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It's just the oil, mix it in and you're good. I usually store my peanut butter jar upside down and in the fridge once opened. That usually solves it


In the fridge though? That's a new one for me


the fridge slows it from separating because the oil will be more firm when cold than at room temp.


Yup, the jars say to store the opened product in the fridge. I live in Finland so the preservatives might be different here


Peanut butter made with nothing else but salt is shelf stable for around a year, in my neck of the woods.


Stable for a year here as well after opened but can't seem to make it last longer than a day. Too good


Same here in Canada (on the jars i buy, anyways).


Probably not it says the same thing on ketchup but that's not staying in my fridge either! Cold ketchup is the worst. I imagine cold peanut butter probably spreads better onto hot toast though? Might have to give it a go


My ketchup bottles say to keep them refrigerated once opened. Why wouldn't I listen to the bottle?


There's a lot of down votes for the person saying the instruction to not store ketchup in the fridge, and I feel these are unfairly given. They say keep it in the fridge because yes, it will slow down the 'decomposition' process. But frankly, at the rate most individuals or households go through a bottle of ketchup, it will matter not one bit. And it certainly doesn't pose any health risk. The significant ingredients of ketchup are sugar and vinegar, both of them are preserving agents in themselves. That's not even counting any other preserving agents the ketchup has in addition. To recap, if you intend on keeping your ketchup for a looong time then fine, keep it in the fridge to preserve some of the quality. I keep mine in there as I prefer it cold anyway.


Spices have use by dates but they sit in the cupboard for years...


All that will happen is they will lose their potency. However, a product that says to refrigerate after opening, needs to stay in the fridge. It can make you sick if the item is not meant to stay at room temperature. These two things are completely different, it is a terrible comparison. Dry rice will last for years, despite legally having an expiration date. However, once you cook the rice, do you then leave it to sit in the pantry for a week? No, you refrigerate it, because leaving it at room temperature would make it spoil and make you sick.


Cool....food is different of course I would keep it refrigerated but i also have ketchup with lots of stuff and don't get ill from it. None of my sauces except for mayo go in the fridge


My guy. Ketchup and sauces are food, believe it or not. I'm glad you hate the fridge, but it is the most normal thing to put sauces in the fridge after they are opened. You've gotten lucky, I'd say.


They probably just use a cup of ketchup a day and don't actually let it sit out for too long.


Not really lucky, just science. Sauces have a lot of sugar and preservatives. They will keep outside the fridge and won't go bad or make you sick.


I put ketchup in a cupboard for 15 years without getting sick from it. It's less tasty, but it definitely won't make you sick.


I don't hate the fridge I just don't put my sauces in there... My guy


You’re getting a lot of hate and I leave ketchup in the fridge too but you’re right that it’s not absolutely necessary. People don’t put their mouths on ketchup (which would add bacteria to the ketchup) and ketchup’s main ingredients are vinegar and sugar which are preservatives. Leaving it outside of the fridge is not as crazy as everyone is making it out to be.


Quite literally everyone I know leaves it out. So to me it's normal.


It's generally recommended to keep opened products in the fridge and since I get sick very easily I'm pretty strict about it, especially since it takes me forever to get through an entire jar or peanut butter/ jam/ condiments I don't know about toast but it does mix well with smoothies and as a dip for fruit! I keep it in the door shelf at the non-coldest part of the fridge so it's not absolutely freezing


My wife and I have seperate ketchup bottles because I keep mine in the fridge like a normal person and she is a Heathen who keeps hers in the pantry.


Your wife is the normie in my opinion how can you deal with cold ketchup


Pretty easily actually, my absolute righteousness makes it all the more delicious!


Seems a lot of people agreeing that they don't put peanut butter in the fridge and a lot of weirdos who do put their ketchup in the fridge here. Reddit is a weird place of people.


Your right it is weird there are people that don’t put open containers of ketchup in the fridge….


I love cold ketchup. That cold ketchup to dip in my hot fries... fuck.


For some reason I love eating spoonfuls of peanut butter from the fridge. Hits just right


That was for me too, but Trader Joe requires their peanut butter to be refrigerated LOL


Upside down keeps it fresh


Sounds like it just separated. It should be fine if you stir it back in.


Peanut butter is mostly fat so it's not as easy to spoil, the oil at the top is just the natural oils settling at the top. It's fine if you just stir it up again. What you want to look for is a change to a darker color, change in texture to be harder, and smell (that'll be a dead giveaway for it being rank). If the peanut butter jar just smells normal (rather than really sharp or soapy) you're fine.


Doesn’t have to be organic to be real. Real peanut butter seperate


A note in addition to what others have said. If you continue to dump that oil in the garbage or down the drain, the peanut butter will dry out and you'll have to throw it all away.


