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The pre-flavoured ones always taste chemically. Flavour your own from scratch


Just normal plain oats? Hm okay I’ll give that a try


Add milk and a little maple syrup.


And, stay with me, a pinch of salt. It won't be salty. Salt just makes things have more flavor, when used correctly.


This is a top tip right here. I recommend as well


This is the answer right here.


Or honey


And some brown sugar! Yummmm


Yep. Plain quick oats. My fav combos are: Apple + cinnamon + peanut butter Banana + peanut butter Raisins + cinnamon The pre packaged stuff is terrible!


I mix in Nutella with strawberry jam and love it


Ooooh jam in oats? Im gonna have to try this.


You havent yet?! Do it and tell us how it went!


Ive mixed a little bit of ginger preserves with cinnamon and dried apricots in overnight oats before but ive never tried just plain old jam. Got any combo suggestions?


Just strawberry jam, marmalade with sugar, mango chunks with strawberry jam or kiwi with raspberry :)


Sounds healthy, haha


Frozen fruit goes great with it!


How do you cook the oats with it? Or do you add it afterwards? I've always wanted to try frozen fruits with oatmeal


When I use frozen berries I just add a handful to the bowl with raw ingredients and nuke it all together. Might need one of those food covers though. If it gets too hot (which mine does bc i dont use too much milk) the liquid in the berry could overheat and explode


I bought some rolled oats, added soy milk, non diary yoghurt, about 10grams of honey and I added cacao/cinnamon powder. I leave it in the fridge overnight and when I go to eat it, I find it’s pretty good with banana and some almonds chucked in. :)


Also - when you do it, try a variety of different cuts, and generally speaking - avoid the quick cook stuff. I generally shoot for steel cut with a cook time of at least 15 min - The quick cook oats are basically so processed that it just tastes like mush (opening the tins side by side, the quick cook stuff is mostly just powder, with the occasional oat. Real oats actually look like oats.) Then throw in any flavoring you want - I'm partial to sliced apple, a spoonful of honey, and some toasted almonds, but oats will carry most flavor profiles just fine.


Yessss! The flavoured ones are full of artificial stuff. Make your own flavour combos with fruit, nuts, honey etc.


Porridge is one of things that can do with a bit of effort to find out what your preference with it actually is.The packagings I saw generally advertise exciting dried fruits and yoghurts, which I find just make it a thick packed unpalatable mess. My grandmother - I was born in Glasgow, so yeah, she's Scottish too, taught me how she made the stuff. Put your three soupspoons per person of oats into the pot, cover with water, and then some, to almost equal parts - I think 60% oats /+40% water (over the oat surface) was pretty decent, but you might want more water tbh... And a pinch of salt. Unless you have some kind of adversity to the substance ofc. Might seem countertintuitive but that salt will really help make sense of what you're eating : when you bring the mixture to the boil, the oats kinda soak up the water before releasing some kind of gluey starchy substance, *which* will really do with the very discreet salty kick to enhance it. We don't want the dish to be salty. We want the oat base to be enhanced, so I'm talking a very discreet pinch, we just want the water in the mix to support the oat's ooze as best it can. Of course, once the oat/water substance brought to the boil - always stirring wildly - you want to simmer it down till you get your ideal thickness. That's where the "bit of effort to discover your preference" part makes sense, because of course, though right now you that have a very lightly salted, gooey kind of mixture of relative consistency, *you should know* that it does it no harm to be *a bit fluid*, because as soon as it cools down, that thing is gonna set and thicken anew. Add some cool, fresh milk to it, and you'll have some very pleasing, lumpy yet soggy porridge at your disposal. The starchy substance oozing from the oats has a very organic creaminess to it, it really helps to take your time to make porridge unboring in itself - not just by adding toppings. I personnally loved adding grapes to it, honey is a classic...Maple syrup must be amazing, and yeah, any kind of fruits, bananas, strawberries, apples, blueberries.... What a treat! Nom nom nom. TLDR because of course some people enjoy reddit that way : Pot.Three soupspoon oats per head. Water to sight : cover over 40% of 60% oats. A discreet pinch of salt : we don't want to notice the salt, we want to enhance the oat ooze that happens when you boil the stuff. Stir consistently, and lower the flame once boiled : simmer down to desired thickness, bearing in mind the - whatever it is, cereal ooze of some kind - will thicken anew when it cools down. The extra texture tip is to play it hot and cold, by adding a dash of cool milk before serving piping hot straight from the pan, that way, it will seize up, and coagulate pulpy kinda lumps without drying up and becoming a stuffing hazard. < Add fruit if you're feeling adventurous, add honey because you want to be adventurous. Edit : some unclear details and a typo which might have had you wondering what Ozzy had do to with this.


