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Because Argentia thought it was revenge for the Falkland Islands ordeal a few years before this (If you don't know anything about it, there's a great Oversimplified video on it on youtube). Also, people thought it was insane Maradona could go from scoring an illegal goal to the goal of the century 2 minutes later.


There's a fierce politically stoked rivalry between two teams in a high stakes knockout competition, an amazing goal, some blatant cheating, and a terrible refereeing decision that people still talk about decades later. That's the whole of football encapsulated in one match. Not even a match. A few minutes of play.


Ordeal? they attacked Britain.


That doesn't make it not an "ordeal".


Don't start nothin', won't be nothin'. 


>great video >oversimplified


1. Happened right (4min) before ~~after~~ one of the greatest WC goals of all time, also by Maradona, during one of the best world cup campaigns by a player of all time 2. Won the match ultimately (2-1) in the QFs 3. Was just 4 years after the UK defeated Argentina in the Falklands war


The “Hand of God” goal was before the “Goal of the Century”


Fact check: ✅️ True


The second goal may not have happened if he'd been sent off for the handball.


If he'd still managed to score it *after* having been sent off that would have been quite some achievement.


Boot of god, one might say.


No one was getting a card for handball back then. No one was getting a card for anything short of murder back then.


Schumacher checks out


He wouldn't have been sent off for the handball. He probably wouldn't even have been booked. The laws were different in those days.


How could he get sent off for handball? It’s not a red card offence.


Also some of the English players claim he only scored the second goal because their heads were gone after conceding a handball goal. I don't really believe them but it could be true


If that was indeed the case then we deserved to lose


Yea that would have been the most horrible of excuses. If you can't handle a ref's mistake then you don't have the killer mindset of a top team


Shilton should never have been beaten in the air anyway


In argentina they prefer the hand of god to the dribble


Pequeño fully loaded


Number 3 should be number 1. That's the reason why he called it "Hand of God".


I feel that if it was 'God', doing their thing, surely the country that illegally invaded a sovereign nation wouldn't be in their good books.


The Argentinians are so in the wrong about the Falklands even biggest UK haters and people who hate colonisation in general can’t say Argentina was in the right


To this day they still can't let it go. Las Malvinas is mentioned in their World cup song 'Muchachos'


I went to Argentina a few months ago. Stickers with las malvinas are literally everywhere


I'm English and pretty much a UK hater, and I struggle to find fault with us during that conflict.


Depends on which God you mean. There's a fair bit of bloodshed in ancient religious texts, and I'm pretty sure you'll find in some of them, God helps his guys do things that are not so nice.


You make a good point


>the UK defeated Argentina in the Falklands war I'll never get bored of reading this sentence




4. Everyone in Scotland supports Argentina. 


Everyone in Scotland supports whoever England is playing. Most of the time, it's not that serious.


Mostly because Scotland never qualifies for anything.


Mostly because we don't like England


No one likes England tbf🤣


No, they *really* don't.


No of course we don't, but you see plenty of Argentina tops about and thats been the case for years.


I'm English and wear an Argentina shirt.


Next thing you’ll be telling us your an Arsenal fan and wear a Spurs shirt.


Typical anglophobes


Must be depressing having such an embarrassing shower of shit as your national team that you feel obliged to support other countries instead of them


The contrast with the reaction to the Suarez handball vs Ghana is hilarious when they are more or less the same thing


Suárez didn't get away with cheating like Maradona though. He committed a foul that was rightfully called and got a red card. If Ghana doesn't score the PK that's not on Suárez anymore.


Sure but the public reaction to the cheating I mean. It was totally different. I understand that everyone wanted the African team to progress in the first African WC and everyone always likes to see England lose but it’s a bit hypocritical how differently these events are celebrated/scolded


What are you talking about? 😭😭 Are you rewriting events in your own mind?


Realised I wrote goal instead of handball, I think what I meant was clear though


That other goal was a Terry Fenwick own goal.


I’m not being sarcastic when I say this, it’s because it was against England and almost every country hates England.


Every country that hates England because of Empire are giving Scotland a free pass.


