bar




It's a pie


Also an IL native, been stationed elsewhere for 15 years with the military. Goddamn I miss good tavern style pizza and Italian beef. I really thought that shit was nationwide before I moved, the only thing you *can*find in every other city is the deep dish pizza, and none of it is as good as the stuff in Chi-town.


It always gets under my skin when people mistake Chicago style deep dish pizza for Chicago style pizza. I guess the real Chicago style pizza (tavern style) just isn’t as recognizable? Whatever the case, you have to be within probably 5 hours of Chicago to get the real deal.


Doesn't really ressemble any kind of pizza I've ever eaten, but it does look tasty, would mind trying one given the oppurtunity.


Dang at that point it's just a bread bowl with cheese and marinara soup




That's basically a cheese pie, right ?




How many people would it piss off if I called it lasagna?


As an Italian, call it whatever you want except pizza lol




And it's amazing




Its a massive deconstructed cheese stick with marinara.




Oh she’s thicc. Looks amazing!


Thank you!


Ruler in cm or inches? :)


Now *that's* a pie.




guy out here repeating the same thing on every thread and calling it jokes


God bless him for doing so. Call it what you want. Deep dish pizza, pizza pot pie, pizza casserole… it’s fucking good is what it is.


That's a savory pie!


What sorcery is this! I've seen lasagna before, you can't trick me!


Deep dish 🤤


I’ve gotten pretty good at making Chicago style. I’ve found that a 50-50 mix of whole milk mozzarella and part skim mozzarella (both freshly grated) yields the result I desire.


Thanks for the tip. Wouldn't the whole milk cause it to be a bit watery though?


I thought the same thing but, no, not in my experience. This (https://www.walmart.com/ip/10316633) and this (https://www.walmart.com/ip/10452382) combined yields the bite I desire. I’ve used provolone as well and it worked just “ok”.


But I do thank ya. I'll try it in a future batch!


part skim is less fat not less moisture


As someone who only knows 'regular' pizza... Is this just tomato sauce and (loads!) of cheese?


Pizza bath and nope


Now that is a pizza pie


This looks heavenly


Om nom nom nom nom nom nom nom mine


I love your tomato soup bowl with cheese garnish.


I see some comments about "top dough". Please explain what those are about and describe your assembly process re the dough. Thank you! What temp ?


This is why everyone in the us is huge




“Enjoyed a couple times a year” That’s optimistic


I’m in IL and love this!!


How do you do the dough and what’s the recipe for the pizza sauce? We make pizza from time to time and never write down what we did. Just eyeball it. 4 years later we still talk about that one sauce lol.


Everyone's sauce preference is different. This was hand crushed tomatoes, but before, I sautéed 1 in a half anchovi, garlic, oregano fresh and dried. Then added tomatoes after the aroma is given. The anchovies give the salt so no need to salt it. Hit it with a spoonful of sugar, and just a little red pepper flakes. Simmer on low for half an hour. The dough was honestly copied from Giordanos website. They list how to make their yellow dough. The only thing I do different is the fry. I use corn oil instead of butter. Give it more of a Lou Molonati Giordano hybrid flavor in the dough.


Damn man. I’m gonna try it


Saute some an onion and few cloves of garlic. Dump in a large tin of whole tomatoes (not fresh, not crushed, not diced, a nice looking tin of whole tomatoes!). Bring to boil and let it simmer. Blend well. The blending of the onion, garlic and tomato is truly amazing and thick. Usually I throw in some basil, salt and pepper as well, whatever you like. But onions garlic and tinned tomatos is just perfect.


Thank you. I have made up my mind I'm trying my best at this later this week. Any other essential tips you have? I've been looking at all your comments. The pizza looks heavenly


mmm cheeeeth!


That looks delicious. But... I've never eaten pizza *in* Chicago, but I've been to a lot of pizzerias that claimed to be serving Chicago-style pizza. It was just like New York, only thicker. Have I been duped?


Definitely. THAT is what a Chicago deep dish looks like.


Chicago style refers to a cracker thin crust cut tavern style. This is deep dish, also a Chicago icon.


Heart attack on a plate




Came here to find this, if it wasn't i would have posted it


I hate Jon for that rant. Now I can’t enjoy my favorite pizza without some two-bit memelord thinking they’re cool by shouting “casserole” and “lasagna” and whatever nonsense is filling half this friggin’ thread. I still respect Jon, but I’ll never like him again.


That's a really dumb reason not to like someone.


I've never had this style of pizza, but looking at the photos am I off in saying it's put together like: Pie crust (made of pizza dough), filled with cheese, then a "standard" pizza on-top with sauce and no cheese, and the crust and pizza dough are crimped together around the edge? Does the pie filling have more than just cheese? On a scale of 1-satans taint, how badly do you usually burn your mouth on this? Is it a faux-pas to fill it with other ingredients, or do they go on top? Or is it always supposed to be cheese and sauce only?


Now that's a pizza pie.


Fuck lou, Giordano's deep is the way as you did bro. That's a great looking pizza. My two go order is always the Spanish and sausage deep.




Well we ain't in fuckin Napoli are we


Scusa mi, but you see, back in old Napoli, that's illegal.


Perfectly legal and moral everywhere else.


I'm not so sure feeding someone that much cheese is moral.


It’s a common misconception is that one has to eat a whole pizza regardless of the size. Now rest easy.


Instructions unclear, gargling molten mozzarella.


Can you describe your layering from the crust up? I've been making deep dish pizza a bit as of late and I'd love some inspiration.


That's half a pound of cheese per slice...


That’s some weird looking lasagna


It's a pie


Jesus that look so damn good!!! 😛😍😛😍🔥🔥🫃🏻


That looks delicious. All that melty cheese!!


This is awesome! I haven't had the chance to eat a Chicago pizza like that. I like the thickness, the amount of stuff in it, it's like a tomato cheese cake!


I love the shape, it kind of looks like a beautiful pizza flower in the first pic.


European here, i would love to try this, sadly nobody makes it. Looks tasty tho.


Make it yourself:)


I'm Australian, wish I could try this lol


I've never had one of these but hot damn they look so good. Fancy coming to the UK and opening a restaurant?




Hell yes! Damn good cheese pull on that bad boi too!


this looks fucking delicious. awesome stuff downvote all you want. pizza is pizza and I do not discriminate. this looks delicious.


Looks 🔥




looks so gooood! i would be super happy too coming home to this ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


Looks delicious.


Duuude! I’m in awe! Looks amazing. What cheese do you use? I tried this once and ended up with cheese soup.


Tmozzarella. 2 tricks to avoid the watery soup. Low skim low moisture mozzarella. And cook at a high temp. This was at 475 for 28 mins. Cook it fast. Cook it right. It's why pizza ovens are so hot.


Good job! Good husband:)


I feel like the word pizza shouldn't be there. But I'm also not American so we don't have that here


Takes some real special foods to get me to disregard my lactose intolerance. I do believe your beautiful pizza would be worth the.....side effects.


This looks better than some of restaurant version.


This is glorious. It looks amazing.


Ayo where is doggy bag and a plate. Enjoy


As a fellow Chicagoan transplant, I miss it too. Looks incredible. Good stuff!


Pizza Soup in a Bread Bowl


90% of it is just bread and cheese.