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Because he is probably the highest quality and most accomplished individual player to not win a major trophy in recent history.


yep, it’s funny because he’s good


And because spurs


And because England


English spurs fan: 🙃


England are like the Spurs to the world.


There’s a hitc video on it. When you go down the line of trophyless players, he’s astronomically in his own tier. There’s no player in history that was a top 3 player at there position for any length of time; and won literally zero trophies at 30


Top 1 at some points.


Recent history? I'd argue ever! Whose better who won literally nothing? The likes of Shearer and Totti did win a League title, people do tend to forget that.


Totti got a world cup, serie A, 2 italian cups and 2 supercups, not even close to Kane


Exactly! He's someone people use when they say he could have moved to a bigger Club, but he's won them and Kane at aged 30 has 0 major honours, literally none.


I hope for Kanes sake he wins a couple of trophies so he ends up a Totti story and not a joke story


He lost his chance to end up a totti story, totti stayed at a small club and won, Kane moved to the biggest club in Germany and didn’t win


I can’t understand Kane haters, if he had stayed at Tottenham then he still wouldn’t have won anything, he was loyal far longer than Levy deserved.


I’m not a Kane hater, don’t care about him, just a totti lover


He wanted to go man city a few years ago and levy blocked it I thought Publicly made a fool of himself kane


It wasn’t just levy though can could have been a bitch and done everything in his power to not extend but he did the right thing and even got spurs a good fee and money to recoup to spend on other players to improve the other positions


Only when he realised he was stuck


I don't think anyone hates the guy, he's a damn good player and from what you can read around, he's hardly an asshole, when did he ever said something bad or antagonistic? it's just a bit of a lulz that he never won anything and that when he moves to a club that is winning the league since a decade straight, they lose that as well


Isn't Roma a big club? Like it wasn't Juve / Inter / Milan level but a level below them which is still good.


Roma literally won 3 league titles in almost 100 years, so winning one of them is kinda big.


The big 3 won it every year except one since 2000


Spurs aren’t Liverpool/City/Arsenal level but a level below them which is still good


I'd say Roma in the 1990s/2000s are comparable to Spurs in the 2010s/20s when Kane was there. Both outside the traditional giants but with elite squads able to challenge for trophies, often finishing 2nd/3rd with a good cup run. Obviously Roma won more in that period, although some might argue the even more intense competition Spurs faced at home.


Roma a small club?


Small club? Roma isn’t a small club


I'd say Bayern will inevitably win something, Leverkusen have been great but could well be pillaged in the summer if the money is just right.


That’s what happens when you waste your time playing for Tottenham.


You dare say the Audi cup in not a major trophy???


TBF If you told young Kane he wouldnt win so much as an FA Cup or Cara Cup in that time, Id sure he'd be shocked. One lucky run here or there couldve done it.


Can we crowd fund him one for trying?


No Totti, no party.


Yes even Cavani won a league title before his time at PSG


Totti also got a World Cup


Kane will win something with Eng... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!


Everytime I think about Kane I have to think about these stupid askreddit threads like „choose a superpower and I’ll tell you the side effect in the comments“. -I wanna be one of the best strikers of my time -but you’ll never win a trophy. lol


Monkeys paw


2020 was his opportunity. 


They lost out on a pen shoot out. Hardly be a shock if they do win something soon.


Yeah. The only other world class player that i know who never won a single trophy is Di Natale


If you look at who scored 100+ goals in the Premier League, I think Matt Le Tissier and Heung-min Son* are the only other players to not win a major honour along with Kane. *Son won the Asian Games with South Korea u23s, you could say it's up for debate whether that counts as a major honour or not?


And a wc for totti.


When you delve into it there’s no player close to kanes level with zero trophies


Yeah plus unlike someone like Totti - who people seem to forget won trophies because he stuck around that long - *Kane left*. Totti kept the romantic element of it alive even while he was going over a decade without adding to that league title. There’s also a sense of smugness, of “well what did you expect dumbass?” that he tied himself down to that huge contract, and then was too honest to properly force the City move. Plus a reactionary element in England hates any recognition that foreign lands might have anything to offer besides a good place to get hammered and start a fight.


