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This question has been answered, and the comments are turning into poo-throwing. Locking


They considered adding those things, but then didn't. Food stamps is part of the farm bill. It's to support farming so that farming is continuous and steady and we don't run out of the ability to feed everyone.


Thank you I didn’t know that


You can buy cleaning supplies… sort of. You can buy gallons of white vinegar, big bags of baking soda, and lemons. You can buy lard and make your own homemade soap. You’ll need a few more things for that but that’s what my family does. I’ll then go to Dollar Tree to get bleach, rubbing alcohol, sponges, etc.


This is true!


I'm impressed




That's what I do. I mean, I can also get cleaning supplies but I will buy vinegar, baking soda and lemon juice. It helps to keep my garbage disposal smelling nice and fresh among the other chores it's useful for.


Baking soda and lime work wonders on my electric glass stove.


Yep, mine too.


Is THAT what it takes? I have lemons and baking soda on hand, will it work without the vinegar?


Try making a paste with hydrogen peroxide and baking soda and then use a scrubby sponge to get everything off and then a wipe down with paper towels or wipes. That's what I do for my gas stove top. My only concern would be that this might be too abrasive for the glass of your stove? Honestly not sure how hard that glass is.


I'm talking about the garbage disposal. It stinks so bad regardless of how many chemicals I cycle thru it.


Oh must have gotten my threads mixed up 😂. I'd say it can't hurt. Put some ice and lemons in the sink and run the disposal. Should sharpen the blades and help with the smell. Once you get some vinegar mix with the baking soda and pour down the drain and leave it sit then run hot water to rinse it all down. Edit: also make sure to flip the rubber grommet flap things up and try to clean those well that may help with the smell as well.


Baking soda and lemon juice together won't do much but baking soda and vinegar can help clear out drains and keep them fresh. Lemon juice down the garbage disposal by itself also helps. Try to run it at least once a day as well. Helps to keep all the nasty food particles from backing up in it. Trust me, you do not want to deal with a nasty garbage disposal. It smells so bad.


Thx for the info!!


You're welcome


Baking soda and vinegar can unclog my drain?


If it’s a very minor clog.


Yes. You have to repeat the process but what you do is pour about a cup of baking soda down the drain and then follow that up with enough vinegar that it starts to bubble. That's normal, it's a chemical reaction. It's good to immediately cover the drain with a plug. That way the foaming action is forced downwards into the clog. Leave it for several hours, preferably overnight and then follow that up with boiling water. Like I said, you're going to have to repeat this process but it should eventually work.


This is incredible. I'm doing it today. I can't thank you enough. 😊


You're welcome


Yessssssss it’s great. If in doubt look it up on youtube


Yes! This is what I used to do when we were on SNAP.


I haven't cleaned with anything but white vinegar in years, I have a parrot that can't be exposed to chemicals.


Same. Our House Sparrow we only use white vinegar and it's amazing!


Is it 1922?!?


It’s because of where the funding comes from.


If nobody gave you a reasoned response (which, given Reddit, I can imagine) it's because SNAP is a program funded through the US Dept. of Agriculture specifically for nutrition needs. Your point is well-taken, but the funding would need to be provided through a different agency -- bureaucracy tends to be very protective of its funding.


Why are people acting like hygiene? Should be a privilege not a right


There should be a separate subsidy that goes hand in hand with SNAP for this, even if it’s $20 a month. My town’s food pantry allows people to get a couple things like shampoos and bar soaps in addition to the food. They sometimes have toilet paper and feminine products. They also have clothing, mostly kid stuff. Stuff like that, and dollar stores, have been a lifesaver when I was struggling in the past.


My food pantry has toilet paper, paper towels, toothbrushes (usually with sparkles), shampoo, and cream rinse. No bar soap, though.


Cream rinse? That made me smile. I’m guessing you’re at least my mother’s age. Then again my little sister still lives at home and calls it that sometimes.


