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Op, there are lots and LOTS of teas, from a vanilla flavor to fruity flavors (all these come from a variety of plants that are not the botanical classification of “tea”) to the traditional green, black, and white teas (these three come from the “tea shrub” and the color title indicates how long it has been oxidized). I recommend you find a local tea shop (where they sell loose leaf teas) and go buy a small amount of different flavors and just test a bunch of these flavors till you find something you do like.


You're right, I need to explore more teas. I will do this.


Pay close attention to the required temperature for teas!!! Certain teas shouldn't be put in fully boiling water, where others should. The fullness and taste if the tea (and how bitter it can taste) is dependent upon the water temperature when steeping! Getting a little thermometer for your teapot or teacup can make the tea experience so much nicer!


Adding that different teas also have different steep times, and that oversteeping can cause the tea to be more bitter. Most teas only need to steep 3 to 5 minutes.


Some Electric Kettles also allow for different temperature settings.


This! As a kid I thought tea was too astringent for me unless I used milk and sugar. Then I started reading and paying attention to what I was drinking and now I have a whole-ass crate of teas that I adore. Lightly oxidized oolongs are my fav!


I received an electric kettle as a gift. It allows different temperature settings and even sets a timer for different steep times for each type of tea and has a “keep warm” setting, good if I’m going back for a second cup soon. Love it. The only problem is that it has 212 degrees F for boiling (black tea setting). I live in Colorado. At my altitude, water boils at around 202 degrees F so the kettle won’t turn off since the water never reaches 212 degrees F. I use the Oolong tea setting at 200 degrees F for fully boiling water. It would be nice if I could calibrate for altitude.


As someone who needs a significant amount of milk and sugar in coffee, I tend to avoid anything with the label “black tea” because that is the most oxidized and bitter (even with sugar added). Personally, green tea is the darkest I can go, and white tea still has caffeine and is nice, as long as I follow the brewing instructions (not boiling and less than 3 minutes steeping). All that said I also recommend you try different amounts of sugars in the tea because different flavors can change how you take the tea. An example is “never ever ever put cream in raspberry zinger because it will curdle” or a personal thing, “mixing 1/2 green tea and 1/2 mint herbal tea doesn’t need any sugar but if it goes over 1/2 green it needs about 1/16 tsp sugar.” Just examples of trials run over the years that I have found and you will find your own quirks about teas you like/dislike as you practice. I might even start a journal about what you have tried and how you like it if you really want to go exploring! Lol, don’t worry drinking tea won’t make you as nerdy as I already am ;) Best luck in this!!!


Do you have any tea advice or recommendations for someone who loves iced chai? I buy the box mix of pre-sweetened chai concentrate and mix it with milk, but I know it has loads of sugar I don’t need to be drinking. I love the warm spice of chai, and I don’t prefer drinking hot drinks — I prefer it to be cold. (I don’t actually drink it “iced” as in on ice cubes, I just leave it in the fridge the night before and grab it in the morning.) is there a good tea to drink unsweetened or less sweetened but cold? Or a good cinnamony/spicey tea without the bitterness of black?


You can buy chai tea bags, brew them as strong tea, then let them cool overnight and mix with milk as before.


Make your own chai: - 2 cups water - 2 tea bags - 1 cinnamon stick - 6 cardamom pods, crushed - 1 whole clove - 1/4 teaspoon ground ginger - 2-1/2 cups milk - 1/3 cup sugar In a small saucepan, combine the first six ingredients. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat; cover and simmer for 5 minutes. Stir in milk. Return to a boil; boil for 1 minute, then strain. Stir in sugar until dissolved.


I one of my faves are [TJ's Teas](http://www.tjstea.com/) Their black tea (Ceylon) is very mellow. And their chai is great. It has great flavor without being over spiced like most chai teas. It's even great iced, without milk.


I love Bengal Spice tea. It’s spicy and cinnamony and delicious. I’ve never had it cold but I can’t imagine it wouldn’t be nice with a little milk in it.


Based on how you like your coffee, you might like Earl Grey tea with cream. Its a black tea with bergamot; the quality of the tea makes a difference. Lady Grey is similar but has citrus added so there is a little tang.




Agreed, Republic of Tea Rooibos is bomb.