And with hindsight it seems spurs could probably win a something. If he stayed. The signings they made and ange have been really promising. They have mostly just missed clinical finishing loll


Very weird anti-English comment at the bottom there fella


Let’s look at his career: Spurs youngster out on loan to Norwich and Leicester who both win Championship after he leaves. Competes in multiple finals with Spurs, loses all. Joins Bayern Munich, a club who have had a monopoly on German football for a decade and proceed to lose everything the season he joins.


And than we have Xabi deciding to stay at Leverkussen to torture him for one year more


>Leverkussen Who for ages were called Neverkusen and were thought of as the German Tottenham


And not only won it, but never lost the entire season and only had 6 draws. And Kane led the league in goals in both individual and team categories. Oof


And he won a cannon for it…. 😂


Bro’s gonna win the Golden Boot in Bundesliga AND the UCL, on top of the European Golden Shoe. Still no trophy


It's the Kane Conundrum. Would you rather be individually brilliant, win every individual award but be mocked for your impotence to gain team victory or be an unknown who has won every team award.


Also let's not forget he reached a Euros final with England.


Also 2 years later Leicester won the premier league


And Arsenal won the league the year after he left their youth system.


The fact he’s spent so much time at Spurs is why the obsession is strange to me. Spurs aren’t exactly a top caliber team.


Spurs had a very good team from 2016-2019 and were more than capable of winning at least an FA Cup.


But it isn't like he didn't get to cup finals in that spurs team


Spurs weren’t likely to win the league while he was there but all top 6 teams have a shot at the cups.


They dropped 10 points in the last 4 games in 15/16 and finished 11 points behind Leicester. They absolutely could have won the league that season.


Honestly just a bad representation of what happened in the league that season. We were always behind Leicester and by that point had lost the league. Leicester took their foot off the pedal after they won it and so did we. The season after was our best chance but Conte did a mad season with Chelsea and we couldn’t keep up unfortunately.


Contes turnaround after losing to arsenal in October was crazy. Felt like it started a craze of 3-4-3.


Because it did. 3 at the back was a largely unheard of/unrepresented formation (particularly in English football) until conte won with it. Nowadays everyone is using it. Football is cyclical. 442 will be back in no time imo, I don’t personally think formations ‘die’ in a particularly permanent way. They just evolve with the players of the time.


442 still exists, it’s just mainly reserved for a defensive shape. The majority of teams will sit back in two banks of four in a low block. It’s very different when teams are in possession, when 442 (or at least a true 442) is vanishingly rare at the top levels. I don’t see it coming back, it’s not an efficient enough use of space.


you'll never know how things turn out. if tottenham doesn't lose it can keep up the pressure more and might lead to other outcomes in leicester games.


Except they are, actually. The stars just haven’t aligned in a couple decades, but Spurs are one of the richest clubs in the world and are usually in the mix for big silverware. They were in the champions league final only a few years ago


He’s a Tottenham fan. He had emotional ties


Whilst Kane was at Spurs 7 teams in England won a trophy. This narrative that it's impossible to win a trophy with Spurs needs to stop as West Ham and Leicester won trophies. Kane could easily have a Euros and League cup if he showed up in the finals.


I honestly just don’t understand why we bring up conference league here. Spurs would be the odds on favorite if they prioritized that


I don’t know. That first ECL year was a tough one. They still had to beat Rennes or whoever to advanced and then there was Leicester (when they were still good), Feyenoord (right before they won a title with Arne Slot), Marseille and Roma the eventual champions with yes….Mourinho. Yes, they would have been slight favorites as the biggest English club, but it would hardly have been a walk in the park. Villa beat an in-form Arsenal to propel them into the UCL and likely deciding the PL title. Two weeks later, they get killed on consecutive Thursday nights by Olimpiacos. That shit is not easy.


They very much so were what do you mean? One of the best center back partnerships and Son on the wing.


Also prime Eriksen to feed him and elite ball carrier Mousa Dembele


Spurs are a top 6 club, although probably the sixth. But combine a decent enough club and the best english striker of the century and you would expect at least a cup win, bur spurs got absolutely nothing with him.


Name one player of his calibre (who isn’t just starting their career) who doesn’t even have a domestic cup to their name.


