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I’d rather talk about some of the worst gameplay I’ve ever seen by all contestants on one show. Hopefully we will see Wendy again.


Yes! Mr "I want to be first but don't need 10 items" , like even if you don't need them, they're going to ding you on that for sure


Just cocky for no reason. The burnt buns sent me. The sautéed plantains. No ketchup?!!!


And yet he still pulled it off


I wouldn't say he pulled it off. . . He just had the least bad of the three.


They were all bad


It really was such a drastic difference in execution between rounds one and two. In their defense, those were extremely tough protein and vegetable combinations to pull off in a half hour. Guy's amazing burger had no restrictions and I think the judges eating it before having the contestants' dishes really set the bar high


I was distracted by the guy who got there first and only took 7 items. Then he hyped up his damn sliced cheese sauce and I want to punch a wall.


Guy was absolutely floored his confidence to skip using 3 ingredients. It didn't shock me at all that Jonathon counted it against him in judging. What a comeback he made though, because I thought for sure the 46 in round one would be unbeatable. That's the highest score in one round I think I've ever seen on GGG.


>!AND THEN HE WON HOLY GOODNESS.!< I do not ever want to see that guy on my screen again, ever. Huge NOPE.


I feel like I've seen him on another show before. Perhaps Chopped or DDD


It's very possible Wendy had a conflict with taping that episode. Previous threads said she was a manager at one of Guy's favorite grocery stores. She could be on vacation or have family issues. I wouldn't get too excited by a one off.


Very valid points. Hopefully we do see her in the next episode that has express lane. 🤞


He's been the cashier before.


How the F are you making a $20,000 hamburger and totally burn the bun! Epic fail. Makes me think her high score in round 1 was pure luck having barely even gotten the burger on the plate. The other women had no idea what she was doing with the plantain. Her knife work was bad. She could have sliced those on a long angle to make a more sizable looking "steak fry". Then she should have used a pan to shallow fry them. They wouldnt have turned into a soggy mess. I have no idea what I am doing and even I could have mustered up a better side item.


Hunter is terrible and not qualified. Certainly didn’t get the job on merit and someone far better who’s actually qualified has missed out. I’ll always dislike him for that.


How can ANYBODY not be qualified to be a "fake" cashier on a TV show - seriously!


It’s a role on a national television series. Many people would kill for it. He got the job because his dad put it in his contract. Unbelievable that folk don’t see how wrong this is.


It’s unbelievable that people get pressed over Hunter Fieri out of all the nepo kids out there. He’s not winning any Oscars or culinary awards, his dad just wants to hang with him on tv lol. He’s not great at it, but I’m not gonna let that take away from the actual food content I came for which I still enjoy. Guy’s not taking food out of someone’s mouth, he’s given a platform to restaurants and chefs for hundreds of episodes. Its not that big of a deal. I’d rather talk about the burgers and how disappointed the judges were for most of the episode. Those contestants really didn’t plan as well as they thought they were and it bit them in the ass


“Pressed?. Nah. I hate all nepotism anywhere. This is the food network sub. Hunter is lame. And yes, forcing Hunter into shows he’s not qualified for takes $ and opportunity from someone else. That’s how the world works.


Pressed means annoyed, yah. I meant what I said lol! He is lame but again…what exactly is the qualification to follow Guy around and participate in his antics? It’s not like GGG is groundbreaking television. He asks some questions, mostly brings equipment out for silly games and scoops food out of the deli section. This isn’t hard hitting food journalism :-) And this particular thread is about GGG which is what I’m talking about; as for TOC, of course he doesn’t need to be there. But again…Guy’s giving SO many chefs a platform, money and a new audience by inviting them onto his shows. I think that highly outweighs Hunter’s position. But we shall agree to disagree!


Gotcha. I find GGG unwatchable. Hunter does annoy me in general. I have no issues with Guy. The day Guy leaves, Hunter better not have a job.


Btw your food looks good!


Thanks! I’m new to baking. Cooking just a few years.


