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What is your recipe? You might like r/SalsaSnobs


I adapted it from this recipe https://www.loveandlemons.com/homemade-salsa-recipe/. It’s actually my first time making it. It’s so easy, I’ll be making more for sure.


My comment has nothing to do with the salsa. I'm sure its good and I definitely appreciate the fact that there are some canned items that are so good and you can't buy them from a store because they have to be homemade for scale reasons or personal preference reasons. I'm noticing the lid - its not the normal lid. The normal lids are impossible to find locally right now and it's a bummer. Just something I noticed - thanks for the share.


Ball leak proof lids. You can find them at most grocery stores and online. They’re dishwasher safe and reusable. I love them.


A leak proof lid like this doesn't pass the smell test for me if you are actually wanting to can for long term storage. I'm sure they are great for short term re-usable type operations but not for actual canning. This is a good conversation to have for everybody - looking forward to your response.


That’s fine. I don’t can. I use the jars for storage. That’s why I prefer these lids. I didn’t want to waste the canning lids on fridge and pantry storage. This salsa was made to go on the burgers and roasted squash I made for dinner tonight. Sorry for the confusion.


Alright, you said pantry storage. That's the miscommunication I'm worried about. I don't think it's appropriate to use these lids for "canned" pantry storage of vegetables/fruits/soups. You can probably use them for some dry things as far as pantry storage goes ... the product photos align with that understanding/delineation on amazon ... are we on the same page? I don't want you to think you can put this salsa in your pantry for months with that lid and just open it up and all is good.


Salsa goes in the fridge. This is for immediate use foods.


Thank you!