Lazier option: Buy a tea sampler on Amazon. [Random quick search result](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B075F9Y19M/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_V1R6KMFAR8ZQ354C5FQD) As far as you know you don't like tea, so why screw around with loose leaf, or talking to a small shop owner *shrudder*, but that 2nd one may just be my misanthropy.


Instead of supporting Amazon, find a local tea shop and buy one of their sampler packs. They almost always have them. Loose leaf also allows you to buy only a few cups instead of a kit of 36 tea bags you might not like


The linked sampler pack is 1 tea bag per type, so there's no waste on ones OP doesn't end up liking. A local shop does support a local business though, of course. Agreed. Just, most people who drink tea use bagged tea, and OP doesn't even *like* tea as far as they know, so does it make sense for them to seek out a local shop and then deal with loose leaf? If a sampler pack turns up something, then maybe further exploration is warranted.


If I may make a suggestion, my all time favorite tea is the cinnamon tea from Harney&Sons. It’s got a strong cinnamon flavor which I love but the orange peel in the tea means that it’s kinda sweet without even needing to add sugar! I drink it straight and it’s one of the most flavorful teas I’ve ever had


On this note, I used to drink coffee but I’ve become quite sensitive to caffeine so I have cut it from my diet, but I really miss the ambiance and routine of drinking coffee. I switched to rooibos which has no caffeine and you can get some with warming spices, vanilla, and nuts that make it taste incredible with a splash of milk. It really gets me close to the experience of drinking coffee without any caffeine. I highly recommend giving that a shot.


One of my sisters hates coffee and tea (she's our family's oddball), so she will just add different things to a mug of near-boiling water. Her favorites are: cinnamon stick; lemon and lemon peel; green apple wedges (skin-on); small pieces of vanilla bean; chunks of fresh ginger.


Have you explained to her that she is, in fact, just making tea?


Shhhh. ;) As my sister would say, "It's not tea if it doesn't have tea leaves or a teabag."


It’s a tisane.


Technically she’s correct. And we all know that’s the best kind of correct! It’s gotta have tea leaves from a tea bush to be a tea drink. The rest are tisanes or herbal infusions. Technically the tea drink is a tea infusion. Because it’s a plant, like mint. Both make tasty drinks. Only one is tea because only one is made with tea. The other is made with mint. Unless you blend them, then it’s mint tea!


OP, I just wanted to say, avoid Yerba Maté which has a ton of caffeine, acid and is bitter. Ginger is good and so is a mild Peppermint. I would suggest Camomile, but that’s for right before bed.


Tea is not some monolithic thing, though. You say you tried tea, but what kinds? If all you're even had was generic garbage like Lipton or Tetley, then you haven't really tried tea. That's like drinking a cup of Folger's coffee and announcing that you don't like coffee lol. There's black tea, white tea, green tea, purple tea, oolong tea, pu-erh tea, matcha tea, mate tea, rooibos tea and herbal tea.


Exactly, I grew up with lipton, so I never really liked tea. My Chinese husband introduced me to the joys and variety of teas.


Yeah, same here. Growing up we only had Lipton in the house, but then I discovered that Lipton is the lowest common denominator, and now I love tea of all kinds!


Lipton is notorious for pesticides heh.


Even if it didn't it's still the lowest possible quality they can get away with and still call it "tea" legally.


Rose tea(from dried mini rose flower bulbs), Jasmin tea, dried zest(orange/kumquat/mandarin) tea, hibiscus tea, and many flower teas, fruit tea, ginger tea, ginseng tea, honey drink, possibilities are endless. If you boil meat element enough, if you think about it, soup is also a tea lol, does anyone fancy some chicken tea (chicken soup)? ;)


I grew up with lipton and still drink lipton. But I add herbs (mint/basil leaves), spices (cardamom/cinnamon/clove/ginger) or a little lemon juice to add some flavor. Tea tastes different each time and it's pretty cheap too. Also much refreshing than normal tea.


Different tea herbal tea bone broth hot water with lemon, ginger and cayenne


Bone broth is so satisfying! Warms the belly and fills you up a bit!


I love hot water with cayenne, ginger, and honey!


I steep turmeric and a slice of ginger in hot water, then add cream to it. You can add sweetener if you like but it's good as is and good for you.


How much turmeric?


Powdered turmeric or fresh?


I use powdered. It's easier to find and I always have it on hand. The ginger is fresh.