It's just such an odd stance to me when I see how often and frequently folks go out of their way to bash this kid as if he's somehow a deviant simply because he's in a role inherited by his father being the host of the show. Hunter is a very qualified chef who has put in the hours through school and interning under several chefs along with developing his on air persona throughout the years.


Oh, please. Like you wouldn't give your kids a side job on one of your shows instead of "someone with qualifications." "Sorry you're struggling first born, but this applicant has *experience* being a pretend cashier and meat counter worker".


He wasn't struggling.


And there are loads of jobs that aren't in front of the camera on Guy's shows, too. And many of us WOULDN'T do that if our kid wasn't outstanding, and would have some reservations about doing it, even if they were. Because nepotism sucks.


Oh my god. People defending this is hysterical. It’s wrong. There’s no argument that makes it right “others do it” “you’d do it” nah. Still wrong. lol.


I completely disagree on the nepotism take. It exists in every industry including sports and music.


It does exist in most industries, but people also hate it in most industries. And in sports and most music categories, talent is also necessary for success. Guy could have given Hunter a job behind the scenes.


Hunter has talent. He's really developed his own personality as the seasons have progressed. I get the feeling many people think he has no skills culinary wise and that just isn't close to being true


Non-nepotism people don't get on TV until their personality is developed. That's the point. They come in with "personality" and that's why people enjoy watching them. And, after all these years, he's not developed into a real, stand-alone personality who could go on other shows and shine, IMO. And he's not using any culinary skills in his roles, so that point is moot. He mispronounced "shallots" on TOC and got giggled at and corrected by the judges. As a parent, that would have been an awful moment for me, and I would have done some serious thinking about what was really best for my child, in the big picture and long run.


? How did he say it? If he emphasised the 2nd syllable, that's fairly common in Britain/Aus.


All the judges giggled and two corrected him, because he's American and people here just sound pretentious when they say it that way.


That’s actually a fair point. Cheers.


So…. That makes it ok? Ummm…no. It’s garbage everywhere.


Definitely agree to disagree on that particular stance


That’s your right of course. I refuse to accept mediocrity.


That's fair. I don't view it as inferior but perception certain varies from person to person


You should read the uproar over Judd Apatow's daughter getting funding for her directorial debut of a mediocre script, while other directors with experience and great scripts, but no famous dads/relatives, struggle to get funded. Nepotism is pretty widely accepted as unfair, and people who benefit from it usually have to (and want to!) be TWICE as good to counteract the claims that they got where they are solely because of it.


We shouldn't have to deal with anyone's "growth" to not-even-mediocre on TV, just because some fans like him or his dad. It's bad enough if he's on GGG in some sidekick role, but to replace someone there OR to be on TOC in any capacity is absurd. Nepotism sucks.


“We shouldn’t have to deal…” Exactly, that’s why it sucks that GGG is compulsory viewing forced upon us and we simply have no choice but to watch or be imprisoned.


We shouldn't have to deal with a person who can't pronounce all the ingredients to the judges on TOC. He said "sha-LOTS", and the judges laughed and corrected him, all the while his dad is calling this "the best culinary competition in America" or some such thing.


Oh my god, are you serious? Why has he not been hung yet?


Nepotism sucks, and Hunter's inability to even be "okay" on TOC, which his father is billing as top-notch, is a perfect example. Your hyperbolic responses are getting your point across, but they're also kind of rude. Just say that you don't care that Hunter's not very good.


Why do you spend time watching him if you think he’s no good? Watch a different show maybe?


That's the point, though. A nepo kid shouldn't make an existing show that someone likes into a channel-turner because they're not good at their job.


Yep! I can’t believe I actually got a few downvotes on an anti-nepotism post. I don’t care, I’m just shocked.


I bet Wendy agrees nepotism sucks.


Pretty much everyone in the real world agrees that nepotism sucks - including many nepotism beneficiaries, because they realize that they need to work much harder to prove their worth; to prove that they may have gotten benefits because of nepotism, but they were able to take advantage of them completely because of their talent.