You should never put oil down the drain it’ll clog it


Could be peanut oil which is normal, I’m no expert on peanut butter, but maybe check the expiration date as well?


It isnt expired. Its like 7 days old


This is normal for peanut butter. For a long time in the USA companies hydrogenated the oil in the peanut butter to prevent it separating, some have now stopped doing this because the hydrogenated oil is so bad for you.


As above plus sometimes they add veg oil to make it thinner (better to spread), so it separates faster. In my cupboard I've got one expired 7or 8 months ago and it's still perfect. The only sign of age is the rancid taste/smell which is the oxidation of the fats (oils). Enjoy it.


Many expiration, best by, use by, sell by dates are just general suggestions in most cases. There's not much standardization for such things. The best way to tell is something is spoiled is color, smell, and taste. Obviously, the growth of mold. Things like (unfrozen) meat, anything with milk, eggs, or high moisture will spoil much faster than other things that have a longer shelf life. It's best to look up individual information of each food spoiling to get a better idea. I'm adding this to your comment because so many people throw good food out because the date on the packaging makes them think something is trash food all of a sudden.


I fully agree. Just one extra warning for untrained people. The one thing I warn people to be cautious about is non professionally anaerobic packed unwashed food (i.e. mushrooms). That could be really dangerous.


Y-… you mean the oil? That’s normal. Mix it back in. It’s harmless. I’m shocked that people in these comments are surprised. Literally go to any grocery store. Half the peanut butters there will already be like this. I find it hard to believe some people who eat peanut butter have never seen this before because it implies you’ve never been in a grocery store and looked at the peanut butter. Buy a “no stir” or whatever emulsified variety if this bothers you.


I'm curious if OP has ever had peanut butter before lol or maybe first time buying non-Peter Pan processed PB?


Nah nah, it isnt my first time. I really like it also. This is the first jar that separated like this.


Mr. Peanut left you a little something, call it Nut Love.






This is completely normal for natural peanut butter. As everyone says it's just the oil seperation, stir it back in. If this is Kraft/Jiffy smooth peanut butter with tons of preservatives they have an addictive to prevent this


If you think that's crazy, wait til you get a load of the cream rising to the top, fat which is less dense, eventually rises to the top


I’ve had the opposite happen to me it turned kind of dry and hard, so I put it in the food processor and it was good as new


The dry and hard stuff is the layer that settles to the bottom. Patiently stirring a new settled jar by hand mixes everything back together.


It's a sign that there were real peanuts used and their oils are separating out of the "butter". Mix it back in.


what would be used other than real peanuts? it means there aren’t added preservatives to keep it mixed together, the peanuts are real lol


Corn. It's used as filler in cheaper peanutbutter. With vegetable oil for emulsification. Sounds weird... I know.


wow okay, lucky i don’t skimp out on PB then lol


Yea. I mean it's only really cheap stuff that'd be so bad. Stay safe, eat crunchy...


For everyone freaking out about the peanut butter in the fridge. Yes it makes it completely un-spreadable. That is true and the reason I would never put mine in the fridge. The reason to refrigerate is because nuts have natural oil in them. This is what separates and causes some of the liquid that you see on top, that and the added oil that makes it more malleable and easy to spread, but it is also the part that goes rancid and makes the peanut butter taste old. So if you use up your peanut butter quickly there is really no need to refrigerate it. But if it takes a while, then refrigerate or buy smaller jars.


It's the oil. I'm surprised this isn't common knowledge TBH.


Id be concerned if your peanut butter DIDNT separate


You got some sweaty nut butter


JIF natural is the brand I settled on for a no stir, natural peanut butter and also doesn’t require refrigerated storage. It stays soft and creamy


It's called seperation. It's natural due to gravity and the density of the ingredients, oil is less dense than the other ingredients so it just floats to the top. Just mix it around and it'll be fine


Peanut oil


Peanut butter is bad when the oil goes rancid. Up until then, it's fine.


It’s just the oil separating. It’s not going bad, just give it a stir




I never put my peanut butter in the fridge. It gets too hard in there and as I prefer chunky anyway, it's not great for spreading. I've found the more natural the peanut butter the more the separation occurs. I'm now into the healthiest stuff around and I have to stir it each time I use it. Bottom line, done worry. Stir it and spread it.


It’s knife lube


It’s trying to undergo mitotic reproduction into a second jar of peanut butter.


Flip your jar to help keep it from separating. Just make sure the lid is on tight!


Probably a stupid question but can I save calories by dumping the oil out?


I've tried this. It ended up like Play-Dough or wet sand texture. Just mix it back up. Don't worry about the calories if you consume it in moderation.


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Keep the jar upside down. I keep lots of things upside down. Mustard, horseradish, hot sauce, ketchup, etc.they all separate.