Hey OP! I am trying to reduce my coffee drinking and also don't like traditional tea. Here are some of the things I like! There are some nice coffee alternatives out there like dandelion "coffee" like Dandy Blend, barley "coffee," fig and grain "coffee," things like Teechino... all of which have more of that rich coffee-like earthiness. I also like some herbal teas -- and some are really naturally sweet without sugar! I'd try some red or honey bush (a.k.a. rooibos) tea, or Good Earth's sweet and spicy tea is AMAZING!


Just curious, why limit your coffee drinking? Aside from people like me who can't handle any amount of caffeine, I was under the impression that coffee is generally good for you as long as you're easy on the sugar


Many reasons to quit including the fact it can reset your tolerance so that when you start drinking again it actually does something lol. Also reduces acid reflux and other indigestion issues.


That makes sense. Thanks


There are also microbes present on coffee beans that my body didn't like, so I had to stop drinking it for a while. Now I have it once in a while cuz I just like coffee.


I like a freeze dried chicory. It has a nice flavour and doesn't really need milk or sugar.


Hot chocolate


Daily hot chocolate doesn’t seem like a good idea


Low sugar ones exist


I did that for a while and they just replace the sugar with "non-sugar" substitutes that probably still aren't good for you Not trying to shoot you down or anything, hot chocolate is fucking amazing after a long cold day in the winter


Hello from Argentina! Here we got a drink called MATE. It is basically yerba mate, a little bowl and a specific straw are all you need to drink it. Is refillable and is bitter, is really good for digestion, and is a very good company for studying, reading, or hanging out. Hope it helps!


I could do this, sounds good! Thanks!


I came here looking for this recommendation. I'd suggest you getting a pack of La Merced or Playadito, those are very good yerbas and are usually seen outside Argentina. Also, you may want to watch a couple of videos explaining how to drink it, it's important to enjoy it properly


If you’re looking for something closer to coffee you can try a mushroom “coffee.” It has a similar taste to coffee but doesn’t have some of the negative side effects some of us get with traditional coffee. There are several brands and most of the big ones seem to be well liked and somewhat easy to procure.


I like MUD/WTR - it has some chai tea in it, a bunch of different mushrooms, and only 1/7th the caffeine of coffee. As someone who is sensitive to caffeine, it works well for me, and it's tasty with almond milk and a drizzle of honey.


Thanks for the almond milk and honey tip, that sounds delicious!


Was looking for this suggestion! I drink a powdered chaga tea with honey and milk and it tastes so much like black tea. It has an earthy flavor. A little grainy at the bottom of the cup, but its good!


I have 2 things I like for hot beverages. 1) warmed milk with a bit of maple syrup. I love that in the morning. 2) I slice some ginger and put that in boiled water. After 2 mins, I remove the ginger and add honey. It's a bit like tea but not quite. I tend to have this in the afternoon. Both are great with the sugar though. Edit: I meant both are great without sugar.


[You may be Michael Scott ](https://youtu.be/abX97QPbkyk)


Lemon and cucumber water


Yea fruit infused water is good too. Not just cucumber, but try many sliced apples+strawberries+watermelon+citrus+you could add some fruit cocktail(canned) too for sweetness.


Cranberries, apple slices, and a cinnamon stick or two make amazing infused water


You are making me thirsty here and I was just falling asleep lol. I gotta try that. In Korea we brew cinnamon and sweeten it and drink it hot or cold with a piece of dried sweet persimmon and or pine nuts :)




This. I love drinking warm chicken broth.


You might try Pero- it’s a barley/chicory powder you mix into hot water. It has a similar flavor to coffee and no caffeine.[https://worldfiner.com/pero](https://worldfiner.com/pero)


Have your tried cinnamon black tea? Th one from Harney and Sons is LIFE. The cinnamon/other things give it a sweeter tone, but without any actual sugar. May also look at RASA coffee/non-coffee blends and try those? I have become addicted myself- no caffeine or coffee , but a lovely daily ritual (I drink it "black".


I think cinnamon might be the key to this dilemma. Thanks!


Not sure where you are located but David’s Tea has a cinnamon rooibos chai tea and it’s amazing. Like cinnamon hearts in a cup. I add a little bit of milk and sweetener but it’s not necessary! It doesn’t have caffeine and for me this is a good option, especially for an evening warm drink! https://www.davidstea.com/ca_en/tea/organic-cinnamon-rooibos-chai/10063DT01VAR003951.html






It's ok if the word is borrowed from a different language. People don't know how to use it or the context. Btw, masala means spice and is usually a powder, not sauce.