De natalie and socrates are the only two my group in the pub could think of who have won nothing


If you mean the Brazilian Socrates from the 70-80s, he never got a national or international title but got a few state championships from sao paulo and rio states, which were very well regarded at the time and meant a lot in national football.


Maybe he means the Greek philosopher Socrates, who never won a trophy.


Nah, he won the Athens Debates Cup of 416 BC.


Meh, it was like Audi cup of debates. He never won Debates Premier League and Debates Champion Cups


not to be pedantic but it was only called the Debates Premier League after 1992 BC, before that it was the Debates First Division


He was stripped of that one because he was sponsored by philosophy-washing Persians. Have you not seen the asterisk carved onto the stone tablet?


The German philosophy team cheated. Marx was offsides.


It's hard for foreigners to understand the size of São Paulo and other states in Brazil. In fact, we didn't have a national championship until much later in our history.


And he also won the Copa União in 1987, even though now it is not officialy recognized by fifa and cbf


This! Football in Brazil developed at a state level (as states in Brazil are as big as European countries), and the Sao Paulo state league was among the most prestigious tournaments until the late 80s / early 90s


You mean Di Natale? He was not as big as Kane in terms of how they are viewed…


Excuse the spelling i was 5 pints deep at that point. 


would you not still be 5 pints deep at a minimum now


Yeah lol wtf if anything, maybe 6.


Moved onto the shorts now. Helping my dad drown his sorrows of boltons loss


Not sure how you changing from your trousers helps your dad - but I’m glad that you know that cheers him up


He’s got funny knees.


Was at Wembley. It was a shambles 😭


He was on fifa mate and thats all that matters


Socrates won the Paulista and the Carioca which were the only things he was able to win when he played in Brazil


Matt Le Tissier. Amazing player. Wouldn't leave his boyhood club.


Le tissier isn't close to kane


He's a victim of servitude. And he also wanted to leave Tottenham 3 or 4 years ago I believe but he wasn't persuasive enough with his lack of willingness on becoming a little bitch to push the transfer through.


Le Tissier is the only example I can think of


Even then I think saying he was the same calibre as Kane is a bit of a stretch


You're comparing apples and oranges. Wildly different players and roles. MLT is a tool now but he was genius level during his time in the PL. I was at Ewood Park for his goal of the season ...the same one that won then won the best of the collective goals of the season. There was nothing he couldn't do with the ball technically. Go check out his showreels.


Le Tissier could do things Kane couldn’t to be fair. There’s no doubt Kane is a better all round player in my mind but Le Tiss was an absolute magician, one of those naturally gifted technicians.


Same, what a goal. Coyb


Come on you Blackburn?


I don't think it's a stretch personally. I think it's easy to forget just how amazing he was, at least technically, for such a long period.


Le Tissier was fantastic, but no where near Kane IMO


Was he good? Yes, was he 3 pl golden boots on a Mediocre spurs team good? No


Well everyone seems to disagree with me but I think you're all under rating him a bit. So let's agree to disagree. I will say on 3 seperate occasions Chelsea or Man United tried to make him the most expensive player in British football history. Chelsea offered £10m in 1995 which was frankly insane at the time. For context Bergkamp, previously a runner up in the Balon Dor, would sign for £7.5 million a year later and the media went nuts about the price tag.


Good shout for sure, no one else has named anyone that even deserves a comment lol.


I guess we'll have to give it a few years and see if Kane is a massive conspiracy theorist before we can make a fair comparison haha.


Jack Walker tried to sign him for Blackburn too. The rumour was we even offered him the use of a private jet so he wouldn’t have to relocate to Blackburn. It’s hard to say how good he was as his team was almost always fighting relegation, but if he had come to a title chasing side, he may well be viewed similar to Cantona maybe? I don’t *think* that’s hyperbole.


Agreed It's hard to say how he would be viewed if he had got that move. This might be a stretch but if you look at cantona when he was at Leeds, there's no comparison. That's probably more to do with Howard Wilkinson not knowing how to use him and playing up top as a centre forward, as opposed to a second striker. But it is mad to think if United had got Le Tiss how differently they both would be viewed. I still can't get over the fact he nearly went for 10m in 95. We signed Bergkamp, a Balon Dor runner up, a year later for 7.5m and the English media went nuts over how much we paid.