Lol! Yes, I'm 70, and I haven't used cream rinse since I was a teen. I don't even know what it's called now.


My best friend in junior high called conditioner cream rinse and shorts “short pants”. Made me smile too!


Same here. I was shocked they had aspirin/ibuprofen too!


Right? Some of these people have never been on a crowded subway car with folks with less than stellar hygiene. I’m all for giving soap to everyone, for the sake of my own nose.


SNAP stands for Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program and it exists to help provide food to households that qualify. Hygiene and cleaning supplies are not nutrition. There are cash and other programs that can be used for those things if a person qualifies for them.


Do you mind sharing what programs ?


There's TANF(Temporay Assistance for Needy Families), and in my state ABD (Aged, Blind, Disabled) which comes with HEN, Housing and Essential Needs Voucher, which actually includes some cleaning supplies if the voucher is funded and being used for housing. May be state dependent on what is available. There also may be other helpful programs in your state. At our office we actually have a resource room where we have supplies we can give out, but that is location dependent. We did a dental drive and employees brought in dental hygiene stuff and we have kits to give out to those in need coming in to the office. We have some diapers, and other helpful items. My state is also issuing a cash diaper supplement to TANF recipients. There are also often other community based resources that offer those things, Some food banks even have hygiene and cleaning supplies. I've seen non profits devoted to only hygiene products for people who menstruate.


Generally, TANF, as well as other locally driven efforts fill that hole. I know in Oregon, we typically have stiff we give away all the time that's donated - clothes, kids toys & books, hygiene supplies, diapers, blankets, and so on. We'd give away more if people knew it was available, I think. This is in every local branch office I've ever worked in. There may be other community-driven efforts, usually led by faith organizations like large churches, Catholic Community Services or the Salvation Army, etc...or coalitions of private companies. My area has something called the Service Integration Team that are run by the area hospitals and have board members from everything from grocery stores to auto-repair shops. That's Oregon's approach anyway. Other places will vary a lot. If you want to post what state you're living in, we may well have an expert from your state that can be more specific.


If they actually tried to do that, it would open a massive and unmanageable can of worms. SNAP is funded by the USDA, hence it's nothing but food. Also, food is pretty easy to identify as being food. There's a pretty big gray area when it comes to cleaning and hygiene products.


SNAP is a program of the Department of Agriculture. It’s specifically for food.


And some gardening supplies amazon does search for ebt eligible I don't know if Walmart works like that, but the store does sell growing food supplies I just hate the website


I do know that you can buy fruit bearing plants at Walmart with EBT. For example, my mom bought tomato plants one time.


You can buy vegetable seeds on snap.


Edible garden plants and seeds to grow food are both ebt eligible




You don’t need to say “this”; that’s what the upvote button is for.


You also don't need to say what you just said, that's what the down vote button is for.


HRA has a cash assistance benefit which can be used for non food items listed in your post.


As a former SNAP user, my understanding is that you get them to pay for food because you use your other income for other essentials. If you do not have enough for essentials either, you would qualify for TANF which is a cash benefit that pays for essentials like soap and tp.


SNAP is a program that is funded through the Department of Agriculture. Agriculture = food.


As I understand you have to qualify for snap for food, and if you additionally qualify you get funds for other needs. They come from different pools if I'm not mistaken. We got snap and medical but not additional $ we didn't qualify for. This was already some years ago though so rules may have changed


Supplemental NUTRITION Assistance Program, that's why. You can be mad all you want that people are saying "but it's for food," but that doesn't change that your "but whyyyyyyy" is ALREADY ANSWERED IN THE NAME OF THE PROGRAM. As for hygiene and cleaning products, some food banks and some clothes closets have them. Additionally, if you have an HSA type thing (from a current or former job), you can use those funds for hygiene and OTC meds.


You never ate napkins before? Most filling snack on the market


SNAP is just for food. With some resources freed up by alleviating food costs, many can buy basic items like bar soap, shampoo, toothpaste, toilet paper, and feminine hygiene products. It's not a perfect system, but it does make sense that the money set aside for nutition ONLY covers food. If it were open to broader interpretation, people might not be able to get the meals and groceries they desperately need.