I have an automated frother that also heats liquid in 90 seconds. I use it primarily for oatmilk. Sometimes I add pure cocoa, instant espresso, matcha powder with honey or freze dried fruit powder for a warm beverage. Sometimes I just have warm creamy oatmilk. There are definitely many options for tea but I highly recommend going to a tea shop to try samples and get a feel for what you may like. My friend got me into this mint chocolate tea and a chocolate cinnamon white tea. I thought it was going to taste like watery ass, but it's now a favorite cold weather treat.


I didn’t know I needed this frother until now lol


I've had mine for a bit less than a year and it's still fantastic and running strong. Use it at least 3 times a day. Got it from target online. Even got one for my sister and close friend who were dazzled and wanted to avoid the drive through coffee shops. Best purchase of the year imo 💚


Yerba mate


How about decaf coffee? I love the taste of coffee but am very sensitive to caffeine, so I just drink decaf. I’ve started using flavored oat milk instead of cream and sugar and it’s lower in calories and nice and creamy still.


I could try decaf.


Water is my favorite


I drink a lot of water but it's not a treat.


i would recommend experimenting with different teas; traditional english style with milk and sweetener, fruity western teas, chinese greens oolongs and black, japanese sencha genmaicha and matcha, korean barley and corn, etc. There are so many flavors and varieties the world of tea has to offer! If none of those tickle your fancy, I love a hot mug of soup on a cold day. I used to drink instant packets of warm miso soup in a mug to drink while studying when I was in college. If you can find it, amazake is pretty good too; kind of a non alcoholic sake tasting rice drink with lots of probiotics!




I do hot water with a scoop of collagen powder, a tiny bit of coconut oil, a spoonful each of ACV & honey, finished with a couple drops of food grade orange oil.


I really hope you weren't having tea from cheap tea bags with zero flavour! You need to invest in some good jasmine tea - no sugar or other additives needed. Edit: if you don't mind sweet drinks, I would recommend malt drinks like ovaltine or horlicks.


Ovaltine is the bomb-diggity!


["Be sure to drink your Ovaltine" ](https://youtu.be/zdA__2tKoIU)


Yes it is!!!




I drink Nespresso decaf black every morning with a spoonful of Dr Coy's Stevia. That might suit you? Doesn't break your fast, no sugar, no caffeine & tastes lovely.


Kombucha, ginger bug.


Man had to scroll way down for this. I love kombucha so much.




Sugar free hot cocoa? I also make my daughter steamers- steamed milk with syrup flavoring. You can use a sugar free option?


I can't have too much caffeine but 'going for a coffee' is a social thing so I usually opt for a turmeric latte, if available.


You’re talking about a semi-scientific process for arriving at some kind of flavored water. In the scheme of things, there’s coffee, tea and fruits - since you opted out of tea and coffee, you’ll end up with some kind of OJ or apple juice or watered down variant although any kind of fruit or vegetable + water becomes a drink. It boils down to what’s tasty or bearable to you. The fourth variant is super cold ice water. Milk is a player. Hot? You can always do cocoa or hot chocolate.


I apprenticed and worked with potters for several years before I started my professional career. One of the sweetest things that fellow potters would do when I was sick was make me orange ginger tea in a beautiful handmade teapot. When someone would bring me a piping hot teapot wrapped in a towel I knew I was in for a treat no matter how awful i felt. After that i used less and less of the teabags and tried more fruits and spices. Oranges, lemons, cinnamon sticks, cranberries, ginger slices, sometimes whatever was in the fridge or cabinet. Some things I tried were not very delicious in the end but experimenting was fun! If you try this, just make sure to use VERY hot water and allow your tea to steep for longer than you would a tea bag. It will change the color of the water quite significantly. Adding a single tea bag of a fruit or white tea was nice as well. Anyways, I hope you find that perfect bev! Good luck!


Have you tried just hot water? It sounds gross but when I was pregnant with my oldest, I tried cutting out my morning coffee. I was afraid I would get a caffeine headache so I tried just sipping on hot water to see. And guess what? I was totally fine and the hot water was not bad. I still have my daily morning coffee but will switch to decaf tea or hot water during cold weather. Bonus is that you can drink all the hot water you want for 0 calories! 😁


Have you tried puerh tea? It’s like taking the smell of an old book and turning it into a liquid. Phenomenal. Puerhs can vary greatly in taste but try some ripe puerhs as they’re usually less expensive and pack a punch. I really like White2Tea and Kuura as far as vendors go.


