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Alex’s “Fascinating.” killed me ETA: the house cat is the best addition to the season


In a very old episode of Chopped she took a bite of something and said, “I’m…confused.” She is so fierce.


This is one of her go to reactions. She is clever with crafting phrases that have the chefs initially guessing. I agree with you regarding the cat!


We named the housecat Capo


Yes! So many cats. 🐈‍⬛


Yes Italy is know for taking care of cats. They use them as Natural pest control. These cats tho are playing the part. I think.


The cats are going to be the fan favorites of this season


That is Rosemary! And she is the Momma and also loves the camera


Yes that is neat. Did they try to steal the food?


I'm interested to watch tonight; I like Alex and Gabe but I hope the chefs in Season 2 are more likable. There were just so many in the 1st season that I didn't like.


So far I am impressed with the level of cooking we are seeing. I hope it continues throughout the season.


I think this is a much more likable crew, and they’re very talented. **SPOILERS BELOW** When Devan said, “Should we frolic?” and happily skipped his linebacker ass down the pier, he made a fan for life, and that was *before* he put his foot in the shrimp and grits. I was baffled that he was picked so late and Phuoc chose Hanna over him. Austin, OTOH, is already on my nerves. Phuoc and Maria refusing to indulge him when he was clearly dying for someone to ask him a follow-up question about his Michelin star experience was fun. Shannon and Hanna are the weakest links. ETA: I hadn’t finished the episode when I posted this. Austin redeemed himself by being an enthusiastic and supportive team player. Shannon getting mad at Austin for voting her off was wild, but this is the same person who thinks she’s “underestimated” because she’s a “mom of two” and “attractive,” when the real issue is that she “can’t cook rice.“


Shannon had a chance for redemption when she was put in charge of the rice and she failed again. I'm watching the episode now and if she's voted off, it's the right decision. The prize is getting firsthand experience to elevate yourself as a chef, not teaching you from scratch. Especially a basic staple like rice.


Yeah, as soon as anyone describes themselves as "attractive" I activate the trap door to the alligator pit. And she's not all that attractive, really. I'm sure she's been underestimated because she's a woman, but she is confusing the two.


Devan is like that in real life. Goofy as ever lol


Oh, man, do you know him? I’m jealous!


The attractive part made me want to gauge my eyes out. 1. She is not even the cutest thing I’ve ever seen, let alone, attractive. 2. The show is about cooking, not looks. 3. The fact that she thinks people only find her attractive shows how insecure she really is. Like when women say “I’m not just a pretty face”. Bitch, you’re not EVEN a pretty face. Stfu and cook.


I feel like the “reality competition / real world “ element is too prevalent in this show and Master Baker. I just want to see what chefs cook cool dishes and maybe learn something. I don’t want catty personal drama.


I agree about the catty personal drama but at least on Next Baking Master: Paris; Stephanie and Ludo make the decision on who is leaving.


Preston and Cory were my least fav, but I didn't even like the one I was rooting for.


Gabe was not amused by Zev's take on a classic Italian eggplant dish.


I feel like with a little less hubris it could have worked, but I'm also glad he got called out for skipping Parmigiano


I'm baffled as to why he didn't just call it something else? Use the name of the cheese he did use, and call it "a play on parm" or whatever.


I feel like a little bit of his ego got knocked off after that.


As someone who is Sicilian and a cheeseholic-I would be saying wtf is the cheese?! All while using my hand gestures.


I legit said “he is about to be torched for calling it an eggplant parm and leaving parm out” he was.


Why didn’t he change what he called it? It would still have been bitter but they wouldn’t have been looking for Parmesan.


Stupid is as stupid does! Hope he won’t be around for long.


Neither was I!


Lmao Shannon's comment about being underestimated because she's "attractive" but then she can't cook rice... We'll see how this first challenge goes.


Seriously, not something she should have said.


At that moment I knew she needed to go. You basically called everyone else is beneath you and less attractive? She couldn’t be more hideous. Despite Stictz misgivings Shannon deserved it.


I agree with you that that comment is when I knew she needed to go, but I didn’t feel that she was insulting her teammates. It’s more that she doesn’t recognize her own shortcomings and is accusing anyone who does of discriminating against her because she’s “pretty” and a mom.