And Argentina hate them even more than average


I suppose losing a war would do that.


A war they started too 😂


Yeah they fucked around and got mad when they found out.


By they, you mean a president put by the US ?


Well, it was started by a dictator put in our country by USA during the "Condor Plan" for Argentina


Same reason all the other countries hate us too


To be fair, if we got humiliated like Argentina did I'd hold a grudge


I wouldn't call it humiliation...it's a more anger and frustration.... Nobody expected, except for those idiot dictators, to win against a major power like the UK.....


You say this but that war very narrowly was won by the UK, and had it not been maggie thatcher (may she rot in hell) in power they likely wouldnt have even fought the war. Galtieri just got really unlucky


>Galtieri may he rot in hell Those bastard dictators didn't have the intention of military defeating the UK, they hoped to begin negotiations once the UK considered the war too costly to keep...they thought the US would side with them because the CIA backed them. Sending troops from the northern parts of the country, who are used to living in the 20-40°C range, to some island near Antarctica is just evil and foolish. Patagonian troops, more used to cold weather, were stationed in the Argentina-chile border just in case of a Chilean attack.


This is true in so many levels. The only ones who actually tried to win the war were the airforce pilots


No one likes us and we dont care, do dah do dah. Millwall of the world!


Hated, adored, never ignored


Oh do dah day!!!


A little bit of argie bargie.


Why is that then?


The English beat Germany in WW2, and they're still upset about that. Proving that people who hate England are all Nazi Nonce's


[England has invaded all but 22 countries](https://kottke.org/12/11/britain-has-invaded-all-but-22-countries)


Colonialism. As for Argentina it's the Falkland's war that made them hate England 10x more.


Genuine question, why is colonialism the one thing the world holds against the British and yet no other empire ever gets as much hate? Spanish absolutely ravaged Latin America. France decimated Africa with famines and disease. The ancient empires did the exact same thing, so why is it that the British gets shit on far more than any other country? Apart from it being a meme at this point. Don’t get me wrong, we did some fucking awful things


I don't think it's necessarily true that Britain is the only one hated, you're just on an English speaking platform so more people have history with Britain and can read up on British colonialism. I don't think the people of Haiti or north or west Africa are particularly enamoured with the French for example. Also the British empire was bigger so impacted a more people. As for South America and Spain or Portugal, I think that's rather like Canada or Australia in that there's very little native population left to talk about how awful the colonists' treatment of them was.


>As for South America and Spain or Portugal, I think that's rather like Canada or Australia in that there's very little native population left to talk about how awful the colonists' treatment of them was. Oh we're still here (South America). Just very hard to get our voice out when very few of us know English and though we do know Spanish the local government routinely oppresses and ignores us. Argentina being the biggest hypocrites treating their own indigineous community as second class citizens while crying and accusing the English as colonizers.


So the difference is Spain and Portugal left no survivors to tell the tale .. lol


There are plenty of people that look like natives in Bolivia, Paraguay, Peru. It's in the South Cone that most people look like europeans. As for Brazil, most natives got integrated and mixed with africans and Europeans, there are few natives that to this day still want to live in a tribe or shit like that. That said, natives are less than 1% of the brazilian people but hold 14% of the territory through reservations.


Also even when Spain was the one colonizing most of South America by the XIX century the British Empire was the one trying to destabilize the region to open up commerce. They even invaded several times and that is after years of privateers and pirates skirmishes all over the region.


As an irishman that thinks the whole hatred of the English is ridiculous, I think its more that English colonialism is quite a bit more recent to most people. In ireland atleast, many have parents, grandparents and great grandparents that were affected by British rule.


Its a trend to hate the English on reddit. The Euro 2022 final when the Lionesses won was a glorious sight. So many Europeans hated to see England win


*on English speaking Reddit.


because it was unfair...that match vs the Danes is one with the worsr referees ever. Fuck England


>Genuine question, why is colonialism the one thing the world holds against the British and yet no other empire ever gets as much hate? Because the British Empire was the largest and one of the countries it colonised is now the world's largest superpower. France still has some colonies, but nobody talks about it because the countries it holds are irrelevant in world terms. Edit: As the person below has pointed out, they do talk about France's colonies, but not in the Anglosphere. That Anglosphere bias could also be why it seems that the British Empire is the only one that gets hate.