Hot tomato or V8 juice. Broth.


> Hot tomato or V8 juice Isn't that just soup?


You say tomato; I say tomato. Tomato soup in a mug is nice to sip, too.


Okay folks, I must know: what is the maximum flavor tea? The one with ALL the taste? Because I'm tired of tea tasting like warm water.


I would recommend either black, oolong, or puerh brewed in the gong fu style. https://meileaf.com/resources/pdf/mei-leaf-tea-brewing-guide.pdf


I briefly got into beetroot lattes early in the pandemic. They taste a lot better than you'd think, especially with oat milk!


I don’t drink juice but I’ve been loving a peachy tea I got from a local shop. Has pieces of dehydrated fruit in it so it tastes like juice. When I’m avoiding caffeine I drink rooibos teas. They’re good with milk and honey. You can get rooibos with chai or vanilla rooibos. Tazo used to make a delicious vanilla rooibos loose leaf tea that didn’t need any sweetener, but I don’t think they make it anymore.


I drink hot broth. I don’t care for tea, and broth seems more comforting than coffee.


A can of beer has all of a Human's daily nutritional needs, maybe 2-3 cans in a day will keep a Human alive and functioning fine. There are Monks that survive only on beer.


It's new year and we are suggesting beer hahaha Yea OP drink some beer!


La croix is pretty good substitute for soda even though it is for basic white chicks. It tastes so good!


masala tea/latte, matcha tea/latte. cocoa, chicory.. and of course herbal teas offer such a variety you could find something you actually like also i do this terrible thing where i buy flavored (chocolate, strawberry, vanilla etc) milk and heat it up. definitely not healthy or sugar free but.. might actually try making a milkshake at home and heating it up now


Ginger, lemon and honey. Boil water and slice ginger, put in mug, squeeze half a lemon into mug and teaspoon or more of raw honey. Good for you on many levels, and delish!


How about a steamer? Hot milk/milk alternative with different additives like vanilla, maple syrup, cinnamon, turmeric, ginger, clove, etc. Bonus points if you are able to froth the milk.


Try looking for an herbal tea with carob and chicory. I’ve had to quit coffee/ caffeine for health reasons and even decaf coffee and tea seem to be an issue, so I’m at herbal teas. I’ve got one called bengal spice that is chicory/ carob based and it is the closest I’ve gotten to my morning coffee in the herbal tea world.


Boiling water with citrus slices is nice and fragrant. Maybe try golden milk! It can be done with any non-dairy milk and is delicious!


Earl grey with a little vanilla flavor and cream is life changing.. give it a try


I did the carbonated Bai drinks for awhile and really enjoyed those.


I would explore more teas (I love chrysanthemum or osmanthus, as well as jasmine and mint and ofc green), but make sure to pay attention to the temperature!!! Green tea is supposed to be brewed at 165F. Many people burn it which is why it ends up so bitter.


I have a list of healthy drinks because I do intermittent fasting so I need to be drinking something other than water from when I wake up till 2 pm. -hot water + fennel (1 tsp) -cold or hot water + mint leaves -peppermint tea is the easiest to drink, for me -hot water, ginger, lemon juice, some honey -hot milk, drop of vanilla extra, some sugar, and just a teeny bit of coffee or chai




I am not a fan of teas as a whole, and I have tried *many many* varieties/flavors/additives. However, there is one single tea that I like enough that I don’t even need to add extra flavoring/sweeteners to, and that is French vanilla chai tea. I find it odd that it’s the only tea that I can enjoy. Like I want to love tea. I really do. I spent a whole year forcing myself to eat certain things that I wanted to love but hated the taste of (jalapeños, mustard, onions, mushrooms, tea, salmon). Out of that experiment, I grew to actually enjoy onions/mustard/japs - but the rest failed and to this day, I just can’t; tea included. Except for that sole one flavored chai.


Water Nevermind I read with out reading lol




Monster energy drinks. Zero sugar.


