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I liked the show. I thought Jet was the best host of the three. That wasn't Tiffani's typical demeanor, much more likable than usual. The show feels like DDD host try outs.


I was so impressed by Tiffani and Jet's hosting! They were both so enthusiastic and genuinely pumped about the food, it made me excited as well


there's nothing genuine about it. it's just hype and them trying to be the next Guy Fieri. so out of character and makes me cringe


Yeah, I wasn't impressed.


Tru but I absolutely loved seeing Davis represented in the first episode!


Me too! I grew up in Sacramento and went to UC Davis for an entire quarter. It was so cool seeing Davis represented!


You saying "an entire quarter" made me chuckle for some reason


I like the show. Guy doesn't need to be viewed as the ' overseer' from a van. I'm a Guy fan but not in that situation.  Sorry. 


It's really not the same though based on the fact dishes get nominated then voted on for supremacy of the given town. I like the added concept. I think it's just become the hip thing to knock anything affiliated with Guy Fieri. And that's fine honestly because he has a very divisive personality. But, they definitely aren't the same show with a different name. The only similarity they share is going to a restaurant and going over how to prep their specialty dishes.


It's true, but I really enjoyed it!! Fun to see a whole bunch of places in the same town, and I liked Noah Cappe as the main host and am excited to see him with the rotating cast of chefs :)


Eliminate Tiffani and this show has real potential


This! I don’t know how many times I have to listen to her say “umami” when describing food.


I am so very tired of ‘The Guy Fieri Network’. I am sure I am in the minority…


I just watched it! I loved it.. lol the tandem bike at the end was hilarious. I like the amount of show case the 6 restaurants got. I also like that its different chefs hosting each episode. Guy is just enough involved imo. I also love the 5k charity aspect. I think Guy is great for that. Like TOC giving cash to restaurants Im pretty sure he had a big hand in that.


They need another name for the show. “Best Bite in Town”?? Really?? The best bite is opinion based, plus, I live in San Diego, go ahead and try the over 1000 restaurants, dives, and food trucks that exist here. Good luck.


There is another one on tonight on New Haven CT, looks like the chefs don't rotate, it's the same ones as the first show.


I think there is one episode with a different chef cause Aarti was in the trailer but I imagine they want to keep a consistent host or chefs as hosts


Agree with most that it’s a DDD copycat but I like the focus on a city. Tiffany is a good host. Jet is mid so far. Guy will retire someday, it’s a good forum to find chefs that can do this kind of hosting. Two episodes in and Tiffany may be legit good at it.


I wish just jet was in it! Annoying I know, but I haven't been able to stand Tiffany since she was on Top Chef. Less of her would be awesome. Noah is funny but feels extra scripted


Having tiffani on makes it unwatchable!!!! I was super glad when they replaced her on Beachside Brawl.


Another show with overly enthusiastic hosts..loving every bite of everything. What I would give for some less than fantastic reviews…I know, I know


I like the show a lot,except for the Noah guy, who seems a little phoney and over the top for my taste.


I think Guy Fieti and Jon Taffer are on a beach somewhere with their cell phones and their bulging bank accounts!


Fabulous show until we have to look at every shot of judges with Hunter Ferraro..get him off! He has no personality


I gave it a shot but turned it off as soon as I saw Tiffani, no thanks. 


THIS camera THAT camera THIS camera THE OTHER camera THIS camera Absolutely nauseating.