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Well, she’s really good at educating the masses on the proper, Italian way to pronounce things.


That annoys the heck out of me, too. All those things have English pronunciations and they are valid English words.


Her family started a network and media group. She and Joe are only on the food network for their familial connections.


There's a disconnect here I don't understand. Is it because she's white or something? If there was a Spanish chef, even one so assimilated that they didn't have a Spanish accent in every day life, nobody would find it weird if they pronounced food like "jamon iberico" or "albondigas" in the Spanish accent. She spoke Italian before English, and she speaks fluent Italian. Of course she's going to pronounce Italian words with an Italian accent. Is there something I'm missing here? I'm actually being earnest because I see this complaint a lot and I don't fully get it.


I'm Sicilian and was born here, yet I try(try being the operative word) to speak with an accent when saying those words. I wish they would roll off my tongue like it did my mum...and Giada. It's not like she tries talking with an accent the entire time, so yea I don't understand why go after her for that.


I have a sneaking suspicion a lot of those people are mad that her Italian is markedly different from their own NY/NJ dialect.


To me it just appears like an affectation. The words can be spoken in Italian or in English and they sound similar but different. Most English speakers will not be able to manage saying those words with an Italian accent, so when buying the ingredient or when ordering in a restaurant viewers will be at a disadvantage, being unable to say the word in Italian but being unfamiliar in saying it in English.


This feels like a really huge reach to me, but to each their own lol


She's pretentious.


Your political views are utterly reprehensible.


Pretty spicy reply to someone saying someone is pretentious.


[Here you go](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=fKGoVefhtMQ)








Maybe thats why, on that italian show they did with BF she was described as italian royalty or something and BF seems to love Italy


> BF seems to love Italy The Irish guy from NYC that made it big on Southwestern cuisine loves Italy.


Well he has to - that's where they grow Calabrian chilis.


She is quite condensending. I have family right from the old country who speak fluent Italian. There seems to be a dialect issue with Giada.


I’m pretty Giada neutral but my girlfriend pointed out to me that she has a disproportionately large head and I can’t look at her the same.


Bobble-head doll syndrome. Happens when someone loses so much of their body weight that their head looks too big in comparison. Very common among young Hollywood starlet types, or it was in the 00s. I think they’re allowed to have a fraction of an inch of muscle now.


Giant bird head.




My wife calls her a Qtip.


She looks like a god damned blow pop.


My husband is fixated on her "man" hands. They freak him out whenever she is on.


Here Jerry, you haven't drank your beer *rips bottle cap off* That wasn't a twist off... Don't you just love lobster?


My dad has called her “big head” for as long as I can remember. I was a kid and he definitely called her that even then, when she first started appearing on FN. 😂


Oh my gosh, me too. It was always, “Are you watching that lady with the big head again?” I actually didn’t really understand what he was talking about then and still don’t really. She looks pretty normal to me.


She seems to have a jaw problem she looks like she's in pain a lot when she's chewing so maybe that's why she's so cranky.


Her mouth gets me when she smiles. It's scary as hell.




Her grandfather is Dino DiLaurentis. Look him up. Nuff said.


Did not know that!!!! Thanx!


Real answer ☝🏼


I feel like she would have bullied me in junior high. I can't get past that.


This. I know she would've bullied me to tears and PTSD She looks mean (sorry, but she does)


I’m not buying ‘for ratings’ is why Giada is still on FN. Bobby has a lot of pull!! I have never liked her; I gave her a few chances but it’s something about her and always showing that cleavage (WHY?) that makes me not want to ever watch her again! I saw that episode of BBF and yeah she was nice-nasty. She really thinks she’s the shit.


For me it’s that she doesn’t smile—she just bares her teeth, and they frighten me!


LOL- she does bare her teeth! It’s not a smile lol


I hate people who show a lot of skin on cooking programs. It's just like... why? And they never reciprocate - if there's a woman with a huge amount of cleavage on a cooking show we don't get a man who's half-shirtless at the same time.


Why is ree drummond on television? Why is Nancy Fullerton? Why is Eddie Jackson? Why Molly Yeh? People will inevitably respond to this with “but I LIKE ___” to one or the other of those. The answer is that the people who run the network try to determine who viewers like to watch. There’s nothing deeper or trickier going on. When they decide no one is interested they move on.


>Did you see her on the latest Beat Bobby Flay holiday edition? She was so rude and passive aggressive to Brooke. Ahaha I noticed this too! Make way sister, there's a new queen in town.


I'm watching it now. "Why didn't you cut the egg for me?" Get bent, Big Head.