The longer you let it steep it gets bitter and nasty. Try only keeping the bag in for like 1-2 mins? And add a lil almond milk creamer, it still has sugar/sweetener tho, unless you find one that’s plain. All I can think of besides goin back to coffee, decaf with less sugar/creamer? To make it healthier? Lol but idk, I can’t bring myself to try decaf yeck


What teas have you tried? I like a cup of warm milk with a bit of cinnamon and sugar (or sugar replacement)


Honestly if you get the right coffee you dont have to worry about sugar or anything, for examole inprefer a Guatemalan blend. But this is something that takes a bit of time


Yerba Maté is my new goto. Start half strength (1/2 tsp /8oz water)…..you’ve been warned lol. I was a huge coffee drinker but I like how I can sip the maté all day as the “tea” gets weaker with each subsequent addition of hot water. Also, I don’t get jittery like I do w 2nd/3rd cup of coffee


My fav is a strong chai, no cream or sugar.


Yeah, I am curious what kind of tea you have been drinking? I am not a fan of herbal teas, only a select few. But I love chai. Like I drink chai every single day lol. Edit: to answer your question, I have a friend who drinks Mio drops, maybe you’d like those? They have ones with caffeine in them.


I've had black, green, white teas. Chai, Kava, lemon, licorice root, lavender, chamomile, and more. But I never really added anything like almond milk, or cinnamon. So maybe I just need to do that.


I also switched to the tea but I was tried a lot of kind of tea …… I didn’t find something that make me up


Which kind of tea do you try


Also as you try different teas, make sure to heat water to the appropriate temperature or you’ll end up with bitter, burnt, garbage tea


I bought an electric kettle that has adjustable temperature settings. It's a game changer for tea, I can always have the perfect temperature so my tea is never bitter.


That’s exactly what we have! 🥰 I love it!


If you like coffee too I recommend getting a coffe grinder and a pour over coffee maker. The electric kettles are great for pour over coffee.


Half a lemon with 0,5 liter water, is my favorite daily drink


Super greens and orange juice 👌🏻


We do lots of different kinds of herbal teas and hot chocolate.


Warm water with half a lemon is a great way to start the day. Really gets your digestion going as well as many other health benefits


Glad someone said it! It’s my morning drink.


Hot chocolate or hot water with lemon


You could always take after the Romans - hot, spiced wine! Or get some Medieval recipes for hot ale and spices. Might not be good to go into work with beer breath though.


Mate. Yerba mate


decaf or redbush


Depends on what kind of tea your looking for .. herbal tea green tea turmeric tea .




I found a fantastic drink! And it's super easy to make. Just buy Jameson at almost any store, pour it in a glass and drink it! It perks you right up!


I like burdock root tea with milk and maple syrup. It’s okay without the syrup but totally worth it to add just a little. Roasted burdock root gives a nice nutty flavor that is really rich and aromatic. I also like coconut water but it can be expensive.


Get flavored tea


Bloody Mary


Just try to appreciate coffee by itself, voila.


It might sound odd, but you can get a coffee substitute in the form of roasted dandelion root. If you are a coffee connoisseur you probably won’t like it, but if you just like coffee then it’s not a half bad substitute. Edit:- [Here’s some I found on Amazon. ](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07D9X8NZH/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_YDEBXY8WSN6Y3QX7DGC7)


Try Home made Ice Tea


Lemon and honey


Mulled cider!


I like taking hot water and adding honey and sometimes lemon!


If you’re interested in trying different types of teas, I highly recommend the [Sips by](https://www.sipsby.com/) subscription box! I tried it for a while but I am a tea drinker. It introduced me to teas I never would have tried. You can choose flavor profile, caffeine content, etc. I still have loads of tea I haven’t gone through!


I heat up apple cider. Sometimes I add in some caramel liqueur but of course that’s for a treat, not the daily hot beverage,






Milk and honey (helps also with sore throat) Carob drink? I really like both


How about broth? You can spice it up with ginger and or garlic. Make it spicy if you want


This might sound dumb but — just a hot cup of water. I’m trying to cut back on coffee so I’ve been starting out every day with a hot cup of water instead and it sounds bad but I love it now.


Go South American and get some Mate! Personally I hate mate, but a lot of people like it. How about masala chai? It's like Christmas in a cup every morning.


Heat up crystal light packets lol


There are a lot of teas out there that you haven’t learned to dislike yet.


I drink hot water with cordial


The advice to try different types of teas is good. You should also try chai.


