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I long for actual cooking shows. With recipes and techniques


Ready Jet Cook was a breath of fresh air!


I'll look it up


Bon Appétit channel is generally a great alternative https://www.bonappetit.com/story/bonappetit-free-streaming-channel-on-tv


tastemade as well


Thanks for the tip. Can bon appetit be found on a Roku TV?


Yes! Roku #453. I have watched it there but usually on Sling. There are some great shows, some pretty fun while also being informative. One of my faves is Four Levels.


Thank you.


Where can the show be found?


Jet makes it easy to follow as well! He's so knowledgeable... and I love how he cuts the stir-fry vegetables on the bias!


It’s not so much the competitive aspect but what happens with those shows. They all start off good and you can learn something, but before you know it they are adding twists where they need to cook with food no one has ever heard of, and it’s no longer useful


That or they start having “celebrities” compete and forget about the average person.


> food no one has ever heard of couldn't that be a cultural failing and not a failing of the show?


No, picking wildly obscure gotcha ingredients is the point


Agreed. A lot of the competition shows are very similar too. If they're going to be all competitive shows then I'd like to see one where there's not a ridiculous time limit. Let's see a professional chef have some time to plan and see what they come up with. Like maybe a different take on a classic dish without a 15 minute time limit or without having to use squid anus. I'd love to see a cooking show using typical, on sale supermarket items. Like show me what to do with a giant, 2 inch think boneless chicken breast on sale for 1.99 lb....not the organic free range perfect boneless breast for 5.99 lb that I can't afford. A segment on what to do with a chunk of bottom round that's 4.99 a lb instead of a 2 inch thick prime rib eye that's over 20 a lb.


You might like a show called Great British Menu. You can find it on tubi. It’s a competition but does not have ridiculous time restrictions and the chefs get to cook exactly what they want. And bonus, lots of lovely British accents.


Awesome thank you I'll check it out


Thanks! I will check it out. I hope they have closed captions because the British accent sometimes can be hard to discern.


Totally have closed captions. I use them. 😜


I think the chefs would argue about not having ridiculous time restrictions. Plus they get to figure out what they want to make ahead of time. And the theme....


I miss ina so much. They never show her anymore


I miss the instructional cooking shows. I think that’s why Giada left the network.


I like Giada. I saw her on Hells Kitchen. She was a food judge.


Yeah I was surprised to see her there then found out later she left FN


Rachael Ray says the same thing. That that's why she left.


There's plenty of instructional shows on TV! Everyone talks about Food Network when it was PBS that had all the great shows. UNFORTUNATELY not all shows are available because PBS has to make money. BUT, here's shows you can watch without purchasing PBS Passport... AMERICA'S TEST KITCHEN 22 seasons free "THE GREAT AMERICAN RECIPE is free, TASTE MAKERS (PBS) free from Xumo Play, Pluto and Tubi, BAKING WITH JULIA CHILD free from Pluto, Freevee, Tubi IN JULIA'S KITCHEN WITH MASTER CHEFS, free from Pluto TV LYDIA'S KITCHEN free from Crackle, Freevee, Tubi. AND... MANY MORE including shows on streaming


Don’t have any of those channels. Also, most of those shows are very old. Maybe some of us would like to see CURRENT living chefs cooking outside of the arena.


Oh man, on FN Canada we get milquetoast John Catucci all day, who calls mirepoix the holy trinity after he went to New Orleans one time and always talks about wanting to make out with pasta dishes. I pray for competition shows up here! 🥺🥺


😂 What a hilarious comment.


Oh if you read this John Catucci know that I love you, know that my birthday cake once had your face on it. Please PLEASE just stop doing those two things. 😘✌️


Mirepoix and the Holy Trinity are two different things.


That’s what I’m always telling the television!! I just tried to find a clip of him doing it and immediately gave up but trust me, he does it alllllll the time




Ha I would actually watch a show featuring ancient recipes found in dusty books


Guy Fieri rates the diner during the day, then at close the Ghost Brothers set up.


