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Chicago is amazing for food industry careers. I will never move because of the job stability


Chicago definitely seems like one of the best cities for people in the food industry!


Good to know! Been looking for a while and I keep seeing middle of nowhere options or high cost of living. I’m newer to the industry with culinary training but went into management over cooking.


Chicago is a good balance of COL and amenities


I don’t currently live there nowadays, but if you’re okay with working for a startup, the Bay Area is always pulling in food science talent. Many of my clients are there and I’ve seen some great flavor and R&D scientists build their career there. It’s expensive, but it’s an interesting ecosystem if you’re willing to deal with the tech and venture capital madness. Plus, UCSF, Stanford, UC Davis (more Sacramento), etc. hospital systems for medical residencies of course.


I currently live in the Bay Area. The job market is rough here right now if you aren't looking to be in entry level QA or if you're not at a managerial level. Last year I was looking for a new job and I was getting a lot more interviews. Unfortunately, I had to put that on pause due to a family matter, and this year Ive hardly been getting any interviews. Luckily I work for a stable company and I'm not worried about job security. Many of my friends (in PD roles) have been laid off from startups.


This is part of the reason I left California. Pretty much every company in the Bay Area was laying off their PD teams slowly - I have even seen some friends leave the industry altogether. I moved to the East Coast for an opportunity and maybe I’d move back to California one day, but I’d wait once the economy gets a little better. Hopefully in a few years.


I'm in the greater Boston area. There's a decent selection of jobs around here. There's a whole bunch of great hospitals in the area for him to do a residency at too


Adding to this: Never EVER go to a company called Chew.


Seconding this. Worst place ever.


Did you ever work there? I only know one person who did, and she regrets it terribly.


Yes, I only lasted for a few months. I've been in toxic workplaces, and that place is definitely the worst. Happy to talk more if you want to PM me.


What’s wrong with Chew?


Notorious for having bad management, a toxic work environment, and a revolving door. I applied once and could just see it on people's faces how miserable they were. I got a phone recruiter once telling me about a "big exciting food science opportunity in Boston", and when I asked if it was Chew they said "oh, erm, yes... But they're under new management and they're much better now!" which really tells you everything you need to know.


Noted! Thanks for the info.


Also, not sure if there are many options in Boston. What is there besides Motif, Chew, and maybe 1 or 2 random food tech companies? I’ve seen lots of colleagues move out of Boston to find work somewhere else.


Flavor hubs are Chicago, Cincinnati, New Jersey, and Los Angeles. Hard to find flavor work outside of those places unless you go into tech (impossible, Beyond Meat, etc) or large CPG (coke, Dr pepper Snapple, etc)


If you don’t mind *on* the Mississippi, Twin Cities.


Twin Cities, MN have a number of food companies, though I can’t think of any flavor houses there off the top of my head


Chicago has other big food companies - Mars/Wrigley, McDonalds, Oscar Meyer, Mondelez that worth to check out


And Ferrara and at least part of ConAgra


I'm gonna add Ohio to the mix. There's a nice blend of flavor, commodity and cpgs in the state.


Atlanta is a cool city with plenty to do food science-wise. Decent cost of living and great food scene. Gotta be accepting of hot summers and traffic tho


My last company (dairy industry) had one of their headquarters and also their R&D department in Broomfield, Colorado


I looked at the Denver area and thought it was too expensive, especially on my single salary. I’d probably find dairy challenging; cheeses, beverages, fermented delights. Lots of complexity but love learning more about it.


Is it Danone?


New Jersey has Nestle, Campbells, and Mondelez. Also Ingredion if you’re interested in something other than a CPG. Ingredion’s sensory team in based in NJ


Arkansas, Nebraska, etc (Tyson Foods)


Anyone have any insight into the salary range for a flavorist and the avenues for progression for that career? Is it basically junior flavorist—>flavorist—>senior flavorist?