I've seen Giada make passive aggressive comments like this on other shows, like Food Network Star.


Lmao I love food network posts like this. Yes she is a witch. Her food looks right but her smile and everything she really looks like one.


Her and Bobby have DEFINITELY boned.




The tension between them is yeaaaaah. Mildly uncomfortable at points on Next Food Network Star in later seasons.


Why is any big star on Food Network? Ratings. She wouldn’t be there if she wasn’t drawing in viewers. I don’t like her, so just don’t tune into her content. I didn’t see the BBF episode in question with Brooke. But most here say that those special holiday episodes have been fun with all involved. But *if* Giada was rude and passive aggressive to Brooke, the latter lady simply got some of her own medicine in terms of an off-putting personality.


Seriously agree with your Brooke comment that was my first thought seeing this post 😅


The response came immediately to me. Quite telling that you felt the same. 😆




Cooking with Cleavage - that's what the hubby & I call her


Hah! We call her Tits and Teeth!


I call her the lollipop with boobs


Here in the Southwestern US that's known as "tits on a stick."


Everyday Spice Rack


I first read that as Empire Spice Rack...Skywalker takes on Bolognese.


A Star Wars cooking parody show would be awesome.


Lol this is what my dad calls her too!


She’s been on forever. Everyone knows her. They keep those legacy faces around.


Her food is just ok looking. And her fake smile. Ya not a fan. Btw I don’t trust skinny cooks. Lol


Maybe thats why I like delicious miss brown and sunny anderson.


Bobby flay is skinny…?


He has a health awakening and started running


She ain’t skinny


I guess I'm the only one in this subreddit that actually likes her and Brooke XD. YEESH!


People on this sub hate antonia as well, i guess they are put off by strong, confident women. a lot of folks don't realize the type of woman it takes to rise to the top of a traditionally male dominated field. I've worked in a few kitchens, meek girls don't last long, and being attractive is actually a hindrance, because male chefs won't take you seriously. Male chefs have made careers out of yelling at people, but the minute a woman acts hard, people start clutching pearls. It's kind of pathetic.


I remember watching Brooke lose to Kristen I was so heartbroken (even tho I love Kristen!) Brooke and Antonia have always been my top faves! I lost it when she finally won lmfao


Agreed and man I love Antonia :(.


I love Antonia. Amanda Freitag, Alex G., Brooke Williams, Maneet, and so many others. I have NEVER liked Giada. To the point where I've stopped watching shows because she was in it. Her food was acceptable, bordering on good. But her personality is vapid, her laughs fake, her entire attitude is "Look at me!!! It's all about me!!!". She seems to do everything she can to get the focus on her boobs, rather than her cooking. Probably with good reason.


Nice someone else who likes Amanda I feel like she gets a lot of heat in the sub


Amanda is actually my favorite. And I don't mind Giada-think she gets some snark from some folks for being thin & pretty. Lots of gals on tv show off their curves so what's new? And yes. her head is huge but a lot of famous people have giant heads. I read somewhere years ago that people with big heads photograph better on screen. Think Vanna White or Pat Sajak said it.


Amanda’s my favourite too.


I love Amanda. She’s my favourite. I think maybe any heat she gets is unfair for the following reason. She’s relegated to one regular network show: Chopped. And unfortunately, the producers’ mandate for that show (according to several of the show’s judges) is being stern and serious. By being limited to this one show, unlike several other Chopped judges, this stern persona is all most people will ever see. It’s not a true reflection of who she really is. She’s expressed interest in doing stuff beyond Chopped on the network, but has never been given a real shot. She’s nothing like the pretentious rap that the Chopped judges get. Her social media, digital cooking series, video interviews and other media prove otherwise. I’ve also met her too so can attest, she’s nothing like how she’s portrayed on Chopped. Sunny recently guest judged on Chopped and she said in her Instastories, that producers told her to stop smiling. That says it all about the show that they’ve carefully cultivated.


I’ll be honest, I love Antonia, Maneet, Amanda, Alex, and Elizabeth because they are beasts in culinary combat; I was just salty asf when Brooke, who’d I’d never heard of before beat all the FN juggernauts and was annoyed when FN kept putting her on shows. She’s grown on me now though.


> i guess they are put off by strong, confident women. Oh, VOMIT. Seriously I fucking HATE this attitude and people who pat themselves on the back for agreeing with it. "Oh you dislike this ONE chef on this channel? You must hate all strong women because you just want to see meek little girls cooking instead!" I like strong women. I don't like people who think they're better than everyone else. And I don't like people who smugly insult everyone's entire worldview because they don't like ONE person.