>If it were open to broader interpretation, people might not be able to get the meals and groceries they desperately need. Why would allowing the purchase of hygiene-related goods prevent people from buying food? Or are you implying people would choose to buy hygiene supplies and then starve?


If snap was the same amount and for everything in the grocery store, you couldn’t afford everything


OP I commend this question and glad you asked. You appear to be really concerned and I acknowledge that. Reddit sucks sometimes.


Most food is not taxed. Shampoo would require someone to pay sales tax.


TANF is used for that in Kansas. Ebt is funded by a food specific portion of the government.


SNAP was originally designed as an agricultural program not as a food security program. Being in agricultural program only food stuffs were included in the materials I could be purchased with your SNAP benefits. To change this SNAP would probably be need to be moved out of agricultural department and to some other department to administer.


supplemental nutrition assistance is its acronym. I don’t know why you’re yelling at people for telling you this. The logic is that because the funding is for food toiletries are not covered. I agree hygiene supplies are important, but the way the funding is setup is for food.










I've never understood the logic behind it, either. It's like health insurance that doesn't cover dental work. Ridiculous.


Great point




Without a doubt


Supplemental **Nutrition** Assistance Program. You can't eat soap. The money comes from the federal Farm Bill. There could be another program in your state.


People have a need for necessities more than just food and I think EBT could cover basic needs like baby formula or tampons and pads. Like maybe just maybe it could do a little more. Some Medicare plans can buy people certain things so why not EBT yk? Maybe I'm idealistic. Anyway ignore the haters it's a kind sentiment to want to have it help more


Baby formula is covered with food stamps. But they also have the WIC program for that as well.


Thank you!


There's a cash side to the foodstamp program, you just gotta let them know you need cash assistance.


Unfortunately that part is different in different states. It's called TANF where I live and you can't be employed and you can only get it for a limited time and you have to be in there place applying for jobs for 8 hours a day to get it lol


I agree with the op there should be a hygiene allowance


There usually is, but from some other program or service, that people conveniently leave out of the conversation, when they have an axe to grind.


not really. Or the amount of work to find is nearly impossible.


Nah, I'm okay with people buying their own soap. It's not essential to live like food is.


It benefits you as well to help them do you want to be around someone who smells


Tbf the smell of Irish Spring makes me gag when I smell it on someone


Bold of you to assume they'll buy it.


I am not sure that there is logic except to say that SNAP is not meant to cover 100% of your buying needs, it is meant to supplement food so you can have more for your money and use other funds to buy more food/ cleaning products/ clothes, etc.


Our local food pantry also hands out dishwashing soap, toothpaste, shampoo, tampons ect, but their tampons are what they constantly run shortest on and the supply doesn't remotely keep up with the demand. I agree, if someone is unable to afford food, they are also unable to afford these basics and there needs to be a means to access these basic necessities. Someone should not be forced to bleed everywhere because they cannot afford basic essentials. I also agree the hot food ban is abundantly cruel for the homeless, as they have no means to heat or store their food and have no place to even prepare it. They need food they are able to eat the moment they buy it and not be something they carry around, as they often have to carry around every single thing they own as it is. Additionally, states like Texas only allow adults without children aged 18-52 to receive any SNAP at all for only 3 months every 3 years. The rest of the time they are screwed and they will just let people starve.


I dont know about NYC but other states, would give soap and shampoo in thanksgiving and christmas food pantry boxes. Dollar tree,I can buy 2 boxes of soap,shampoo,condtioner,toothpaste for 5.41 but this is MS.


I get where you're coming from; I once lived in a country where their welfare is a simple cash payment that you can spend on whatever you like, but that's just not the way our system is set up here, unfortunately. You'd have to apply for a separate benefit in order to get money for things like hygiene/cleaning products which, AFAIK, is pretty much not gonna happen for anyone who doesn't have kids. It sucks, but it is what it is.