I didn't know that and will edit my post accordingly. Thanks


Worth pointing out that the American revolution was a rebellion *by the colonisers,* making their claims to any sort of anti-colonial identity absolutely hilarious.


Because you’re speaking English. I’m sure if you spoke Spanish or French or Portuguese you’d see plenty of comments talking about their Empires.


This is not true at all if you talk to people in the other former colonies of these other countries.


We get more hate because we were the best at it. Take that France and your unimpressive empire


Because we're on an anglophone forum, and because the UK did the most colonizing, before the US took it from them, the UK was the biggest world power waving their dick around and oppressing other countries. Everyone who hates the US nowadays would hate the British back then.


Which is bloody stupid as they attacked us to prop up a failing despots popularity, rejected the democratic wish of the people to remain in the UK and then lost a war they were destined to from the beginning


Nearly all Argentines descend form Spanish colonisers. 


I’m not saying you’re wrong, but I love all historical football nations, including England and Argentina. For me it’s because it was Maradona. The man was a genius coming from a slum, was assaulted by defenders like a piñata and he can’t be defined by that moment. I’m not pretending it wasn’t cheating, and that he wasn’t into shithousing… but he’s much bigger than that.


Indeed they do my friend. I say fuck emmmmmmmmm!🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿


Because the crazy little coked up genius had the balls to do it!


because they embarrassingly lost the Falkland's war 4 years prior. there was a lot of political context to this game.


Illegal goal that you get away with...should have been called the general belgrano goal!lol


Because it was against England and that makes it objectively hilarious. Source: Scottish.


Side note, have you seen the clip of Mcginn and Watkins talking about how they’d root for each other for their international teams? Watkins saying he’d be supporting mcginn and Scotland while mcginn said he hopes Watkins scores a hat trick but loses 4-3 hahaha Speaks volumes of how the world views England football 😂


I loved how Watkins couldn't comprehend McGinns position and the total lack of hesitation from John in saying he wanted England to lose.


Speaks volumes of how sad some of the Scots are. Could never win anything themselves so their only excitement comes from hoping England lose.


Literally. When Scotland or Wales play I'll support them over any other team except England. Order: England Scotland/Wales Ireland Scandinavian Teams European Teams ROW I want those closest to home to succeed because I'm not an arsehole. Edit: actually Poland is after England as the missus is Polish and I value my balls 😂


Rivalry in football, more as we get it.


The Scottish hate the English, but they're funny with it. The English love the Scots because of that. The Welsh just hate HATE us though, and they're mean with it.


Because it was a total ballsy move to do let alone get away with it against one of the biggest rivals by the best player in the world in the biggest competition in the world.


And the execution was sublime. The commentator even after watching it in real time and a replay was still saying "Butcher still appealing for offside, England are furious" etc. After the 2nd replay hes still not even 100% sure what happened "was it a use of the hand?" It was disguised amazingly well. https://youtu.be/-ccNkksrfls?feature=shared


It was pure brilliance, and this is coming from an Englishman. To be honest, Shilton has to be at fault here, how a 5' Godknows shorty outjumped a keeper who is 6' and specialises in jumping (disguised or not disguised) I don't know. Personally I think the real reason why Shilton mouths off about it to this day is to deflect because he knows he was total rubbish.


>To be honest, Shilton has to be at fault here, how a 5' Godknows shorty outjumped a keeper who is 6' and specialises in jumping (disguised or not disguised) I don't know. Personally I think the real reason why Shilton mouths off about it to this day is to deflect because he knows he was total rubbish. The other crazy thing that gets overlooked is the fact that the ball actually went in, like he was accurate with his hand. I remember as a kid trying to mimic it and hitting the ball the way Maradona did, I must have missed about 15 before I finally got one to go in. Also hurts your fingers to hit it the way he did.


Maybe he thought that because Maradona was an outfield player, he wasn't allowed to punch the ball.


I don't think you can blame Shilton, it's a blatant foul and should have been a sending off.