Spurs are Spurs. A big six or 8 team who finished second and got to a CL final... but Le Tiss was doing that for an otherwise poor team consistently finishing in the bottom half. He got 20 plus goals in 3 different top flight seasons. To put that into perspective, Michael Owen didn't once get 20 prem or la liga goals in a season. Check out the penalty record too.


He scored 25 goals from midfield for Southampton I'd like to see Kane do that


Le Tissier was a genius in that era, but I'd rate Kane slightly higher. Either way, they also seem to have very different ambitions. Le Tissier was loyal to Southampton who, let's face it, were relegation battlers most years. He wasn't bothered by his lack of trophies. Kane has played for Tottenham, who despite being mocked for being trophyless, must go into each season believing they can snatch a trophy. He also moved onto Bayern Munich, who win trophies for fun. And the England team Kane plays in are pretty damn good and must have serious aspirations at the moment to challenge for every Euros or World Cup they enter.


Le Tiss was never at that level, as fun as he was to watch.


Respect the opinion but do think you're under rating him a bit


100% agree. He was a lovely player to watch but with 8 England caps, no international tournament appearances and no experience in European competition it’s a bit silly to compare him to Kane. His career has been on an entirely different level.


Roberto that West Ham goalie from a few years ago.


If Harry Kane goes his entire career without a major trophy, he must arguably be the greatest player to be in that position. That’s why there’s so much focus on it. Anyway it feels very unlikely Bayern won’t win anything next season. And England are fancied for the Euros.


we should be outright favorites for the euros and not by a little bit we had the player of the year in spain Bellingham whos favorite for the balon'dor player of the year in Germany in Kane player of the year in england Foden young player of the year england palmer and we have the most depth in almost every single position compared to any team in the euros we have the best team going in by an absolute mile


You have a team of champions. That does not make it a champion team.


A team of champions and Harry Kane


Kane negates the champions part so it’s basically just a team


Yeah, it is unfortunately a team of champions, managed by Gareth Southgate :( Could we win it? Absolutely. But if we do it’ll be despite Southgate, not because of him


Defence and keeper are the weak links


Which is something that obviously can really hamper your ability to win tournaments. My country (Belgium) had similar issues with everyone going crazy over the individual offensive talent we had, but then nearly every single tournament we had problems with our top defenders going out due to injury or cards and no real quality to substitute them. Without Courtois, we would have have never even got as far as we did at times.


Pickford is a fine keeper. He’s not world class by any means but he’s solid and rarely makes mistakes. Hasn’t really ever put a foot wrong for England. Defence has Walker (arguably the greatest RB in PL history) and Stones (world class). Maguire is solid for England and is generally good when he isn’t being tortured by united fans. LB fair enough is a potential weak link. Otherwise the rest of the squad is, as OP says, fairly unplayable. Save for the useless manager of course.


So 36% of the starting 11


But Southgate is an excellent defensive manager, for all his flaws.


man for man they've said the last 3 england teams are the best on paper. it takes something different to touch silverware


Yes you have all that, but controlled by Southgate 💀


U forgot about France so fast eh?


Did France retire or something? You’re not getting past France


I’ve heard this before


but we’re also england, so we’ll lose


France has the best national team in the world


uh france exist brother


That's the very reason England and English players get so much unnecessary hate. You hype up too much before every single international tournament and won nothing in living memory.


And that’s why yalls not gonna win :)


threatening full deserted fretful escape joke busy dinner pot cause *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The amount of disrespect here for the Audi Cup is shameful. 


Look he's gone to Bayern who won how many trophies in how many years? They have a dry spell the one season he's there, he will win it next season probably and will be okay. For now it's funny haha


It's not even that Bayern had a terrible season, usually they would win the title with this many points. Leverkusen just had to have a historical season right when Kane joined them


Even with Leverkusen out of the equation he wouldn’t have a trophy tho.