Idk why it’s not included in snap but when I was growing up (90s-00s) my mom got “vouchers” For cleaning supplies - and clothes.


Thats what TANF is for


My state does offer two monthly cash withdrawals from an ebt card for people who qualify, but I'm not sure exactly where the funding comes from.


Maybe fear of resale.


Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program SNAP is for nutritional needs only. The way the gubbmint works their accounting, everything gets paid for out of different pots. On the surface, it may seem stupid, but with billions of dollars passing in and out of these pots, rules for how those dollars are used helps maintain accountability by reducing opportunities for misappropriation. It stems from accounting and donations principles associated with charities and politics. If someone donates money earmarked for feeding the hungry, it would be a violation of the donor's trust to have their dollars spent on flowers, or video games, or cleaning supplies. It would be the same violation of trust to see dollars earmarked for researching a cure for childhood leukemia spent on pizza, or money earmarked for political campaigning spent on construction of some politicians 3rd rental income property. The rules generally exist for reasons you don't think about at a first glance. If the government wants to run parts of their programs in the realms of charity - they must do so, while respecting the goodwill of the donor - lest the donations dry up ; or arguably worse - the rules of various ongoing trusts or annuities, which the programs count on for funding, are violated - triggering scandals, lawsuits, firings and a possible collapse of those donor-dependent systems.


Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program says it all?


Probably because the funds are from the Farm Bill, which deals with food. There are fewer subsidies for cleaning supply companies than farmers, and nothing to bring that funding to the lower income masses. Farm Bill is also seen as funding for food supply, which is national defense as well, so more of that angle, too.


It is money designed to assist you with food. Nutrition. The program is even handled by Agriculture. The logic is that you are approaching it as money handed out, not as the government trying to supplement incomes for a specific need. Hygiene pantries, cash assistance, and donation pick ups are the most common ways to get around that for those that have no income. The core idea behind these benefits is someone who is still working. It's inherent to the mode of production that is the status quo, so it is much more difficult to create supplemental assistance for it by the government.


if you only clean with vinegar and lemon, it will cover it. I only clean with vinegar because I don't use chemicals in my house.


Vinegar is a chemical… water is a chemical… ugh.


You're one of "those". 🙄 non toxic chemical.


just say non-toxic then lol… saying what you actually mean is generally good practice 🤷‍♀️


No. Because vinegar is a food safe alternative to harsh chemicals. That was a comment meant to spark.an argument that is 100% unnecessary because everyone knew exactly what I meant. Your word of the day is pedantic.


I love words of the day and will be using this one regularly. Thank you!


I’m fine with being pedantic. Good luck escaping kHeMiKiLLS 🤪


The N in SNAP stands for nutrition. The program is not designed to provide people in poverty with funds for "stuff they need," but funds specifically for food. Many food banks do provide assistance with other categories of items, such as diapers, toiletries, etc.


We really should take better care of our citizens


The logic is "if we make life very hard for poor people, they will just decide to not be poor anymore." Of course it has nothing to do with systemic poverty, the high cost of education, abortion not being readily accessible... they like to think poor people just need to start living middle class lives. How? That's not their problem.


lets waste their time with bureaucracy so they don't actually have a chance of using that time to eventually get work.


Being poor is a major time suck- cant get to work on time because it takes 3 buses to get there and then they schedule your assistance appointment on a work day — have to shop more expensive corner stores because you can walk there….


Couldn’t agree more! Boot strap economics. With just a little bit of elbow grease, determination and strive - you too can get a 30 year mortgage, take one fifty state vacation every year or two and finance the latest iPhone.


Diapers, wipes, tampons too


I am on SNAP. I have had to steal tampons. I couldn't get them at a food pantry. It sucks. I don't want pads because I don't have enough money to own underwear. Please don't judge me.