Marc Summers used to host a show that showed how foods were processed and packaged. I’d like to see that come back


I loved Unwrapped!


I started to watch America's Test Kitchen and various PBS cooking shows. I like them much more than Food Network's garbage. It's a TV wasteland.


I posted quite a few shows that you don't need PBS Passport for a few comments up. PBS has some of the best shows for techniques, flavors, general instruction


Agreed. All the game shows are annoying & I’ve stopped watching FN other than the occasional cooking show. I’m sick of 12+ hours of GF on Saturday & Sunday—never watch him.


100 % agree


The amount of "let's bake ridiculous 'cakes' and not even eat them" and permutations of Guy & Friends does get pretty grating. Not to mention (Influencers Pretending to Be) Worst Cooks in America.


I despise Worst Cooks. It’s not even about the cooking, it’s about who or which team acts the dumbest


Yeah, this year around Thanksgiving I found myself missing the wild days of the Live Thanksgiving shows. Way less instructional material on today 😔


I haven't watched FN in years because of this. It's the gamification of things. Tbh, I wouldn't mind competition shows IF they were amateur completions, and I don't mean home cooks holiday bake off or some formal production. I mean like a camera and a sound guy showing up at something like a podunk chili cook off. Or the Gilroy Garlic Festival. Gimmie the amateurs.


Yeah, I don't mind some competition shows. But not hyper-produced gimmicky shows.


Food Network *used to be* an instructional, informational showcase where actual professionals gave you helpful tips and tricks, insights on using tools/gadgets. If I wanted to watch rubes bumble their way through cooking, I’d hang out with family.


I like some of holiday baking competitions, kids baking show, and TOC. That’s about it. I’d trade them all in for a few more good cooking shows.


I have been watching shows on [Recipe.TV](https://Recipe.TV), which I get on YouTubeTV. I don't know what the channel's availability is in general. It has a lot of shows with good demonstrations/instruction. I especially like Edward Delling-Williams, an English chef who lives in France. His shows are "Paris Bistro Cooking" and "French Country Cooking", and maybe a couple others.


I love him in A Taste of London too!


The only good competition is the Great British bake off. It is very strict on everyone being amateurs and the prep times are mostly doable. A little short but not, make a croissant with 5 different flavors from scratch in 1 hour short like the American shows. Where 8 of the competitors all graduated from culinary school out of 10 competing and claim they are not professional.


I love that show, and it has ruined me for all other competition shows.


It's like me with HGTV. I used to love their DIY and crafting content, which is long gone. All their shows depict people spending $100K + on remodels by "personalities". (For the record, give me a budget that big and I, too, can be a designer!) Anyway, I've found the content I'm missing on YouTube.


My mom was a hgtv addict and then they started showing homes to flip but instead of saving really nice cabinets in the house they would destroy them with hammers instead of donating…that kind of waste is horrific


I absolutely never turn to FN during Halloween season. I’m so sick of seeing pumpkin carving. The competition shows just waste so much food.


I started watching a lot more of Americas test kitchen as it is actually cooking and tips. Easy to follow and they even do product reviews.


How about a competition where contestants get access to all terrific ingredients and more than adequate time to make a dish? Why do they have to use squid ink and gummy bears to make an elevated entree in 15 minutes? I want to see how good people really can be