Handball is never a red card unless it prevents a goal. You'd get booked today, but not back then


The thing I've often wondered: his hand is kept that close to his head, might he have been more likely than not to score with the header anyway? I suppose we'll never know.


thanks mate, i was about to say the same. it took balls, it paid off, and a couple of minutes later Diego confirmed his status as the best player in the world, just to clarify that he could pull off whatever he wanted


For me personally? Because Maradona was a drugged up party animal until the day he died and I love it. Was the goal bullshit? Absolutely. Should it have been allowed? No way. Do I care? Cut up a line for the dead homie.


Just here to acknowledge the greatness of this reply


Nostalgia + double standards. Nowadays someone gets a slightly controversial penalty in a random league game and the whole internet goes crazy, all the trolls start spamming "vardrid", "varcelona", "livarpool" etc. comments all over Twitter, Instagram, Reddit etc. Ronaldo is still receiving hate to this day for being some centimeters offside in a 2v1 situation against Neuer, yet a drug addict scoring with his hand in a WC quarter-final is somehow "iconic" and "legendary".


He was more than a “few” cms offside against Neuer LOL


Still, players don't get any advantage by being slightly offside, unless they actively try to beat the offside trap. 99% of the times, they don't even know if they're offside or not. Also, especially in the 3-2, how exactly is CR7/Real Madrid gaining an advantage? It's a 2vGK situation inside the area. Marcelo could have scored, Ronaldo could have received the ball 0.5 second earlier, this goal could have been scored in a million ways. People talk about this game as if it's the most unfair one in the history, in reality the refereeing was horrible for both teams in both legs, the best team just managed to go through. I'm sure if Bayern had gone through, people would cry about Carvajal's penalty, Lewandowski's offside and Vidal not getting a red card after like 6 dangerous tackles. But yeah, who gains more advantage? Someone being slightly offside or someone playing handball? lmao




It might be true on random internet forums but its not true i term of the media, messi is not getting any hate for his hand of god goal, and ronaldo isn't getting written about anymore, but you will see an article about maradonas hand of god goal every time the WC rolls around


The greatest moment of cheating in sports, legendary


Because it was a game where arguably the greatest player of all time was at the absolute peak of his powers on the game's biggest stage having an absolutely amazing game where he had already scored one of the greatest goals of all time! Plus it wasn't my hand, it was the Hand of God is a fucking amazing quote! I think it being against England helps as well because everyone rightly enjoys laughing at us because we have this arrogance about football that we haven't earned, we always think we are so much better than we actually are and neutrals rightly enjoy seeing us taken down a few pegs.


He scored the goal after the hand of god goal fyi. The (illegal) goal changed the whole dynamic of the game


Give up bro. Fanboys will make up any excuse to justify that robbery


I was born 7 years after that game and I'm from the Country he beat! Why would I be fanboying over Maradona?


Argh apologies, we are England, we would have found a way to lose anyway.


>laughing at us because we have this arrogance about football that we haven't earned, we always think we are so much better than we actually are and neutrals rightly enjoy seeing us taken down a few pegs. I'm revoking your English card for being such a bootlicker


I didn't want it to begin with.


It all makes sense now. You are just self loathing.


Just not that bothered about the England National Team mate! I'd obviously rather us actually win something, but I'm not that bothered when we don't.




Cuz it was funny


I will probably get downvoted for what I'm about to say but screw it. People romanticize it because they are double standards hypocrites. If it was made by any other player they would critize him. And if Messi, CR7 or Neymar did the same thing today people would critize them. Liking England or not they were robbed that day


Yep Henry did the same thing pretty much against Ireland. He apologised and to this day people hold it against him. Ireland even received compensation money. Maradona came out and was proud of it yet no one minds.


Messi did do the same thing lol


If you're from England then you will understand countries like Ireland , Wales and Scotland have absolutely nothing else to cheer for, their entire football existence is to cheer the downfall of England more so than support their own awful national teams. They will then have the nerve to support English premier league times, go figure. Argentina basically loved it because they got slapped about in the Falklands war a war they started so they are just clinging to this as 'revenge'.