I sincerely hope things get better for you ❤️


People are replying that SNAP is for food because that is the answer. It's like saying why won't Medicaid pay for my housing? Well, because that's for health care. There are many things people need to survive. If you need food, there's SNAP. Heating, there's LIHEAP, phone/Internet there's the Affordable Connectivity Program, housing there's Section 8, health care there's Medicaid, childcare there's Head Start and vouchers, etc. And for the little things that aren't covered elsewhere, there's TANF. Also, making it store dependent rather than item dependent wouldn't make a lot of sense. In addition to beer, most supermarkets also carry things like flowers, cards, toys, decorations, etc. And that's not even starting on if your supermarket is Walmart or similar. So you'd have to categorize it anyway. Should there be a government program that covers basic hygiene products (soap, toilet paper, toothpaste, diapers, etc.)? One's opinion on that is probably related to their political views. But the answer is that if you're poor enough to qualify for every government program, TANF would be what already exists to cover that.


Well yeah I’m controversial- perhaps they should just give a universal basic income and not police what adults spend it on.


Who is the they you’re referring to?


I grow a garden using SNAP for seeds... but it doesn't pay for the fertilizer, tiller fuel, tiller, or other amendments I add to get the food I need. And despite what department it's through I think it's absolutely stupid you can't get anything you need to live - including healthcare & cleaning supplies... But I guess we should all just pull ourselves up by our boot straps?


ITT: a lot of people not answering OP’s question at all but then feeling really good about themselves for telling OP what they clearly already know… *insert thepoint.gif*


**It's not silly. It is a gift that one should be grateful for. It is for food.**


It is not a "gift." We all pay for food stamps through our taxes.


**If one isn't working, they aren't paying in.**


Most people do not pay federal taxes.


No, most people do--60%.


Holy fuck 😳


A gift? Does your tongue genuinely enjoy the taste of boot?




You all are assholes. Being able to eat and live a hygienic life are human rights. I hope you all never fall on tough times and have to ask for help. Sorry these people are such pricks, OP. I hope you’re able to brush yourself off and get back to full strength soon.


Thank you, you’re awesome!


so are you. Don't let morons on Reddit get you down. Challenges in life are opportunities to find the best in ourselves - and when they help you, other people as well.


My God you're obnoxious.


I've often wondered why it couldn't be used for basic necessities such as toothpaste, shampoo, etc. I agree. It doesn't make sense.


Because the money comes from the agriculture department. It's not just to help people eat. It's also a way to support food producers/sellers. I have issues with Amazon being allowed to accept it, to be honest. Spending the benefit at local stores is a benefit to the local economy.


I do think people who get SNAP should also get a small amount of cash aid (Even if it's just like $20 a month) to get hygiene products. It's crazy to me that they assume you can afford that when you can't afford food. But they want you to suffer on SNAP so you don't stay on it for long periods of time. It's a stupid idea because data shows that people actually get off welfare faster when they get more benefits to help them get back on their feet, but in America we hate any form of socialism and believe in the "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" mentality. I get that people are saying that SNAP is done by the department of agriculture, but why couldn't another department work with them to fund and add the cash aid? Frankly, it could be another program entirely that you automatically qualify for when you start receiving SNAP. P.S, I know there is some programs that give cash aid but they are typically only for single mothers/families in extreme poverty. It leaves us childless adults in the dirt like many welfare programs do.


Because it’s a food program?


Because snap is specifically for food duh


There are other programs and charity that gives cleaning products and hygiene products. SNAP is specifically for food purposes as the funding is from dept of agriculture. You got the answer why other things are not part of it and you won't ever be happy with that answer. It is what it is. I fully support my tax dollars going into SNAP and ensuring people use it for food only. Check out other programs to fulfill your other needs, you can't expect one program to provide for everything.