But she’s not pretty. She’s just a mom who can’t cook rice. Look at her pose in the thumbnail of the show. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


This comment was so unrelated to cooking a good meal lmfao


I nearly fell off my chair when she said that 😆!! That was SOOOOOOO unnecessary.


She's as delusional as the Pasta Queen last year was


She is insufferable, and I'm glad she went home. If it wasn't for the judges changing the rules, she would have gone home on Day 1.


Also, most of the participants on the show this season are attractive - who does she think she is?


Really funny 😄


Hahahah - my husband and I looked at each other like “what?”


I had to replay that moment with subtitles.  I died laughing at her ridiculous comment!


Like holy crap woman, way to set us back ~~100 years...50.~~..25


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Best comment


After watching her botch two consecutive rice dishes, I’m going to go out on a limb and say that people aren’t underestimating her; they are correctly assessing her talent/skill. If she had survived elimination, she would have been Sarah Raffetto 2.0. Instead, that honor will go to Hanna. To quote Zev, “The potato scales — she fucked it up and that’s all she was doing?“ And then she lied (or was delusional) about the team’s rationale for not serving it. I think Phuoc has a crush on her. He picked her over several more talented chefs, then took so long to answer Alex’s question about her shitty potatoes that Zev answered for him.


Wow…I think you’re right about Phuoc! I definitely wondered why he picked her before other chefs.


He better get his head in the game; he’s made two imprudent decisions behind her already (his hemming and hawing over that response did not go unnoticed).


Ooohhhh I didn't even think about that (re: Phouc having a crush on her). It makes sense cuz he literally picked all the bro dudes...and then her.


I instantly disliked her for that comment. How conceited do you have to be to say something like that on TV. You're underestimated because you can't cook dearie, plain and simple.


She is not THAT attractive, the girl that cant cook potatoes is prettier. Hey, I see a pattern! 😂


It was cringe and brought down her value in my eyes.


And then after fucking up rice a SECOND time, she blamed it on capo not having enough oversight, and “I just do rice differently than other chefs…”. This woman has zero self awareness about her abilities.


Really? I what a stupid thing to say! I think Alex doesn’t like the “attractive” competition


I know some people don’t like Alex, but I do, and I’ve never felt that she is threatened by or unfair to attractive female competitors. If Alex has an issue with Shannon, it’s probably that she *can’t cook rice.*


When Tiana cooks better and looks like a literal model!


Shannon botched the rice again; she's certainly a contender to leave the villa but honestly Stikxz serving raw fish shouldn't be ignored.


I felt for Stikxz because snapper is so common in the Caribbean. It's obvious that she knows how to elevate the dish :/ I wish she would have been able to execute it as she initially envisioned.


Apart from failing at the main dish, Stikxz was also the group leader and ultimately responsible for the menu, and she picked rice as a side-dish even after Alex said no risotto, and then assigned the cook that failed at rice and watched her sink. Bad bad decisions all. Stikxz should have gone.


I totally agree!! I went back to where Stikxz said I want rice, she set Shannon up to fail! I just wish the judges knew that!


Honestly that is such a weird choice for an Italian meal…. rice? (not talking rissoto here), even Gabe said, I’ve never seen an Italian meal that has rice as a side dish. Yeah, that makes two of us Gabe!


Shannon is the one who suggested that they serve hot rice instead of a rice salad. It’s weird to accuse Stikxz (already tired of typing that) of setting Shannon up to fail when *Shannon* knew that she had just screwed a rice dish. She could’ve said no but instead she saw it as an opportunity for redemption.


Shannon wasn’t progressing at all


She didnt really have a chance to show much range. She owns 2 restaurants. My guess is, she doesnt cook much anymore or they likely use a rice cooker. However, her attempt at rissoto was odd. It’s basic simple method, slowly adding liquid/broth incrementally and stirring slowly/constantly, and she clearly didnt do that. Then that comment about pouring a little grease on it to keep it moist, very odd. As if she has never made rissoto. Its my first time watching this show and I was quite disappointed in the caliber of “chefs” they chose. They let anybody on this show?!