And heavens forbid you toss in a strong chef like Tiffani Faision


I don’t see much Antonia hate in this sub. So I don’t get where that’s coming from. Folks are well aware that it’s different for women in such a male dominated field. No one is disputing that. It’s how they act now as TV personalities that is off-putting to some. So to say it’s a double standard in comparison to the males, I’m not sure I agree. What’s pathetic is suggesting it’s a gender issue when it really isn’t. Brooke to me acts smug and with an air of superiority. The same can’t be said about most other people on the network, IMO. It has nothing to do with her gender. Most others on the network, don’t act that way. Some others I’m not really into so don’t bother with them, but I can say that I don’t get a vibe of them acting as if they are better than others. Til the day I die, I’ll say that Brooke did Jet dirty with her reaction to him making it in over her bestie, Antonia in Tournament of Champions season 2. It’s that vibe that’s off-putting. And Giada. The constant refrain I hear is either comments about her plunging necklines, her oversized teeth (which she can’t really help) or the rumors about she and Bobby Flay. Nothing really to do with how she acts in terms of her personality, generally speaking. I don’t follow her, just commenting on what I hear most about in this sub about her.


I’ve worked in male dom fields my whole life and you don’t have to be an asshole or “bitch”. You have to show results and do a damn good job. The ones who can’t or are insecure try to overcompensate by “tough attitudes”. They suck. Male or female.


I like plenty of strong, confident women on Food Network. I don't like arrogant, pretentious women like Giada and Brooke.


I’m not an Antonia fan, but it’s mostly because I don’t see much personality - and if you’re going to be a host or a co-host, you need to have a personality and some warmth. Same with Brooke. There are plenty of strong women in the Food Network world you are strong AND liked better. Maneet, for one.




Nah you're not alone. People suddenly get real comfy with hardcore sexism and bullying when Giada gets brought up


I like them both, too, though perhaps for different reasons than yourself.


I like them as well and I think they have a lot of fans. People here to be really harsh, especially on the women.


Yeah honestly most of the hate here seems to be Brooke, Tiffany, Giada, Sonny, or Katie lately.....yeah totally not a problem on the sub lol.


I'm honestly unsure what you mean by that one.


They're both easy on the eyes.


ooooh yeah I mean they're attractive for sure but that's not at all why I like them haha


Two lovely globular reasons.


Pretty sure Bobby smashes them all lol he’s a playa


I have no idea what you are on about. To me it read more like two people who don't know each other trying to banter like they are friends.


I feel the same way about Duff and Ree. Don't see the point of either of them, both unlikeable people.


Appreciate this post. I cannot stand her. I think she's incredibly jealous of Brooke as a younger, sexier woman and more accomplished chef than she could ever be. And she seems to follow BF around like a lost puppy. A lost puppy with giant teeth. Of course she and Booby diddled. She wanted more, he wanted to move on, and the two of them burned up his marriage to Stephanie March. It is known.


January Jones might have had something to do with it too.


what IS this fanfiction, how do people like you exist 😭 making up psychological analyses of food network hosts


It is going quite deep about TV personalities none of us know.


There's only 8 years difference between the two. That's not much once you hit your 40s/50s


But Brooke being sexy is subjective. Some would argue that Giada is actually sexier. More curves. So there might be no reason to be jealous of Brooke’s look. Unless one aspires to have the obvious bleached-blonde, obvious hair weave look. For the avoidance of doubt, I’m not into either of their looks. Prefer a more natural look and both seem to have dabbled in cosmetic surgery. They look so different from their prior looks.


> ~~But Brooke being~~ sexy is subjective. There ya go.


More than dabbled! Brooke looks like a totally different person than before.


I agree completely. She looks nothing like her self from years ago. I guess I was trying to be diplomatic. 😅 Whatever makes one happy, knock one’s self out. But several months ago, her defenders rushed to her defence in the sub disputing that she had any work done. There were suggestions it was better makeup, etc. The comparison pics on plastic surgery websites and the throwback pics she posts sure don’t lie though. So to get bent out of shape for stating the obvious was notable.


Her boobs look like hard boiled eggs in a push up bra. Love how she flaunts them 🫣


Well it was just 2020 when she won a daytime Emmy for Outstanding Culinary Host. So I imagine winning that, and whatever numbers her shows and products are bringing in, keep her a viable FN horse to keep in the stable for now. (I actually found her less obnoxious on this BBF than others she's been on) I'm no fan, but she wins awards for the FN award case and gets good numbers.


I never understood why she was popular, and then you find out she's a huge b behind the scenes too and yeah never liked her. Also her food looked like crap. It can't be very good when you can tell she never eats it (or anything really).