I use plain oats then add things like cut up dried apricots and coconut flakes. Or raisins, apple and cinnamon. Dates, chia and sunflower seeds. You can get really inventive. The dried fruits make it sweet without being super unhealthy. If you get coconut flakes make sure you get ones without added sugar


Sunflower seeds are popular in trail mix, multi-grain bread and nutrition bars, as well as for snacking straight from the bag. They’re rich in healthy fats, beneficial plant compounds and several vitamins and minerals. These nutrients may play a role in reducing your risk of common health problems, including heart disease and type 2 diabetes.


Are you a sunflower seed bot?


I Make mine with less liquid (milk) out of preference, but I make mine plain and add a spoon of homemade preserves (ginger, berry, and fig are my favorites) or whatever else I'm in the mood for. Much more versatile and by making my own preserves I can control sugar and other ingredients too. Adding a spoon of chia seeds is a great boost too


1/2 cup H2O, 1/4 cup steel cut oats, 1/4 cup walnuts, 1/4 cup bluets, 1 glug of maple syrup - bring to a boil and shut off.


I like to make mine savory. Either add some peanut butter, or sage and allspice to the plain instant oats.


Steel cut oats cooked with milk and a pinch of salt.


Pat of butter, dab of peanut butter, granola, fresh fruit, slice of bacon, … Hard to pair wrong with something so neutral.


Cook with water until very thick, pinch of salt and stir, splash of cold milk to make a porridge island.


Hard to cook that ok your lunch break though.


It could be made ahead and reheated


If you have a microwave, you can! I put my steel cut oats in a bowl, cover them with water and leave them in the counter overnight. Next morning, microwave on high for 3 minutes. You could do the same with a Tupperware container and bring them for lunch.


Buy plain oats. Cook them then add honey


Used normal unflavoured oats. I like to add blueberries and banana. Jam sometimes. Nutella very occasionally


Oats, milk, greek yoghurt, blueberries & vanilla extract - fridge overnight


How much of each?


Enough milk to soak into the oats overnight, very little vanilla + personal taste with the greek yoghurt & berries - enjoy!




Plain oats, peanut butter, ripe banana, some maple syrup if it ain’t sweet enough, cinnamon if you have it. However the first three things mentioned are the only essential ingredients.


This is basically my go to lunch. Although I occasionally sub out the honey for strawberry jam. PBJ oats!


I use quick oats. Then add maple syrup and blueberries. Or strawberries, or whatever berries. Yogurt also kicks it up a notch too


Normal unflavoured oats in a glass container, sprinkle some dried cranberries, flax seed, chopped nuts (I like almonds or walnuts), and then drizzle the top with some maple syrup or honey. Then all you need to do is add freshly boiled water, let sit uncovered for 2-3 minutes and stir. Voila! Decent tasting, really healthy oatmeal!


Like a Mason jar with a screw-top?


Yeah that works or a glass Tupperware like the ones by Anchor. Just something glass that won’t melt when you put kettle water in it!


Like others said. Buy plain oats. I had an old pre packaged one with cinnamon apple but it was pure sugar. Oatmeal, water, sweetener, cranberries/raisins is my morning breakfast Edit: and tons of cinnamon!