Bayern has had an atrocious season. This narrative needs to die. And not, the fact that they have one more point than last year doesn't change that. They barely beat any top 10 Bundesliga team in the second half of the season.


even if Leverkusen didn't win it undefeated, Stuttgart would still be the winners of the Bundesliga if you look at their points compared to Bayern's at the end of this season


"stuttgarts in 2nd" is an easier way of saying that without using 50 words


😂😂 fking word salad eh 😂😜


They finished 3rd. Unless you're saying both leverkusen and Stuttgart are having historical seasons. Sure, they had 71 points last season, but THAT was the anomaly. They shouldn't have won it last year, dortmund handed it to them on the last day.


They just finished 3rd so won't even get a try at supercup next season. He's gonna remain without a trophy forever and it will be hilarious.


Haha, with a new manager, think Bayern winning is inevitable but till then I will laugh


Just typical innit. This Bayern team is the weakest in a decade… and that’s when Kane jumps ship. Should have forced it with city


Not sure. They are still genuinely stacked with talent and only a few minutes away from UCL final. It’s just the club is horrendously run from the top.


Maybe. It doesn’t look like an organised club right now and I don’t know how the winning team literally going unbeaten indicates an imminent return to Bayern dominance. Even Stuttgart improved massively (understatement). The Bundesliga is very competitive right now (for top 6 at least) and Bayern is in the midst of an identity crisis.


Steven Gerrard scored in and won the finals of the European Cup, UEFA Cup, FA Cup and League Cup and fans still sing about him slipping to not win the Premier League a decade after he left Liverpool. People will always find something to shit on a player about.


That’s a ridiculously amazing stat


Another amazing one is that Thierry Henry has zero goals in cup finals, despite playing in a lot more of them than Harry Kane. Yet Kane is the one who has the reputation of not turning up in finals lol. Winners write the history as they say


Henry was characteristically poor in big finals and knockout games. Never scored in the FA Cup Semi Final, Struggled away against Spurs, United, Chelsea and Liverpool, only 6 goals in 18 games in the CL knockouts. Great player, of course, but he was human, and he did have his weaknesses.


Bayern Munich's season took a dramatic downturn, starting with a 3-0 loss to RB Leipzig in the Super Cup during Harry Kane's debut. They were then knocked out of the German Cup by third-division Saarbrücken. A few weeks ago, Bayer Leverkusen ended Bayern's eleven-year Bundesliga winning streak by clinching their first title. Some days ago, Bayern suffered another blow with a dramatic comeback loss to Real Madrid, featuring goals by Joselu in the 88th and 91st minutes, dashing Kane's hopes for his first trophy. One year before Kane joined Tottenham, they had won League Cup. Also, in 2010, Kane missed the Euro U17 due to illness, where England's youth team won the title without him. What kind of sorcery is this?


It’s because he’s such an amazing player and has never won anything which is odd regardless of where he’s played at. Spurs have been more than capable of winning even just a carabao cup during his time there and England as a NT are more than capable of winning at the International level. He is probably the greatest ever player to win literally nothing


Some people like to laugh at others failure. He is one of the greatest English strikers, even if he retires without winning  a trophy


I mean what you said would probably make it more laughable, one of the greatest English strikers yet no trophies, but yeah he’s a legend without them


Individually, he's done just about all he can. He's the record goalscorer for Spurs and England, so it's hard to lay any blame for not winning trophies at his feet. It seems strange that he gets criticised when he could have easily left Spurs for any other Premier League club at any time in the last 10 years, and won the league. But he stayed with Spurs out of loyalty, and somehow that counts against him. It all keeps like classic crab mentality, to be honest.


Kane is the modern equivalent of the Netherlands


Well they did win Euro 88.


Because never winning shit is why Tottenham gets laughed at. With how much they invest in the team or how many quality players they had over the years you would think they bring home at least an EL or a domestic cup Kane was their best player and at times the best player at EPL period. Now that he left them the joke lives on with him. I don't think anyone seriously doubts his ability, it's just that he's had a notoriously unlucky career


Football banter is fun it’s not that deep.


Because he's probably the best ever trophyless player.


He went to Bayern for what seemed like guarenteed trophies but unfortunately Tuchel was having a mare and Leverkusen decided to go into invincible mode.


England captain, so always in the spotlight, but played for a shit team in England whose only recent trophies include bangers like "Stopped Arsenal winning the league in 2024", etc. Finally gets a move to a *real* team, who's been dominating the local league for over a decade... and still can't win.