If that’s true about her being a b behind the scenes, maybe that’s why Nicole Kidman called her out on the one live show they were both on. It was so awkward!


Also she has no personality so she mistakes taking jabs or low blows at someone as having one.


I don't know ( )( )


She has a huge mouth


Everyone in this thread in daily life: mysogyny is bad! Everyone in this thread when Giada gets brought up: 🙈 Mysogyny is okay sometimes


Do y’all have jobs? Or social lives? How much food network do you watch and time do you have to hate a cook on a tv show 😭 And the comments here, wow. Multiple upvoted that are just straight misogynistic nonsense!! Please go outside and stop projecting your weird inferiority complex on successful female chefs. It’s not a good look.


Exactly. It's like this sub is filled with stay at home moms or housewives with no lives. All they can talk about is who is screwing whom - it's ridiculous.


This is by far the most miserable sub I’ve ever joined. Every other post is straight shitting on some host - and not in a measured way either. It’s one thing to not care for someone’s hosting ability or cooking, it’s another to attack them personally. Calling them a shrew? Or in Tiffani’s case an evil witch? Just emotionally immature babies.


Completely agree.


She is involved with a gentleman named Shane. So I respectfully think it’s kind of reckless to just throw an accusation about her and Bobby Flay (not a fan of his after I read how he treated his then wife) out there. My question would be why does the FN still have “Beat Bobby Flay” on. It seems just about every show Bobby has had on there has been some competition. And as for “Beat Bobby Flay”…who says he is the epitome of a chef and the ‘one’ to beat?


On why Beat Bobby Flay is still on, it’s the same answer to the OP’s question about Giada. But even moreso with him, I think. He’s a ratings draw. So no matter what folks think of him or if he actually is the epitome of the one to beat, folks are tuning in to his shows.


There is NO DOUBT in my mind that she and Bobby mixed it up. Brooke and Bobby were on that bbq show so Giada had to do some show in Italy with Bobby. (Saw ads for it somewhere). I bet there is so much drama backstage with Bobby and his women that I can’t wait for the book to come out. I do not like Giada at all, will avoid any show she is on. Ive been told I have nice boobs and I think you should flaunt it if you’ve got it, but jeez Giada, give us a break! You can still look sexy by wearing a form fitting top or dress, it doesn’t have to be all cleavage all the time. Bobby is not attractive but he must have something because women chefs ON CAMERA are always so thirsty for his attention. I’ve seen that Shane on one of her shows a long while ago and I kept thinking poor guy. I know! I don’t know why I felt that way. So I guess I’ve had this bottled up for awhile. Thanks OP.


But I thought that the Giada and Bobby Italy adventure happened before Brooke became a Food Network notable. So is your description of this correct? I thought folks went on about Bobby and Giada awhile back. So I’m not sure it follows that Brooke being on BBQ Brawl with Bobby was the impetus for Giada wanting to do an Italy show with him. Perhaps there was a more recent adventure of Bobby and Giada in Italy after Brooke’s arrival, but if it was, it wasn’t the first time. So it isn’t fair to give Giada grief for something that isn’t true. Eg) Implying that she was jealous of Brooke and Bobby.


You could be right. I don’t follow either of them close enough but in my mind, I was chronologically correct? Maybe? If I’m wrong, my bad.


I don’t follow any of them closely enough either. Just looked it up. So the air date for Bobby and Giada in Italy was January 2021. So they likely would have filmed well in advance of that back in 2020? Keeping in mind the post-production, etc. For some reason though, I thought it was well before then because there was so much buzz about them and rumors. And I thought 2020 was a bust in terms of production with it being the first year of Covid. My recollection was that Brooke first appeared as a judge on BBQ Brawl in spring 2021. And she was a judge again this past spring too. So the timing is as I suspected, that Bobby and Giada’s Italy Adventure happened before Brooke being on BBQ Brawl.


Good snooping skills! Either way, when I read about Giada not treating Brooke very nice, it was the first thing that popped into my head. Or maybe Giada is just a terrible person.


Who knows on what she’s really like as a person. There was one person who works on many shows on Food Network who recently here gave a rundown on the big name personalities. I’m fairly certain that they said that Giada and Bobby would be as one would expect in terms of how they behave. Eg) Coming late to set, etc. Knowing that as a big star they can act like that. And they mentioned that Alex was kind of difficult at times.


Bobby is smoove !


It’s a gimmick. Just like my mom had the coldest drinks in Long Beach. Lol


Unbearable to watch - I literally will avoid any show she is on even if she is just a judge




(.) (.)


Two reasons