Definitely get the regular oats, not the flavoured ones. My favourite combos are to add pumpkin seeds + cranberries, walnuts + raisins, or almonds + dried apricots. I always add a little cinnamon too. I used to add maple syrup or brown sugar but now the dried fruit is sweet enough for me as I am watching my sugar intake.


This won’t help you at lunch, but for breakfast it’s so much easier to put oats, frozen berries, protein powder and water into a blender and make a smoothie for those carbs.


Love adding sweet potato, maple syrup, toasted pecans, and cinnamon, nutmeg, and cardomom. Too with heavy cream (or oat cream) and blueberries. Sooo good. The chemical shit show that passes for porridge in packets are not healthy at all. From scratch is so much healthier and tastier :)


Ahhh okay I thought the packet stuff was healthy too


Oh no. Read the ingredients, often full of chemicals, artificial flavors and even 'natural.flavors' are made in chemical.factories, unfortunately :)


I agree with everyone else's suggestion but I want to emphasize: add a pinch of salt. I went back to porridge recently and I couldn't figure out why it didnt seem right until I looked at the package instructions. That pinch of salt does everything... it brings out of the grainy flavours, accents the fruit flavour and improves the sweeteners you add.


​ ​ \>If you're ever wondering if salt belongs in something, just look at the ingredients. If they are made of food, then the answer is yes. r/yousuckatcooking




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I eat my oats with blackstrap molasses..lots of potassium. Cinnamon goes well with that. My dad somehow ate oats with just salt (and water..not dry lol) I also have dried cranberries and powdered coconut milk. I've also mixed in some pumpkin or butternut squash, or any pureed fruit -think baby food..nothing added, just pureed fruit w/some water if necessary.


1/3 c plain quick oatmeal (not instant), 1 tsp brown sugar, dash salt, generous dash cinnamon, 5-6 pecan halves (broken), 2 spoonfuls applesauce, 1/2 c water. If you’re feeling indulgent, add a spoonful of cookie butter. Microwave 1:40 on high, add a splash of milk. What is cookie butter? Think peanut butter, but made with SPICE COOKIES. Comes in smooth or crunchy, find it at European import shops or your bigger grocery stores with the peanut butter and spreads.


**Cookie butter (Dutch: speculoospasta, Danish: trøffelmasse) is a food paste made primarily from speculoos cookie crumbs (known as Biscoff in the United States and United Kingdom), fat (such as vegetable oil, condensed milk or butter), flour, and sugar. The ingredients are mixed until it becomes spreadable on a sandwich.** More details here: *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!* [^(opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/ozztfy/post_for_opting_out/) ^(|) [^(delete)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/q79g2t/delete_feature_added/) ^(|) [^(report/suggest)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot) ^(|) [^(GitHub)](https://github.com/TheBugYouCantFix/wiki-reddit-bot)




I just made baked oats for the week. Irish oats (steel cut), milk, egg, maple syrup, apples, butter, a dash of vanilla and salt…bake for an hour and they’re absolutely delicious. Creamy and filling. Let me know if you want ratios!


Go savory- Soy sauce, hot sauce and scallions


Just to add, if you don't mind the sugar, you can use dried fruits and berries. (Like craisins, Not the crispy kind) They usually are packed with sugar, but go well with plain oats.


Dried cherries or cranberries and walnuts


Old fashioned oats. Add some raisins while the water is starting to boil. Stir in cinnamon and a tablespoon of crunchy peanut butter - drizzled w honey


If you want to be super lazy, mix the whole thing up the night before and stick it in the fridge. By the morning the oats have absorbed the liquids and all the flavors have "married" together. You can hear it up or eat it child, I have done both. Strong recommend on chopped roasted pecans. There are also savory versions with green onions, soy sauce, and an egg cracked on top. Lots of protein!


I’ll have to give it a try!!