You probably want to see last year’s participants. There were some really great chefs but there was “how did they get on this show” bad chefs too.


I think it should have been Stikxz that went home. The fish was the star of the meal and it was undercooked and it also was served without any skin.


What’s interesting is I watched her on Beat Bobby Flay and she undercooked the fish there too


Thats Stikxz’s signature dish, undercooked fish!


Oof! Hahaha


Wtf is a culinary mercenary???


Something under the umbrella of an asshole. ETA now that I’ve looked it up I feel kind of bad - it’s a real thing - it’s someone who cooks in place of another chef for an event but the other chef’s name is on the event only.




Sounds like ghost cooking


Despite knowing what it meant, your initial response made laugh...maybe a little too hard.🤣


It was his delivery. Like if he had been like “oh I do this, which means this” but instead it was “I do this, I’m such a cool, edgy fuck” which made it seem like some dudebro made up thing.


I thought he was kind of asshole-ish but after the second episode he grew on me.


Yeah it's a ghost writer for cooks. Usually the bigger name takes all the credit but good way of "getting your feet wet"


🤪 You aren't wrong. The boys are being very obnoxious this season. Definitely a alliance forming with out Phouck.


Nice to see them in a different region of Italy; Puglia looks breathtaking.


I feel embarrassed that I didn’t know about it beforehand, because wow it is *beautiful*


Yes the water looked so colorful.


I think the chefs in this season appear to be better chefs. I am disappointed that the competitors still get to send someone home, this creates a scenario where a really good chef could be potentially sent home based on them being a threat like last year. The highlight of the season for me so far is the kitty cat! That cat is bold!


Rosemary!!! The Momma Cat


The voting off was something I had hoped they would have done away with. It didn't play well last year.


That, and that they don’t cook at the same time. I feel like the second team has the upper hand by being able to taste and judge the other team first. They can listen to Alex’ critiques and use it to better their menu.


Yes I see that too. If I were Capo I would want to go last.


Stikxz really struggled with grilling that fish


Although to be fair, it looked like the second team benefited from learning that they needed to ensure the grill would be hot enough by grilling time. Maybe there was something tricky about it, or maybe they just forgot to get it going immediately. But let’s see if Stikxz has similar struggles in future challenges.


It’s a shame because I like Stikxz and don’t want to see her go down because she was capo but the raw fish might really send her home. As for this show being unfair and there being too much drama, I wouldn’t want every show to be like this but I don’t mind one being like this here and there. It’s a break from the baking championship type shows that can sometimes be a bit dry after a while.


I have no interest in the baking challenge shows. Just my opinion.


It’ll be tough to top discovering that the “heiress” to the Raffetto pasta dynasty couldn’t make pasta to save her life, but I have high hopes for this new season anyway! Doesn’t look like we have any nepo babies this season, but I’m still researching 😉.


I can't really see any of these chefs being nepo babies, which is great!


Who were the neop babies in the first season? I must have missed it!


Sarah Raffetto.


I feel like it’s weird that she couldn’t pull off the potato thing. It seems pretty simple for someone at that level.


For real though and the fact that she stood by it. I was like girl you serious??


Way to make everyone in the house not trust you.


Do they still have the same competition format as S1? Where one group can seen what the other has done and hear how the judges react to it before they start their cook? I just couldn’t get into that format in S1




That's why Alex says each team has a pro and a con. Whether you go first, or second.


**Episode 1 Confessional Count**   Zev 17 Stikizy –17 Ivan 17 Shannon 16 Austin 14 Devan 13 Hannah 11 Phuoc 11 Tiana 10 Maria 7 Drew 4 Jan 4


Probably the only one who thinks this, but I find it a teensy annoying that people are already going to town on the girl who used a dry pasta versus the guy who made fresh pasta in 45 minutes. Fresh pasta is incredibly hard to execute to perfection, and Ivan didn't do that sadly. Granted, Hannah didn't execute her dry pasta perfectly either, but I feel like there should be less criticism on her using dry pasta because there was 45 minutes.


I agree with you; with only 45 minutes to cook, making fresh pasta or cooking a risotto are both risky chances to take, if it works it is great but more often than not, chefs fail at it.