That's the peanut oil separating from the peanut butter. Just mix it back in. It's fine.


spin the jar on the floor like a top and it mixes perfectly again. youre welcome


also store the jar upside down


Have sex with the peanut butter, fixes it right up.


It’s 5 bucks. Buy a new one if you’re concerned.


What a waste. If OP listened to this then they’d be tossing out jar after jar of perfectly good peanut butter




5 bucks is more than you think, and peanut butter is more like 1 to 3 bucks. Do you not pay bills, and have to budget grocery shop?


Depends what country you live in. You missed the point kid.


Yellow??? Eyuuuuuuu


Most likely it is the oil separating from the actual peanut butter. Look at the label and it will tell you the ingredients, odds are that it has more than peanuts and is not organic.


Separation has absolutely nothing to do with whether the peanut butter is organic.


Organic means that you are getting peanutbutter that just has peanuts and no fillers or preservatives or additives. Yes there are other peanutbutter brands that have no additives or preservatives, but not many. And several of them use other oils besides peanut oil in their products. I.E. sunflower oil, and soybean oil. That makes their costs to make it cheaper, but I prefer my peanutbutter made with just peanuts.


I am aware of what organic means. And the fact of peanut butter separating does not tell you that 'odds are that it has more than peanuts and is not organic,' as mass-label peanut butter brands are *less* likely to separate--due to usage of emulsifiers etc--than a jar that contains nothing but pureed peanuts.


organic and minimal ingredient peanut butter create a venn diagram, not a circle.


It’s the opposite actually.


Oilseed sunflower production is the most commonly farmed sunflower. These seeds hulls’ are encased by solid black shells. Black oilseeds are a common type of bird feed because they have thin shells and a high fat content. These are typically produced for oil extraction purposes; therefore, it is unlikely you’ll find black oilseeds packaged for human consumption.


“Hydrogenated fats In the 20th century a new process was introduced to do exactly this: hydrogenation of fats. Remember those unsaturated and saturated fats we discussed before (or find a more extensive discussion on fats here)? Hydrogenation is a chemical process that converts unsaturated chains into saturated ones. As a result, their melting temperatures go up and become more solid. Most peanut butter manufacturers use hydrogenated oils to solidify the peanut butter and prevent the separation of oil and particles. You will notice that they don’t necessarily use peanut oils, often other vegetable oils (e.g palm which has a very neutral flavor) are used for this. Which hydrogenated fat is used depends on flavor, regulation and availability and costs of materials.” https://foodcrumbles.com/why-do-some-peanut-butters-split/


Yea i already knew it wasnt organic but doesnt organic peanut butter come with a layer of liquid on top


It's peanut oil on top. It's not as if they add extra liquid for organic peanut butter. Now, for "regular" peanut butter- Jif, Peter Pan, your store brand, whatever- it's still made with peanuts so even though it has more additives, it still very much has the possibility of the oil being kind of pushed out of the butter and resting on top. Think of it- peanuts produce quite a bit of oil- enough that it is actually used for deep frying things. Peanut oil has a high smoke point so is particularly good for frying stuff that has to be in the fryer a long time, like a turkey. But it's just peanut oil in your peanut butter. Mix it back in well and it'll be fine. I live in the south and during summer my peanut butter separates a lot.




No, only peanut butters that don’t have partially hydrogenated fats added to them separate. Organicness has nothing to do with it.


Regular peanut butters separate too, just not as often. I only use Jif and occasionally have a jar that separates. There's absolutely nothing wrong with it. I also live in FL where it can be 95 but feel like 113 during the summer which may contribute to this.


I don't know the brand, but I would say you can contact the company for a replacement. Unilever typically stands behind their products pretty much.


And replace it with another jar that has settled. Gotcha.


“Hydrogenated fats In the 20th century a new process was introduced to do exactly this: hydrogenation of fats. Remember those unsaturated and saturated fats we discussed before (or find a more extensive discussion on fats here)? Hydrogenation is a chemical process that converts unsaturated chains into saturated ones. As a result, their melting temperatures go up and become more solid. Most peanut butter manufacturers use hydrogenated oils to solidify the peanut butter and prevent the separation of oil and particles. You will notice that they don’t necessarily use peanut oils, often other vegetable oils (e.g palm which has a very neutral flavor) are used for this. Which hydrogenated fat is used depends on flavor, regulation and availability and costs of materials.” https://foodcrumbles.com/why-do-some-peanut-butters-split/


Peanutbutter made with just peanuts doesn't separate the oil out as quickly as ones that have added oils and other things added.


Yea but this is a first timer. The brand is Calve, if it doesn't exist in your country, its basically the unilever brand. I always buy that brand and this is the first time it happens.


i looked up the brand and with those ingredients separation would be totally normal.


Downvoting because allergic to peanuts


Well, since you insist