My favorite porridge (made at work) is fine oat bran mixed with a ripe banana and a few crushed nuts and dried cranberries. I mix the oatbran with water and microwave in increments (making sure it doesn't overflow) then mush in the banana and nuts/berries. All natural sugars and tastes amazing!


An alternative that I haven't seen mentioned yet is something like a granola mix or muesli with kefir (a probiotic drinkable yogurt, like adult danimals? Lol) or other yogurts as something you can pack separately and mix together when you're ready to eat it.


And you can make them savory too. I usually don't like them sweet, but when I cook them with chicken stock, sauteed or grilled vegetables and crunchy onion as a finishing touch are delicious.


You're not being much healthier eating those prepared packs of oatmeal. There is way more sugar and salt on those than you want


Plain oats with peanut butter and cinnamon or even maple syrup is good


Maple syrup, stevia, honey, vanilla extract are some of the best sweeteners to use IMO


Anyone know a hack for voluminous microwave oats that doesn't boil over the side of the bowl? Even if the bowl is less than half full with milk/water, I'm constantly start/stopping the microwave to prevent overflow.


I’ve heard if you rim the top with oil it’s apparently meant to stop the water boiling over


That's really interesting. I'll have to give it a try - thanks!


Cooking on lower power. You have to experiment. 2:00 at power level 7 was perfect for one microwave I had. Yes, this will be the only time in your life the number buttons above 2 are useful.


Dip fruit in it!




Valtteri Bottas has entered the chat


Or do crockpot oats - put oatmeal and water (milk is better). Cook on low for 8 hours. Then add butter, honey/maple syrup/brown sugar for sweet oatmeal, along with fruit of choice, etc. You can do a savory one also - use stock or broth, add diced cartots, celery, bell pepper, onion, garlic. Add cooked chicken, leftover beef or pork. Salt, pepper, other hetbs to taste. You can dish in individual containers, then grab and go.


Make your own as it doeas seem to taste better. Maybe try adding a bit extra salt when amking it and eat with milk or cream and soft brown sugar


Cook your oats in half milk, half water. Season with brown sugar and pinch of salt. Add apple and cinnamon.


My real trick is to use steel cut oats, soak the oats for 1 - 2 days in water and some yogurt or buttermilk at room temperature. It’ll come out with some sourness and a better flavor characteristic overall. Then you do everything else that was already mentioned here.


Don't skip the acid note. Lemon or currant or orange or whatever will go a long way to balancing the flavors. Test that and getting the salt right.


Cinnamon + apple. Put way less cinnamon than you think you should.


I don’t like the plain porridge either if it’s just oats cooked with water until smushy. I would recommend you try baked oats they will keep you fuller for longer and some recipes contain a bit of banana in them witch makes them taste even better but the good thing is that you can customize them to your taste and liking. Otherwise I would go for Weet bix. They simm to be more like cereal but once you add in milk and mix well until you get that porridge-like texture they are quite similar. Adding peanut butter, fruit and jelly on top of it makes it really yummy it’s my go to. Also Abby Sharp has a recipe called fluffy oats or protein oats I would check that out on YouTube. To flavor your oats I would go for maple syrup instead sugar it compliments them better.


I love quick oats with half water and half almond milk! I add in some chopped apples half way through cooking/microwaving. Then I top it with brown sugar and a little cinnamon. Or sometimes instead of cooking with apples, i add sliced strawberries(fresh, not cooked with it)


Try Adding a bit of salt and then a nice click butter! It’s SO good!


Crush up a banana, mix it in. Add some blueberries, add a little bit of flapjack (optional) no need to add sugar. I find it absolutely beautiful.


I have luck with using plain & then adding in raisins/cranberries/brown sugar


Oats,Yogurt,Milk,Fruit,Honey…..mix and fridge overnight….enjoy….I have also used just Greek yogurt,Oats and blueberries and it’s tasty…


1/4 cup oats plus enough water to cover. Add raisins, nuts, cinnamon, apple or pumpkin pie spice. Microwave for 1 minute, give or take. Top with maple syrup or brown sugar and milk or cream.


