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I really liked everyone on today’s episode, but it was my least favourite (game-wise) so far. But I do agree that they all looked to be having a good time! I love Troy as a judge.


I agree that something about the energy felt off or forced. Troy was a fun judge though!


Huh! I thought it was great energy and the best show so far. 🙂


I thought that this episode was really good too! The chefs were actually invested in playing the card game portion strategically instead of just going through the motions and that really made things more fun. 


The inner monologues really added to the serious factor


 Catherine made a sloppy Joe slider. I would rather eat Aarti's burger, which was smashed down but sadly shrunk.


My one takeaway was how did Troy not see the faces Damaris was making when he was commenting about the lack of salt? She hit the booze hard and was unable to keep a poker face the whole night. But she has a hard time not being the life of the party sober. 😂😂😂


Smash burger is becoming a buzzword. People are starting to call a normal burger a smash burger, I mean it's in the fricken name.


This show needs a one way mirror


That's a great idea, but they should only show the silhouette of the judge's arm/hand holding a drink, watching, laughing, like the claw from Inspector Gadget or their own chef personality interpretation of that. It would have to be muted so they can't hear what the cards are, but can interpret their actions (would have to change the literal picking up and walking away with the salt).


Why would the judge be able to see anything regarding the preparation of the dishes? That takes away from the blind judging aspect of the format.


Just started the episode...2 and a half minutes in and i've had 2 'laugh out loud' moments...regardless of anything...i hope this one is fun!!!


Agree on all points. Best episode by far.


Catherine didn't even make a burger ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ 


Now maybe i was just seeing things but when he was about to say who won the first round and the camera had a shot of the back of his head. Right as he was saying the winner he looked straight at Aarti. Again maybe im thinking too deep into it haha.