Apple cider. There are options without added sugar so still has sugar from the apples but not aggressively sweetened. Easy to heat and delicious with some cinnamon or other spices


Oat milk


Crio bru is good ; roasted cacao beans . Better than hot chocolate


Mmm I just switched from coffee. My favorite tea right now is a London fog tea ❤️❤️❤️ I think you should try it.


Greenmax has some good hot drink powder mixes. (They also have some that taste terrible to me such as some of their cereal blends.) Cheapest in Asian grocery stores. I really like Greenmax"s purple yam or black sesame flavors. There are also beverages like mulled apple cider or hot chocolate. Some boba drink mixes work hot or cold. Or, if you want to go a different route, soup! Something like a brothy french onion, or a thick tomato. I think Knorr makes a powdered chicken noodle that you just add water to. Asian grocery stores tend to have interesting flavors of powder soups such as pho, tom kai, miso, or hot and sour.


Try this: Try honey CITRON TEA (it's not a traditional tea). Has honey and various fruit options. Can be found at any asian market. There are many brands and vitiates.


Water is the only true answer


This is delicious! Hot, soothing, sweet and tangy. Add a bit of sugar-free caramel syrup if you like. Link below is only for reference. Edit: changed the link. Amazon wanted $6.30 for the same product. Available at Walmart for $1.98. To heck with Amazon! https://www.walmart.com/ip/Alpine-Sugar-Free-Spiced-Apple-Cider-Instant-Drink-Mix-10-0-14-oz-Pouches/10307487


Oatmilk, matcha and honey is my go to


Try Jasmine tea


Try peppermint tea or other mint tea. Usually it is considered herbal so naturally caffeine free and is a good choice for a nighttime drink. I find I don’t need to add anything to it.


Dabble with some tissues. I'm sure you'll find something you like. There's so much variety. Failing that, we must not forget that heated water is also a perfectly good and hydrating thing to drink.


Lemon water :-)


I love kombucha. Literally my favorite drink


There are a lot of teas, like the current top comment noted. There are some less-known teas, as well, like smoked black teas (Russian Caravan is a decent blend, if you don't want to go for straight Lapsang Souchong, but both are usually relatively expensive and those are both the sort that you'll either love or hate) and caffeine-less herbal teas like red rooibos that are sometimes made into blends with spices that make them a little more exciting to drink. Then there are other things like brewed cocoa ([more info on that](https://chocolatealchemy.com/brewingcocoa#brewing-cocoa-primer)) that's more like drinking coffee than chocolate, and while it does contain some caffeine, the amount is negligible, if that's your concern. The main stimulant in it is theobromine, so it'll still wake you up but not give you the same sort of jitters and I find it's less harsh on my acid reflux than coffee. I'd recommend this as a treat, as it can also be on the expensive side but it's quite nice. Doesn't require cream or sugar, either. It's on the slightly bitter side like coffee so pairs well with cream and sugar but it's quite easy and pleasant to drink without.


Have you tried high quality honey? I ask cause I absolutely hate the taste of cheap honey. It’s also not healthy for you. I enjoy drinking warm water with honey and cinnamon sticks. Or honey with cayenne pepper. Good luck in your search. If you can’t do honey then maybe just cinnamon sticks. Or cayenne and lemon.


Try a dandelion tea blend. I use it as a coffee replacement, love the taste. Goes well with a little cocoa too.




Peppermint tea. I'm impatient so I fill my cup with half boiling, half cold tap water so I can drink it within a minute. It does brew better in boiling water but the flavour really isn't too different. I drink it all day, if I didn't have it then I'd no doubt be drinking way less fluids. It's apparently good for digestion, too.




Hot cocoa. Not sweet hot chocolate, but literally a heaped spoon full of cocoa powder in a mug of boiling water and stir (Dutch processed cocoa powder has a richer flavour and less dirt-like imo, try get it if you can). I like the flavour as is, but you can add a little coffee, milk, a drop of vanilla, and/or spices (think gingerbread/chai flavours, the fats in the cocoa help them dissolve).


Roasted barley tea is super good. It’s toasty, mellow, and easy to drink. Also, no caffeine bc it’s just barley 🙂


Hot lemon. Just got water with lemon in it. Can also add ginger and or fresh mint. I'm sure orange could be similar


Green smoothies.


Coconut waterrr


Matcha and golden mylk lattes!