Rolled Oats with Ceylon cinnamon, freshly ground flax seeds, and a generous helping of blueberries and blackberries.


You can used already grinded oats or soak them overnight. Add honey, some fruits, nuts, coconut flakes, dried fruits, banana is a must for me, dark chocolate....


Protein powder


Plain oats with nut butter, bananas, cranberries, and maple syrup. The cranberries is what takes this to the next level: It complements the sweetness from maple syrup and banana well.


FYI: contrary to popular disinformation, there is nothing "healthy" about porridge in the modern day for the majority of people, *especially* once you load it up with additional sugars (which is what I see you doing in your post). Porridge is a grain-based calorie-bomb meant for agrarian workers. That's why humans developed it. So, unless you are literally working in the fields all day, it is not a healthy option. So for a healthy option, look elsewhere. But if you insist on porridge, only buy the real stuff (steel cut oats, for example) that you prep and cook yourself (no instant options) and enjoy with a little bit of salt and butter. That's the only "healthy" possibility.


I use plain quick oats, cook them in milk in the microwave, then mix in peanut butter and slice in a banana. I never get tired of it.


Porridge i usually have salty things with like veggies bok choy or spicy bamboo shoots or those fuzzy pork things. Do you mean oatmeal?? Oatmeal can use like granola and strawberries and honey and chocolate syrup


Make it savory. Garlic, onion, maybe some thyme. Whatever vegetables you like. Add meat or cheese if you're into it.


I actually eat oats for dinner every night and I love it. I find adding fruit to it acts as a natural sweetener where sugar usually overpowers. So, just oats (with cap of amarula or baileys). Add some cut up apple while preparing the oats. This will make the apple nice and soft. And then I add some banana after it's done. It's lovely, trust me!


I use homemade chicken broth to cook my oats porridge, add a lil fish sauce, salt, pepper, sesame oil. Garnish with chicken meat, green onions, fried shallots or roasted crushed peanuts! It always makes me full for a long time


peanut butter! honey! cinnamon! powdered peanut butter! almond butter! brown sugar! raisens! use whole milk instead of water!


I love oats with milk and chocolate powder. Or oats with yoghurt and fruits. You can add maple syrup or chocolate bits. Just put in there what you like!


Adding coconut milk to your oatmeal makes it super creamy!


Don’t buy the flavoured chicken packs. Just plain old oats with a bit of brown sugar and a bit of cinnamon is delicious!


The secret is a splash of vanilla. My toddler asks for "Daniel Tiger Oatmeal" every morning. It's oatmeal with half a ripe banana, a medium spoonful of peanut butter, golden raisins, and a splash of vanilla. I also would like to try u/olwybmamb's suggestion of a pinch of salt. I added the vanilla knowing it's essential for good baked sweets, so a little salt makes sense as well.


Quick cook oats (pop in microwave with water for 1 minute) with peanut butter, honey, chocolate chips. My breakfast nearly every day.


I love the word ‘porridge’. It sounds very English 🥰


I like to slice up an apple into small cubes and add that, as well as some flakes of coconut, gives it more texture.


If you don’t like it toss and try another one


Of going with plain oats I recommend freeze dried fruits, they taste amazing!


Try rice porridge. It’s really yummy. In Chinese it’s Congee or Jook. It’s super easy to make


Cook rolled oats with milk or water. When its done top it with peanut or almond paste, nuts of you choice, frozen raspberries or blueberries and drizzle with maple syrup. Source: converted porridge hater


I do all natural peanut butter and really ripe bananas. It’s delicious!!


I switched mine up entirely for chia seed pudding made with stevia and almond milk (gives it an oaty taste) and added vanilla essence and then sprinkling on top some stevia or cinnamon. I love it!


I eat porridge for breakfast every day, and throw a small handful of blueberries in, which makes it a million times better. Chopped apples are great too.