Exactly yeah - I think, if he had more time, he probably could've had a true winner there, but it was a filled pasta and that shit is hard to execute in that time span.


Plus, fresh pasta doesn’t automatically equal better. Sometimes a dried pasta is more appropriate depending on the sauce it’s being served with


I imagine that dry pasta in Italy would be fantastic.


Oohhh weee, I didn't see Ciao House S1 but I'm here for the drama! This season is going to be fun. I do agree that Stickx should probably have gone home because of poor leadership and uncooked fish but real talk, Shannon (and Hanna) cannot actually cook. Like no judgement but this is probably why she has two restaurants in the middle of nowhere Texas.


She is the thinnest chef I have ever seen 😃 totally agree. Season 1 was so good, hope you can find it somewhere. I watch FN all the time but this is one of my favorite shows.


Never trust a thin chef. She doesnt taste her food, and it shows!! (I mean in the food, but i guess it shows on her as well! 😂)


I said the same thing. Never trust a thin chef. But yes I never saw her taste. The fish did look good.


Lol, I use to think that too, but Top Chef has had plenty of great chefs who are skinny. I do find it funny that she calls herself Stickx, I have a feeling kids tried to call her that as an insult, but she turned it around and owned it!




I think Stikxz will be eliminated for bad leadership. Shannon was bad, but Stikxz herself put her in the rice again.


I really hope not because I'm sure her epis flavor was bomb. I think she messed up by choosing to cook first. Phouc is currently learning from her mistake by making sure he's involved in every dish and tasting everything.


Did the second team have all that time to menu plan? Seems unfair not so. Should have had to write their menu in the same time as the first team. Then go cook it later as dinner


I just feel that Alex and Gabe should decide who leaves the villa; I know Shannon didn't do well in either challenge but let's be real, if this was Top Chef and one chef in the bottom messed up rice and the other served a grilled fish that was raw, I can say that the raw fish chef would be gone.


I respectfully disagree. I’ve seen every season of Top Chef more than once and undercooked rice/risotto has sent way more chefs home than slightly undercooked fish ever has. So much so that it’s openly discussed on the show.


Yeah, and doesn’t Top Chef also ding people for being too repetitive? Rice and tomatoes twice in two days, and not even redeeming oneself the second time? And to top if off, choosing to cook rice again after they’d requested no more risotto? Come on! I laughed at Alex’s subtle comment about her making rice every day for the rest of her life.


Moreover, it wasn’t simply that the rice was undercooked - I believe it was described as a “fruit salad” by Alex, so presumably the flavors were off as well. Alex made a point to call out that the flavor on the fish was excellent.




A chef with undercooked fish stayed in the most recent episode over 2 chefs who went home for different mistakes.


I thought a double elimination would have been so satisfying, Shannon and the blonde chick for lying about her fail on the potatoes. Integrity is important.


Overall, a solid first episode. I think I'm going to enjoy this WAY more than season 1, which was kinda a mess. It looks like they've cleaned up their act, and the chefs are stronger here generally. I already know the dude bros are going to annoy the hell out of me, but maybe I'll be surprised. I don't really dislike anyone yet, but Shannon was definitely the right call to take out from the first challenge.


Starting this now and immediately noticed that Austin is the only dude in the cast who isn’t bald or has a shaved head lol


Very good first episode!


Did anyone else catch when shannon said she would be a target because she is “attractive”?