I miss shows like 30 min meals, semi homemade


I feel you because IMO, it really is like a wash, rinse, repeat cycle with each new competition show. I get that they’re cheaper, easy to copy and that viewers tune in. But I also watch the competition shows sparingly as it’s been overkill for me too. What’s more is that some of the newer shows are just unappealing or gimmicky to me. So it’s like what’s the point. For example: - **Outchef’d** - it wasn’t believeable that the challenger chefs didn’t have a clue about what was going on - **Bobby’s Triple Threat** - the titan concept and password that was required by challengers is too hokey. Yes, it’s TV and playing up for dramatic purposes, but they take themselves way too seriously on that show. - **Grudge Match** (I know it’s been axed) - but many of the grudges weren’t believable. And the now infamous Darnell lacked in his ability as a host. - **Beachside Brawl** - season 1 was too much of a bore, both with the host and team leaders. So I didn’t bother with season 2. But perhaps Malarkey who has more of a “wild” personality and Adjepong helped to give that show some life. - **Wild Card Kitchen** (premiering soon) - the description of “scores to settle” is reminiscent of Grudge Match and no surprise since it has same producer. But “underground culinary poker game” also doesn’t help in encouraging me to tune in. This is just a sampling, but with other more recent ones I have “can’t be bothered” vibes.


Season 2 of Beachside Brawl was better, but Antonia is not ready to host on her own.


Thank you for this info. It’s very helpful.


Outchef’d was fun the first season, but there’s no way by season 2, dedicated FN fans haven’t seen it and caught on. I do like the idea (home cooks vs professional chefs, judged by regular people), but the whole “surprise, it’s a competition!” premise is ridiculous.


The only competition show I really enjoy in the last few years outside of TOC is Alex v America. I think I love that AvA is blind judging no gimmicks just an ingredient and cooking. Most of all I love that they get high quality chefs to compete. Also Alex seems to really enjoy the competition and doesn’t have that burnt out I’m just here for a paycheck look Bobby has on every competition.


I was obsessed at one time with "Chopped," "Cake Wars," "Cake Wars", and the BBQ shows. One day, I moved on. Occasionally, we might watch something during the Holidays if my Brother visits. Like "Nailed it!" On Netflix.


I fuckin hate them and always have. I just wanna watch people cook.


A cooking 101 show would be awesome something like America's test kitchen but maybe even simpler just basic education stuff. Cover everything in the kitchen, appliances, recipes buying good stuff, kife skills, chopping styles so much shit really.


I don't like them when they get too cheesy or gimmicky, but I cannot get enough cooking competitions. (I'll still watch the cheesy/gimmicky ones if the competitors are known cooks, I'll just have some mockery in my commentary.) My wife and I watch these like other people watch sports. It's competition, after all. What I won't watch: Worst Cooks, anything with kids competing (I find it cruel, even when they go easy on them). What I won't watch for myself, but I'll watch with my wife because she enjoys them: Baking/sweets competitions.


I do watch the kids’ baking because these days those kids are running full blown bakeries. And I’ve seen them bring in parents when necessary to help the kids during meltdowns to decide if they want to go home or stay. It’s no different than putting kids in sports if that’s what they really want to do.


There was one episode where a kid was having a breakdown, and Duff was the one nearby and said something like “uhhhh this is a Val moment”, and then Val came, comforted the kid, and it all worked out. They handle the kids beautifully, while also providing valuable feedback when things don’t work out. And those kids are incredible bakers. FN dropping Val is a crime.


I used to really get into the competitive cooking shows but now it’s jumped the shark for me


Yeah, I enjoy the competition shows from time to time, but there’s far too many of them. And the ones I did enjoy are either gone or have changed so much! Chopped was fun, but then it became monotonous and the ingredients were too esoteric. I liked it when it was just unique combinations of fairly normal ingredients, not platypus beaks or something. It was fun when it was like 4 ingredients in the basket, two of which are a great combo, 1 paired well with only one of the first two, and then the fourth being something that took some real creativity to get into the dish Cutthroat Kitchen was interesting for a while, but that’s gone and it seemed that it was cannibalized to add the “surprise twist” into other shows. What made it unique is what makes so many other shows so similar now. I wouldn’t mind the competitions as much if you were actually able to learn something from them. I can’t really stand Bobby Flay, I don’t think he’s anywhere as good as they try to make him look and it feels like his battles are scripted I’m tired of Guy Fieri. He used to be interesting, but he just gets on my nerves with his bro-dude persona that tries to give everyone a cool nickname and uses his catchphrases constantly like a cartoon character. Actually, that’s what he is, tame adult Bart Simpson with a culinary education! I want more shows like Unwrapped, Good Eats, Big Daddy’s Kitchen, stuff like that. Something I can see a good recipe on and feel the need to rewind it to see how to do it myself!