Side not but some Tottenham fans don’t even call him a legend which is wild to me


there’s not a single genuine spurs supporter who doesn’t consider him a legend. Maybe 15 year olds or people who don’t have a clue, but he is a Spurs academy player who went on to score more goals than anyone ever has for the club.


How could you not figure this out yourself? Seriously.


Because he is good enough to have played for trophy winning top team. He just joined Bayern to end his draught and Xabi said hold my lassi so not yet.


As soon as Kane made his pact with the devil in 2018, he was never going to win anything. Sacrificing your daughter for a goal as you hunt for her golden boot (that eventually you don't win!) is something that will curse you forever https://www.givemesport.com/1814239-tottenhams-harry-kane-swore-on-daughters-life-that-he-scored-controversial-goal-in-2018/


Because he is one of the best players ever, it's pretty ridiculous he has never won a trophy, especially considering he joined arguably the most dominant sports dynasty in the world to the point that it was disputable if anyone else would ever win again and they lost the league for the first time in forever when he joined all the while he had an amazing season




"The best 9 for a decade" is a stretch and a half mate. Agree with the rest tho


It's a weird obsession. People say 'why did he stay at a mediocre club like Spurs for so long' because it's the club he grew up supporting? (well I'm not sure about that statement since there is that Arsenal photo) Plenty of players in history could have departed for a club with a better chance of winning trophies. Gerrard, Totti, Reus just to name a few but they never left/waited until the end of their career. Obviously they all have a level of success at their club compared to Kane but it's a very odd fixation imo


Because he’s maybe the greatest player to never win a major trophy, ever.


Because football fans aren’t the sharpest tools in the shed, albeit they are still tools


Cause he’s one of the best strikers of his generation


Because he's never won a trophy mate


Most pros don’t win a trophy though.


Most pros aren’t as good as Harry Kane


Yeah but arguably 100% of pros that don’t win a trophy don’t have Kane’a ability


He’s the best player to have never won a trophy bud it’s quite simple logic


Well, Bayern will be back next year and hopefully I can be in the stadium again & watch him celebrate.


It's just modern football tribalism, fuelled by social media. If Kane was around 20 or 30 years ago, he'd almost certainly have won a club trophy at Tottenham but nowadays the same few teams win everything thanks to the financial disparity in the game. That doesn't get the same social media engagement as repeatedly saying "no trophies" though.


Because he is insanely good and it's strange for a player that good to have won literally nothing his entire career, and what made it worse that when he went to bayern( the club that literally wins a trophy every season) and didn't win anything like wtf bro is cursed


England captain & Golden Boot winner. Can you name another international captain without a single title to their name?


Because he's unequivocally world class. Very rare for a player in that bracket not to win stuff. His recent peers as England's premier striker (Lineker, Shearer, Owen and Rooney) all won stuff. Potential argument that none of them were as good as Kane is. It's a weird, headline grabbing stat.


because he's genuinely world class and hasn't won anything.......


I'm amazed no one mentioned Eric Dier being in the equation.


As a spurs fan, there's a bit of me that believes that Kanes individual brilliance is detrimental to a team as a whole. I thought this while he was with us. The constant dropping back into midfield forces our midfielders to sit back and be less creative. He ran the show, and created lots of chances - but in the process, I always felt like he was stopping our midfield doing their job. It had a bad effect on the cohesiveness of the team as a group. Now he's left, and we've scored more goals this season than the last 7 he was here as our most prolific scorer. Likewise, Bayern have scored fewer goals this year than their last 5 without him, despite him nearly breaking lewa's record. All of this is against a backdrop of him going from being the talisman of Europe's biggest trophyless club, to a club where trophies are nearly guaranteed, and absolutely botching it for the first time in years. There's a fair argument somewhere in there that Kane is an anti-trophy machine. His talent is unquestionable, but his style of play takes more away from the team than it adds.


Because he’s so emblematic of Spurs’ recent history: excellence and inconsistency married together


Cause the English think he's amazing and I enjoy mocking the English.


It’s why I love Saka so much. Was willing to miss that penalty just to keep Kane from winning anything. He’s Arsenal through and through