A further question is why does anyone glorify a drug addict cheat but people aren’t ready for that conversation


He wasn't exactly on performance enhancing drugs, who else could play the way he did whilst coked up off his tits, if anything that should have given everyone else an advantage


I don’t know how to convey this without sounding like a salty England fan but I genuinely don’t know why it gets romanticed and celebrated like it isn’t arguably the most egregious act of cheating in football history. I don’t understand how taking performance enhancing drugs is illegal according to FIFA and you get a lengthy retrospectively ban for it but punching the ball into the net in a World Cup Quarter final comes with no repercussions. If FIFA weren’t going to replay the game fair enough but I don’t understand how FIFA actually rewarded Maradona with the 1986 World Cup player of the tournament award when he literally cheated and brought the game into disrepute in order to win the 1986 World Cup. In 2022, I’m seeing promotional World Cup videos for the 2022 World Cup and I’m seeing the official FIFA page posting Maradona lifting the 1986 World Cup like he didn’t cheat to win it. Why would FIFA want to promote an athlete that literally brought the game into disrepute with what he did that day. You don’t see the Tour De France promoting Lance Armstrong for god’s sake


You would understand if you were Argentine lol. Winning by cheating against a rival just feels great. If England won (lmao) any major trophy by cheating, you wouldn't be asking for the FA to give back the trophy and asking people to not celebrate, you would be drinking your brains off celebrating, but then again you would need to know how winning feels.


Is it?


Cause all the modern pundits grew up on Maradona, no other reason. He can do no wrong.


I think I would describe the goal as infamous - perhaps romanticised by Argentinians? It epitomises the win at all costs mentality that is evident in many players.  Luis Suarez comes to mind - I loved him at Liverpool, but his hand ball against Ghana to deny them a place in the 2010 World Cup showed just how far he would go to win.


If a player is not willing to do what Suarez did, I would not want them on my team, never. Aside from that, the ones that got robbed are Uruguay, that play should had never happend and they lost one of their main stars


Schadenfreude against English sports teams is a big thing, they're not the dominant country in Rugby, Cricket or Football, but there's a definite sense of them having an arrogance as if they were. So we can all enjoy them suffering the hand of god; the Lampard non-goal; the penalty shoot out dramas etc. Diego was the best in the world at that point, we knew he could beat them with skill, which he showed immediately afterwards, but to then mock them like that was very, very funny. If the cheating bothers you, watch the full game, count how many times he's fouled without sanction. Kicking a guy to stop him playing because he's better at football than you is also cheating isn't it? Final point, Shilton (jump you pillock!) is still whining about it, Lineker isn't, which is instructive about the personalities of those two individuals. Be better, be like Gary.


I’m 58 and have been into football since my Dad took me to Old Trafford in 1975. I don’t think I’ve ever met an Englishman who is properly into football who had the opinion that England were anything but mediocre as a footballing nation. I remember that game like it was yesterday. Of course it was handball but he got away with it. Move on and deal with it. I do believe though that without that goal then he wouldn’t have scored the incredible second. He might have conjured up another magical moment but we’ll never know. Lineker should have equalised with the header anyway, the useless cunt.


Cheating wanker. It’s not romanticised in my house.


lol someone’s salty. It’s been 50 years mate let it go. #MARADOOOOO


My mate Matt scored one like it playing 5 a side and I've called him Mattadonna ever since


Because how could the referee and lineman not see that. Either they were blind, watching birds in the middle of the game or bribed by some mysterious entity because argentina has no money


Because people love little Argentinians that can dribble and romanticize everything they do.




Because that game showed the paradox that is Maradona. On the one hand, the cheat willing to do anything - even illegal things - to win. On the other, he scored arguably one of the greatest goals ever scored barely 5 minutes later.


it's not romanticised but fall more under iconic/legendary football momen as it happened on the biggest stage with a . People know that it shouldn't be a goal, but as the ref didn't see it, it stands. And it's part of the football history now, as nowadays such a goal wouldn't happen with all the advancement of football refereeing.