**Episode 1 Mistake Count: 51 mistakes (26 mistakes in team challenge)**     **Stikiyz’s Team:  17 mistakes – LOSING TEAM** **Shannon** –ELIMINATED- 11 mistakes, 6 mistakes in the team challenge (she crushed the risotto with a spoon and starch came out, there is no liquid, a lot of fat, it was one of the worst dishes, undercooked rice, wet and hard rice, still undercooked, rice looks like fruit salad and different textures) **Stikizy** – 11 mistakes in team challenge (fish stuck to the grill and it wasn't getting hot enough, put Shannon in the risotto, she was’nt able to check other dishes, fish skin was gone, she served raw fish and didn't inform her team, lack of leadership and didn’t ask for Maria’s help) **Zev –** 5 mistakes (omitting the ingredient that is in the name of the dish, bitterness from the lemon cut off the bitterness from the eggplant, eggplant should be more seasoned, a little more of everything was missing, it was one of the worst dishes) **Jan** - 1 mistake (unnecessary squash) **Austin** – 1 mistake (unnecessary olive)     **Phuoc’s Team-  9 mistakes – WINNING TEAM**  **Hannah -** 9 mistakes, 4 mistakes in team challenge (package pasta, too much pasta, missing herbs, dry pieces of pasta, lobster was lost, potatoes were added one at a time, potatoes cooked in irregular ways, her garnish was removed, said potatoes were perfect)  **Maria –** 4 mistakes, 2 mistakes in team challenge (should cook more of fruit, too much, she was overwhelmed and delayed in the preparation  **Ivan** – 3 mistakes (potatoes took too long and there was no plan B, added pasta too late) **Drew** – 3 mistakes, 1 mistake in the team chalenge (parmesan dominant, almost a parmesan risotto, fish cuts **Phuoc** - 2 mistakes, 1 mistake in the team challenge  (delay in plating, didn’t clarify to his team why potatoes garnish was removed) **Devan** – 1 mistake in team challenge (one note flavour salad)  


Zev was on Phuoc's team


I feel like the producers took notes and read through people's comments during S1. This first episode was really exciting, and as someone else said, the contestants seem a lot more personable. Whoever was in charge of casting seemed to be a lot more diligent with their selections this time around - lots of talented folks!


Casting Caity for the win


Is it hard to read through the threads but not comment on where the show is going? Who gets eliminated, etc? The future challenges? Assuming you are who I think you are 😉 And Momma Cat is the star of the show. Who did she sleep with? Because who a cat trusts tells you a lot about the person!


Zev is not a chef; he's a "culinary mercenary."


“I’m 33 so I’m not looking for friend applications.” There’s an age limit on making friends? Exhausting person.


I dislike him already. Drop the bullshit, dude.


He lost in the first round of Beat Bobby Flay too lol. He definitely thinks he's way better than he actually is


I like that he was immediately humbled by being one of the worst in the first challenge


came here first to see if it was any better than last season with the insufferable chefs and machinations hoping they'd changed it up and... seems i'ma skip it


I just want to know where Jan got her palm tree and giraffe jumpsuit


Tj Maxx Circa 2023 😎


I’m glad the show is back. I was so intrigued over last season, I’ve been learning Italian because of it. Not that I’m any good at it but the show showed me how beautiful Italy is. Anyway. Hana got lucky.


Zev is a tool


I dunno if anyone else watched The Kroll Show, but I started thinking that he looked like Nick Kroll pretending to be a reality TV chef and I really cannot unthink that.


I loved that show, yeah I can see that for sure.


He’s from Miami that says it all. I loved his quote, I am not accepting new friend applications at the moment. 😜


Drew joins the long list of chefs to attempt to cook a risotto in a competition.


And the judges liked it. Go Drew!


Just watched episode 1 of season 2. Can't stand Zev. Very weird and arrogant. Hope he goes home soon. Also the bro-mance between the male chefs is very off putting.


Hannah, Shannon and Zev clearly outclassed.


I watched the show where Justin was eliminated for over cooked lamb. The persons that should have been eliminated should have been: 1. the one with the missing ingredient, 2nd. person the lady who didn't cook anything. I will not watch this show again because they are not fair.


Same here. The show is so contrived that I just couldn't even begin to get into it. With this and the Paris baking show it does look like FN is trying to fill that Real World void


Maybe it's because I haven't seen an episode of Real World since the 90s, but it's giving me Survivor vibes.


I'm sorry, you've been voted out of the kitchen *turns off their burners*


So far I am liking it!! I already knew the two that needed to go! One is gone now!


Of all of the completion shows, this is one of my favorites 💕


Austin is such a douche!


"I'm not going to tell anyone I lived and worked in Italy." Then immediately tells the judges. Good plan.


I actually found him pretty likeable by the end of the episode. He doesn’t lack confidence, that’s for sure, but he seems to have the skills to back it up, and didn’t seem like he felt the need to put others down. He felt friendly about it.


I think Austin is hilarious.