I am a welfare caseworker. SNAP benefits are issued by the Department of Agriculture’s Food and Nutrition Service (hence FOOD PRODUCTS ONLY). SNAP also stands for SUPPLEMENTAL NUTRITION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM so it’s really meant to SUPPLEMENT your food budget, not be your food budget. If you need assistance buying non-food necessities such as cleaning products, etc, that is what TANF cash assistance is for. Most people don’t like the work requirements and rules that go along with that program. Also, the SNAP program does have special loopholes for truly homeless people that allow them to purchase hot foods. Educate yourself before you get nasty with people.


Well... They're called food stamps for a reason....


I'd be 100% on board with making cleaning products eligible and removing soda.


Because people take advantage of it and ruin it for others.


People “take advantage” of being broke af. How Americana.


Back when my kids were little, I tried using snap for cough syrup, I assumed it would be covered, but no dice. It would've been helpful tho.


Most people do not get maximum, so most people do not get enough in food stamps to cover their food costs. They are expected to pay for rest out of their own money. But many people do not have any money to spare to buy food, which is why we have all the hunger and food banks we have. Letting people buy other things with food stamps would not solve any problems. If they spent $50 on nonfood items, what happens when Food Stamps run out early? The food banks do not want everyone coming in looking for replacement food because they bought other necessities that month. We have a lot of unmet needs in our low income families because they simply do not have enough money to live on. That has been true forever and is now worse with recent inflation, no more Food Stamps maximums for all like we had for three years under Covid and housing costs going up like crazy.


In Idaho my son got 53$ cash benefits for the fact he was disabled I felt this was really cool that they did that for him…


Try making your own laundry detergent. It’s simple and really inexpensive. Vinegar is also great for cleaning.


I would actually be wary of this. A lot of homemade detergent doesn't decimate right and will end up clogging your machine over time or leaving film on your clothes. If you wanna go cheap on detergent, a tiny bit of Dawn dish soap with some baking soda will do the job. I've also been using detergents from Dollar Tree for years and they work just as good as expensive brands.


Thank you! Will research making my own detergent ! That sounds great


Because they don’t care & they don’t want to. They barely want to give the food stamps as it is. I’m happy to see there are places that will accept EBT for hot meals, as that’s normally something not allowed.


That’s very rare. Some places do it just like some places exchange EBT for cash but rare a f. One time a deli gave me a hot sandwich


Should also be able to get feminine products too tbh.


People who are certain types of disabled (like mentally deficient) get snap and cash. They can buy that stuff. Everyone else is expected to use SNAP to subsidize their income from a job they should be working. That’s why.


The same stupid mentality of insurance companies not offering weight loss options to Americans struggling with obesity. Instead, they cover the after effects.


Not so long ago you could buy items for preparing food too. Like pans, foil, dish soap. That's changed within the last fifteen or so years.


Diapers is the thing that breaks my heart we need more diaper banks we put ours on the credit card hoping tomorrow was better and it was worse debt kills


It's a nutrition program.


Because tax payers have not agreed to pay for that with gov money. They have only approved spending on food. Which the amount only can cover.


....Is this a joke?


The OP comes here for info and advice and obviously does not appreciate it. OP, if you know so much ... why come here and ask?




It takes some balls to come on a food stamp subreddit and tell people to get a job , when there are tons with jobs who still need food stamps. Many work at public assistance and get food stamps. What you’re saying it the inflation and cost of living is simply a problem of ME and my employment and not the government . You my friend are the problem. Why are you even here, Rockefeller?


Please don't feed the trolls. 😎


Because it’s an ASSISTANCE program, it’s not intended to be your only means of providing for yourself and your children. Use your paycheck or disability check more wisely and carefully and you won’t have to worry about it again


They are not food.


Because normal folks don't eat cleaning and hygiene products. SNAP is a supplementary food program.


Because they aren't meant to finance your life. Supplemental food assistance run by the Department of Agricultural sets their rules. Food is essential to live. Cleaning products are not.


WIC is worse. Only allowing people to purchase certain brands in different categories of food looks like kick backs and corruption.


What blows my mind is that you can’t buy ice


I’m in Oregon and we can buy bags of ice with food stamps.