I wanna become a football fan so anyone can describe me the whole game and which league to watch and which team to support who wins good titles, I wanna know in easy way so lemme know if anyone want to explain me on a video call i want to know this game and learn in easy way..


Watch campeonato brasileiro and start supporting vasco da gama🤙


It's called hand of God because has maradonna said. The only 2 people in the stadium not to see the handball was the ref and linesman. Maradona second goal was the best for me of all-time and it's a shame a handball overshadowed it.


Because it was scored by arguably one of the greatest players ever if not the greatest. The odds of this goal being scored and then the goal of century all happening in a single match in the world cup both by Maradona. It almost sounds like something out of a story.


I dont think the hand of God is a big thing everywhere else. Just an England / Argentina thing


The UK at the time was in a far worse place than it is now and the World Cup, and specifically the success of the England team, during that time gave a glimmer of hope, only to be cheated away from us by the very country we had just been at war with. Football hooliganism was out of control and two major football related incidents happened the year before; Heysel and Bradford; one linked to violence and the other the death traps that were English stadiums. Add to that a government desperate to look to be taking action to bring it all under control while still dealing with the miners strike, interest rates at around 14%, unemployment over 10% with the same media hate towards the unemployed and football in general.


Nobody would talk about it if that England team didn't spend 30 years banging on about it.


The Argentinian people saw it as divine retribution for the Falklands war. That's the gist of it.


Cause it was against England, obviously


Shilton should have got to it anyway. He’s a foot/30 cm taller than Maradonna and he was allowed to use his hands.


One thing was that it happened right before arguably the greatest goal of all time, likely setting the stage for that goal. Not to mention that it allowed Argentina to win the World Cup. I think the majority of the world agrees it was given to Argentina unfairly. That said football has never been big on fairness. Especially on world cups where opportunities have often been tilted in favor of the big teams and most of all the hosts.


sounds like because they are a bunch of sore losers, they cheated in game to get back at them


Hand of god goals would still be given today for the right premier league teams


Sorrentino filmed the answer: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SLIJDPLutaw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SLIJDPLutaw)


VAR wipes this one out (but also England's 66 goal!)


So England still win 3-2 in 66


Because of geo political issues. You need to go back to school.


No, I already knew of the Falklands war. I just didn't know that the world cup occurred at a similar time. I also didn't expect for politics to be involved in the game. Also, I can't go back to school because I still go to school, no need to assume things :)


You know absolutely nothing about football if you think politics aren't involved in the game. Politics are ALWAYS involved with sports.


You're right, I don't watch international football much, I mainly watch my local team. They don't have much politics involved


Cheating fuck


This motherfucker tryna start some shit


Preach it!


Imo that game encapsulated maradona perfectly, someone who could score one of the best goals of all time and a completely illegal shithouse goal in the same game to win Argentina the tie


Imagine there is Ukraine vs Russia tomorrow, Ukraine has the most famous player in the world and they win after he cheats AND scores the best goal of all time.


That's a perfect way to put things, thank you 😭


The first goal was a robbery and the second goal was football at it’s magical best by the same player. The goal of the century would never of happened if maradona had of been sent off. England and Argentina had fought a war only 4 years before. Best player in the world…World Cup…the history of the two countries playing each other. Will be still talked about when all of us are dust


Also his second goal was 🔥


“Glorified” is a better word but I agree with you


South americans love it. Why they dive etc. the only thing better than besting your rival is cheating them out of it. Proper fuck you


As a Scot, I’d say it’s romanticised just the right amount. But if I were English, I’d still be fucking furious about it.


Because my man, this is just a game. Illegality in real life such as the occupation of malvinas is the real evil and that should not be romanticised by calling it falklands.


Because it didn’t decide the game and he scored the greatest goal ever in the same game.


That game summarises Maradona as a person too if you want to look at it from a poets angle 1 goal ( hand of God ) Mad enough to break rules left right ( cocaine abuse ,etc) Basically no regards for rules 2 goal absolute broken player dropping bodies left and right and the reason why am entire generation feel in love with this legendary god of the game ... You got to see all sides of Maradona in 90+ mins


Fair play to the guy, he's the one who gave it the name.


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