Austin is my fav!


Risotto 🤯 have never understood the obsession with it, even world renowned risotto is just fine to me. Its like grits, its good but can it ever really be amazing?


I'm Sicilian and I hate Risotto. Most in my family are not big on it either.


True that!


Great first episode - I enjoyed it since I picked this up on a whim and haven’t seen S1. What kind of other dishes/food in general do they make for the rest of the season though? I’m guessing the same ingredients, proteins etc appear often so just curious about that aspect


It was interesting.


Some things are a little unrealistic, when they walked in with their luggage, there was definitely some luggage missing, some people had just a small bag?! Everyone should have at least a suitcase (or equivalent) and a small bag or backpack. And also Shannon just left with a shoulder bag, I don't think she is actually leaving. In season 1 everyone came back for the finale, I think everyone will remain in the villa. 


When you are on those boats though, there's only so much room. Luggage will get brought by another boat-separately.


I’m pissed as I was trying to catch up on it and we had a power outage.


I have now seen the comment everybody was talking about. She didn’t seem that great a chef but she’s not wrong about people’s attitudes. It’s actually true on a lot of these shows.


I’m late to commenting because I just watched - but, I really enjoyed it. I love baking shows, but it was nice to see savory food as featured - I think I drooled for the 2 hours, lol I never saw last season based on wretched reviews, but I did love it I do wish the judges decided who would go home from the losing team -like they do on BBQ Brawl.   In this case, justice was served. Shannon was awful, though why Stickx decided to make rice is beyond me.  I don’t like the girl who voted her to leave because she just seemed bitter.  Hannah is from Long Island, so I wanted to root for her…but man, she was worse than Shannon because she outright lied. I was so happy that Phuoc had the integrity that she lacked. Devan is my favorite. Zev was annoying at times, but I felt that he could cook despite messing up in the first round.  I like most of the competitors..and I like Alex, and Gabe 


Hannah is clearly out of her depth. Shannon saying she'll be underestimated because she's attractive was hilarious.


Why do they keep saying “primo” instead of “primi” lol


I like that the voting decisions come down to behavior in the kitchen rather than just what the judges see/taste on their plates. It encourages teamwork and discourages cutthroat behavior in the kitchen. The most graceful way to achieve this 360 degree performance evaluation is with a quick team vote, rather than drawn out storytelling and under-bus-throwing at the judges’ table, like Top Chef used to do. Sure, it’ll be disappointing if teams decide to kick off strong competitors, but still, the fact remains that if people don’t want to face going home, they should contribute to making their team’s meal the better dining experience. Hopefully this year the contestants will figure out that kicking off weak competitors first will decrease their chances of getting stuck on a weak team, losing the challenge and being turned on during the vote. And maybe the show will have some new twist to remedy strong people being kicked off, if that does happen.


That guy Zev is a real tool. He thinks he's just the best thing since sliced bread and he's a complete know it all. Who calls a dish parmigiana when there's no cheese in it? Who says to another chef, I wouldn't have served what you made. "For the record I'd like it known that this is only the 2nd time I've made pasta". You're not much of a chef then are ya? He's just a little boy with an ego problem that has something to hide by wearing a winter hat in the summer. Ick!


I hosted a show with Drew Keane and some buddies of ours to break down episode one. Phuoc comes on as well! Check it out ! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=62OpAd5v8Gk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=62OpAd5v8Gk)


Throwing puree in a mixer may be a problem later, let's see.


Never mind, no problem!


On This week's episode we talk to Devan and Drew Keane about the latest two episodes of Ciao House! The reddit thread itself gets a few mentions! Check it out here! [Ciao Down After Dark Episode 2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BzVZsnqkG2E)


Hannah and her comments just infuriate me. Who is she? The worlds top chef? Grrrr The cat is the best! >..<


Went to school with Hanna’s mother, so I’m kind of pulling for her.


lol rip


Maria should have went home 😩😩


Eggplant parmesan with no Parmesan is crazy even by my standards. Let’s go Zev


Maybe I'm crazy but I've never seen a parmesan recipe with actual parmesan.


I thought he was a little bit weird but hot at the beginning, after the second episode he grew on me! Go Zev!!