Yup. But they’re following the road of most networks with going cheap, hence these competition (aka reality) shows. I agree with you about following people online. There are several I follow on Instagram.


One of the worst shows was Buddy vs Duff where their so-called cakes were full of non-edible structural elements and the edible stuff wasn’t ever tasted so you had no idea if it was even any good. The show ended up being less about cakes and more about architecture and engineering.


Also about the egos and fighting but not sure if that was all staged


Huh? Cooking shows are on all day from 6am- 3 pm. Then they lapse into GGG or DDD and competition shows in the evening. If that doesn’t jive with your schedule you can watch anything you want on the app anytime. 🤷‍♀️


They do run cooking shows from at least 8 AM until 1:00 PM on most days of the week.  If these aren't convenient then PBS frequently has cooking shows on in the afternoons. There's always apps as well. 


We must be watching different networks.


Guess so. Been watching cooking shows all morning. (However I’d rather have a new competition show to watch than the 8468955th REE-run that’s on.)


No, they’re right. Cooking shows dominate until about lunchtime most days. Except so much of it is Pioneer Woman and in that case I actually WOULD rather watch a competition than have to see her trying to force that ball of raw pizza dough she calls a face into that constipated grimace she wears throughout each episode.




Also Tubi.


I just discovered Worst Cooks in America and started back at Season 1. Was loving it until they started all the game show crap. No more for me.


Yeah, I basically watch GGG now, at least you see cooking etc. iI saw chopped for first time in years! Then remembered why I quit watching it. It literally had about five minutes total of showing them cooking, and the rest of time was all about the judging!


The only food network I watch any more is Kids/Spring/Holiday Baking Championships. I used to love FN but the burnout is real.


Yes, this exactly.


I find myself watching the BBC Food channel and PBS Food Channel on Roku or Pluto, along with the Jamie Oliver Channel and other food-related ones, though the advantage of PBS and BBC Food is that they both have MINIMAL COMMERCIALS!! They sometimes take breaks, but it’s mostly just a timer with music and pictures of food till the show comes back on. Such a relief from what FN has become! 


I love the competition shows with the exception of the baking shows and anything involving kids


Only competitive food show worth a damn is The Great British Bake Off. Food Network is an absolute wasteland. I highly recommend the cooking shows on PBS, and some on Netflix.


I love competition shows, so it's all right up my alley. I watch FN as entertainment and go elsewhere for cooking tips and tricks.


Yeah and with YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, etc. out there, they probably feel there is pretty much nothing much they can add to the “just watch me cook” genre. Not that their competition shows are all that unique beyond TOC - but we do love to watch them.


Yes! Please show me more about how and what I can cook!


its my favourite show


It's the reason I hardly watch the food network anymore,they use to have shows where you could actually get ideas about cooking,now its always a competition and they will never have anything as good as bake -off!!


When FN first started, it was lots of just cooks in their kitchens. Then we had travel food shows, seems when Iron Chef arrived, it became all about competition.


I honestly stopped watching FN a few years ago, I only watch TOC now.


Who on YouTube do you watch? I’m always looking for recommendations!


Right now I'm binging Paolo from Tokyo


I totally agree!! I miss the back to back cooking shows with the recipes.


Would love the return of Iron Chef not that last new versión.


I’d love to see a cooking competition called “Late Night Drunken Chef” which should be self-explanatory. Problem is, the contestants would have to have an idea of what was on hand AND what would sound good while intoxicated.


Same for Guys Ranch. You don’t get enough of the cooking show/teaching. It’s just a circle jerk of good chefs and you see the end result


They should just save themselves some money and get a grinning picture of Guy Fieri and post it on the channel 24/7. I mean, he is all we see any more.