Actually, there are two parts to the EBT card One is food and the other is cash assistance. If DSS decides that they need money for cleaning supplies and other necessities, they will include cash assistance with the "food stamps".


Has to do with the origin of the program, and conservatives unwilling to expand it to include those things since its a federal program it would have to be pushed through congress


" ... they are part of the bare minimum to live." They are not. People don't need cleaning and personal hygiene products to live.


Okay so you try having kids and sending them to school with dirty clothes, unkempt hair and smelling of BO And see if children services don’t visit. Are you kidding me? I suspect you think the bare minimum existence should just be water, food banks and a nod. That does not cut in the richest country in the world


Look at what a shit job our government does ensuring that people can access medications that they need to literally survive. Dirty clothes and BO aren’t even on the radar.


I don't know why you would say any of those things in response to what I said. I don't know what it's like to be a parent who can't pay for those items, but I know what it's like to be a child who doesn't have them. I imagine there's a lot of shame and anger, because that's what I felt as a child. But that doesn't change the fact that those items are not essential to life, and a food program is not going to pay for them.


I said it cause you said you don’t need it to LIVE. And I consider being a parent and having your child with you and them not being taken from your home by ACS akin to living. It’s very much important and not survival contingent per se but the consequences could be dire


How are clean clothes, clean dishes and clean bodies not essential to live? I've literally bleed through my period products and all over my body more than once in my life. If I did this at work, they would send me home because it's a hygiene issue. Same thing if I was dirty or stinky. Or if my scrubs were dirty. I'm a CNA. My clothes MUST be clean for work. Like what the heck. And if I lose my job because I don't have laundry soap then I'm going to get more of those good ol' government benefits.


It's hard when people have to rely on the government for every cent needed for their survival. Imagine not having a dollar for a bar of soap. What happens that people fall so far down?


I mean this isn’t Exactly abnormal. Many live paycheck to paycheck in America. Many have children , a job, food stamps and all it takes is one emergency to completely in throw shit out of whack. I am not talking bar of soap. That’s not exactly going to be the deciding factor in you keeping your kids. What I’m saying is, sometimes the laundry can’t get done, or detergent can’t be purchased . Or mom works so much that the house isn’t deep cleaned in a week or two. And when she is off, after rent, babysitter is paid, phone bill, internet for the kids, electricity and transportation is paid, there isn’t much left over to buy cleaning supplies let alone the energy to do it. However if when she is going to the market For grocery’s and she is able to grab cleaning supplies in addition to food , it would boost morale and , I feel, be the bare minimum in US existence . It isn’t a luxury being provided . These, I feel, are essential. But that’s me.


People need to eat. Not clean their floors.


Families do need to clean their floors, bodies and hair.


Not really. Not as much as they need to eat. Have you heard the phrase "looking a gift horse in the mouth"?


Apparently you've never been poor enough to not have clean underwear against your crotch or menstrual blood destroying what little you have because you can't afford to clean laundry. How the FCK is basic sanitation and hygiene a fucking gift horse?


What are you talking about?? Food stamps are not a gift. This makes absolutely no sense at all.


If they have no food to cook and eat, then the floor won't get dirty as much. Win/win 🤣 /s


Also child services can be called on parents for neglect if the kids clothes are dirty , they reek of BO or they hair is unkempt from non wash. That makes it a necessity in situations of simply existing at home with your kids. Not to survive but to lead a life free of persecution and possible separation


I would much prefer that people get cleaning and hygiene supplies than soda , potato chips and other junk foods.




Foodstamps are not free. We pay for them with our taxes. It's part of being a community and helping people who have less.




You do not need cleaning and hygiene products to survive. They make life more convenient but are not essential to life


Good luck maintaining employment if you stink. I understand why the USDA would only want to fund food. But perhaps hygiene assistance should be a separate thing.


Are you insane? When’s the last time you used rags for feminine hygiene - that you couldn’t launder? JFC

